HHiissttoorryy aanndd CCiittiizzeennsshhiipp EEdduuccaattiioonn Christophe Horguelin • Maude Ladouceur SSeeccoonnddaarryy CCyyccllee TTwwoo ••YYeeaarr 22 France Lord • Fabienne Rose SSttuuddeenntt TTeexxttbbooookk 22 VVoolluummee CHENELIÈRE ÉDUCATION History and Citizenship Education Christophe Horguelin • Maude Ladouceur Year 2 Secondary Cycle Two • France Lord • Fabienne Rose With the collaboration of Stéphanie Béreau, Jesse Boulette, Chantal Gauthier and François-Nicolas Pelletier 2 Student Textbook Volume Translators: Angela Carr•Sheryl Curtis Joann Egar•Michael Varga Panoramas History and Citizenship Education, Secondary Cycle Two, Year 2 Acknowledgements The Editor would like to thank Nancy Marando for her valuable Christophe Horguelin, Maude Ladouceur, France Lord, Fabienne Rose collaboration. © 2011 Chenelière Education Inc. The Editor would also like to thank the following people for their Editor:Audrée-Isabelle Tardif carefully-executed and timely scholarly revisions: Donald Fyson, Coordination:Denis Fallu, Christiane Gauthier Université Laval (Chapter 4, French régime and British rule); Claude Copy-editor:Claire St-Onge Gélinas, Université de Sherbrooke (Chapter 3, First occupants); Proofreaders:Michèle Levert and Marie Théorêt Xavier Gélinas, Canadian Museum of Civilization (Chapter 3, Graphic Designer:Matteau Parent graphisme et Contemporary period); Ollivier Hubert, Université de Montréal communication inc. (Chantale Richard-Nolin) (Chapter 3, British rule); Marie Nathalie Leblanc, Département Cover design:Matteau Parent graphisme et communication inc. de sociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal (Chapter 3, (Chantale Richard-Nolin) and Josée Brunelle Democratic Republic of Congo); François Melançon, Université de Visual montage:Luc Normandin (cover, pp. 2-3, 94-95 and 188-189) Sherbrooke (Chapter 3, French régime); Élise Naud, Geographer Visual research:Marie-Chantal Laforge, Melina Schoenborn and (Chapter 5, Water management: an environmental issue); Loïc Bernard Théoret Tassé, Université de Montréal (Burma). Historical research:Nancy Marando, Stéphane Gervais and Daniel Horner Cartography:Yanick Vandal, Groupe Colpron Printer:Transcontinental Printing Editorʼs note:In order to facilitate the student’s understanding English Version of many French-language titles and names (for example, orga- Editor:Colleen Ovenden nizations, institutions, artworks, statutes) we have provided either Pedagogical Consultant:Rodney Handelsman, Perspectives II, unofficial English translations or descriptions in parentheses, English Montreal School Board Translators:Angela Carr, Sheryl Curtis, Joann Mitchell, Michael Varga where applicable. Our strategy employed to determine what Researcher:Kathryn Harvey titles and names should be translated was one of common sense. Copy-editors:Brenda Cockfield, Piera Palucci, Lisa Vinebaum If we felt that a translation was necessary to further the student’s Proofreaders:Andrea Peneycad, Dana Zidulka understanding, then an English translation was provided: exam- Layout:Transcontinental Transmédia, Claude Bergeron ples,Alliance canadienne pour le vote des femmes du Québec Printer:Transcontinental Printing (Canadian Alliance for Québec Women’s Right to Vote);Centres de la petite enfance(daycare system). If the French term was obvious or common in English, or a part of Anglophone culture in Québec, then we did not provide translations: examples, Portrait de Jeanne Mance; Parti Québécois. Where applicable, we have inserted our translations/descriptions in each chapter only thefirst time the term in question appears within the body of the text. CHENELIÈRE ÉDUCATION 7001, boul. Saint-Laurent Montréal (Québec) Canada H2S 3E3 Telephone: 514 273-1066 Fax: 450 461-3834 / 1 888 460-3834 [email protected] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the Publisher. ISBN 978-2-7652-0925-6 Legal deposit: 1st quarter, 2011 Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec Library and Archives Canada Printed in Canada 1 2 3 4 5 ITIB 14 13 12 11 10 Member of the Member of the CERC Association nationale We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through des éditeurs de livres the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) for our publish- ing activities. Government of Québec – Tax credit program for book publishing – SODEC These programs are funded by Québec’s Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir CERC et du Sport, through contributions from the Canada-Québec Agreement on Canadian Educational Resources Council Minority-Language and Second-Language Instruction. Table of Contents Organization of the textbook VI Decoding . . . culture and currents of thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Québec from the 16th to the 21st century 74 Developing the competencies X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The common Social Sciences concepts XI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Elsewhere: culture 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review of social phenomena from Democratic Republic of Congo 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume 1 XII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . chapter 3 Today: citizenship issues Culture and Currents Protection of cultural heritage and cultural homogenization 84 . . . . . . . . . . of Thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Project option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Today: an overview Chapter summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Culture and currents of thought in Québec 4 Review activities 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Culture and currents of thought in Québec: from the 16th to the 21st century 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Culture of the first occupants (circa 1500) 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . chapter 4 Culture and environment 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social relationships in Aboriginal societies, circa 1500 12 OFFICIAL POWER AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aboriginal spirituality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 COUNTERVAILING POWERS 94 Cultural consequences of the encounter with . . . . . . . . . . . . Today: an overview the Europeans 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Culture under the French régime (1608–1760) 18 Official power and countervailing powers in Québec 96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immigration to Canada: imports and adaptations 19 . . . . . . 1 Official power and countervailing The Catholic Church and the Aboriginal missions 21 . . . . . . powers in Québec: from the 17th to the The Catholic Church and keeping watch over 21st century 100 the colonists 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official power under the French régime Absolutism in the colony 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1608–1760) 102 Culture under British rule (1760–1867) 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The power of the state 103 Conciliation and collaboration from 1760 to 1840 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The state and its Aboriginal partners 108 Liberalism in the colony from 1760 to 1840 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collaboration between the state and the Nationalism and republicanism in the 1830s 38 . . . . . . . . . . . Catholic Church 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramontanism from 1840 to 1867 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nobility in the service of the state 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberalism and anticlericalism after 1840 