Paracelsus Healing in Accordance with the Stars II The Soul Purpose of your Rising Sign I Doing Good to the Body in Order to Get Pregnant Pathophysiognomic and Light Therapy Rose (Apothecary’s Rose) Issue No. 4/XI Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI 1 July/August 2014 Advertisment P A R A C E L S U S Health & Healing ACCEPTANCE OF ADVERTISMENTS Following insertions can be booked on the fi rst or last page inside the magazine: 1/1 page (179 mm / 236 mm) 490 Euro 1/2 page (179 mm / 110 mm) 290 Euro 1/4 page ( 80 mm / 110 mm) 180 Euro Paracelsus-Center : Phone +41-(0)41-630 19 07 · [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION Hereby I order the magazine PARACELSUS Health & Healing PA R A C E L S U S (Subscription notice: 1 month before date of expiry, otherwise automatic renewal for another year) Health & Healing First name, family name Address (street, post code, city, country) Phone, e-mail 1 year subscription: 6 issues / 60 Euro (including tax and postage) German English Spanish 1 gift subscription please send to: First name, family name Paracelsus-Center Büelstrasse17 Address (street, post code, city, country) CH-6052 Hergiswil Phone, e-mail Switzerland City, date Signature Paracelsus-Center : phone +41-(0)41-630 19 07 · [email protected] · Switzerland: UBS-Bank Luzern 80-2-2, Konto Nr.: 216-514422.01V, IBAN CH32 0021 6216 5144 2201V, SWIFT/BIC: UBSWCHZH80A Germany: Postbank Dortmund, Konto Nr.: 758368-464, BLZ: 440 100 46, IBAN DE98 4401 0046 0758 3684 64, SWIFT/BIC: PBNKDEFF 2 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI E d i t o r i a l C o n t e n t s The real human crisis today is not family background and living condi- Healing in Accordance with about economics, politics, and the tions. Least examination is made of the Stars II ...................................5 related aggressions. It is the crisis of the psychical conditions. Compas- human health. The health is entrusted sion, which is one of the most im- Remedies for Healing ..............13 to the noble professions of the physi- portant principles in healing, is given cians and the pharmacists. The physi- a go by. The time-honored principle Rasa Shastra in cian is required to diagnose the sick- of cooperation and family care is re- Ayurvedic Medicine XII ...........18 ness and the pharmacist is required placed by commercialistic and tech- to prepare the needed medicine for nological diagnosis. Organon LX ................................20 curing the diagnosed sicknesses. It A probe is needed into the heart and is also an obligation to ensure, that soul relationship between the physi- The Soul Purpose of your the medicines he prepares contribute cians and the patients. Sympathetic Rising Sign I ...............................22 to restore health and not cause oth- listening is missing, diagnostic skills er sicknesses in the body. He is law- are assigned to technical apparatus. Occult Healing XCIV ................26 bound (nature’s law), that he shall The doctor speaks cryptic language not poison the sick through medi- and has not much time to give heal- Thoughts on the Relevance cines. The physician is also bound by ing touch through speech and ges- of Qigong II ..............................28 nature’s law, that he shall ensure ap- tures. The trust of the patient in the propriate medicine to cure sickness system is at its lowest ebb. The hu- Doing Good to the Body in and not cause damage to the health man body is treated like a machine Order to Get Pregnant ............31 system of the sick. under repair. In this age of speed, where commer- “Mechanical treatment of machines Pathophysiognomic and cial and political factors hold a sway under repair”, could be the right ex- Light Therapy .............................34 on every activity, the noble profes- pression for the present day medic- sion of healing is encroached upon. inal practice for restoring health. An Integral Inside into Inflam- Things are tended to be extremely Physicians with conscience are land- matory Bowel Diseases III......38 commercial. The physician’s reliance ing into conflict. The conflict in him shifted from knowledge to technol- is due to the inability to apply the Antimonite III ............................42 ogy; diagnosis is no more based on knowledge that was acquired over the patient’s behavioral patterns, decades and the aggression of the Rose (Apothecary’s Rose) .......46 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI 3 modern corporate system of deal- Britain under the Royal Care is also ing with the patient. The technology breaking down in this regard to give and the pharmacy, which are driven way for privatization. by commercial considerations, com- King’s job cannot be done by a busi- Editorial pel the doctor to expose the patient nessman. Governments cannot as- frequently to technological tests and sign their responsibilities to multina- every dosage of medicine. Conse- tional corporations. Governments are quently, even in developed nations, not run by profit-motive. Businesses men are driven out to find alternate are run by profit-motive. The former systems of cure, which are proxi- have adequate power to rule upon mate to nature and nature’s com- such important objects as health, mon sense. There is an urgent need protection, social amenities and to rectify the medical system by gov- these are privatized. Men are left out ernments of conscience. When gov- at large, a kingless kingdom lands in ernment eases itself out of such fun- chaos. Governance cannot be thrown damental responsibilities relating to away into the hands of profit making the nation’s health, the health-care business groups. Until this situation system is thrown, eventually, to the changes, the evil of the present day vultures of economic ends. The fall continues to grow. of governmental hospitals and the rights of private hospitals have be- come the order of the day. The Great Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered, "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not en- joy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived." 4 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI H e a l i n g i n A c c o rd a n c e Fig.: Saturn, here depicted as a father figure, announces the hu- w i t h t h e S t a rs man beings’ destiny. The depiction of the firmament at the ceiling of I I the temple portrays the sign of Ar- ies, allocated to Venus, a symbol for Astromedicinal Therapy Concepts by Paracelsus the alchemical transformation that should be carried out in the "beauti- ful May“. Olaf Rippe Oil painting by Walter Crane, 1882 Olaf Rippe, born in 1960, is a nature practitioner in his own practice in Munich and is the co- founder of the Working Group Natura Naturans. For more than 20 years, he has been passing on his experience with a medicine according to Paracelsus in semi- nars. He is regularly writing for naturopathic professional journals and is the co-author of the books "Heilmittel der Sonne“, "Paracel- susmedizin”, "Kräuterkunde des Paracelsus” and “Die Mistel”. Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI 5 The table on the right page shows that to this, his quality is coldness, hard- it is still a common practice today to ening and introversion as well as the treat the planetary organs with their absence of life because life is always corresponding metals. He/she who is connected with warmth. Healing in interested in further education with Saturn is the ruler of age, disease, Accordance with regard to this subject should mainly sickness and death. His position in the Stars study the scriptures of Alla Selawry the birth horoscope shows the as- (see Literature). trologically knowledgeable person in which domains it comes to a develop- In some books on herbals from the ment of chronic illness and how the 17th century that refer to Paracelsus, disease will express itself. His pas- there are also exact descriptions, for sage through the zodiac in relation to example in the Herbal of Bartholomä the birth horoscope (transits) hints at Carrichter of 1606 (see Table 2). Re- the cause of diseases and also allows garding this book, it is worth noting for prognoses. Transits of Saturn are the different astrological allocations always connected with limitations, according to plant parts. Further allo- deprivations, disappointments, duties cations can be found in the scriptures and trials. At the same time, howev- of Nikolas Culpeper, who is also called er, living through these enables an in- the English Paracelsus. sight on the purpose and meaning of The follower of Paracelsus, Leonhard life. Thurneysser, wrote a complete book Special trials of Saturn take place solely about umbelliferous plants, approximately every seven (!) years. in which he also stated astrological The period of circulation of Saturn points in time when one should col- through the Zodiac amounts to about lect and process the plants. Astro- 