(PARA-)HERMITIAN AND (PARA-)KA¨HLER SUBMANIFOLDS OF A PARA-QUATERNIONIC KA¨HLER MANIFOLD 2 1 MASSIMOVACCARO 0 2 n Abstract: On a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g), which is first a of all a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, a natural definition of (almost) K¨ahler and J (almost) para-Ka¨hler submanifold (M2m,J,g) can be gifven wheere J = J1|M is 9 a (para-)complex structure on M which is the restriction of a section J of the 1 1 para-quaternionic bundle Q. In this paper, we extend to such a submanifold M ] mostoftheresultsprovedbyAlekseevskyandMarchiafava,2001,whereHermitian G and K¨ahler submanifolds of a quaternionic K¨ahler manifold have been studied. D Conditions for the integrability of an almost (para-)Hermitian structure on M . are given. Assuming that the scalar curvature of M is non zero, we show that h t any almost (para-)K¨ahler submanifold is (para-)K¨ahler and moreover that M is a f (para-)K¨ahler iff it is totally (para-)complex. Considering totally (para-)complex m submanifolds of maximal dimension 2n, we identify the second fundamental form [ h of M with a tensor C = J ◦h ∈ TM ⊗S2T∗M where J ∈ Q is a compatible 2 2 1 para-complex structure anticommuting with J1. This tensor, at any point x∈M, v belongs to the first prolongation S(1) of the space S ⊂ EndT M of symmetric J J x 9 endomorphisms anticommuting with J. When M4n is a symmetric manifold the 9 9 condition for a (para-)K¨ahler submanifold M2n to be locally symmetric is given. f 3 In the case when M is a para-quaternionicspace form, it is shown,by using Gauss 1. and Ricci equations,that a (para-)K¨ahlersubmanifold M2n is curvature invariant. f 0 MoreoveritisalocallysymmetricHermitiansubmanifoldifftheu(n)-valued2-form 2 [C,C] is parallel. Finally a characterization of parallel K¨ahler and para-Ka¨hler 1 submanifold of maximal dimension is given. : v i 1. Introduction X r A pseudo-Riemannian manifold (M4n,g) with the holonomy group contained a in Sp (R) · Sp (R) is called a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold. This means 1 n that there exists a 3-dimensionalparallel subbundle Q⊂EndTM of the bundle of endomorphismswhichislocallygeneratedbythreeskew-symmetricanticommuting endomorphisms I,J,K satisfying the following para-quaternionic relations −I2 =J2 =K2 =Id, IJ =−JI =K. The subbundle Q ⊂ End(TM) is called a para-quaternionic structure. Any para- quaternionic K¨ahler manifold is an Einstein manifold [3]. Date:January20,2012. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C40,53A35,53C15. Key words and phrases. para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold , (almost) Hermitian, (almost) K¨ahlersubmanifold,(almost)para-Hermitian,(almost)para-Ka¨hlersubmanifold. Work done under the programs of GNSAGA-INDAM of C.N.R. and PRIN07 ”Riemannian metricsanddifferentiablestructures”ofMIUR(italy). 1 2 MASSIMOVACCARO Let ǫ = ±1; a submanifold (M2m,Jǫ = Jǫ| ,g) of the para-quaternionic TM K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g), where M ⊂M is a submanifold, the induced metric g = g| is non-degenerate, and Jǫ is a section of the bundle Q →M such that JǫTMM=TM, (Jǫf)2 =ǫIde, is called an almfost ǫ-Hermitian su|bMmanifold. Aenalmostǫ-Hermitian submanifold(M2m,Jǫ,g)ofapara-quaternionicK¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g) is called ǫ-Hermitian if the almost ǫ-complex structure Jǫ is