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Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | 1 SESSION REAL-WORLD DATA MINING APPLICATIONS, CHALLENGES, AND PERSPECTIVES Chair(s) Dr. Mahmoud Abou-Nasr Dr. Robert Stahlbock Dr. Gary M. Weiss 2 Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | 3 Results of Mining Data Features During Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Michael R. Gosnell , Robert S. Woodley , and Steven E. Gorrell † † ‡ 21st Century Systems, Inc., 6825 Pine Street, Suite 141, Omaha, NE 68106, USA † Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, USA ‡ Abstract—Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simula- Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of gas turbine engine tionsprovideavarietyofdataminingchallengesandpresent transonic fan stages with 166 million grid points and entire an opportunity for novel solutions. A core challenge is that fans with over 300 million grid points respectively. The CFD computations can require weeks of computation on complementary challenge in CFD work is the amount of expensive high performance clusters, delaying investigation resulting data and associated time for analyses. of results until a fully converged solution is obtained. 21st The obvious data mining application is with processing Century Systems, Inc. and Brigham Young University have the terabytes of raw data following computation of the been collaborating on a concurrent agent-enabled feature numerical solution. Many disciplines incorporating CFD extraction project designed to mine feature data while a research utilize software such as Evita, Intelligent Light’s CFD simulation is executing. This paper summarizes the FieldView, and Kitware’s ParaView to assist with post- work and presents the combined results from a unified processing and data mining of physical features within the Industry/Applicationperspective.Empiricalresultsshowthe CFDsolutionspace.Thesetypesofprogramsaredesignedto concept validity and capability of obtaining CFD feature post-process and visualize massive data sets and commonly information much earlier than waiting for complete sim- include techniques such as feature extraction, construction ulation convergence, which may ultimately save extensive of iso-surfaces, and automated visualization. computational resources and provide much quicker turn- Amoreillusiveopportunityfordataminingwashypothe- around in development requiring CFD modeling. sizedtoexistwithinthecomputationalperiodofdetermining aCFD’snumericalsolution.Thenumericalsolutionachieved Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Subjective in the penultimate iteration is virtually identical to the Logic, Feature Extraction, Decision Support, Concurrent Analysis final solution, so detection of flow features would be just as possible as detecting them within the final solution. 1. Introduction Conceptually, detecting flow features in prior iterations of ComputationalFluidDynamics(CFD)simulationsnumer- the solution would be attainable, but with increasing error. icallysolvethegoverningequationsoffluidmotiontomodel The risk is that before traditional convergence, features and simulate a variety of systems and machines including may not exist or conform to their accepted mathematical oceancurrents,atmosphericturbulence,combustion,aircraft, definitions. However, the tradeoff is that if certain features rotorcraft, and ship hydrodynamics. With increasing com- could be detected with appropriate levels of confidence, the putational capabilities and the use of parallel codes, CFD CFD researcher might be able to obtain enough information simulations have increased in grid resolution and numerical to forego the continuation of the solution, saving CPU- accuracy to a point of correctly simulating highly complex hours. Figure 1 shows a conceptual view of the Concurrent fluidflowproblems.Withoutappropriatedataminingefforts Agent-Enabled Feature Extraction (CAFE´) concept, trading in place, these large, time-accurate, three-dimensional com- off additional expense of concurrent feature detection with putational models risk concealing rather than revealing the potential benefit of not requiring the CFD simulation to physics of interest. completely converge before items of interest are identified. Undertaking CFD efforts requires a few core steps: creation of a computer model, generation of a computa- tional grid, computing a numerical solution, and data post- processing. Initial model creation and entry, along with construction of the computational grid, are pre-processing steps which are not typically suited for any data mining capabilities. A core challenge in CFD-related research is the computational resources required to obtain solutions, which can take days to months