PAKISTAN: THE UNSTABLSET ATE © 1983H assan Gar&d Jeazmii Rla shid VanguarBdoo ksL td. 8-DaviRso adL,a hore. Pakistan. Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu b litcoian may_b e reproducoerd t ransmititne adn y formo r by any means,w ithouptr iopre r missioinn writinfgr om the authorasn d publishers. Firsptu blish1e9d8 3b y VanguaBrdo oksL td. Typeseotn I BM-MCCi nP R-10 PrintiendP akistbayn AlliPerd esTsh,e M all, Lahor-e Pakistan. PAKISTAN: THEU NSTABLSET ATE Editors HASSANG ARDEZI JAMILR ASHID \�\NGIJHAOllO)K)SI .'I')) CONTRIBUTORS HAMZA ALAVI isaw elkln owsno cisacli enwthiosh ta sw rittaenndl ectured widel·yo,nS outAhs iap;e asarnetv olutviiolnlslia,fg eei nP akistUa.nSa,.i d andi ssuoefsc hangaen dd evelopmientn hteThi rd Worlcdo untrHieeh sa.s -contridbeufitneidt airvtei colnet sh et heoretsitcuadolyf p ostcolsoonicaile tieHsi.sp ursuhiatvsine c ludebde inga P rinciOpfafilc earn dS ecrettaotr hye Boarodf G overnoSrtsa,tB ea nokf P akistaend,i tPiankgi stTaonda y,w orking ona farimn T anzaniaan dd oinegt hnographirceasle airnca hP unjavbi llage. Versatilbeyt rainainngde xperiehneca ec,q uiraPe hdD i na nthropoalnodgy nowt eachienst heF aculotfyE conomiacnsdS ociSatlu diUensi,v erosfi ty ManchestEenrgl,a ndH.e h asr ecenetdliyt Theed SocioloogyfD eveloping Societi_�psu,b libsyhM eadc millaUKn., FEROAHMZE D isa socsicaile natnidsa wt e lkln owpno litaincdea clo nomic analyHset s.t udibeido loagtyKa rachuin iverasnidtw ye nto nt oo btaai n doctordaetger eiend emographHye. f oundeadn de ditPeadk istFaonru m .unt1i9l7 w9h eni tb ecamiem possitbocl oen tiniuteps u blicatHieo nh.a s lectuwroerdl d-woindt eh ep olitieccalo nomoyf P akistaanndi sc urrently teachidnegv elopmeecnotn omicastt ·h eN ewS choooflS ociRaels earch, New York. HASSAN N.G ARDEZaI s ocioloaginsdta nthropolwoagsia s lte,c turer andl atecrh airmoafnt. h eD epartmoefnS to cioloPguyn,j ab UniveHres ity. isa f oundimnegm bearn dp asptr esidoeftn hteP akisStoacni oloAgiscsaolc ia tionH.i sp ublicatiionncsl uadS eo cioliongyP akistaanndn, u meroeusssa ys andm onographosn thep olitieccaoln omayn di nstitutionalo fs tructure PakistaHne. h oldas P hDi ns ociolaongdyn owt eachaetAs l gomUan iver sitCyo llegCea,n ada. BILAHALS HMI isa sociolowghioss pte cialiint zheess t udoyf m ilitary, bureaucraantd·i icn tellecetluiatHlees .h asp ublishneudm eroruess earch essaaynsd m onograpohnst hesseu bjectbs�.gHaewn o rka tt heS ocio-Econo micR esearCcehn trPeu,n jaUbn-iversaintdhy a,s t aughit nC anadUan,i ted StataensdM exicHoe.h oldas P hDi na nthropoalnodcg uyr renttelayc haets EasteWrans hingtoUnn iversUi.tSy.,A . ANIS ALAM isa physicwihsoht a sp ublisohnes dc ienecdeu cattiroann,s fer oft echnolobgrya,i dnr aiann dr elatteodp icHse. h asw orkeads a visiting scholIanrs,t itoufEt deu catiLoonn,d oUnni versiHteyh .o ldasP hDd egreien physiacnsdi sc urrently atteP aucnhijnagb UnivPearksiisttya,n . ABDUR