ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA ISSN Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg ▪ https://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/ 2410-0226 (Online) Vol. 27(2): 239–258 ▪ Published online 3 December 2018 ▪ DOI 10.31610/zsr/2018.27.2.239 0320-9180 (Print) RESEARCH ARTICLE Palaearctic species of the genus Heterocola (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) Палеарктические виды рода Heterocola (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin А.И. Халаим, А.М. Терешкин Andrey I. Khalaim, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia; Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Autόnoma de Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico. E-mail: [email protected] Alexander M. Tereshkin, Mendeleeva 5-14, Minsk 220037, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Palaearctic material of the genus Heterocola Förster was studied, the holotypes of four species were examined and re-described. Heterocola concava (Uchida) from Japan is transferred to Phradis Förster (comb. nov.), and the genus Heterocola is excluded from the fauna of Japan. Specimens of H. proboscidalis (Thomson) and H. rufiventris Horstmann deposited in the Zoological Institute RAS (St Petersburg) and briefly mentioned from the former USSR by K. Horstmann in his revision (1981) are found and re-exam- ined, and their complete label data are provided. Extensive faunistic records of the Palaearctic species of Heterocola primarily based on the Zoological Institute RAS collection are provided. Colour photographs of six species are given for the first time. An identification key to six species of Heterocola occurring in the Palaearctic region is provided; taxonomic status of the seventh species, H. pappi Kolarov, is not clear. Резюме. Изучен палеарктический материал рода Heterocola Förster, исследованы и переописа- ны голотипы 4 видов. Вид H. concava (Uchida) из Японии перемещен в род Phradis Förster (comb. nov.), в связи с чем род Heterocola исключен из фауны Японии. Экземпляры видов H. probosci dalis (Thomson) и H. rufiventris Horstmann, хранящиеся в коллекции Зоологического института РАН (Санкт-Петербург) и упомянутые с территории бывшего СССР К. Хорстманном в его ре- визии (Horstmannn, 1981), найдены в коллекции, изучены, и даны полные данные их этикеток. Представлены обширные новые сведения о распространении палеарктических видов Heteroco la (главным образом по материалам Зоологического института РАН). Впервые даны цветные фотографии 6 палеарктических видов. Подготовлен ключ для определения 6 палеарктических видов Heterocola; таксономический статус седьмого вида, H. pappi Kolarov, требует уточнения. Key words: Palaearctic region, fauna, taxonomy, re-description, type, parasitoids, Phradis, new combi- nation Ключевые слова: Палеарктика, фауна, таксономия, переописание, тип, паразитоиды, Phradis, новая комбинация ZooBank Article LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2FCB67C3-77CC-4930-AC0D-6A8CF2E8553D Introduction (Yu et al., 2016). In the Palaearctic region, six species are restricted to the Western Palaearctic Heterocola Förster, 1869 is a small tersilochine region, one [H. proboscidalis (Thomson, 1889)] is genus with one species in South Africa (Khalaim, widely distributed across the Palaearctic region, 2007b) and eight species in the Palaearctic region and one [H. concava (Uchida, 1956)] is known © 2018 Zoological Institute RAS and the Author(s) A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola only from Japan (Yu et al., 2016). Four species Morphological terminology generally follows occurring in Europe were revised by Horstmann that of Townes (1971) with changes according to (1971) and subsequently three more Heterocola Khalaim (2011). List of species and examined ma- species were described in separate publications terial are given in alphabetical order. In Distribu- from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (Horstmann tion sections, countries are listed generally from & Kolarov, 1988; Kolarov, 1989; Kolarov & Be- west to east, and new country records are marked yarslan, 1994). Nothing is known about host