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Parasitism of Hawaiian Non-Frugivorous Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) by an Exotic Parasitoid, Eurytoma tephritidis Fullaway (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) PDF

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Preview Parasitism of Hawaiian Non-Frugivorous Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) by an Exotic Parasitoid, Eurytoma tephritidis Fullaway (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)

PPARORAC.S IHTIASWMA OIIAF NH EANWTAOIMIAONL .F SROUCIT. (F2L0IE0S3 B) Y3 6E:U2R9Y–T3O7MA TEPHRDITIDIS 29 Parasitism of Hawaiian Non-Frugivorous Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) by an Exotic Parasitoid, Eurytoma tephritidis Fullaway (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) Andrei V. Alyokhin1, 3 and Russell H. Messing2 1, 2Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822. 2Kauai Agricultural Research Center, 7370 Kuamoo Rd., University of Hawaii, Kapaa, HI 96746, 3Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5722 Abstract. Eurytoma tephritidis Fullaway (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) is an exotic solitary larval endoparasitoid that has been recorded to parasitize gall-forming tephritids in Hawaii. We surveyed E. tephritidis parasitism of Tetreuaresta obscuriventris (Loew.), Ensina sonchi (L.), Acinia picturata (Snow), Procecidochares utilis Stone, P. alani Steyskal, Trupanea sp. nr. cratericola, and T. dubautiae (Bryan) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on four major Hawaiian islands. No wasps emerged from T. obscuriventris and E. sonchi. Among other species, percent parasitism ranged from less than 1% to over 67%, depending on fly species and sampling location. Overall, E. tephritidis showed higher affinity for gall-forming tephritids than flowerhead-feeders, although it parasit- ized substantial numbers of the native flower-infesting T. sp. nr. cratericola. The im- plications of our findings for a more accurate estimation of the risks posed by biologi- cal control programs to non-target fruit flies in Hawaii are discussed. Key words: parasitism, exotic species, host range, insect conservation Introduction Invasion by non-indigenous insect species is an important factor affecting island ecosys- tems (Simberloff 1986). Funasaki et al. (1988) estimated that, on average, 17 immigrant species of insects and related arthropods become established in Hawaii every year. Cur- rently, introduced species constitute approximately 35% of all Hawaiian terrestrial arthropods (Nishida 1997). In addition to addressing conservation concerns, investigating invasion biology is important for a better understanding of many fundamental issues in community ecology, such as species diversity, niche overlap, limiting similarity, and community change (Moulton and Pimm 1986). It is also essential for improving predictability of biological control programs. However, invading insect species usually attract public attention only when they are highly visible (e.g. large butterflies), or when they become pests (Simberloff 1986, Simberloff and Stiling 1996). Less conspicuous organisms are often ignored not only by the general public, but also by the scientific community. Fruit flies in the family Tephritidae include some of the most severe horticultural pests in many regions of the world. However, the majority of them are non-frugivorous species that are either beneficial (mainly as weed biocontrol agents), or benign (Headrick and Goeden 1994, Duan et al. 1996). In Hawaii, there are 33 species of non-pest tephritids. This includes 26 endemic species, as well as 5 deliberately introduced and 2 inadvertently introduced weed control agents (Hardy and Delfinado 1980). Most of these species are seed feeders living in the flowerheads of plants in the family Compositae; some are gall-formers and stem-miners. At least some of these flies are potentially at risk of being attacked by the hymenopterous parasitoids deliberately introduced to control their frugivorous relatives 30 ALYOKHIN AND MESSING (Howarth 1991, Follett 2000). Therefore, ecologically sound utilization of biological con- trol agents to control pest fruit flies in Hawaii requires a better understanding of their pos- sible impact on both native and beneficial tephritids. Accurate estimation of the risks posed by biological control programs to non-target fruit flies in Hawaii is impossible without a more comprehensive knowledge on