integrable, almost ǫ-K¨ahler if the K¨ahler form F =g◦Jǫ is closed and ǫ-K¨ahler if F is parallefl. Noteethat ǫ-K¨ahler submanifolds are minimal ([2]). We will always assume that M4n has non zero reduced scalar curvature ν = scal/(4n(n+2)). f In section 3 we study an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold (M2m,Jǫ,g) of the para-quaternionicK¨ahler manifold M4n and give the necessary and sufficient con- dition to be ǫ-Hermitian. If furthermore M is analytic, we show that a sufficient f condition for integrability is that codimT M > 2 at some point x ∈ M where by x T M we denote the maximal Q -invariant subspace of T M. Then, as an applica- x x x tion, we prove that, if the set U of points x∈M where the Nijenhuis tensor of Jǫ ofanalmostǫ-Hermitian submanifoldofdimension4kisnotzeroisopenanddense in M and T M is non degenerate, then M is a para-quaternionic submanifold. x Infact,byextendingaclassicalresultofquaternionicgeometry(see[1],[12]),we show that a non degenerate para-quaternionic submanifold of a para-quaternionic K¨ahlermanifoldis totallygeodesic,henceapara-quaternionicK¨ahlersubmanifold. In section 4, we give two equivalent necessary and sufficient conditions for an almost ǫ-Hermitian manifold to be ǫ-K¨ahler. We prove that an almost ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold M2m of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold M4n is ǫ-K¨ahler and, hence, a minimal submanifold (see [2]) and give some local characterizations of f such a submanifold (Theorem 4.2). In Theorem 4.3 we prove that the second fundamentalformhofaǫ-K¨ahlersubmanifoldM satisfiesthefundamentalidentity h(JǫX,Y)=Jǫh(X,Y) ∀X,Y ∈TM andthat,conversely,iftheaboveidentityholdsonanalmostǫ-Hermitian submani- foldM2m ofM4n thenM2m iseitheraǫ-K¨ahlersubmanifoldorapara-quaternionic (Ka¨hler)submanifoldandthesecasescannothappensimultaneously. Inparticular, f we prove that an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold M is ǫ-K¨ahler if and only if it is totally ǫ-complex, i.e. it satisfies the condition J T M⊥T M ∀x ∈ M, where 2 x x J ∈Q is a compatible para-complex structure anticommuting with Jǫ. 2 In section 5, we study an ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold M of maximal dimension 2n in a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g) (still assuming ν 6= 0). Using the field of isomorphisms J : TM → T⊥M between the tangent and the normal bundle, we identify, as in [52], the second ffundameental form h of M with a tensor C = J ◦h ∈ TM ⊗S2T∗M. This tensor, at any point x ∈ M, belongs to the 2 first prolongation SJ(1ǫ) of the space SJǫ ⊂ EndTxM of symmetric endomorphisms anticommuting with Jǫ. Using the tensor C, we present the Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci equationsinasimpleformandderivefromitthenecessaryandsufficientconditions for the ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold M to be parallel and to be curvature invariant (i.e. R Z ∈ TM, ∀X,Y,Z ∈ TM). In subsection 5.4 we study a maximal ǫ-K¨ahler XY submanifold M of a (locally) symmetric para-quaternionic K¨ahler space M4n and e getthenecessaryandsufficientconditionsforM tobealocallysymmetricmanifold f (PARA-)HERMITIANAND(PARA-)KA¨HLERSUBMANIFOLDOFAPQKMANIFOLD 3 in terms of the tensor C. In particular, if M4n is a quaternionic space form, then the ǫ-K¨ahlersubmanifoldM is curvature invariant. Inthis case, M is symmetric