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Parasitic Wasps of the Genus Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) from India PDF

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Preview Parasitic Wasps of the Genus Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) from India

: Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 315-323 PARASITIC WASPS OF THE GENUS EUPLECTRUS WESTWOOD (HYMENOPTERA; EULOPHIDAE) EROM INDIA' M.A. Khan“'^ and M. Agnihotri ^ 'Accepted June 2004 -Biological Control Laboratory, Department of Entomology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263 145, Uttar Pradesh, India. ’Email: [email protected] FournewspeciesofthegenusEuplectrusWestwoodnamelyE.pantnagarensis,E. diibeyi,E. viggianiiandE.longiscapus aredescribedandillustrated.AkeytosomeIndianspecieshasalsobeenframed. Keywords:Hymenoptera,Eulophidae,Euplectruslongiscapussp.nov.,E.pantnagarensissp.nov.,Euplectrusduheyi sp. nov., E. viggianiisp. nov. GenusEuplectrusWestwood the following combination ofcharacters: scutellum without longitudinal grooves, which hasmostly ratherfine sculpture Euplectrus Westwood 1832, Phil. Mag. 3: 128. Type oris almost smooth; pronotum, rather short, dorsally with a species: (EuplectrusmaculiventrisWestwood)=Pteromalus fine transverse carina; hind tibia with at least one spur bicolor Swedems; by monotypy. distinctly longer than basitarsus, thorax mostly with DiplectronDahlbom 1857,292.SynonymybyGahan& outstandingtongbristles,funiclealwayssegmentedinfemale Fagan 1923.Typespecies: PteromalusTt/co/orSwederus,by (Boucek 1988). designationofGahanandFagan 1923. Discussion: The genus Euplectrus belongs to tribe Pacliyscapha Howard 1897: 159. Synonymy by Peck Euplectrini,subfamilyEulophinae.Itstandsclosetothegenera 1951. Type species: Pacliyscapha insularis Howard; by Euplectromorpha Girault but differs from it in the above- monotypy. mentioneddiagnosticcharacters.Thestructureofpropodeum RekabiaCameron 1904:65.SynonymybyKerrich 1974. in Euplectromorpha with two strong submedian carinae Type species: Rekabia testaceipes Cameron, by monotypy. behind a distinct basal cup or, iflatter is extended, with H- HeteroscapusBrethes 1918:9.SynonymybyDeSantis shaped carinae further separate the two genera. All recent 1981. Type species: Heteroscapus romiai Brethes, by workers have considered the genera Diplectron Dahlbom, monotypy. PacliyscaphaHoward,ReckabiaCameronandHeteroscapus EuplectrusCcasNioid 1909, Proc. US. Natn. Mus. 41: Brethes to be synonyms of Euplectrus Westwood. Kerrich 279. (1974) synonymized the genus Rekabia Cameron with EuplectrusCrawford 1914,Philipp. J. Sci. 1(9):463. Euplectrus Westwood. The distinguishing characters ofthe EuplectrusRohwer 1921,Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7: 135. genusasproposedbyNikol’skaya(1952); Pecketal. (1964) EuplectrusNlard \9A\,IndianJ. Ent.3: 25-36. and additional generic characters of pronotum, female EuplectrusFerriere 1941,5n//. ent. Res.32: 33. genitaliaandsubgenitalplateasproposedbyKhanandShafee EuplectrusBhatnagar 1952,IndianJ.Agr Sci.21 173. (1980)applywelltothepresent species. Euplectrus Mukherjee 1975, Mem. School Ent. Agra, Recently,WijesekaraandSchauff(1994)revisedthegenera No.4:60. andspeciesofthetribeEuplectrini(Eulophidae)anddescribed Euplectrus Hussain and Khan 1986, Orient. Ins. 20: eight Euplectrus species as new, namely E. atrafacies, 