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Parasitic wasps of the genus Tetrastichus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from northern India PDF

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Preview Parasitic wasps of the genus Tetrastichus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from northern India

Y ) PARASITIC WASPS OF THE GENUS TETRASTICHUS HALIDA (HYMENOPTERA: EULOPHIDAE) FROM NORTHERN INDIA1 M.A.KhanandS.N. Sushil2 (Withseventy-fourtext-figures TetrastichusHaliday, 1843 salside,threeringsegments present,clublongerthan preceding funicle segment; scutellum with micro- Genotype: Cirrospilus attatus Walker by reticulatesculpture T. chakrataensissp. nov. original designation [= miser(Nees)]. —4. EEyyeessbslialcvkeroyrwdhairtke,redbare, scape slightly more tha5n The genus Tetrastichus Haliday is a useful four times as long as wide, three ring segments member of the Chalcidoidea which attacks a present;funiclesegments 1-3subequal inlength,each wide variety of hosts, including important pests one and a half times as long as wide; mesoscutum of agriculture crops such as caterpillars, stem- with fivesetaeneareach parapsidal furrow, abdomen borers, leaf miners, aphids, beetles, midges and withfivetransversebrownbandsondorsum thrips. The parasites attack different stages of T.flavidusKhanandShafee, 1981 5. Eyes smooth, black in colouration, frontovertex the host including eggs, larvae, nymphs and — smooth 6 pupae. They are either primary parasites or hy- Eyes pubescent, dark red; abdomen with transverse perparasites. Some species of Tetrastichus have bands; frontovertex punctate, propodeum smooth, also been reared as secondary parasites. median carina and paraspiracular carina absent, 3. From India a good number ofspecies have propodealspiracletouchingthelateral margin been described. In the present work five new T.postmarginaloidesSaraswat species are being added to the known species of 6. Post ocellar line distinctly less than twice as long as ocellocular, antennae with only one ring segment, the genus Tetrastichus and three species are pedicel short, longer than wide, first funicle segment redescribed. (Type material is being deposited in longer than wide, second segment shorter than first, 3.S.I., Calcutta, India). A key to some Indian quadrate, third segment transverse, wider than long, species ofthe genus is also given . clubalmostaslongasfuniclesegments 1-3combined — T. mohanisp. nov. KeytosomeIndianspeciesofthegenus Post ocellar line greater than ocellocular, antennae TetrastichusHalidaybasedonfemales with only tworingsegments, pedicel twiceas longas wide, first funicle segment a trifle less than twice as —1. Postmarginal veindistinctlydeveloped 2 long as wide, second segment longer than first, less Postmarginalveincompletelyabsent 7 than twice as long as wide, third segment short, less —2. Bodyyelloworyellowishbrown 4 than oneanda halftimesaslongaswide,clublonger Bodyblack 3 thanprecedingtwofuniclesegmentscombined Frontovertex and face withscattered shallow puncta- T.lotellaeDelucchi sticoanpse;peayleesbvreorwyn,spoanrlsyeloynpeurbiensgcesnetg;meannttepnrneaseentb,rocwlnu,b —7. BBooddyyccoolloouurraattiioonndyaerlklobwroorwnyeolrlomweitsahllbircown .... 188 almost as long as preceding two funicle segments —8. Antennaewithonlyoneringsegment 9 combined, scutellum Finely longitudinallyreticulate Antennaewithmorethanoneringsegment 15 — Area of frons dorsaTd karnidshnlaaitaerhaidKaouflsacnrdobSearcaasvwiatyt —9. Frontovertex punctate 10 Frontovertexsmooth,withoutpunctations 11 deeply punctured; eyes bare; antennae brown except 10. Malarsuturedistinct;antennaedarkbrown,scapetes- clubwhiteandscapewhitishwithinfuscationondor- taceous, pedicel short, distinctly longer than wide, acceptedMarch 1990. two ringsegments present, funicle segments 1-3 sub- department of Entomology, G.B. Pant University of equal in size, clubalmost as long as preceeding two Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Nainital), Uttar funiclesegmentstogether Pradesh263 145. T. versicolorRanaweera, 1947 .. 