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Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Selwyn House School http://www.archive.org/details/parentsnewsoct1995selw Parents Newsletter A Selwyn House SchoolPublication October 1995 chool News srnet Connection TheParents'Newsletter C b O O I The Internet in the classroom... BY Brenda Montgomery • newspapers from France and Germany AND Bill Badger • Italian cycling magazines • data on the Canadian House of Commons There is always much excitement in September when • research on Saddam Hussein and Iraq students and teachers return to school, but this year there • cake recipes was even more excitement in the two computer labs because • maps for European andAsian countries Selwyn was "on-line" with the Internet and the World Wide • sample programs for Pascal compilers Web. • conference information The Internet is a technology that allows large and small • legal briefs computers from all over the world to communicate with • downloadingcomputer utility programs each other to share databases of information. Individual • the Shakespearean theatre at Stratford users then have access to an enormous quantity of • endangered animal research information on almost any topic imaginable. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a part ofthe Internet Searching through the Web is generally a straight- in which users access "pages" containing text, pictures, and forward task, but it can take time to find the precise links to other "pages." The links to other pages are information required. The computer science courses have numerous and are used to navigate through the web to find devoted several classes to using the different search engines more data and information. Files can be downloaded, and available, to teach students how to search for specific pictures and text may be printed for laterWrWefeWrence. information. Students and teachers have put the to good use Other disciplines are now finding the web a very useful to research assignments for school, and they have used it to tool which can vastly reduce research time and therefore look up information on topics ofpersonal interest. Some of create more time for the analysis of the information the topics that have been researched include: gleaned. October 1995 Surfwatch provides an effective block BYJennifer-LeeThomas why Selwyn House combines However, it is impossible for a education about Internet usage with teacher to be aware of where 20 Much media attention has been the software. We have been teaching students are surfing at the same time, focused on the amount of students that ifthey accidentally come and therefore it is important to ensure inappropriate material on the across inappropriate material, they some safeguard. Internet, prompting Selwyn House should close that particular page and For every piece of inappropriate to examine several options continue their pursuit of more material on the Internet, there are to ensure that the least appropriate information. millions of other sites that are amount of Advocates of free speech condemn informative and educational. inappropriate software packages such as Surfwatch We hope that the education material falls because of censorship issues. Last about the Net combined into the month, students protested when with the use of hands of Rolling Stone magazine was blocked, Surfwatch wil our and I was surprised, when conducting allowstudents a test to see if the software was working, that a page about HIV and safe sex was blocked. o students. continue T h e to use this approach the vast resource. school has decided to take combines using a restrictive software package with education about proper usage of the The Connection Internet. The software package that Selwyn House uses is called Surfwatch. BYJennifer-LeeThomas Through the Novell server, the Surfwatch is installed on each networks reach the Gandalf router, computer and cannot be removed This summer, 24 Selw)'n House which is the key to organizing and from the computer without using a computers were connected to the sending data to our Internet password, which is only known by the Internet, providing students with provider, MegaWeb. The wiring headmaster and the director of the fast access to a wealth ofknowledge. that connects us to our provider is Development Office. This connection involved much leased from Bell, and is called an The software is designed by a technical planning which might ISDN (Integrated Services company in California which "surfs interest the "technologically Digital Network) line. This ISDN the Net" daily in search of advantaged." line