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Preview Paleozoic Herbaceous Lycopsids and the Beginnings of Extant Lycopodium Sens Lat. And Selaginella Sens. Lat

Number 3 Thomas Volume 79, 625 1992 Paleozoic Herbaceous Lycopsids f modern megasporangiate fructifications, or isolated mega- copsids, or the evolutionary history of the sporangiate organs could be assigned to families. herbaceous genera Selaginella sens. lat. and Ly- copodium I All other organs are then described as satellite taxa sens, lat.? assigned either to a family or to an order, as seems Available evidence suggests that the extant her- An most appropriate in each case. assumption baceous lycopsids most probably had their origins (2.) same Upper that placing different species in the same genus in the Carboniferous equatorial region implies phylogenetic relationship rather than mere where the arborescent lycopsids were reaching their Euramerican phenetic similarity can influence the conception of zenith. In contrast with the equatorial Angaran Upper northern Carboniferous plant communities, and region, the distribution patterns, pa- leogeography. know whether and Permian floras showed increasing endemism. (3.) It is difficult to many numbers An- specimens are from herbaceous or arbores- There were large of lycopsids in the Meyen cent lycopsids, and easy make assumptions garan Carboniferous that (1972) described to is it that are untestable on limited evidence. as a cheerless and monotonous *'brush" of fairly When further evidence found more short straight sticks and suggested that the scanty of larger, is and complete, vegetation was associated with lakes rivers. specimens, or of attached reproductive There were no herbaceous forms; the lycop- organs, the possible interpretations must be treated truly were represented by such genera of shrubby with care. For example, the Lower Carboniferous sids European genus £5 emend Thomas plants as Lophiodendron Zalessky, 1936, 7b- Kidston A:^a/ia & Meyen mtWertJronRadczenko emend. Meyen, 1912, An- (1984b), also described from South Af- & Meyen, Ursodendron Rad- (Brown garophloios 1972, rica Lemoigne, 1977) and (Tho- Siberia & Angarodendron mas emend. Meyen, 1972, Meyen, czenko 1984b), has generally been re- & Thomas Tunguskadendron 1918, garded as a taxon of comparatively smaU lycopsids Zalessky, emend & Meyen, 1984c, and Eskdalia Kidston Tho- (Thomas, 1968; Meyen, Thomas Meyen, 1976; & mas Meyen, 1984b. Rowe 1984b). and (1988a), however, redescribed renamed some Simil specimens of Scutellocladus var- & Upper tundra vegetation of Gon- Paleozoic iabilis Lele Walton (1962) from the Visean the There were Drybrook dwanaland (RetaUack, 1980). instead Sandstone Dean, of the Forest of shrubs such as the Argentinian or very small trees Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, as E. variabilis, described which he an believed be the terminal shoots of to 98 and the BrazUian Permian arborescent changelsky et al. (1 lycopsid because branching pat- 1 of ) its Archan- Chaloner 1968. Brasilodendron et tern and al., This its possession of terminal cones. Bumhudendron showed (1981) that gelsky et species al. underlines the dangers of making gener- paganzianum had branch structures rather fertile alized inferences from comparison of species based and Chaloner (1968) suggested than et al. strobili, vegetative axes. The type specimens of Esk- dalia simil variabilis were assigned to the originally sun & Wahon monotypic genus Scutellocladus Lele m r , . , tLower Ci-arbi_ omferous common world-wide the (1962), but were Tomiodendron later included in become & seem have restricted to the Radczenko but later to Thomas emend. Meyen, 1972, by Purdy equatorial belt, (1983); a genus that has also been described from & Alaska Thomas, North Af- (Spicer 1987), & rica (Mey- (Lejal-Nicol Massa, 980) and Siberia 1 Hqj^ospory en, 1976). The use of either of the widely distrib- Lycopodites Lycopodites Brongniart, 1822, or uted genera Eskdalia Tomiodendron these or for & name been has Hutton, 1833, a that fertUe Lindley is British Visean shoots could be misinterpreted presumed herbaceous, leafy lycopsid as implying given to small, are that aU species included within it based on vegetative axes taxa Species shoots. of the terminal branches of arborescent ly- ^^^^^ & Ghosh have Pal (1990) dis been included. *:opsids. the Scutellocladus, include redefined to o r • emanatmg from Brongmart problems s terminal cussed the reproductive organs, should not be mis- whose Lycopodites for a type species (1822) use of ^terpreted in way. this