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PARADIGM OF NONASSOCIATIVE HOM-ALGEBRAS AND HOM-SUPERALGEBRAS ABDENACERMAKHLOUF 0 1 0 Abstract 2 n The aim of this paper is to give a survey of nonassociative Hom-algebra and a J Hom-superalgebrastructures. Themainfeatureofthese algebrasis thatthe iden- 4 tities defining the structures are twisted by homomorphisms. We discuss Hom- 2 associativealgebras,Hom-Flexiblealgebras,Hom-Liealgebras,G-hom-associative algebras, Hom-Poisson algebras, Hom-alternative algebras and Hom-Jordan alge- A] bras and Z2-graded versions. We give an overview of the development of Hom- algebras structures which has been intensively investigated recently. R . Keywords: Hom-associative algebra, Hom-Lie algebra, Hom-Lie superalge- h t bra, Hom-Poisson algebra, Hom-Lie admissible algebra, Hom-Lie admissible su- a peralgebra,Hom-alternative algebra, Hom-Jordan algebra. m [ 1 v 1 Introduction 0 4 We mean by Hom-algebra or Hom-superalgebraa triple consisting of a vector 2 space,respectivelyZ -gradedvectorspace,amultiplicationandahomomorphism. 4 2 . Themainfeatureofthesealgebrasisthattheidentitiesdefiningthestructuresare 1 twisted by homomorphisms. Such algebras appeared in the ninetieth in examples 0 of q-deformations of the Witt and the Virasoro algebras. 0 1 Thestudyofnonassociativealgebraswasoriginallymotivatedbycertainprob- : lems in physics and other branches of mathematics. The first motivation to v study nonassociative Hom-algebras comes from quasi-deformations of Lie alge- i X bras of vector fields, in particular q-deformations of Witt and Virasoro algebras r [2,7,8,9,10,11,13,25,30,24]. Thedeformedalgebrasarisinginconnectionwith a σ-derivation are no longer Lie algebras. It was observed in the pioneering works that in these examples a twisted Jacobi identity holds. Motivated by these ex- amples and their generalization, Hartwig, Larsson and Silvestrov introduced and studied in [22, 27, 28, 29] the classes of quasi-Lie, quasi-Hom-Lie and Hom-Lie algebras. In the class of Hom-Lie algebras skew-symmetry is untwisted, whereas the Jacobi identity is twisted by a homomorphism and contains three terms as in 1 Liealgebras,reducingtoordinaryLiealgebraswhenthetwistinglinearmapisthe identity map. They showed that Hom-Lie algebras are closely related to discrete and deformed vector fields and differential calculus and that some q-deformations of the Witt and the Virasoro algebras have the structure of Hom-Lie algebra. TheHom-associativealgebrasplaystheroleofassociativealgebrasintheHom- Lie setting. They were introduced by Makhlouf and Silvestrov in [32], where it is shown that the commutator bracket of a Hom-associative algebra gives rise to a Hom-Lie algebra and where a classification of Hom-Lie admissible algebras is established. Given a Hom-Lie algebra, a universal enveloping Hom-associative algebra was constructed by Yau in [44]. See also [15, 17, 18, 19, 34, 45] for other worksonHom-associativealgebras. InasimilarwayYauproposedin[44]anotion ofHom-dialgebrawhichgivesrisetoHom-Leibnizalgebra. WhileHom-associative superalgebras and Hom-Lie superalgebras were studied in [4]. The Hom-alternative algebras and Hom-Jordan algebras which are twisted version of the ordinary alternative algebras and Jordan algebras were introduced by the author in [31]. Their properties are discussed and construction procedures using ordinary alternative algebras or Jordan algebras are provided. Also, it is shownthataplusHom-algebraofaHom-associativealgebraleadstoHom-Jordan algebra. Beyond the binary algebras, a generalization of n-ary algebras to Hom situa- tionwasstudiedin[5],n-aryHom-algebrasofLietypeandassociativetypearedis- cussed. Dualization of Hom-associative algebras leads to Hom-coassociative coal- gebras. The Hom-coassociative coalgebras, Hom-bialgebras and Hom-Hopf alge- braswereintroducedin[33,35]. AtwistedversionofYang-Baxterequation,quasi- triangular bialgebras and quantum groups were discussed in [47, 48, 49, 50, 51]. A study from the monoidal category point of view is given in [15]. The main purpose of this paper is to summarize nonassociative Hom-algebra structuresextendingthe ordinarynonassociativealgebrastoHom-algebrasetting. Wesetthedefinitionsandproperties,andprovidesomeexamples. InSection2,we fixthenotationsandsomegeneralsettingofHom-algebras. ThethirdSectioncon- cerns Hom-associative algebras, Hom-associative superalgebras, Hom-flexible al- gebrasandHom-dialgebras. Section4dealswithHom-Liealgebras,Hom-Leibniz, Hom-Poisson algebras and Hom-Lie superalgebras. It is shown in particular that there is an adjoint pair of functors between the category of Hom-associative alge- bras (resp. Hom-dialgebras) and the category of Hom-Lie algebras (resp. Hom- Leibniz algebras). On the other hand the supercommutator of a Hom-associative superalgebradeterminesaHom-Liesuperalgebra. TheHom-Poissonalgebrastruc- turewhichemergesnaturallyfromdeformationtheoryofHom-associativealgebras (see [34]) is also given. We also present the definition of quasi-Lie algebras which offertotreatwithinthesameframeworkthewellknowngeneralizationsofLiealge- bras,thatisLiesuperalgebrasandcolorLiealgebrasaswellastheircorresponding versions in Hom-superalgebrasetting. Section 5 is dedicated to Hom-Lie admissi- ble algebras and Hom-Lie admissible superalgebras. Their classifications lead to G-Hom-associative algebras and G-Hom-associative superalgebras, which include in particular Hom-algebra versions of left-symmetric algebras (Vinberg algebras) 2 or their opposite algebras, that is right symmetric algebras (pre-Lie algebras). In Section6,wediscussHom-alternativealgebrasandstudy theirproperties. Inpar- ticular,weshowthatthetwistedversionoftheassociatorisanalternatingfunction of its arguments. We show that an ordinary alternative algebra and one of its al- gebra endomorphisms lead to a Hom-alternative algebra where the twisting map is actually the algebraendomorphism. This process was introducedin [45] for Lie andassociativealgebrasandmoregenerallyG-associativealgebras(see[32]forthis class of algebras) and generalized to coalgebras in [35], [33] and to n-ary algebras of Lie and associative types in [5]. We derive examples of Hom-alternative alge- bras from 4-dimensional alternative algebras which are not associative and from algebra of octonions. In the last Section we introduce a notion of Hom-Jordan algebrasandshow that it fits with the Hom-associativestructure, that is the plus Hom-associative algebra leads to Hom-Jordan algebra. § 2 Preliminaries Throughout this paper K is a field of characteristic 0, V is a K-linear space or, when talking