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Preview Palaepaphos-Skales: An Iron Age Cemetery in Cyprus (Text)

DEUTSCHES ARCHAOLOGISCHES INSTITUT PALAEPAPHOS- SKALES AN IRON AGE CEMETERY IN CYPRUS by VASSOS KARAGEORGHIS with Appendices by Gisele Clerc, Patricia Maynor Bikai, Edith Porada, Emilia Masson, Maurice Sznycer, Elizabeth Goring, E. J. Peltenburg, Jacques-Claude Courtois, Carolyn Elliott, Honor Frost, Vassos Karageorghis, Carola Schulte-Campbel/, A. Demetropoulos, Anthony King ·• --<: TEXT UNIVERSITATSVERLAG KONSTANZ GMBH Ein Textband mit xiii, 468 Seiten, 92 Abbildungen, 5 Tafeln und 56 Tabellen Ein Tafelband mit 201 Abb. und 201 Tafeln ~~~ s~.cts* ()C\ 3 ~<3 \q <3~ v. I ISBN 3 87940 234 5 © 1983 Universitiitsverlag Konstanz GmbH <.. Aile Rechte, insbesondere das der Obersetzung in fremde Sprachen, vorbehalten. Ohne ausdriickliche Genehmigung des Verlages ist es nicht gestattet, dieses Buch oder Teile daraus auf photomechanischem Wege (Photokopie, Mikrokopie) zu vervielfiiltigen. · Satz und Druck des Textbandes: Zavallis Press Ltd., Nicosia Herstellung des Abbildungs-und Tafelbandes: Universitiits-Druckerei Konstanz GmbH CONTENTS Page Vorwort .. vii Preface .. ix Abbreviations xi I Introduction .. 1 II The tombs of the CG I period .. 3 III Burial customs of the CG I period 7 IV The tombs and their contents .. 9 V Note on the typology of pottery 350 VI Note on Red Slip ware 369 VII Summary and conclusions 370 VIII Appendices Appendix I Aegyptiaca de Palaepaphos-Skales, Gisele Clerc 375 Appendix II The imports from the East, Patricia Maynor Bikai 396 Appendix III Cylinder and stamp seals from Palaepaphos-Skales, Edith Porada 407 Appendix IV Les objets inscrits de Palaepaphos-Skales, Emilia Masson et Olivier Masson 411 Appendix V · Note sur !'inscription gravee sur une cruche de Ia Tombe 69 de Palae-, paphos-Skales, Maurice Sznycer . . 416 Appendix VI Techniques of the Palaepaphos-Skalesjewellery, Elizabeth Goring . . 418 Appendix VII The faience bowlfromPalaejJaphos-Skales T.58:5, E. J. Peltenburg.. 423 Appendix VIII Les poids de Palaepaphos-Skales, Jacques-Claude Courtois 424 Appendix IX Stone objects from Palaepaphos-Skales, Carolyn Elliott . . 426 Appendix X Note on three fragmentary anchors from the Palaepaphos-Skales tombs, Honor Frost ·· 433 Appendix XI An 11th-century B.C. bathtub from Palaepaphos-Skales T. 49:198, Vassos Karageorghis 435 Appendix XII The human skeletal remains from Palaepaphos-Skales, Carola Schulte- Campbell . . 439 Appendix XIII Identification of molluscs from an 11th-century B.C. t()mb at Palae- paphos-Skales, A. Demetropoulos 452 Appendix XIV Report on some eggshell from Tomb 66, Anthony King 453 General Index 454 VORWORT Die Untersuchung von Grabern und Graberfeldern spielt in der archao logischen Erforschung von Alt-Paphos-wie bei jeder antiken Stadt eine bedeutsame Rolle. Die Befunde der zahlreichen Graber, die 1888 durch den Cyprus Exploration Fund und 1899 durch F.B: Welch entdeckt wurden, sind heute nur noch bruchstiickhaft greifbar. Sie lassen sich daher nur in begrenztem Mass fiir die Geschichte der Stadt auswerten. Dagegen eroffnete die Ausgrabung von 43 Grabern in Evreti, Asproyi und Kaminia durch die Kouklia Expedition of the University of St. Andrews and the Liverpool Museum (1952-53) eine entscheidende historische Einsicht: in Alt-Paphos hestand bereits seit dem 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. eine grossere spatbronzezeitliche Siedlung. Das Graberfeld von Lakkos tou Skarnou, das in Teilen durch die deutsch-schweizerische Archaologische Expedition untersucht wurde (1967-68), bot das erste Beispiel eines Friedhofes, in dem die Bestattungen iiber die unge wohnlich weite Zeitspanne von der ausgehenden Spatbronzezeit im 11. Jahr hundert v. Chr. bis zur spatklassischen Periode im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. reichen. Die 1980-81 ausgegrabene Nekropole von Skales umspannt densel ben Zeitraum, doch bieten