330 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST.SOCIETY, Vol.89 — Malarsutureabsent,antennaedarkbrownexceptclub T. shencottensisSaraswat white; pedicel long, more thantwiceas longaswide; 17. Scape,pedicelyellowishbrown,funiclesegmentsand only one ring segment present, first funicle segment club fuscous; only two ring segments present, legs elongated, less than twice as long as wide, second a palecreamexcept coxae and major part of femora trifle longer than wide, third greatly transverse, — dark T. taprobanensisRanaweera, 1947 club longer than preceding two funicle segments Antennae dark brown with yellow brown scape and combined T. davidiKhanetal., 1986 pedicel; three ring segments present; legs testaceous 1—1. Lowermarginofdypeuswithtwodentsmedially ... 12 exceptcoxaand femoradarkbrown Lower margin of clypeus without dents medially; T.nigerRanaweera, 1947 eyes red; prominence between antennal sockets one- 18. Pediceldistinctlyshorterorone-halfto one-third the third the width of frons between eyes; antennae — lengthoffirstfuniclesegment 19 uniformlyyellowishbrown Pedicelaslongasfirstfuniclesegmentorlonger ... 27 T. indicusKhanandShafee, 1981 1—9. Antennaewithoneortwo ringsegments 20 12. Antennae dark brown except scape yellowish or Antennaewiththreeorfourringsegments 21 — infuscated 13 20. Antennae with only one ring segment, malar space Antennae uniformly dark brown, except scape and shorter than eye width, mandibles with two teeth and pedicel white, prominence between antennal sockets truncation, scape three times longer than wide, basal more than one fifth the width offrons between eyes, vein with five setae, speculum closed below, third subocular suture distinct, mandibles with an acute valvulae very long almost nine times as wide, dis- toothandatruncation T.partellussp.nov. tinctlylessthanone-third thelengthof second valvi- 1—3. Mandiblestridentate 14 — fers T.pantnagarensisKhan, 1983 Mandibles bidentate, postocellar linealmostoneand Antennaewith two ringsegments, malarspacelonger a half times as long as ocellocular, prominence be- than eye width, mandibles tridentate with acuteteeth; tweenantennal socketone fifthbetween thefronsand scapemorethanfivetimesaslongaswide; basalvein eyes, malar suture absent, antennae dark brown ex- with three setae, speculum large and open below, cept scape infuscated, pedicel distinctly less than third valvulae short, five times as long as wide, less twice as long as wide, mesopraescutum bearing one than one fourthofthesecondvalvifers rowoffivesetaeateach lateral margin, thirdvalvulae T. misellusDelucchi long, almost seven times as long as wide, distinctly 2—1. Fourringsegmentspresent 22 lessthanonethirdthelengthofsecondvalvifers Only threeringsegmentspresent 23 T.pyrillaeCrawford 22. Antennae about half the body; pedicel almost one- 14. Eyes reddish brown, prominence between antennal third the length offirst funicle segment; first funicle sockets one fourth the width of frons between eyes, segment very long, almost eight times as long as malarspaceaboutaslongaseyewidth,thirdvalvulae wide; three mesoscutal bristles present, median lon- short, triangular, less than twice as long as wide, gitudinal grooveon mesonotum faint aboutonefifth thelengthofsecondvalvifers — T. tritrichiaSaraswat — T. aligarhensisKhanandShafee1981 Antennae less than half the body; pedicel not Eyesdark, prominencebetween antennal sockets less likewise, distinctlyshorter than first funiclesegment, than one third thewidthoffrons betweeneyes, malar first funicle segment almost two and a half times as space distinctly longer than eye width, third valvulae long as wide; 11 mesoscutal bristles present, median long, lanceolate, almost four times as long as wide, longitudinal grooveon mesonotumdistinct morethanonethirdthelengthofsecondvalvifers. . . T.polysetaSaraswat T. mangiferasp. nov. 2—3. Antennae notuniformlyyellow 24 1—5. Antennaewith fourringsegments 16 Antennae uniformly yellow; eyes red with six dark - Antennaewithonlytwoorthreeringsegments ... 