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Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, & Mississippian PDF

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SS8H1a Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, & Mississippian © 2014 Brain Wrinkles Standards SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia. a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. © 2014 Brain Wrinkles Teacher Directions – CLOZE Notes • The next pages are handouts for the students to use for note-taking during the presentation. (Print front to back to save paper and ink.) • Check the answers as a class after the presentation. © 2015 Brain Wrinkles © 2 ••• • • • A •• •• • • •• • • P 0 selknirW niarB 51 ________________________ et a yoeshlTa.________________________ ekil slamina rellams d eytenhuTh.________________________________ erew snaidnI ciahcrA ehT________________________. fo tuo snopaew dna sloot detaerc snaidnI cia hecrhTA.doof________________________aes ni nosaes hcae devom y eshat___________________________________ ehe t wyt leithuu Tb,b____________________________________. ni gninnigeb aigroeG ni devil snaidnI ciahcrA ehTsnaidnI ciahcr aera reviR tnilF. ni dna ,reviR eeglumcO ,reviR hannavaS eht raen dnuof neeb________________________ erew taht gs nieytn nnroautoMsfh________________________ snopaew dna sloot des u yoeshlTa.selbategev dna stiurf dliw dna ,stun________________________b eta dna nosib tnai gy eeehkhiTlt________________________ erew snaidnI oelaP. .sedih lamina dna krab htiw derevoc________________________etlehs r o n i s etyiddepea hvniTlmi.05________________________________________o s pyueo hrnTig________________________.dnuora devom yeht taht gninaem ,cidamon erew snaidnI oelaP________________________ skoneeaele ranPmiG.________________________. morf ,oga sraey 000,31 revo aigroeG ni ydeehviTl.snaidnI________________________dellac erew aigroeG tib ae hhonTti snaidnI oela __. o hcr er ehtevah . eirre sr 52 f- ni elaP f ,s o © 2 • •• • • • ••• • • M • • • •• • • W 0 selknirW niarB 51 …______________________________ rieht retfaos tub ,aciremA derevocsid snaeporuE nehw evila erew yehT.detniap dna deoottat erew seidob denhat__________________ htiw shtolc enif ni deirub erew deaheTd________________________merec suoigile ry tleiddhuanTbah.cte ,occabot ,snaeb ,hsauqs—________________________________________am werg yeht nageb snaidnI naippississiMrehtona eno htiw sdoog rehto dna ,yrettop._______________________________ naippissi slsesoihwo TMt,.yrlewej dna ,stnemurtsni ,sepip______________________________ettop gni teyareeehr Tw,c.sloot gnimraf_________________________________________paew etae rotc desu snaidnI naippississiM ehT________________________ draug yb detceto rspe gearlleiVw______________________ deniatno c nsaitpnpeismseilsttsieMs.sdnuom nehtrae egral fo pot no sretnec suoigiler ni________________________________________ ni ydeehv iTl,w________________________. tuoba morf aigroeG detibahni snaidnI naippississiM ehTsnaidnI naippississi ________________________. snaidnI dnaldooW eht taht sngi s eesreehTw.seinomerec________________________iler dna setis l ayti leirrhuuoTbfb________________________. fo ecnedive tsrif eht tfel snaidnI dnald oeohTW________________________ ni devil dna.alliv tnenamrep detaerc ,sebirt demrof snaidnI dnaldooW ehT________________________ depolevgen di yt oenrshuloTafh.________________________ ,evitaroced.________________________taerc yeht dna sporc gniw orrofgb yeht esuaceb spuorg suoiverp morf dereffid el yrtiseehfiTl__________________________________. tuoba morf aigroeG ni devil snaidnI dnaldooW ehTsnaidnI dnaldoo no ______.seino ,ezi snopae ,yr na sno .