ihre Graber ein ungleich reicheres und aussage kraftigeres Inventar. Die Funde von Skales sind nicht nur fiir die Geschichte von Alt-Paphos von Bedeutung. Sie werfen auch neues Licht auf die Ent wicklung der cyprischen Keramik seit der friihgeometrischen Zeit. Ich bin daher Dr. Vassos Karageorghis, dem Direktor des Cyprischen Department of Antiquities, besonders dankbar fiir seine Bereitschaft, die Ergebnisse dieser wichtigen Grabung in den "Ausgrabungen in Alt-Paphos" zu veroffentli;::hen. FRANZ GEORG MAIER PREFACE The excavations at Palaepaphos-Ska/es began as an emergency operation, with a few ex pert technicians of the Department of Antiquities, namely Andreas Georghiou (foreman), Chrysilios Polykarpou (draughtsman), retired technical assistant Symeon K.lonaris and Custo dian George Ioannou as the expert diggers. It subsequently ·developed into a major operation which, however, proved worthwhile. To the technicians named above, who shared with me the hardships of digging and the pleasures of unique discoveries, I express my gratitude. My thanks go also to all my devoted labourers, most of whom are refugees from various parts of the island and are now residents of Kouklia village. Mr. Philip Papageorghiou of Paphos, the owner of the field where we excavated, showed patience and understanding and collaborated with us in spite of the inevitable delay in the development of his field. Cleaning and mending thousands of vases, as well as treating hundreds of metal and other delicate objects from the Skates tombs in the Workshops of the Cyprus Museum and in practic ally all the District Museums and in the Laboratory of the Cyprus Museum, became a major operation for the technical staff of the Department of Antiquities who showed exemplary pa tience and skill. To all of them, as well as to the members of the Photographic section and the draughtsmen of the Cyprus Museum (Xenophon Michael, Chrysilios Polykarpou, Elias Mar kou and Mary Hadjisavva) I express my thanks. Yiannis Hadjisavvas and Maria Hadjinico laou undertook the preparation of the plates. The study of the material was carried out in the afternoons and weekends, when my ad ministrative duties would allow archaeological activity, and during one month's stay (November 1981) in the Deutsches Archaologisches Institut in West Berlin. I would like to express my thanks to the President of the Institute, Professor Dr. E. Buchner, who made this visit possible. The study for publication of thousands of objects of considerable archaeological signifi cance was not something which I could have undertaken without the assistance of specialists. I am grateful to all those who undertook to write appendices on specific objects or categories of objects. Dr. C. Xenophontos, of the Geological Survey Department, identified all the stone objects and Dr. I. Kashoulis, of the State General Laboratory, analysed substances which required his expert knowledge. The onerous task of checking my descriptions and verifying my classification, as well as the critical examination of the whole of my text, was carried out by Maria Iacovou and Dr. Carolyn Elliott ~ithout whose patience and devoted assistance this work could never have been accomplished. Thanks are due also to my secretary, Maroulla Tsouri, who undertook the task of typing (twice) my text and to Dr. Carolyn Elliott who edited it. Financial assistance was given generously from various quarters. The Cyprus Government, through the Ministry of Communications and Works, undertook all the expenses of the ex cavation. The Gerda Henkel Foundation generously paid:for the preparation of the numerous drawings by Elias Markou. I would like to express here my gratitude to this Foundation and particularly to Professor F. G. Maier for his unfailing help which was offered unselfishly in numerous ways. Last but not least I would like to express my grateful thanks to Professor Dr. Buchner, President of the Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, and to Professor F. G. Maier who accept ed this book for publication in the series Ausgrabungen in Alt-Paphos. The Deutsches Archiiologisches Institut has undertaken all the expenses of printing, thus making it possible for the volume to appear so quickly after the excavation. As can be seen above, the publication of the excavations at Palaepaphos-Skales is a collec tive work which has involved numerous people. The author simply acted as a coordinator and takes particular pleasure in expressing here his gratitude to all his collaborators. V. KARAGEORGHIS ABBREVIATIONS AJA American Journal of Archaeology Alaas V. Karageorghis, Alaas, a Protogeometric Necropolis in Cyprus. 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Les Antiquites Chypriotes. Paris 1908 Riis, R. J., Hama II.3 (1948) : R. J. Riis, Hama. Fouilles et Recherches de la Fondation Carls a berg 1931-1938. Les Cimetieres Cremation. (Nationalmuseets Skriftes, St0rre Beretninger I). K0benhavn 1948 Rolley, Cl., Fouilles de Delphes V3 (1977) : Cl. Rolley, Fouilles de Delphes. Tome V, 3. Les a Trepieds cuve clouee (Ecole Frant;aise d'Athenes). Paris 1977 Sa/amine M. Yon, Sa/amine de Chypre II. La Tombe T. I. du Xr s. Av. J.-C. (Universite de Lyon-Faculte des Lettres Institut F. Courby). Paris 1971 SCE The Swedish Cyprus Expedition, vols I-IV. Stockholm 1934-1972- Snodgrass, Early Greek Armour : A. M. Snodgrass, Early Greek Armour and Weapons from the End of the Bronze Age to 600 B.C. Edinburgh 1964 Snodgrass, The Dark Age : A. M. Snodgrass, J;be Dark Age of Greece. An Archaeological Survey of the Elevi?n,ih to the Eighth Centuries B.C. Edinburgh 1971 Stewart, E. and J., Vounous 1937-38 (1950) : E. and J. Stewart, Vounous 1937-38. Field-Re port on the excavations_sponsored by the British School of Archae ology at Athens. (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. Acta Instituti Regni Sueciae XIV). Lund 1950 Tufnell, Olga, Lachish IV : Olga Tufnell et a1., Lachish IV(Tell ed-Duweir ). The Bronze Age. Oxford 1958 Vandier, J., Manuel d'Archeologie Egyptienne IV (1964) : J. Vandier, Manuel d'Archeologie Egyptienne Tome IV. Bas-Reliefs et Peintures. Scenes de Ia vie quotidienne. Paris 1964 Woolley, S.L., Alalakh (1955) : Sir Leonard Woolley, Alalakh. An account of the excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937-1949. (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London no. XVIII). Oxford 1955 Yadin, Y. et al., Hazar II (1960) : Y. Yadin et al., Hazar II. An account of the second season of excavations, 1956. Jerusalem 1960 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In January 1979 levelling operations for agricultural purposes at the site of Skales, south east of the village of Kouklia in the Paphos District, revealed a number of tombs. The Depart ment of Antiquities was informed only after the contents of several tombs (T. 42-57) had been exposed and others had been largely or completely destroyed. The local Custodian was asked to remove the objects from these tombs and take them to the Kouklia Museum. Unfortunately no record was taken nor any plans or photographs of the objects in situ made.l All information in this report concerning the disposition of the objects in these tombs depends entirely on the recollection of the local Custodian· Mr. George Ioannou, an experienced excavator. At the beginning of April the Department of Antiquities, under the direction of the pre sent writer, undertook a large-scale systematic excavation of the whole area which was or would have been affected by the levelling operations. No doubt the cemetery extends beyond the limits of this area, but our aim was to rescue tombs from destruction since, after the levelling, machinery for deep ploughing was to operate in the same area. The locality of Skales (Fig. I), covered today by fields and sparsely dotted carob trees, is situated about 1200 m. southeast of the modern village of Kouklia and about 