29 years (fluctuating due to planetary logical signature observations were a regression). This means that about matter of course for him. every seven years a square, an opposi- tion or a conjunction of the transiting Antimony, the Metal of Earth Saturn occurs with regard to the na- Beside gold, antimony is one of the tal Saturn. A transit of Saturn takes most important arcanes for counter- up to nine (!) months. Frequently it is acting disease-procuring influences a trigger for long-lasting and difficult of the stars, in particular when Sat- illness processes; this also applies to urn is involved in the events. other points in time when he transits The most remote of the then known over further planets. A Saturn/Saturn planets is considered in astrology as transit, however, is considered to be being the “Guardian of the Threshold” the most difficult one; this aspect is to cosmic awareness. This, however, sometimes surpassed by transits of is only one side of its power. Lateral- the trans-Saturnal planets which Pa- ly reversed, Saturn embodies the Lu- ciferian fall of the spirit into matter. As a “winter stone” he dominates the Table: Connections between Cosmos, signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Due Human Being and Metal 6 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI Planet Principle Organ Metal Commercial Preparations with Metals Moon reflexion brain silver "Cerebretik" or Somcupin" for sleeping dis- regeneration gonads orders; "Ovaria comp." and "Testes comp." for the stimulation of the female and male gonad activity Mercury communication reflexion silver "Sinfrontal" for purulent processes in the metabolism respiratory organs throat-nose-ear section; "Pulmo/Mercuri- hormones us" for inflammatory and exsudative lung all feedback diseases; "Sulfur comp." for purulent in- mechanisms flammations; "Nasturtium Mercurio cul- tum" for metabolic disorders Venus sociality urinary organs copper and zinc "Renalin" for the stimulation of the diu- libido veins (according to rese; "Cuprum-Ren" for the stimulation of endocrine glands Paracelsus) the kidney activity and for asthma; "Cu- prum aceticum D5 / Zincum valerianicum D4" for nervous organic disorders Sun awareness warmth cardiovascular gold "Aquavit" as elixir of life; "Cordiak" and processes "Sanguisol" in general for cardiovascular disorders; "Aurum/Apis regina comp." for heart complaints in connection with psy- che and stress Mars will gall iron Vesica fellea/Ferrum" for bilious com- oxidation processes muscles plaints; "Fragador" as roborant; "meteoric arteries iron / phosphorus / quartz" for convales- cence; "Chelidonium/Oxalis comp." for the stimulation of the bilious activity and of the will (e.g., exhaustion) Jupiter thinking liver tin "Metaheptachol" or Metamarianum" for temperament connective tissue disorders of the liver metabolism; formative powers joints "Hepar 202 N" for the detoxification of the liver; "Hepar-Stannum" for the regenera- tion of the liver; "Stannum comp." For the regulation of formative powers (e.g., rheumatism); "Metasilicea" for weakness of the connec- tive tissue; "Metaossylen" for chronic joint complaints. Saturn awareness spleen lead "Dyscrasin N" for chron. metabolic disor- structural forces bones (also antimony = ders; "Splenetik" for the stimulation of degradation earth) degradation processes; "Lien/Plumbum" for processes spleen complaints and blood diseases; "Ar- nica/Betula comp." Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI 7 racelsus could not have known. If all curity. He feels helplessly at the mer- this is over, the person often feels like cy of the powers of fate - a fact that being newly born. But most of the often makes him feel indignant. He is time, one has to suffer under the con- plagued by chronic diseases, mainly by Healing in sequences for years unless one makes those of a gastro-intestine nature, and Accordance with use of the respective arkanum. also by skin, nerve and lung diseases. the Stars Paracelsus described this with the All symptoms characterize a Saturnal words, "The people feel well and they state. In order to free himself from the benefit from healing when Saturn grip of Saturn, alchemical prepara- has finished (end of a Saturn transit); tions of antimony and its compounds then a new heaven emerges. This is are the means of choice. They trans- the beginning of a long life; but it is a form ("transplant") the Saturnal state long and fierce time