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Parents' Newsletter, June 2003 PDF

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Preview Parents' Newsletter, June 2003

SS4 ewsletter 1 Selwyn House Parents' Inside NEWSLETTER Headmaster's Message: newbuilding namlu horspeirs 3 Electronic Newslettercontinues next year 3 Selwyn House Parents'Newsletter is published on line by the Senior School News Advancement Office, and is compiled Prizegiving mixes milestones, mourning 4 in print form once a year. Senior Honour Roll 6 Ifyou have any suggestions or Career Day: Professionals as professors 7 corrections, please do not hesitate to Senior Play: Rhinoceros 8 contact the editor, Richard Wills. Close, but no cigar, for Gryphon robot 10 Phone: (514) 931-9481 ext. 261 Tan wins at Canada-Wide Science Fair 1 Fax: (514)931-6118 Bernstein finishes ninth at Worlds 12 E-mail: [email protected] Bloomfield places second at QAIS 13 Matt Litvack wins SHS public speaking 13 Advancement Office James E McMillan Middle School News DirectorofAdvancement Stalwart students trekthrough Italy, France 14 Sharon Cozens Middle School students 'Open the Box' 15 Director ofAlumni and Middle School Science Fair 15 Parent Relations Middle School Honour roll 17 Christine Gervais Middle SChool Presents/t/i/cs Caesar 18 Coordinator, Parent Relations Richard Wills Elementary School News Publications Editor Grade 6 students fj(pi.ore Ottawa 16 Monique Begin Grade Awards 19 Advancement OfficeAssistant Grade 6 Graduation 22 Photography Kindergarten Graduation 23 ElementaryTrack AND Field Day 24 Richard Wills Grade 6 Reporters Math Ol'V'mplans vcin medals 25 Bill Bedard Scenes from SHS Fair 2003 25 Alexis Youssef lOB Les ElEves de la cinquiEmeannEe a Quebec 26 Claudine Martel Selwyn House Film Festival draws rave reviews 27 Sonya Jean La musique bat son plein A Selwytm House 28 Liza Kaufman Joan MirO, vous connaissez? 29 Jim McLean 75 La dictEe RG.L. Le franqais au service de la cfiNfiROsrrt 30 SHS Media KingMidasAND thePalaceofGold 30 Julie Heath Two chess teams viace second in hot competition 31 Dispatches from Creative Writing Week 32 Proofreaders Marsha Warmuth Athletic News Pat Patterson Gridiron Gryphons: Bantams taketitle; Seniors take division 34 SHS wins GMAA Midget basketballtitle 35 Reviser 2003 Halo Race results 36 Joann Mitchell Grade 5/6 hockeyteam back from Toronto undefeated 37 On the Cover Selwyn House Athletic Banquet 38 Bantam Baskeiball team wins at BCS 40 Four ofthe many prize winners Tennisteam serves up soud season 40 at the Prizcgiving ceremonies for the graduates of2003, left to right: School News Corey Zalcman, Richard Kvvee, Michael Woloszyk Jazz Bands play for medals, charity 41 and Jaryd Zummcr. 'Brain Lady' makfis mental sparks fly 42 Fleiszer brings Grey Cupto SHS 43 Sei.w^n HoLisi: School Selwyn House hosts New Venrirfj? Fair 44 95, chcmin Cote St-Antoine Eleven students, one teacherjoin Cum Laude Society' 45 Westmount (Quebec) Canada Tfl\c:hers develop new way of evaluating student progress 45 H3Y 2H8 Parent Volunteer Committee Reports 46 www.selwyn.ca Tuition Raffle raises $16,643 48 Printedon recycled paper Virginia Fergl'son named Librarian ofthe Year 49 Parent Volunteers honoured 49 SHS accredited by the Swan Song...so to speak 50 Canadian Educational Scenes from Grad Night 2003 S2 SrANDARDs iNs'rnxrrE . Message Remembering a young gentleman By William Mitchell, Headmaster Our school year ended in As a talented athlete, he was tremendous shock and valued as aselfless teammate and griefwhen we learned on for his determination. June 6 of the tragic accidental As a citizen of our death ofAdityaPathak, a Grade9 community, Addy was the studentin his thirdyearatSelwyn epitome ofwhat we expect from House. a fully engaged and positive