Index to Volume 36 (2000) Affect and Cognition in Two Theories DrEsPoTOPOULOU, ANNA, Invisible of the Origin of Language, by Buildings: Maggie’s Architec- Daniel Shanahan, 246. tural Adventures in The ALwes, DEREK C., “Oh, Phooey to Golden Bowl, 405. Death!”: Boethian Consolation DessNER, LAWRENCE J., Class, Gender, in Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia, and Sexuality in Gene Stratton- 392. Porter’s Freckles, 139. ANDREACH, ROBERTJ .,O vermyer’s Dickens’s Literary Architecture: Amphitryon: Adapting Kleist for a Patterns of Ideas and Imagery Contemporary Audience, 158. in Hard Times, by John R. Avoiding the Perils of the Muse: Harrison, 115. Hannah More, Didactic Ernest Hemingway and World War Literature, and Eighteenth- I: Combatting Recent Century Criticism, by Jane Psychobiographical Reassess- Nardin, 377. ments, Restoring the War, by BipNEY, Martin, Creating A Femi- Matthew C. Stewart, 198. nist-Communitarian Romanti- FREDRICKSON, Rosert S., Robert cism in Beloved: Toni Stone’s Opium for the People: Morrison’s New Uses for Blake, Religious Ambivalence in Damascus Gate, 42. Keats, and Wordsworth, 271. Burns, ALLAN, Reinventing Ameri- Freud and the Psychology of Neuro- sis: John Guare’s Bosoms and can Poetry. A review of Ameri- can Poetry: The Twentieth Century, Neglect, by Gene A. Plunka, 93. Volumes One and Two. Eds. Gay , Davin, “Lawfull Charms” and Robert Hass, et al., 434. “Wars of Truth”: Voice and Power in Writings by John Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Milton and George Wither, 177. Gene Stratton-Porter’s Freckles, HARRISON, JOHN R., Dickens’s by LawrenceJ . Dessner, 139. Creating a Feminist-Communitarian Literary Architecture: Patterns Romanticism in Beloved: Toni of Ideas and Imagery in Hard Times, 115. Morrison’s New Uses for Blake, HERMANSSON, Casiz, Neither Keats, and Wordsworth, by Martin Bidney, 271. Northanger Abbey: The Reader Presupposes, 337. Crisis and Recovery: The Wordsworthian Poetics and Politics, by Yu Liu, 19. 444 PLL Index to Volume 36 HILt, JAMES, Puzzling Stories. A “Oh, Phooey to Death!”: Boethian review of Is Heathcliff aM urderer? Consolation in Tom Stoppard’s Great Puzzles in Nineteenth-Century Arcadia, by Derek C. Alwes, 392. Literature, byJ ohn Sutherland; Overmyer’s Amphitryon: Adapting Can Jane Eyre be Happy? More Kleist for a Contemporary Puzzles in Classic Fiction, by John Audience, by RobertJ . Sutherland, 218. Andreach, 158. Invisible Buildings: Maggie’s PLUNKA, GENE A., Freud and the Architectural Adventures in The Psychology of Neurosis: John Golden Bowl, by Anna Guare’s Bosoms and Neglect, 93. Despotopoulou, 405. Puzzling Stories. A review of Js KRUEGER, CHRISTINE, Law’s Senti- Heathcliff a Murderer? Great Puzzles mental Education. A review of in Nineteenth-Century Literature, by Criminal Conversations: Sentimen- John Sutherland; Can Jane Eyre be tality and Nineteenth-Century Happy? More Puzzles in Classic Legal Stories of Adultery, by Laura Fiction, byJ ohn Sutherland, by Hanft Korobkin, 324. James Hill, 218. “Lawfull Charms” and “Wars of Truth”: Reinventing American Poetry. A Voice and Power in Writings by review of American Poetry: The John Milton and George Wither, Twentieth Century, Volumes One by David Gay, 177. and Two. Eds. Robert Hass, et Law’s Sentimental Education. A al., by Allan Burns, 434. review of Criminal Conversations: Rewriting the Self Against the Sentimentality and Nineteenth- National Text: Ernest Century Legal Stones of Adultery, Hemingway's The Garden of by Christine Krueger,324. Eden, by Blythe Tellefesen, 58. Liu, Yu, Crisis and Recovery: The Robert Stone’s Opium for the Wordsworthian Poetics and People: Religious Ambivalence Politics, 19. in Damascus Gate, by Robert S. The Love Song of Satin-Legs Smith: Fredrickson, 42. Gwendolyn Brooks Revisits ROESSNER, JEFFREY, Unsolved Myster- Prufrock’s Hell, by Judith P. ies: Agents of Change in John Saunders, 3. Fowles’s A Maggot, 302. NARDIN, JANE, Avoiding the Perils of Rossetti’s “Jenny”: Aestheticizing the Muse: Hannah More, the Whore, by LawrenceJ . Didactic Literature, and Eigh- Starzyk, 227. teenth-Century Criticism, 377. SAUNDERS, JUDITH P., The Love Song Neither Northanger Abbey: The of Satin-Legs Smith: Reader Presupposes, by Casie Gwendolyn Brooks Revisits Hermansson, 337. Prufrock’s Hell, 3. Index to Volume 36 PLL 445 SHANAHAN, DANIEL, Affect and Cognition in Two Theories of the Origin of Language, 246. Situ, Epwarp C., III, Walter Scott, Literary History, and the “Expressive” Tenets of Waverley Criticism, 357. STARZYK, LAWRENCE J., Rossetti’s “Jenny”: Aestheticizing the Whore, 227. STEWART, MATTHEW C., Ernest Hemingway and World War I: Combatting Recent Psychobiographical Reassess- ments, Restoring the War, 198. TELLEFSEN, BLYTHE, Rewriting the Self Against the National Text: Ernest Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden, 58. Unsolved Mysteries: Agents of Change in John Fowles’s A Maggot, by Jeffrey Roessner. 302. Walter Scott, Literary History, and the “Expressive” Tenets of Waverley Criticism, by Edward C. Smith, III, 357.