that Saturn leads into the regenerative power of Venus. them with his hand, and he only of- “If the human being now transplants fers scarce and lean food (Planet of and is to be taken by one planet and is Asceticism and Renunciation). (...) If to be subject to another, antimony is he is not relieved from his power (as- what exchanges Saturn against Venus. trological treatment), healing is im- (...) Thus, it has to be observed here possible." (II/199f.) that in each healing of diseases where Saturn is the all-powerful fateful healing in a natural way is impossible force of heaven, resp., a dominant fa- (self-healing, application of the usual ther-figure (miscreant) with slightly medication like tea drugs) and does “old-German” educational methods. not help, the transplantation should The human being, equalling Earth be chosen." (Paracelsus: II/199f.) (microcosm) represents the opposite The poisonous antimony which is pole of heaven. In the birth horo- quite similar to the likewise poison- scope, Earth is symbolically featured ous arsenic (they are very good sup- as a dot in the centre of the zodiac plements) is one of the best purging, (astrology is not a heliocentric view strengthening and rejuvenating med- of the world; it is anthropocentric!). ications at all, however, only as a spir- Another symbol for the earth is the itualized preparation, “In it is namely globus cruciger - a globe with a cross the Essentia which does not allow the on it. This is also the alchemic symbol unclean and the clean to get together. for the antimony metal which is put (...) Thus we justifiably praise it here on a level with Earth and thus also as antimony of all minerals contains with the human being. the highest and strongest Arkanum in The word “antimony” has derived itself. (…) If there is nothing healthy from the Greek ‘antimonos’ and its in the body at all, it transforms the translation is approximately “versus unclean body into a clean one." (Para- loneliness”. celsus: III/151) Antimony thus causes Homeopathic materia medica describe the antimony type as brooding, sor- rowful, melancholy, desperate, lonely, Table: Cosmic Impressions in the World of and full of yearning for a feeling of se- Plants according to B. Carrichter (1606) 8 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI Planet Selected Signatures Examples Moon Beautiful white root/ is watery/ hath no oil nor firm- euphrasia, valerian (blossom), comfrey (root, Saturn), ness/ has no special taste. The leaves are handsome/ betony (root), figwort (Mars), watercress (Mars), ver- tender/ broad/ with subtle white veinlets/ are also bena (root, Mars), lovage (root, Mars), lily-of-the- almost watery. There are many whitish stalks/ much valley (blossom), boneset (root, blossom), of water and moisture. Nice whitish flowers/ are open plantain (root) above/ have a lot of juice. Mercury Nice/ long/ supple herb/ that is not thick. The root is columbines (Venus), valerian (appearance), betony fairly long. Leaves are longish pointed/ not broad/ have (blossom), borage (blossom), fumitory (Venus), no firmness. The stalks are long/ delicate/ smooth/ not common bogloss (blossom), fleawort (appearance), particularly thick. The blossoms are almost beautiful/ lavender (blossom), sandwort (blossom), devil’s-bit blue/ not almost open/ nice and lovely to look at. (Sun) Venus The herbs allocated to this planet are very well-smelling comfrey (leaves), betony (herb), borage (root, fumi- and tender. The root has a lovely smell. Nice/ smooth/ tory herb, Mercury), lady’s mantle (slightly Mars), whole/ medium long stalks. Nice/ tender/ long/ smooth daisy, silverweed, motherwort (Saturn), lovage leaves/ with small whitish veinlets. Nice/ tender small (herb), rose (blossom), geranium (Saturn, Mars), flowers/ are open above. boneset (herb, Saturn), ribwort (leaves) Sun The sun is a cordial planet. The herbs allocated to the avens (root, Venus), origanum (Venus), gentian yellow sun also surpass all other herbs. The sun gives them (root), wall gamander (Venus), St.John’s wort (blossom), nice long plants/ the root is of a good smell. Nice, ten- chervil (root), mullein (blossom), caraway (fruits), mas- der/ pointed/ notched leaves. Nice gold colour/ notched terwort, wild thyme (Venus), sage (Venus), celandine flowers/ have a firmness and an oil/ are of a pleasant (Mars), devil’s-bit (root, appearance Mercury) smell/ and crispy taste/ compare with the flowers of the mullein (Jupiter). Mars