pref- by an asterisk (*). References with earlier original erences of any species of the genus. geographic records are provided for all species. Morphologically, Heterocola is one of the most Wings (Figs 45–50) were slide-mounted us- distinctive genera of the subfamily. It is easy rec- ing Solakryl BMX. Photographs (except for Figs ognised by the combination of its exceptionally 1–4) were taken in ZIN with a Canon EOS 70D long maxillary palps, strongly antefurcal second digital camera attached to an Olympus SZX10 recurrent vein (2m-cu) and first tergite without stereomicroscope; partially focused images were glymmae. Besides the Heterocola, such long max- combined using Helicon Focus 6.7.1 Pro software. illary palps present only in one tersilochine genus, Photographs of H. concava (Figs 1–4) were kindly Palpator Khalaim, 2006, which comprises two provided by K. Konishi (Ehime University, Mat- species in South Europe, North Africa and Mid- suyama, Japan). dle East (Khalaim, 2006, 2016), but in contrast to Heterocola, in the latter genus second recur- Results rent vein (2m-cu) is postfurcal. A recently de- Genus Heterocola Förster, 1869 scribed from Mexico monotypic genus Labilochus Khalaim, 2017 resembles Heterocola by having Type species: Thersilochus proboscidalis Thom- extremely long mouthparts (i.e. glossa and galeae), son, 1889, by subsequent monotypy (Szépligeti, but both maxillary and labial palps in this genus 1899: 221, 238; see: Viereck, 1914: 69; Perkins, are very short, and first metasomal tergite has a 1962: 426). Gender feminine (Hopper, 1959: 164). distinct glymma joining by furrow to the ventral Diagnosis. Small and medium-sized, with body part of postpetiole (Khalaim et al., 2017). length mostly 2.6 to 4.0 mm and fore wing length The aim of this study is to revise available Pa- 2.0 to 3.5 mm. Head, in dorsal view, roundly ta- laearctic material of the genus, re-describe holo- pered behind eyes, with gena 0.7–1.0 times as types of four species, and provide an identification long as eye width. Maxillary palp exceptional- key and colour photographs. ly long, distinctly longer than head height, with four palpomeres; labial palp short to long, with Material and methods two or three palpomeres. Mandible moderately slender, usually distinctly punctate (except apex), This work is primarily based on a large material with upper tooth somewhat longer than lower. from the Zoological Institute of the Russian Acad- Malar space short, 0.1–0.3 times as long as basal emy of Sciences, St Petersburg, Russia (ZIN). mandibular width. Flagellum filiform or slightly Additional specimens were studied from the Zoo- clavate, basally slender, usually with 15–18 flagel- logical Museum of the Moscow State University, lomeres. Hypostomal carina absent, or incomplete Moscow, Russia (MSU) and the Finnish Museum and represented by short wrinkle adjacent to oc- of Natural History, Helsinki University, Helsinki, cipital carina; this area often granulate or longitu- Finland (MZH). Following holotypes were exam- dinally striate. Notaulus absent or weak. Foveate ined: H. concava from the Hokkaido University, groove completely absent or as weak impression in Sapporo, Japan (EIHU); H. longipalpis Kolarov et front part of mesopleuron; sometimes path of fo- Beyarslan, 1994 and H. nigrotibialis Horstmann veate groove indicated by denser granulation or et Kolarov, 1988 from the Zoologische Staatssam- weak irregular wrinkles. Propodeal spiracle small, mlung, Munich, Germany (ZSM); and H. similis separated from pleural carina by 4.0–6.0 times Horstmann, 1971 from the Swedish Museum of diameter of spiracle. Propodeum with basal area Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRS). short, sometimes confluent with apical area or in- 240 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola distinctly separated from it (transverse carina me- The identification key to six Heterocola species diodorsally more or less obliterated); apical area (without H. pappi) occurring in the Palaearctic long, anteriorly rounded or truncated, usually region is given below. Couplets 1 to 3 work well conspicuously impressed. Fore wing with second both