__. evil oh suoig ,seg deot nage , d d © 2 • • • • • • A • • • • • • • • • • P 0 51 T T f T a T n T u T r a h M T b T P s T T a P P 8 T P T a selknirW niarB hsifllehs dent aa ysoetshulan. ekil slaminsa tirbelblaar mds nda eyrteenheuhd. nemrehsi. e rdenwa ,ssnraierdenI htciaag h,csrrAe tenhuh enob dn. o tuo snopaew dna sloot detaerc snaidnI cia hecrhA oof fo hcraes ni nosaes hcae devo m ciydeahtm osa stnemelttes tnenaem rreeehwp t ytttleuisrhbui bf, CB 0001 tuoba litn. ni gninnigeb aigroeG ni devil snaidnI ciahcrA e0h08 snaidnI ciahc aera reviR tnilF eht ni dn. eeglumcO ,reviR hannavaS eht raen dnuof neeb eva sdaeh reareepsw totanhit ds eeyhpn naroathossf snopaew dnea nsoltos ot mdoerfs ue ydoeashlam. .selbategev dna stiurf dliw dna ,stun ,seirre ta d nsal anomisinba tengariagl ed hetyt enehukihl erew sdnnaisard esnIrr eeotheltnaauhg. .sedih lamina dna krab htiw derevoc sretleh sgnillewd rton estniap m nirn i e eypddeneahovilnm ecalp ot ecal5p2 fmo osrfp ud oeyrve.go h0nmi-5 doof nfi o dhncruaores. evom yeht taht gninaem ,cidamon erew snaidnI oela ”kt e sneoneriealcGe annm“ai. 00C0B. morf ,oga sraey 000,31 revo aigroeG ni ydeehv0il1 .snaidnI oela ac er eelw paoiegpr ofeo Gp tuiobragh tnies rhioft snaidnI oel fots .d osla CB 0 eviR nitnu e d t 000 dell n r g o e , © 2 • • • • • • • • • • • M • • • • • • • W 0 selknirW niarB 51 …raeppasid orti enhat greebt fear untlouosc b ,aciremA derevocsid snaeporuE nehw evila erew yehT .detniap dna deoottat erew s eisdesosb eerhdtd adenha htiw shtolc enif ni deirub edreerwe h dteaaheeTdf .seinomerec sdn usoumo ilgaiilreur b dda e hy tpletidphaunloTbf-ta .cte ,occabot ,snaeb ,hsauqs ,eziam werg— nageb s neaigdrnaIl na ainpo pigsn siielsmasricahMfst rehtona eno htiw sdoog rehto dna ,yrettop. deda ,rts nsnopapiuapoerpigws ,sni salsiesodihonTMIt .yrlewej dna ,stnemurtsni nemispt ,fyarrec ttdoeph sgilnipt maeyoerercehcc Twa, .sloot gnimraf dna snopaew etaerc desu sn aeindonIb ndaniap ,pidsosiosws i,Me ne ohtoTst draug ysbt adoetm cdetnoa rsspe rgeearlwleioVwt. deeniiliatmnaof cf nosa itspndpeinsmasesilusttsoiehMst .sdnuom nehtrae egral fo pot no sretnec suoigiler sfeihc yb de nnri edveov gi ln i s oyndheewhwvo iTlt, DA 0061 ot. tuoba morf aigroeG detibahni snaidnI naippississiM ehT8 snaidnI naippississi efilretfa. snaidnI dnaldooW eht tahta snin gdi es eveseireleheTwb .seinomerec suoigiler dn ah tsreatie sf loa isrd u nybt lueirohuoTbmf sfeileb. fo ecnedive tsrif eht tfel snaidnI dsnualoid goieloheTWr ni devil dstnua h, sdeeegpamalloihvd-s. tnenamrep detaerc ,sebirt demrof snaidnI dnaldooW ehT s wdoerrpaog lndeitvnnae uds yh oewrsholoTabf. yr e,ttevoipt agrnoigtcnseoadl-l. detaerc yeht dna sporc gsndi eowte osr ntag ngraelobpf ht esuaceb spuorg suoiverp morf dereffid el yrtiseehfiTl DA 0001 ot. tuoba morf aigroeG ni devil snaidnI dnaldooB W 0e0h0T1 snaidnI dnaldoo u e p s 0 e C n t y se . 0 y , Teacher Directions – Foldable • The next page is for an Interactive Foldable. (*This is also an alternative way for your students to take notes if you do not want to use the CLOZE notes.) • Print out the foldable pages for each student. • The students will cut the template out along the thick outside lines. • Next, they will cut along the thin lines that divide each word, stopping at the gray rectangle. • They should attach the side of the template (gray rectangle) to their notebooks. • They will now be able to open up each flap and write the definitions underneath. • *If time allows, have students color the flaps. © 2014 Brain Wrinkles © 2 0 1 4 B r a i n W r i n k el s M W i A s s o P r i o a s c s d l h i e p l a a o p i n c i d a n SS8H1a Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, & Mississippian © 2014 Brain Wrinkles

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of. Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native
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