about superalgebras, V is a superspace. Let V be a superspace over K that is a Z -graded K-linear space with a direct sum V = V ⊕V . The 2 0 1 element of V , j = {0,1}, are said to be homogenous and of parity j. The parity j of a homogeneous element x is denoted by |x|. One may consider that K is any commutative ring and V a K-module. We mean by a Hom-algebra, respectively Hom-superalgebra,a triple (V,µ,α) where µ : V ×V → V is a K-bilinear map and α : V → V is a K-linear map, respectively an even K-linear map. The type of the Hom-algebra or the Hom- superalgebra is fixed by the identity satisfied by the elements. Let (V,µ,α) and (V′,µ′,α′) be two Hom-algebras (resp. Hom-superalgebras) of the same type, a morphism f : (V,µ,α) → (V′,µ′,α′) is a linear map (resp. even linear map) f :V →V′ such that f ◦µ=µ′◦(f ×f) and f ◦α=α′◦f. In some statements the multiplicativity of α is required, that is α◦µ = µ◦(α×α). We call such Hom-algebras,multiplicative Hom-algebras. Let V be a n-dimensional K-linear space and {e ,··· ,e } be a basis of V. 1 n A Hom-algebra structure on V with product µ is determined by n3 structure constantsCk, where µ(e ,e )= n Cke and homomorphismα which is given by n2 structijure constantis aj , wPhekr=e0α(iej)k= n a e . If we require that the ij i Pj=0 ij j Hom-algebra is of a given type then this limits the set of structure constants (Ck,a ) to an algebraic variety imbedded in Kn3+n2. The polynomials defining ij ij thealgebraicvarietybeingderivedfromtheidentities. Apointinsuchanalgebraic variety represents an n-dimensional Hom-algebra, along with a particular choice of basis. A change of basis may give rise to a different point of the algebraic variety. The group GL(n,K) acts on the algebraic varieties of Hom-structures by the so-called ”transport of structure” action defined as follows: 3 Let A = (V,µ,α) be a Hom-algebra. Given f ∈ GL(n,K), the action f ·A transports the structures for x,y ∈V by (1) f ·µ(x,y)=f−1µ(f(x),f(y)) (2) f ·α(x)=f−1α(f(x)) Theorbit oftheHom-algebraAisgivenbyϑ(A)={A′ =f ·A, f ∈GL (K)}. n Theorbitsarein1-1-correspondencewiththeisomorphismclassesofn-dimensional algebras. The stabilizer subgroup of A (stab(A)={f ∈GL (K):A=f ·A}) is exactly n Aut(A), the automorphism group of A. A subalgebra of a Hom-algebra (V,µ,α) is a triple (W,µ,α) where W is a subspace of V closed under µ and α. A subspace I of V is a two-sided ideal if µ(I,V)⊂I and µ(V,I)⊂I. To any Hom-algebra A = (V,µ,α), we associate a minus Hom-algebra A− = (V,µ−,α) where µ−(x,y) = 1(µ(x,y)−µ(y,x)) and a plus Hom-algebra A+ = 2 (V,µ+,α) where µ+(x,y)= 1(µ(x,y)+µ(y,x)). 2 We call Hom-associator associated to a Hom-algebra (V,µ,α) the trilinear map as defined for any x,y,z ∈V by α (3) as (x,y,z)=µ(α(x),µ(y,z))−µ(µ(x,y),α(z)). α 3 Hom-associative algebras, Hom-Flexible algebras, Hom- dialgebras 3.1 Hom-associative algebras and superalgebras The notionofHom-associativealgebrawasintroducedin[32],while the Hom- associative algebras were discussed slightly in [4]. Definition 3.1 ([32]). A Hom-associative algebra is a triple (V,µ,α) consisting of a vector space V, a bilinear map µ : V ×V →V and a linear map α : V →V satisfying for all x,y,z ∈V (4) µ(α(x),µ(y,z))=µ(µ(x,y),α(z)). In terms of Hom-associator (3), the identity (4) writes as (x,y,z)=0. α Example 3.2. Let {e ,e ,e } be a basis of a 3-dimensional linear space V over 1 2 3 K. The following multiplication µ and linear map α on V define Hom-associative algebras over K3: µ(e ,e ) = a e , µ(e ,e ) = a e , 1 1 1 2 2 2 µ(e ,e ) = µ(e ,e )=a e , µ(e ,e ) = b e , 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 µ(e ,e ) = µ(e ,x )=b e , µ(e ,e ) = µ(e ,e )=0, 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 α(e )=a e , α(e )=a e , α(e )=b e , 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 where a,b are parameters in K. The algebras are not associative when a 6= b and b6=0, since µ(µ(e ,e ),e ))−µ(e ,µ(e ,e ))=(a−b)be . 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 Example 3.3 (Polynomial Hom-associative algebra [45]). Consider the polyno- mialalgebraA=K[x ,···x ]innvariables. Letαbeanalgebraendomorphism of 1 n Awhichisuniquelydeterminedbythenpolynomialsα(xi)=Pλi;r1,···,rnxr11,···xrnn for 1≤i≤n. Define µ by (5) µ(f,g)=f(α(x ),···α(x ))g(α(x ),···α(x )) 1 n 1 n for f,g in A. Then, (A,µ,α) is a Hom-associative algebra. Example 3.4 ([46]). Let A = (V,µ,α) be a Hom-associative algebra. Then (M (A),µ′,α′), where M (A) is the vector space of n×n matrix with entries n n in V, is also a Hom-associative algebra in which the multiplication µ′ is given by matrix multiplication and µ and α′ is given by α in each entry. We define now Hom-associative superalgebras. Definition 3.5 ([4]). A Hom-associative superalgebra is a triple (V,µ,α) con- sisting of a superspace V, an even bilinear map µ : V ×V → V and an even homomorphism α:V →V satisfying for all x,y,z ∈V (6) µ(α(x),µ(y,z))=µ(µ(x,y),α(z)) Remark 3.6. Some properties of Hom-associative algebras and unital Hom-asso- ciative algebras were discussed in [4, 5, 17, 18, 19, 34, 45]. A study from the point of view of monoidal category was provided in [15] and where a new kind of unital Hom-associative algebras is introduced. 3.2 Hom-Flexible algebras The flexible algebras was initiated by Albert [1] and investigated by number of authors Myung, Okubo, Laufer, Tomber and Santilli, see for example [38]. The notion of Hom-flexible algebra was introduced in [32]. We summarize in the following the definition and some characterizations. Definition 3.7 ([32]). A Hom-algebra A = (V,µ,α) is called flexible if and only if for any x,y in V (7) µ(α(x),µ(y,x))) =µ(µ(x,y),α(x)) Thecondition(7)maybewrittenusingtheHom-associatorbyas (x,y,x)=0. α We recover the classical dialgebra when α is the identity map. Lemma 3.8. Let A = (V,µ,α) be a Hom-algebra. The following assertions are equivalent (1) A is flexible. (2) For any x,y in V, as (x,y,x)=0. α (3) For any x,y,z in V, as (x,y,z)=−as (z,y,x) α α 5 Proof. The first equivalence follows from the definition. To prove the last equiva- lence, one writes as (x−z,y,x−z) = 0 which is equivalent, using the linearity, α to as (x,y,z)+as (z,y,x)=0. (cid:3) α α Corollary 3.9. Any Hom-associative algebra is flexible. Let A = (V,µ,α) be a Hom-algebra. Let A− = (V,µ−,α) (resp. A+ = (V,µ+,α)) be the plus Hom-algebra (resp. minus Hom-algebra) with multiplica- tion defined for x,y ∈ V by µ−(x,y) = 1(µ(x,y)−µ(y,x)) (resp. µ+(x,y) = 2 1(µ(x,y)+µ(y,x))). We havethe followingcharacterizationofHom-flexible alge- 2 bras. Proposition 3.10 ([32]). A Hom-algebra A = (V,µ,α) is Hom-flexible if and only if (8) µ−(α(x),µ+(y,z))=µ+(µ−(x,y),α(z))+µ+(α(y),µ−(x,z)) Proof. Let A be a Hom-flexible algebra. Then by lemma 3.8 it is equivalent to as (x,y,z)+as (z,y,x)=0,foranyx,y,z inV,whereas istheHom-associator α α α associated to A. This implies (9) as (x,y,z)+as (z,y,x)+as (x,z,y) α α α +as (y,z,x)−as (y,x,z)−as (z,x,y)=0 α α α By expansion, the previous relation is equivalent to (8). Conversely, assume that we have the condition (8), by setting x = z in the equation(9), one gets as (x,y,x)=0, Therefore A is a Hom-flexible algebra. (cid:3) α 3.3 Hom-dialgebras The Hom-dialgebra structure introduced by Yau extends to Hom-algebra set- ting the classical dialgebra structure introduced by Loday. Definition 3.11 ([44]). A Hom-dialgebra is a tuple (V,⊣,⊢,α), where ⊣,⊢: V × V →V are bilinear maps and α : V →V is a linear map such that the following five identities are satisfied for x,y,z ∈V (10) α(x)⊣(y ⊣z) = (x⊣y)⊣α(z)=α(x)⊣(y ⊢z) (11) α(x)⊢(y ⊢z) = (x⊢y)⊢α(z)=α(x)⊢(y ⊣z) (12) α(x)⊢(y ⊣z) = (x⊢y)⊣α(z) We recoverthe classicaldialgebrawhenα is the identity map. A morphismof Hom-dialgebrasis a linear map that is compatible with α and the two multiplica- tions ⊢ and ⊣. Note that (V,⊣,α)and(V,⊢,α) areHom-associativealgebras. Inthe classical case, Loday showed that the commutator defined for x,y ∈ V by [x,y] = x ⊣ y−y ⊢x defines a Leibniz algebra on V. This result is extended to Hom-algebra setting in the next Section.§ 6 4 Hom-Leibniz algebras and Hom-Lie algebras 4.1 Hom-Leibniz algebras AclassofquasiLeibnizalgebraswasintroducedin[28]inconnectiontogeneral quasi-LiealgebrasfollowingthestandardLoday’sconventionsforLeibnizalgebras (i.e. right Loday algebras). Definition 4.1 ([28]). A Hom-Leibniz algebra is a triple (V,[·,·],α) consisting of a linear space V, bilinear map [·,·] : V ×V → V and a linear map α : V → V satisfying (13) [[x,y],α(z)]=[[x,z],α(y)]+[α(x),[y,z]] In terms of the (right) adjoint homomorphisms Ad : V → V defined by y Ad (x)=[x,y], the identity (13) can be written as y (14) Ad ([x,y])=[Ad (x),α(y)]+[α(x),Ad (y)] α(z) z z or in pure operator form (15) Ad ◦Ad =Ad ◦Ad +Ad ◦α α(z) y α(y) z Adz(y) 4.2 Hom-Lie algebras The Hom-Lie algebras were initially introduced by Hartwig, Larson and Sil- vestrov in [22] motivated initially by examples of deformed Lie algebras coming from twisted discretizations of vector fields. Definition 4.2 ([22]). A Hom-Lie algebra is a triple (V,[·,·],α) consisting of a linear space V, bilinear map [·,·] : V ×V → V and a linear map α : V → V satisfying (16) [x,y]=−[y,x] (skewsymmetry) (17) (cid:9) [α(x),[y,z]]=0 (Hom-Jacobi identity) x,y,z for all x,y,z from V, where (cid:9) denotes summation over thecyclic permutation x,y,z on x,y,z. Using the skew-symmetry,onemaywritethe Hom-Jacobiidentity inthe form (14). Hence, if a Hom-Leibniz algebra is skewsymmetric then it is a Hom-Lie algebra. Example 4.3. Let {e ,e ,e } be a basis of a 3-dimensional linear space V over 1 2 3 K. The following bracket and linear map α on V define a Hom-Lie algebra over K3: [e ,e ] = ae +be α(e ) = e 1 2 1 3 1 1 [e ,e ] = ce α(e ) = 2e 1 3 2 2 2 [e ,e ] = de +2ae , α(e ) = 2e 2 3 1 3 3 3 7 with [e ,e ], [e ,e ] and [e ,e ] defined via skewsymmetry. It is not a Lie algebra 2 1 3 1 3 2 if and only if a6=0 and c6=0, since [e ,[e ,e ]]+[e ,[e ,e ]]+[e ,[e ,e ]]=ace . 