Consequently, my message is contributor to school life. that, in remembering Addy, we Everyone speaks of his reflect on what his too-short life delightful and playful sense of taught us and that we take a humour and, at times, of his momentto countourblessingsand mischievous sense offun. to value ourfamily andfriends. Parents ofAddy's friendswho Following are my words welcomed him into their homes, delivered at Addy's funeral. We speakofhowmuch theyenjoyed intend to further honour Addy's his polite, easy and considerate memory at our opening assembly interaction with their families in September. and of how much they enjoyed On behalf of the entire having him in their homes. Selwyn House community, I But, it's of Addy as a friend want to express our deepest that I heard some of the nicest sadness for the untimely and things. His teacher, Carol tragic circumstances that bring Manning, said that she observed us together. Addy Pathak Addy as what she termed an Even in a world that's not undemanding friend. What a perfect, this is an unnatural order of how the universe lovelyway to express an important aspect offriendship! should unfold. When I mentioned this to his friend Brian Hodhod, he Our expression of sympathy and of condolences to said: "That's it; that's Addy." Addy's family is boundless. He would always reach out to friends and had a In sharing memories ofAddywith some ofhis teachers, remarkable abilityto cheeryou up orhelp you putthings in his friends and his friends' parents, I've gotten to know perspective. Addy better than I had. With admiration and with thanks for the contributions My respect for him grewwith each conversation. he made to our lives, I conclude by assuring you that you As an excellent student, he was admired by both his can only imagine how much we will miss but not forget this teachers and classmates for his work ethic and intelligence. young gentleman at Selwyn House. Electronic Newsletter continues next year The magazine you hold in your hands includes news With the innovation of putting our news on line, from most of the 2002-2003 school year at Selwyn students and parents can get SHS news while it is still House. Much of this material has already appeared current, and can also access older articles in the Newsletter in the on-line Parents Newsletter on the SHS Web site archive. Current and archived articles will be password (Vww.selwyn.ca) protected for parents and students to view and/or print. Next year, all news will be initially posted in the on-line Instructions for accessing the electronic version of the Newsletter. Again next June, a print issue of The Parents' Newsletter will again be circulated through the student Newsletterwill be distributed thatwill include a compilation mailbag. of the year's events for those who may have missed seeing We hope parents enjoy accessing school news as it them on the Web. happens. June2003 " p. NioR School News S E Prizegiving mixes milestones, mourning By Richard Wills, Publications Editor The 2003 Prizegivingwas a mixture ofcelebration and an autonomous learner," he said. "That, I believe, is a gift grief. The June 19 ceremony was dedicated to the for life and it will serve you, your family and your memory of Selwyn House Grade 9 student Addy community well in the fiiture. If you exercise it in a Pathak, whose sudden and tragic accidental death onJune 6 thoughtful, responsible and compassionate way, it has a had shocked and saddened the School community. great capacity for doing good. Turning to the topic ofconstruction, a matter that has "In saying this I don't want anyone to be misled. We permeated the school year, Headmaster William Mitchell don't believe that we as teachers have all the ans%vers. We thanked faculty, students and parents for their knowwe workwith talented