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Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 www.elsevier.com/locate/palaeo Paleo-environmental change in Amazonian and African rainforest during the LGM ⁎ D. Anhuf a,b, , M.-P. Ledru c, H. Behling d, F.W. Da Cruz Jr. e, R.C. Cordeiro f, T. Van der Hammen g, I. Karmann e, J.A. Marengo h, P.E. De Oliveira i, L. Pessenda j, A. Siffedine f, A.L. Albuquerque f, P.L. Da Silva Dias k aPhysicalGeography,UniversityofPassau,Innstr.40,94032Passau,Germany b FAPESP/DAAD,InstitutodeEstudosAvançados,UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,Av.ProfLucianoGualberto,TravessaJ,374, 05508-900SãoPauloSP,Brazil c CNPq/IRD,UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,DptodeGeociências/UR55,06708-900SãoPauloSP,Brazil dGeosciences,UniversityofBremen,P.O.Box330440Bremen,Germany e InstitutodeGeociências,UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,RuadoMatão,Travessa14,321,05508-900,SãoPaulo,SP,Brazil f DepartamentodeGeoquímica,UniversidadeFederalFluminense,MorrodoValonguinhos/n,24020-007Niterói,RJ,Brazil g FundaciónTropenbos-Colômbia,Carrera21//39–45,SantaFédeBogotá,ApartadoAéreo036062BogotaD.E.,Colombia hInstitutoNacionaldePesquisasEspaciais(INPE)/CentrodePrevisãodeTempoeEstudosClimáticos(CPTEC),Av.DosAstronautas, 1758-Jd.Granja,12227-010,SãoJosédosCampos,SP,Brazil iLaboratóriodeGeociências,UniversidadedeGuarulhos,PracaTerezaCristina1,07023-070Guarulhos,SP,Brazil j CentrodeEnergiaNuclearnaAgricultura(CENA),UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,AvenidaCentenário303,13400-970Piracicaba,SP,Brazil k InstitutodeAstronomiaeGeofísica,UniversidadedeSãoPaulo(USP),RuadoMatão1226,05508-900SãoPaulo,SP,Brazil Received17June2004;receivedinrevisedform10October2005;accepted16January2006 Abstract Thepaperprovidesnewandcomparativeinsightintotheecologicalhistoryofthetwolargestcontinentaltropicalforestareas duringtheLastGlacialMaximum(LGM).Thetropicalforestregionsareofparticularinterestbecausetheypresentalargesource ofheatandhavebeenshowntohavesignificantimpactontheextratropicalatmosphericcirculation.Theyarealsothemostintense land-basedconvectivecenters.Thus,especiallyfromthetropicspaleoecologicalinformationisneededasbenchmarksforclimate modeling. The African data for LGM climates were published earlier including the reconstructed paleoprecipitation patterns deducedfrom SSTs. The tropical South American LGM data were interpreted from pollen, geochemical, and δ18O (stable oxygen isotope) data from Brazil and selected surrounding areas. The available terrestrial data are consistent with the SST derived precipitation data for the tropical forests in Brazil and for Africa. However, the impact of LGM climate extremes was less severe in the Amazon than in the Congo basin. The LGM humid forest area (including evergreen and semi-deciduous forest types) in Africa was probably reduced by 84%. In contrast, the Amazon humid forest area probably shrank to 54% of their present-day extension. Still, there are different interpretations with respect to the amount of reduction of the Amazon forest ⁎ Correspondingauthor.PhysicalGeographyUniversityofPassau,Innstr.40,94032Passau,Germany.Fax:+498515092732. E-mailaddress:[email protected](D.Anhuf). 0031-0182/$-seefrontmatter©2006ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.01.017 D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 511 area during the LGM. Although direct information about LGM climates in Amazonia is still limited the more detailed map obtained in the present work, however, allows a more reliable characterization of the last glacial tropical environment than previously published for the Amazon region. ©2006Elsevier B.V. All rightsreserved. Keywords:LastGlacialMaximum;Climatehistory;Vegetationhistory;Rainforest;SouthAmerica;Africa Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 2. Studyregions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 2.1. Amazonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 2.2. Congobasin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 3. The LGM intropical SouthAmerica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 3.1. Amazon basin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 3.2. Borderandsurrounding areas of theBrazilian Amazonbasin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 3.2.1. Cerrado-humid forest transitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 3.2.2. Northernneotropicalsavannas:LlanosOrientales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 4. Summary of the resultsfor Amazonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 5. Summary of results fromAfrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 6. Paleovegetation map ofAmazonia andAfrica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 7. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 7.1. Interpretation of thepaleoecological conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 7.2. IntercomparisonoftheAmazonandtheCongobasins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 1. Introduction periods of the past were selected worldwide (COH- MAP, 1988). The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Climate, climate changes, and climate predictability (18,000±1000 14C yr BP) and the mid-Holocene are havebecomeincreasinglymoreimportantwithinsocial the two key periods adopted by the Paleoclimate andscientificdiscussionssince1990.Climatechanges, Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP-IGBP- induced naturally or by human activities, have direct PAGES) (Joussaume and Taylor, 1995). The LGM implications on our environment and therefore on represents an experiment with enlarged ice sheets and human society. The knowledge of an enhanced human low atmospheric CO . The mid-Holocene represents 2 influence on the atmosphere and the earth's climate by contrast an orbital forcing experiment, with the since the beginning of the 20th century has led to perihelion in the northern summer/autumn and a global collaboration to analyze the dimension, the greater-than-present axial tilt. causes and the consequences of the anthropogenically Paleoclimate model reconstructions failed for induced climatic change (Houghton et al., 2001) in South America mainly because of the scarcity of order to predict the possible implications on future modern climate data and the sparse regional coverage climate developments. This also includes a better of paleoclimate data (Farreira et al., 1999; Prentice et understanding of natural variability and stability of the al., 2000). Special focus of this paper is the regional climate system in general. In order to model the development of vegetation and climate of the climate system of the earth, either forwards into the Amazon and adjacent areas during the LGM that is future or backwards into the past, it is necessary to not represented in the models. Amazonia covers the understand the Earth's system, especially the interac- largest continuous tropical lowland forest area. tions between atmosphere, biosphere and ocean. Tropical forests contain as much as 40% of the In order to verify the ability of global circulation carbon stored in terrestrial biomes and are home for models (GCMs) to simulate the changes in regional up to 90% of all living species (Ozanne et al., 2003). cli- mate under different boundary conditions, key As the Amazon basin provides 20% of the total fresh 512 D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 water worldwide, a reliable reconstruction of the Dry Corridor and between 0°N and 10°S, and the wes- ecological conditions — prevailing under different tern and southwestern part (west of 70°Wand south of climatic scenarios in the past — is essential in 10°S). The modern natural vegetation distribution was achieving major progress in environmental modeling. adoptedfromthewidelyacceptedIBGEsystem(Fig.1) As the number of well-dated paleoecological sites (Veloso et al.,1991). hasincreased considerablyduringthelastfew years,at Annual rainfall in northern South America varies least since the last COHMAP and BIOME (Prentice et greatly from less than 400 mm in Northeast Brazil and al., 2000) evaluations, the paper provides a much some parts of the Caribbean coast of South America to needed update of past ecological conditions and more than 3000 mm in the upper watershed of Rio climates within the South