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 Example 4.4 (Jackson sl (K)). In this example, we will consider the Hom-Lie 2 algebra Jackson sl (K)which is aHom-Liedeformation of theclassical Liealgebra 2 sl (K)definedby[e ,e ]=2e , [e ,e ]=−2e , [e ,e ]=e . This family of Hom- 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 Lie algebras was constructed in [29] using a quasi-deformation scheme based on discretizing by means of Jackson q-derivations a representation of sl (K) by one- 2 dimensional vector fields (first order ordinary differential operators) and using the twisted commutator bracket defined in [22]. The Hom-Lie algebra Jackson sl (K) 2 is a 3-dimensional vector space over K with the vector space bases {e ,e ,e } and 1 2 3 with the bilinear bracket multiplication defined on the basis by t [e ,e ] =2e , [e ,e ] =−2e −2te , [e ,e ] =e + e , 1 2 t 2 1 3 t 3 3 2 3 t 1 1 2 and by skew-symmetry for [e ,e ] ,[e ,e ] and [e ,e ] . The linear map α is 2 1 t 3 1 t 3 2 t t defined by 2+t ∞ (−1)k t α (e )=e , α (e )= e =e + tk e , α (e )=e + e . t 1 1 t 2 2(1+t) 2 2 X 2 2 t 3 3 2 3 k=0 Thus Jackson sl (K) algebra is a Hom-Lie algebra deformation of sl (K). See 2 2 [34] for other examples of Hom-Lie algebra deformation of sl (K). 2 4.3 Hom-Lie and Hom-Leibniz Functors We provide in the following a different way for constructing Hom-Lie alge- bras by extending the fundamental construction of Lie algebras from associative algebras via commutator bracket. Theorem4.5([32]). Let(V,µ,α)beaHom-associativealgebra. TheHom-algebra (V,[·,·],α), where the bracket is defined for all x,y ∈V by [x,y]=µ(x,y)−µ(y,x) is a Hom-Lie algebra. Proof. Thebracketis obviouslyskewsymmetricandwithadirectcomputationwe have [α(x),[y,z]]−[[x,y],α(z)]−[α(y),[y,z]]= µ(α(x),µ(y,z))−µ(α(x),µ(z,y))−µ(µ(y,z),α(x))+µ(µ(z,y),α(x)) −µ(µ(x,y),α(z))+µ(µ(y,x),α(z))+µ(α(z),µ(x,y))−µ(α(z),µ(y,x)) −µ(α(y),µ(x,z))+µ(α(y),µ(z,x))+µ(µ(x,z),α(y))−µ(µ(z,x),α(y))=0 (cid:3) A similar construction is obtained for Hom-dialgebra. 8 Theorem 4.6 ([44]). Let (V,⊣,⊢,α) be a Hom-dialgebra (V,µ,α). The Hom- algebra (V,[·,·],α), where the bracket is defined for all x,y ∈V by [x,y]=x⊣y−y ⊢x is a Hom-Leibniz algebra. Therefore, we have a functor HLie (resp. HLeib) from the category of Hom- associative algebras HomAs (resp. category of Hom-dialgebras HomDi) to the category of Hom-Lie algebras HomLie (resp. category of Hom-Leibniz algebras HomLeib). Conversely, an enveloping Hom-associative algebra U (g) (resp. HLie envelopingHom-dialgebraU (L)) of a Hom-Lie algebrag (resp. Hom-Leibniz HLeib algebraL)areconstructedin[44]. Hence,U istheleftadjointfunctorofHLie HLie and U is the left adjoint functor of HLeib. HLeib 4.4 Hom-Poisson algebras We introduce in the following the notion of Hom-Poisson structure which emerges naturally in deformation theory of Hom-associative algebras, see [34]. Definition 4.7 ([34]). A Hom-Poissonalgebra is a quadruple (V,µ,{·,·},α) con- sisting of a vector space V, bilinear maps µ:V ×V →V and {·,·}:V ×V →V, and a linear map α:V →V satisfying (1) (V,µ,α) is a commutative Hom-associative algebra, (2) (V,{·,·},α) is a Hom-Lie algebra, (3) for all x,y,z in V, (18) {α(x),µ(y,z)}=µ(α(y),{x,z})+µ(α(z),{x,y}). Condition(18)expressesthecompatibilitybetweenthemultiplicationandthe Poissonbracket. It can be