students who for the most part understanding and cooperation in making a success of welcome the challenge we offer. But, to get their total "Safety First," which had been a primary concern engagement, we need the help, support and encouragement throughout the year. He continued by appealing for the of their parents. It's that dynamic that makes the same degree ofcooperation next year, when we will have to engagementwork- that creates thatspark ofunderstanding learn how to live in new surroundings and adapt to the or that sigh ofsatisfaction we all experience when we know implementation of block scheduling, the ACCESS we have done a difficult job well, honestly and responsibly. programme and laptops in the Middle School. "For that, we thank you and your parents. "While much ofour focus throughout theyear may have Congratulations. We wish you continued good fortune as been on our building project, we never lost sight ofdoing you apply your SeKv\'n House experience to your fiiture all we can to deliver the ver\'J4£st, relsvant, cliajlengingand endeavours.'' . , . comprehensive programmes,LAIlG|iTitZi@lGliitDy TTl6 I nTQt£fll©«tec\|(Cr*l\^3cman began his valedictory- I The Headmaster also took the c)pponunii\- to pr.iisc the .iddrcss b\- praising the Selwyn Housefaculty'. "Theway that contribution of Michael Goic^lflu.gOOQ 'Wlth tU'ri'Gl^l'^Cl'^T'POr^^ "^ ^^ forever embedded a deeper Chairman ofthe Selwyn House Board of Dircctois. undcrstaiidiiig ot the world, one which now leaves SelwjTi "Michael has given absolutely <^^@>|v\/'Vn ljgigseQ'JTiT>Q"jrSt said. "The passion that the staffs has Chairman during the last sbc years, ivTr. Mi'cnell 'sal passed on to us nas been absorbed into our permanent "None of our initiatives, none of our planning lor the thinking and eternal values." Riture, none ofour short-term or long-term decisions, large He also gave credit to his family for the role they have or small, for the improvement of this school would have played in his education. "How we are nurtured is what we theirclarity, or theirbase ofsound judgment or their success become," he said. "You have opened aworld ofopportunity' without the continuing commitment of Michael for me and have shown me the merit ofeducation and the Goldbloom. He has helped bring the Rinctioning of the importance offamily. school to a higher level. It is apn enviable legacy and we're gBut, perhaps his most enthusiastic praisewas reser\ed for eternally grateful." his fellow classmates. "What I realized while reflecting on The Headmaster then aimed his message directly to the my grade recently is that I couldn't think of one student fifty graduates of the Class of 2003. "I believe that your who didn't hold his moral convictions close to his heart," he experience at Selw\'n House has helped each ofvou become said. "I am definitely leaving Seluyn House with a broader look on life solely because of this year's Grade 1 Is. The key to your success is your individualit)'. "Remember that Selwyn House has been crucial to the development of character in the man that vou are today as you Corc\' Zaicnian receives the Richard Kwee receixes the Micli.icl \\olos/\k aveiws complete this once iininiaiyjiilik; ri,tc o\ Be2003selw l!;arc stalls/ .I..VC' The Parents'Newsletter School News St E N O I Prizegiving AcademicAwards Special Awards Grade 7: 1st, James Rossy; 2nd, Andrew Fitzpatrick; 3rd, Selwyn House Chronicle Cup — Neil Verma Nathaniel Blumer Meighen Prize for Writing, Grade 8 - Robert Hinrichsen Grade 8: 1st, Robert Hinrichsen; 2nd, James Duffy; 3rd, Public Speaking Prize - Sean Bernstein Kyle Burrows E.C. Moodey Prize for Distinction in Debating— Grade 9: 1st, Stefan Luu; 2nd, Niki Thorpe; 3rd, Chris Sean Bernstein, Daniel Budd Wong Patricia Marsh Drama Prize - Matt Litvack, Adam