for males and females, and couplets 4 and 5 recurrent vein (2m-cu) strongly antefurcal; meta- work only for females. carpus (R1) short, extending about four tenths way from distal corner of radial cell to fore wing Key to Palaearctic species apex. Hind wing with nervellus weakly reclivous of Heterocola (excluding H. pappi) to vertical. Legs slender. First metasomal segment slender, entirely or predominantly smooth, more 1. Mesopleuron entirely densely and coarsely punc- tate, smooth between punctures (Figs 9, 10, 30). or less round in cross-section centrally; glymma Maxillary palp with palpomere 2 much longer than completely absent. Second tergite 1.8–2.5 times palpomeres 3 and 4 separately (Fig. 5); labial palp as long as anteriorly broad. Thyridial depression with three long palpomeres. (Subgenus Heteroco- somewhat elongated, usually 1.5–2.0 times as long loides Horstmann, 1971) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 as broad. Ovipositor slender, weakly upcurved, – Mesopleuron granulate, impunctate or with fine usually long (sometimes longer than body), with punctures centrally (Figs 28, 38, 43). Maxillary weak dorsal subapical depression or notch. palp with palpomere 2 slightly shorter than pal- Remarks. Seven species of Heterocola occur in pomeres 3 and 4 separately (Figs 17, 33); labial palp the Palaearctic region. Only one abundant spe- with two or three very short palpomeres (often con- cies, H. proboscidalis (Thomson, 1889), is distrib- cealed when head closely adjoined with mesosoma). uted across the Palaearctic region, while six other (Subgenus Heterocola s. str.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Metasoma behind first segment dark brown to species are restricted to Europe, North Africa and black (Figs 5, 7). First metasomal segment round Middle East, and H. linguaria (Haliday, 1838) in transverse dissection centrally, smooth (Fig. 11). was also recorded from East Kazakhstan. Flight Ovipositor sheath longer than body (Fig. 5), or period of all species is in spring and early summer about 5.0 times as long as hind tibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . period, with only several specimens with later col- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. H. linguaria lecting dates. – Metasoma behind first segment reddish brown to Two species, H. nigrotibialis Horstmann et Ko- brown (Fig. 29). First metasomal segment trapezi- larov, 1988 and H. similis Horstmann, 1971, are form in transverse dissection centrally, usually stri- almost identical in structure and coloration, and ate laterally. Ovipositor sheath shorter than body differ more or less reliably from each other only by (Fig. 29), or about 3.0 times as long as hind tibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. H. rufiventris the length of ovipositor. In some examined speci- 3. Head, in dorsal view, with gena 0.7–0.8 times as mens of H. nigrotibialis, a labial palp comprises long as eye width (Fig. 27). Mesopleuron impunc- three palpomeres while labial palp in H. similis is tate, granulate, dull (Fig. 28). Propodeum with only with two palpomeres. Unfortunately, labial transverse carina mediodorsally usually distinct. palps are often hidden and indiscernible when the Ovipositor with narrow dorsal subapical notch . . . . head is closely attached to mesosoma, and there- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. H. proboscidalis fore using of this character for identification is not – Head, in dorsal view, with gena 0.9–1.0 times as always possible. Moreover, additional specimens long as eye width (Figs 16, 22, 34, 42). Mesopleu- of H. nigrotibialis and H. similis must be studied ron finely or distinctly punctate centrally, granu- to confirm that number of labial palpomeres is sta- late to almost smooth between punctures. Propo- deum with transverse carina mediodorsally weak ble in these two species (as well as in H. longipal- or obliterated, thus basal area often confluent with pis). Thus, taxonomic status of H. nigrotibialis and apical area (Figs 25, 39). Ovipositor with shallow H. similis requires further investigation. dorsal subapical depression (as in Fig. 18) . . . . . . . . 