if f and only if the 2-form [C,C]:X ∧Y 7→[C ,C ] X,Y ∈TM, X Y withvaluesintheunitaryalgebraoftheǫ-Hermitianstructureandthatsatisfiesthe firstandthesecondBianchiidentity,isparallel. MoreoverM isatotallyǫ-complex totally geodesic submanifold of the quaternionic space form M4n if and only if ν Ric = (n+1)g f M 2 (see Proposition 5.14). In Section 6 we characterize a maximal ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold M of the para- quaternionicK¨ahler manifoldM4n withparallelnonzerosecondfundamentalform h, or shortly, parallel ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold. In terms of the tensor C, this means f that ∇ C =−ǫω(X)Jǫ◦C, X ∈TM X where ω = ω | and ∇ is the Levi-Civita connection of M. When (M2n,J,g), 1 TM where J = Jǫ,ǫ = −1, is a parallel not totally geodesic K¨ahler submanifold, the covariant tensor g ◦ C has the form gC = q + q where q ∈ S3(T∗1,0M) (resp. x q¯∈ S3(T∗0,1M)) is a holomorphic (resp. antiholomorphic) cubic form. We prove x that any parallel, not totally geodesic, K¨ahler submanifold (M2n,J,g) of a para- quaternionicK¨ahler manifold(M4n,Q,g)withν 6=0admitsapairofparallelholo- morphic line subbundle L = span (q) of the bundle S3T∗1,0M and L = span (q) C C f of the bundle S3T∗0,1M such that the connection induced on L (resp. L) has the curvature RL = −iνg ◦ J = −iνF (resp. RL = iνg ◦J = iνF). In case (M2n,J,g) where J = Jǫ,ǫ = +1, is a parallel not totally geodesic para-Ka¨hler submanifoldof(M4n,Q,g)wehavegC =q++q− ∈S3(T∗+M)+S3(T∗−M) where TM = T+ +T− is the bi-Lagrangean decomposition of the tangent bundle. We prove that, in thfis case,ethe pair of real line subbundle L+ := Rq+ ⊂ S3(T∗+M) and L− := Rq− ⊂ S3(T∗−M)) are globally defined on M and parallel w.r.t the Levi-Civita connection which defines a connection ∇L+ on L+ (resp. ∇L− on L−) whose curvature is RL+ =νF, (resp. RL− =−νF). 2. Para-quaternionic Ka¨hler manifolds Foramoredetailedstudyofpara-quaternionicK¨ahlermanifoldssee[15],[2],[9], [8], [14]. Moreover for a survey on para-complex geometry see [4], [7]. Definition 2.1. ([2]) Let (ǫ ,ǫ ,ǫ ) = (−1,1,1) or a permutation thereof. An 1 2 3 almost para-quaternionic structure on a differentiable manifold M (of dimen- sion 2m) is a rank 3 subbundle Q ⊂ EndTM, which is locally generated by three f anticommuting fields of endomorphism J ,J ,J = J J , such that J2 = ǫ Id. 1 f2 3 1 2 α α Such a triple will be called a standard basis of Q. A linear connection ∇ which preservesQiscalledanalmost para-quaternionicconnection. Analmostpara- e quaternionic structure Q is called a para-quaternionic structure if M admits a para-quaternionic connection i. e. a torsion-free connection which preserves Q. An f 4 MASSIMOVACCARO (almost) para-quaternionic manifold is a manifold endowed with an (almost) para-quaternionic structure. Observe that J J =ǫ ǫγJ where (α,β,γ) is a cyclic permutation of (1,2,3). α β 3 γ Definition 2.2. ([2]) An (almost) para-quaternionic Hermitian manifold (M,Q,g) is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (M,g) endowed with an (almost) para- quaternionic structure Q consisting of skew-symmetric endomorphisms. The non f e f e degeneracy of the metric implies that dimM =4n and the signature of g is neutral. (M4n,Q,g), n>1, is called a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold if the Levi- f e Civita connection preserves Q. f e Proposition 2.3. ([3]) The curvature tensor