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Preview Parameter Estimation of Complex Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes with Fractional Noise

PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF COMPLEX FRACTIONAL ORNSTEIN-UHLENBECK PROCESSES WITH FRACTIONAL NOISE YONGCHEN,YAOZHONGHU,ANDZHIWANG Abstract. We obtain strong consistency and asymptotic normality of a least squares esti- mator of the drift coefficient for complex-valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes disturbed by 7 fractional noise, extending the result of Y. Hu and D. Nualart, [Statist. Probab. Lett., 80 1 (2010),1030-1038]toaspecial2-dimensions. Thestrategy istoexploittheGarsia-Rodemich- 0 Rumseyinequalityandcomplexfourthmomenttheorems. Themainingredientsofthispaper 2 arethesamplepathregularityofamultipleWiener-Itôintegralandtwoequivalentconditions n ofcomplexfourthmomenttheoremsintermsofthecontractions ofintegralkernelsandcom- a plexMalliavinderivatives. J Keywords : Complex Wiener-Itô multiple integral; fractional Brownian motion; fractional 6 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process; fourth moment theorems; strong consistency; asymptotic nor- 2 mality. ] MSC 2000:60H07;60F05;62M09. R P . h t a 1. Introduction m To model the Chandler wobble, or variation of latitude conerning with the rotation of the [ earth, M. Arató, A.N. Kolmogorov and Ya.G. Sinai [2] (see also [1]) proposed the following 1 v stochastic linear equation 8 dZ = γZ dt+√adζ , t 0, (1.1) 6 t t t − ≥ 5 7 where Zt = X1(t)+iX2(t) is a complex-valued process, γ = λ iω, λ > 0, a > 0 and ζt is a − 0 complex Brownian motion. It is also suggested in [1] that the Brownian motion in (1.1) may . 1 be replaced by other processes. In this paper we consider the statistical estimator of γ when 0 the complex Brownian motion ζ in (1.1) is replaced by a complex fractional Brownian motion 7 1 ζ = Bt1+iBt2, where (B1,B2) is a two dimensional fractional Brownian motion with H [1,3). : t √2 t t ∈ 2 4 v [We shall fix the Hurst parameter and then omit the explicit dependence of the process on the i X Hurst parameter.] From now on we assume that ζ is a complex fractional Brownian motion of r Hurst parameter H (1/2,3/4). a ∈ To compare with the work in [9], we write (1.1) as dX (t) λ ω X (t) a dB1 1 = − − 1 dt+ t . (1.2) "dX2(t)# " ω −λ#"X2(t)# r2 "dBt2# Thus (1.1) can be considered as a particular two dimensional Langevin equation driven by frac- tional Brownian motions. However, we find it is more convenient to use the complex valued equation (1.1). 1 2 Y.CHEN,Y.HU,ANDZ.WANG Motivatedby the workof Hu andNualart[9] we alsoconsider a leastsquaresestimatorfor γ. To this end, we intuitively rewrite (1.1) as Z˙ +γZ =√aζ˙ , 0 t T . t t t ≤ ≤ 2 We minimize T Z˙ +γZ dt to obtain a least squares estimator of γ as follows. 