transfers information at 64k inappropriate material. This company First, we joined the computer which is twice as fast as the highest then compiles a list of such material lab, administration and Library speed modems sold in stores at aconmdpudtoewrns.loIafdasstiutdeinnttotrtiehseitro accliceenstss'a entehtewronrektswhinicthheisLcuacbalisngbutihladtianlgloowns thisOtuirmep.rovider has its own router page which is on Surfwatch's list, a aflloawrgateraammuocuhnthigohferinsfpoeerdm.ation to wthhircohughis caoTnlnecltineed, twohithcehIinsteervneent screen with the message that this page Those networks are joined faster and allows for even more has been blocked by Surfwatch appears through the Development Office's traffic than our ISDN line. on their computer. Novell server, which also separates Next year, we hope to join both The programme is not 100% the administration network, to buildings with fiber optic cables and effective, however, because the owner restrict access and prevent students ethernet to provide full access to the of a page that has been blocked can from accessing their grades or other Internet anywhere in either change the page's name, making that sensitive material. building. page accessible again. However, that is TheParents'Newsletter b O O L New Programme After-School of attention attracts lots byGayleJewer The After-School Programme has been restructured this year, with a new co-ordinator, Miss Gayle Jewer, and a variety ofnew, interesting extra-curricular activities designed to offersomething for everyboy. The new After-School Programme is available to students in Maternelle to Grade 4 and provides daily extra- curricular enrichment activities, homework supervision, and play and recreation. Each afternoon, from 3:15 P.M. to 4:15 P.M., students participate in an organized activity, such as photography, karate or drama. Each activity is taught by qualified instructors in the hope to enrich and enhance the student's experience at Selwyn House School. The extra-curricular activities are included as part of the After-School Programme; however, they are available to all of the Elementary School students. From 4:15 RM. to 5:00 PM., the students in the After- School Programme are grouped according to grade level for a session ofstructured homework supervision and academic enrichment activities. Qualified teachers provide the students with individual assistance in completing their daily ZacharyRoUand,2B,getsintotheswingofthingsduringkarateclass. assignments. Miss Brenda Hardy is a recent graduate ofthe University of Maine at Presque Isle where she received her teaching certificate. Mr. Dion Joseph has returned from his trip across Canada with Generation 2000. He is currently pursuing a B. Ed. at McGill University. Many parents expressed the need for some assistance in dealing with the homework demands ofthe Grades 5 and 6 immersion years. In response to this, we have introduced a new homework supervision programme specifically designed for those students. Qualified French teachers, Marie-Andree Turzansky, Gloria Cote and Marie-Andree Tousignant assist the students with their homework assignments and provide organization and studyskills. The final hour of the day is a time for the students to enjoy age-appropriate organized games and activities such as arts and crafts, computer play, cooking lun and science experiments. The programme has received an overwhelming response from parents. The year has started off with great success, and we hope to continue to meet the needs of Selwyn House families and encourage the students to pursue diverse OliverPorte,2A,preparestocheckmatehisopponent. interests. — October 1995 c b o o I West Beating the Island traffic BYSharon Cozens $120/month. The bus begins its pick- suggestions for improvement come ups at 6:55 A.M. about, the school and the "Back to School" for some means and offers two bus company coming up with creative modes of afternoon runs, work together transportation and travel schedules. an early bus at to try to make This year, however, brings a new mode 3:15 and a late them a reality. oftransportation for 13 Selwyn House bus at 5:10 A number of students living on the West Island. P.M. parents (not These boys now come to school from O f living on the as far away as Beaconsfield and course, as West Island) new have Dollard des Ormeaux via Uncle with any Harry's Bus. Bus transportation from the West venture, <b Island is a new endeavour which was there have ,C? brought about to respond to students' been some transportation difficulties. Selwyn growing pains. Arrival and House, along with 7 other