reformulated equivalently, for all x,y,z in V, as (19) {µ(x,y),α(z)}=µ({x,z},α(y))+µ(α(x),{y,z}) Note that in this form it means that ad (·)={·,z}is a sortof generalizationof a z derivation of an associative algebra, and also it resembles the identity (13) in the definition of Leibniz algebra. We recover the classical Leibniz identity when α is the identity map. Example 4.8. Let {e ,e ,e } be a basis of a 3-dimensional vector space V over 1 2 3 K. The following multiplication µ, skew-symmetric bracket and linear map α on V define a Hom-Poisson algebra over K3: µ(e ,e ) = e , {e ,e } = ae +be , 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 µ(e ,e ) = µ(e ,e )=e , {e ,e } = ce +de , 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 α(e )=λ e +λ e , α(e )=λ e +λ e , α(e )=λ e +λ e 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 5 2 6 3 where a,b,c,d,λ ,λ ,λ ,λ ,λ ,λ are parameters in K. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 4.5 Hom-Lie Superalgebras Hom-Lie Superalgebras is a subclass of quasi-Lie algebras introduced in [28]. They were studied in [4], where construction procedures are provided. Definition 4.9. A Hom-Lie superalgebra is a triple (V,[·,·],α) consisting of a superspace V, an even bilinear map [·,·] : V ×V → V and an even superspace homomorphism α:V →V satisfying (20) [x,y]=−(−1)|x||y|[y,x] (21) (−1)|x||z|[α(x),[y,z]]+(−1)|z||y|[α(z),[x,y]]+(−1)|y||x|[α(y),[z,x]]=0 for all homogeneous element x,y,z in V. The identity (21) is called Hom-superJacobi identity, while the identity (21) expresses the usual supersymmetry of the bracket. Remark 4.10. We recover the classical Lie superalgebra when α=id. The Hom- Lie algebras algebras are obtained when the part of parity one is trivial. Example 4.11 (2-dimensional abelian Hom-Lie superalgebra). Every bilinear map µ on a 2- dimensional linear superspace V = V ⊕V , where V is gener- 0 1 0 ated by x and V is generated by y and such that [x,y] = 0 defines a Hom-Lie 1 superalgebra for any homomorphism α of superalgebra. Indeed, the graded Hom- Jacobi identity is satisfied for any triple (x,x,y). Example4.12(AffineHom-Liesuperalgebra). LetV =V ⊕V bea3-dimensional 0 1 superspace where V is generated by {e ,e } and V is generated by e . The triple 0 1 2 1 3 (V,[·,·],α) is a Hom-Lie superalgebra defined by [e ,e ] = e ,[e ,e ] = [e ,e ] = 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 [e ,e ]=0 and α is any homomorphism. 3 3 Example 4.13 (A q-deformed Witt superalgebra, [4]). We provide an example of infinite dimensional Hom-Lie superalgebra which is given by a realization of the q-deformed Witt superalgebra constructed in [4]. It corresponds to a superspace V generated by the elements {Xn}n∈N of parity 0 and the elements {Gn}n∈N of parity 1. Let q ∈C\{0,1} and n ∈N, we set {n}= 1−qn, a q-number. The q-numbers 1−q have the following properties {n+1} = 1+q{n} = {n}+qn and {n+m} = {n}+qn{m}. Let [−,−] be a bracket on the superspace V defined by σ [X ,X ] =({m}−{n})X n m σ n+m [X ,G ] =(qn{m+1}−qm+1{n})G n m σ n+m The others brackets are obtained by supersymmetry or are 0. Let α be an even linear map on V defined on the generators by α(X )=(1+qn)X n n α(G )=(1+qn+1)G n n Then the triple (V,[−,−] ,α) is a Hom-Lie superalgebra. σ 10

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