4 The holotype of H. pappi Kolarov, 1989 was 4. Flagellum basally very slender; second and third not studied, original description and illustrations flagellomeres about 2.4 times as long as broad, dis- of this species are insufficient, and therefore its tinctly widened at apex (Fig. 15). Ovipositor sheath taxonomic status is not clear (see Remarks to this 1.25–1.60 times as long as first tergite (Figs 12, 19) species). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. H. longipalpis ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 241 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola – Flagellum basally less slender; second and third Palps not especially long. Clypeus separated from flagellomeres 1.6–1.8 times as long as broad, cylin- face by distinct groove, evenly convex, almost len- drical or evenly widened from base to apex (Figs ticular (lower margin slightly truncated), almost 23, 35). Ovipositor sheath more than twice longer entirely smooth with fine punctures in upper four than first tergite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 tenths. Flagellum moderately slender, filiform, 5. Ovipositor sheath 2.0–2.3 times as long as first with 14 flagellomeres; subbasal flagellomeres 1.4– tergite (Fig. 20). Labial palp with three palpomeres 1.5 times as long as broad, subapical flagellomeres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. H. nigrotibialis – Ovipositor sheath 2.8–3.2 times as long as first about 1.3 times as long as broad. Face and frons tergite (Figs 31, 41). Labial palp with two pal- very finely granulate, dull, with fine (mostly in- pomeres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. H. similis conspicuous because of granulation) punctures. Gena almost smooth. Occipital carina complete. Phradis concavus (Uchida, 1956), comb. nov. Mesosoma. Notaulus with distinct wrinkle on (Figs 1–4) anterolateral side of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum densely granulate, with fine and dense (mostly Ischnobatis (?) concavus Uchida 1956: 98. Holotype inconspicuous because of granulation) punctures. female (examined), Japan, Kagoshima Pref., Amami Upper end of epicnemial carina distinctly curved Ōshima Island, Simmura (= Shimura), 9.IV.1954, and joining front margin of mesopleuron. Meso- coll. S. Takagi et al.; deposited in the EIHU. pleuron centrally very shallowly sculptured, finely Remarks. The species was described in the ge- punctate and weakly shining, peripherally finely nus Ischnobatis Förster, 1869 but with remarks granulate and impunctate. Foveate groove short, that this generic assignment is preliminary (Uchi- narrow and sharp, extending in front 0.20–0.65 of da 1956: 99). Kusigemati (1980: 1) examined the mesopleuron. Propodeal spiracle small, separated holotype of I. concavus, provided re-description of from pleural carina by about 2.5 times diameter this species based on the holotype and additional of spiracle. Propodeum with dorsolateral area al- material from Amami Ōshima and Okinawa is- most smooth; basal area short, small, subquadrate, lands in South Japan, and transferred this species 0.15 times as long as apical area; apical area long, to the genus Heterocola. rounded anteriorly, strongly impressed along mid- The holotype of I. concavus was revised by the line; apical longitudinal carinae complete. senior author during his visit to the Ehime Univer- Fore wing with second recurrent vein (2m- sity in 2018 and this species was found to be a typ- cu) interstitial. Metacarpus (R1) short, extend- ical member of the genus Phradis Förster, 1869 as ing about six tenths of way from distal corner of it has a moderately long maxillary and labial palps (much shorter than those in the genus Heterocola), radial cell to fore wing apex. Vein 2rs-m present. interstitial second recurrent vein (2m-cu) in the First abscissa of radius (Rs+2r) longer than width fore wing, propodeum mediodorsally with short of pterostigma. Brachial cell posteriorly closed. basal area and lacks glymmae on the first metaso- Hind wing with nervellus (cu1&cu-a) weakly re- mal segment. Thus, this species is transferred here clivous. Legs slender. to the genus