0 t t (cid:12) (cid:12) R (cid:12) (cid:12) T Z¯ dZ T Z¯ dζ (cid:12) (cid:12)γˆ = 0 t t =γ √a 0 t t . (1.3) T − R0T |Zt|2dt − R0T |Zt|2dt ThemainresultsofthepresentpaRperarethestrongconRsistencyandtheasymptoticnormality of the estimator γˆ which we state as follows. T Theorem 1.1. Let H [1,3). ∈ 2 4 (i) The least squares estimator γˆ is strongly consistent. Namely, γˆ converges to γ almost T T surely as T . →∞ (ii) √T (γˆ γ) is asymptotically normal. Namely, T − 1 √T[γˆ γ]law (0, C) as T , (1.4) T − → N 2d2a →∞ σ2+c b where C= with " b σ2 c# − 2 (xy)1 2H σ2 = dxdy − Γ(2 2H)2 (x+y)(x+γ¯)(y+γ) − Z[0,∞)2 Γ2(2H 1) 2 1 1 + − + + (1.5) 2λ γ 4H−2 γ4H−2 γ¯4H−2 | | (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 (xy)1 2H 1 1 − c+ib = + dxdy. (1.6) Γ(2 2H)2 (y+γ)2 x+y x+γ − Z[0,∞)2 h i Γ(2H 1) 1 1 d = − + . (1.7) 2λ γ2H 1 γ¯2H 1 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) In the special case when H = 1, we have 2 λ √T[γˆ γ]law (0, Id ), (1.8) T 2 − → N 4a where Id is a 2 2 identity matrix. 2 × Remark 1.2. An important new feature for the case of fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (H (1/2,3/4)) is that the limiting distribution is no longer independent Gaussian as in the ∈ case of Brownian motion case (H = 1/2). We will discuss exclusively the case H = 1/2 since 6 the case H =1/2 is easy. A minor difference between the case of one dimensional fractional Orstein-Uhlenbeck process considered in [9] and our complex case is that in our least squares estimator γˆ defined by (1.3), we have T Z¯ dZ in the numerator, while in [9] it is T X dX . However, this minor difference 0 t t 0 t t causes a big unpleasant trouble. By using Itô formula the later is expressed as X2 plus another R R T manageable term. This is critical in the proof of the strong consistency of the estimator since it COMPLEX FRACTIONAL ORNSTEIN-UHLENBECK PROCESSES 3 allows us to use a famous theorem of Pickands in [9]. However, we cannot no longer apply Itô formulato T Z¯ dZ toobtainsimilaridentity. Togetaroundthis difficultyweshalluseanother 0 t t famous result, the Garsia-Rodemich-Rumsey inequality [8, Theorem 2.1]. R To show the asymptotic normality, we may use a multi-dimensional fourth moment theorem. However, we develop a complex version of the fourth moment theorem which is easier to use in our case. To state the theorem we denote αH = H(2H 1) and φ(s,t) = αH s t2H−2 and − | − | define the Hilbert space H:=L2 = f f :R R, f 2 := ∞ ∞f(s)f(t)φ(s,t)dsdt< . (1.9) φ { | + → | |φ ∞} Z0 Z0 Now the theorem is stated as follows. Theorem 1.3 (Fourth Moment Theorems). Let Fk =Im,n(fk) with fk H⊙Cm H⊙Cn be a { } ∈ ⊗ sequenceof(m,n)-thcomplexWiener-Itômultipleintegrals(seethenextsectionforadiscussion), with m and n fixed and m+n 2. Suppose that as k , E[F 2] σ2 and E[F2] c+ib, ≥ →∞ | k| → k → where is the absolutevalue (or modulus)of a complex numberand c,b R. Then thefollowing |·| ∈ statements are equivalent: (i) The sequence (ReF , ImF ) converges in law to a bivariate normal distribution with k k σ2+c b covariance matrix C= 1 , 2" b σ2 c# − (ii) E[F 4] c2+b2+2σ4. k | | → (iii) f f 0 and f h 0 for any 0 < i+j l 1 k k⊗i,j kkH⊗(2(l−i−j)) → k k⊗i,j kkH⊗(2(l−i−j)) → ≤ − where l =m+n and h is the kernel of F¯ , i.e., F¯ =I (h ). k k k n,m k (iv) kDFkk2H, DF¯k 2H and hDFk, DF¯kiH converge to a constant in L2(Ω) as k tends to infinity,whereD isthecomplexMalliavin derivatives. Thatistosay,Var( DF 2) 0, Var( DF¯k(cid:13)(cid:13)2H)→(cid:13)(cid:13)0 and Var(hDFk, DF¯kiH)→0 as k tends to infinity. k kkH → Remark 1.4(cid:13)(cid:13). (cid:13)(cid:13)1) If m = n and E[Fk2] = 0 or if m 6= n, then C = σ22Id2. That is to say, the limit is a complex Gaussian variable (0,σ2) in this case. Theorem 7 of [11] is CN concerning multi-dimensional fourth moment theorems, but it requires C = σ2Id. Thus, 2 our findings are partly more general. 2) We give a different and simpler proof of the theorem. The equivalence (i) (ii) is shown ⇔ by an indirect method in [6] and by stein’s method in [4]. In this paper, we show that (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) directly. We make use of (iii) to show the asymptotic ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ normality which is simpler than to use (iv) as in previous work [9]. 2. Preliminaries: complex multiple Wiener-Itô integrals Denote by (B , t 0) a fBm of Hurst parameter H (1/2,3/4). Then Gaussian isonormal t ≥ ∈ processassociatedwith H is givenby Wiener integralswith respecttofBm forany deterministic kernel H (where H is defined by (1.9)): ∈ B(f)= ∞f(s)dB , f H. (2.1) s ∀ ∈ Z0 4 Y.CHEN,Y.HU,ANDZ.WANG Let B˜() be an independent copy ofthe fractionalBrownianmotion B(). Followingthe same · · idea of [6], we define complex Gaussian isonormal process and complex multiple Wiener-Itô integrals with respect to fBm as follows. For any f =f +if with f , f H, define that 1 2 1 2 ∈ HC :={f1+if2 : f1,f2 ∈H}, hf1+if2,f1+if2iHC =hf1,f1iH+hf2,f2iH, (2.2) 1 B(f)=B(f )+iB(f ), ζ(f)= [B(f)+iB˜(f)]. (2.3) 1 2 √2 Then ζ is called a complex isonormal Gaussian process over HC, which is a centered complex Gaussian family satisfying E[ζ(h)2]=0, E[ζ(g)ζ(h)]=hg,hiHC, ∀g,h∈HC. From now on, without ambiguity, we still denote HC by H. Definition 2.1 (Complex multiple Wiener-Itô integrals). For a fixed (p,q), suppose that g ∈ H p H q, we call I (g) the complex multiple Wiener-Itô integral of g with respect to ζ (see ⊙ ⊙ p,q ⊗ [6]). And if f H (p+q) then we define ⊗ ∈ I (f)=I (f˜), (2.4) p,q p,q where f˜is the symmetrization of f in the sense of Itô [10]: 1 f˜(t ,...,t )= f(t ,...,t ,t ,...,t ), (2.5) 1 p+q p!q! π(1) π(p) σ(1) σ(q) π σ XX where π and σ run over all permutations of (1,...,p) and (p+1,...,p+q) respectively. It is easy to see that I (f)=I (f¯) and p,q q,p E[Ip,q(f)Ip′,q′(g)]=δp,p′δq,q′p!q! f˜,g˜ , (Itô’s isometry) (2.6) h i where the Kronecker delta δp,p′ is 1 when p′ is equal to p, and is 0 otherwise, and , is the h· ·i inner product on H (p+q). As a consequence, ⊗ 2 E[I (f)2]=p!q! f˜ p!q! f 2, (Itô’s isometry). (2.7) p,q | | ≤ k k (cid:13) (cid:13) The proof of Theorem 1.3 proceeds thro(cid:13)ug(cid:13)h several propositions and lemmas. Firstly, we define (cid:13) (cid:13) the contraction of (i,j) indices of two symmetric functions. Definition 2.2. For two symmetric functions f H⊙p1 H⊙q1, g H⊙p2 H⊙q2 and i ∈ ⊗ ∈ ⊗ ≤ p q , j q p , the contraction of (i,j) indix is defined as (see [5]) 1 2 1 2 ∧ ≤ ∧ f g(t ,...,t ;s ,...,s ) ⊗i,j 1 p1+p2−i−j 1 q1+q2−i−j = d~udu~φ(u ,u )...