American tropics and Negro.ThreecentersofabundantrainfallintheAmazon subtropics for the last 21,000 years with special basin can be identified. One is located in Northwest emphasisontheLGM.Themainprogressisinassessing Amazonia, with more than 3600 mm per year. Another paleoprecipitationatthedifferentsites.Thecomparison regionwithabundantrainfallisthecentralpartofAma- with available data from the African tropical forest zoniaaround5°Swith2400mmperyear.Athirdcenter enablesthedescriptionofsimilaritiesanddifferencesin is found in the northeastern area close to the mouth of the development of the ecological conditions for the theAmazonRivernearBelém,withmorethan2800mm tropical continentalzones. per year. In the Rio Negro basin area, in northwestern Amazonia, the rainfall is abundant throughout the year 2. Study regions reachingitsmaximumfromApriltoJune.Inthecentral, the western and southwestern Amazon areas the rainy 2.1. Amazonia season is concentrated during the southern hemisphere summer (November–March/April) providing almost TheAmazonregionisofparticularinterestbecauseit 80% of the total annual amount (Rao and Hada, 1990; representsalargesourceofheatinthetropicsandhasbeen Figueroa and Nobre, 1990; Marengo, 2003). The ex- shown to have a significant impact on the extra tropical tremely high and localized values of precipitation in circulation; also it is the largest and most intense land- narrowstripsalongtheeasternsideoftheAndeanslopes based convective center (Grimm and Silva Dias, 1995; arethoughttobeduetoupslopecondensationandarain MarengoandNobre,2001).DuringtheSouthernHemis- shadow effect on the lee side. phere summer when convection is best developed, the The coastal maximum is caused by nocturnal Amazon basin is one of the wettest regions on Earth. convergence between the trade wind and the land Amazonia, of course is not isolated from the rest of the breeze (Marengo and Nobre, 2001). Today's dry sector worldandaglobalperspectiveisneededtounderstandthe in the eastern Amazon is related to the fact that as the natureandcausesofclimatologicalanomaliesinAmazo- seabreezesqualllinespropagatetotheWest/Southwest, niaandhowtheyfeedbacktoinfluencetheglobalclimate they travel over this region during the night, when the system.Withamodernmeanprecipitationof2.0–5.9m/yr intensity ofthe systemisata relativeminimum (Cohen (FigueroaandNobre,1990;MarengoandNobre,2001), et al., 1995). As the sun rises, the squall line intensity Amazonia's climate is likely to limit the environmental peaks up and heavier precipitation is expected to the response to a precipitation changethatwould drastically West. The LGM displacement of the coast due to alterthevegetationofthegenerallydrierregionofequa- generally lower sea levels of the order of 120 m would torialAfrica(Anhuf,2000).Nevertheless,anAmazonian have had a significant impact on the horizontal distri- “DryCorridor”existsnowadaysbetweenBelém(1°28′S, butionofprecipitationinviewofthismechanism.Thus, 48°27′W)andSantarém(2°25′S,54°42′W)withamean the area directly influenced by the sea breeze climates annual precipitation below 1.75 m/yr (Figueroa and would have been located 200 to 500 km to the Nobre, 1990; Van der Hammen and Absy, 1994). But Northeast. eventhisdrierareaiscoveredwithevergreenandsemi- ThenortheasternAmazon,the“DrySector”,andthe deciduousforeststoday. northwesternAmazonregionaswellasthenortheastern To describe the situation within the Amazon basin BraziliancoastbetweenFernandodeNoronhaandSal- during the LGM we subdivide the region into five dif- vadorreceiveaconsiderablepartoftheirrainduringthe ferentareas.ThenortheasternAmazoncoversthesector northern hemisphere summer (April to September) east of the “Dry Sector”, the “Dry Sector” itself, the (Uaupés 50%, Belém 44%, Santarém 50%, Salvador northwesternpartoftheAmazon(westofthedrysector 64%, and Recife/Olinda 73% (Ratisbona, 1976)). Al- and north of the equator), the central part (west of the thoughthetimingoftheannualcycleofrainfallislargely D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 513 Fig.1.VegetationmapofBrazil(adaptedfromIBGE,1993). controlled by the sun, rainfall in different parts of the andBras(1993).Allofthemindicatetheactiveroleof