Phradis (comb. nov.), and the genus Metasoma. First tergite slender, round in Heterocola is excluded from the fauna of Japan. cross-section, smooth; postpetiole, in dorsal view, Description. Female (holotype). Body length widened and clearly broader than petiole; glymma 3.3 mm, fore wing length about 2.1 mm. One fore absent. Second tergite 1.8 times as long as ante- wing absent, one hind wing (and partly fore wing) riorly broad. Thyridial depression almost twice in glue, and fragment of fore wing attached to the as long as broad. Ovipositor slender, strongly and carton layer apart from the insect. evenly upcurved, with very shallow dorsal subapi- Head behind eyes strongly rounded in dorsal cal depression, without teeth; sheath 2.3 times as view, gena about 0.7 times as long as eye width; long as first tergite. in lateral view, head dorsally rounded (vertex not Colour. Head, mesosoma and first metasomal truncated). Malar space short, about 0.4 times as tergite dark reddish brown. Clypeus yellow, on long as basal mandibular width. Mandible slender, upper margin brownish. Mandibular teeth reddish with upper tooth somewhat longer than lower one. black. Antenna with scape and pedicel brownish 242 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola Figs 1–4. Phradis concava, holotype, female. 1, habitus, lateral view; 2, head and mesoscutum, dorsal view; 3, head, front view; 4, body, lateral view. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. yellow ventrally and yellowish brown dorsally; yellow, hind coxa darkened with brown. Metaso- flagellum pale yellow-brown basally, darkening to- ma behind first tergite predominantly reddish wards apex. Tegula and pterostigma brown. Legs brown; tergite 2 black (probably abnormally). ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 243 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola Male. Unknown. 2. Heterocola (Heterocola) longipalpis Distribution. South Japan. Kolarov et Beyarslan, 1994 (Figs 12–19, 46) 1. Heterocola (Heterocoloides) linguaria Heterocola longipalpis Kolarov et Beyarslan, 1994: 97. (Haliday, 1838) Holotype female (examined), Turkey, “TR. 19.7.90 (Figs 5–11, 45) Erzurum 2100 Azuze Tabyasi” [Turkey, Erzurum, Aziziye Tabyasi, 2100 m, coll. A. Beyarslan] (Fig. Porizon linguaris Haliday, 1838: 117. Lectotype female 14); deposited in the ZSM (see Remarks). (not examined), England, “2397” (designated by Fitton, 1976: 335); deposited in the National Mu- References. Çoruh & Khalaim, 2012: 63 (Turkey). seum of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. Kolarov, 2017: 508 (Turkey, Greece). Ischnobatis punctulatus Szépligeti, 1899 (Horstmann, Remarks. The holotype originally was in the 1981: 15). J. Kolarov private collection (Kolarov & Beyar- References. Horstmann, 1971: 67 (H. punctula- slan, 1994; Yu et al., 2016); currently it is deposit- ta; “Lower Rhine” [Germany], Hungary, “Carinthia” ed in the ZSM. [Austria], Serbia, Italy, Switzerland, “Bessarabia” In the original description (Kolarov & Be- [Moldova/Ukraine], Algeria). Horstmann, 1981: 19 yarslan, 1994), H. longipalpis was compared with (England, Belgium, Germany, Romania). Kolarov, H. nigrotibialis differing from the latter by longer 1987: 27 (Bulgaria). Kolarov & Beyarslan, 1994: maxillary palps, postfurcal nervulus, shorter ovi- 97 (Turkey). O’Connor et al., 2007: 255 (Ireland). positor, and by punctation and colour pattern of Khalaim 2016: 263 (Bulgaria, Morocco, Turkey). Ko- the body. Only length of the ovipositor, and addi- larov, 2017: 509 (Turkey). tionally structure of flagellum, are found working Material examined. Azerbaijan: SW of Ler- ik, Talysh [Mt.], Gosmalyan, 7 and 8.VI.1967, coll. well for separation of H. longipalpis and H. nigro- D.R. Kasparyan, 3 females (ZIN); 40 km E of Sha- tibialis, while other characters used by Kolarov makhi, steppe, 22.V.1972, coll. D.R. Kasparyan, 3 are very similar, or variable in these two species females (ZIN); Nakhchivan, 5 km W of Ordubad, (see the key above). Akulis, garden, 10.IV.1982, coll. D.R. Kasparyan, 4 One female of H. nigrotibialis from West Azer- females (ZIN) and 1 female (MZH); same locality and baijan Province of Iran recorded by Khalaim collector, 1000 m, 2–8.V.1982, 5 females and 1 male (2016: 263) actually belongs to H. longipalpis as it (ZIN). Hungary: Vas County, 4 km W of Köszeg, has flagellum very slender basally and ovipositor 4.VII.1994, coll. A.G. Kotenko, 1 female and 4 males sheath almost 1.6 times as long as first tergite. In (ZIN); Köszeg, forest, 19.V.2001, coll. A.G. Kotenko, this specimen, labial palp is with two palpomeres. 