Cieply Grade 10: 1st, Bryce Durafourt; 2nd, William Martin; E.G. Brine Award - Luca Melnychuk, Ryan Quinn 3rd, Shawn Errunza Jock Barclay Memorial Trophy - Samer Balaghi Philip Quaid Memorial Prize — Stefan Luu Distinction Awards Ernst Brandl Memorial Trophy - Niki Thorpe Chemistr)' and McGill Science Award - Scott McMurray Robert A. Speirs Memorial Award — Bryce Durafourt Physics - Michael Woloszyk Grade 1 Award - William Martin Biology — William Martin University ofToronto National BookAward— Creative Writing - Matt Litvack Michael Woloszyk McCall Prize for Art - GeoffDyck, JaredTauben Thomas Henry Pentland Molson Prize - Scott McMurray Economics -Jamie Rudolph-Zbarsky Governor General's Bronze Medal - Michael Wolosz)'k French - Langue Maternelle, Dylan Jones; Langue YMCA Community Service Award - Miguel Burnier Enrichie, Richard Kwee; Langue Reguliere, Sean Maislin Millennium Prize (donated by the Class of 1999) - Geography — Sean Maislin, Arun Khanna Richard Kwee Christie History Prize - Dylan Jones, Michael Woloszyk Thomas Chalmers Brainerd Memorial Award - General Consulate ofSpain Prize for Distinction in Richard Kwee SpanWish - Mani Alaei, Michael Lazar Jeffrey Russel Prize - Corey Zalcman Byron Harker Prize for Literature - Michael Woloszyk Lucas Memorial Medal -Jaryd Zummer Computer Science — Matthew Wathier Moodey Prize for Mathematics - Scott McMurray Massi Prize for Effort - Miguel Burnier Back row, from left: William Martin, Bryce Durafourt, ShawTi Errunza, Nicholas Thorpe. Second row: Neil Verma, Luca Melnychuk, Ryan Quinn, Stefan Luu, Samer Balaghi, Kyle Burrows, Robert Hinrichsen (back), MichaelWolosz)'k and Scott McMurray. Third row: Matt Litvack, Miguel Burnier, Jaiyd Zummer, Adam Cieply, Jared Tauben, Richard Kwee and Daniel Budd. Front row: Matthew Wathier, Jamie Rudolph- Zbarsky, Corey Zalcman, Dylan Jones, Sean Bernstein and GeoflFD>'ck. June 2003 11 CHOOL News 3 E N — Honour March 2003 Senior Roll *High Honours Grade 9 Matthew Shadley Christopher Karaplis Joshua Goldsman *Mani Alaei Jonathan Shen Thomas Kirk Zach Greenberg Jordan Airman Phihp Smith *Michael Lazar Michael Grover Sungjun Bae *Niki Thorpe •William Martin Arne Hantson Aaron Besner Charles Vennat Ben Meadow Dylan Jones Andrew Bloomfield Benjamin Wilner Ivan Neilson Arun Khanna Gareth Brown *Christopher Yee Wong Daniel Palardy Richard Kwee Paul Chamandy-Cook NanXie Valter Pinchiaroli Antoine Leuzy James Coulton Lee Rovinescu Matt Litvack Jason Coviensky Grade 10 David Smucker *Scott McMurray David Di Miele Ben Albright Justin Tan Jonathan Munzar Aaron Esterson Andrew April Moses Tannenbaum Luka Pavlovic Alexander Hayne Charles Ayas Paul Tsoukas Thomas Rigby Bronson Kiu Justin Bahlis Alexis Youssef Jamie Rudolph-Zbarsky *Stefan Luu Jordan Benjamin Nicholas Tsoukas Charles Madon Michael Bowey Grade 1 *Matthew Wathier Gabriel Maldoff Alex Browman Jeff Barkun *Michael Woloszyk Brendan Munzar Nicholas Cronin Sean Bernstein Alex Wybo Adirya Pathak Sean Duffy Justin Bourke Corey 2Lalcman Max Rosenstein *Bryce Durafourt *Adam Cieply Jar)'d Zummer Olivier Saleh *Shawn Errunza Matthew Firestone Nick Schouela Max Graham Benjamin Fombonne Senior Honour Roll— June 2003 *High Honours Grade 9 Philip Smith *William Martin Arne Hantson *Mani Alaei Kyle Spiller Ben Meadow Dylan Jones Jordan Altman *Niki Thorpe *Ivan Neilson Arun Khanna *SungJun Bae Charles Vennat Daniel Palardy Richard Kwee Aaron Besner Ben Wilner Valter Pinchiaroli Antoine Leuzy Andrew Bloomfield *Christopher Yee Wong Joshua Rosenstein Matt Lirvack Gareth Brown Nan Xie Lee Rovinescu *Scott McMurray Paul Chamandy-Cook Anshuman Saksena Jonathan Munzar Philip Clark Grade 10 Nicholas Shadeed Jamie Rudolph-Zbarsk)' James Coulton Ben Albright David Smucker Matthew Wathier *Jason Coviensky Andrew April *Justin