221-223. E. colliosilvus,E. geethae,E. itoralis,E. mellocoxus,E. nibilis, Euplectrus^oucek. \9%%, Australasian Chalcidoidea, E. peechansis and E. xanthovulatus. They transferred five 633-634. species previously placed in this genus to other euplectrine EuplectrusWijesekara and Schauff 1994, Orient. Ins. genera as follows: E. flavescens Crawford = Aroplectriis 28: 1-48. flavescens(Crawford)comb,nov.;E.phillippinensisAtAvmead Euplectrus Wijesekara and Schauff 1997, Proc. Ent. = Platyplectrus phillippinensis (Ashmead) comb nov.; Soc. Wash.99(11): 101-109. E. rugosusCrawford=P. mgosus(Crawford)comb,nov.; and Diagnosis: Genus Euplectrus was proposed by E.japonicusAshmead = P.japonicus (Ashmead) comb. nov. Westwood(1832)withthetypespeciesE. maculiventris.The Theyalsoremoved E. ornatusfromEuplectriniandplacedas genuscanbeeasilydistinguishedfromotheralliedgeneraby Cirrospilusornatus(Mukherjee)combnov. (inEulophinae). . NEW DESCRIPTIONS Biology: Primary gregarious ectoparasitoids of gasterdarkbrownexceptawhitepatchonmiddleofdorsum caterpillars. E. longiscapus sp. nov. Distribution: Occurs in all biogeographical regions. —6. Scutellumuniformlypunctate;orpunctateinthemiddle. ... 7 Boucek (1988) estimated the numberofspecies to be about Scutellumnotlikewisesmooth 8 100. Most species are probably in the tropics. There are 12 7. Gaster yellow above, with only the sides and a more or less specieseachinAustraliaandNorthAmericawhile 16species complete transverse band before the end brown, antennae arerecordedfromIndia. slightlybrownattip;ocelliverylarge;thelateralocellicloseto Abbreviationsused: FSl,FS2,FS3andFS4funicular theeyemarginsthantothefrontocellus,pubescence,whitish, segments 1-4; OOL- oculo-ocellar length, distance between funiclesegmentsnotsub-equalinlength;scutellumuniformly lateral ocellus andeyemargin; POL-postero-ocellarlength, finelylongitudinallystriate;propodeumsmooth;petioleslightly distance between lateral ocelli; MV- marginal vein; PMV- — broaderthanlong E. leucostoinusRohwer postmarginalvein;SMV-submarginalvein;SV-stigmalvein. Gasterblackwith alargeyellow spot, withoutany transverse band;antennaeuniformlyyellowishwhitewithoutinfuscation KeytosomeIndianspecies attip;ocellismall,widelyseparatedfromtheeyemargins;the OFTHEGENUSEuPLECTRUSWeSTWOOD OOLtwo-thirdaslongasthePOL;pubescencebrown;funicle 1. All legs, including theircoxae uniformly coloured yellow or segments sub-equal in length; scutellum finely reticulate white 2 medially,reticulatelineatelaterally;propodeumshiningmedian — Legswithdifferentialcolourblack,brown,reddishbrown,light furrow distinct, complete, petiole granular, longer than wide brownoracombination ofthese 10 E. euplexianeRohwer 2. Pedicelarmedwithbristles 3 8. Pedicel slightly longer than broad; gaster yellow with a — Pedicel without any bristle 7 transverse stripbefore theend, lineonthe sidesofthesecond 3. Pedicel with 5 longbristles, entireface darkbrown, antennae segment and the petiole brown; vertex almost smooth, cilia lightbrown,scapeabout7timeslongerthanwide,pediceldark very scattered; antennae with scaperathershort, notreaching brown,club2-segmented E. pantnagarensis sp. nov. to the median ocellus; funicle thicker, funicular segments — Pedicel notmorethan2stoutbristles,entirefaceblack; scape subequalinlength E.parviilusFerriere — lessthan 7timeslongerthanwide 4 Pedicel 2 times or about 2 times as long as wide and other 4. Pedicel with 2 stout bristles 15 