True wooden root/ with little juice/ red colour/ of horehound (Sun in Aries), pimpinella (Sun), ve- no lovely smell. The leaves are long/ almost smooth/ ronica (root, herb, Venus and Mercury), verbena notched/ reddish speckled/ not thick. Not much stalk. (above-ground parts), cinquefoil (Venus), butter- The flowers are long/ almost smooth/ notched/ reddish cup (Moon), stonecrop, masterwort (Sun), speckled/ not thick. Not much stalk. The blossoms are wood sorrel (Moon, Venus and Saturn), reddish/ quite golden/ have only few leaves/ have not celandine (Sun), water pepper (above-ground parts) pleasant flavor/ and are bitter. Jupiter Well-smelling root/ a bit crispy/and quite lovely/a lit- valerian (root), angelica (Sun), verbena (stalks), hazel- tle hairy/has quite some juice. Long and subtle leaves/ wort (root, sign: Gemini), ononis (root, sign: Aquarius), with small subtle hairs/ are of purple colour/ of a lovely shepherd’s purse (Moon), lesser centaury, rue (Sun) smell and crispy flavour/ quite juicy. Long/ round/ pur- ple coloured juicy stalks. Purple-coloured flowers/ are of a good smell. Saturn Blackish-grey root/ with little juice/ of an unpleasant comfrey (root, Moon), borage (leaves), chervil (tart), smell. The leaves are coarse, thick/ short/ thorny/ of an figwort (Moon, Mars), pimpernel (Mars), St.John’s wort almost unpleasant smell and bitter taste. Coarse/ short (root, seed; sign: Aquarius), wild geranium (Venus), brown flowers/ of an unpleasant smell and bitter fla- wormwood (bitter). vour. Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI 9 a reorganization with a tendency to- n Equisetum arvense dil. D6 (horsetail, wards degenerations (this also goes Saturn - Moon; nerve signature) for arsenic). At the same time it caus- n Hypericum mother tincture (St. es an emotional coherence and makes John’s Wort, Sun, balm for the soul Healing in the spirit more resistant when the and the best "profession herb and Accordance with fateful influences threaten to suffo- Linaria alpina” when one is beset by the Stars cate him. something non-human) In practice, especially "Stibium metal- n Phosphorus dil. D12 (phosphorus, licum praeparatum" D12 has proved Sun; carrier of the energy of life, to be effective (antimony level). As translation means “carrier of light") a psychotherapeutical accompany- n Rhododendron ferrugineum dil. D6 ing remedy, Paracelsus mainly used (alpine rose, Venus - Saturn; pink the Venusian balm, but also St.John’s blossom – nerve signature, location Wort (“the herbal arsenic“), angelica, – withstands adverse circumstanc- yellow gentian, wild marjoram and es) masterwort are suitable supplement n Solidago virgaurea mother tincture remedies, as also sun-related reme- (goldenrod, Sun, Mercury; fear al- dies are. This is also one of the rea- ways requires drainage via the kid- sons why it is popular to administer ney) gold, the Sun metal, together with n Zincum metallicum praeparatum antimony. dil. D10 (zinc level, Venus according Again, we find the key in the sym- to Paracelsus; important remedy in bolism: the circle with a dot in the case of shattered nerves) middle is not only the symbol for the Have 10 ml at a time mixed by the human being as the centre of the cos- apothecary; once to three times dai- mos but also the symbol for the sun ly 10-15 drops. In addition, use "bal- which is in accordance with the “true samic spirit of melissa“, 2-3 times nature“ of man. daily 10-20 drops, taken in hawthorn tea (of leaves and blossoms). In the following, a recipe against bad strokes of fate: The Synergistic Recipe Mixture of: "If your acting is against the heav- n Ambra dil. D6 (visceral secretion of ens and if you are only patching with the sperm whale; Moon; balm for the power of the earth and not after the soul for “weepy types” - was you have considered the skies, then much appreciated by Paracelsus) all your work will break open again, n Antimonite dil. DI2 (stibnite; Saturn and a tailor will make your work bet- = Earth; see text) ter than you.” n Aurum metallicum praeparatum dil. (Paracelsus: I/447) "He who wants D12 (gold level, Sun; see text) to be a real physician must learn n Dioptas dil. D30 (copper silicate, Ve- to understand what kind of recipes nus - Saturn; important remedy for the conjunction of herbs and stars the integration of sensory percep- at the firmament composes. He will tions of an alien nature) also know then what the conjunc- 10 Paracelsus Health & Healing 4/XI