φ(u ,u )f(t ,...,t ,u ,...,u ;s ...,s ,v ...,v ) ZR2+l ′ 1 ′1 i ′i 1 p1−i 1 i 1 q1−j 1 j ×g(tp1−i+1,...,tp−l,v1′,...,vj′;sq1−j+1...,sq−l,u′1,...,u′i)φ(v1,v1′)...φ(vj,vj′)d~vdv~′, where l = i + j, p = p + p , q = q + q , ~u = (u , ,u ), u~ = (u , ,u ) and ~v = 1 2 1 2 1 ··· i ′ ′1 ··· ′i (v , ,v ), v~ =(v , ,v ). 1 ··· j ′ 1′ ··· j′ COMPLEX FRACTIONAL ORNSTEIN-UHLENBECK PROCESSES 5 By convention, f g = f g denotes the tensor product of f and g. We write f˜ g for 0,0 p,q ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ the symmetrizationof f g. In what follows,we use the conventionf g =0 if i>p q p,q i,j 1 2 ⊗ ⊗ ∧ or j >q p . 1 2 ∧ Our next result is a technical lemma. Lemma 2.3. Suppose that F =I (f) with f H m H n and that F¯ =I (h). Then m,n ⊙ ⊙ n,m ∈ ⊗ E[F 4] 2 E[F 2] 2 E[F2] 2 | | − | | − = (cid:0)m 2 (cid:1)n 2((cid:12)(cid:12)m!n!)2(cid:12)(cid:12) f f 2 + l−1((l r)!)2 ψ 2 (2.8) i j k ⊗i,j kH⊗(2(l−i−j)) − k rkH⊗(2(l−r)) 0<i+j<l(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) r=1 X X m n n m = (m!n!)2 f h 2 (2.9) i i j j k ⊗i,j kH⊗(2(l−i+j)) 0<i+j<l(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) X l 1 + − (2m r)!(2n r)! ϕ 2 , − − k rkH⊗2(l−r) r=1 X where l=m+n and 2 2 m n ψ = i!j! f˜ h, (2.10) r i,j i j ⊗ i+j=r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X m n n m ϕ = i!j! f˜ f. (2.11) r i,j i i j j ⊗ i+j=r (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) X Proof. It follows from Lemma 4.1 of [5] that E[F 4] E[F 2] 2 (2.12) | | − | | = m(cid:0)2 n 2(cid:1)(m!n!)2 f f 2 + l (l r)! 2 ψ 2 . i j k ⊗i,j kH⊗(2(l−i−j)) − k rkH⊗(2(l−r)) i+j>0(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) r=1 X X(cid:0) (cid:1) We calculate the term ψ =f h: l m,n ⊗ f h = d~udu~d~vdv~φ(u ,u )...φ(u ,u )φ(v ,v )...φ(v ,v ) ⊗m,n Rm+n ′ ′ 1 ′1 m ′m 1 1′ n n′ Z + ×f(u1,...,um;v1,...,vn)h(v1′,...,vn′;u′1,...,u′m) 1 = f 2 = E[F 2], (2.13) k kH⊗(m+n) m!n! | | where the last equality is from Ito’s isometry (2.7). Next, we calculate the term f f in m,n ⊗ Eq.(2.12) according to whether m = n or not. We consider the case m = n first. Without loss 6 generalitywecantakem>n. ByDefinition2.2wehavethatifi>norj >nthenf f =0. i,j ⊗ Therefore, if m=n then 6 f f =0=E[F2], (2.14) ⊗m,n k where the lastequalityis Itô’s isometry (2.6). Ifm=n, similarlyto show (2.13), we obtainthat 1 f f = f, h = E[F2]. (2.15) ⊗m,m h iH⊗(m+n) (m!)2 6 Y.CHEN,Y.HU,ANDZ.WANG Substituting (2.15) or (2.14) according to whether m = n or not, and (2.13), into (2.12), we obtain (2.8). Similarly, we can show (2.9). (cid:3) Notation 1. Suppose that f(~tm,~sn) H m H n. Denote ⊙ ⊙ ∈ ⊗ f (~tm 1,~sn)=f(~tm 1,u,~sn), fv(~tm,~sn 1)=f(~tm,~sn 1,v). (2.16) u − − − − Clearly, f (~tm 1,~sn) H m 1 H n and fv(~tm,~sn 1) H m H n 1. u − ⊙ − ⊙ − ⊙ ⊙ − ∈ ⊗ ∈ ⊗ Definition 2.4 (Complex Malliavin Derivatives). Let denote the set of all random variables S of the form f ζH(ϕ ), ,ζH(ϕ ) , (2.17) 1 m ··· where f C∞(Cm) and ϕi H,i =(cid:0)1,2, ,m. Let F (cid:1) be given by (2.17). The complex ∈ ↑ ∈ ··· ∈ S Malliavin derivative of F is the element of L2(Ω,H) defined by: m DF = ∂ f(ζH(ϕ ),...,ζH(ϕ ))ϕ , (2.18) i 1 m i i=1 X m D¯F = ∂¯f(ζH(ϕ ),...,ζH(ϕ ))ϕ¯ , (2.19) i 1 m i i=1 X where ∂ f = ∂ f(z ,...,z ), ∂¯ f = ∂ f(z ,...,z ) are the Wirtinger derivatives [4]. j ∂zj 1 m j ∂z¯j 1 m Proposition 2.5. Suppose that l =m+n and m 2 n 2 η = i i!j!f˜ h, (2.20) r i,j i j ⊗ i+j=r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X m 2 n 2 ξ = j i!j!h˜ f, (2.21) r j,i i j ⊗ i+j=r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X m n n m ν = i i!j!f˜ f, (2.22) r i,j i i j j ⊗ i+j=r (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) X then we have that l 1 Var( DI (f) 2)= − [(l r)!]2 η 2 , (2.23) k m,n kH − k rkH⊗(2(l−r)) r=1 X l 1 Var( D¯I (f) 2)= − [(l r)!]2 ξ 2 , (2.24) m,n H − k rkH⊗(2(l−r)) r=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) X (cid:13) (cid:13) l 1 Var(hDIm,n(f), DIm,n(f)iH)= − (2m−r)!(2n−r)!kνrk2H⊗(2(l−r)). (2.25) r=1 X Proof. We need only to show (2.23) since the other two are similar. Denote l =m+n 1. ′ − Step 1: Using product formula. By Theorem 12(D) of [10] and the product formula of complex Wiener-Itô multiple integrals (Theorem 3.2 of [5]), we have that 1 D(I (f)) 2 m2 k · m,n kH = I f (~tm 1,~sn) 2 m 1,n u − H − (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) COMPLEX FRACTIONAL ORNSTEIN-UHLENBECK PROCESSES 7 = dudvφ(u,v)I f (~tm 1,~sn) I f (~tm 1,~sn) m 1,n u − m 1,n v − Z[0,∞)2 − (cid:0) (cid:1) − (cid:0) (cid:1) m 1 n 2 2 − m 1 n = − i!j! dudvφ(u,v)Il′ i j,l′ i j fu(~tm−1,~sn) i,j hv(~tn,~sm−1) Xi=0 Xj=0 (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)j(cid:19) Z[0,∞)2 −− −− (cid:0) ⊗ (cid:1) where hv(~tn,~sm 1)=f¯(~sm 1,~tn)=f¯(~sm 1,v,~tn) and − v − − f (~tm 1,~sn) hv(~tn,~sm 1) (t¯l′ i j,u,s¯l′ i j,v) (2.26) u − i,j − −− −− ⊗ (cid:16) (cid:17) = d~xidx~′iφ(x1,x′1)...φ(xi,x′i)fu(~tm−1−i,~xi,~sn−j,~yj) Z[0,∞)i+j ×f¯v(sn−j+1,...,sl′−j−i,x~′i,tm−i,...,tl′−i−j,y~′j)φ(y1,y1′)...φ(yj,yj′)d~yjdy~′j. Then we obtain that l′ 1 m2 kD·(Im,n(f))k2H =Xr=0Z[0,∞)2dudvφ(u,v)Il′−r,l′−r(gr(u,v)). (2.27) where 2 2 m 1 n gk(u,v)= − i!j!fu(~tm−1,~sn)˜i,jhv(~tn,~sm−1). (2.28) i j ⊗ i+j=k(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X Taking expectation to Eq.(2.27), we have that 1 m2E[kD·(Im,n(f))k2H]=Z[0,∞)2dudvφ(u,v)gl′(u,v) =(m 1)!n! dudvφ(u,v)f hv u m 1,n − Z[0,∞)2 ⊗ − =(m 1)!n! f 2 . (2.29) − k kH⊗(m+n) Step 2: Calculating variance. It follows from Fubini’s theorem and Itô’s isometry that we have: 1 E[ D I (f) 4] (2.30) m4 · m,n H l′ (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) = dudvdu′dv′φ(u,v)φ(u′,v′)[(l′−r)!]2hgr(u,v),gr(u′,v′)iH⊗2(l′−r). Xr=0Z[0,∞)4 It is easy to check that dudvdu′dv′φ(u,v)φ(u′,v′)hfu⊗˜i,jhv,fu′⊗˜i,jhv′iH⊗2(l′−k) Z[0,∞)4 =hf⊗˜i+1,jh,f⊗˜i+1,jhiH⊗2(l′−k) = f⊗˜i+1,jh 2H⊗2(l′−k), which implies that (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) l′ 1 m4E[ D· Im,n(f) 4H]= [(l′−r)!]2hGr, GriH⊗2(l′−r), r=0 (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:13) X where (cid:13) (cid:13) m 1 2 n 2 G = − i!j!f(~tm,~sn)˜ h(~tn,~sm). (2.31) k i+1,j i j ⊗ i+j=k(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X 8 Y.CHEN,Y.HU,ANDZ.WANG Especially, for the term with k=l , we have that ′ Gl′ 2 =[(m 1)!n!]2 f m,nh2 | | − | ⊗ | 1 2 =[(m 1)!n!]2 f 4 = E[ D(I (f)) 2] . − k kH⊗(m+n) m2 k · m,n kH (cid:16) (cid:17) Substituting the above equality displayed into (2.30), we have that l′ 1 Var(kDIm,n(f)k2H)=m4 − [(l′−r′)!]2hGr′, Gr′iH⊗2(l′−r′) r′=0 X l 1 = − [(l r)!]2 η 2 ( let l=l +1, r =r +1), − k rkH⊗(2(l−r)) ′ ′ r=1 X where ηr =m2Gr′, which implies the desired expressions (2.20)-(2.23). (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 1.3. Since (i) (ii) is wellknown, we needonly to showthe followingimplica- ⇒ tions: (ii) (iii) (iv) (i). ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ [(ii) (iii) ] Condition (ii) implies that as k , ⇒ →∞ E[F 4] 2 E[F 2] 2 E[F 2] 2 0, (2.32) k k k | | − | | − → which implies that Condition (iii) holds(cid:0)by (2.8)-(cid:1)(2.9)(cid:12), (see L(cid:12)emma 2.3). (cid:12) (cid:12) [(iii) (iv)] Suppose that Condition (iii) holds. The inequality (5.2) of [10] implies that as ⇒ k , →∞ f ˜ f 0, f ˜ h = h ˜ f 0. k⊗i,j k H⊗(2(l−i−j)) → k⊗i,j k H⊗(2(l−i−j)) k⊗i,j k H⊗(2(l−i−j)) → Theref(cid:13)ore, it foll(cid:13)ows from Minkowski’s(cid:13)inequalit(cid:13)y and Proposit(cid:13)ion 2.5 tha(cid:13)t as k , (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) →∞ ηk 0, ξk 0, νk 0, r =1,...,l 1, r → r → r → − whereηk, ξk, νk aregivenasEquations(2.20)-(2.22). By(2.23)-(2.25),weobtainthatCondition r r r (iv) holds. [(iv) (i)]Wefollowtheideaof[11,Theorem4],i.e. wecombineMalliavincalculusandpartial ⇒ differential equations. Let ϕ (z)=E ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2 . k Then we have that (cid:2) (cid:3) ∂∂ϕzk = 2iE F¯k×ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2 , (2.33) ( ∂∂ϕz¯k = 2iE(cid:2)Fk×ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2(cid:3). By the assumption E[F 2] σ2, F a(cid:2)re tight. Now sup(cid:3)pose that the subsequence F | k| → { k} { nk} converges to G in law. Without ambiguity, we still denote F by F . By the hypercon- { nk} { k} tractivity inequality ofcomplex multiple Wiener-Itô integrals[5], F r is uniformly integrable k {| | } and thus E[Gr]=lim E[F r] for all r 1 [3, Theorem 5.4]. Therefore, the characteristic k k function ϕ(z|)=| E[e2i(z¯G→+z∞G¯)] |has|continuous≥partial derivatives of any order. COMPLEX FRACTIONAL ORNSTEIN-UHLENBECK PROCESSES 9 It is not difficult to see that 1 E F¯ ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2 = E (δD)F ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2 k k × m × (cid:2) (cid:3)= 1 E(cid:2) D(ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2), DFk(cid:3)H m h i = 1 E(cid:2) ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2(z¯DFk+zD(cid:3)F¯k), DFk H m h i Clearly, for any z C, ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2 ei(z¯(cid:2)G+zG¯)/2 in L2(Ω). Thus, Condition (iv(cid:3)) implies that ∈ → as k , →∞ E ei(z¯Fk+zF¯k)/2(z¯DFk+zDF¯k), DFk H h i →(cid:2) (z¯klim E[kDFkk2H]+zklim E[hDF¯kD(cid:3)FkiH])ϕ(z), ∀z ∈C, →∞ →∞ sincethescalarproductintheHilbertspaceL2(Ω)dependscontinuouslyonitsfactors. Itfollows from (2.29) and 1 E DIm,n(f), DIm,n(f) H =δm,nm!