1 female (ZIN); Orfalu, 18.VI.1994, coll. A.G. Koten- ko, 1 female (ZIN). Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan Description. Female (holotype). Body length Prov., Zaysan Distr., 8 km above Kenderlyk, flood- 3.8 mm; both fore wings incomplete and therefore plain of Kenderlyk Riv., 9.VI.1961, coll. V.I. Tobias, their length is not measured. Moderately well-pre- 2 females and 1 male (ZIN); 18 km SE of Zaysan, served specimen (Fig. 12) with apices of both fore foothills of Saur Range, 15.VI.1973, coll. M.A. Ko- wings, distal tarsomeres of one mid and both hind zlov, 1 female (ZIN). Russia: Kursk Prov., environs legs, and distal half of ovipositor sheath missing; of Kursk, Petropavlovka, 25.VI.1937, coll. D. Dovnar, one fore wing and one hind wing are attached by 1 female (MSU); Crimea, Kerch, 14.V.1902, 1 female glue on a cardboard separately (Fig. 13). (ZIN); Volgograd Prov., “Сарепта. Беккеръ” [Volgo- Head behind eyes roundly tapered in dorsal grad, coll. Bekker], 1 female (ZIN). South Ossetia: view, gena 0.9 times as long as eye width (Fig. 16). Liakhvi Nature Reserve, Atsriskhevi, 1500 m, horn- beam-beech forest, 13.VIII.1984, coll. D.R. Kaspary- Malar space short, about 0.2 times as long as basal an, 1 female (ZIN). mandibular width. Mandible moderately slender, Distribution. Morocco, Algeria, Ireland, En- distinctly punctate in basal six tenths, with upper gland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Belgium, tooth slightly longer than lower one. Maxillary Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgar- palp very long (Fig. 17), with basal palpomere rel- ia, Turkey, Moldova/Ukraine, *South Ossetia, atively short and three distal palpomeres longer *Azerbaijan, *Russia (European part), *Kazakh- (palpomere 2 slightly shorter than palpomeres 3 stan (east). and 4 separately); labial palps unable to discern 244 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola Figs 5–11. Heterocola linguaria, females (5, 6, 10, 11, Kokujev collection; 8, Talysh; 9, South Ossetia) and male (7, Hungary). 5, 7, habitus, lateral view; 6, labels of female in Fig. 5; 8, head, postero-ventro-lateral view; 9, mesosoma, ventro-lateral view; 10, mesopleuron, postero-lateral view; 11, first tergite, lateral view. ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 245 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola (short or broken); glossa relatively long, extend- broad (unable to measure precisely). Thyridial de- ing backwards to about three quarters of third pression elongate, about 1.5 times as long as broad, maxillary palpomere (Fig. 17). Clypeus lenticular rounded posteriorly. Ovipositor slender, evenly with lower margin truncated, 2.5 times as broad upcurved, with very shallow dorsal subapical de- as long, separated from face by distinct groove; pression (Fig. 18); apical half of sheath absent, clypeus smooth, with distinct punctures in upper sheath (measured from sheath base to ovipositor four tenth. Flagellum (Fig. 15) slightly clavate, apex) 1.25 times as long as first tergite and 1.15 with 15 flagellomeres; basal flagellomeres slender times as long as hind tibia. basally and distinctly widened at apex; flagel- Colour. Head and mesosoma black (Fig. 12). lomeres 2 and 3 about 2.4 times as long as broad, Clypeus reddish brown on lower sixty-five hun- subapical flagellomeres more or less square. Face, dredths and black on upper thirty-five hundredths frons and vertex finely punctate on granulate (Fig. 17). Antenna entirely brownish black (Fig. background, dull (punctures on vertex weaker). 