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peasants and artisans before the state 114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Culture during the contemporary period Official power under British rule (1760–1867) 116 (since 1867) 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The British governor and his adversaries in Capitalism, reformism, feminism and conservatism the Province of Quebec from 1763 to 1791 117 before 1950 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parliamentary government in Lower Canada Forms of nationalism in French Canada from from 1791 to 1840 123 1867 to 1950 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Canada, a democratic and bourgeois Socialism, communism and fascism from state from 1840 to 1867 134 1920 to 1940 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Americanism and secularism after the Official power during the contemporary period Second World War 64 (since 1867) 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State intervention after 1960 66 Growth and demands from 1867 to 1929 141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nationalisms from 1950 to 1995 69 From the Great Depression to the end of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feminism from the 1960s to the 1980s 72 Duplessisism from 1930 to 1960 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New currents of thought 73 The role of the state from 1960 to the present 155 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Table of Contents Toolbox Decoding. . . official power and countervailing 235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . powers in Québec from the 17th to the 1 Raising questions for historical interpretation 236 21st century 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Using the historical method 238 2 Elsewhere: official power 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burma (Myanmar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 3 Differentiating types of historical documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 4 Finding and selecting documents 242 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today: citizenship issues 5 Interpreting a visual document 245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The common interest and particular interests in social choices 178 . . . . 6 Interpreting a written document 248 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project option 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Interpreting and creating time lines 252 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter summary 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Interpreting and creating a table or a graph 254 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review activities 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Interpreting and creating a historical map 257 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Interpreting a historical novel, film or comic strip 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chapter 5 11 Doing oral research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 12 Presenting a media resources list 264 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISSUES IN QUÉBEC SOCIETY 13 Preparing and participating in a debate 266 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today: an overview 14 Determining the causes and the consequences of an event 268 Issues in Québec society today 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Addressing social issues in Québec 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regional development: an economic issue 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlas A brief history of regional development 197 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Regional development today 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Historical Atlas Water management: an environmental issue 204 1 Great explorations and colonial empires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16th–18th centuries) 270 A brief history of water management 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water management today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 2 Colonialism and imperialism(19th century). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271 3 The evolution of Canadian and Québec territories Respecting equality: a social issue 212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 1500 to 1999 272 The triumph of equal rights 213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equal rights today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 4 The evolution of political organizationfrom 1663 to today. . . .275 Geographical Atlas Federal-provincial relations: a political issue 219 . . . . . . . . The evolution of federal-provincial relations. . . . . . . . . . .220 5 Physical Québec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277 Federal-provincial relations today 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Political Québec 278 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today: citizenship issues 7 Administrative Québec 279 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participating in discussions about social issues 226 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Physical Canada 280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project option 230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Political Canada 281 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter summary 232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The physical world 282 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review activities 233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The political world 284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 North America and Central America 286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV Table of Contents 13 South America 287 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Europe 288 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 15 Asia 289 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 16 Africa and the Middle East 290 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Australia and Oceania 291 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thematic chronology 292 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOSSARy-INDEX 296 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Table of Contents ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXTBOOK Your two-volume textbook consists of a review of social phenomena from Year 1 of Secondary Cycle Two, five chapters and four reference sections: the Toolbox, the Atlas, the Chronology, and the Glossary-Index. Each chapter provides an opportunity to explore a social phenomenon according to themes and from a historical and contemporary perspective. Chapter opening The chapter opening provides at a glance the themes under SUMMARY study. Today: an overview Economy and development of Québec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 1EoEEEE(Dfsrccccfoeicnoooo mcoQcnnnno eonooodut mhmmmio1néey8yyymgb 16 uoude.y67 nfnu.c t) ddrtah..hie en.. Qn er..trg o.. u dt. .Bf hti..it é hrr..eh sd.i.be te..t F ie e. .s co.r.c2 hv.e.oc ’.1. es nn.c.r s ..uclu te..toeh l.p. ce m..c p ao .r. e(é..nnmp 1.n.g to.o.7 st.i.em u rm.. 6 a(..rn a0i..rey c..ytr – ..o .( ..d1p1 .u ... ee6 ..8n . . .vr. 06 .d..i e . .o8. 7 .l..1 do.– .). . .5p .1 .... m.. .07 . .... 0.. .6e. . ... )0n .... ....t. ) ..... ..... . .....111112445792468446 The summary provides an outline of the chapter’s contents. 2EaPMHCeaônleitosxtdeipei c ld.we do. ’.’I eshv.. .. o v ..eR i..er er..e l..pe .o. ..u.: ...p b... e...lm i...c c... .. .oe o... ...nnf ... ...tCo ... ....hm .... i....n ....y ...a. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....222223334501862 Today: citizenship issues Ejucsotincoem aincd d seovleidloaprmityen. .t . .a . n. .d . . .t h. . e. . v. .a . l.u . .e . s. . o. .f . .e . q. .u . .i t. y. ,. . . . . . . . .258 Project option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 Chapter summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264 Review activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 C▲ENETcRoAnL oCmONyCEPT chapter2 eacnodn doemvyelopment SC▲▲▲▲▲▲POEMCCDDPICsMraoiisIssoFOpnuptdIiseNrCtauiu, a br CCcmlsiuOOttoyitpNNocitoCCinienEoEtnPPyTT, SSterritory TThhee cohpaepntienrg’s pcaonnocreapmtsa ahrieg hprliegshetnst ethd ei nm aa ilnis te.lements of content explored. 138 From the 16thto the 21st century 139 T TheToday: an overviewpages raise questions about an aspect of contemporary Québec. This examination continues at the EQtQotrhrefuuae actdéé lrimobbeat ieennabeccsjseoo p iitorssowmif traa eytinlnaey so tnto iiefn oa crpwdnnonau ahuirsndtitntic forot rhrinfadai easalaeitsrl zr ev.vce u aIoddecnsm itt slrut eoohgprcclieepostistee bi mctdtaaioy onl.tn e ndoeItt n c ecsitonxh oten tem o co ooroUmmfdn fneguio icrltnQmo etnibdcoiuecaa tSe ltéwginitzorabsoaontutreew ikrtosecet.,n h cMii, tht isQsosn r meuobecélaoaoobsivgnneeeico dere ,m scm m toiihsucane s iaod ntdc m elaceyvdiev ecoalel enpoplro tpaea pmrtxtmotipnne eotgenhnrrte.tt.s, end of the chapter, in theToday: citizenship issuespages. What are the main characteristics of Québec’s economy? Québec and the world G“GodomdpgfruerDDe r ovcgpoaPvePeorssi ldoonusor e dvTcrpidfiensemhneo . aetcrmoehsn enan eed.teb ts oI otbstyo iv etrcfeeheer anavpvrer aaii r ccabtlbooloetl dyiueetso uas ncanpl co t u rctrvnoos.yoa”of - lu tmuoTonrehitcrey TkirdaTAstsheunnoehs semmdv o eeawre w aaeedcpledrorfloaeeloc eplmpgrd,hr m ctopegQm eao toeeduonnuds-neé dtbsnsttapib a h ibagdoceeselseeafenec tvgd wdhoiddelo eifoeeuogl nnolbtceehlshtp oa sl ateymo ltnosine nzoG seoclma mpantthDtber aitnypoa.Pcot ordneiauQaolrde noroludi- iedagfwzféuvo li ebsmenciordt eseceetha .cee wsp re’Td sgskrt ve lohraeheotnandeotrbiistgdusy naie,ehta c ilxsQnh lt-pmp tpsgifuner,eo oa éoacgcsrrrbdnh i utktatesudnchhel c ciohataetz tsol lti esolas p odt in gsratowf yu ooria cn esemcceio nd neurudneusosdssrsesusnus ousiittrasnnutmoretuiggis nr aeut i ieoitlioesnn scdfs.nsd vs e eI r epeattcaecshrr rtssomtesioe ommnt wr uoauodseaesnrrm.enrtil cdelviT tei li nescaymths hlt s r.iodfep seeoQiped onilsramrvu rf pt teeotéioeee mxlrbmwodcnmpeppi taaaotc aomornlor tirditfyziest .osa aanc ntnttoih.ocneen-. 1140QWbQ[V123456oa0000000euunlhuéltéienawb boeetfe] ce ,ec1 ,e4x2c 9h5pMn08’ o%Tas80ri ontt1n 7saie sl,9 (ge %txpxè8ep p.roo8 2e 5r1fod0t 3sG2da0 r%iD,e6dtn Pass )d ct Fchi in2neeas 0 sn1e0ec9c6deI1n28 ost?92eJ,88 rn%unE8a loytcaio mo2nnna8ldoy ,e 2 m3x 20po3i0o0in %cfr60tCs a8Q2hn.u0daé0 pFb6itneeaIncr1n2te 93c 2re 8%ipar8xol vpPinrecEoiarcfl i22ieloee00xp n0%noo6orftc smQeuyé abnecd Developme2nFoAlNmEaPACantuiluhinuhleresedta dcecc,oolM Wr IAlms thnmemrmmvrp, sahiaa isecrtacimaoiinranitlpha una tcb2ieteriMiclatcl n e 0e i rrloptacd0pleuaaeiyeaaelrer7 srlcrpt so loi,ii lasen, cwatnena ddol lstsaecsSa aurrut,cil tacvsr xm caoecpubict,etsgttfri rsmitsspss obtaootpeu inoqoteddirrmimiuso incurolFee,nttic e d npsremcd btsuoom usydr,aaurc uc Q anatcmtslperusedthy eédar s mi 1dbnroce ,3ieb oaeahqdo,c ylestisu2,etun ,sh0PiQ erpc 0deriQasoumt8ref,lsu.éislve éé,binccbetoeecnsc oi mnimi q2up0eo 0dr6uPt t Qtoehurtéeacb211 leem9322230 cin.......mo7486384[otsan%%%%%%%ptlig?no eeWr], thosyf? RAepTSANoioBiedaQIaoefteudtodnnnrhhpccxxcfnnnrauliehelbouo daf eeetotooiappv e t-sftceirméhnrittu rQehtvhnnmgeev red,ahh pbeidot siroGel evioobruu-ion-oeeoe tpeautoixdseL aommiysafréec ptcpnn-lgem ebrriueiaees Tbenn’mtuamoiithsaeixpu a-r,cchso.e icél otl lQ anrrs pma é rae dtechueumsfeifdboiehatstultln ossieergoitetaaeiftonnsi ein b étorcr eilhsiilsepconarmt.Qt coy tybanet,creeyc, lf aad ceon niideei ua Îdbso’nS7nrptnts tslrocsg emeAéieihe uh c5es adrogt o icta bsnor oreneoiebg.%uirnhn aler -neefinerdninutTiaosde arr sn t prcgoes tQutsente oat iehmyer’hulorrrbbf gs n cd.ef-i,iu oyee cv u e eesi slintoav rE.l-taioféssoek i,tfr oTehy aereio d e-WibwnccCr snC ccsgM–tleéennyesfeeot uhôoaseiLhaôo tmxr .vto cnatlrihnsteric tafepoe n.fnbdcaoeu eiecn eseconlestegAlsul-em-otgoc sa - coc Nrc,c NitlrtSic pstm itliuaeshioocaee neheuo ecaomemvisaonnse spcnndisr tirt sase onma osedtoasedocieurerl ,oncu,ft mnunne,ii e, sspuhn- nt a icgtrsieotNt gJn8Biheielucdmnegu vurc .emio9 tosee aioobr uidelpaeFiat.a ftrst stfniss1 aynasd,canidyoi-. tsn%on r,oiiirr-ivntelndnyfyie lcadr-tstirtya cotfio 8CLCMOLLEMCNenaaascuahôooo,vuntoa pttrArnnaeraaedTQTiuineetttdlho-au-huéradnNodeéémducerlsitebauémèoaiih erdèe-lmgr-iei rcsNena rQiedio eccge-aiisatsuAsf iii tvd oéndtipQiorbtie npivneaeeuivasdactce éeliolaaevdlrbnco eeie honpptcemromis’ msi1c e7ar r niaealydtPtMsAAmPmEDTmPmFaMcgo m oelitrxugguuuioasaaaiaieuioruinnpvrrbbbhilnmfvnnnnrraiiriinilcci iynnillliotisuuuusntiiictseiccc uusnitggmidgffffhpemret aaaa llua, attssss,shret tccccuu ,omotieeeh ev ittttrra aododyrrrwuuuueteexvvvhsn nfdurrrra,,preiii dhiiii ccc ecnnnnri Qlddroogoeeee oytggggxufaaifiei,,,oo it pl n iiépalfenrrsssscaclenoayyoEbsreeeetogoc,oriin eoccccticepptmrmtancdricnittttsctrro mieooooiucoow’mm otusnosrrrrciddnhb,,,tl ee,tf toyiuuae oucptti,rrodoof mhccdfccrrouh ,na uuerttii mOitTottvbraaeiiunt,ii,rihrrooearf osoc hllliienutgyrii esseseonncienunsae st ouxmmttix,,a inapeir rn su nrlsppeosai thrccyrr s,dsegtidltcen voflem myoioeth r rse aoeinddfdtciavairi cyitvbpsthnfn uroegriatnadoci iioeeeainocm ostutttdvrenrrioe imoionn tofo,en e,paiemd ldorfc eennmm yaincosgy ssiirnlc t t ace.orhdeiohaooui,o ttnolce am r gjiffafnnrtroisci f tn ncoaeitinfrf tgnemrohoi.otiilsguvct t rahneyrur irverietentm,esisieTriys recscse bcms,smahete teoai samasrxteis,nuan,kr,l p,keii roenneclcauto igesenpsitn,tl.sglaay -c,i--ne. TcohmepSeSteCn 1cy, oSrS sCu 2bjeacnt-ds pSeScCif i3c cpoimctpoegtreanmcise isn cdaicna btee wdehvicehloped 9IMdtCPnheor eimFcom hteotwpebenoalrsc-u ndtwatyreia ornsbytoi- ego2dS n0r amea.0i onT i7pltrhl,sees e nn ig onedeipa edoLrem.lanrynao ahtaneluasd ldtef r biactèyhtroo eetr,nh s pep oow aLmpreoutriuylecai istdpiioeaamntne adao-n fiP dnSai ancaiignfi tct-hat BSLMAGÎleaabaaascgsisut---ipudrbSSieéceia-ans-iTeiilnianaeétyt- -m- M–J–Liesaaacudnareemleniitnnegue FpEdHdEFiiaaaxxysspppiihhdrryylleiiroonno rppii,ggtte aarrt,,looo ettaeiiddcuoogxtuurnnprrisccii clcooomttiuiitffooit ylaffnnt,oou t,trrir oieeemmnss, ba tteossnex,,fur p,amf folaplouircnuiemttlaisupnittrgn isoianu,, nn mgtm do o,s ui fnpea riaficgnsoptmgrroieec,r rsut,to lsatuu,g rrpriesicu,mulplt uarned, in that section. Centre-du-Québec Agriculture, manufacturing sector, recycling Cuonmempparloey tmheen etc roantoem (Dico caucmtiveitnite s6 )o. fW ehaacth c oofn tchluesseio rne cgaionn yso wu idthr aitws? INQUIRYsuggestionsSSC 1 • SSC 3 123...HWIWrneo ghhywiaaoott un waars orr?reeeu glttdhhio eeyn omi?susa udinee sse ccrreoiblnaeote mQdi uctéo ab ecectciov’sint ioeemcs oiicnn odthmeevy e?plroopvminecnet oinf QQuuéébbeecc?’s TdohceuImneqnuitrsy p sreusgegnestetido ntso beoxxa meninceo uarna gisessu est uredleantetsd ttoo uasne atshpeect Today: an overview 143 of contemporary Québec. VI Organization of the textbook Section in connection with Québec’s past These opening pages introduce the themes explored from the 1 EoCfO QNuOéMbFerYocm AtheN 16Dth tdo thee v21est lceontupryment OWanphdea ntt hihnea gtve eqr rubieeteosntr iyto honef eQfSfuSeCécb t2se co sf ienccoen 1om50i0c? activity on the organization of the society perspective of duration. TatsntmLatsooerruynneaffhaire srbdttdegQrdttrweui oeoetructetto,mooh huoecé