(m 1)!f m,mf, mn h i − ⊗ that (cid:2) (cid:3) lim E[ DF 2]=m lim E[ F 2]=mσ2, k k kkH k k kkH →∞ →∞ klim E[hDF¯kDFkiH]=mδm,nklim E[Fk2] →∞ →∞ =m(c ib)δ . m,n − Therefore, it follows from (2.33) that for any z C, ∈ ∂ϕ =[z¯σ2+z (c ib)δ ]ϕ(z). (2.34) m,n ∂z · − In the same way, ∂ϕ =[z¯ (c+ib)δ +zσ2]ϕ(z). (2.35) m,n ∂z¯ · Clearly, ϕ(0) = 1. Therefore, G is a bivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix σ2+c b C= 1 . Prokhorov’stheoremimpliesthat F convergestoabivariatenormal 2" b σ2 c# { k} distribution with th−e desired covariance matrix C. ✷ 3. Asymptotic consistency and normality We need several propositions and lemmas before the proof of Theorem 1.1. The following lemma’s proof is easy. Lemma 3.1. For any H (1,1), we have that ∈ 2 e−γu1−γ¯u2 u1 u2 2H−2du1du2 =d, (3.1) | − | Z[0,∞)2 where d is defined by (1.7). 10 Y.CHEN,Y.HU,ANDZ.WANG Proposition 3.2. Let Z be the solution to (1.1). As T , we have that →∞ 1 T Z 2dt aα d, a.s. (3.2) t H T | | → Z0 Proof. Denote Y = √a t e γ(t s)dζ . It is easy to see that Y is centered complex Gaussian t − − s process. Itô’s isometry im−p∞lies that for any t R,s 0, R ∈ ≥ E[Yt+sY¯t]=αHa ∞dv1 ∞dv2e−γ(v1+s)e−γ¯v2 v1 v2 2H−2 =E[YsY¯0]. (3.3) | − | Z−s Z0 Thus Y is stationary. It is easy to check that as s , E[Y Y¯ ] 0 with the same order as t s 0 → ∞ → s2H−2, which implies that Yt is ergodic [7, p78]. | | { } Then we have that t Z =e γtZ +√a e γ(t s)dζ t − 0 − − s Z0 t 0 =e γtZ +√a e γ(t s)dζ e γt√a eγsdζ − 0 − − s − s − Z−∞ Z−∞ =Y +e γt(Z Y ). t − 0 0 − The ergodicity and Cauchy-Schwarzinequality imply that as T , →∞ 1 T 1 T Z 2dt= Y 2 2 (e γt(Z Y )Y¯)+e 2λt Z Y 2 dt t t − 0 0 t − 0 0 T | | T | | − ℜ − | − | Z0 Z0 h i lim E[Y 2]=aα d, a.s. T H →T | | →∞ where the last equality is from Eq.(3.3) and Lemma 3.1. (cid:3) Denote ψt(r,s)=e−γ¯(r−s)1 0 s r t and Xt =I1,1(ψt(r,s)). (3.4) { ≤ ≤ ≤ } Lemma 3.3. As n , the sequence ξ := 1X converges to zero almost sure. →∞ n n n Proof. Denote F = 1 X . Lemma 3.(cid:8)5 implies th(cid:9)at sup E[F 2] < . From the hypercon- T √T T n | n| ∞ tractivity of multiple Wiener-Itô integrals [5, Proposition 2.4], we see that sup E[F 4] < . n | n| ∞ For any fixed ε>0, it follows from Chebyshev’s inequality that 1 34 P ξ >ε =P F >√nε E[F 4] E[F 2]2. | n| | n| ≤ n2ε4 | n| ≤ n2ε4 | n| The Borel-Cantell(cid:0)i lemma(cid:1)implie(cid:0)s that ξ c(cid:1)onverges to zero almost surely. (cid:3) n { } Proposition 3.4. For any real number p 2 and integer n 1, ≥ ≥ n+1 n+1 X X p t s B := | − | dsdt (3.5) n Zn Zn |t−s|2pH is finite. Moreover, for any real numbers p>2, q >1 and integer n 1, ≥ X X R nq/p, t ,t [n,n+1], (3.6) | t2 − t1|≤ p,q ∀ 1 2 ∈ where R is a random constant independent of n. p,q

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