R of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler ma- nifold (M,Q,g), of dimension 4n>4, at any point admits a decomposition e (1) f e R=νR0+W, where ν = scal is the reduced scealar curvature, 4n(n+2) (2) 1 1 R (X,Y):= ǫ g(J X,Y)J + (X∧Y − ǫ J X∧J Y), X,Y ∈T M, 0 α α α α α α p 2 4 Xα Xα e is the curvaturetensor of the para-quaternionic projective space of the same dimen- sion as M and W is a trace-free Q-invariant algebraic curvature tensor, where Q acts by derivations. In particular, R is Q-invariant. f We define a para-quaternioniec K¨ahler manifold of dimension 4 as a pseudo-Riemannian manifold endowed with a parallel skew-symmetric para-qua- ternionic K¨ahler structure whose curvature tensor admits the decomposition (1). SincetheLevi-Civitaconnections∇ofapara-quaternionicK¨ahlermanifoldpre- serves the para-quaternionic K¨ahler structure Q, one can write e (3) ∇J =−ǫ ω ⊗J +ǫ ω ⊗J , α β γ β γ β γ wheretheωα, α=1,2,3earelocallydefined1-formsand(α,β,γ)isacyclicpermu- tation of (1,2,3). We shall denote by F := g(J ·,·) the K¨ahler form associated α α with J and put F′ :=−ǫ F . α α α α e WerecalltheexpressionfortheactionofthecurvatureoperatorR(X,Y), X,Y ∈ TM of M, on J : α e (4f) f [R(X,Y),Jα]=ǫ3ν(−ǫβFγ′(X,Y)Jβ +ǫγFβ′(X,Y)Jγ) where (α,β,γ) ies a cyclic permutation of (1,2,3). Proposition2.4. ([2])Thelocally definedK¨ahler formssatisfythefollowing struc- ture equations (5) νF′ :=−ǫ νF =ǫ (dω −ǫ ω ∧ω ), α α α 3 α α β γ where (α,β,γ) is a cyclic permutation of (1,2,3). By taking the exterior derivative of (5) we get νdF′ =ǫ d(dω −ǫ ω ∧ω )=−ǫ (ǫ dω ∧ω −ǫ ω ∧dω ) . α 3 α α β γ 3 α β γ α β γ Since dω =ǫ νF′ +ǫ ω ∧ω and dω =ǫ νF′ +ǫ ω ∧ω , we get β 3 β β γ α γ 3 γ γ α β νdF′ =−ǫ [(ǫ ǫ νF′ ∧ω )−(ǫ ω ∧ǫ νF′,)] α 3 α 3 β γ α β 3 γ (PARA-)HERMITIANAND(PARA-)KA¨HLERSUBMANIFOLDOFAPQKMANIFOLD 5 that is ν[dF′ −ǫ (−F′ ∧ω +ω ∧F′)]=0. Hence we have the following result. α α β γ β γ Proposition 2.5. On a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold the following integra- bility conditions hold (6) ν[dF′ −ǫ (−F′ ∧ω +ω ∧F′)]=0, (α,β,γ)=cycl(1,2,3). α α β γ β γ 3. Almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifolds of M4n The definitionofan(almost)complexstructureonadifferenftiablemanifoldand theconditionforits integrabilityarewellknown. We justrecallthefollowingother definitions (see [2]). Definition 3.1. An (almost)para-complex structure on a differentiable mani- fold M is a field of endomorphisms J ∈ EndTM such that J2 = Id and the ±1- eigenspace distributions T±M of J have the same rank. An almost para-complex structure is called integrable, or para-complex structure, if the distributions T±M are integrable or, equivalently, the Nijenhuis tensor N , defined by J N (X,Y)=[JX,JY]−J[JX,Y]−J[X,JY]+[X,Y], X,Y ∈TM J vanishes. An(almost)para-complex manifold (M,J) is amanifold M endowed with an (almost) para-complex structure. Definition 3.2. An (almost) ǫ-complex structure ǫ ∈ {−1,1} on a differen- tiable manifold M of dimension 2n is a field of endomorphisms J ∈EndTM such that J2 =ǫId and moreover, for ǫ=+1 the eigendistributions T±M are of rank n. An ǫ-complex manifold is a differentiable manifold endowed with an integrable (i.e. N =0) ǫ-complex structure. J Consequently, the notation (almost) ǫ-Hermitian structure, (almost) ǫ-K¨ahler structure, etc.. will be used with the same convention. Letrecallthatasubmanifoldofapseudo-Riemannianmanifoldisnondegenerate