the extant para- sitoids already attacking them in a variety of island habitats. Recent surveys indicate that parasitism by inadvertently introduced parasitoids might be a greater threat to non-target tephritids than deliberately introduced parasitoids (Duan et al. 1996). However, the host ranges of most of these vagrant species have never been thoroughly investigated, nor their impacts on non-target populations quantified. Parasitoid wasps of the genus Eurytoma Illiger are common parasitoids of tephritid flies in a wide variety of geographical areas. Under certain circumstances, they can have a pro- found effect on the populations of their hosts, including extinction of local fly subpopula- tions (Eber and Brandl 1994) and fly shifts to different host plants in pursuit of enemy-free space (Abrahamson et al. 1989, Brown et al. 1995). Therefore, invasion of these wasps to Hawaii may have far-reaching consequences for local ecosystems. One eurytomid species, an exotic solitary larval endoparasitoid, Eurytoma tephritidis Fullaway, has already been documented to parasitize the gall-forming beneficial weed biocontrol agents Procecidochares alani Steyskal and Eutreta xanthochaeta Aldrich on several major Hawaiian islands (Bess and Haramoto 1959, 1972, Duan et al. 1996, 1998). Furthermore, it was responsible for the most parasitoid-related mortality in P. alani (Duan et al. 1996). However, little is known about the propensity of E. tephritidis to attack other tephritid species that are currently present on the islands. In the present study, we investigated the incidence of E. tephritidis parasitizing several species of non-frugivorous tephritids in Hawaii. Materials and Methods Fly species. Five exotic and two endemic tephritid species were surveyed to determine the extent of E. tephritidis parasitism. Exotic species included Tetreuaresta obscuriventris (Loew.), Ensina sonchi (L.), Acinia picturata (Snow), Procecidochares utilis Stone, and P. alani Steyskal. Native Hawaiian species included Trupanea sp. nr. cratericola and T. dubautiae (Bryan). Fly origin and host plant associations for all 7 species are shown in Table 1. Among the exotic species, T. obscuriventris, A. picturata, P. utilis, and P. alani were deliberately introduced to Hawaii as weed biocontrol agents. E. sonchi was an acci- dental introduction recorded on the islands for the first time in 1968 (Hardy and Delfinado 1980). Parasitism survey. Host substrates (flowerheads or stem galls) were sampled by excis- ing randomly selected plant stems at approximately bi-weekly intervals between February, 1999 and April, 2000 at a number of different sites on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and Oahu. Flowerheads of D. laxa, which flowers during a relatively short period of time, were collected weekly. The exact quantity of sampled material, as well as the location and time of sampling varied depending on plant abundance, distribution and flowering phenol- ogy (Tables 2 and 3). Excised stems bearing inflorescences or galls were brought to the laboratory, where they were incubated at 24±2°C under natural lighting as described by Duan et al. (1996). Emergence of adult flies and parasitoids was recorded every 3 to 5 days. Insect identification. Insects were identified using the keys developed by Hardy and Delfinado (1980) and by comparing our specimens to voucher specimens identified by Dr. John Beardsley (University of Hawaii, Manoa). The identity of Trupanea spp. was con- firmed by Dr. Elmo Hardy (University of Hawaii, Manoa). Voucher specimens of all spe- cies are stored in the Entomology Museum of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. PARASITISM OF HAWAIIAN FRUIT FLIES BY EURYTOMA TEPHRDITIDIS 31 Table 1. Geographical origin and host plant associations of surveyed tepritid fly species (Hardy and Delfinado 1980). Pattern of Fly species Fly origin Host plant species host utilization Tetrauresta tropical Elephantopus mollis flowerhead-feeder obscuriventris America Kunth Ensina sonchi Europe Sonchus oleraceus L. flowerhead-feeder Acinia picturata tropical Pluchea odorata L. flowerhead-feeder America Procecidochares Mexico Ageratina adenophorum gall-former utilis (Spreng.) Procecidochares Mexico Ageratina riparia gall-former alani (Regel) Trupanea sp. Hawaii Dubautia ciliolata Keck flowerhead-feeder nr. cratericola Trupanea dubautia Hawaii Dubautia laxa flowerhead-feeder Hooker and Arnott Statistical analysis. Percent parasitism was calculated for each fly species as 100 × number of