basin is triggered by different rain producing mechan- the evapotranspiration from the tropical forest in the isms(GarreaudandWallace,1998;Fischetal.,1998). regional hydrological cycle, although the latter study Regional water balances are calculated based on indicates a lesser role. The aerological estimates of the stream flow data, observed precipitation and evapo- evapotranspiration over the eastern and central parts of transpiration measurements. Studies on recycling of the basin averaged 3 to 3.5 mm/day. The different esti- water in the hydrological cycle of the Amazon basin matesofmoisturerecyclingintheAmazoniavaryfrom have been performed during the last two decades by 25% to 75% related to the percentage of total annual Lettau et al. (1979), Salati (1987), Salati et al. (1979), rainfall of the Amazon basin originating from water Salatiand Voce(1984), Salatiet al.(2001), and Eltahir vapor import from thetropical Atlantic. 514 D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 2.2. Congo basin March to June, the southwestern monsoon establishes resulting in the first “long” rainy season. During the In contrast to the Amazon basin, the Congo basin ITCZ's northernmost position in July and August the receiveslowerannualprecipitation,ingenerallessthan equatorial east African highlands remain almost dry 2000 mm/yr (UNESCO, 1978). Higher rainfall, com- beforethesecond“short”rainyseasonstartsinOctober, parable to that of the western Andean ridge, are regis- lasting until the end of November, caused by the teredonly inareaswithconsiderabletopographic relief southward shift ofthe ITCZ. like the east African ridge, the southern side of Mount West Africa and the Congo basin receive the water Cameroon and along the Guinean Highlands between vapor from theeast and southeast Atlantic when this is Greenville(5°01′N,9°03′W)andCapePalmas(4°25′N, coolest(australwinter)andthewatervaporpoolofEast 7°50′W). The amount of precipitation as well as the AfricaoriginatesinthewesternIndianOceanwhenitis duration andtheannualdistributionof rainfall depends warmest at theend of theaustralsummer. onthemajorwatervaporsourcesforAfrica,theSouth– East Atlantic along the west coast of Africa and the 3. The LGM in tropical South America Indian Ocean along the east side of thecontinent. InAfrica,thehumidtropicalforestswhichdominate 3.1. Amazon basin the floristic Guinea region, are subdivided into ever- green forests (Fig. 2), in which the annual dry season The Amazon rainforest evolution during the glacia- does not exceed two months, and into semi-deciduous tionsoftheQuaternaryhasbeenstronglydebatedduring forests with no more than three to four dry months the last decade. The discussion — whether there was (Anhuf, 2000). The Sudan region is dominated by dry fragmentationoftheforestornot—openednewideas forests and savannas, comparable to the Cerrado in onhowglobalclimaticchangescouldimpactthetropical South America. Most trees shedtheirleaves duringthe rain forests. Two types of hypothesis emerged: 1) The arid season when it lasts for more than four months. Amazonianrainforestwasfragmentedinrefugiaislands Thegeneralatmosphericcirculationoverbothequa- or its areal extension remained relatively stable. 2) Its torial areas is controlled by the seasonal movements of floristic composition was submitted to species re- theITCZ.EquatorialAfricaconsistsofthreemainareas: associations because of connections with the Andean, thesoutherncoastofwestAfricabetween5°Nand9°N, Tepuyan, and Atlantic rainforest ecosystems. Both the Congo basin between 5°N and 6°S, and the hypotheses came to the conclusion that the forest was equatorial east African highlands between 11°S and different from the one we observe today and that it 14°N. experiencedtransformationsindistributionandfloristic Thelargeamountsofwatervaporthatmaintainhigh composition during the last glaciation. It also empha- rainfall quantities along the west African coast and sizeddifferencesintheexpressionoftheclimaticsignal withintheCongobasinoriginatemainlyfromthesouth- betweenwesternandeasternAmazonbasin(Colinvaux easternAtlanticOcean.However,rainfalltotalsinequa- etal.,1996;VanderHammenandHooghiemstra,2000; torial