confused & Hutton's usage of the generic Lindley ferring The Beginnings Modern Herbaceous Lycopsids of name. been described What then can be interpreted from the fossil onward and some of these are Upper Devonian record the that might give some indication of the evo- known lutionary herbaceous relationships within the ly- 626 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Weyl from the Upper Devonian of Belgium an is isolated Upper Devonian of Germany has globose sporangia portion of a cone with narrowly triangiJar and on unspecialized sporophylls and spores that are toothed sporophylls, each bearing a stalked, slightly 90-120 The jum in diameter. Other species are merely reniform sporangium. spores are 24O-320 all vegetative shoots with no indication of their re- jum in diameter and are interpreted as small mega- Some productive organs. of these vegetative shoots spores. However, no ligules have been observed, assigned to Lycopodites are isophyllous, such as These morphological characters, and details of its L, pendulas Lesquereux, 1880, from the Upper anatomy and vascular bundles, suggest that B. Carboniferous of Illinois, U.S.A., L. arheri Ed- famennensis closer to Carboniferous lycopsids is New wards, 1934, from the Jurassic of Zealand than to the early Devonian forms. Unfortunately, and Lycopodites hannahensis Hsirvis^ 1976, from once again the vegetative organs of the plant are Wealden. the English This based on unknown. last species, number a large of erect, dichotomizing vegetative Other herbaceous forms from the Euramerican stems preserved in a fine-grained sandstone was Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures were very sim- interpreted by Harris as a slender, upright, reedlike to extant species of Selaginella, Some are ilar plant. I have found a similar specimen in fine- known to have been heterosporous, but others are grained sandstone in the Yorkshire Jurassic. Such known to resemble Selaginella only in morpho- plants might well have been common on sandy mud logical characters of vegetative shoots. Both iso- flats on riverbanks and deltas throughout the Me- phyllous and anisophyllous species are known from Other sozoic. species of Lycopodites are aniso- the Carboniferous onward. have rank of larger leaves The rare anisophyllous shoots either fairly and two upper ranks of smaller leaves. The type been placed into Ijco/?o<ff>e5 (as mentioned above), 1906, included the genus Selaginellites Zeiller, in fi examined by Harris, 1961), of this form. This or even regarded as species of Selaginella sens. is character is not restricted in extant species to Se- str. Selaginellites was first used by Zeiller for a laginella; there is a form of anisophylly occasion- specimen from the Upper Carboniferous of the ally present in Lycopodium resembling that of Blanzy Coalfield, France that he named Selagi- Selaginella Lycopodium dichotomously (e.g., carolinianum nellites suissei. This lycopsid had a fig- ured in Troll, 1937). This clearly has implications branched stem, dimorphic leaves, and a distinctive and for the use of anisophylly as an aid to generic bisporangiate cone with apical microsporangia and distinction, the problem will be discussed later basal megasporangia. Selaginellites suissei is in the section on the ^'generic assignment of her- therefore very similar to many living anisophyllous baceous stro- lycopsids/' have tetragonous fossil species of Selaginella that cathef Selaginella vogelli Spring, 5. (e.g., bili Quansah by Baxter (1971) to a single lycopsid cone from Spring and pervillei Spring: rifolia 5. Pennsyl 1988). mm anisophyllous in diameter, suggesting that it might have been There are several other species of the from the fructification of an herbaceous species. The spores Selaginellites that have been described were of one type and 20-22 Mm have reexamined all in diameter, Carboniferous Coal Measures. I gutbieri indicating that the cone was either homosporous, the remarkable specimen of Selaginellites Westphalian microsporangiate, or a fragment of a heterosporous (Goeppert) Kidston, 1911, from the was cone. Baxter, however, D which stated that Carinostrobus Zwickau Poland, of the Coalfield, 57, clearly lacked a Unfortunately, we (1870-1872, pK ligule. have no refigured by both Schimper knowledge truly of the plant that bore the cone. and Hirmer 327). It is fig. 4) (1927, fig. Microspores anisophyllous with terminal cones. \ sev- from the Ciratriradites form) were recovered Heterospory no were megaspores eral of the cones, although Heterospory presumed plan« is to have