nrirdeendobnn,eky isd nesektcr st woui casoorn.nn etf mnTm ooseag taQdohwhreb pysr kceudeltes enicsii ésedssoed e o.abhrto t nsithnvsAyfemutr fi .asoacatcreaiet b fdcser f bn “pileetersimrestesnsr,.s go ohsIttoattat ho,momfrcf n tie uk ioashoee n rewm p enntcfogterrs itsernmeoatd euoshoecsc urutn f btoeehot nrpeyahns uefit ts n eotohc awtiid mhnetfe eacueo seigcaryorvrr r oc,t ekfoemi”shtovns lsfiuaioauv mo srbtwtlpinm oe tsuelmodeis aisenidsfroactses iietettu tes nesih yrrrtnoanyt .eerc s ntnsciTlo eiebatf seafesheittu lrto,xeadmle sltyedfente itf ev x d dtbitotmnerhhp o acsirsgeaana sstcirt tn oen eouah etdsdn uhdrpecete g feu oaiocoapdla nanloncftr n l etopen otAlisturyxmzrodh.rbor aimuieeTesiottdc cstoidhricuos ttcira eoai cgng ytocyabntioo ntn iacslsudoioi,naetvus sandiltdidhmve yt sniu cieid.,sgetp e apd Titarstettrp oli hhwtoisloiarbw ine tcnocsatuh htoidrttehthkanieyrotes,-n. Q•••YPBouuruCFtPseoo iorocsn ojhrantempeneissool ucuspnnsl lt toesaiy nw tetoah1egn ue rh ss ea iyeodSannpmSodtdoCec et tr uhh1 hpomyeer•te sphepSitonesSr tr tetCths hso q 2eefeu oan•sseuntoeSsanscSsttwidiCioao enlo3n rspn o t huhtfeh setnie hnoosegpem pettehnwrnoeiPQono joe gnurpcn eqtadoesubg e jaeeoesebsscncto erc oipivrobtrasen e og .2adaents s i t naw2hS 6etosSh2 trCfai kos ar1 ltncli•odnhwS ga2S pip6Cnt3o eg2.ir np.•taS giSneC so 3.rder Tthhreo uogpheonuint gth qeu seesctitoionn g.uides the interpretation of the content Instructions support the interpretation according to the historical method. 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 FIRST OCCUPANTS FRENCH RÉGIME BRITISH RULE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD The chapter’s optional projects are briefly introduced. 1608 1760 1867 Founding of Québec City Capitulation of Montréal British North America Act The ribbon time line presents the historical periods covered in the Iroquoian agriculture The fur trade The transporting of wood Women and children in a factory in the late 19th century chapter. The images below each period guide students in examining the elements of continuity and change which characterize each of the historical periods under study. Whaling The port and city of Louisbourg The E.B. Eddy factory in Hull Workers in the multimedia field today 144 Chapter 2Economy and Development Economy and development of Québec 145 TheAcross timefeature presents an aspect of history from the perspective of continuity between the past and the present. The section is divided into Economy of the first occupants three or four historical Around 1500 TtcpTshpioethheeunreei ratoi ientorodenitpdb estues brtonn.pohfdirn neeet gthrmta eisqtm aituhouienenids s lythtoio.iniofrs einttcho agerluicidales –1aNsh0euor0tSimemmtot0lniueieaueds bdeisu nnics tcrp od it etnhArs h ateb–ttie cnoheSi1rterenuiin g0isbcbrtiean0ae ardsalsc0 ul zit Tbopcricnyve h neoai evasepn adlsegeled.srto–s uoa5pfn0 adt0cotiv-BegAbcrnmtNcAheiloeobnboiWtasefmnitnoorono ohsaitsrrauyrnnheaieriet rggg r qtlte cAo ifii rEuo nvnw-efaomsfe auaasd tuefnlth lFrle re t fh tocoeprseof heIeiiinpo fe cc etr RseCeecohEia netsatoifep Sueweooisnnm lnterrucertsToimrofit esr firtaoebpe etos hktnh oc ee.Onytetsdathrca h syEv atwaenC hee eonrm tiaeEraf fhrCdabir dresueA irsee t tUhyortui hboeosnoeu IobenroPre trnpo ryrsi ectsonqdeilAe i r uicca5gu tsaavleo9hcuin0ytnpNniiesua0nenp0 d n dtih0petanngiseT u he oacl mbdect dirpeootrSpexn iocidgi, aneo.p no aTu catmNrooHnhltro htgnhtopeneomo eohh e iotlorsuTi zrae eIweoneinfhrfntanadoscer iruhuuf edi’trntcer lvse niNhSis ettos teeovoa Atx,, c1ey e ou taclteosnaaw n r0cA shmoznennnnoirtftort z0th ondced,ettcni oecee euhilt0nratd e neotsneifcmh1rt rcathenmi deoic nuv0tiezncerlgio 1h ratosap0t aiaasonternh nn0eocs0a.ndeiee rsstf 0e tfnyKd a aoo0wAwt? lcGnrrscrb tyit ioe coNiathto.uvvhh aeSwoeuaaICrs wriSdc onnnsihreetioofCgniJyoneuritv andaioitu iiees -sd gsh2ndhncntst etsh onaa t odaheeis hmpe h nflnoVC ta l nh oNAee tanonladeahrcttNaobwd rrbl e tsja roaoao thCt otaht nlzAerv hh onmoiateattrem shladineArouc1 f1lr r hoemli m Ap m1ti. 54colo rryv amea1aioa4eebeOt9rcunerav1ddre5shubar9dgie2s anirgcvss5ia2tvl 7li anas cre-eceii0op4tanntssfer0eit1,ti en rtezlts6imotogam un0w r-rtaegh8yet,,eere TBAEEeicaDimnadnhybuue ATIemeh1mtpundrbheN osrrcxeoh8ei eees iaooppoapcttreortxen ehhlnrulcipp bhiioettreatgS dtopoil arceepnate eointmier1ennn lh.tngaafedoor ink c6 i,ots L Nnnacrtorsp itteAh hnaaAut hc aol lss de.oiw aier nmnrsu spnnybc efctThaitdd hr,sdeveig retoteeln e anssthehls fe A h onvrriifled tlddtseoinmiwuieocaips v hhgecp Slr e Asnvoehestliyemeilcatt esihaspre,ones.mrRf irnrs esrmsct ireLirunagaieeho neuav eiapeam eel rcehoae.ft dnaw anes nd e prrswIfuiSurdrbof tn orsde ae ormee titsa rwuoutf.hriatn e d fto ahovfnQesLnseerct c c eprtacraoiutr ceeindohno wrly wlol,éme1idie u curnteav1.baa9n rass5ieo nscemsyneeettt 9 rtenhon teic.hdc7 sbrrcn dlbc.nta qoe o eaetoe aF dtehncancu tl ohnecyooe faRrdhterasi mtamsti f irome Av2onsnr ,ttsfmeEe 0boia n acdtArNr omtocjea ue sh o kewrNrb ttd irsrmac wcgeetiapo otiioyeoi yasrfdslanrFanpro lr tjai a rcohotttitrgeralcunfertr hhia npa iaro.o bmAt ni eivcdereLnmAnruaee aaoesbay-dtnp,p jt,mlt moo b ase iosecltarpeoephrgrri eotn,astntiioen eirnawcrg,tndor dhino deiittiemntucoehae tun per tdst eaf ssNhnairielou eotn bieeoE brvlsndbnNti rsu eateppt tuterijo rnrhsitisoe ohraecnrk oeppteuAcwlohsooar gudfatmto t epe vnpelo As savoru erefteoml eiate rdtrMeoiip tinaomisnhteheelcs aodnn o drewsar ee.rci iit t nc yntalerSaxiiahFipaam nn vgsbsotctrre ler .ie,laf.a o erirsid o Ln ristnnmcsQiTrn r aehtddaeodbter unwmseh mtn dugeeésadEoirr repevba ccuite aaafotrbnc ewentrst clrdif oeecatiys nc ipainsepasa ett rle baeihisllrergEeos ,nrebo onrd.ant tt n oguyr f t oIa d eetott.tuao rc mre sfhnteMtdtnwa oponhe.wat aedara oe yDpntonsaaotss j oeueelttfdnoei tiidro raareredatrotwivesklnc nir ws nfetvdca asgro tidsQesxeEatos i c. litvat.huuoasl hrtoetwréI pskoe oolnbrt opihsrfoyeptsee,nch-a’sn PPS(PTtfPwtetFiitsibtwwNvbEtbssnnrhrhhroee?dreueeiruoieoaaiahi geeanc –eeuoent cceirtdnddstmWtnivruhlho dsoh1taauth cortpFfr nei eercuii t uu npuhe erhie n.r6Amoreebtrsaoerns sse rgeey rh t ttteKdsT ,oeeh 0b emwvhd anae u f tste ad epaaatadaenfornsiree3citoo eat onanidatm t ersfotltrmslhdeCstsff, sii)tdeentgsd oi hs rl rhT m eig lhtwsttc aeeoot shnClu eeCeidhhHs iyCotnaod nn hapsaainew,rda i een sd mdsp,e vsnuthronhaoeoa ho Taih ci .ypevdh lnupnaliaanTfapnb cimiN hein. Trisruipruv otde uew aneumf i cai aeHteitvbeecmshffltdo ani,vtanhrryeiu .iIi lwooa uudeocc pte neVdStoaaie nanciplnuoossanau itl r oio fndch etflttpeas.pli, vlsga,nen tu lrhdaostnoisuarHtehyniarrns m riayoienotrcartaat.dnde c soeomsi?ndlide-gs,netete--s Tsatnoh reiniePfsluo oretfnr pacieeto ofpenlae tt uhwreehi rot ee hlrlaas .dthe events of the period. Jacqueas c Croasrst iienr 1 Ge5raes3cpt4és INTERPRETATIONsuggestionsSSC 2 tradinTg hpeo sftir isast t ep Tsetaradmbo1laui6snsh0esean0dct 123...WWHofo hhtwaahett d fpEaidrcuo trcdooourpnsce ttaeasnnc w ctseoe curboerean ttgowraemeddeiec nEd s uEbyruosertptoewepmeae?enansn sEto ua renoxdpp eAloabrneos rt ihgaeinn dac loA pabesoot rpoiglfei nNsa ocl rpothen otArpibmleuester?i ctao? the development 146 Chapter 2Economy and Development 4.WAbhoarti gwinearle p tehoep eleffse cotns tohfe t hoerg daenvizealotipomn eonf tA obfo trriagdinea al scoticviietieties sb aentwde teenrr iEtourryo?peans and Economy of the first occupants (around 1500) 157 The definitions of words or The excerpts allow for a better The concepts studied in the concepts printed in blue in the TheDid you know?feature understanding of the point of current section are indicated main text appear in the margin. presents interesting facts. view of people from that era. near the title of that part. BrlFABDnAo2eorttarucMg9allrMeascaaitnottqhnnhceonyttuwWWiAEbrusTfednuiie