to reach full convergence. Fig. 1: CAFE´ concept showing concurrent feature mining List [1] and Yao [2] have run unsteady Reynolds-averaged 4 Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | The CAFE´ concept was originally proposed as a part- 2.1 Feature Extraction nership between 21st Century Systems, Inc. (21CSi) and Feature extraction algorithms form the core of the data Brigham Young University (BYU) and subsequently funded mining approach by examining the raw data. In order to through Phase I and Phase II Small Business Technology provide reasoning and decision support to the CFD users, Transfer(STTR)contracts.Followinganinitialinvestigation CAFE´ uses an opinion space which captures characteristics of feasibility, the concept was prototyped and expanded of the system and allows for mathematical manipulation to include a variety of CFD features and data. The major aboutmultiplefeatureopinions.Thetoolemployedtoquan- findings of this work are summarized in this paper with an tify the believability of a feature is encapsulated within eye toward applications to external work. subjectivelogic,developedbyJøsang[3].Thisternarylogic captures belief (b), disbelief (d), and uncertainty (u) as 2. CAFE´ Overview an opinion, and intrinsically handles these in an algebraic The ultimate vision of CAFE´ spans CFD pre-processing, space. These three elements are defined in [3] along with concurrent feature extraction and analysis, through to so- relativeatomicityatoformanopinionorbelieftupleω (see lution post-processing. The approach gains innovation as Eq. 1). Operators within subjective logic allow consensus the solution was framed around an agent-based structure anddiscountingofopinionsinsuchawaythatcombinations designed for decision support software applications. This of opinions relating to features can be aggregated. structure allows all aspects of the CFD solution process to ω =(b(x),d(x),u(x),a(x)) b+d+u=1 (1) be included within the scope of CAFE´, with the following x | high-level goals: To form an opinion, each component of the belief tu- 1) Provide concurrent feature extraction ple is given a numerical value, allowing the opinion to 2) Provide intelligent reasoning about extracted features have an exact representation. To maintain uniformity and provide for mathematical constructs, the summation of an a) Incorporate multiple extraction algorithms opinion’s belief, disbelief, and uncertainty components is b) Determine the believability of features always equal to one with belief, disbelief, and uncertainty 3) Utilize detected features and results only taking on values between zero and one. Subjective a) Hone search space to reduce resource waste logic is extremely attractive for incorporating the inherent b) Incorporate machine learning to generalize solu- uncertainty present during CFD execution as opinions are tions and provide intelligent initial conditions not forced to identify belief or disbelief. An agent can find, Goal3focusesprimarilyonCFDpre-andpost-processing based on given information, how probable an outcome is aspects and is beyond the realm of this discussion. Goal 1 rather than simply reducing the outcome to a binary TRUE focuses on one of the two main elements of the prototyp- or FALSE. In addition to the initial opinion formulation ing, concurrent feature extraction. Typical CFD simulations for feature detection, missing or incomplete data can also largelyignoretheiterativesolutiondataoccurringbeforethe be incorporated within subjective logic by adjusting belief, required convergence. Concurrent aspects of CAFE´ utilize disbelief, and uncertainty accordingly. some of this intermediate data for analysis which is investi- Each individual feature extraction algorithm in CAFE´ gatedwhiletheCFDsimulationcontinuestowardasolution. is tuned to generate an opinion based on the algorithm’s Unlike final post-processing and analysis, CAFE´ must be strengths, weaknesses, and the relationship of the potential able to make decisions on the feature extractions without feature to the solution space. Specific details on each algo- the assistance of user input. This aspect is addressed in rithm’sopinionscanbefoundinsubsequentdiscussionsand Goal2whichutilizesresultsfrommultiplefeatureextraction related work. algorithms, along with knowledge of the solution space, to 2.2 Feature Aggregation provide intelligence about the detected features. The two key CAFE´ architectural components for this As mentioned previously, the results of each feature presentation are the feature extraction and feature aggrega- extractionalgorithmwillberelatedtothesolutionspaceofa tion. Feature extraction takes the form of traditional CFD given situation. The focus of feature aggregation is to allow feature detection with additional