Africa are relatively modest compared to other Colinvaux and De Oliveira, 2001; Van der Hammen, equatorialregionswithinthetropicsbecausethecoastal 2001;HafferandPrance,2001). areasadjacenttotheCongobasinareoftencooledbythe Only seven pollen records located in the Amazonian Benguelacurrentreducingtheinflowofwatervaporinto rainforestareaincludingtheAmazonfandatebacktothe the continent. The seasonal movements of the ITCZ last glacial maximum (Table 1): Katira (9°S, 63°W), createamajordryseasonduringDecember,January,and Carajás(6°S,50°W),HillofSixLakes(0°16′N,66°4′W), February when dry northeasterly trade winds prevail Maicurú(0°30′S,54°14′W),LagunaBellaVista(13°37′S, overtheregion.WhentheITCZreachesitsnorthernmost 61°33′W),LagunaChaplin(14°28′S,61°04′W),ODPsite positioninJulyandAugustashortdryseasonatthecoast 932(5°13′N,47°2′W(Absyetal.,1991;VanderHammen cansometimesbeobserved. and Absy, 1994; Siffedine et al., 2001; Colinvaux et al., Generally exceptional low rainfall characterizes the 1996; Haberle and Maslin, 1999; Mayle et al., 2000; equatorialregionofeastAfrica.Twomonsoonsystems Santos et al., 2001; Colinvaux and De Oliveira, 2001; dominate the climate system. During the northern he- Bushetal.,2004). misphere winter (December to March) the dry north- A14CyrBPdateof18,500atKatiraisrelatedtohigh eastern monsoon passing over northeast Africa or the frequencies of grass pollen and an almost total coolSomalicurrentbringingmostlydryairmassesinto disappearance of arboreal pollen, while the 13C values the equatorial region of the highlands. In spring, from indicatethedominanceoftropicalgrassesandcolluvial D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 515 a. c Afri st e w n i s st e or f d mi u h al c pi o tr of n o uti b stri Di 2. g. Fi 5 1 6 D . Table1 A SitesprovidingdatedinformationofLGMecologicalconditionsbasedonpollenorplantmacrofossildatawithintheAmazonBasin(01–08)andfromtheAmazonfan(09) nh u f Number Site Location Elevation Actualclimate Actualvegetation 1800014Cyears 1800014Cyears Reference et a (a.s.l.) BPclimate BPvegetation l. / 01 LagunaelPinal 4°08′N/71°23′W 180 1200–2000mm Grasssavannaand Lessrainfall savanna Behlingand Pa (Colombia) 4–5drymonths galleryforestswith thantodayor Hooghiemstra,1999 lae o Mauritiapalms longerdryseason g e 02 LagoaPata 0°16′N/66°41′W 250–300 N3000mm Tropicalrainforest 5°Ccooler, Rainforest Colinvauxetal.,1996, og r LagoaGragao nodryseason drier:Lake expansionof Santosetal.,2001, ap h LagoaVerde leveldecrease Araucaria+ Bushetal.,2004 y , (SeisLagos) Weinmannia P a 03 Maicuru 0°30′S/54°14′W 550 2000–2500mm Forest ? Hiatus ColinvauxandDe la e o 3monthslittlerain Oliveira,2001 c 04 Carajas 6°20′S/50°25′W 700 1500–2000mm Tropicalrainforest, N30%lessrain HiatusSavanna Absyetal.,1991, lim a 3monthslittlerain Edaphicsavannas expansionbefore Sifeddineetal.,2001 to lo andafter g y 05 Katira 9°S/63°W b200 2000–2500mm Tropicalrainforest Verydry Drygrasssavanna VanDerHammen ,P 1000–1500mm at18500yearsB.P. andAbsym,1994 ala 06 Forest(46) 8°21′S/63°57′W 80–150 1800–3500mm Forest WetterCooler? Forest Freitasetal.,2001 eo e 3–4monthslittle co rain log 07 NoelKempff 13°37′S/61°33′W 210 1500mm Tropicalrainforest/dry ? Hiatus Mayleetal.,2000 y2 3 LagunaBella deciduousforest 9 Vista (2 0 08 NoelKempff 14°28′S/61°04′W 210 1500mm Tropicalrainforest/dry ? Savanna Mayleetal.,2000 06 ) LagunaChaplin deciduousforest 5 1 09 ODP932 5°13′N/47°2′W –3334 ∼2700mm(Belém) Tropicalrainforest HaberleandMaslin, 0– 5 Nodryseason (Belém) 1999 2 7 D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 517 sedimentation indicates even an incomplete vegetation al., 1996) but possibly with more deciduous species cover (Absy and Van der Hammen, 1976; Van der (Van der Hammen and Hooghiemstra, 2000). Hammen and Absy, 1994). The Hill of Six Lakes has Analysis of Amazonian evaporation dependent veg- been intensively investigated since 1996 by Colinvaux etation and lakes also show a strong decrease in preci- and his colleagues showing that forest taxa dominated pitationduringtheLGM,e.g.thetropicalcloudforestof the vegetation cover also during the LGM (Bush et al., the Eastern Cordillera in Bolivia. Siberia, nowadays 2004).Mayleetal.