E. tephritidis emerging from collected samples / total number of insects (flies and para- sitoids) emerging from collected samples. Even though this method might not accurately reflect levels of field parasitism, it provides a good estimate of host mortality due to para- sitization (Duan et al. 1996), and has been traditionally used by many researchers (e.g. Bess and Haramoto 1959, 1972, Wong et al. 1991). The differences among various fly species and sampling locations were analyzed using Chi-square tests (Analytical Software 1994). Results and Discussion E. tephritidis adults were reared from five out of seven surveyed fly species (Table 3). No E. tephritidis emerged from flowerheads containing T. obscuriventris and E. sonchi. The latter is consistent with the findings by Duan and Messing (1998) who surveyed abundance and distribution of E. sonchi and its parasitoids inhabiting S. oleraceous flowerheads in the Wailua district of Kauai. Among parasitized species, percent parasitism varied widely, ranging from less than 2% for A. picturata to over 67% for P.utilis (Table 3). The observed differ- ence was statistically highly significant (Chi-square test, df=4, c2=234.65, P<0.0001). T. dubautia flies inhabiting D. laxa flowerheads in our survey suffered low levels (ª2%) parasitism by E. tephritidis (Table 3). In contrast, Duan et al. (1996) reared no E. tephritidis from T. dubautia inhabiting D. raillardioides flowerheads in Kokee State Park on Kauai. Environmental conditions between the two study sites were fairly similar (Table 2); there- fore, it is likely that the observed difference was due to the wasp’s preference towards searching on D. laxa. Likewise, E. obtusiventris, a congener of E. tephritidis, has been shown to display a bias towards parasitizing a tephritid fly Eurosta solidaginis Fitch when it inhabits the goldenrod species Solidago altissima L., but not the taxonomically close 32 ALYOKHIN AND MESSING o shrub ded intms antana 2Vegetation cover Mixed closed forest with native understory Former sugarcane plantation divia number of small vegetable far Alien closed forest with uluhe-Rubus spp. understory Edge of unused pasture land Roadside alien weeds Unmanaged open grassland Mixed open forest with uluhe-Rubus spp. understory Alien closed forest with guava-lunderstory al1n uo Mean annprecipitati (mm) 2000–2500 1000 5000 3000 1250 1875 1765 1300 0 n 5 o 1 0 atim) –1 26 Elev ( 1000 130 240– 67 1–5 180 1200 1000 er ephritidis surveys, 1999-2000. Location (N lat., W long.) Hawaii Volcanoes National Park°′°′(1925, 15515) °′°′Pahala (1912, 15529) Waiakea Forest Reserve°′°′(1937, 15508) Hamakua Coast°′°′(1948, 15506) °′°′Anini, (2213, 15927) Kauai Agricultural Research Cent°′°′(2204, 15924) Kokee State Park°′°′(2208, 15939) Waimea Canyon State Park°′°′(2202, 15940) a t m o s of Euryt District Kau South Hilo North Hilo Hanalei Kawaihau Waimea e Sit ble 2. and waii uai Ta Isl Ha Ka PARASITISM OF HAWAIIAN FRUIT FLIES BY EURYTOMA TEPHRDITIDIS 33 d s done mboi n o a D wing ab elleru- o M Upland open shrub Scattered weeds overgrpaved road Tropical rainforest Open native forest belluca et al. 1986).Ripperton and Hosaka (1942), 0 0 0 0 Giamd by 00 00 00 00 a (pe 1 3 3 2 datelo all dev 1720 365 244 1100–1200 n 67-year rainfgetation maps oe ed d v sn s bans a eto hypti a Reserve blished isosing descri Waipoli Rd.°′°′(2043, 15618) koOld Pali Rd.°′°′(2122, 15747) koMaunawili trail°′°′(2122, 15747) Kaala Natural Are°′°′(2130, 15810) were interpolated from puunities were determined u MauiMakawao OahuKoolaupo Koolaupo Waianae 1 Precipitation figures 2 Types of plant comm 34 ALYOKHIN AND MESSING s%) ephritidisitism ( 000 0.9005.170.420000001.36 000 20.3426.9222.35 76.7970.5155.9767.67 39.76 2.22 E. tara p No. fliesmerging 4448667011118 982521221589171682756817 616225841 16521 12193364 228 2019 e o. plantbstrates 446392273690 9721601387553500334349251747760336117689886 245610783534 240175415 130360281771 5692 5215 Nu 1 1 5 1 s s. di riti s by Eurytoma teph Time period Feb–June 1999Jan.–June 1999 April–Oct.1999March–April 2000April–Aug. 1999March–April 2000March–April 2000March 1999Feb.–May 1999Feb.–June 1999Feb.–March 1999Feb.