analyses of uncertainty the strengths of individual feature detection, encapsulated due to the feature space. Feature aggregation incorporates throughopinions,toprovideintelligentfeedbacktotheCFD multipleextractionsofthesameidentifiedfeaturetoprovide user. Two subjective logic operators are fundamental in this a single analysis of the feature space. In this manner, aspect: the discounting operator and the consensus operator. multiple algorithms can be incorporated with each being The discounting operator, defined by Jøsang [3], uses favored per its given strengths. CAFE´ performs extraction the symbol written as ωAB = ωA ωB where the ⊗ x B ⊗ x and aggregation using mathematically rigorous methods to superscripts represent the agent holding the opinion and determine when a feature is true or simply an artifact of an the subscripts represent an agent, or piece of information, unconverged simulation. on which the opinion is based. In the above equation, a Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | 5 discounted opinion of x is formed for A by A’s opinion 3. Vortex Core Extraction of B and B’s opinion of x. Conceptually, the discounting Vortices are common occurrences in many types of en- of opinions allows individual, independent beliefs to be gineering flows. They arise where there are large amounts transferred along a chain of agents. of vorticity, or flow rotation. A vortex contains two in- Thecounterparttothediscountingoperatoristheconsen- terdependent parts: the vortex core line and the swirling sus operator. The consensus operator is used when multiple fluid motion around the core. Many feature extraction al- opinionsareheldaboutthesameagent,orpieceofinforma- gorithms have been developed to locate vortex core lines. tion,andasingleopinionisdesired.Theconsensusoperator, Unfortunately, when extracting vortex core lines, there is defined by Jøsang [4], uses the symbol written as ωAB = ⊕ x not one markedly superior algorithm that correctly extracts ωA ωB following the same syntax of the discounting x ⊕ x all features within the spatiotemporal flow domain. Rather, operator. With supporting opinions, the consensus operator there are multiple algorithms per feature that have been has the effect of reducing uncertainty. optimizedforspecificflowconditions.Roth[7]states,“none CAFE´’s feature aggregation provides analysis through of the [vortex extraction] methods is clearly superior in trust networks, built from opinions. A graphical representa- all the tested data sets.” This leaves a researcher with the tionofatrustnetworkwithtwofeaturedetectionalgorithms significant problem of having to run a data set through isshowninFig.2.ThealgorithmagentAAcontainsfeature multiple extraction algorithms and parse through the data extractionalgorithmswithsubscripts1and2denotingsepa- output to find relevant features—which is exactly where ratealgorithms.ThemasteragentMAcombinesinformation CAFE´’s feature aggregation is paramount. from multiple AAs to form its opinion on feature R. The initial CAFE´ work implemented two vortex core extraction algorithms. The first vortex extraction algorithm selectedwastheSujudi-Haimes(SH)algorithm[8].TheSH algorithmwasdesignedasarobustvortexcorelinedetection algorithm for use in large 3D transient problems. It is commonly used in CFD post-processing software packages suchasEnSightandpV3.Thesecondvortexcoreextraction algorithm is the Roth-Peikert (RP) algorithm [7], [9]. The RPalgorithmisspecificallydesignedtoextractfluidvortices in turbomachine simulations. What makes the RP algorithm uniqueandwellsuitedforcomplexflowfieldsisthefactthat Fig. 2: Graphical representation of a two algorithm trust itisdesignedtolocatecurvedratherthanstraightvortexcore network. lines. Thus, each algorithm is strongly suited to a different domain. Each AA forms its own opinion on R denoted by ωAA1 Table 1 gives the strengths, weaknesses and feature char- R and ωAA2. The MA forms an opinion on each AA in use acteristics used for opinion generation using the SH vortex R given by ωMA and ωMA. Once the initial opinions are core extraction algorithm. The SH algorithm is specifically AA1 AA2 formed, they can be combined into a final opinion, ωMA, designed to extract straight vortex cores which is why a R on the existence of a feature in R as straightcorefactorsintobelief.Strengthreferstotheamount of flow rotation about the core and quality is a vortex ωMA = ωMA ωAA1 ωMA ωAA2 . (2) R AA1 ⊗ R ⊕ AA2 ⊗ R characteristic defined by Roth in [7] (in this research, the (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) angle between a vortex core line and its velocity vector). 