(2000)reportfromLagunaChaplin within the tropical cloud forest zone, is located at an thatsavannacommunitiesdominatedtherespectivearea altitude of 2920 m in Bolivia (17°50′S, 64°43′08″W) continuously between 40,000 and 2240 14C yr BP. Ha- (MourguiartandLedru,2003a).TheLGMisrepresented berle andMaslin (1999) publishedresults fromadeep- by2mofsedimentand3radiocarbondates23,660±100, sea core from the Amazon fan covering the last 21,900±90,19,150±7014CyrBPandshowslowarbo- 50,000 years. During the LGM the authors attested the realpollenfrequencies,4%to10%,highquartzcontent lowest pollen concentration values within the whole toover30%andlowtotalorganiccarbon(TOC)ofless time span, a significant increase of wind-transported than 0.5% suggested an open landscape and a dry, cold pollenfromAndeantaxalikeAlnusandPodocarpusbut climate. More to the North, paleoenvironmental data atthesametimethepollenfromPoaceaeandAsteraceae fromLakeHuiñamarca,isactuallyconnected toL.Titi- remained low. The authors pointed out that no general caca today as a sub-basin, (16°20′S, 68°57′45″W, at an change in Amazon ecosystems were detected but they altitudeof3810mandunder19mdepthofwater),with4 also did not contradict to the possibility of a moderate radiocarbon dates (21,000±260, 19,625±220, 19,090± extensionofsavannaecosystemsupto32%oftheentire 200, 18,185±180 14C yr BP) within 2 m of sediment catchment area. The respective core represents only a depositionreveallowTOCvaluesand highpercentages single late Quaternary fan record from the entire for Isoetes, a submerged ferninoligotrophicwaters, for Amazon basin. Thus, it is advisable to be cautious in Valeriana,aherbfrommesicwetlandsofthehighAndes, interpretingthesedataparticularlywhendatingisbased and low algal frequencies (Mourguiart and Ledru, on an age model derived from δ18O records and 2003a).LakeHuiñaimarca attests ofatleast a reduction geomagnetic field excursiondata. of ∼18 m of water which was not perceptible under All the following records show a hiatus in sedimen- 120 m depth of water in Lake Titicaca (Mourguiart and tationbetweenrespectively23,000and13,00014CyrBP Ledru, 2003b). These data confirm a relatively low (Carajás), 30,000 and 16,000 14C yr BP or between reductioninwaterlevelintheAndesofBoliviacompared 25,690 and 17,410 14C yr BP (Maicurú), and 38,600 tootherregionsoftropicalSouthAmerica. and11,03014CyrBP(LagunaBellaVista).Thishiatus isassociatedwithalackofdepositionoforganicmate- 3.2. Border and surrounding areas of the Brazilian rialduringthousandsofyears(Ledruetal.,1998)and/ Amazon basin orstrongerosiveconditions. Presence of tropical semi- deciduousdryforestattheCerrado-rainforestboundary 3.2.1. Cerrado-humid forest transitions innortheasternBolivia(BellaVista:Mayleetal.,2000) Carbonisotopes(12C,13C,14C)ofsoilorganicmatter was documented at ca. 30,000 yr BP after which a were used to evaluate and establish the chronology of hiatus was recorded lasting until the beginning of the past vegetation of patches of Cerrado surrounded by Holocene. rainforestinthestatesofRondôniaandAmazonas.Large At Lagoa da Pata, geochemical analysis showed a ranges in δ13C values were observed from profiles ob- sand layer intercalated by two organic-rich levels. This tainedintheCerradoarea(−27‰to−14‰)andinthe sandy facies with lower carbon and water content and forest(−26‰to−19‰)reflectingchangingdistribution high bulk density is interpreted to reflect sudden and of13C-depletedC3forestand13C-enrichedC4grassland torrential rains, typical of seasonal climates and vegetation. At the base of the soil profiles, between different from today. After this probably drier episode, 17,000and900014CyrBP(km46:16,940±14014Cyr dated at ca. 18,000 14C yr BP, increase in lacustrine BP),δ13CvaluesreflectC3plantsdocumentingpresence productivity associated to lake level rise is recorded of forest (Freitas et al., 2001). This corresponds to the documented by an increase in the chlorophyll edgeofthepredictedforestpatchintheLGMvegetation derivates and the carbon flux. The C/Nvalues dropped mapofVanderHammenandHooghiemstra(2000)and indicating an increase in algae organic matter VanderHammen(2001)andthecorrespondingsavanna- contribution