no ueshbcce c eneoh areehrato ol hadaopdsfy ccwnraAt illenpt, AioooislB aaagldrenece n iaaislsnpptgarnoro snd Sss hnerni ma oisaigwloti ettr n epm le“ ntf..litev uaFiuohB aphaislhessbdtbdanerhietae aatoire,vnoadedby c misb ptaemrcrn, s,h hqis wsrdi lia,teoencteyl. unah oaepmas enWtEpoetna ac rn , auaurvlia thateonstncbCeorn ha f tot hndoondei,olfoeept soe if eafttf dlu elro o ttbwtib otaacgot nhrol lhn.ismehehuent setbreeaa.y-knre”ryyTDaaaLtmTcwsttAhhununnnoahhoouaaennddddwneodert iy Et drmaiew Dwhstynefneo uhau auhianugntdiresnss tlaco o po ,hy cttslwep Bpe r rhhmetwa.wrsa.eri lree en EcfeuahToihniis dtencsveeau1haeis htte clsl,dw6re fe udircetvi nt osryoh B toemhteohgw uedhfsams f efl cb ou e dAsersiotn eonmnsq pchbtnd an luoeeewotms trsttadn easry hhucpek i-lds êgotteoptrrecir,hi,a h yna r nasubewtseen,grvhah tsas e dhmel foeectte o iilhlprdsykerllBafeesehevo n strNt dtsi .puthyeon se e heTua trut egtSEehw( nlhW mo uadp teduefhotneprma oa i rtccyaos lfneuohtiohesrinisepnn,wer sarnHshmaedrg hse oii n. wlqntwc,pwr am Tgu eoPoohFntaeoi eeusfhroodsad hwtsalNre e mdh: odartra tso youSgcn rhotrKr digcrhtddnieecltle.euu e hgadhdetfLLpen m ih.aTntAas asi hhTedeb hebpwemf edo ne, rislt )rso ,a a Be oefdt1hosntdir 7hnaterrn g i9ooaseystcc 0o 1rhtrnqt ae, tt eh6e ud, aEeha Vdtemse frenuhdi a hr,sf s.dr lrico ohBchltoiT eororeeitorpn yehhdrdnemre.gy,ee,e tt a .f tou anstipnchshnn r roasehiyey,ni nm y,m.t E fmod tGtibhahnhs irordarhegeneeindr lle egeBiyiGt rsedtunh ashuhdf l s osa,a(le b. qftrc rFf uhS rulotocryieieipefleoon ts sfpnnSdfchiisoc tes)oh.hrhf- TcAEioorsttmn33riieobwohlbuaIEo“NfaP“eA(1to01yMnnijnTd7nrneordrvnfrerau eet0otoe orfs sereher cmett6wnaruiit TîTsdti.phhir neyle,otcdoeg crhs [sehr mftusHmeeeairdauirc.paArtio ts esase ,eon ca rPrl Td esno,uo 1mew(ulbpf w oee aaseceenaisealwns8mwthflosaaaoa ild,irddahnhreM tn dlntethrcMneshd teihr e ohoscsioi éeli“ior,ekvé c giesnean t,”nndoffg tc amd ctd]eease h Ainit.hawt tînrshodnelelo.Pwccletr oae dei hbiEdgsr,mon eartr ootra ee Pont eheo io blo Atennuim rheefnm sànrruntperoofriu psdy rbok etc sitfMeroroywsuleifoég e ,hyuosy ssit trm otrr othspico,.tc,ab weerhrnthnfe o hsc i ewpseoIsc e ytbevdogaC hopen”o ateoenlc eided iholegerho,uf cnan wf suanra1ksspedoes poolun eiae6sdac idh snspdtafeduuolstt aaltr tisoehir s roene lftpu lciinecc f,laitd tegnbcoe r p shPrpr oiaoder mtse e eonc fonolnh lsrtrddmt eeoayddodfngtoefEioi eum tenmrslir f cfsCmr yty“feuoutt.trviyhedc ee os hsh1 .aa orfers Esesudrrtn6hdrroene oretotlvey .8tenoruoio s raiaaphif6 c lnwfn Pint ,irltpudn,bniktte e hg ohso gsgahoi laolofnaNsh eih,cepi inyltw,nn tesenoscc a s o aoe tiawhcghh m oc.shksanmntarag nos e, dsoAsnhrt o ”mndc.o tddtt mhEr, dh oetasojhb Wsow s eeh to aiwt ton tm eoedAwhaEwihltenh ihnolsb rrnoserlmemebhiuacule ciei ,c sotatrgy ao sotr ilnhtahohoeelEkalii ’h noamwoeeicnpt n rer lnstanu bpihe riaicr ai -tss cncnrgeasmryooeebedi ltbcoae oasof, dartaso ovtl pupiofannlh spsoitef hna as osgels oela ntd rerhedte antnh peiovxremhdmCe ae et ti rtonewapatoe eltncsersaaaavirldrl’e nlyord ,lth ngileedertnt enfs ri i t wieittkot doissyaad tsteho aso ’.e s veheenruo,l shlfove eral.elnne cttsesei y fcayee inl epnr.oC.u strmap ol g r tcrhdc”uar nimsOtnsohdu orpto,h . aseol odeet l)oenbptefraelrtd nmh lrhien Bej hlmai oatwwente trdwrec betnia hetiotcducoe nha hteidthotoeafeutob m rngiri enne sral iavgncgeyoGs fs lis Ict ee rtdsrohh msismlei’hlrtnsogeardin e us oia boncomerraav ltna geshudnta oeumputdi sehpe )dt td,dehpur th rsetyuw eosN.e ruiarh ta loi B CpmoTdlhmefsibsaervanoaua h-eeeeeilhap-bnrtl lmai.i sy-aassB erkpb.Trr roesei Tdhrstti onlho3 aeynts0feh ,tsheeeBWimwefTbodnorxehahie rageht esronmhtnice qha we hnwpdlteu h aol1(e teenCmehrr7, d et etaooswt hyyn huoormWtttAAwnu oiraeseuecsagmcieeihdhyeeqocregrrrncidri)tiinr edhnnueogcca u iiasrnti Aetvtshrnh nsuocuhoi B iedec t bqw rfrapacamodPida youyntntosra a, ? h abqoreg etddsiorisyhskee uns g ifor ttp sAe e e uiowehFbmNtn r rsln qahwrweuoeeatvaeeetu heissalrlodo m nll k ieFtttet porr crchh ihat rrdodoeooeahoeenvasdnsnonu nd ao vw.ttw pet rt catestitFevhilmilheyohntgokoeaor.cenren.selr?urdha-n?,cc-t- A22 p54rojecAAmpLhASwvlrieatseaorh ei alllcokhoaecersutheepmtek loheio l erslos Sueierpeoo,a n snu sclkflplnsoe tsaplno t,e deg mh oeifnfete,irher ef cdttie ea achoca lpswmt.epcoerl ho s drmrkoreSeii,neiem nlldtasmtblga.,gse a rpin e Lcoaaarwooroircarnelcotcateywh,ni uhs aolenrfen lerrrdie tdion snngcut mc eh3eieotentih0s rw n tats e0Lhogptoa 0oe eSserrt w kh,nyitBA .ns etdl tCfoa L olaatnia Eahnmsrdndw et emptssw ricr .oceaeoewTAtwainIa rnklcgmrtotellniacaoo i hnesrroaet nwaedegpmsm onoate sL a. cooit aplo u b.ifnetTudb lwrcssaTra lhhnjecettecl,he icr eam uuaecotegdmnariio tuyennlotassdn nhi gmon os1ewtlt sehbdiil pa oyuanefhy5 ftpn ltrauct aa oris emi0ighesoasneccrl t ad hns 0 clatarbarcea ipiusimagrea,tto,cpo k nn heiiktpsAeiutuscdnleeepancsbyghfi dalet o dc.vhyseap are tlireit. erp Ti nrhs f igtTtrazlp, , olooiorteheh annnh fmaarmdeilfiaeresieod r gd al hhgaiwett ghtfh in-repsiegcritecod tat h arbuaw,taybe ail-dmp atasstutrtesoioiiecr og ucaf pneenonla srenstby.2r eisyio AJca“swwitAwrwtslutJg6ndcaiwehhhTeou eondfrnturhihhynsgs aeeerneôtpa hmdeihtt teoi.dôh mcAWt yif,sr scpreuht rrh birosAh tmm be ,eaahoc eyhlnmee thibeto swiiosandL—bha diren eee uerutscasr v ntlidneieodde hal rg.iieabhyhhpeneL e g,r cxcr rem i.en e tubeptargw tin saclit tieerhnrmyia.dyhgytrahetohs eln in ifha gaeee ti .bseloettrreetdftg b nc lh,teh emw sottpefmeIn ay iurt to1e no.are,tin ttcshc” yahrt6 ire aagn?t,lb h sf tmi .ae4t ehhsSeweln iaoSsstplteie1ldnrTuyaivaihpne i ltr.augchyeoreodo nr ,mvihm er i tgi m togsitebnnftneimiaogicyiehannimhespera a mto h nmse Jta tag gtsceyllriilhoe toieeerhsyt s eaat g ziooora de isld res ektrematgy,antch fafiuc s rhip ehtrop th kdf lida htishmah ets lafeoaspt awhw.vyoir enoe ery ndparFdmeee b.aomtrrfeyays soassdl e e d er.l oyp tfcFoin t oa leda astr.nsmehi.i moefrcni ornen tbolis .emntAeAlrennh; ta sigog f ra.ntsgodhgnAaadb bh n .;dhtoolTs,L a ineec ro o iyi bbneIpeuat uffyctamhsahun rbohesou hlarf lirrsi eeta m ittoe.r e rrgtrecyashf mhHriyde tiédt tai,erhesieogwo onwh dtgu c a dgcss mtnirt tutaeiainntiri oo.ueoeoehnmets bl,g osat aT elm g si eyt aahteoneocitmerlcpeneni hh wcaoft inseyv,wrnrtod t woe,tecfmaihe;dtFf ah saeb di,rothyurutatbeye sieareottmeeleghre rmpir eeuriyth c t db o n hifiaof n wtuho.wNanotolu oinc i, enets s nna t.gulrafoohlhtns rbhi,a as i. rtlsme rpite tfaedir attcsoo toinsciltfelaehdehe eeenerogioisnor enasar,-ovnes-re-sd. AraSEDNfoAAuNsectwFi2hienoxrtnnvsmoearuui7. enadpited Tsowrrarr iLset ltr l eusui oottvf hprsaFIoaobvntaron rtirlendf pw rihfliac ysoksueogAs taarredheedta w bhrrciory na ecP msns, t eaete n cm o oditi1h1dohhohdi,nnG oonne5 nnl g 5nteur ieedcuataoiri F hg ont1na 0o neFnei tsst Aeucyhcoal14htrv0a t skeaxdongaietm tdt a09e ddnae,or hoplam cr vsna a fiat2ltoem1f mlabedl oetan nh,yn 6arwt.aott bNaaoys tadatrtehi n sh E rnn kAicbyentol d dtecidcesuantk uieaorybeait ant he asn tcttOrrn aor noc. gheNAit oriehoVcnu Tmtroco it ue prshbeeieufedNfihAe lgeenpooe dedwsro rrsaetri omre,utrsa.,ehn hryn m ff rtarsaotnfTriorhaaece,h.tvgrizc e.e r esehul dhrS Cisaie e ,SbJfhmnif p neeanc ufcieshAoitsceaasd rdieaa .oghjhrwlhorwl me oo.onlb iLe , snraaqfwsyc Iipriidn. seoa ttu ntstoysht ClephiiorhshwIrt ec dmnooaeiresnto kpa cfs mrA haelso C,bnmiy Eh eao tnve ehthtsuEosbtnen efhuihupnrieeao taonarr1uc aLce,neecd cprn r aeebrh5rCtaaeewmmio ss.o.da tet12 bnd coaOn eoiphiT igw e5r4s tfo stlnna Iee ahubaosh Et tw.mtegdhaiu d nyomah eeraiTri srtngrlyn om ou wse eeaihtFfsbhspace rt iolkt Cieu1y oruare n e tt,f eaahafsa plnlhs4seu nttrea ntchrthnae,xi b9anie r oetdtczfvdcc sfardpleaiiu7deeeit iioe esdcivnn dfvlNnex. rsschoo,snec