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Index, Volume XXI, 199] Articles (Author, title, quarter, pages) Blumenson, Martin. “Eisenhower Then and Now: Fireside Reflections.” Summer. 22-34 Bolger, Daniel P. “The Ghosts of Omdurman.” Autumn. 28-39. Brown, Dale E. “Drugs on the Border: The Role of the Military.” Winter. 50-59 Butler, George L. “Adjusting to Post-Cold War Strategic Realities.” Spring. 2-9 Coumbe, Arthur T. “Operational Command in the Franco-Prussian War.” Summer. 86-99 Daffron, Stephen C. “US Arms Transfers: New Rules, New Reasons.” Spring. 77-91 Doughty, Robert A., and Harold E. Raugh, Jr. “Embargoes in Historical Perspective.” Spring. 21-30 DuBois, Thomas R. “The Weinberger Doctrine and the Liberation of Kuwait.” Winter. 24-38 Faith, John C. “The Joint Challenge—and Opportunity.” Autumn. 40-48 Gole, Henry G. “Shadow Wars and Secret Wars: Phoenix and MACVSOG.” Winter. 95-105 Gray, Colin S. “Deterrence Resurrected: Revisiting Some Fundamentals.” Summer. 13-21 Halloran, Richard. “Soldiers and Scribblers Revisited: Working with the Media.” Spring. 10-20 Hooker, Richard D., Jr. “Presidential Decisionmaking and Use of Force: Case Study Grenada.” Summer. 61-72. House, Jonathan M. “Joint Operational Problems in the Cuban Missile Crisis.” Spring. 92-102 Ivany, Robert R. “Soldiers and Legislators: ACommon Mission.” Spring. 47-61 Jablonsky, David. “Strategic Vision and Presidential Authority in the Post-Cold War Era.” Winter. 2-16 Kenny, Sir Brian. “A NATO Vehicle for the Road Ahead.” Autumn. 19-27 Kingseed, Cole C. “Eisenhower's Prewar Anonymity: Myth or Reality?” Autumn. 87-98 Kinnard, Douglas. “The Soldier as Ambassador: Maxwell Taylor in Saigon, 1964-65.” Spring. 31-46 Kirkpatrick, Charles E. “Joint Planning for Operation Torch.” Summer. 73-85 Mangum, Ronald Scott. “The Vicksburg Campaign: A Study in Joint Operations.” Autumn. 74-86 Metz, Steven. “The Mark of Strategic Genius.” Autumn. 49-59. Nye, Roger H. “Whence Patton’s Military Genius?” Winter. 60-73 Pardew, James W., Jr. “The Iraqi Army's Defeat in Kuwait.” Winter. 17-23 Paret, Peter. “The New Military History.” Autumn. 10-18. Rosello, Victor M. “Clausewitz’s Contempt for Intelligence.” Spring. 103-14 Smith, David O. “The Postwar Gulf: Return to Twin Pillars?” Summer. 51-60 Sorley, Lewis. “Creighton Abrams and Active-Reserve Integration in Wartime.” Summer. 35-50 Stoler, Mark A. “US Civil-Military Relations in World War II.” Autumn. 60-73 Szafranski, Richard. “Desert Storm Lessons From the Rear.” Winter. 39-49 Thies, Wallace J. “A Twenty-First Century Army.” Spring. 62-76. Vuono, Carl E. “National Strategy and the Army of the 1990s.” Summer. 2-12 Williams, Pete. “The Press and the Persian Gulf War.” Autumn. 2-9 Young, Stephen B. “Westmoreland v. CBS: The Law of War and the Order of Battle Controversy.” Winter. 74-94 Book Reviews (Book author, title, quarter, pages, reviewer) Adelman, Kenneth, and Norman Augustine. The Defense Revolution: Strategy for the Brave New World by an Arms Controller and an Arms Builder. Winter. 118-19. Reviewed by Richard Doyle. Allard, C. Kenneth. Command, Control, and the Common Defense. Spring. 124-25. Reviewed by Carl H. Builder. Barnett, Correlli, ed. Hitler's Generals. Spring. 117-18. Reviewed by Martin van Creveld Blackwell, James, and Barry Blechman, eds. Making Defense Reform Work. Spring. 118-19 Reviewed by Lawrence J. Korb. Bolger, Daniel. Feast of Bones. Spring. 125-26. Reviewed by Ralph Peters. Winter 1991-92 Buckley, William F., Jr. Gratitude: Reflections on What We Owe to Our Country. Autumn. 112- 14. Reviewed by William L. Hauser. Bussey, Charles M. Firefight at Yechon: Courage and Racism in the Korean War. Autumn. 