developed that the in found. however, possible quite It is, several groups of plants during condition the late Devonian, had the only microsporangia similar to am for the record of spores shows fossil a rapid many increase found some living in individuals of number in the and versicolor diversity of presumed mega- phyllous species of Selaginella (e.g., S. spores during period Hieron- this (e.g., Chaloner, 1967). leonensis Spring, and S. vogellii Spring S. A ^Oj few heterosporous Devonian elongata fructifications prob- (Quansah, 1988)). Selaginellites belong denberg, 1855, however, rather d'ff*"'''"'.j^ is, describea who fi was reexamined by Halle (1907), — Number Thomas 627 3 Volume 79, Herbaceous Lycopsids Paleozoic 1992 sporangia as occurring In the axils of ordinary growth. The terminal cones had sporophylls ar- the vegetative leaves. This condition found in living ranged in alternating pairs of verticels. It is very is such Selaginella denticulata Link similar in morphology to some extant species of as (L.) species where two Selaginella selaginoides except for and pallidissima Spring, there are (e.g., S. L.), S. sizesof sporophylls arranged in four ranks. In these not having a distinctive basal root-bearing organ, shows very anat- living species the smaller sporophylls are in the It also a close similarity in stelar number same plane as the smaller median vegetative leaves, omy, change in the of protoxylem points, and and the larger sporophylls are in the same plane secondary growth in the base of the stem, in change from centrarch exarc as the larger lateral vegetative leaves (Quansah, the to steles. Selagincl 1986). This gives the superficial appearance of Isolated cones are also included in from such />o/ans Lundblad, 1948, the there not being a discrete cone. Kidston (1911) /lYes, as 5. We know Greenland. nothing of their axes, some specimens from the Trias of also described fertile Westphalian B of the Belgium Coalfield as Seta- and their assignment to this genus is therefore tenuous. are ginellites gutbieri, although his plate figures Miadesmia membranacea Bertrand (Benson, labeled as primaevus Goldenberg. There are, S. however, the 1908) an isolated cone of a rather different several characters that distinguish is might Belgian cones from The most obvious structure. Its small size suggests that it be- gutbieri. 5. no although there differences are that the larger leaves are much long to an herbaceous lycopsid, is megasporangiate: a single large more dentate and the sporophylls are approxi- other evidence. It is each sporangium, which megaspore occupies in mately the same as the larger vegetative leaves. size by integuments, suggesting an enclosed turn It is therefore very similar to 5. elongata, although is lepidocarpon analogy structure with that of a reexamination of the Belgian material neces- in its is 1900. sary before any can be made, Scott, firm identification have Car- also seen other specimens of late I from boniferous herbaceous anisophyllous shoots, HERBACEOUS ASSIGNMENT OF GENERIC ^j,^^ Poland and Germany, have different that distinctly LycopSIDS pQggjL Such leaf shapes, leaf orientations and leaf outlines. encompass LycopodiM used ho- generally to characters are remarkably consistent in living spe- is vegetative axes, bear- mosporous lycopsids, or just (Quansah Lycopodium. species of resemblance to living so can be used ing a reasonable they assume' that it is to name Lycopodites var- Ahhough usage of the the for distinguishing species of fossils. argument any of the no strong for there AnisophyUous forms have been described ies, Is also Lycopodium be included within sens. str. from Mesozoic and many of these have been fossils to strata, taxonomic seems be a problematic Lycopodites to shown to be heterosporous; examples include Se- have even been subsequently some specimens laginella anasazia Ash, 1972, from the Trias of unit; even lycopsids or of New shown be twigs of larger 1950b, to Mexico, Lundblad, Selaginella hallei When from daw- the Rhaetic Sweden and Selaginella of / 5ont Watson, Wealden 1969, from the & on Ghosh, 1990, for a discussion Pal There ton (see Selagi- are also vegetative shoots such as he from Yorkshire Jurassic the dichZlVaTZnZskyJ Wklav,~19ll, generic priority), nella an.sophyllous structure but confirmed from not only its the and Selaginellites Jurassic of Siberia many be twice as larger lateral showed there to nosikovii from Czechoslovakia, the Cretaceous of Th fi be Lower nella (= known from the Selaginellites) are bett Carboniferous. These, Selaginellites resi- called