–March 2000 March–June 1999April–June 1999 April–Sept. 1999 Oct. 1999 e d fli riti h nd endemic non-pest tep Location AniniKARCTOTAL for E. mollis HAVOHAVOPahalaPahalaWaiakeaKokeeAniniKARCWaimea CanyonOld Pali Rd.TOTAL for P. odorata AniniKARCTOTAL for S. oleraceous Waipoli Rd.Maunawili TrailTOTAL for P. utilis Hamakua CoastHAVOOld Pali Rd.TOTAL for P. alani HAVO Kaala a e v nti Table 3. Parasitism of adve Fly species collected Tetrauresta obscuriventris Acinia picturata Ensina sonchi Procecidochares utilis Procecidochares alani Trupanea sp. nr. cratericola Trupanea dubautia PARASITISM OF HAWAIIAN FRUIT FLIES BY EURYTOMA TEPHRDITIDIS 35 goldenrod species Solidago gigantea Ait (Brown et al. 1995). Also, an unidentified Eurytoma sp. was reared from Procecidochares flavipes Aldrich residing in Brickelia oblongifolia Nuttall flowerheads, but was absent from the same fly inhabiting B. californica (Torrey and Gray) Gray flowerheads (Goeden et al. 1994). With the notable exception of T. dubautia, gall-formers suffered much heavier parasitism than flowerhead-feeders. The percent parasitism by E. tephritidis recorded for P. utilis in our survey (ª20 – 25%) is comparable to the earlier reports by Bess and Haramoto (1959, 1972). At the same time, samples of P. alani collected in our study revealed higher parasit- ism rates than were reported for this species by Duan et al. (1996). Sampling site had a highly significant effect on E. tephritidis parasitism of P. alani (Chi- square test, df=2, c2=9.74, P=0.0077). A high degree of geographic variation in parasitism rates has also been reported for the congener E. obtusiventris attacking E. solidaginis in the continental U.S. (Brown et al. 1995, Sumerford and Abrahamson 1995), as well as for E. tephritidis attacking P. utilis in Hawaii (Bess and Haramoto 1972). At the same time, we detected no significant differences among sampling sites in the rates of E. tephritidis para- sitism of either P. utilis (Chi-square test, df=1, c2=1.36, P=0.2431) or A. picturata (Chi- square test, df=2, c2=4.68, P=0.0963). Since percent parasitism is determined by numerous biotic and abiotic factors, the relative importance of which varies widely among different species and different geographic locations (Goeden and Louda 1976), it was difficult to pinpoint exact causes of the observed differences. Overall, it appears that the accidental introduction of E. tephritidis to Hawaii represents a negligible to moderate threat to the majority of surveyed tephritid species. Numerically, the percent parasitism recorded for P. alani and P. utilis was fairly high. However, extensive studies by Bess and Haramoto (1959, 1972) revealed that even such substantial parasitoid pressure did not compromise the fly’s ability to control the target weeds. The recovery of E. tephritidis from T. sp. nr. cratericola is more worrisome. Very little is known about the current abundance and distribution of this fly, which has not even been taxonomically de- scribed yet. With the high degree of endemism typical of many Hawaiian insects, it is not unlikely that this species is fairly rare, and parasitoid-induced mortality by an invasive exotic wasp is highly undesirable. More detailed life table or recruitment studies are re- quired to accurately quantify the full extent of the impact of this adventive wasp on en- demic flies. The somewhat disjunct host range of E. tephritidis illustrates the difficulties inherent in trying to predict host range of exotic parasitoids based strictly on the hosts’ taxonomic affinities (an approach common in classical biological control under the precept of “cen- trifugal phylogeny”) (Wapshere 1974). While the adventive wasp was largely absent in our study from the endemic tephritid T. dubautia, it killed almost 40% of the larvae of the congeneric fly T. sp. nr. cratericola on a closely related Dubautia host plant. It also ap- peared to show a strong affinity for gall-forming flies, but moved readily onto T. sp. nr. cratericola in the dissimilar flower-head habitat (an acceptance of host-habitat diversity not usually seen in other exotic parasitoids of tephritids in the Braconidae and Eulophidae) (Duan and Messing 1997, 1998, 2000). Acknowledgments We thank Mike Klungness and Roxanne Cumming for technical assistance. We also thank the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Re- sources for allowing us to conduct surveys on their lands. This work was supported in part by USDA-NRI Grant no. 98-351316-6982. This is no. 4577 of the University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources journal series. 36 ALYOKHIN AND MESSING Literature Cited Abrahamson, W. G., J. F. Sattler, K. D. McCrea, and A. E. Weis. 1989. Variation in selection pres- sures on the goldenrod gall fly and the competitive interactions of its natural enemies. 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