17 patches; scapeslightly less than four timesas longas 16. Body very dark brown with metallic blue-green wide, as long as basal two funiclesegments together, reflections;headwithoutpunctations;antennaebrown funicle segments 1-3 subequal in length, body com- with scape yellowish; legs pale yellow exceptfore pletely yellow except apex of ovipositor infuscated; — coxaedarkbrown T. dhireni Saraswat middle tibial spuras longasbasitarsus; thirdvalvulae Body non metallic brown; head with shallow scat- four times as long as wide; one-fourth the length of tered punctations on vertex and face, antennae dark secondvalvifers,outerplatesofovipositoraslong as brownexceptscapeyellowishbrown;legspalebrown. secondvalvifers . . . T.psyllidisKhanandShafee,1981 PARASITICWASPSOFTHEGENUSTETRASTICHUS 331 2—4. Lowermarginofclypeuswithtwodentsmedially ...25 shorterthansecondvalvifers T. obliquasp.nov. Lowermarginofclypeuswithoutdents medially;two darkspots below the frontocellus present; club two- Tetrastichusnsohanisp.nov.3 segmented; thorax light reddish brown; slightly (Figs. 1-10) vberionadaeprptrhoaxnimhaetaed,lyleegqsuyaellltoowimsahrbgrinoawln;vesiunb;masrtgiignmaall Head (Fig. 1): Reddish brown, with very veinaboutone-fourth the marginal vein; ovipositor faint iridescent blue lustre, wider than long in sub-exserted T. lasiopteraeBhatnagar, 1951 facial view (0.64:0.52), frontovertex much 2—5. Frontovertexandthoraxwithoutanypunctations ...26 wider, more than one-half the total head width Frontovertex, mesoscutum and scutellum with (0.33:0.64); ocelli white, arranged in an obtuse punctations; eyes and ocelli brownish red to reddish angle triangle, post ocellar line distinctly less brown; antennae dark brown; legs yellowish brown than twice as long as ocellocular; eyes black and except middle coxae completely, hind coxae basally andlasttarsalsegmentofall thelegsdarkbrown.... smooth; antennae inserted just above the lower T. malabarensisSaraswat level of eyes; prominence between antennal 26. Head yellowish brown, vertex and bases of ocelli sockets one-fourth the width of frons between dark brown, eyes reddish brown, antennae black ex- eyes; malar space longer than eye width cept scape yellowish brown; legs yellowish except (0.21:0.14); malar suture distinct; lower margin lasttarsal segmentofall the legsdark brown; pedicel of clypeus with two dents medially; mandibles distinctlylessthanone-halfthelengthof first funicle tridentate, maxillary and labial palpi each seg- — segment T. bicolorSaraswat mented. Head very dark brown, rest of the body yellowish brown; eyes red; antennae brown except scape and Antennae (Fig. 2): Yellowish brown ex- pedicel yellowish brown; legs brownish yellow ex- cept the scape whitish, 8-segmented excluding cept hind coxae on basal half black; pedicel not one ring segment; scape less than four times as likewisebutdistinctlyshorterthan first funicle seg- long as wide (0.14:0.04), pedicel short, longer ment T.satpurensisSaraswat than wide (0.05:0.035), as long as first funicle 2—7. Eyesredorblack 28 Eyes silvery white; prominence between antennal segment, funicle 3-segmented, first funicle seg- socketsone-sixththewidthoffronsbetweeneyes;an- ment longer than wide (0.05:0.04), second seg- tennaeyellowish; scapethreeanda halftimes as long ment shorter than first, quadrate (0.04:0.04), as wide; pedicel oneanda halftimesas longaswide, third segment transverse, wider than long two ring segments present; funicle segments 1-3 (0.042:0.035), club 3-segmented, less than thrice slightly longer than wide; third valvulae three and a as long as wide (0.13:0.055), almost as long as half times as long as wide; one-third the length of funicle segments 1-3 combined. second valvifers, outer plates of ovipositor slightly longerthansecondvalvifers Thorax (Fig. 3): Reddish brown with very T. ajmerensisKhanandShafee, 1981 faint iridescent blue lustre; pronotum with 28. Thorax yellowish brown; prominence between anten- posterior margin slightly concave with six pairs nal socketsone-fifth thewidth offrons betweeneyes; of setae, anterior margin concave in the middle mesoscutum with fivesetaenear each parapsidal fur- (Fig. 4), mesoscutum distinctly more than twice row, third valvulae six times as long as wide, more as wide as long (0.6:0.26); parapsidal furrows than one-third the length of second valvifers, outer complete, mesopraescutum bearing one row of platesofovipositoraslongassecondvalvifers — T. annulicornisKhanandShafee,1981 four bristles at each lateral margin, median fur- Thorax brown with reddish yellow admixture; row present; scutellum wider than long prominencebetween antennal socketsdistinctly more (0.34:0.28), with two submedian grooves and than one-fourth the width of frons between eyes; two pairs of setae, posterior margin rounded, mesopraescutum bearing a single seta at each lateral margin, third valvulae less than six times as long as *This species is named after Prof. Man Mohan Agarwal in wide, slightly more than one-third the length of recognition of his valuable contributions to our knowledge secondvalvifers,outerplatesof ovipositor distinctly ofChalcidoidea. 