15); distal margins of scape and pedicel narrow- Gena with fine and sparse punctures on shallowly ly brownish yellow. Mandible yellow-brown cen- granulate background, centrally punctures indis- trally, brownish black at base and with teeth dark tinct. Occipital carina complete. reddish brown. Maxillary palpomere 2 black with Mesosoma. Notaulus slightly impressed, with pale apex, palpomeres 3 and 4 dark brown; glos- weak wrinkle on anterolateral side of mesoscutum sa yellow (Fig. 17). Tergite 1 black, remaining (Fig. 16). Mesoscutum finely punctate on gran- metasoma dark brown to brownish black (Fig. ulate background (Fig. 16), sculpture on lateral 12). Tegula and pterostigma dark brown (Fig. 13). All coxae and trochanters dark brown to brown- lobes somewhat shallower. Scutellum with later- ish black; fore femur and tibia yellow-brown (fe- al longitudinal carinae developed in its anterior mur darkened with brown basally); mid and hind two tenth. Mesopleuron granulate, centrally with femora dark brown with pale apices; mid and hind distinct punctures on shallowly granulate back- tibiae predominantly dark brown, pale at base and ground. Foveate groove absent. Propodeal spiracle apex; all tarsi yellow-brown to brown. separated from pleural carina by 5.0 times diame- Variation. In the specimen from Turkey (Fig. ter of spiracle. Propodeum partly covered by glue, 19; see Çoruh & Khalaim, 2012: 63), ovipositor its carinae mostly weak; dorsolateral area finely sheath is 1.55 times as long as first tergite or al- punctate on finely granulate background, dull; most 1.4 times as long as hind tibia. Otherwise basal area square or slightly transverse, posterior- this female is almost completely conspecific with ly open and confused with apical area (transverse the holotype. carina mediodorsally obliterated); apical area Distribution. Greece, Turkey, *Iran. broad anteriorly, impressed along midline, uneven. Fore wing (Fig. 13) with vein 2m-cu strongly 3. Heterocola (Heterocola) nigrotibialis antefurcal, unpigmented in front part. Metacarpus Horstmann et Kolarov, 1988 (R1) probably short. Vein 2rs-m somewhat thick- (Figs 20–25, 47) ened. First abscissa of radius (Rs+2r) straight, somewhat longer than width of pterostigma. Ner- Heterocola nigrotibialis Horstmann et Kolarov, 1988: vulus slightly postfurcal. Brachial cell posteriorly 272. Holotype female (examined), Bulga ria, closed; posterior abscissa of postnervulus weakly “25.7.1968 St. plania Jamna leg. A. Germanov” [Jamna, Stara Planina, 500 m] (Fig. 21); deposited pigmented. Hind wing with nervellus (cu1&cu-a) in the ZSM. slightly reclivous. Legs slender. Hind femur 3.8 References. Khalaim & Yurtcan, 2011: 388 (Tur- times as long as broad and 0.75 times as long as key). Khalaim 2016: 263 (France, Iran, Netherlands, tibia. Spurs of hind tibia short, apically curved. Portugal, Spain, Turkey). Kolarov, 2017: 508 (Turkey). Metasoma. First tergite slender, round in Material examined. Spain: Valencia Prov., NW of cross-section centrally, predominantly smooth, Valencia, Burjassot, bushes and Pinus, 17.IV.2011, coll. with fine striae on dorsolateral sides and at base of S.A. Belokobylskij, 2 females and 9 males (ZIN); same postpetiole dorsally. Glymma absent. Second terg- data, but 1.V.2011, 6 females (ZIN). Turkey: “Çankırı- ite twice (or somewhat more) as long as anteriorly Çerkeş 4.7.2001 Ö. Çetin”, 1 female (ZIN). 246 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola Figs 12–18. Heterocola longipalpis, holotype, female. 12, habitus, lateral view; 13, fragments of wings; 14, labels; 15, head with antenna, lateral view; 16, head, dorsal view; 17, head and mesosoma, ventral view; 18, ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258 247 A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. Palaearctic species of Heterocola Remarks. One female of this species recorded eter of spiracle. Propodeal carinae weak, partly from Iran (Khalaim, 2016: 263) actually belongs obliterated; dorsolateral area with very fine punc- to H. longipalpis (see Remarks under this species). tures on very shallowly granulate, almost smooth Thus, H. nigrotibialis is deleted here from the Ira- background, weakly shining; basal area (Fig. 25) nian fauna. slightly transverse, rectangular, posteriorly open One female of this species from Ávila Province