characterdifferent 9 — Pedicel with only 1 bristle 5 9. Gasterblackwitharoundedyellowspot;antennaebrown,scape 5. Vertex shallowly and closely punctate face very finely and andpedicelyellow;vertexsmooth;ocelliratherlarge,thelateral obscurely punctate; POL more than 3 times as great OOL; ocelliataboutthesamedistancefromthemedianocellusasfrom 10. prominencebetweenantennaltorulidistinctlymorethanone- theeyemargins;scapenarrowandelongate,butnotreachingto third the width of frons between eyes; antennal scape pale thelevelofmedianocellus;mesoscutumfinelyreticulate,without MV white,restoftheantennalsegmentshyalinelightbrown;only median carina, scutellum smooth; a little longer than the oneverynarrowanelluspresent;scape3timesaslongaswide, SMV;thelongesthindtibialspurnotquiteaslongasthefirst2 funiclesegmentssubequalabout2timesaslongasbroad;club tarsaljointstogether,petiolesmooth,elongate,almost3timesas unsegmented, distinctly shorter than preceding 2 funicle longasbroad E.petiolatusFerriere — segmentscombined,mesoscutumstrongly,ruguloselypunctate Gasteryellowabove,slightlymoreorange-yellowattip,only anteriorly, the punctures not very well defined and virtually 2 lines on the sides at base and the petiole black; antennae coalescent;scutellumandaxillaeminutelyandshallowpunctate; orange-yellow,browntowardstip,scapelightyellow;pronotum gaster mostly white except for a discontinuous centrally very short; mesoscutum with irregular transverse striate; intermptedpalebrownbandapically,laterallyandattheextreme scutellumfinelyreticulate E. coimbatorensisFerriere basebrown E. matemusBhatnagar PediceldistinctlylongerthanFSl 11 — — Vertex and face smooth, withoutpunctuation; POLand OOL Pedicel notlikewiseaslongasorshorterthanFSl 12 almost equal in length; prominence between antennal toruli 11 Gasterreddishbrowninthemiddle;ocellidarkreddishbrown; slightly less than one-third the width offrons between eyes; POL almost equal in length to OOL; malar space very long, scapeuniformlywhite,pedicel,anelliandfirst2funiclesegments almost 2 times the eye width; antennae dark brown except yellow,restoftheflagelluminfuscated;onlytwoanellipresent; scape,pedicelandtheanellusreddishbrown,ananelluspresent; scape5timesaslongaswide;FS1 longest,almost 1.5timesas scapeabout4timesaslongaswide;funiclesegmentssubequal longaswide,funiclesegments2-4sub-equalinsize;distinctly insize;clubunsegmented,equaltoViofthepreceding2funicle longer than wide; club 2 segmented longerthan preceding 2 segments; mesoscutum and scutellum shallowly and closely funiclesegmentstogether;thorax smoothwithoutpunctation; punctate; the longerhindtibial spurdistinctly longerthanthe 316 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 NEW DESCRIPTIONS lengthofbasal2tarsaljointogether Head (Fig. I ): Smooth except upper part ofthe frons E.spodopteraBhatnagar very finely reticulate; wider than long in facial view — Casterdarkbrownwithmetallicbluishreflectionsonthedorsum; (0.58: 0.43), frontovertex less than 3 times widerthan long ocelli white; length ofPOL almost 2 times as much as OOL; (0.36: 0.19),ocelli arrangedinobtuseangledtriangle; POL: malarspacelongerthaneyewidth;antennaeyellowwithslight OOL0.10:0.11;antennaltorulijustatthelowerlevelofeyes, infuscationexceptscapeuniformlywhite;threeanellipresent; distance between antennal toruli situated (0.08) more than scapeslightlymorethan5timesaslongaswide;funiclesegments l/4th the width of frons: malar