332 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIEIY, Vol. 89 Figs. 1-10. Tetrastichusmohanisp. nov. 1. Head, facial view;2. Antenna;3.Thorax;4. Pronotum;5. Forewing;6. Hindwing; 7. Partofforeleg; 8. Partofmiddleleg;9. Partofhind leg; 10. Ovipositor. PARASITIC WASPSOFTHEGENUSTETRASTICHUS 333 mesopostphragma not reaching beyond the length ofsecond valvifers (Fig. 10), outer plates propodeum; surface of propodeum with fine of ovipositor (Fig. 10) longer than second val- reticulate sculpture, strong mesal and paras- vifers. piracular carinae present and a series of short Holotype: Female, INDIA, U.R - Nainital, carinae radiating latero-anteriorad from Pantnagar, ex. Agromyzid leaf mine (uniden- posterior margin, a number of vague wrinkles tified) on wild plant, 7 August, 1987 (M. A. present on propodeal surface, spiracles well Khan). separated from the anterior margin of Paratype: Five females, same data as propodeum. holotype. Forewings (Fig. 5): Hyaline, less than thrice as long as wide (1.47:0.57), densely Tetrastichus mangiferasp.nov. (Figs. 11-21) setose, rounded apically; costal cell broad witha ventral line of eight setae, basal vein with six Head (Fig. 11): Dark with lower half of setae, basal cell bare, speculum moderate and frontovertex, clypeus and malar space light yel- closed below, cubital vein sinuate, subcubital lowish, roundish, slightly wider than long in fa- line of hairs starting from a distance about one- cial view (0.46:0.41); frontovertex much wider, fourth distance from base; submarginal vein more than one-half the total head width (0.46) with four strong setae, longer than mar- (0.26:0.46), ocelli dark, arranged in obtuse tri- ginal vein (0.4), postmarginal vein very short angle; postocellar line slightly longer than ocel- (0.02), stigmal vein (0.1) one-fourth the mar- locular; eyes dark and smooth, antennae inserted ginal vein, marginal fringe short. well above the lower level of eyes; prominence Hind wings (Fig. 6): Hyaline; acute at between antennal sockets less than one-third the apex, less than six times as long as wide width of frons between eyes (0.1:0.26); malar (1.1:0.2); marginal fringe at posterior margin space distinctly longer than eye width long, one halfwidth ofwingat hamuli. (0.14:0.09); malar suture distinct; lower margin Forelegs (Fig. 7): Yellowish except coxae, of clypeus with two dents medially; mandibles trochanter and femora infuscated; tibial spur tridentate (Fig. 12) maxillary and labial palpi short, apical rim of tibiae with four small pegs; each 1-segmented. basitarsus, second and third tarsal segments with Antennae (Fig. 13): Dark except pedicel two pegs on each. and scape yellowish with infuscations; 8-seg- Middle legs (Fig. 8): Uniformly yellowish, mented excluding one ring segment; scape less tibial spur long, more than half the length of than four times as long as wide (0.22:0.06); al- basitarsus; apical rim oftibiae with five distinct most as long as three funicle segments together, pegs. pedicel less than twice as long as wide Hind legs (Fig. 9): Uniformly yellowish (0.09:0.05), distinctly longer than first funicle except coxae slighly infuscated at basal tip; segment; funicle 3-segmented, segments 1-3 tibial spur a trifle more than half the length of gradually decreasing in length distad; first basal tarsus; apical rim of tibiae with four dis- funicle segment longer than wide (0.08:0.06); tinct pegs. longer than second segment (0.07:0.06), third as Abdomen: Reddish brown with very faint long as wide (0.065:0.065); club 3-segmented, iridescent blue lustre; as long as head and thorax more than twice as long as wide (0.17:0.08), together; ovipositor arising from apical one- longer than preceding two funicle segments third of abdominal venter; third valvulae (Fig. together. 