if it has non degenerate tangent spaces. Definition 3.3. Let (M4n,Q,g) be a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold. A g-non degeneratesubmanifoldM2m ofM iscalledanalmost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold f e e of M if there exists a section Jǫ :M →Q such that f |M f JǫTM =TM (Jǫ)2 =ǫId. We will denote such submanifold (M2m,Jǫ,g) where (g =g| , Jǫ =Jǫ| ). M M For a classification of almost (resp. para-)Hermitian meanifolds see [13], (resp. [6],[11]). Notice (see[20],[21],[22])thatinanypointx∈M theinducedmetric g =<,> x x ofan (almost) Hermitiansubmanifold has signature2p,2q with p+q =m whereas the signature of the metric of an (almost) para-Hermitian submanifold is always neutral(m,m). Inbothcasesthentheinducedmetricispseudo-Riemannian(and Hermitian). Keeping in mind this fact, we will not use the suffix ”pseudo” in the following. For any point x ∈ M2m, we can always include Jǫ into a local frame (J = 1 Jǫ,J ,J =J J =−J J )ofQdefinedinaneighbourhoodU ofxinM suchthat 2 3 1 2 2 1 J2 = Id. Such frame will be called adapted to the submanifold M and in fact, 2 e f 6 MASSIMOVACCARO sinceourconsiderationsarelocal,wewillassumeforsimplicity thatU ⊃M2m and put e F =F =g◦Jǫ, ω =ω . 1|M 1|M Moreover,we have (7) ∇Jǫ =−ω ⊗J −ǫω ⊗J 3 2 2 3 where∇indicatestheLevi-eCivitaconnectiononM,andincomplexcase(ǫ=−1), from (ǫ ,ǫ ,ǫ ) = (−1,1,1), we have J J = −J , J J = J whereas in para- e1 2 3 2 3 f1 3 1 2 complex case, where (ǫ ,ǫ ,ǫ )=(1,1,−1), we have J J =−J , J J =−J . 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 For any x ∈ M we denote T M the maximal para-quaternionic (Q-invariant) x subspace of the tangentspace T M. Note that if (J ,J ,J ) is anadapted basis in x 1 2 3 a point x∈M then T M =T M ∩J T M. x x 2 x We allow T M to be degenerate (even totally isotropic), hence its dimension x is even (not necessarily a multiple of 4) and the signature of g| is (2k,2s,2k) TxM where 2s = dimkerg (see [20]). We recall that a subspace of a para-quaternionic vector space (V,Q) is pure if it contains no non zero Q-invariant subspace. We write then T M =T M ⊕D x x x where D is any Jǫ-invariant pure supplement (the existence of such supplement x is proved in [20]). RecallthatifM isanondegeneratesubmanifoldofapseudo-Riemannianmani- fold(M,g)andT M =T M⊕T⊥M istheorthogonaldecompositionofthetangent x x x space T M at point x ∈ M then the Levi-Civita covariant derivative ∇ of the fxe f X metric g in the direction of a vector X ∈T M can be written as: x f e ∇ −A e ∇ ≡ X X . X (cid:18) At ∇⊥ (cid:19) X X e that is (8) ∇ Y =∇ Y +h(X,Y), ∇ ξ =−AξX +∇⊥ξ X X X X for any tangeent (resp. normal) vector field Y e(resp. ξ) on M. Here ∇X is the covariant derivative of the induced metric g on M, ∇⊥ is the normal covariant X derivative in the normal bundle T⊥M which preserves the normal metric g⊥ =g|T⊥M,AtXY =h(X,Y)∈T⊥M wherehisthesecond fundamental form and A ξ = AξX, where Aξ ∈ End TM is the shape operator associated with a X e normal vector ξ. Theorem 3.4. Let (M2m,Jǫ,g), m > 1, be an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold of the para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g). Then (1) the almost ǫ-complex structure Jǫ is integrable if and only if the local 1- f e form ψ =ω ◦Jǫ−ω on M2m associated with an adapted basis H =(J ) 3 2 α vanishes. (2) Jǫ is integrable if one of the following conditions holds: a) dim(D )>2 on an open dense set U ⊂M; x b) (M,Jǫ) is analytic and dim(D )>2 at some point x∈M; x Proof. (1)Letproceedasin[5],Theorem1.1. Remarkthatif(M,Jǫ)isanalmostǫ- complex submanifoldof analmostǫ-complex manifold (M,Jǫ) then the restriction of the Nijenhuis tensor NJǫ to the submanifold M coincides with the Nijenhuis f (PARA-)HERMITIANAND(PARA-)KA¨HLERSUBMANIFOLDOFAPQKMANIFOLD 7 tensorNJǫ ofthealmostcomplexstructureJǫ =Jǫ|TM. ThenforanyX,Y ∈TM, we can write 12NJǫ(X,Y) = [JǫX,JǫY]−Jǫ[JǫX,Y]−Jǫ[X,JǫY]+ǫ[X,Y]= 21NJǫ(X,Y) = [∇JǫX(JǫY)−∇JǫY(JǫX)]−Jǫ[∇JǫXY −∇Y(JǫX)] −eJǫ[∇X(JǫY)−e∇JǫYX]+ǫ[∇XYe −∇YX]e = (∇JǫXeJǫ)Y −(∇JeǫYJǫ)X +Jǫ(∇YJǫ)X −Jǫ(∇XJǫ)Y and hence, from (3) e e e e 12NJǫ(X,Y)= −[ω3(JǫX)−ω2(X)]J2Y +[−ǫω2(JǫX)+ω3(X)]J3Y +[ω (JǫY)−ω (Y)]J X −[−ǫω (JǫY)+ω (Y)]J X 3 2 2 2 3 3 where (J ,J ,J ) is an adapted local basis. This implies (1) in one direction. 1 2 3 Viceversa, let NJǫ(X,Y)=0, ∀X,Y ∈TxM. By applying J2 to both members of the above equality, this is equivalent to the identity (9) ψ(X)Y +ǫψ(JǫX)JǫY =ψ(Y)X +ǫψ(JǫY)JǫX, ∀X,Y ∈T M. x Let assume that there exists a non zero vector X ∈T M such that ψ(X)6=0. We x show that this leads to a contradiction. Let consider a vector 06=Y ∈T M which x is not en eigenvectorof Jǫ and such that span(X,JǫX)∩span(Y,JǫY)=0. It is easyto check that such a vector Y alwaysexists. Then the vectors in both sides of (9) must be zero which implies in particular that ψ(X)=0. Contradiction. (2)WeassumethatJǫ isnotintegrable. Thenthe1-formψ =(ω ◦Jǫ−ω )| 3 2 TM is not identically zero, by (1). Denote by a = g−1ψ the local vector field on M associatedwith the 1-formψ and let a=a+a′ with a∈TM and a′ ∈D. Now we need the following Lemma 3.5. Let (M2m,Jǫ,g),m > 1, be an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g). Then in any point x ∈ M2m where the Nijenhuis tensor N(Jǫ) 6= 0, or equivalently the vector a 6= 0, any x x Jǫ-invariant supplementary subspace Dfis spanened by a′ and Jǫa′: x x x D =span{a′,Jǫa′}. x x x Moreover if T M is not para-quaternionic (i.e. dimD 6=0) then ψ(T M)≡0. x x x Proof. Remark that (10) 21NJǫ(X,Y) =−ψ(X)J2Y +ǫψ(JǫX)J3Y +ψ(Y)J2X−ǫψ(JǫY)J3X =−J {ψ(X)Y +ǫψ(JǫX)JǫY −ψ(Y)X −ǫψ(JǫY)JǫX}, 2 that is NJǫ(X,Y)∈J2TM ∩TM =TM for any X,Y ∈TM. Hence (11) ψ(X)Y +ǫψ(JǫX)JǫY −ψ(Y)X −ǫψ(JǫY)JǫX ∈TM ∀X,Y ∈TM. (cid:20) (cid:21) TakingX ∈T M and06=Y ∈D thefirsttwotermsof(11)areinD andthelast x x x two in T M. We conclude that ψ(T M) ≡ 0 if dimD 6= 0. For X = a = g−1ψ, x x x since g(a,Jǫa)=0, the last condition says that b :=|a|2Y −ψ(Y)a−ǫψ(JǫY)Jǫa∈TM ∀ Y ∈TM Y Considering the D-component of the vector b for Y =Y ∈TM and Y =Y′ ∈D Y respectively, we get the equations: (12) −ψ(Y)a′−ǫψ(JǫY)Jǫa′ =0, ∀ Y ∈TM 8 MASSIMOVACCARO (13) |a|2Y′−ψ(Y′)a′−ǫψ(JǫY′)Jǫa′ =0 ∀ Y′ ∈D. The last equation shows that D = {a′,Jǫa′} when a 6= 0 (whereas (12) confirms x that ψ(T M)≡0 when dimD6=0). Observe that a′ is never an eigenvector of the x para-complex structure J. (cid:3) Continuing the proof of Theorem (3.4): The Lemma implies statements (2a) and (2b) since in the analytic case the set U of points where the analytic vector field a 6= 0 is open (complementary of the close set where a = 0) and dense (since otherwise it would exist an open set U with a(U)=0 which, by the analiticy of a it would imply a=0 everywhere) and dimD ≤2 on U. (cid:3) x e e From (10) it follows the Corollary 3.6. In case T M is pure ǫ-complex i.e. T M =0 in an