departure times have been scheduled inquired about a similar service for A independent schools in the area, and re-scheduled in order to their neighbourhood. survey will be organized a bus service that benefits 48 accommodate the different schools. made later in the year to see which West Islanders. This 8-way However, parents and students have areas have the most demand and collaboration allows for more been very patient, and both seem to perhaps a similar service can be affordable bus fees. The service costs appreciate this new service. As implemented. Lucas building undergoes a facelift This summer, the Lucas building underwent much needed renovations to the main, the east and the west towers, as well as the roof. The masonry project took two months to complete. We would like to thank parents and students for their patience in September, when the contractor^ were completing th< project. ' 6 TheParents Newsletter b o o I Hollywood thwarts Grade 4 visit to Canadiana Village BYJennifer-LeeThomas paying attention to the material used to make the piece, the craftsmanship Each year, Grade 4 begins the and it's possible use. school year by visiting Canadiana Some of the pieces were more Village. However, a film crew, familiar to the boys because they are shooting a movie at the site, foiled similar to today's items, such as a salt their plans this year. Instead, Mrs. and pepper shaker, and the students Viau gathered a collection of antiques had no trouble deciphering their use. and brought them into the classroom However, other pieces, such as a coffee for the students to study. grinder, proved to be more difficult, The boys were grouped in teams and the students imagined innovative Benjamin Marcus,4A, is intrigued and studied each object carefully. uses forsuch items. byhisantique. Kindergarten eats in the Dining Hall J'aime manger a la salle a manger parce que... "They have a different dessert ever}' time." William Harris "I like the food theyhave." Dylan Brophy "J'aime les oranges daujourd'hui. - Simon Marcotte-Godbout "J'aime les grands gar(;ons de 8e annee." - SimonJohnsson-Werner "Je peiix voir mon ami Edouard." — Maxime Gobeil "They have good bread." - Derek Hallward "I like Matthew (the Grade 8 boy)." Christopher Politis, 8A,serveshisKindergarten lunchtimecompanions. -Zachary Rosenthal October 1995 7 Art: BYVirginia Ferguson evaluated this year's Caldicott Picture Book Winner, Smoky The Library Staff would Night. Smoky Night is a story like to welcome back all our ofa little boy and his mother boys, parent volunteers and who are caught in the midst Old Boy visitors, and invite of the South Central Los them to come see our new Angeles riots of two years pride and joy, the World Wide passed. The pictures are very Web network attachment in well done but rather the Library. Please feel free to alarming - and the older boys come and surf the Net in the discussed the problems of Library when you are in the presenting scary stories to neighborhood. Just this last little children. WANT weekend, a new informative At the top of our site for Children's Literature VWerWticWal Files, French Magazines, the LIST for the newly arrived was added, including international and all four OPAC stations for books this fall are BasketballDiarieson X lists of Prize books, discussion groups useful sources on caring for domestic the Senior Reading List, Generation and resource centers. animals. by Douglas Coupland as well as his We welcome a new member to our Meanwhile story reading has Microserfi and Jostein Carder's Sophie's staff this year. Mrs. Susan Lord is returned as well. This year volunteer World. Ifyou would like to be on our replacing Dorothy Martin who is on moms will help out with the French list, give us a call. sabbatical. Welcome also to our many reading, and the senior boys now have We would, of course, appreciate new Library Volunteers, and our their own library story reading room. any donation of extra large floor returnees who have been helping in Two days ago the Grade lis heard two cushions for the story rooms, and, we the training ofall these new hands. essays from the wonderful new book are in the market for a single minded Student training in Web, CD- called PourI'amourdecepays . . ..Ifyou plant care person who could come in ROM, and Library research skills has Love This Country. ... . 