sulcus absent; length of graduallyincreasing inwidthdistad;FSl as longasFS2,FS3 malar space (0.19) much more than the eye width (0.11); shortest, a trifle longer than wide FS4 quadrate; club three maxillary palp and labial palp two and one segmented segmented; almost aslongasprecedingtwofuniclesegments respectively. Antennae (Fig. 4): Scape cylindrical, apex of together; mesonotum and scutellum without punctations; scape reaching up to the median ocellus, about 7 times longesthindtibialspurshorterthanthebasaltwojointstogether longerthanwide(0.25:0.035),pediceldarkbrown,short,more E. viggianiisp.nov. than 2 times longer than wide (0.09: 0.035), 2 anelli —12. Pedicel shorterthanFS1 13 present; funicle 4 segmented, subequal in size except PedicelaslongasFSl 14 the FSl short (0.13: 0.55), numerous sensilla and hairs 13. Scapewhite,segmentoffunicleunequal;hindcoxaecompletely present. — black E. biissyiCrawford Thorax(Fig.5):Pronotumreticulateanddeeplynotched Scapebrown, segmentsoffuniclesubequal; hindcoxae black at theanteriormargin, posteriormarginconvexwith 2 pairs basally andreddish brown apically; body blackexcept below oflong setae (Fig. 6), mesoscutum more than 2 times wider antennaelightbrownandgasterwithalightbrownpatchinthe thanlong(0.59: 0.28)with6pairsofsetae,midlobecoarsely middle;vertexandfaceveryfinelyandcloselypunctate,inlow and stronglyreticulate, scutellum smooth; axillaetriangular power appears to be met with fine grains; antennae brown and weakly reticulate, scutellum slightly wider than long except scape yellowish white; 2anelli present (0.31:0.16)withbluntapex,metanotum,bandlike,propodeum E. inatimriBhatnagar expandedonsides,medianandsubmediancarinaeandplicae 14. Mesoscutumcoarselyreticulatemedio-posteriorly, finelyand prominent, sides of the propodeum with 3 long setae. lineatelyshagreenedanterio-laterally,withoutamedianlineor Forewings (Fig. 7): more than 2 times longer than wide, furrow;headwithoutpunctures;scutellumfaintlylongitudinally SMV long(0.34) with5 longsetae,MV much longer(0.51); striate;funiclesegmentsgraduallyincreasinginlength,theFS4 PMVlongerthanSV(0.21:0.15),costalcellnaiTow,speculum somewhatshorterthanFS3,clubentire broadandclosedbelow,basaltrianglehyaline,discuniformly E. HtethesiaeManiandKurian — setose, marginal fringes moderate. Hind wings: more than Midlobe ofmesoscutum reticulately rugose, at rear medially 4 times longer than wide, tapering at the apex, marginal with 1 or2longitudinalrugae,whichextendfomardaboutone- fringes long. Legs (Figs 8-10): hind legs with 2 tibial spurs; thirdthe lengthofmesoscutum; scutellumbasallyindistinctly first tibial spur longer than basitarsus, remaining legs reticulate E. nyctemeraeCrawford normal. 15. Lightbrownwithwhitescape,andpedicel;gasterlightyellow Gaster: Petioleslightly longerthanwide;firstvalvifer excepttip,sidesandpetioleblack;petioleratherlong, 2times aslongasbroadorlittleless,longerspurofhindtibiareaching triangular (Fig. 11) semicircular, second valvifer uniform in width, curved; third valvulae rudimentary, outer plate of 0.66the lengthoffirsttwotarsal segments together ovipositormuchenlarged,narrowatthebase,muchbroadened E.ceyloneiisisHoward — attheapex,apexdarkbrownwithalongsetae,dorsalmarginal Yellowishbrownantennaeexceptscapewhitewithinfuscation, ridge present throughout the length. gasterdarkexcept with a broad yellow patch on mid dorsum Male: Notknown before apex petiole shortas