form-genus ofr st. er•d, e axes and. .to that of a mus Rowe Drybrook Sand- tes to came (1988b), from the dehmited by ar parameters -fu^ial accept that .s stone. They and isophyllous, .t are both herbaceous "--'^ of Me.ozcnc con.fer ^69) classification of -ith impressions small terminal showing strobili i^ shoots ^egaspores in several sporangia. about Isophyllous forms such Selaginella // as _ name another generic of using in & the necessity (Leclercq) 1969, are also Schlanker Leisman, ;f- ^o-' ^eia^'- preference to ^nZlZZ l^nown Euramerican from Upper Carboniferous the ongmally suggested Zedler (1906) genus. bling this Coal rare, Measures, although they are similarly megaspores more than four presence of t"hat the This sn^nJoc ^sp^a—rsely r osppceic;iiecs5 hliaass bueeeenn duecssccriiub^ecdu aas^ j -. v ^^l^_ dM.,ngu.. sh•mg ^ was a char- megasporang.um each Wnched, determinate in sprawling and possibly of Annals the 628 of Garden Missouri Botanical acter of his new genus Selaginellites. Halle (1907) record soon after the isophyllous forms, implying did not accept that this character was essential and that plants with the Selaginella selaginoides mor- may used Selaginellites for all heterosporous fossils. phological form not be ancestral to all Sekg- Subsequently, Duerden (1929) and Quansah( 1988) meWa-like fossils. It is possible that an ancestral showed Selaginella can group of both the isophyllous and anisophyllous that living species of pos- sess more than four megaspores per sporangium. lycopsids might be eventually recognized in the late Seward (1910), Harris (1935), Hirmer (1941), Devonian or very early Carboniferous lycopsids. Chaloner (1967), and Rowe (1988a) used Sela- However, it is also possible that these plants are much ginellites for all fossil shoots that were closer to less closely related than has been previously Selaginella than any other genus. In contrast, thought. Townrow Darrah Lundblad (1938), (1950b), & Schlanker Leisman Watson (1968), (1969), Evidence for the Generic Assignment of FossiL (1969), and Ash (1972) used Selaginella for fossil The Extant Species of the Selaginellaceae shoots because they could not demonstrate any Wildenow real morphological differences from the extant spe- Early classifications cies of that genus. The problem of using generic Sprengel, 1827) placed Selaginella within the ge- names presented of extant plants for specimens a nus Ijco/?oG?mm, though Spring (1850) fossil is major one encountered throughout palaeobotany the major monograph of the genus Selaginella as Even most work- though (e.g., Collinson, 1986). In the case of the herba- presently understood. it is on and agreed ceous anisophyllous axes, further complications can ers have generally understood trie there arise during attempts to include species of parameters delimiting the genus Selaginella, fossil many taxonomically Selaginella in the described subgenera, or to in- have been attempts to express morpholo- them corporate into the various genera suggested groups of species that have distinctive genus by var- for splitting Selaginella. This problem be The taxonoraic divisions of the will dis- gies. number subgenera or cussed in the following section. ious authors differ in the of Fossil plants are usually incomplete fragments genera that they accept. A of whole organisms, which pose even more prob- study of African spe< :ginella (Q approxi lems for generic assignment. For example, Lund- sah, 1986) and a preliminary review of (Quansah blad (1948) assigned a small detached heterospo- be genus should rous cone to Selaginellites with no knowledge of Thomas, 1985) suggest that the those subgenera: vegetative morphology, even though the cone was divided into at least two genera or anisophyllous broader than those of living species of Selagi- with isophyllous leaves and those with all may recent studies, nella. This approach be the simplest way of leaves. This supported by several is & Jermy when Crabbe dealing with the situation but, the are including Jermy (1967), fossils et al. & Tryon Tryon merely and vegetative axes, taxonomic decisions have (1976), Alston et (1981), al. two su - made to be without knowledge of their reproductive (1981), whose authors have recognized with- Stachygynandrum. organs and genera, Selaginella Baker from how It is interesting to note the use of these in the genus. The two groups originate sub- two generic names can vary, even within a pub- (1883, 1887) The other single classification. Walto lication. For example, Lundblad (1950a) named - .^^„^...«^ ..