15 voicesfor a once a week and speak kindly to our recommenced. Boys from La Sixieme UnifiedCanada. leafy friends. If anyone is interested, have been working in teams searching Earlier in the month, during story please call and ask to speak to Mrs. French and English CD-ROMS, hour, middle schoolers heard and Winn, Mrs. Lord or Mrs. Ferguson. By Ellen Pinchuk dream landscapes using a myriad of colours. Then they emphasized some areas of the drawings with liquid For the last twenty-five years, the American artist Faith tempera paint. To frame the paintings, the students used Ringgold has told visual stories about her life. She patterns from wallpaper books. The squares of wallpaper began as a painter, but then developed her own formed mats for our display which was called, unique form ofexpression, the "story quilt." Her art appropriately, is imaginative, lively, and humorous. "Flights of In her book. Tar Beach, Ringgold expands on the story ofa quilt. She tells the story using richly coloured illustrations, bordered, like her quilts, with fabric patterns. The story is of a young girl, Cassie Louise Lightfoot, growing up in New York City. She dreams of flying from the rooftop - her mother callsTar Beach - out over the city, claiming to own the George Washington Bridge. My Grade 4 students responded to the story and her art with great enthusiasm. We focused on the idea offlying, discussing Ringgold's lines, "....it's very easy, anyone can fly. All you need is somewhere to go that you can't get to any other way. The next thing you know, you're flying among the stars." The boys first drew themselves flying over their 8 TheParents'Newsletter R A N C A 1 Quoi La Cinquieme de Rouge neuf en en Classe fran^ais:? Voici des extraits de compositions de quelques eleves de La Cinquieme langue maternelle au sujet de leur PAR GiNETTE ROCHELEAU sejour a la Classe Rouge a la base de ^ plain airJouvence. Bonne lecture! -| He bien, en 11^ annee langue - Sylvie Bastien-Doss ^3 seconde, nous faisons ces temps-ci un module sur la publicite et les "Notre premier arret en allant a ^ habitudes de consommation des louvence a ete le Mont St-Gabriel. a jeunes. Done, si on vous a C'etait interessant parce quon pouvait t. demande quelle est la marque de manger sur des escarpements doit la UndesactivitesfavoritsetaitI'hebertisme. vos chaussures de sport preferees... vue etait splendide." c'est normal! - Harry Marshall "Apres le diner sur la montagne, A part un sondage, objet de nous sommes alles au musee J. A. travail palpitant en soi, nous avons Bombardier pour voir les premieres eu deux conferenciers. M. Graham motoneiges du monde... Ce sont trois Watt, pere de Tom Watt, 1 IC, est jours queje nevais jamais oublier." venu nous parler de ce que doit -BouLE Nguyen faire un concepteur publicitaire, M. Sylvain Desrochers, directeur du "Nous avons eu des chambres a programme du Certificat en coucher assez confortables. Les repas publicite de I'Universite de etaient delicieux. II y avait des Montreal, qui lui, est venu nous batonnets de poisson, des frites et du parler de ce quest la publicite. Avec pouding au chocolat." lui, nous avons finalement su tout - Francesco DiMuro ce que nous avions toujours voulu savoir, mais que nous n'avions "Ce que j'ai beaucoup aime a la jamais ose demander. Classe Rouge, c'est la piste "Tout ce que vous voulez savoir" d'hebertisme. II y avait beaucoup pourrait etre le theme de cette dobstacles. J'ai aime la poulie qui te session en 9^ annee langue fait monter sur une roche et qui te fait maternelle et langue enrichie, ou Leselevesde Cinquiemeposent glisser sur du tissu bleu." mieux encore "Tout ce que vous pournous a laClasse Rouge. - Alexis Vall£e pouvez trouver" car dans ces deux classes, on fait de la vitesse sur Rappel Remerciement rinternet, I'autoroute electronique. et Une fois par cycle on s'engage sur les routes de la grande encyclopedic Au mois de mai dernier, le tres honorable Brian Mulroney venait visiter les du savoir. On y trouve de tout, des eleves du cours d'histoire du Quebec et du Canada, niveau lOe annee, en nous ecoles interessantes, des coutumes faisant I'honneur de donner une conference portant sur revolution du Canada ethniques differentes, des sujets depuis la Second Guerre mondiale. Ce petit rappel a done pour but de informatifs, des sujets saugrenus et remercier encore une fois I'ex Premier Ministre du Canada pour le geste de des idees farfelues. Attendez un peu gentillesse et de generosite quil a pose en daignant prendre de son temps que Ion sache bien piloter et qu'on precieux pour repondre aux questions des eleves qui, soit dit en passant, ont ait le feu vert! trouve fort interessant I'expose de M. Mulroney. Les commentaires des eleves, suite a la conference, furent des plus positifs et beaucoup d'entre eux n'oublieront pas de sitot ce moment privilegie.

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