eaag oy sdypIao.e.rrnletunn ni nlm,c l eaIwbltiStx odetedttcnmmo rcl, 1ha pi xrft eeoagbn wttoohege5hblaepgvd sd oc lesuroe ian0i omeoe essetrwsfb nynsr ld1ayc oue o .vlt tyi Eidnria etid,hambfeehtnEt d lo thulft Srrieta tugsihftomhutoroh rahlpnoah i Einsoreutwncniataedt esoh isp uoeoeglsn1irC . rfp ne0n gr Nedrehpst aA0 o yoeo o, a n p lno al,ttGefardopenn al h hrotfortatnwnEreoi ei tey-aerwdtnrt hastnhn tsth iihedRenfv hb otigeAutcmea desaeeelha halr.tmd nmras aet enr npe lIkhhn ees iodt ,wansbed aascr u,hs 2Vr imoldoa orctsNioo8feutaaeh faao tbpe nontsrasghntreoretrcech ATraln eesa yote sfdhaeht eot, if hrtvie ifnnrsto. twieasif outsogahn,fa,dndnoahafvsoetu ii maottgih ncesaea riimtmslr i. aous pSshclntiahirf piCpio tele orlaowdaaorp osbasvdi iseleeutc ,arro ocs dlufnt,ioe oil.cvod rnT eon tulhhonosiefsps e ua fe ii imdnrttso stpitootn rtel ui dxtuomhepsnetleeeo ,nd1rrmte 5 brmtihysna. ecd ewenhtuat- ssiittee Wheh awta csl ureesfe arlrlionwge tdo ?you to figure out the linguistic family RRLftwsictnohoteaeohetr embdto nadrEhr eeleBaoi ue t ndBha ioerldgoyora,va ,y iprve swsy, aeet cnhsah aosnhartni veivacouosevtehws nire de oyassatdunh. ll os treaeAbhoifdlnyy e r mbhg c ttithe hihmahtseeehnteenpo oeny p oBrl froi1ewroaecgtx6sus eapsqitenlnsihlnuottd-c esecrpce, tse hero ea eotnanndoosfvt d fe uttet pr ohmhr uvary eeenooEl. sdsdcrufAooei eersB r uosrhftcaswotphih shnuweaaqe ng.ntcuoh e dT oeilar2no ra lr0sbaedgsee ct oiumBb aceaosralasnttucfs lsrao hqb.ydnfeub itseages rs hfoiasfvhee rlse’d Basquechalupa, 16th century Anonymous,Rade de l’Isle Percée(Isle Percée Harbour), 1686 WEcHebpuoneeohartocwawosopt ptuedl aeeeerilsdnaan r cnga teAohesngbu edticorioo orarEn nigsussgteere?iatnodtcttpallteele mainnesn?ts Iroquois necklace, pre-European contact I1234N....WWWWATbhhhhEoaaaarttttiR gewwwinnPeaeacrsrleeoR tt uehttErhhrearee igtTs oteeiygrfdAfipnee etisTcfhsi ctea sIaon Odnofd cifpf Nfestrehoo roeecdf nsiu eettucrts aigAtetsdagbs beet?orl siaWbWrfsoitdgahihhroeirm noanttdah teesd ?relwn i p dtwed e SrotiioftSheffhe p Ceat?rl hee n2tesnar a ttmt idoAoae nbei snons ertopaigtfrwb iotnlhoidsairushlk c p latoiesn noc gt opruthmaliesedsmt ei?ocder ?gfracamianlii zlnya ettitrowanod oerk fo?r Joachim Beuckelaer,Market in the Square, 1568 Nautical astrolabe, 15th century 154 Chapter 2Economy and Development Economy of the first occupants (around 1500) 155 152 Chapter 2Economy and Development Economy of the first occupants (around 1500) 153 TheMemory sitefeature provides information on TheInterpretation suggestionsbox contains questions the cultural heritage of the societies in question. about the content of a part of the period under study. VII Organization of the textbook TheDecoding . . .pages propose an integration and application DQueébceco’s decoinnomgic d. e. v.elopment from the 16th to the 153New France as seen by Samuel de Champlain activity using several of the techniques found in theToolboxat 21st century Itponhontese perapadprg peienrt o T2etph6aroe9icah Ttoi enod o lomtlhbbceeuot omxhteosexxdent bctp touriooosnk-in.g Fettttehecheruxxcuararerooppslrdet mnilludsestoooio,re ii gnamtsttvrnhaaelyue iittet alccfiiwao ooinh sncapnnode adcamt r ntooes tkiile tcfftvisr s nnor.iorr tetgeenrTai p eessoodhoooessfmsif o,ruus scatriu rrochceunccrc oemsceeddi msesse feairi stovimrptay.nose ni.rT sletl osIwm oo rno vacpf a ecethoifmy aecdaatrslthu cev t, ctep thtnerwr,h a etuacaie.nh tdcect tiiennieccsasr ete h lirrin sesn ieft stedo aro tcosartthre of noytte s thh.sft shf theTeaaoee oer srrr ssydpromutei aroertf oyvooartt,v iherrd ovyti seihnahfl o yoluctitu se hfeomg r r’tepfcsrrra ori etacttnehwsedor se,erbre ie rtayne,phni .tgtia oietnoT ol-pypogdrhn uiosnamea lpoyg ltai,u ou f tnQw ssi litoaanotuei dtntfcdénihra iobesaaa prnivenslvet, ectd telrtl,ha uoo fttuoc phets-rhede the end of the textbook. Tutenhrderie taronsrtayal.yn Tsdio s t dhaoen dteh fifinset,c eftrosp lloroefw tea cttohioneno smotefi pcs esa vcbeterilvaoilwt yt:y opne st hoef doorgcaunmizeanttiso nw oilfl tehnea bsloec iyeotuy taon db etthteer 12..ADnetsewremr itnhee w qhuiecsht ipoenrsi oind ceoanchn eocft itohne wdoitchu emaecnht so fi st haes sdoocciautmede nwtist.h. 155Timber expeditions from the Port of Québec 156The iron horse 158The Daniel-Johnson Dam 159The Québec mining industry 125226ALCWWWiAEnaxronhhhf pmeit taoiaAhl cpautt biahhi ,sis reon fee r Acoard p yibAo mcgwroobntaiiMuitrnoovhcriœ armitgtt hiilauyisg einr wnciis bnMna sdaaeglaaw eylcn llosti en t nphnoiservageerfg.isu uot lvaytoipiaof sfcg eal?Etteeri ias cvIerr nli ai eetf mtyaswpht ém rrehTr3eie ciiimpscl.apiCieeehenrssnhoes ]rFod patcs[eddefiopoelefg eodmtenrftia eep otcrtiileaer]hnren,or daee ép2s1nte?cn 7 rhAsdo2het ib4iasms dEupo oee xcirtenf conmhi trgnt geeœiahioorydncmuae d arstivs ysnlied i vdn.a ptoetitgnehtslcde yoipnus ? prDo eomlememennve ie aewgntrlsdrohh taitposeecvmm, i poonpeirrdrgsn egt es[Mdeaennoadntnmgeiniafzneiygnarts eaat toidrnhof y ttein?hlnye i? oenAfnmf ogeQraricumgaéena bNteaiotcivn ess othcaiett lye tasn ydo tue rnroittoer yth aec eroffsescts 154SF1eoTSCWmWWWWHWWaW5d11223uNahhso7e505050hhhhhhhhramuascewr000000ayoyaaaammpaeuo 000000l A:FcWLWWiWit tttt eo?bp 000000ddcnnGaa erTol0u000000el irrpafeiashhhhooordddrroorgawneticer amnev eeaaaaouuoa1rt,ayyseoe er f9 e ttttn(mCssm 21oonrTtoGt a111tn rdn7dehttthrciwwhu uuuie 888a monhrr o oza tOCaeeéovo 1rweeyyo023mmdefeabtted9Y gn aufcm rrnhh1f888p su.i terpNiooen 8i,aieteea,ttlio iil ygll,cslennaoeehPpnn eaosaTdb –––o1 ut1itt htrnn wrh?,kkidta v,9rr9elhhttpu i,111eresr1 cas ahhs1iLca 9rsee oCeCCie 888sFe7SvsntMotee o esfashh ib134o–rta1eeaB t dvsfaar 91 etaaaral222e ti ffydtpica2eue9adlleffticnmm0tg sa a oeaee3ie crnowogo-aecenb1 upccrlC1fétdppnnl n es’9.seiiNdlottlUi aod2 llot eUd co ss egaan1et i onwrion Ennta a hmrsnwiiiigarvoodefni 1nndne v re ep y9iatffdiFNeyae1t rr ren2h l ddh,rsr Nnl2vs tt8oraee ias quoibp1hhteeeiuiiCne0 fnéwtusr7zfs1ypy eeclccibw 8ea 9sg9at o dtet r 2iioe ahC jr1netdddh’Fdd p3 ea:afOmri–aF eh edareeeeeo CTcnc1rtr1 d taaaotd dd vvln89tBataaeadadiBrunm 2ieen4an wo dneros4 nNttricae0ll(n1 iasooe gnoofpcbdiof:ttt1 eo8, to hr id tyeiuppe9lCuatit1 ddsn4ooa 2 vshem ihn,PSmmh59mh e2eein mih rae aini812nttMlrelt?pp s eneeheh 10 rc se b ?tdc9atg -niitnn,6721seiheTo2eaFir ccneohse,pmt6tt 439 er9 rlmurttCi? la1 .ditor mf io m1822rsooina1b1e9httt 1enman9 chhc offon797aet2pa967 b8yettn9m7yr ee7ettufsbr ?pi444tt..hh?ey fgDr sscrp aheoesp?4501t?eeereelrtietra9 rtr resiei m1 c2uicW aent ttrf 8dtcaoope9i)iiderc,ehgtmmn a 1dnr2uao1esdn9eryuriyt 296ndbb on a?ltus?rte9i1ughueeen e)2rxtes ?rrr.ys hie eYc?.itue se.ra sQrd?euébec’s eC“wtwsawniptjT1caroho h8inodeho.vaeaou7 an adeowmen1ygi.srotWtIQHaWWrWbWWaWWaWtIag d, nrtn r]o nha .amrhfnuuuueoophh ia ahhhsalhhhhhh ineceiCc.ewdtytttwéil ffi lt oanaaaaaoaacCcw oooat1wmsya hoss bod hvtttr settt tto2ih.,mmmlpds uadoce ne am es lpea.oewiwtcmiiiep a.taroericrn ennsyvtooo atohidnn aevCnn spb.nuea?o e od dfabbbo er si pntrw aerftKrdsl lai.ct u huttltapiiimyod1lhBae onhee lllee aro liIiysess eeeiutp9 praestae atfenoegrntoha sttt tsssitfi 1hmistm )it dricedreouehiol uostfear?? trauo7wwr,i fycorham.esode huns e aewlo rnaa wescsPnfn ? aiea dhccs?noingrmo as,lwaov hhltn nann,o tlid wati ue iowudcynyutlftc Jeiiaonuddatrr ohs sclouvae nrroashuchysuoed ly da sfah ou eyd1merntm y t t n tup a pnnir ttkntsul 9it cbho ios hdthlohodahohwadt i tnt2tspl eetynshalae neh wienneuusie9e edaooio e orm gt ivei kiisten db?sgrssztenwfx odetnioee e1eea nf e tgRu hvs eon ilmstfffiesrbs6rd iotetasetluoeeervln ousrw ae to iew l lpohoorep brnrrcrs iotbr qtomytn tefb ahrblma,jetao owaptoda o uuleesem o1ntueiai ydaw nrouplcidheet 7 nddd se rnt nofty twfema2dsce e.ehe etu i i ? d iun5tfayf ioc5nse on dhrtdoehntretrtf st nehan of heagerco ah2ae nwtt ti tdao te lahecehe o1nEmi otitohdbslpumah r duthmen semw e rroeusoresm .ttle ote dai thfaadta 2orerOtgmccenf nihi ioetiiepyde0 tnm et alianzlt toehoae n uvt reantrtrraeaarathfio ecrr weotrnreannl archlusduro t byaalao dn iafctiorii cytoit d:nbvicuvlaeaynuro irsoe2lpwl Bnluieeagutrtu t[ocp en m0tmmoebyuisrac tlti ttadot,gtlpeeolrmiiii ues yohuedetoodr&iuhisamrdf?edonbrt r2nta n on o emecuW ad ryti(igtenb bidinresl,hyn t2 oesneoe tsatio,iuyn ?tareoldf hoxasnQ tehfc ot[7dno?n -airca]uurstboeaf.edat?linér u”oundadiyrblnn-,n?