characteristic of open water. However, forest gradient Katira–Porto Velho–Humaitá. δ13C data rainforest survived near Lagoa da Pata (Colinvaux et also indicate that savanna grasses (C4 plants) have 518 D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 influencedsignificantlythecompositionofthevegetation elements. Between 28,000 and 17,000 14C yr BP the reflectingdrierclimatesafter9000 14CyrBP(Pessenda arboreal pollen decreased to 4–10%. After 16,000 14C etal.,1998).However,theisotopeanalysisbasedonthe yr BP, Siberia showed an increase of open forest-taxa humin fraction do not give any evidences as to which again. Considering that the temperature decreases by kind of forest persisted shortly after the LGM in that 5 °C (Stute et al., 1995) the zone of maximum preci- specificareaofsouthernAmazonia. pitation was lowered by up to 500–600 m due to the lowering of the respective condensation levels if 3.2.2.Northernneotropicalsavannas:LlanosOrientales precipitations were similar to the modern ones. The TheLGMintheLlanosOrientalesinColombiainthe respective pollen record from Siberia represented an Laguna El Pinal region (4°08′N/70°23′W) was charac- open landscape and a dry and cold climate during the terizedbysavannavegetationandwithveryfewwoody LGM. The modern-day Andean cloud forest, provided taxa. The respective vegetation reflects the driest that forest type had survived during the LGM, might climatic conditions of the last 18,000 years (Behling havedescendedtoalevelofabout2000m(asl)during and Hooghiemstra, 2001). that period according to the LGM cooling. Thus, one wouldexpectAndeanforestpollen,especiallyallwind- 4. Summary of the results for Amazonia transportedpollentypes,tooccur intheSiberiarecord, which would have been ca. 800 m above the proposed Fromthepollenandfewgeochemicalrecordsinthe LGM Andean forest limit. However, Mourguiart and AmazonbasinincludingtheAmazonfanthatdateback Ledru (2003b) did not find any pollen from this lower totheLGMwehaveclearindicationofacoolerclimate cloud forest. with average temperature 4.5±1 or 5±1 °C lower than IntheanalysisofthecoresobtainedbetweenBR319, that of today for the region and the northeastern Brazil km 46 north of Porto Velho (8°21′S, 63°57′W) to the (Stuteetal.,1995;VanderHammenandHooghiemstra, South including Katira (less than a hundred kilometers 2000;Bushetal.,2001).Thisfactmightberesponsible furthersouth),LagunaBellaVista,andLagunaChaplin for the appearance of mountainous species like Alnus (14°28′S, 61°04′W) a clear change in the LGM vege- and Podocarpus in lowland Amazonian forest sites tation cover appears. The records show forest in nor- includingtheAmazonfanduringtheLGM(Haberleand thern Rondônia, savanna at Katira, a hiatus at Bella Maslin, 1999). Vista but clear indication of savanna vegetation at the Other observational evidences around the Amazon southernmost end at Laguna Chaplinofthis transect. basin are available to give indirect information about the Nevertheless, an inconsistent picture of the LGM climate in the Amazon region: Reconstructions of tem- vegetation conditions in the Amazon basin remains. peraturesintheAndesbetween4000and1500maltitude The point of view that claims that the Amazon above sea level (asl) have been presented by Van der lowland forests were not replaced by savanna during Hammen and Hooghiemstra (2000). They found that the the LGM (Colinvaux and De Oliveira, 2001; Bush et glaciallapseratewas0.76°C/100m,0.16°C/100msteeper al., 2002; Haberle and Maslin, 1999) can no longer be than present day. However, temperature is one of the as- supported by the data. On the other hand, data support pects to be considered with respect to the impact of the view that the Amazon evergreen forest border on changingclimateonthevegetationinmountainousregions. the northern hemisphere was located probably about Precipitationwithinthetropicsshowsacharacteristic 200 km further south and that the same border on the vertical distribution as a function of height above sea southern hemisphere was located probably 300 km level.Thezoneofmaximumprecipitationisgenerallynot further north during the LGM (Van der Hammen and locatedinthetropicallowlands,butwithinthemountain- Hooghiemstra, 