^- ^ . , j Heterostachyh an isolated cone from the Rhaetic of Sweden Se- Alston (1938), Homostachys and le^^ laginellites hallei sp. nov. but referred the asso- are best recognized at a lower hierarchical anisophylio" ciated vegetative, anisophyllous axes to Lycopodi- within the group containing all the tes scanicus Nathorst ex Halle, Later, Lundblad species. sub (1950b) found specimens proposed five fertile sharing the char- Jermy (1986) however, has, of subgenera acters of both these species and named them The two Se- genera within Selaginella. e comb charac t several ^ anisophyllous species differ in name to use the cone rather than taxonomically including cone morphologies. It is their ^^^^^f|^ could Selaginellites rules to note that Carboniferous ^_ '^ ority (cf. Greuter et 1988), subgenera; 5. g^^ al., included both of these in Many co systematists have Bower sporophylls, followed (1935) with uniform and tetrastichous its arguing Stachyg)^ in that Selaginella selaginoides subgenus L. a be included Jermy's is in Carbonifero^ beca drum the Beauv.) Baker, while (P. m J^r- included roots be Selaginellites elongata could ^ Work phyllous heterosporous forms appeared Baker. in the my's subgenus Heterostachys fossil p Number 3 Thomas Volume 79, 629 1992 Paleozoic Herbaceous Lycopsids may progress on the Carboniferous species give Brongniart, A. 1822. Sur la classification et la distri- bution des vegetauxfossiles en general, sur ceux et further evidence in support of Jermy's idea of des terrains de sediment superieur en particulier. creating five subgenera. Mem. 203-348. Mus. Nat. Hist. 8: It is, at least, clear that both isophyllous and Brown, & Y. Lemoigne. 1977. Presence du genre J. known Dwyka anisophyllous Selaginella-hke plants are Eshdalia a la base des Series dans I'Etat d'Orange datation du debut du grand cycle from the Carboniferous onwards and some et gla- that of en Afrique du Sud. Compt. Rend. ciaire postsilurian these have been thought even to be generically 1509-1511, Hebd. Seances Acad. 284: Sci. from The bdistinguishable extant Selaginella, or- W. 437-802 Chaloner, G. 196?! Lycophyta. Pp. in I & igin of isophyllous and anisophyllous lycopsids at E. Boureau, S. Jovest-Ast, 0. A. Hoeg W. G, 437- approximately the same point geological time Chaloner (editors), Traite de Paleobotanique, II: in — 802. can be taken as additional evidence for regarding & K. U. Leistikow A. Hill. 1968. Brasi- , the two groups of plants as taxonomically distinct. pedroanum lodendron gen. nov. and 5. (Carruthers) Indeed, the recognizable two division into different comb, Permian lycopod from Rev. nov., a Brasil. 117-136. morphologies, which has existed for approximately Palaeobot. Palynol, 28: ME. Use modern names 300 Collinson, 1986. of generic million years, strengthens considerably the u & ^^ Pp. 91-101. R. A. Spiccr B. plant r makmg ,i j. fossils. tfi ;a»rrag,uirmre.on„tf , . . - , for the division at generic rather ^ ^^^^^^ Systematic and Taxonomic Ap- ^^^^^^J^^^ than subgeneric level. proaches Palaeobotany. Syst. Assoc. Special Vol. in 31. & new Crabbe, A. A. C. Jermy. 1976. Six species J. LrrERATURE Cited of Selaginella from Tropical South America. Fern AmoN, & 255-262. A. H. Jermy M. Rankin. 1981. Gaz. 11: G., A. C. J. A Taxonomy The genus Selaginella Tropical South America. Dahlen, M. a. 1988. of Selaginella. in BuU. Mus. 223-330. study of characters, techniques and classification in Brit, (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 9: M.& 277- Anderson, H.M.Anderson. 1985. Palaeoflora the Hong Kong species. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: J. of southern Prodromus South African 302. Africa, of W. A DaRRAH, 1938. remarkable Selaginrlln Megafloras. Devonian Lower Cretaceous. Balke- C. fossil to Mus. ma, Rotterdam. with preserved female gametophytes. Leafl. t. & 113-136. Archangelsky, S., C. L. Azcuy R. H. Wagner. 1981. 6: megaspore number Three dwarf lycophytes from the Carboniferous of Duerden, H. 1929. Variation in in 451-459. Ann. Bot. 43: Argentina. 1-35. Selaginella. Scripta Geol. 64: & Two new Benedetto. 1985. Ash, Edwards, D. L. S. 1972. Late Triassic plants from the Chinle J. herbaceous lycopods from the Devonian formation in northeastern Arizona. Palaeontology 15: species of comments on taphonomy. 424-429. Venezuela with their of 599-618. Baker, A Palaeontology 28: G. 1883. genus Selaginella. J. synopsis of the New Edwards, W. N. 1934. Jurassic plants from Zea- 141-145, Bot. 21: 1-5, 42-46, 80-84, 97-100, J. 81- 210-213, 240-244, 332-336. land. Ann. Mag. 