1|11- 12. Reviewed by George M. Shuffer, Jr.. Cordesman, Anthony H., and Abraham R. Wagner. The Lessons of Modern War, Volume |: The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Volume Il: The lran-lraq War, Vol. 111: The Afghan and Falklands Conflicts. Summer. 120-22. Reviewed by Daniel P. Bolger. Davis, Benjamin O., Jr. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American: An Autobiography. Winter. 114-15. Reviewed by Roscoe Robinson, Jr Doughty, Robert A. The Breaking Point: Sudan and the Fall of France, 1940. Spring. 119-21. Reviewed by Douglas Porch Dupuy, T. N. Astrition: Forecasting Battle Casualties and Equipment Losses in Modern War Winter. 119-22. Reviewed by Theodore C. Taylor. Ellis, John. Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War. Summer. 111-13 Reviewed by Russell F. Weigley Evers, Williamson M., ed. National Service: Pro & Con. Autumn. 112-14. Reviewed by William L. Hauser Forrest, Alan. Conscripts and Deserters: The Army and French Society During the Revolution and Empire. Autumn. 118-20. Reviewed by Lawrence J. Kilbourne. Hallion, Richard P. Strike from the Sky: The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911-1945. Sum- mer. 124-25. Reviewed by Richard G. Davis. Heller, Jonathan, ed. War & Cur flict: Selected Images from the National Archives 1765-1970 Autumn. 124-25. Reviewed by Greg Todd. Henderson, William Darryl. The Hollow Army: How the U.S. Army is Oversold and Under manned. Spring. 128-30. Reviewed by John W. Mountcastle. Hodgson, Godfrey. The Colonel: The Life and Wars of Henry Stimson. Winter. 123-24. Reviewed by Andrew J. Bacevich Hough, Richard, and Denis Richards. The Battle of Britain: The Greatest Air Battle of World War 11. Autumn. 123-24. Reviewed by Kenneth P. Werrell. Howard, Michael. The Lessons of History. Autumn. 106-07. Reviewed by Martin van Creveld Jones, R. V. Reflections on Intelligence. Summer. 113-14. Reviewed by Edward B. Atkeson Lewy, Guenter. The Cause That Failed: Communism in American Political Life. Autumn. 109-11 Reviewed by Philip Gold Meyer, John G., Jr. Company Command: The Bottom Line. Summer. 115-16. Reviewed by John C. Bahnsen Mossman, Billy C. Ebb and Flow: November 1950-July 1951. Summer. 118-20. Reviewed by Henry G. Gole Perry, Mark. Four Stars. Spring. 121-24. Reviewed by John G. Kester. Peters, Ralph. The War in 2020. Winter. 115-18. Reviewed by Sir John Hackett Pipes, Richard. The Russian Revolution. Autumn, 117-18. Reviewed by David T. Twining Randall, Willard Sterne. Benedict Arnold: Patriot and Traitor. Autumn. 115-17. Reviewed by James Kirby Martin Reardon, Carol. Soldiers and Scholars: The U.S. Army and the Uses of Military History, 186S- 1920. Summer. 117-18. Reviewed by Andrew J. Bacevich. Riehn, Richard K. /8/2: Napoleon's Russian Campaign. Spring. 126-28. Reviewed by John R. Elting Rothbrust, Florian K. Guderian's XIXth Panzer Corps and The Battle of France: Breakthrough in the Ardennes, May 1940. Autumn. 120-21. Reviewed by K.-H. Frieser. Sarkesian, Sam C., and John Allen Williams, eds. The U.S. Army in a New Security Era. Summer. 116-17. Reviewed by Keith A. Dunn Scales, Robert H., Jr. Firepower in Limited War. Summer. 122-24. Reviewed by E. H. Grayson, Jr Smith, Jean Edward. Lucius D. Clay: An American Life. Autumn. 107-09. Reviewed by Douglas Kinnard. Wilt, Alan F. War From the Top: German and British Military Decision Making During World War //. Autumn. 114-15. Reviewed by Brian Bond. Woodward, Bob. The Commanders. Winter. 111-14. Reviewed by Bruce Palmer, Jr. Woodworth, Steven E. Jefferson Davis and His Generals: The Failure of Confederate Command in the West. Autumn. | 22-23. Reviewed by Brian S. Wills. G.P.0.:1991-604-081 : 60000 128 Parameters

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