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CONTENTS L,Y 2006 idal activity of selected +-trioxanes 1OZaNns) agal tn multidrug-res Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis \IDR) in vivo r, D. and EBERT, D. Quantitative PCR to detect and quantify intracellular rasites in their host: an example from three microspori PPE! Ne. Fades } IGEN, ; ERMI LEN, The complete set of voplasma gondii ribosomal protein genes contains tw ter elements DD Bap CABLE, J OBERTSEN, ‘¢ and BAKKI transmission strategy of Gyrodactylus salaris (Nlonogenea: Gyrodactylidae) ity of parasites on dead SOV A, l and ( NNING cular phylogeny of the Dactylogyridae sensu Kritsky and Boeger (1989) (Mor the D1-—D3 domains of arge subunit of rDNA I 4. and WHITTINGTON, ated species, 3 sites, same st — Monogenean parasites of the southern fiddle rrhina fasciata, in South \ustralia: egg hatching strategies and larval behaviou1 e. 4 C.L.M., NOEL, F., AULE, A. G. and DAY, T. A. Role of through voltage-operated lci1um channels and of calctum mobilization in the pl histosoma mansoni muscle mtractions fO-TOR(¢ HU, Q., BOYKIN, D. W. \ntiparasitic activity of aromati is related to apoptosis-like death in Trypanosoma cruzi RAN5D., ,MOU ILLOT, D., SHENBR‘ 4, 1.S. and POULIN, R. j | tesource predictability and host specificity in fleas: the eff bod\ mass [ | MORRISON, DLA IATTSSON, J. ¢ Population genetics the bovine/cattle lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparu mtDNA and AFLP marker techniques 5. D.S., FILIPE, J. A. N., KA NO, J., GARDO and BOUSSINESQ, M. \licrofilarial distribution of Loa /oa in the human host ics and epidemiological plications S, V. and BEH? nce that Heligmosomoides oyrus from laboratory mice and wood mice ; SCHNEIDER, M.,. CRII B. Molecular charac- oidea (Nematoda: Oxyurida) f1 es in Australia LUG GS, FANG, F.1 BONILLA R rANRIV\ kK. M. Preferential tion of dividing Cryptosporidium parvun [EN, N., CHRISTEN, S., FORSTER a and MULLER, N. , ' : ute trichinellosis increases susceptibility to Giardia the mouse model I... SOREN, K HANSEN Mi. V.. LINDBEI!I NX. Treatment efficacy regulatory host responses 1n ch| ronic experimental ] 5 s infection in goats RA a4. Mi, RODRIGUES \IVA, F., ANEZ, N., ADO, R GIBSON, ( and EIXEIR omic and phylogenetic relationships of Trypanosoma vivax from South America G., ALMI »A SS... MEIRELLES, M.N.5. I! and Disarray of sarcomeric pha-actinin in cardiomyocytes infected by 7 rypanoson F., CASAS-CRIVILLE, A. and CALERO-TORRALBO, M. A. Prolonged diapa parasite Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha, Acalyptratae) — how frequent HAWLENA, H., KHOKHLOVA, I. S., ABRAMSKY, A. and KRASNOV, B. R. Age, intensit flea parasites and body mass loss in a rodent host McCONVILLE, M., BRENNAN, G. P., McCOY, M., CASTILLO, R., HERNANDEZ- F. and FAIRWEATHER, I. Adult triclabendazole-resistant Fasciola hepatica: surfa tegumental responses to in vitro treatment with the sulphoxide metabolite of fasciolicide compound alpha WALKER, S. M., HOEY, E., FLETCI , H., BRENNAN, G., FAIRWEATHER, I. and Stage-specific differences in fecundity over the life-cycle of two characterized isol fluke, Fasciola hepatica PANKOV, P., WEBSTER, B.L., BLASCO-COSTA, I., GIBSON, D.I., LI BALBUENA, J. A. and KOSTADINOVA, A. Robinia aurata n.g., n.sp. (Digenea: H the mugilid Liza aurata with a molecular confirmation of its position within the Hen KARVONEN, A., TERHO, P., SEPPALA, O., JOKELA, J. and VALTONEN, E. T. Ec of closely related Diplostomum (‘Trematoda) parasites OLIVER,E . M. , SKUCE, P. J., McNAIR, C. M. and KNOX, D. P. Identification and ch asparaginyl proteinase (legumain) from the parasitic nematode, Haemonchus cont POINAR, G. JR. and BOUCOT, A. J. Evidence of intestinal parasites of dinosaurs \ ., PEREZ-RODRIGUEZ, L., GORTAZAR, C., HOFLE, U. and VINUI in parasite excretion estimates: the effect of sampling time and and type of faeces PART 3 SEPTEMBER 2006 REVIEW ARTICLE HEMPHILL, A., VONLAUFEN, N. and NAGULESWARAN, A. Cellular and immunolog host-parasite relationship during infection with Neospora caninum MARTINSEN, E.S., PAPERNA, I. and SCHALL, J. J. Morphological versus moleculat avian Haemosporidia: an exploration of three species concepts OKUBO, K., WILAWAN, P., BORK, S., OKAMURA, M., YOKOYAMA, N. and 1G ions are involved in erythrocyte invasion by enquine Babesia parasites MEJER, H. and ROEPSTORFF, A. Oesophagostomum dentatum and Trichuris suis born and raised on contaminated paddocks MEJER, H. and ROEPSTORFF, A. Ascaris suum infections in pigs born and raised paddocks PRUGNOLLE, F., DE MEECS, T., POINTIER, J. P., DURAND, P., ROGNON, Geographical variations in infectivity and susceptibility in the host—parasite s mansoni/Biomphalaria glabrata: no evidence for local adaptation BAHIA, D., AVELAR, L.G. A., VIGOROSI, F., CIOLI, D., OLIVEIRA, G. Cc. and distribution of motor proteins in the muscles and flame cells of the Si miracidium and primary sporocyst MASUMU, J., MARCOTTY, T., NDELEDJE, N., KUBI, C., GEERTS, S., VERCRI and VAN DEN BOSSCHE, P. Comparison of the transmissibility of Trypanosoma isolated in a trypanosomiasis endemic area of eastern Zambia, by Glossina morsita? GONZALEZ, M. T. and OLIVA, M. £. Similarity and structure of the ectoparasite con fish species from the southern Chilean coast in a temporal scale GABA, S., CABARET, J., GINOT, V. and SILVESTRE, A. The early drug selectior anthelmintics: stochastic transmission and population in refuge NEWLANDS, G. F. J., SKUCE, P.J., NISBET, A. J., REDMOND, D.L., SMITH, S SMITH, W. D. Molecular characterization of a family of metalloendopeptidases brush border of Haemonchus contortus AZNAR, F.J., FOGNANI, P., BALBUENA, J. A.. PIETROBELLI, M. and RAGA Pholeter gastrophilus (Digenea) within the stomach of four odontocete species and digestive physiology of hosts rHEWS, J. B., LAZARI, O., DAVIDSON, A. J., WARREN, S. and SELKIRK, M.E. A tryptophan amphiphilic tetramerization domain-containing acetylcholinesterase from the bovine lungworm, Dictyocaulus viviparus PART 4OCTOBER 2006 VIEW ARTICLE TORNTHITICHAROEN, Fas P I! ee S and \ I SHEWINKOON-PETMITR, P. Purification and characterization of a novel 3’-5’ DNA helicase from Plasmodium falciparum and its sensitivity to anthracycline antibiotics K. and MITAMURA, T. Intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum utilize a broad range of serum-derived fatty acids with limited modification for their growth iG. K. k.. GOTTSTEINEI,N , 8. MULLER. N.. F. J. Redundancy and recombination in the Echinococcus AgB multigene similarity with protozoan contingency genes: rLEY, P. M., WRIGHT, S., J.. CHIANINI, \. Long-term passage of tachyzoites in tissue culture can attenuate virulence of Neospora caninum in vivo ROGA, M.1., REDONDO, M.J., SITJA-BOBADILI O., RIAZA, A., MACIAS, VAZOUEZ. S:: PEREZ. <A.; . J.M. and \REZ-PELI ERO, P. Risk _ factors associated with Enteromyxum scophthalmi (Myxozoa) infection in cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.) IRENSEN, R.E., RODRIGUES, N.B., OI! VEIRA, ( and MINCHELLA, D. J. Genetic filtering and optimal sampling of Schistosoma mansoni populations ERO, M. A., DE RENZI, M., PANOVA, M., GARCIA-B M. V., ORDONEZ, and MAS-COMA, s. Crowding effect on adult growth, pre-patent period and egg shedding of Fasciola hepatica R. J.. CORBISHLEY, H., PILKINGTON, J. G. and ON, S Low-level parasitic worm burdens may reduce body condition in free-ranging red deieeer! (eCerrzz us elabhus) M. E., .. M.D. and WILKES, Cc. P. The reversibility of constraints on size and fecundity in the parasitic nematode Strong, loides ratti B. H., PILKINGTON, J. G. and PEMBERTON, J. M. G intestinal nematode species burdens and host mortality in a feral sheep population M. K., MIYOSHI, T., YAMADA, M., ALIM, M.A., H G, X., MOTOBU, M. and TSUJI, N. Fluoride exposure inhibits protein expression and enz lung-stage larvae of Iscaris suum E. and AZEVEDO, Cc. Unidentified extracellular prol in the byssal threads of the deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus SBET, A. 5.5 \I KRELLAR, An, WesGrers H. W B K. Y.. CHEONG, rHOMAS, J.E. and HUNTLEY, J. F. Molecular characterization, expression and _localiz- ation to tropomyosin and paramyosin immunodominant rgens from shee p scab mites (Psoroptes 5 NOVEMBER 2006 A, A.. KODYM, P., NTA, D. and FLEGR, of dopamine in Toxoplasma- nduced