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Meddel. Dansk. Geol. Foren. copodiales and om isolated fructifications. Meddel. 351-363. 11: Grenland 112: 1-176. 1950a. Studies in the Rhaetio-Liassic Floras . 196L The Yorkshire . Jurassic Flora I. Thal- of Sweden Pteridophyta, pteridospermae, and cy- I. lophyta, Pteridophyta. Museum British (Natural His- cadophyta from the mining of N.W. Scania. district London. tory), — Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. Ser. 4, Bd. 1969. Naming a 243-252 fossil conifer. Pp. No. 1-82. ; • 1, 8: in H. Santarah et al. (editors), J. Sen Memorial Vol- 1950b. On a Selaginella from the fossil . ume, Calcutta Bot. Soc. Bengal, Calcutta. Rhaetic of Hyllinge, Scania. Svensk. Bot. Tidsk. 44: A 1976. ". slender upright plant from Wealden 477-486. sandstones. Proc. 413-422 Geol. Assoc. 87: Matten, L. C. 1989. A lycopod from the petrified HmMER, M. 1927. Handbuch der Wex- Palaobotanik, R. uppermost Devonian Hook Head, County of & Oldenbourg. Munich Berlin. 323-336. ford, Ireland. Bot. Gaz. 150: 1941. 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L (Isoetaceae). 1023-1030 Bot. 71: Femi- from the gen. nov.; heterosporous lycophytes & Kasper, W. A. E. H. Forbes. 1979, The 13i Devonian 144: Gaz. sylvanian of North America. Bot. lycopod Leclercqia from the Trout Valley Formation 147. of Maine. Maine Geol. 49-59, Bull. 1: species Quansah. A of the N. 1986. taxonomic revision KiDSTON, 90 R. 1 Carboniferous and 1 lycopods and spheno- West Africa . of Selaginella (Beauv.) Bak. from phylls. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow. 25-140. London. 6: Madagascar. Ph.D. Thesis. University of 1911. Las vegetaux • houiUers the . recueillis dans patterns in 1988. Sporangial distribution . Hainaut le Beige. Brussels. Ann. --& strobili of African and Madagascan Selaginella. W.H.Lang. On 1920. Old Red Sandstone 243-247. Bot. (London) 61: showmg plants structure from the Rhynie chert bed & ^SporophyH-pteryx B. A. Thomas. 1985. Aberdeenshire. Asteroxylon Ill mackiei Kidston and Gaz. Fern In African and American Selaginella. Lang. Trans, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 421- B, 224: 49-52. 449, Rayner, New Drepanophy^-^^ R. 1984. of finds Krausel,DR. ™& H. Weyland. J. - 1937. ^™"/^«^^ Pflanzenreste Devonian «a^u^s Lower spinaeformis Goppert from the daeemm X uevon A. 7Z,wweeii Prftli.ann.zen,funAde t ^53-30J- Oberdevon d in " ^d^e^r «;,^„tio„j c tj- u .„\. l'^- i^\,.,„ _ Scotland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 75. EEiiffeell.. SSeennrclkcefnibnhe^rTg^iiannna. Q- 3C.3Q8Q-395c5c. 119: Mk^^ Retallack, to G. 1980. Late Carboniferous KrejCI J. 1880. Notiz uber J. die von reste landpflanzen Sydney Basin. P- m Triassic megafossil from the floras der Bohmischen Silurformation. Sitzungsber K6- 384-430 & Helby in C. Herbert R. (edi^Jf '' Bohm. nigl. Ges. Wiss. Prag 201-204 J. J W (1879): New »oux. Guide Sydney Surv. Lang. & to the Basin. Geol. H. I. C. Cookson. 1935. On a flora. Wales. Bull. 26. ^ including vascular plants associated with Monograp- gwi RowE,N.P. lycophyte Two 1988a. the species of — L Number Thomas Volume 3 79, 631 1992 Paleozoic Herbaceous Lycopsids Eskdalia Kidston from the Drybrook Sandstone (Vi- represented by compression-impression material. Rev. 273-282. sean) of Great Britain. Palaeontology 208: 81-103. Palaeobot. Palynol. 41: A A 984b. Lower 1988b. herbaceous lycophyte from the Low- 5j 1 reappraisal of the ^ . er Carboniferous Drybrook Sandstone of the Forest Carboniferous lepidophyte Eskdalia. Palaeontology 707-718. 69-83. 27: of Dean, Gloucestershire. Palaeontology 31: & W. 1984c. Tunguskadendron SCHIMPER. P. 1870-1872. Traite de Paieontologie borkii: 54- new Angaran Vegetale, Volume 2, 1-996, Atlas 21-28, pis gen. et sp. nov. a lepidophyte. Palaeon- B 121-126. tographica 193: 75. & ScHLANKER, C. M. & G. A. Leisman, 1969. The her- H. M. PuRDY. 1983. Additional fossil plants from the Drybrook Sandstone, Forest of Dean, baceous Carboniferous lycopod Selaginella fraiponti comb. 35-41. Gloucestershire. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Pa- I noY, Bot. Gaz. 130: W. laeont. 36: 131 142. Schmidt, 1954. Pflanzenreste aus der Tonschiefer- & Meyenodendron R. A. Spicer. 1986. ho- Gruppe (unters Siegen) des Siegenlandes. 1 Su- — new gambrophyton realis gen. et sp. nov. a Lepidodendrid of pilgeri n.g., n.sp., erne Protolepi- Angaran from Northern Alaska. affinity Bull. Brit. dodendracea aus den Hamberg-Schichten. Palaeon- 293-297. Mus. (Nat. Palaeont. 40: tographica 97B: 1-22. Hist.), & W. & Tidwell, D. R. Jennings. 