-e,dc 12..FTtdabAhh)u)nWHdWiIWioT1eunnnh9efreoshhh ff e6FuaFnivwn rrtwwer aaa5hcineonoeaangfhtttt oeelfssdedirr tone ahstww ttredsd eyrpee trrc tttaarp etreimuurehaahrtupfhsssgefsccdececciee reti rsttt gtteooi.a hhnrouuo hh iitentftnfnot rreneef yao ??hdn eeenodp retliinif otrlg semmiioooc otoinehct tpnnfwooopprengo u e gfQaaynrtt D ri mryhhnoyoiueccaoci.o oeenttgfnéfcema i edbeooo tletnullqah- hreffuisnJtcp bgeucleo tt.vrd hheoy f hsie aowF r nueeerebrsuocsiuo arfoeo etccnft nsrdinledfni oooma v podoDcantn,tnirrh tedea,tsc sofy c m idndtitiuusoend nrret eo ism tu ufudn diao ena enrcccaet n ehpte o t QsmceQidtitfndeootueh hou Ch tt nrntébweewsénôh ae buet b ooeoie roeahtixlef-nf lhimcN cprnatdcatt g?’oohh?sdsetpomirhcma dii srcissg,i ninio :smn auNnittdi pvzayoycmduuevppargttanesiiineeeatommvtii ton trinbooitey?ietneiffa Seos rso l tSs u2oofiC9 n foot,a h2tltn hhicbs eeth yh q a steruneoe excocfesteri“tesDmgsQto‘TlhthwtPMbeTrg’thhhhC tthnoneiaorihtruhotaaoosihaeieealdhyxlvoio inponétnderoeev tenAiWoWnsn eiupop tngem”b ercadnxecfrk: ri]ee hahhrgcz e,l eeeEneac np e ttroyartLaMraawhda shtco hrc orsle,asdiershshttboe rat’neeir toash a s aatit iPr iyaaarrhydro ct td onvoitrgyrstcmtateih usn reshitaeenee osr i.gehnro ngts e.tge,eryoer tbd ifi u ssr grem id,iodnuaalrBot eno otz ei ab b “Thi,hiotpnrnaeertwLnfe wtupern letAoyot feeeot rlredmesh nte teiecopr ta o rcshdnQ ctJsretterdh dmenralyliheiiollaio eu att af t blr? itrnQdl2oreoféiodanmsn awm t yieen6btao rytseoeiitun,r a a,c en m i ècete ron yxpobretciwA2iéartthecrncn sv hs euo0hc tbg.teaisfeee ee i o0o is shnrieB.lcimeVonise7t s enli aftsel dmach.utfp gaasetc[s,he g ast r,y. uo .emtlylr’ttCt .p e ’emsaa-eida”e ea Ld do nPx gri Sôea dQelsasnsaeipt ni’suntrrpalOucpeuw ais l?eu,oeirniiptedom’oettn ninr -oescpgh éssre oi N yngtppntUo emn otbrr]-bfaeo e.heodirtirMegmoncosccarey c,er ct r geit ebdirr-aadowatn o .i,yar aozs vyn u n o f‘v.hm2”evi a cirI R rytnom f.efatas6a[tnii “ ofoechi2 cdtQ.r Q0yidhv Bsn uv ee0mu .c oaip au Jmeiét ya0AaoTnnuieivAbeeé nyeru2ntgebid heaatbos.llos-sc. kalo i netsN ecinL elctwTihloa.nosio-oicsd owitob ehrPen.kackmEe o por it oet rix .ierid.caw hoepuappsad ar. eiNnp lertekaenorlat wuv rrl dirrcrnvdosystapeeneoi ouh,ae tiwc hlri esgndtoor.mareeiaap, snikcpeyn I ovk?eodwet-emr-dne en-freiesesnstnt Tatuhnnhe deo eoprFpsptueaornnrtihtdnueigrnni ignqtgyub eoytsoxot uiapornrnes.wseenrts Wofh tahte hsaovciee btyee ann tdh eth eef fteecrtrsi toofr eyc oonf oQmuiécb eacc tsiivnicteie tsh oe ny ethaer o1r5g0a0n?ization 228 Chapter 2Economy and Development Decoding . . . Québec’s economic development from the 16th to the 21st century 229 Section on comparison societies The second section, entitledElsewhere:..., allows for a com- pfraormiso anm oofn cgo tnhtoemsep porreasreyn Qtedué ibne tch wis isthec atnioont.her society, chosen 2 eaFQQEadnerluusodvlééeme nbbwtlheeo shteccphei ’edmserur enstemwe,otn ri eoctlrc imditoetohotfenhey rnQo ieptaeum nrstéeeh.vid bcsWe eet raefcnhcier rtatrt,sio tievtelt d aoicotraro:ycoeyy n c .h taeouhanmpespdac ias nctilm thmsasooac iot ltTh airovaroegfniida tdtoyni naeat ihnhszyo ee aaedrstnf fsidiemnno cfdtcltoiiu fe ofesteynnoier ccteshein etdecht ietorehsors egu bi agndenh tetiwovhzuaeeettle o titnoeph nrtmerh oi ewtefon oerstycro ol ocdofni?feotmiesic CFeoTcrehWshgodioannehecnaoria ia emzitetst aiyhy cott aihnhaoove,ann ne Cs fd o oboae ftuenx meeiraptrntsdrhei iars tctlhi oaoea ecrrnnd giycedeeef et softydvehtf c aeecrCtna oslUhpd uooini ndntfpie tt aergermyc?rrdi oo itneSnowSt ornStatymhhCt.tee ,2 i s wcow. hIafoti c rcitClhsdi v ahhiilnatsi ysont e lotaerhnmd e stb thmo oee orf f oesaoprtr geepraraoecn,p u aiu1szflstao9eioutri7 nsot shnc8 eof oo uRfrn uttthshrsyeei.a Ints Abr imefalpy isnitturoatdeusc tehse t hcoemm.parison societies and POACCEIFAINC ANMOERRTICHMTaAacodpAhn epeomdeednvvtieenxee t uMcirHHIpltsnlrgiaituorticcosostey yabrapefa i,eoli xoleiio v igmrttnb.tierieeicuc c Ari iTuermlea oasraoiSeh btMntn cn flsaecAtOio ttehoso hiidionEeorTonrOe nUmecana nsRcsfL ow e CTlcopty otciIaAmvsch CHi tmnoowtEihbemaehvNAyoouAaioiru.i icln.tmry TniMs rysTteN D ykt r Iewystrhel.oishCyos e tdxei Al ie dn,essic ii nc sb ghsp e olNid a atnoy sisucatbiorn e puwvuntgdter e behrttreeeteeerhr rhesvcyep sfanpe oie osinl2d ifarontruitn0e,ee.lyr ynotsttdntehhhidmtodcareeneeAyt ri, aA omFoatnmRfegi .ntnIreEhCeiecreUAdiducR alb-bOsyy.PE IONCDEIAANNCTeadtaAohxsneS ôp iedvtoItsoe A ieep lrl.goct o Orpdooleimtnnf’ia IcoccvteTCCnlpTlapa aemoedonahnoolhhss h cteylidaiwpiits seonrni ope un3eo eams adhecfe0lP ftra a oac aotfnoah Chutreeyobniddnamoeleôns ooidees len taifomc et pnnluc. yoermof ocls.oiWlo tdxcueOteht.inrp co ’n e ’IIbdCoseotA v trt gNeSrmePoriE hn fysOirnrrRvie AeAa oiry cecheteCn ewCEwhNeoflaia coinepEit ctn,IsIs epmh A Ftouv ttAsdh hbhmsiaiaIerNsbe leeaooCt pec ee lsnnewweohnirexcemintceneoapd v tinoddirelnooe rslnoo ned rrm fdttomnstt.hshumu oeeteechs-i-chet IpipeatdfltalTraarlICt1tleeeseeeanonhrohaenng dcix9orehhhruiadagrt meeoroadtt7 vwe1tmeiecpdenni ise ndhlne8 ntscCC9 ea d ee cnecoiaeuelpfuo,uht i4dnorr ohh doand okrs pmcDrllas 9t pm lat irt euoueieetttahrhdnca,n uwedmyoih d dodcniteeio m eCmva ,nre septeafua tCr enswaafctpo ego. rdt, urtoctte onhl1 .t1iylr a adTmeo h eCntrooaeX pi9tTi9’irirrCw”esseaneb.n isnvhm7tirk6 p sh e steoaaFaitea.ieo ir0tC 0hcvr t aehndou.m in ocHndooys cosune Pm aapu nFood.o,ptfur ibpomrl t a ayvini flmaosioBoaorrc newees tnrni mwreuoellnmltutltyurxtgul ilf edim mwfonyfto ywcanelo Pataoroivtyu bw it ilsamntel1haasatrsaieelri hlee cnrihaelm 9i it eirrlrosoonennsscpcp n ,tnn 7e ifsnP t tRawrarscoyegolrt tld 0eihe p asnmeiera nt1df hsfeetvse c,te uetrnridsd9tot eCod.haveleeoa otaasait d 6 ffntylF eor hbansfumd gttrid tete6,pa,ue ie rpaaalycr hl hecoos d ctattoulw eediclee aede scoenhefrtuD noasdttion tnh o msodmn eco1dsyriwoncde cpt drio astl t,r9 eooc eadnoomi tclleeoy erliense5dhhufrne1 em nograr e mppstu.8,r dena 9cspe utpha e:tMeeiXrn, im g 7te trenhnri nnrwetidcfrdiiitrs8cisthaeoaatss avuoyaihiiehe llr.rfoscntditerybio’o iseeise.sryo anm Uzcus tii tlftpd eZ . ssSsdd ei.e ewaehClnfn uuis tpetttds.elcnoietrr uhd aclalgdnot ooo wyiMuto gohsrrribehusliio nl n,uteit evndfetoeroiu irtntdi oneamatse greeinM ghrtaMhgca;Cmsest re it yg en hfeaot weseeapeo,hatr ae iil den ooir“ceeotihvc wimidniat nig i nsaeo’naooefhsa lereuidoastrmsd-sfnnier,h-snlru nt etaedwem-aads-tsb-euialnilttiysh,t b1trLhyW6uee 0lSgse hCe CpNanohPrrdEmrioionnvgamignr, c eueats n hogsfei iisGva tmuen aPtlney gaia ndrano ttnbsyhgo eotl -ofhoe* kaTACGohrtol taabl nosio gcDHofuaJaei nntasAeg CiMvDctpwengp chrsarCHutaPhuaaeeialghobaruloocaltTie olt*hn semto idgtr3uaceiseolBun e2o eD .lrieoc p3nngevaGaipjtr. Cmi reecontilrp ohohrgmr tsoSgSeRrniaftieohmni iveatswvteueaenstinato ovehSz zttrtpgeo hele eadelroel a ,onnbu ruTctfYetutooinehevStisn lrcoseoetlisopanC hhu lntEwuSareheelotaiectis ds anstiAstrshteo a teebeo snappsyftaloearl.ycite- ANTARCTICA 230 Chapter 2Economy and Development Elsewhere: economy and developmentCHINA 231 PD(AtwSrasapadsaztsncrhoipi1lclnoahheoooDnyhstneteatdmuhom9ee.nn iiiio e misoneo c noe S s4 opdmcisnihntn onQucheanphcoer1gr s sogmvrnyer o gnlf iihi-ieair.ht a rtnkrronse tbetaycdeer oo h,)eenu tlge nyevr e