long as wide, longerspurofhind MaterialExamined: Holotype: $ india: Uttaranchal, tibiaequaltothelength offirsttwotarsal segmentstogether. . Nainital,Pantnagar,CRC,hostunknown,sweepnetcollection E. dubeyisp. nov. onPigeonPea.2.xii.l990.Hym: Eulo.Nr. 1001 (S.N.Sushil). Euplectruspantnagarensis sp. nov. Paratypes:4 $ $,datasameasholotype.Hym:Eulo.Nr.3029b (Figs 1-11) (S.N. Sushil). Holotype and Paratypes have been deposited Female; Dark brown; head lustrous dark brown, eyes in the Entomological Museum. G.B.P.U. A & T, Pantnagar, reddishbrown;antennaelightbrown;thoraxdarkbrownwith India. purplish reflections; wings hyaline; legs yellow; gasterdark Etymology:Thespeciesnameisderivedfromthetype brown. locality. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 317 NEW DESCRIPTIONS Figs 1-11 Euplectruspantnagarensissp.nov. : 1. Headinfrontalview,2.Headindorsalview,3.Antenna,4. Pronotum,5.Thoraxindorsalview, 6. Propodeum,7. Partofforewing, 8. Partofforeleg,9. Partofmidleg, 10. Partofhindleg, 11. Femalegenitalia Euplectrus dubeyi sp. nov. hyaline; legs uniformly honey yellow; gaster dark except a (Figs 12-23) broadyellowpatchonmiddorsum. Head (Fig. 12): Smoothexceptupperpartofthefrons Female: Body length about 2.12 mm; general body weaklyreticulate;frontovertexmorethan2.4timesaswideas colourblackwithmetallicreflections;headblackwithslight long (0.69:0.29); headindorsal view morethan 1.3 times as metallicreflectionsexceptclypealregionandscapewhitewith wide as long (0.67:0.50); ocelli arranged in obtuse angled infuscation;thoraxdarkwithmetallicgreenreflections;wings triangle;POL:OOL0.15:0.07;widthoffronsmorethan3.5times 318 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 NEW DESCRIPTIONS Figs 12-23: Euplectrusdubeyisp.nov. 12.Headinfrontalview, 13.Headindorsalview, 14.Mandible, 15.Antenna, 16. Pronotum, 17.Thoraxindorsalview, 18. Forewing, 19. Hindwing,20.Partofforeleg,21. Partofmidleg,22. Partofhindleg,23. Femalegenitalia the distance betweenantennal toruli; antennaeinsertedjustat pedicelwith2strongand2smallsetae,slightly2timesaslong the lower level ofeyes; scape not reaching up to the level of as wide (0.09: 0.045), slightly longer than FSl; funicle 4 median ocellus; maxillary palp and labial palp two and one segmented,FSl lessthan2timesaslongaswide(0.07: 0.04), segmented respectively. Malar sulcus absent, length ofmalar longerthaneachsucceeding segment,FS2andFS4sub-equal space times the eye width; mandible bidentate Antenna (Fig. insize(0.06:0.05),slightlylongerthanwide,club2segmented, 15):8segmentedexcludingbroadanellus;scapeslightlydilated lessthan2timesaslongaswide(0.11: 0.065), shghtlyshorter withlongsetae,morethan5timesaslongaswide(0.28:0.05); thanpreceding twofunicle segments together. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 319 NEW DESCRIPTIONS Thorax(Fig. 17):Pronotumwithanteriormargindeeply punctures on frontovertex width less than 2 times the total concaveinmiddleandreticulate(Fig. 16),anterolateralarms headwidth(0.34:0.61);ocelliwhitearrangedinobtuseangled long and narrow, posterior margin much convex bearing 3 triangle; POL:OOL0.12:0.07; antennaltoruli slightlyabove pairsoflongsetae;mesoscutumwiderthanlong(0.59:0.34), the lowerlevel ofeyes; apex ofscape notreaching uptothe midlobeweaklyreticulateanteriorlyandstronglyposteriorly, medianocellus;prominencebetweenantennaltorulilessthan andwith4pairsofsetae;scutellumdistinctlywiderthanlong