1986. Stansburya ScHRANK, F. V. P. C. F. P. V. Martius, 1829. Hortus J. & petersenii gen. et sp. nov., an anatomically preserved Regius Munich Monochiensis. Leipzig. lycopod from the Deseret Limestone (Mississippian) Schweitzer, H. 1980. Uber Drepanophycus spi- J. B of Utah. Palaeontographica 198: 1-1 naeformis Goeppert. Bonner Palaeobot. Mitt. 7: Townrow, 1968. A Selaginella from the 1-29. A. fossil J. New Permian of South Wales. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) Seward, A. C. 1910. Fossil Plants 2, Cambridge Univ. J. 13-23. 61: Press, Cambridge, Troll, W. 1937, Vergleichende Morphologic der Hohe- Snigirevskaya, N. 1980. Taktajanodoxa Smg.,nev^ S. ren Pflanzen. Gebriider Borntraeger Bd.l, T.l. Ber- 45-53 link in the evolution of lycopsids. Pp. in S. lin. G. Vysshikh Zhilin Sistematika Evolyutsiya (editor), i & Tryon R. M. A. F. Tryon. 1981. Ferns and Allied Rastenii. Nauka, Leningrad. Russian.] [In & Plants with Special Reference to Tropical America. A Spicer, R. Thomas. 1987. Mississippian S. B. A. New York. Sprlnger-Verlag, Alaskan-Siberia evidence from plant connection: & & Walton, A. H. G. Alston. 1938. Lycopodiinae. 355-358 L Wei- J. megafossils. Pp. in Tailleur P. 500-506 Verdoorne Manual of Pp. in F. (editor), mer The (editors), Alaskan North Slope Geology, 1 . Den Haag, Netherlands. Pteridology. Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists A Wealden Watson, 1969. revision of the English The and and J. Mineralogists, Bakersfield, California Mus. Charales-Ginkgoales. Bull. Brit. (Nat. Flora. 1 Alaskan Geological Society, Anchorage, Alaska. 209-254. Geoh 17: Hist.), Sprengel, K. Systema Vege- 1827. /n Caroli Linnaei & Velenovsky, L. Viniklav. 1931. Flora Cretacea J. tabilium, Ed. vol 16, 4. Paris. 1- Praha Bohemiae IV. Rozpr. Geol. Ust. Cst., 5: Spring, Lyco- A. F. 1850. Monographic Famille des 112. Mem. Roy podiaceae. Seconde Acad. Sci. partie. WiLDENOW, K. 1810. Linne: Species Plantarum. L. Belgique 1-358. 24: 10-55 Wildenow. K. Edito quarta-curante L. 5: Stur, D. 1875-1877. Beitr age zur Kenntnis der Flora {Lycopodium), Berolini. der Vorwelt— Culm-Flora Die Culm-Flora. Teil Die 1. Zalessky, M. D. 1918. Flore paleozoique de la serie des Die mahrisch-schlesischen Dachschiefers. Teil 11. Mem. Com. Geo!. Nouv. Ser. 147: d'Angara. Atlas. Culm-Flora und Waldenburger Schich- der Ostrauer 5-76. 1-366. ten. Abb. K.-K. Geol. Reichsanst, 8: — 1936. Sur des nouvellcs Lycopodinees per- Thomas, A Carboniferous . B. A. 1968, revision of the Moscow miennes. Problems of Paleobotany. Univ. lycopod genus Eskdalia Kidston. Palaeontology 11: 237-243. 1: 439-444. & Zeiller, R. 1906. fitudes sur la flora fossile du Bassin A new approach S. D. Brack-Hanes. 1984. Permien de Blanzy du Creusot. Min- et Houiller et to family Taxon 32: groupings lepidophytes. in the des Travaux Publics. Imprimerie Nationale, istere 247-255. & Paris. A form- V. Meyen. 1984a. system of S. genera stems Upper lepidophyte for the Palaeozoic A DEVELOPMENTAL PROBLEMS SELAGINELLA IN AN (SELAGINELLACEAE) IN CONTEXT EVOLUTIONARY Abstract This success The antiquity and diversity of Selaginella species attest to the evolutionary success of the genus. Recent may be attributed, in part, to certain morphological and anatomical features that characterize Selaginella. and marginal marginal warty developmental studies of anisophylly, monoplastidy, the ligule, the rhizophore, cells, concernmg Unresolved questions teeth of the leaves, as well as aspects of the heterosporous cycle are discussed. life and rhizophore, a vegetative features include the function of the morphological interpretation of the so-called ligule, ^ Among concerning reproduc ive possible role of distinctive leaf ornamentations In water economy. unresolved questions anec mechanisms as they morphology are the basis of heterospory, control of sporangial development, spore dispersal genus belagine inbreeding and outcrossing, and other of the reproductive process. concluded that the details It is numerous offers opportunities for future research. my From conten- the standpoint of both development and Selaginella are from obvious. It is far may be foun number evolution, the genus Selaginella raises a tion that, at least in part, the reasons of intriguing questions. In regard the following unique this amso- quotation from Bierhorst (1971) seems appropri- and reproductive features. These include foliar certain ate: presence of phylly, the the ligule, ™ (rhizo- root epidermal ornamentations, the aerial f c J c J Ihe lami.i, y bel1 ag•melIlI aceae mclIudes bel7agi•neirlfa and , v i i andj certa* m aspe*c^^it^^ of the monoplastidy, P^ore), kknnoowwnn sev^eerraall vveerryy cclloosseellvy rreellaatteedd ffoossssiill ffoorrmmss wwhhiicchh aarree em- be should from Lower Carboniferous and more recent heterosporous Hfe cycle (Fig. 1). It strata. may features Selaginella is probably one of the oldest of all extant phasized that although each of these genera of vascular plants, second only to Lycopodium, example, the ^^ f^^^^ -^ groups (for ^^j^^^. j^^^^ Despite great antiquity, which might lead one to its v j n Spladnella), ^^g^'i ^ • r^^^^^ ^• ^ ^r^^^^.