open dense set x x in M than the almost Hermitian submanifold is Hermitian. This is a generalization of the 2-dimensional case where clearly, by the non degeneracy hypotheses, T M is pure for any x∈M. x Definition3.7. AsubmanifoldM ofanalmostpara-quaternionicmanifold (M,Q) isanalmost para-quaternionicsubmanifoldifitstangentbundleisQ-invariant. f Then (M,Q| ) is an almost para-quaternionic manifold. TM The following proposition is the extension to the para-quaternionic case of a basic result in quaternionic case. Proposition3.8. Anondegeneratealmostpara-quaternionicsubmanifold M4m of apara-quaternionicK¨ahlermanifold(M4n,Q,g)isatotallygeodesicpara-quaternionic K¨ahler submanifold. f e Proof. Let A be the shape operator of the para-quaternionic submanifold. Then, for any X,Y ∈Γ(TM), ξ ∈Γ(T⊥M), g(Aξ(J X),Y)=−g(∇ ξ,Y)=−g(∇ ξ,J X) α JαX Y α =g(ξ,∇ (J X))=g(ξ,(∇ J )X +J ∇ X). e Y α e e Y α eαe Y Moreover e e e e e e e g(ξ,J ∇ X) =−g(J ξ,∇ X)=−g(J ξ,∇ Y −[X,Y]) α Y α Y α X =−g(J ξ,∇ Y)=g(ξ,J ∇ Y)=g(ξ,∇ (J Y)−(∇ J )Y) e e e e eα eX e eα Xe X α X α =g(ξ,∇ (J Y))=−g(∇ ξ,J Y)=−g(J AξX,Y) e eX eα e eXe α e e α e e e and e e e e e g(ξ,(∇ J )X)=g(ξ,−ǫ ω (Y)J X +ǫ ω (Y)J )=0 Y α β γ β γ β γ since J X,J X ∈Γ(TM). It follows that AJ =−J A, α=1,2,3. Computing β γe e e e α α AJ = −J A = −ǫ ǫ J J A = −ǫ ǫ AJ J = −(ǫ ǫ )2AJ = −AJ we get α α 3 α β γ 3 α β γ 3 α α α A = 0 i.e. h = 0. Now it is immediate to deduce that (M4m,Q| ,g) is also TM para-quaternionic K¨ahler. (cid:3) Corollary 3.9. Let (M4k,Jǫ,g) be an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold of dimen- sion 4k of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold M4n. Assume that the set U of points x ∈ M where the Nijenhuis tensor of Jǫ is not zero is open and dense f in M and that, ∀x ∈ U, T M is non degenerate. Then M is a totally geodesic x para-quaternionic K¨ahler submanifold. (PARA-)HERMITIANAND(PARA-)KA¨HLERSUBMANIFOLDOFAPQKMANIFOLD 9 Proof. As in [5] by taking into account that, by the non degeneracy hypotheses of T M, it is necessarily dimD =0. (cid:3) x x 4. Almost ǫ-Ka¨hler, ǫ-Ka¨hler and totally ǫ-complex submanifolds Definition 4.1. The almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold (M2m,Jǫ,g) of a para- quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g) is called almost ǫ-K¨ahler (resp., ǫ- K¨ahler)iftheK¨ahlerformF =F | =g◦Jǫ isclosed(resp. parallel). Moreover M is called totally ǫ-complex fif1 TM e J T M ⊥T M ∀x∈M 2 x x where(J ,J ,J )isanadaptedbasis(notethatJ T M ⊥T M ⇔J T M ⊥T M). 1 2 3 2 x x 3 x x For a study of (almost)-K¨ahler and totally complex submanifolds of a quater- nionic manifold see [5],[10],[17],[18]. In case M is the n-dimensional para-quaternionic numerical space Hn, the pro- totype of flat para-quaternionic K¨ahler spaces (see [21]), typical examples of such f e submanifolds are the flat K¨ahler (resp. para-Ka¨hler) submanifolds M2k = Ck (resp. Ck) obtained by choosing the first k para-quaternionic coordinates as com- plex(resp. para-complex)numbersandthe remainingn−k equalsto zero. Incase e M4n = HPn is the para-quaternionic projective space endowed with the standard para-quaternionicK¨ahler metric (see [8]), examples of non flat K¨ahler (resp. para- f e K¨ahler)submanifolds are given by the immersions of the projective complex (resp. para-complex)spacesCPk−1 (resp. CPk−1)induced bythe immersionsconsidered above in the flat case. e From (3) one has (14) (∇ Jǫ)Y = −ω (X)Id−ǫω (X)Jǫ J Y T X,Y ∈TM. X 3 2 2 (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3) and then, by arguing as in [5], the following theorem is deduced. Theorem 4.2. Let (M4n,Q,g) be a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold. 1) A totally ǫ-complex submanifolds of M is ǫ-K¨ahler. f e 2) If ν 6=0, for an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold (M2m,Jǫ,g), m>1, of M the f following conditions are equivalent: f k ) M is ǫ-K¨ahler, 1 k ) ω | =ω | =0 ∀x∈M, 2 2 TxM 3 TxM k ) M is totally ǫ-complex. 3 Proof. Thefirststatementfollowsfrom(14). Thesecondstatementisprovedin[2] Proposition 20. (cid:3) Theorem 4.3. Let (M4n,Q,g) be a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold with non vanishing reduced scalar curvature ν and (M2m,Jǫ,g) an almost ǫ-Hermitian sub- manifold of M4n. f e a) If (M2m,Jǫ,g) is ǫ-K¨ahler then the second fundamental form h of M sa- f tisfies the identity (15) h(X,JǫY)=h(JǫX,Y)=Jǫh(X,Y) ∀X,Y ∈TM. In particular h(JǫX,JǫY)=ǫh(X,Y). 10 MASSIMOVACCARO b) Conversely, iftheidentity(15)holdsonanalmostǫ-Hermitian submanifold M2m ofM4n thenitiseitheraǫ-K¨ahlersubmanifoldorapara-quaternionic (K¨ahler) submanifold and these cases cannot happen simultaneously. f Proof. (a) Let (M2m,Jǫ,g) be an almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold of M. By (3), (∇ Jǫ)Y =(∇ Jǫ)Y +h(X,JǫY)−Jǫh(X,Y) f (16) X X =−ω (X)J Y −ǫω (X)J Y, X,Y ∈TM. e 3 2 2 3 From Theorem (4.2), we get 0=(∇ Jǫ)Y +h(X,JǫY)−Jǫh(X,Y), ∀X,Y ∈TM X and, from (∇ Jǫ)Y =0 it is clear that if (M,Jǫ) is ǫ-K¨ahler then (15) holds. X (b)Conversely,letassumethat(15)holdsonthealmostǫ-Hermitian submanifold (M,Jǫ,g). Then for any X,Y ∈T M, from (16) we have x (∇ Jǫ)Y =(∇ Jǫ)Y. X X Hence, ∀X,Y ∈T M, e x (∇ Jǫ)Y =−ω (X)J Y −ǫω (X)J Y =(−ω (X)Id−ǫω (X)Jǫ)J Y ∈T M. X 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 x Then,eitherJ T M =T M i.e. T M isapara-quaternionicvectorspaceorω | = 2 x x x 2 x ω | = 0 and by Theorem (4.2) the two conditions cannot happen simultaneously. 3 x The setM ={x∈M |J T M =T M}is a closedsubsetandthe complementary 1 2 x x open subset M = {x ∈ M | ω | = ω | = 0} is a closed subset as well since, 2 2 x 3 x from Theorem (4.2), M = {x ∈ M | J T M ⊥ T M}. Then, either M = 0 and 2 2 x x 2 M = M is a para-quaternionic K¨ahler submanifold or M = 0 and M = M is 1 1 2 ǫ-K¨ahler. (cid:3) Corollary 4.4. A totally geodesic almost ǫ-Hermitian submanifold (M,Jǫ,g) of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g) with ν 6= 0 is either a ǫ-K¨ahler submanifoldorapara-quaternionicsubmanifoldandtheseconditionscannothappen simultaneously. f e Proof. ThestatementfollowsdirectlyfromTheorem(4.3)since(15)certainlyholds for a totally geodesic submanifold (h=0). (cid:3) The following results have been proved in [2]. Proposition4.5. ([2])TheshapeoperatorAofanǫ-K¨ahlersubmanifold(M2m,Jǫ,g) of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold (M4n,Q,g) anticommutes with Jǫ, that is AJǫ =−JǫA. f e Corollary 4.6. ([2]) Any ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold of a para-quaternionic K¨ahler ma- nifold is minimal. We conclude this section with the following result concerning almost ǫ-K¨ahler submanifolds. Theorem 4.7. Let (M4n,Q,g) be a para-quaternionic K¨ahler manifold with non vanishing reduced scalar curvature ν. Then any almost ǫ-K¨ahler submanifold (M2m,Jǫ,g) of M isfǫ-K¨ahleer. f