1000 m. from the coast. It is a fairly low-lying area, 32-44 m. above sea-level, rising gradually from the coast al plain towards the first range of hills. Seen in relation to the topography of the Greek city of Old Paphos, Skales lies c. 850 m. from the southeastern city wall and c. 1200 m. from the Sanc tuary of Aphrodite. The distance to the Archaic necropolis of Eliomylia, between Skales and the ancient city, is c. 600 m.; to the necropolis of Lakkos tou Skarnou (which, like Skales, was in use from the earliest Geometric to the Late Classical period) c. 1300 m. Considering that the Lakkos tou Skarnou tombs are situated 450-550 m. beyond the city wall, Skales was an outlying but by no means an excessively distant cemetery.2 The cemetery at the site of Skales has long been known. In 1951 a British Mission from the University of St. Andrews and the Liverpool Museums under T. B. Mitford and J. H. Iliffe excavated tombs which, together with others excavated at Palaepaphos by the same Mission, will soon be published by Dr. H. W. Catling.3 ·., :,-· Though it was not our intention to make a systematic topographical survey of the ancient sites of Palaepaphos (this being the task of the SwisiPGerman Mission which carries out major excavations in the area of Palaepaphos under Professor F. G. Maier), we have been able to trace an extensive settlement site on the rocky plateau above the slope which contained our tombs. Traces of rubble walls are still visible on the rocky,surface as well a!> stone querns, but all other evidence has eroded away in the course of time and one cannot determine whether there is any relationship between this settlement and the cemetery. Though the crest of the plateau is hard rock, the natural rock which lies below it is soft clayish chavara and it is in this that the tombs were carved. The softness of the rock and the 1. The present writer was at that time at Oxford as a Visiting Research Fellow at Merton College, from 19th January to 31st of March, 1979. 2. Remains of a small settlement in the locality of Achni, c.800 m. south of Skales and close to the coast, were discovered in 1979 (see F. G. Maier, RDAC 1981, 104f.). Thus far there is evidence for Classical to Roman occupation only from this site. Moreover, its obviously limited size would exclude that a necropolis as rich as Skales was connected with it. 3. See a preliminary note by J. H. Iliffe in Liverpool Bulletin 2 (1952), 51f. 2 PALAEPAPHOS-SKALES weight of the bulldozer caused the ceiling of almost all the tombs to collapse. This explains the very fragmentary condition in which objects inside the chambers were found. The same site had been used as a cemetery for many centuries. The earliest material in the tombs dates to the 11th century B.C. (see below), but there are also tombs of the Cypro-Geo metric III and later periods, up to the Hellenistic period. Some of the later chamber tombs were carved very close to the surface above the older tombs. The vast majority of tombs have a NE-SW orientation,4 with the dramas on the SW. This was obviously dictated by the slope of the hill. The dramas, which need not have been deep, was dug against the slope, thus secur ing the maximum depth of rock for the chamber. This feature continues from the initial stage of the cemetery (11th century B.C.) down to the Classical and Hellenistic periods, indicating that this consistency was merely practical. This however, does not necessarily cast doubt on Benson's suggestion that the consistent orientation of the tombs at Kourion-Kaloriziki, where the ground is flat, may indicate connections with Rhodes.5 4. In describing the individual tombs conventional cardinal points are indicated. E.g. most tombs have a NE-SW orientation. In order to avoid complicated cardinal points we have regarded them, for practical purposes in the descriptions, as having a N-S orientation. 5. Kaloriziki, 23f.

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