2.3 Decision Support Feedback With an overarching goal of providing decision support Table 1: SH vortex core opinion generation components to the CFD user, CAFE´ utilizes multiple feature extraction OpinionComponent ContributingFactors algorithmsalongwithfeatureaggregationcapabilitiesutiliz- b straightcore,highstrength,lowquality ing subjective logic opinions and the trust network frame- d curvedcore,lowstrength,highquality work. These key components allow for extracting features u distancefrompossibletrippoint concurrent with CFD simulations and providing intelligent analysis of the feature space prior to convergence. While Thestrengths,weaknessesandfeaturecharacteristicsused early feature extraction may contain large variations in the for opinion generation using the RP vortex core extraction solution space, multiple sets of the solution space, taken algorithm are given in Table 2. Setting a straight core as a many iterations apart, can also be incorporated within the weaknesscharacteristicmightbemisleadingbecausetheRP trustnetworkapproach.AdditionalbackgroundontheCAFE´ algorithm does not extraneously extract straight vortex core architecture can be found in [5], [6] and a more thorough lines. A straight core is incorporated as a weakness because presentation of subjective logic is available in [4]. whenitcomestostraightcorelinesthereismorebeliefthat 6 Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | the SH algorithm will extract them correctly than the RP algorithm. Using the SH and the RP algorithms together in thisfashionhelpsustomatcheachalgorithmsstrengthswith the flow situations for which they were designed. Table 2: RP vortex core opinion generation components OpinionComponent ContributingFactors b curvedcore,lowstrength,lowquality (a) 30%converged (b) 40%converged d straightcore,nearzerostrength,highquality u distancefrompossibletrippoint The feature characteristic used for the RP algorithm un- certaintyisthesameasthefeaturecharacteristicusedforthe SH algorithm which is distance from a possible vortex trip point.Whenusingmultiplefeatureextractionalgorithms,the samefeaturecharacteristicsareusedforallalgorithmssince feature characteristics are not algorithm dependent. (c) 50%converged (d) 60%converged A blunt fin geometry [10] was selected as one illustra- tive test case with clear, known vortex cores. Concurrent Fig. 3: Comparison of RP extracted vortex core lines from feature extraction was replicated by exporting and saving theconvergeddataset(black)andconvergingdatasets(red) the entire flow field data set every 45 iterations from start to convergence at 900 iterations. Each of these saved data algorithm.Thestartpointisdefinedasthefarthestupstream sets was input into the vortex core extraction method where pointandtheendpointisdefinedasthefarthestdownstream vortex core lines were extracted using the RP and the SH point.At60%converged,allbuttheendpointofthefinline algorithms—resultingintwofeatureextractionsetspersaved has a non-negligible feature displacement. This shows that data set. Agents then produced final opinions on all vortex at 60% converged the entirety of the horseshoe vortex core features and a final aggregated feature set was produced. line is very close to the same position it will be in at full One crucial piece of information needs to be clear for solution convergence. proper interpretation of results. When agents form opinions on extracted cores, they have information from the current iterationofthesimulationandpreviousiterationsonly.They do not use information from the fully converged simula- tion, or any iterations beyond the current iteration, to form opinions on extracted cores. Belief, disbelief, uncertainty, and expected probability of vortex cores can be determined without requiring a final converged solution giving informa- tion about a final simulation’s expected vortex cores before a simulation is 100% converged. However, Fig. 3 uses the finalconvergedsolutiondatatoshowthedifferencebetween concurrent extractions and the final solution. Figure 3 compares concurrent vortex core extraction re- sults obtained from the RP algorithm where the percent Fig.4:Percentfeaturedisplacementfortheendpointsofthe convergence is based on the number of iterations. The two horseshoelineandthefinlineextractedbytheRPalgorithm. blunt fin core lines are referred to as the “horseshoe” line, wrapping around the blunt fin, and the much shorter “fin” Asmentioned,behaviorforSHcoreextractionwassimilar line.At30%converged(Fig.3(a))thehorseshoelinebegins to RP results and resulting feature aggregation worked as to take shape upstream. At 40% converged (Fig. 3(b)) the expected.Additionalinvestigationwithvortexcoreswasper- horseshoelineandthefinlinearealmostcorrectlyresolved. formed including examination of more complex flow fields At 50% converged (Fig. 3(c)) the end point of the fin line exhibited on a delta wing. This simulation was designed moves downstream. Already at 60% converged (Fig. 3(d)) to match the experimental results of Kjelgaard [11] and thehorseshoelineisspatiallycorrect(butthefinlineisnot). the numerical results of Ekaterinaris [12]. The delta wing Figure4showsagraphofthefeaturedisplacementforthe data revealed some distinct differences and advantage of endpoints of the horseshoe core line and the fin core line extracting cores with multiple algorithms. Additional results extracted by the RP algorithm. The two vortex core lines and discussion of vortex core extraction are available in [6], exhibit similar behavior when they are extracted by the SH [13]. Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | 7 4. Separation/Attachment Extraction Separation and attachment lines are lines on the surface of physical bodies where the fluid flow abruptly moves away from, or returns to, the surface of a body. Two algorithms developed by Kenwright were included within CAFE´ prototyping:thePhasePlane(PP)algorithm[14]and the Parallel Vector (PV) algorithm [15]. The PP algorithm works by first finding the eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix, then calculating and projecting critical points onto thephaseplane.Dependingonwhetherthelocalphaseplane flowfieldisasaddle,repellingnode,oranattractingnode,a zero-crossingisdeterminedandthatpointismarkedaseither aseparationoranattachmentline.ThePVmethodcompares theeigenvectorsofthelocalvelocitygradienttensorwiththe local velocity vector. Separation or attachment lines exist in this method when the local streamline curvature is zero. The PP algorithm is better suited for unstructured grids, and it extracts disjointed line segments. The PV algorithm Fig. 5: Probability expectation of attachment lines from PV works well with curvilinear grids and extracts continu- (left) and PP (right) algorithms at iterations 100, 1000, and ous line segments. Both algorithms are designed to detect 4000 straightlinesandfailindetectingcurvedlines.Additionally, both methods work well when the extracted points reside in anareaofhighseparationorattachmentstrength,commonly expectation, along with experience, can be used within referred to as the pressure difference across the separation CAFE´ to determine the likelihood of features concurrent or attachment line. They also work best when the extracted with the simulation. Additional information on separation points display a low velocity magnitude. and attachment line extraction is available in [17]. The selected algorithms appear to extract true separa- tion and attachment lines accurately, but both suffer (to 5. Shock Wave Extraction varying degrees) from extracting false lines. The original authors mention that this problem occurs “when flow sep- Shock waves occur in fluid flow when the velocity of aration/attachment is relatively weak and becomes diffused the fluid exceeds the speed of sound. Shock waves are over several cells. This causes the phase plane algorithm characterized by sudden discontinuities in pressure, density, to either detect multiple ghost lines or leave gaps.” One and velocity. Detection of a shock wave in CFD data is cannottypicallytaketheseresultsaloneasbeingcompletely comparable to edge detection in image processing applica- accurate because of all the false extractions. However, with tions. Two shock wave extraction algorithms have been im- the incorporation of opinions to the feature extraction and plemented in CAFE´: the Lovely-Haimes algorithm [18] and aggregation, CAFE´ is able to provide feedback as to which the Ma-Rosendale-Vermeer (MRV) algorithm [19]. These lines are most likely to be correct. twoshockalgorithmshaveoutputsthatareslightlydifferent. Onemathematicalfeatureofworkingwithsubjectivelogic The output of the Lovely-Haimes algorithm is a volume opinions is the ability to convert opinions into probability that encompasses a shock, while the output of the MRV expectations.Beingabletooperatewithintheopinionspace algorithm is a surface designed to locate the shock exactly. and convert results to a probabilistic space provides the Both of these algorithms are enhanced in CAFE´ through opportunity for CFD users to quickly visualize the results the use of multiple scalar values to compute derivatives, i.e. with one common picture (as opposed to individually rea- using both density and pressure instead of one or the other. soning about the opinion components of belief, disbelief, In addition to concurrent feature reasoning, CAFE´ shows and uncertainty). Figure 5 shows the probability expectation additional strength in that the subjective-logic-based feature applied to both algorithms (showing the attachment lines aggregation can be used on existing, processed data sets. only in this case) applied to a simulation of the swept This is