pnew hetorn c ed oocorcrfm aeancatoie tuoto nhg bmael do ghectl puidhdy uo aonrnoeoenar cna t gi- rtuof CfgtittdCr aar i nrinrtbaaettceol aahyeghh tipjmeaentir.ncori ni liiedienyatHo nnsdueiipeooagt nrrngra i de’eemrgnassr;g gr r,cae iiia, ecnn mnaonp mlonDuinsog-drspftsvoeitta--r i sraii-a-es nQodni netdhg eosTCDIehtcnemoroxo hr o iphvualspipsdelnmanoaepdpsanctro.p r e aatiisMyltdascseears n dao,utshii t di tnr9tsco ieaepdd1iolnlo,yeeim% lsrv otfsfp lmahe ofhoeafcerrouif,r icsnu nh litiuietsietahsie grireltder b l ascyeresiars ou e.rrn pcslue-eIe onaqsn ,mhtmr-u o.oiaaatmu fiircnest uose,ec n uhprcoisnoaas TAmtleOastEnAeMeutfAhgcVchttltrouaunhhhhodrsainrxeur,eeatncscntfthsoe yr eaieubirsnteaar e imbocsotaceoennrt ezatr iarellde .weunhcnhfueco te eetti t1cbns corth as Frhhooot,oau elmnghe9eauae ama eeesf neuu vvm idwsris s er7lrssru rnnsiteordnte e etnni’n eelrye0srpu hh soialoeayofer epecttmuy h vsrvsert ul,liu er i errfnxgvt ,lctrh ee,lbhangi dyyo y bso ,apceeaechirhpomrlfe btyeed,,c snojoelemr,Cos ac hofs eo oii rtaituesihpevuaencftrclridsowguehhnrltl disaenssae i anoimltouc iceea snoistwe ttne shcmnldsuvhmiiit,rme rireror raeaezo t ncoeaaetasaapriio isaapslenlenniygnanp tctfyd ittrl .unres iunh mrneys eo att r iecnirot.C Hgtshet o en, n esr,awrsseire.a ihdbh AeeCv s wheanni5sn soenariCntoeleiem rn ea nsg, isg8snwtesmgcasu cdbrnlrh ot tire w l%mic opayuace ooo rgeta eaifaoiniaiacfsht nhiasir snmhnsrnc’vlts aenosiisleosu t olna seoinoossie otb c diu reg spcctiilranffh o.wnpsmfrdtsettumh s tai ahear,ruhga oouetew a i e tlorpeeCosr oehmatneetr reishyrinresi mhaddifhn fianeha dddtrap d e t bid dse-o2hen ecol tndtih b l sc2 puna eh thogoa0 rfrecfdpg let coto0 eornfay tnretonr%oec thoeb otonsh thaiea’ps d hfeo h seassh eerebse2 cp deeseenu ten atoneit id eindeer c0a. lnrainio cls loscf acienta apsrve lo%ti gs,ebgttto wmncinn t gitnidpa a nkodsontg yrhuiohcs ic.rpdetou.oeiixdooeo nrt eonnnceiraTeteedn nuesoifns n e qn fshvtcdlo ntoxre,cad rdnoma rrai uelr, sesytfdd noyaiy euierer.isi s toa vl.,eacdgmsadeshtanmeuv hrs tl eShlnticyecrae riteo iacmied etstiria,azeieaetslornluenys on e ed oabttce p tblifhhso s c eeecc .nhtp.o ildtociei peo tahtaeirte.ntohF eAnmoofhry asrauute nvaeg o vhno et sltsaaesciawiscahered e rrseenlnoaoncs.oedrttuo-sdatefhed.nr c.lsso-s--.sf- CoadTonnChicTtnulhfnoeouahuh t MrMTItstlttCtRcdoCduoanlsvahsd memeaoelinhihahtietnalepefutntoientacriahhanhrhg eeevusuerdsanimgeprne1t erngoyiicci eo seesttht,a orenncTrCor9cacs, eehe.eotaren e y a elsotauaalr,hn9eood dlhors tTtrh h tso olleeo’ nauosiw.e2eh irn ne i rranea h modpftahtcfichwsn us,erTginevht onho fo nmenyv 6d eese tlCir2ade ieahigtnom roCs ,dndo 5ceacceorpe0 roanm e,G dmeuhoe iarii ’hs0u Jlohesrrpr0ihn brt idso tii dbcio cee o,p mz neaant9isragtle bo hkeehnn ireGdpurtasrrnhn s.argnsmhdoalmmtahgoa avies uucaieteg dhtTenmegtcaesbeoegeodjtikretccrs.laseo dk itooh s tvoa-euitlereeh ocgoepTics ns no,or vcnie guDnh e c.oofntaistlehfep- r pc’lete srertoufsTlooo aeii eeaim hrmsts rpnnomfp tohgcha eon do rhtunottetDymmeoseleo phsaorrso ehe n n ijfomeylngodote acen o eett ffit eeric fnsm ln. oe trr teors iae ttstr woysmtnFdtrheh curd ro i e glne ieoeeaioinsfbinc ntinne vf wtlan froiCerlaeetsl tyhs yeie liee2nht rCgc wrvteih e ttbnyd0fdheechoeihxyhai ndu 0o rdcytmtcn weahtih e 3eai.nano ofwgmp l dafou eonrlcdBt an araseo crri rrJdptotni soysl irootise vonhodtataed lmetn tnneho etignn.a rceli s f esttree,wrut1sg sIaologr dotteorn y e t ioc9cnihyfosaRraani. o l ltso7u.olitmfe n ii d ifthtrmtnv 0rTBobyn odhte sadaersse handhedre aatserev niey.re . ie fehtjrnp efujopuod.x, T rli at fcelolvna rrpTgbomrlethvtrree oyghaoil ehatieecroofm dam ,sen e dooo eu naidintmsatennprfe psr aeyakedomgeursmaavteicfrs icscdiooaseo o--ti-efnr-nn-s. 171C.1OOCTThHtehuhMohnetreowi rntntoih aghPtwdoeu ieoenAr trel syxoeB s?pnoRev ifgeeu jitsrnIlhr igoeebSa .nafCn Ocnhedie cn dN uaoien rnIvnb oettaehslmrnouenp aig cdtlmaig eodtenveeeasen lvt1 ltToie 9oeapllon7efmvfps0eisemscino?tSe ntSC nCChto,i rn2pweohsraeati tos nco hcstiaaenntdyg beae nhdidnidd a Totehnfhfecee oprsIur nerc asoogenunern t r edeicnaftly eioocrfntdeisaoe trtnu o.troe HrtpkctWaieptrtenohhheeonxlerloiovawgseeeiumtopcwenpr,a i ntal IreIkFIcCstuttCsiotroihevniohvo rnthnc atidehainôôvodreon o alittaots 2tdsgii tteetsrrpef righetricee0 bt,o a esiairred t eocassh aa0 ,yoeHitncddt lo c on, arltntn6iers crp toaoo’’s oetohIIp cspu a,hcs throvvw.innr4 nuearae e, cid’rattiooti Ti oc5d hcisnuoshccuslnbccvbeiifep¢dt ,ierrhuitee dhlaatua ad teee doah ptrea pceincro slrdy’ eohssor raosoaaaphraeiy hc i ,i,pofeoQnislnnf“gbG rrn aocp d ef a t poeuuiagcssraeoauktagoIstr Ds énof bp honsisn tinuotio to raoteblih pwyadPvneae dtxoero stnfsetrl.mr iod e cyplo nricinre irfc t1oeFmnaewonht peroohneer ado9fsdsdhcgone rcanree seale erf?e7oce n omme$a evus satspirv”Sa tn0u8 .esdie . ielheccer rwww sooamts 1lA qi tneaepo ruyfd .tnf hihouooaie tars csbmur reTpg eatirers f2nsloca itenhsc ndp klelh uan0cdop.ttblxapi etea rb ihioder0dtFpro nltrem srl lhdeemc sedah tyaIoeen sti0,eav,imieu ne an’ria d tn rpsadc no0Utt siv rtspttf aheapacrtyir0igl ipta errndoSuronneiotinrioaso tsdliaiye. Dcnictatngavdi c f dccn eoon m“ahmedns iae .oN,uFetnscr n t, i altinocamFhie ahJ.lep neacsid dniecoapcak enroersH .etttromrrgobe ftone ihe r rct loe1omorrgedes nér cueerlaeSe npe9antwluru,ln omootcaw oSdylxof8 sciswdiemenamrvafCb veu eeua 0ioyfirtlvheira” vraennomynpssiye3 rseseireoniliu 2 g,cg. t des terrfs mp nwmrshy 0 et,oc tuic c lahac nia0uoirtieopcnmaI atnelnoetsfn8,nrherecgatiCdaos,vd -nidanua rjeTiodoe ltmu psincaefoorebtdaeni src-o cu ssthtieus o unaa eot rf nl rfohefa1 1ed sfrget¢da9 iarspt mur7pielh1122343$rcmtcv eo0505005ee5hUue00000000erSPWoS sed,l 000000000D pr o trtnrcuteh/auhui1960/61rtsh ohccdlroarIenc veeeoauwntdbes1962/63o e rl c:ceurvh oh srIoapa .nac1964/65afiod tnaltr ltAsei aiuca ndowrs1966/67 rt caenbp senepoast c e alo,i1968/69tororbaia ceroofkefctioeannd-i1970/71tiars vce -olt e.tC1972/73hnyoe ?ct1974/75 hoimae1976/77 O pgra1978/79glocanbt1980/81i zaoal1982/83ft iomtnh1984/85Ttootprh oarfeae[ egor dpre 1986/87f aneoornkdno lrrsiaeginrmd1988/89zuraeuotaersnt] c e ,pirifoet 1990/91zeht2rr nhassio0istspan i1992/930 oatmefm n4untcthdt,n a 1994/95h eTe 1kcFrsd etepaee9i, 1996/97o n rblrci6lpnesenreFgu.r0crr1998/99suataiii p.lifrc trailyIc 2000/01oenerC a s2 i tCa n52ioo2002/03nosa,ff0 anpn 2 dfea0ca0acdYia3r0teaia8o,crn.saso 170TT2ofih0fsh h0eiet i7swn , wgn ha aiifhtttneeui rrttdah ehole a l hpdrvaihivonbienglirtp a olcthi fva aiutennhdsde e 2 dtC0h ht ehma eani clgdlci iioJsdniaae pnnyptgeaea laRr rscia vainepncrt eutwh roeea fs ro tidhfv eietshcr el’sma drwaeoradlitpn eoherf sifmni.c sTai amhblelymy dp aeeelxs.ottiprnulcectt iionn The Three Gorges Dam located near Sandouping 234...WeECYtFhaoocniaxhr hsovdpusinaten el,aaett oth oier snemeeunve c pnta y aohts l?h umneyobeaoo caue tumiseskefrfo eieti nctypc hce yrietaaesoos cntsdu eydtporu fivf a fecec titrntetchishiedrotooerss niistnt coe yde fearoaro .ryencuim.tcdtoro oi rnfyryanyao coo:tu temifo n mQer icyCauu’ scahés hcitbpn tercsaivohce idoto ciauerto oncsQsdr teoi uo o onéwnffb thwCeheceihlrl?eina, OAtbCiyoôftt-nthepe erri ndorcc ’daInrvuceaocaaittorssu,ee rgC dhae ôafnltr seeor armedalss’t Ioo4ev0 duob ir0emrcee0oe’n0srs emteo aro re1snv0tie 0ninm g0u p0pe0or to rhbtfaiaatnrnsrt fe trrhleose smp oee uxtrrhp cdeoea rp ytirs . oo Iofdn icu l2.ac 0Fct0iaroo6onm, ato nh2fd e0n 0cea4oxtu fptfrooea rel2t . g0oSa0fis6n o.,c ioel ial1 n9pd9r o0itd,suc- 236 Chapter 2Economy and Development Elsewhere: economy and developmentCHINA 237 Elsewhere: economy and developmentCÔTE D’IVOIRE 255 TheComparison suggestionsbox offers a series of questions about the content presented as well as a comparison activity. VIII Organization of the textbook