Tan *Michael Woloszyk David Di Miele Charles Ayas Moses Tannenbaum Corey Z»ilcman Aaron Esterson Justin Bahlis Paul Tsoukas Inrv'd Zummer Alexander Hayne Jordan Benjamin Alexis Youssef Brian Hodhod Michael Bowey Bronson Kiu Sean Brophy Grade 1 *Stefan Luu Nicholas Cronin Jeff Barkun Gabriel Maldoff Sean Duffy Sean Bernstein Brendan Munzar *Bryce Durafourt Justin Bourke Aditya Pathak *Shawn Errunza *Adam Cieply Max Rosenstein Max Graham Matthew Firestone Olivier Saleh Christopher Karaplis Benjamin Fombonne Nick Schouela Thomas Kirk Joshua Goldsman Jonathan Shen Michael Lazar Zach Greenberg June 2003 -^School News ^z^ _-jaS-^^_^~ Career Day: professionals as professors This year's Career Day included some fascinating workshops by volunteers from various professions on April 15, followed by on-site tours the following day. Participants included: Mel Hoppenheim (film equipment entrepreneur), Matthew O'Toole (President and CEO, The Hockey Company), Scott Bailey '96 (Production Coordinator, Whalley Abbey Media Holdings), Boris Brott (symphony director and conductor), Andre Shareck (Partner, Redbourne Properties), Andrea Wolff and Elizabeth Shapiro (architects), Duncan Dee (Vice president of Corporate Affairs, Air Canada), Bruce McNiven (corporate lawyer), Mel Hoppenheim Louise Houle Dr. Tasso Dionisopoulos (Chief of Plastic Surgery, Jewish General Hospital), Dr. Thomas Hudson (Director ofthe Montreal J. Genome Centre), Chief Warrant Officer Mario P. DelPinto CD (Royal Canadian Army Cadets), Captain Bernard Smith (Air Canada), Alan Case '66 (investment banker), Peter Edwards (President, Bombardier Business Aircraft), Prof Margaret A. Somerville (McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law), Claudio F. Bussandri (McKesson Canada), Jonathan Blanshay CFA '84 (Managing Director, ReVision Eyewear), Peter GBC Morton '66 (Partner, Asset Management), and Louise Houle (Partner, Heenan Blaikie LLP). Matthew O'Toole Andre Shareck Captain Bernard Smith AndreaWolffand Elizabeth Shapiro June 2003 School News OR S E N — Senior Play Rhinoceros an average person able to resist the compulsion to expressed its disaffection with humanity by deeming life an Is conform and be like everyone else? That is the central illogical predicament caused by social forces. question posed by Eugene lonesco in his 1959 play When Rhinoceros was first produced in Paris in 1960, Rhinoceros. lonesco was a major exponent oftheTheatre of Jean Louis Barrault directed the play and took the role of the Absurd, which grew out ofAntonin Artaud'sTheatre of Berenger. Several months later, a London production Cruelty, a reaction to a world engulfed by war. This was a directed by Orson Welles starred Lawrence Olivier as time when existentialism dominated intellectual circles, Berenger. The following year, the play was produced on particularly in France, where lonesco lived. Many of his Broadway starring Eli Wallach as Berenger and Zero Mostel plays, notably The Chairs and The Bald Soprano, are asJean. touchstones of the Absurdist Movement. The movement 1 he full cast. Members from Selw)'n House are, back row, from left: Charles Aj-as, Dylan Jones and Nick Tsoukas. Front row: Miguel Burnier, Charles Vennat, Matt Litvack, Ben Wilner Adam Cieply and Arun Khanna. The Parents'Newsletter 8 CHOOL News S E N o^^^^S I Rhinoceros Berenger: Matt Litvack [I^MIW Jean: Adam Cieply Daisy: Jessica Davis (The Study) Dudard: Ben Wilner The Waitress: EmeseTokes (The Study) The Grocer's Wife: Stephanie Malouf(The Study) The Housewife: Lisa Worsley (The Study) The Grocer: NickTsoukas The Old Gentleman: Arun Khanna The Logician: Charles Vennat The Cafe Proprietor: Miguel Burnier Mr. Botard: Charles Ayas Mr. Papillon: Dylan Jones Mrs. Boeuf: EmeseTokes (The Study) Fireman: Miguel Burnier Direction: Alex