^^ ^' ""^^ ^o^c ^in eexxppeecctt ssppeecciiaalliizzaattiioonn aanndd rreellaattiivvee ggeenneettiicc ssttaaggnnaattiioonn,, '' !Lne unique to that the combination of features is 700 much there are approximately extant species and it is paper to purpose of this evidence for recent speciation. Selaginella. the It is certam out and point discuss these features to The may lead to tur key elements of this statement are the an- troversies and questions, which some older tiquity and diversity of the genus and the proba- and Although discussion future studies. e been inclu have bility that Selaginella is presently undergoing ac- references from the literature tive speciation. Years ago, the prominent inly W. Wardlaw morphologist C. (1925) also alluded of the past 30 years. to the evolutionary status of Selaginella: Morphology Vegetative The genus represented by a large number of is have Selaginella many of species, of which are polymorphic. They have Certain vegetative features a wide geographical and some distribution, in floras they intrieued vx sW oi«viv.*x».o dominate ground rhizophore the vegetation. Further they ^ot and so-called exarnpTeTtheTigule the" ^* «**« v>^»-«i*i^raxj'^ t**^ ixo^^^«^ *- adaptation to all degrees ol xerophily and hygrophily. ' r __:'iT.onrr to are ta two that are enigmatic structures would appear from It these facts that the genus is despite Yet, students morphology. successfully retaining its position in the midst of the of plant a mterpre more highly differentiated Phanerogams. merous morphological studies, the many ot and of evolutionary significance With remain etative features of Selaginella ^ u ^ _ body r apparent for the evolutionary success exhibited by An plant examination vegetative of the The author thanks M. Spring for preparing ' J. the illustrations in Figure 1. ,,.o ^043 ^Department 0626^-^ of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Connecticut University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.b.A. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 632-647. 79: 1992- Number Volume 3 Webster 79, 633 1992 Evolution of Selaginella I •--••7^ I t I Bl. Figure A. Anisophylly.- B. Ligule. Ligule, in section Diagram of Selaginella. 1. of structural features = — -D = = Marginal warty and marginal t tip, n neck, b base, glossopodiuni, s sheath C. cells teeth. g — Monoplastidy. Heterospory. E, Aerial root (rhizophore). F. a basic simplicity of design, which would seem to 1983a, b) investigated anisophylly in 5. martensii. many "lake the by the Unlike plants that are anisophyllous, Sclag- evolutionary success exhibited Heterophyllum) no genus that much more A ex- inella (sect. exhibits transi- interesting. critical «niination of certain key vegetative features may tional leaf forms, but rather shows two distinct leaf provide types borne in pairs along the stem. At each node insights apparent contradiction. into this and one one smaller dorsal leaf larger ventral or r an leaf are initiated as opposite pair (Fig. lateral ^PHYLLY Leaf dimorphism in Selaginella generally is Y), considered to be related to efficient trapping of Perhaps the most obvious vegetative feature shady habitats with low light mtensity. found Ught in in most Se/a^me/Za anisophylly. species of is certam noted that anatomical Dengler (1980) fea- According term aniso- to Dengler (1983a), the are related to orientation of the shoot to light. tures Phylly refers form related to to differences in leaf Most notably, the abaxial (aligular) epidermis of the most and transectional symmetry shoot of the and the adax.al (hgular) epidermis often occurs from shaded the dorsal leaf shoots in plagiotropic consist of nearly isod.ametric ventral leaf situations upper of the i„ which the foliage leaves on the eh each containing a single large oroplast. »«e of the stem are smaller than those on the lower cells, These surfaces are directed toward l.^ht. he shad- «ide. I In Dengler (1980, several detaUed studies,

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