behavioural alterations in mice: an ethological cological study Vv. Y., LUKES, J., JIRKU, M., LEDON Leptomonas costaricensis sp. n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae), a member of the novel phylogenetic group of insect panosomatids closely related to the genus Leishmania \l.. KOLBE, T., GRABENSTEINER, E. and PROSL, H. Clonal cultures of Histomonas meleagridis, tratrichomonas gallinarum and a Blastocystis sp. establish icromanipulation JHAMI, B. H., NICHOLS, R.A. B., Ki I » po Beey 8 y"¢ ind H, H. V. Cryptosporidium weum sporozoites contain glutathione LAVIKAINEN A., LEHTINEN Mi. J. ‘ LAAKSONEN, Bis AGREN, ee OKA MERI, S. Molecular characterization of Echinococcus isolates of cervid origin Sweden BARTJ,. M ., ABDUKADER, M., \ , ¥. L., LIN, R. ¥., WANGY,. H., NAKAO, P.S., PIARROUX, R., , Db. A. and WEN, H. Genotyping of human cysti Xinjiang, PR China SANDOVAL, N., 1S, M., PEREZ-ARELLANO, J. L., CARRANZA, C., I ABAN, J. and MURO, A. A new PCR-based approach for the specific amplificati different Schistosoma species applicable to human urine samples SCHWAB, A. E., CHURCHER, T. S., SCHWAB, A. J., BASANEZ, M.-G. and PRICHARI genetics for concurrent selection with albendazole and ivermectin and diethvk possible spread of albendazole resistance in Wuchereria bancrofti LISBOA, C.V., INGA, KM... LUZ, .B., KLUCZKOVSKI, A. J! Cc. T., FERNANDES, 0. and JANSEN, A. M. Stable infection of primates with 7) and II rRAN, T., CLAES, F., DUJARDIN, J. Cc. and BUSCHER, P. The invariant surfa¢ gene family consists of two main groups in the Trypanozoon subgenus rASKINEN, J. and SAARINEN, M. Burrowing behaviour affects Paraergasilus Anodonta piscinalis PONTON, F.. . . T.. THOMAS, F., DUNI RENAULT, L., , D. P BIR Db. G. Hairworm anti-predator strateg’ and consequences HANSEN,H ., MARTINSEL.N, ,BA KKE, T. A. and BACHML. ATheN iNncon,gru et mitochondrial DNA variation supports conspecificity of the monogenean pat salaris and G. thymalli PENG, W., YUAN, K., HU, M., PENG, G., ZHOU, X., HU, N. and GASSER, R. B of pigs and mice with selected genotypes of Ascaris BOOK REVIEW PART 6 DECEMBER 2006 GOMEZ, A., SUARECZ. ,F ., MARTINEZ, P., SARAVIA, C. and PATARROYO,M . A. Hig in Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-5 (MSP5) LONG, G.H., CHAN, B.H.K., ALLEN, J.E., READ, A.F. and GRAHAM, diversity does not influence ‘TTN F-mediated effects on the virulence of primar infections BENTZ, S., RIGAND, T., BARROCA, M., MARTIN-LAURENT, F., BRU, D., MORI Sensitive measure of prevalence and parasitaemia of haemosporidia from | (Turdus merula) populations: value of PCR-RFLP and quantitative PCR WONG, P. H. P. and ONG, C. s. L. Molecular characterization of the Cryptosporidiun MORRIS, D.J. and ADAMS, A. ‘Transmission of Tetracapsuloides bryosalm \Malacosporea), the causative organism of salmonid proliferative kidney disease, bryozoan Fredericella sultana CLEMENTS, A.C. A., MOYEED, R. and BROOKER, S. Bayesian geostatistical predicti of infection with Schistosoma mansoni in East Africa MILETTI, L.C., KROERICH, L.B., PACHECO, L.K., STEINDEL, and Characterization of D-glucose transport in Trypanosoma rangeli ROCHA, N.N., GARCIA, S., GIMENEZ, L. E. D., HERNANDEZ, C.C.Q., SENRA, CYRINO, F., BOUSKELA, E., SOARES, M.B.P., RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, R CARVALHO, A.C. Characterization of cardiopulmonary function and cardia adrenergic receptor density adaptation in C57BL/6 mice with chronic Trypanosom SSBL., ,SIN CLAIR, B.J. and KLEINDORFER, Ss. The life-cycleo f Philornis Muscidae) parasitizing Darwin's finches and its impacts on nestling survival OTTERSTATTER, M.C. and THOMJ.SD. OWiNthin,-ho st dynamics of an intestir bumble bees THIR AYANON Iv GR ICHASRI-GRA \ KORGEG.,, VIYANANT, UP \ \ \\ l, and SOBHON, |I \lolecular and imm irac terization of encoding gene and 14-3-3 protein | in Fasciola gigantica R, DH IAERE,L E, \ KNOX and CLAEREBOUT, E. Efficacy and specificity of RNA interference in larval li tages of Ostertagia ostertagi \\ \ and TAKAHASHI, Y. Molecular clo cterization of an Redl-like rotein in excretory-secretory products of Trichine ad

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