and confused with apical area (transverse cari- in Spain (Khalaim, 2016: 263) actually belongs to na mediodorsally obliterated); basal longitudinal H. similis. carinae weak, not clearly delimiting basal area Description. Female (holotype). Body length laterally; apical area (Fig. 25) broad anteriorly, 2.8 mm, fore wing length 2.1 mm. Complete and impressed along midline, uneven with irregular well-preserved specimen (Fig. 20); bases of both weak wrinkles; apical longitudinal carinae weak, left wings are partly in glue and apex of ovipositor anteriorly indistinct because of irregular wrinkles. sheath is broken. Fore wing (as in Fig. 47) with vein 2m-cu Head behind eyes roundly tapered in dorsal strongly antefurcal, unpigmented in front part. view, gena 0.9 times as long as eye width (Fig. 22). Metacarpus (R1) short, extending about half way Malar space short, about 0.2 times as long as basal from distal corner of radial cell to fore wing apex mandibular width. Mandible moderately slender, (Fig. 20). Vein 2rs-m slightly thickened. First punctate from base to almost apex, with upper abscissa of radius (Rs+2r) somewhat longer than tooth slightly longer than lower one. Maxillary width of pterostigma. Nervulus almost intersti- palp long (Fig. 20); palpomere 2 distinctly short- tial (Fig. 20). Brachial cell posteriorly closed. er than palpomeres 3 and 4 separately. Labial palp Hind wing with nervellus (cu1&cu-a) weakly re- short, number of palpomeres unable to discern. clivous. Legs slender. Hind femur 3.6 times as long Glossa short. Clypeus lenticular, separated from as broad and 0.8 times as long as tibia (Fig. 24). face by distinct groove, with lower margin slightly Spurs of hind tibia short, apically curved. truncated; clypeus smooth in lower half and with Metasoma. First tergite slender, round in coarse punctures on shallowly sculptured surface cross-section centrally, predominantly smooth, in upper half. Flagellum (Fig. 23) filiform, with with fine striae on dorsolateral sides and at base of 16 flagellomeres; subbasal flagellomeres 1.6–1.8 postpetiole dorsally. Glymma absent. Second terg- times and subapical flagellomeres 1.2 times as ite 1.8 times as long as anteriorly broad. Thyridi- long as broad. Face and frons punctate on granu- al depression elongate, about 1.5 times as long as late background, dull. Vertex granulate (laterally broad, rounded posteriorly. Ovipositor slender, granulation very shallow), without distinct punc- weakly upcurved, with very shallow dorsal sub- tures, dull. Gena without distinct punctures, shal- apical depression; sheath 2.3 times as long as first lowly granulate, weakly shining. Occipital carina tergite and 2.1 times as long as hind tibia. complete. Colour. Head, mesosoma and first tergite of Mesosoma. Notaulus slightly impressed, with metasoma black; clypeus yellow-brown in lower six weak short wrinkle on anterolateral side of me- tenth. Antenna entirely brownish black. Mandible soscutum (Figs 22, 23). Mesoscutum finely punc- yellow-brown, brownish at base and with teeth tate on granulate background on median lobe dark red. Maxillary palp yellowish brown, basally (punctures mostly indistinct because of granula- fuscous. Tegula and pterostigma brown. All coxae, tion), and distinctly punctate on shallowly gran- trochanters and femora dark brown to brownish ulate or almost smooth background on lateral black (apices of femora yellowish); all tibiae brown lobes. Scutellum with lateral longitudinal carinae to dark brown, yellowish at base and apex; all tarsi developed in its anterior two tenth. Mesopleu- brownish yellow. Second and following metasomal ron granulate, centrally with rather distinct and tergites dark brown to brownish black. dense punctures on almost smooth background, Variation. Examined specimens from Burjassot peripherally impunctate or with indistinct punc- (Spain) have mesopleuron impunctate and gena tures. Foveate groove absent. Propodeal spiracle 0.8–0.9 times as long as eye (dorsal view), differ- separated from pleural carina by 5.0 times diam- ing in these characters from typical H. nigrotibia- 248 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 239–258