10) moderate in size, lanceolate, less than seven Thorax (Fig. 14): Dark; non-iridescent; times as long as wide, less than one-third the mesoscutum less than thrice as wide as long 334 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST.SOCIETY, Vol.89 ujujsi-o Figs. 11-21. Tetrastichesmangiferasp. nov. 11.Head,facialview; 12. Mandible; 13.Antenna; 14.Thorax; 15. Pronotum; 16. Forewing; 17. Hindwing; 18. Partofforeleg; 19. Partofmiddleleg;20. Partofhindleg;21. Ovipositor. PARASITIC WASPSOFTHEGENUSTETRASTICHUS 335 (0.07:0.17), mesopraescutum twice as wide as valvifers (Fig. 21), outerplates ofovipositordis- long (0.34:0.17), with a row of five bristles at tinctly shorterthan second valvifers. each lateral margin; scutellum wider than long Length offemale: 1.12 mm. with two submedian grooves and two pairs of Holotype: Female, INDIA, U. P. - Nainital, setae with longitudinal striations; posterior mar- Pantnagar, ex. Coccids (unidentified) on Man- gin rounded; mesopostphragma reachingbeyond gifera indica 10August 1987 (M.A. Khan). , , the propodeum; propodeum with strong mesal Paratype: TWo females, same data as and paraspiracular carinae, spiracle almost holotype. touching the anteriormargin ofpropodeum. Forewings (Fig. 16): Hyaline; more than Tetrastichusobliqua sp. nov. twice as long as wide (1.22:0.51); apex broadly (Figs.22-28) rounded; costal cell with foursetae, shorterthan Head (Fig. 22): Completely yellowish marginal vein; basal vein with five setae, basal brown; setose, setae dark brown, arranged in area with two setae; cubital vein straight; two rows at frons and a single row just below speculum narrow, closed below; submarginal antennal sockets; wider than long (0.48:0.4); vein with four strong setae directed apically and frontovertex wide, more than one-half the total four setae directed backwards; shorter (0.32) head width (0.28:0.48); ocelli red, arranged in than marginal vein (0.35); postmarginal vein obtuse triangle, postocellar line one and a half rudimentary; stigmal vein short (0.1); marginal times as long as ocellocular; eyes black and fringe short. smooth; antennae inserted at lower level ofeyes; Hind wings (Fig. 17): Hyaline, almost six prominence between antennal sockets distinctly times as long as wide, acute at apex; marginal more than one-fourth the width of frons between fringe long. eyes (0.06:0.28); malar space very long, almost Forelegs (Fig. 18): Uniformly yellowish twice the eye width (0.19:0.1); malarsuture dis- except last tarsal segment infuscated; tibial spur tinct; lower margin of clypeus without dents short, apical rim oftibiae with three pegs. medially; mandibles (Fig. 23) tridentate; maxi- Middle legs (Fig. 19): Uniformly yel- llary and labial palpi each 1-segmented. lowish except coxae and last tarsal segment in- Antennae (Fig. 24): Uniformly yellowish, fuscated; tibial spur longer than basitarsus; densely setose; 8-segmented excluding two ring apical rim oftibiae with three pegs. segments; scape flattened, less than thrice as Hind legs (Fig. 20): Uniformly honey yel- long as wide (0.16:0.06); pedicel long, twice as lowish except coxae with a black spot on dorsal long as wide (0.08:0.04), as long as first funicle side and pretarsus with apical end infuscated; segment; first segment twice as long as wide coxae, femora and tibiae compressed; tibial spur (0.08:0.04), second segment as long as first but shorter than basitarsus, apical rim of tibiae with less than twice as long as wide (0.08:0.45), third two pegs. short, less than one and a half times as long as Abdomen (Fig. 21): Dark except basal wide (0.06:0.045); club 3-segmented, more than one-third which is yellow; longer than thorax; thrice as long as wide (0.14:0.45), slightly ovipositor concealed, arising from base of ab- longer than preceding two funicle segments dominal venter; first valvifers semicircular (Fig. together. 