2000; Behling, 2002) The latter was ousbeltbetween800and1500m(asl).Abovethelevelof also corroborated by paleovegetation simulations maximum condensation precipitation decreases consid- (Cowling et al., 2001). erablyandamuchweakersecondcondensationlevelcan beobservedbetween2700and3200mwithinthetropical 5. Summary of results from Africa cloudforestsbelt(Lauer,1989). Thus, the pollen records from Siberia (2920 m) and TheavailableAfricansiteswithdatedpaleoenviron- LakeHuiñaimarca(3810m)areofsomehelptorecons- mental information have been discussed in detail in truct the tropical lowland vegetation. Before the LGM Anhuf (2000). Only the general picture of the LGM (40,000–29,000 14C yr BP) the vegetation at Siberia environment in tropical Africa is summarized below was dominated by an open forest with cloud forest (Table 2). D.Anhufetal./Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology239(2006)510–527 519 Table2 SelectedsitesprovidingdatedinformationofLGMecologicalconditionsfortropicalAfricabetween10°Sand20°N(forfurtherinformationsee Anhuf2000) Number Site Location Elevation(m) DatedMaterial 14CyearsBP Author 01 74KL,ArabianSea 14°19′N/57°20′E −3416 Carbonates 20580−1280BP Sirockoetal.(1991) 02 LakeAbhé,Ethiopia 11°15′N/42°00′E 240 Diatoms,SLC 17,100±400BP Gasse(1977) 20,500±400BP 03 SacredLake,Mt.Kenya, 0°10′S/37°19′E 2400 P 15,695±70BP Olagoetal.(2000) Kenya 20,265±80BP 04 LakeNaivasha,Kenya 0°45′S/36°20′E 1890 SLC 12,270±180BP Maitima(1991) 20,900±1700BP 05 Mt.Elgon-LabootSwamp, 0°57′N/34°37′30′′E 2880 P 13,776±80BP Hamilton(1982) Kenya 23,073±120BP 06 CheranganiHills,Kaisungor 1°12′N/35°15′E 2900 P 17,000±300BP Coetzee(1967) Swamp,Kenya 07 Karimu,Kenya 0°30′S/36°41′E 3040 P 17,900±150BP PerrottandStreet-Perrott 21,540±160BP (1982) 08 PilkingtonBay,Uganda 0°18′N/33°20′E 1134 P 14,730±200BP Kendall(1969) 09 LakeMobutu,Uganda 1°50′N/31°10′E 619 P 14,700±260BP Beuningetal.(1997) 20,120±200BP 10 Ahakagyezi(AH2),Uganda 1°07′S/29°54′E 1830 P 15,640±110BP Taylor(1990) 18,770±120BP 11 Sd-24LakeTanganyika, 4°30′S/29°20′E 773 P 16,817±156BP Vincens(1993) Tanzania 32328±894BP 12 KamiranzowuSwamp, 2°25′S/29°18′E 1950 P 15,745±150BP Hamilton(1982) Rwanda 22,120±250BP 13 K-Kuruyange,Burundi 3°28′S/29°34′E 2000 P 18,900±700BP BonnefilleandChalié 21,500±1250BP (2000) 14 Ijenda,Burundi 3°29′S/29°33′E 2150 P 21,870±470BP RocheandBikwemu (1989) 15 LakeChesi,Zambia 9°05′S/29°45′E 928 LF 12,500±550BP Stager(1988) 33,900±2000BP 16 Walikale,Congo 1°15′S/27°50′E 662 P 17,650±1020BP Runge(1996) 18,310±860BP 17 Hv12945Imbonga,Congo 0°42′7ʺS/19°43′5′′E 20 P 19,920±765BP Preuss(1990) 18 Gama2Ngamakala,Congo 4°18′S/15°14′E 400 P 16,300±140BP Elengaetal.(1994) 22,170±600BP 19 GeoB1016Southeast- 11°46′S/11°40′5′′E −3410 P 12,000cal.BP ShiandDupont(1997) Atlantic,Angolamargin 24,100cal.BP 20 GeoB1023Southeast- 17°09′S/11°01′E −1978 P 15,070±60BP Shietal.(1998) Atlantic,Angolamargin 17890±80BP 21 KS12GulfofGuinea 3°52′06′′N/1°56′16′′W 0 P 17,000cal.BP LézineandVergnaud- 22,000cal.BP Grazzini,(1993) 22 BM6LakeBarombi- 4°39′N/9°24′E 300 P 20,240±1448BP Brenac(1988) Mbo,EastCameroon 22,030±2140BP 23 GIK16856GulfofGuinea, 4°48′N/3°24′E −2860 P 18,300cal.BP DupontandWeinelt NigerDelta (1996) 24 LakeBosumtwi,Ghana 6°32′N/1°23′W 100 P 18,880±190BP Talbotetal.(1984) 20,220±230BP 25 GIK16776Atlantic, 3°44′N/11°24′W −4242 P 12,000cal.BP Jahnsetal.(1998) WestAfrica,Liberia 24,000cal.BP 26 M.16017−2Atlantic, 21°15′N/17°48′W − P 16,060±230BP Hooghiemstra(1988) North-WestAfrica 20,060±300BP Acronyms:P=Pollen,SLC=SeaLevelChanges,LF=LimnicFauna. In the southeast of Ivory Coast, near the border to permanence of rain forest on the adjacent continent Ghana, only small relicts of the semi-deciduous rain- duringtheLGM(LézineandVergnaud-Grazzini,1993). forest existed during the LGM. Sediments of a marine In contrast, this forest type remained in the western core situated off the Ghanaian margin recorded the highlands of Guinea as well as in the area of Cape

cool Somali current bringing mostly dry air masses into the equatorial . for Isoetes, a submerged fern in oligotrophic waters, for. Valeriana, a herb
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