l/4ththewidthoffronsbetweeneyes(0.09:0.34);malarsulcus (0.40: 0.31), with 2 pairs ofsetae and round at apex; axillae absent, length of malar space longer than the eye width smooth; propodeum less than 3 times as wide as long (0.62: (0.15:0.13); maxillary palp and labial palp two and one 0.22), with prominent median carina and plicae, spiracles segmentedrespectively.Ante/jnc/e(Pig.25):yellowwithslight separated by a space more than one half the length of a infuscation,exceptscapeuniformlywhitish,ninesegmented spiracle. Forewings (Fig. 18): more than 2 times as long as excluding3anelli;scapecylindrical,slightlymorethan5times wide(1.69:0.72)withroundapex;costalcelllong,broadwith aslongaswide (0.22:0.05); pedicel lessthan2timesas long 9 setae in row; SMV with 5 long setae, 4 upward and 1 as wide (0.09:0.05), distinctly longer than ESI, funicle MV MV downward,slightlyshorter(0.48)than (0.53); with 13 4segmented, segmentsgraduallyincreasing inwidthdistad, setae;SVmorethan(0.14) I/3rdthelengthofMVandslightly ESI (0.07:0.045)aslongasFS2(0.07:0.055),PS3 shortest,a longerthanPMV(0.12);basalcellbare;speculumnarrowand triflelongerthanwide(0.065:0.06),PS4quadrate(0.07:0.07), closedbelow; cubital vein almoststraight; subcubital lineof club 3 segmented,slightly morethan2timesas longaswide hairs starting from the base ofcubital vein; marginal fringe (0.0165:0.08),almostaslongasprecedingtwofuniclesegments short, spacedbyadistance lessthan 1/2oftheirlength. Fliml together. wings (Fig. 19): 5 times as long as wide; marginal fringes Thorax:Darkbrownwithmetalhcbluishreflectionsand spaced by a distance equal to 1/2 oftheir length. Fore legs pronotum(Fig.26)withanteriormargindeeplyconcaveinthe (Fig.20):basitarsuswithanobliquerowof8setae;tibial spur middle,anterolateralarmsmoderate,posteriormarginconvex muchshorter.Middlelegs(Fig. 21): apicalrimoftibiaewith2 hearing 3 pairs of long setae, posterolateral grooves deep, pegstibial spurlong.Hindlegs(Fig.22):characterizedbythe side projectionsraised, developed; mesoscutumwith3 pairs presence of two long tibial spur, longest tibial spur (0.32) oflongbristleswiderthanlongscutellumsmoothlongerthan equaltothelengthofbasal2tarsalsegmentstogether,shortest wideand3pairsofbristles;axillaeweaklyreticulatepropodeum tibialspur(0.22)sub-equalinlengthtothefirstbasalsegment. withamediancarina.Forewings(Fig.28):Hyalinealmost2.5 Gaster: Petiole short as long as broad; ovipositor timesaslongaswide(1.8:0.7);costalcellbroadandlongwith slightlyconcealedarisingfromapicalonethirdofgaster;first 3 long and 15 small setae; SMV (0.61) with 4 strong setae, valviferstriangular(Fig.23)withbasalmarginconcave;second longerthan MV (0.36), SV (0.18) 1/2 the length ofMV and PMV valvifers on uniform width, almost 8 times as long as wide distinctly shorter than (0.27); marginal fringe short, (0.39: 0.05); third valvulae rudimentary (0.02) (Fig. 23), spaced by a distance equal to l/3rd of their length. Hind articulatedwiththesecondvalvifers;outerplatesofovipositor wing: (Fig. 29) hyaline, less than 5 times as long as wide narrowatthebase,widenedatapex,medianlongitudinalridge (1.3:0.28),bluntatapex;marginalfringespacedbyadistance wellextendedtothe apexofouterplatesofovipositor. equal to 1/2 oftheir length. Fore legs (Fig. 30): uniformly Male:NotKnown. yellowishwith slightinfuscation, tibial spurshot, apicalrim MaterialExamined: Holotype: 9 india:UttarPradesh, oftibiae withfourstoutpegs,basitarsuswithanobliquerow . Rampur, host unknown, sweepnet collection, mango trees; of small setae on dorsal surface. Middle legs (Fig. 31): 26.x.1990.Hym:Eulo.Nr. 1002(R.S.J. Singh). Paratypes: 3 Uniformlyyellowish,femorawithalong,strongsetaeatapical ? ?,datasameasholotype.Hym:Eulo.Nr. 1002(R.S.J.Singh). end; tibial spur shorter than basitarsus; apical rim of tibiae Holotype and Paratypes have been deposited in the with3stoutpegs.Hindlegs(Fig.32); Uniformlyyellowexcept EntomologicalMuseum,GB.P.U.A&T,Pantnagar,India. coxae with slight infuscation, tibiae with two strong tibial Etymology:ThespeciesisnamedinhonourofDr.O.P. spurs; longesttibial spurshorterthanthelengthofbasaltwo Dubey,ADG (PP) ICAR, Govt, ofIndia, New Delhi for his tarsaljoints together. contributiontopromotingInsecttaxonomyin India. Gaster (Fig. 33); Dark brown with metallic bluish reflectionsonthedorsum;petiolate,petiole,almost 1.5times Euplectrus viggianii sp. nov. aslongaswide;ovipositorconcealed,arisingfromapicalone (Pigs24-33) thirdofgastralventer,firstvalviferstriangularwithbasaland Head (Pig. 24): Dark brown with metallic bluish apicalanglesatdifferentlevel,basalmarginconcave,second reflections,widerthanlong(0.61:0.44);finelyreticulatewith valvifers of uniform width and continuous with the third 320 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 NEW DESCRIPTIONS Figs24-33 Euplectrusviggianiisp. nov. : 24. Headinfrontalaspect,25.Antenna,26. Pronotum,27.Propodeum,28. Forewing,29. Hindwing,30. Foreleg, 31.Middleleg,32. Hindleg,33.Gaster valvulae, outerovipositor narrow at base, widened at apex; Pilibhit. Merasmia trapezalis (Guen.) (Lepidoptera: subgenital plate of uniform width, anterior margin straight Pyraustidae)onZeamays. I.viii.l989. Hym: Eulo. Nr.4001 posteriormarginwithawidenotchinthemiddle. (M.A.Khan).Paratypes: 10 9?,datasameasholotype.Hym: Length: 1.81 mm. Eulo. Nr. 4002 (M.A. Khan). Holotype and Paratypes have Male:NotKnown. beendepositedintheEntomological Museum,G.B.P.U.A& MaterialExamined:Holotype: ?.india:UttarPradesh, T,Pantnagar,India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 321 NEW DESCRIPTIONS 34.Headinfrontalaspect,35.Maxillarypalp,36.Antenna,37.Pronotum,38.Propodeum,39. Forewing, 40. Partofforeleg,41 Partofmidleg,42. Hindleg,43.Ovipositor . Etymology:ThespeciesisnamedinhonourofProfessor (0.55:0.43); frontovertex less than 3 times as wide as long G. Viggiani, University of Naples, Portici, Italy, for his (0.63:0.22),vertexwith6verylongsetae;oceUipale,arrangedin outstandingcontribution tothe FamilyEulophidae. obtuseangledtriangle,POL:OOL0.14:0.09;eyesdarkbrown andsmooth;antennaeinsertedwellabovelowerlevelofeyes; Euplectrus longiscapus sp.nov. prominence between antennal toruh shghtly more than l/4th (Figs34-43) thewidthoffronsbetweeneyes(0.08:0.33);apexofthescape Head (Fig. 34): Dark brown with metalhc reflections, not reaching up to the median ocellus; malar sulcus absent; sparselysetose;finelyreticulate,widerthanlonginfacialview length of malar space longer than eye width (0.18:0.11); 322 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 102 (3), Sep-Dec 2005 NEW DESCRIPTIONS mandiblesbidentatemaxillarypalp(Fig.35 andlabialpalptwo spur shorter than the length of basal two tarsal segments ) andonesegmentedrespectively.Antennae(Fig.36):Scapewhite, together. pedicel,anelli segmentsandfirsttwofuniclesegmentsyellow Gaster: (Fig.43)Darkbrownexceptawhitebroadpatch