21); second valvifers long and narrow, more or Thorax (Fig. 25): Brown with reddish yel- less of uniform width; anterior margin of basal low admixture; pronotum (Fig. 26) with part typically very large and much curved (Fig. posteriorsubmarginal ridge bearing five pairs of 21), U-shaped; third valvuiae almost four times setae, antero-lateral arms slightly long and nar- as long as wide; more than one-third the second row; mesoscutum more than twice as wide as 336 JOURNAL,BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol.89 Figs. 22-28. Tetrastichusobliquasp. nov. 22. Head,facialview; 23. Mandible; 24.Antenna;25. Thorax;26. Pronotum; 27. Forewing(part); 28.Ovipositor. PARASITIC WASPSOFTHEGENUSTETRASTICHUS 337 long (0.52:0.24), mesopraescutum bearing a iridescent bluish lustre; area of frons dorsad and single seta at each lateral margin, middle lon- laterad of scrobe cavity deeply punctured, area gitudinal groove present; scutellum shorter than immediately ventrad of antennae bases mesoscutum, more than twice as long as wide shagreened; fracture at ventral margin of com- (0.38:0.18), with two submedian grooves and pound eye obscure, small, widerthan long in fa- two pairs of setae; surface of propodeum cial view (0.52:0.43); frontovertex width smooth; median, paraspiracular and oblique distinctly more than one-half the total head carinae present, mesal length ofpropodeum less width (0.3:0.52), ocelli reddish, arranged in ob- than one-third length of scutellum, propodeal tuse triangle, postocellar line more than as long spiracles separated from anterior margin by a as ocellocular; eyes bare, antennae inserted al- space more than one-half as great as length ofa most at the middle, prominence between anten- spiracle; mesopostphragma reaching well nal sockets less than one-seventh the width of beyond the propodeum. frons between eyes (0.045:0.03); malar space Forewings (Fig. 27): Hyaline; venation very longer than eye width (0.12:0.1); malar suture light yellow; more than twice as long as wide distinct; lower margin of clypeus without dents (1.2:0.52), costal cell narrow with eight small medially; mandibles (Fig. 30) tridentate, maxi- setae; basal vein with three setae; basal cell bare; llary and labial palpi each 1-segmented (Fig. speculum of moderate size, open below; submar- 31). ginal vein (0.26) with three strongsetae, less than Antennae (Fig. 32): Brown except club twice the length ofmarginal vein (0.44); postmar- white, scape whitish with infuscation on dorsal ginal vein absent; stigmal vein short, almost one- side, 8-segmented excluding three ring seg- fifththe lengthofmarginalvein. ments; scape cylindrical, more than four times Legs: Yellow except fore coxae brown, mid- as long as wide (0.17:0.04), pedicel two and a dletibialspurdistinctlyshorterthanbasitarsus. half times as long as wide (0.1:0.4); more than Abdomen (Fig. 28): Brownwith yellowish half the length of first funicle segment; funicle reflections; longer than head and thorax 3-segmented, segments gradually decreasing in together, ovipositorexserted; firstvalvifers (Fig. length and increasing in width distad; first 28)semicircular; anteriormarginofbasal part of funicle segment more than four times as long as second valvifers much curved and U-shaped wide (0.164:0.04), second less than thrice as (Fig. 28); third valvulae less than six times as long as wide (0.14:0.05) third twice as long as long as wide, slightly more than one-third the wide (0.12:0.06); club 3-segmented, less, than length ofsecond valvifers (Fig. 28); outer plates thrice as long as wide (0.18:0.07), longer than of ovipositor (Fig. 28) distinctly shorter than preceding funicle segment. second valvifers. Thorax (Fig. 33): Dark brown with strong Length offemale: 1.24 mm. iridescent bluish lustre; pronotum (Fig. 34) with Holotype: Female, INDIA, U.P. - Nainital, posterior submarginal ridge bearing six pairs of Pantnagar, ex. pupa of Spilosoma obliqua setae, antero-lateral angles obtuse and laterally (Lepidoptera: Arctidae) on Glycine max 10 Oc- directed; mesoscutum less than twice as wide as , tober, 1987(M. A. Khan). long (0.46:0.25), mesopraescutum bearing one Paratype: Six females, same data as row ofbristles at each lateral margin; scutellum holotype. longerthan wide (0.25:0.2), withtwo submedian longitudinal grooves and two pairs of setae, Tetrastichuschakrataensissp.nov. posterior margin rounded; mesopostphragma not (Figs.29-37) reaching beyond the propodeum, surface of Head (Fig. 29): Dark brown with strong propodeum shagreened, strong mesal and 5 338 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol.89 Figs. 29-37. Tetrastichuschakrataensissp. nov. 29. Head,facial view; 30. Mandible; 31. Maxillaryand labial palpi; 32. Antenna; 33. Thorax; 34. Pronotum; 35. Forewing; 36. Hindwing; 37. Ovipositor.

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