illustrated by looking at an example converged ONERAM6wing[16].Bothalgorithms’probabilityexpec- CFD simulation of an ONERA M6 wing [16]. When the tationincreasesthroughthesolutionconvergencewithsome MRV algorithm is applied, false shock waves are detected of the more questionable areas (not true attachment lines) as shown in Fig. 6. However, applying CAFE´’s intelligent showing up with very low probability expectation. This feature extraction and applying opinions to the extraction method of analysis provides the researcher critical feedback basedonalgorithmicstrengthsandthesimulationconditions on how the feature space is developing. The probability allows the calculation of probability expectation. As with 8 Int'l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN'12 | the separation and attachment lines, probability expectation swirling particles and pathlines, which follow a particle in is correctly able to identify these false extractions as seen time instead of streamlines, in order to extract vortices in in Fig. 7. Once identified, thresholding could be applied to time-dependent simulations [22]. Each of these modifica- declutter the visualization, providing dynamic feedback to tionshasbeenshowntocorrectlyextractfeaturesinunsteady the researcher. This approach can leverage CAFE´’s capabil- data sets while the steady-state algorithms failed to reliably ities onto previously executed simulations, providing better work in time-dependent simulations. insight of detected features when traditional analyses might CAFE´ workincludedinvestigationofextendingthemeth- be misleading. Additional information on detecting shock odstounsteadyflowsandimplementationofunsteadyvortex waves is available in [17]. coreextractionusingthemethodpresentedin[20].Unsteady vortex core extraction was implemented with RP and SH algorithms previously discussed. An additional aspect of featuretrackingwasrequiredforanalysisoffeaturesthrough time. The feature tracking method implemented during pro- totypingwastheattribute-basedmethodcreatedbyReinders et. al. [23]. ThestrengthsandweaknessesofRoth-PeikertandSujudi- Haimes algorithms were clearly displayed in the cylinder dataset.Extractedcoresandprobabilityexpectationforboth algorithms is shown for a single representative time slice in Fig. 8, showing the cores originating at the cylinder and moving downstream over time. Roth-Peikert performs well Fig. 6: Shock waves detected on a converted solution using when extracting weaker cores, and as the vortex strength MRV in most of the cores was quite low, it performed better, especially nearer to the cylinder. Some of the cores further downstream were also closer in agreement to the particles traced through time. However, both RP and SH failed to correctly extract cores as the cores broke up. An area where both algorithms fail is when the acceleration along a vortex core is not constant. As the cores were convected downstream,theywereincreasinglystretched,whichcaused anon-constantacceleration,sobothRPandSHwereshifted away from the vortex cell centers. Both algorithms also extracted cores that were less than half the height of the cylinder, a phenomenon which was observed by Zhang et. al. [24]. Additional information on extraction within unsteady flows is available in [25]. Fig. 7: Probability expectation of shock waves using MRV 7. Conclusion We have presented an overview of the CAFE´ concept 6. Unsteady Vortex Core Extraction along with validation of feature extraction capabilities both Previousdiscussionoffeatureextractionhasbeenentirely within steady state and unsteady CFD flows simulated in steadyflows.Inotherwords,calculationofthefluidflowwas Fluent and OVERFLOW. Various aspects of CAFE´ were performed at a given snapshot in time. However, unsteady illustratedthroughoutthediscussion.Withinthiswork,BYU or transient flows—modeling the fluid flow over time— generatedmanydatasetsusedtoexploreCAFE´’scapabilities provides a much more accurate analysis of complicated for detection of steady and unsteady vortex cores, shock systems such as turbomachinery. waves, and separation and attachment lines. Data sets gen- Researchers have made modifications to the steady-state eratedforvortexcoreextractionincludedthebluntfin,delta extraction algorithms in order to account for transient flow wing, cylinder in cross flow, lid driven cavity, and NREL situations. Fuchs et. al. suggested the addition of time Phase VI wind turbine. Data sets generated for shock wave derivatives when extracting vortex core lines [20]. Lovely extraction were a supersonic ramp and swept ONERA M6 and Haimes derived a transient correction factor from the wing.Datasetsgeneratedforseparationandattachmentline governing equations for their shock extraction algorithm extraction were cylinder in a cross flow and a delta wing. whichcorrectlyextractsmovingshockwaves[21].Weinkauf We illustrated where CAFE´ could assist both with con- et.al.approachedtheextractionofmovingvorticesbyusing verged solutions as well as the original intent of concurrent Int'l Conf. 