Ivanovici Set, Costumes, Props: Robert Leader Lighting Design: James Richardson Lighting Operator: Mohsin Aziz Painters and Lighting Support Staff: National Theatre School ofCanada " 1 School News ClosCy but no cigaVy for Gryphon robot By Richard Wills, Publications Editor n paper, it was the best year we've ever had," "Oisays Selwyn House science teacher Tom IDowney. "Wejust don't have a lot ofhardware to show for it." Mechanical problems kept the Selwyn House robotics CRC team out of the top spots in the final rounds at the Robotics Competition at College Laval in February. In the competition, entitled "Hyperbol," robots designed and built by high school and CEGEP students competed against one another in a three-dimensional bowling game. Working in teams of two, the remote- controlled robots had to pick up foam balls placed on the playing court and fire them at their opponents' Hyperbol pins to knock them over, meanwhile blocking the balls being fired by the two opposing robots. The competition includes much more than the actual game. Each school team was also required to produce a video, a Web page, and a print journal oftheir project, and set up a kiosk at the competition. Each ofthese projects is judged as well, and the resulting points determine a school's final standing. The Selwyn House robot did not do well in the Hyperbol game itself However, the SHS team took fourth place for their journal, fift:h for their video, sixth for their Web page and ninth among the kiosks. The Gryphons also won second-place honours for sportsmanship, based on the votes ofall the students taking part in the competition. Motor failure on Friday night forced the Selwyn House team to rebuild the entire electrical system. They were able Scott McMurray tests the drive motors. to repair the robot, but couldn't regain the momentum they had going into the event. teachers Brad Moffat, Tom Downey and Mike Downey, As a strategic design element, the SHS robot included a along with Andre Barrette of College Laval, established storage bin large enough to scoop up all the balls on the CRC Robotics in affiliation with the Educational Alliance court and hoard them. "There were only a few robots in the for Science andTechnology', which organizes science fairs in competition that could hold more than two or three balls at Quebec. a time," explains Mr. Downey. "We felt we could offer a better educational experience, The Selwyn House team continued to make design at a lowcostand open to everyone," explains Mike Downey. changes right up until the day of competition. When "Our goal is to become a national competition." mechanical problems set them back, the team kept CRC Robotics is growing fast. "Last year we had only tenaciously working on the robot, even after they had been seven teams. This year we had eighteen. The competition eliminated from the upper levels ofcompetition. "The kids tripled with no publicity-. Were aiming at thirrk-six teams were amazing, " Mr. Downey says. next \'ear. The way the elimination rounds are organized, one After the CRC Robotics competition, the SeUsyn House mistake can cost a school several places in the final robot was booked for a tour, of sorts. Approximately one standings. "The difference between last place and the thousand spectators watched the Selwyn House team take middle of the pack is very small," Mr. Downey points out. part in a robotics demonstration at the ISCI Centre at the For the first seven years of its robotics programme. Old Port on March 1. On March '^ the robot was a featured Selw)'n House competed under the aegis ofan organization attraction at the Montreal Bell Science Fair at Pierrefonds called Canada First. Two years ago, Selwyn House science Continuedonpiige 1 10

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