andrestoftheflagelluminfuscated; uniformlysetose; pedicel on middle ofdorsum; densely setose, petiolate, petiole less with a very long setae; 8-segmentedexcluding 2 anelli; scape than 2 times as long as wide; ovipositor concealed, arising cylindrical,5timesas longwide(0.2:0.05);pedicel 2timesas fromapical l/3rdofgaster;firstvalvifers(Fig.43)triangular longaswide(0.08:0.04),aslongasFS1;funicle4-segmented; withbasal andapicalanglesatdifferentlevels,basalmargin FS1 longestandlessthan 1.5timesaslongaswide(0.08:0.05), concave; second valvifers (Fig. 43) of uniform width; third FSs 2-4 subequal in size (0.07:0.055); club 2 segmented, less valvulae(Fig.43)rudimentary,articulatedwithsecondvalvifers; than3timesaslongaswide(0.15:0.055),longerthanpreceding outerplates ofovipositor (Fig. 43) narrow atbase, widened at twofuniclesegmentstogether. apex,subgenitalplateofuniformwidth,anteriormarginstraight, Thorax: Dark with metallic reflections and reticulate posteriormarginwithawidenotchinthemiddle. sculpture;pronotum(Fig.37)withanteriormarginconcavein Length: 1.75mm. the middle, anterolateral arms moderately long, not much Male:Notknown. narrow,posteriormarginconvexbearing6longsetae;notauli MaterialExamined: Holotype: ? india: Uttaranchal, . well developed; mesoscutum wider than long; scutellum Nainital, Pantnagar ex. Lamprosema indicata (Fabr.) longerthanwide;sidelobe,mesoscutumandscutellumwith (Lepidoptera:Pyraustidae)onPhaseolusaureus(GreenGram) 2, 4 and 4 long strong setae respectively; axillae bare; 6.iii.1994.Hym:Eulo.Nr. 1003(M.A.Khan).Paratype: 9,data propodeum (Fig. 38) with amedian carina. Forewings (Fig. sameasholotype.Hym:Eulo.Nr. 1003(M.A.Khan).Holotype 39): hyaline, less than 3 times as long as wide (1.68:0.68); and Paratypes have been deposited in the Entomological costalcellbroad,setose,setaearrangedinanapicalrow, 12in Museum,GB.P.U.A.&T.,Pantnagar,India. number; basal vein with 3 setae; basal cell bare; speculum Etymology:Thespeciesnameisfromthelongnatureof short,closedbelow;cubitalveinsinuate; 10admarginalhairs the scape. present;SMV(0.57)longerthanMV(0.5);PMV(0.19)longer than SV (0.17); marginal fringe short, spaced by a distance ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS equalto l/3rdoftheirlength.Hindwings:Hyaline,morethan 5 times as long as wide with apex blunt; sparsely setose; We thank Dr. G.C. Sachan, Professor and Head, marginalfringe short, spacedbyadistanceequal to 1/2their DepartmentofEntomology,GB.PantUniversityofAgric.& length.Legs(Figs40-42): yellow,apexofeachfemorawitha Tech.,Pantnagar,forprovidingnecessaryfacilities.Einancial long setae; mid tibial spur as long as basitarsus (Fig. 41); assistancefromIndianCouncilofAgriculturalResearch,New hind legs with two stout tibial spurs (Fig. 42), longest tibial Delhi,intheresearchprojectisgratefullyacknowledged. REFERENCES Boucek, Z. (1988): Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). CAB Khan,M.Y.&S.A.Shafee(1980):TaxonomicstudiesonsomeIndian International Wallingford, U.K. Pp. 584-758. ‘Eulophidae Part’. eulophidparasites(Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea).J. BombayNat. Brethes, J. (1918): Sobre Algunos Heminopteros utiles Del sud del Hist. Soc. 76: 324-334. Brasil. Ann. Soc. RuralArgentina, 52: 7-11. Nikol’skaya, M.N.(1952):ThechalcidfaunaofUSSR(Chalcidoidea) Cameron, P. (1904): New Hymenoptera mostly from Nicaragua. Opred. 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