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The using a combination of PSO and JPSO algorithms to downside of developing models using such a conventional predict the pull-out capacity of suction caissons in clay. neural network design procedure is that there is tendency to The algorithm is proposed with the aim of reducing the end up with a sub-optimal network with undesirably large network complexity without compromising accuracy. A network size, which could undermine its ability to database consisting of experiments performed on suction generalize. caissons is used to construct and validate the network In this the present work, an approach to model. The performance comparisons indicate that the simultaneous optimization of network topology and proposed self-evolving neural network predicts more the parameters is proposed. The aim is to minimize the size of capacity of suction caissons accurately than neural the network while still maintaining accuracy and networks developed using conventional methods. generalization capability. The proposed algorithm is used to develop an empirical model to predict the pull-out capacity I. INTRODUCTION of suction anchors. The model depends on parameters such SUCTION Suction caissons serve as cost effective as the caisson geometry (depth and width), un-drained shear strength of soil around the caisson tip, the depth of the load alternatives to conventional offshore foundations such as application point, direction of the pull-out force and loading driven piles. They are favorably used in deep ocean oil rate. and gas developments due to construction difficulty associated with the installation of foundation in such P environment. By virtue of their larger diameter, suction D caissons give a better capacity to withstand lateral loads than θ piles. The construction of caissons involves allowing the L caisson to sink into the sea bed under its own weight, and then subsequently undergo an assisted penetration through pumping out of water from inside the caisson. Suction caissons usually function as anchors to hold the offshore installations, subject to severe environmental conditions, in place. Thus, there is a tendency for pullout movement to occur due to tensile forces exerted by the chain attached to Figure 1: Suction caisson the caisson (see Figure 1). Accurate evaluation of the pull- . out capacity of suction caissons is therefore necessary for a reliable geotechnical design of this kind of foundation. Various attempts to improve the understanding of the II. NEURAL NETWORK MODELLING behaviour of suction anchors through physical and numerical Design of neural networks is a complex multi-dimensional modelling have been reported in the literature [1]-[2]-[2]-[4]- optimization problem, involving not only choosing the [5]. However, due to the limited information about the optimum synaptic weights but also choosing a suitable complex nature of failure mechanism involved the reliability processing function as well as an optimum network topology. of conventional methods of analysis in accurately predicting The discrete, complex and multi-modal nature of the the capacity of suction anchors is challenged. In an attempt topology space, it is extremely challenging to optimize to improve the accuracy of pull out capacity estimation, network architecture and the network parameters at the same Rahman et al. [6] developed an empirical model using BPN time [7]. The classical topology optimization techniques networks. Based on their finding, neural network models include Network pruning [8][9], a top to bottom approach to gave reasonably accurate results in comparison with network development, where the learning process begins with a large network, then subsequently trimmed to a smaller size by deleting redundant nodes and connections. This work was supported by Nigerian Petroleum Technology Incremental learning algorithm [10][11] is a more convenient Development Fund (PTDF). Abdussamad Ismail is a research student with the Division of Civil method in which the network size is increased by a gradual Engineering, University of Dundee DD1 4HN, UK (phone: addition of nodes as training goes on. Near zero values are +447552872883 e-mail: [email protected]). initially assigned to the synaptic weights associated with the Dong-Sheng Jeng is a Professor in the Division of Civil Engineering, newly added node to minimize the loss of knowledge. The University of Dundee DD1 4HN, UK

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