RAUF isa ne ducatsioocniaowllh oosg tiasratts es doa c wioarlk er inP esnotmy ee aasr asni mmigrlaanbto iunEr neglra hned , wenotnt oo btaaPi hnD d egree in seodcuicoaHltioirsgoe yns.aea lan rdc h publicianttieoirnne cslttushdr eee latiboentswhiceplesas ann d e ducational t elayca htAe lsg oUmnai veCrosliltCeyag ned,a . SHAHNAZR OUSiEa sr ursaolc ioloegixstte nfiwseiiltvedh - ·weoxrpke rience inP akisviltlaangHiee srr.e seanadrp cuhb liicanttieoinrnce lsuttdhssee t atus ofr urwaolm einnP unjSahbei. sc urrewnotrlkyain tgt hLaen dT enure Research UIrivniesrtsoiiftWt uiyts ec,o Un.sSi.naA,n.i d sc ompltehtei ng requiroefhm eePrnh tDds e gree. RASIIlDAMJ AD iasn e conosmpiescti ainle iczoinnogm ic danedv elopment concentorfa teicoonn omHiehc a pspu obwleisrse.hv eerdre aslear atricchl es anmdo nograpthhse ssoujenbe cHtese .d itthjseo urPakniaslta Enc onomic andS ociaRle asse ravsev dia s istcihnofoglrt a hrAe s iDaenv elop menPtr ogreo fI LOi nTha ilanHdew. a tsh aec tcihnagir moaftn h e amm departomfse oncti oPluongjUyan,bi versitwyh,e hrPeeai cksui rsrteannt,l y taechiHnehg o.l adPh sD "d egirnee ceo nofrmoimCc asm brUinidvgeer sity. ZAFAR SHAHEEiDas s ocsicaile snpteicsializintig nl absotuurdfr ioemas n .i ntecridpislpienrasrpye Hceht aicsvo en.t rianb uumtbeoedfarr t icolnte rsa de unionsa,c tsitaornnildska ,eb loauwirsn P akisatnantd h Thier dW orclodu n triHeehs o rkweidtt hh Uen tieNda tiIonnt'esrnn aaRtlei loAigeefn cy inv aripo�usso fA fricaan_ ds outAsiah.e aHseht o lad Psh Di nl abour studainiedcss u rrewnotrlkiiynnt g h Laeb ouLarw andR elatBiroansno cfh ILiOnG eneva. JAMILR ASIIlD isa ne conowmhiohs-atps u bliwsihdeeodlnt y h peo litical econoomfey d ucattriaoadnne,da imidgr,a nlta boaunrmd,o vemeonft s natiloinbaelr iantt hiTheqi nr Wdo rldHi.s a nalaypsepse raergr ulliyan periodViiewcpaolinsat,n, Edc onomiacn dP oliticWaele klHy.e h abse en act�ivnevloyli vnte hdwe o rkeerdsu'c amtoivoennmt ae nd ntoeawec sh econoamti cRDsee edCr o llege, Canda. ZIAUHLA QUEs peciianIl silzasemtsiu cdH iehe asws.r itwtiedneo nlI ys la mice conomica nhiidsts th aoeur tyh ooftr h beo oLakn,dl oradn dP easan t in EarlIys lam.H eh ajsu csotm plaem taejdwo orr okni ntearnebdsa tnki ng practiinIc selsaH meh. ol dasP hDi nI slaSmtiucda inewdso rfokrst he IslaRmeisce Ianrscthi itnP uatkies,t an. TABLEO F CONTENTS ·P age PREFACE STATISTICPARLE VIEW 2 CHAPTERO NE PAKISTAN INDEPENDENT:T HEORY 4 AND PRACTICE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY - HASSAN GARDEZI & JAMIL RASHID CHAPTERT WO . FEUDALA ND CAPIATU ST RELATIONS 19 INP AKISTAN- HASSAN GARDEZJ CHAPTERT HREE CLASS AND STATE IN PAKISTAN 40 - HAMZA ALAVI CHAPTER FOUR DRAGON SEED: MILITARYI N THE 94 . STATE- BILALH ASHMI CHAPTERF IVE PAKISTAN IN THE DEBT TRAP 119 - JAMIL RASHID CHAPTERS IX THE NEW DEPENDENCE- 138 FEROZ AHMED CHAPTERS EVEN THE POLITICAELC ONOMY OF MAN- 159 POWER EXPORT- JAMILR ASHID CHAPTERE IGHT INDUSTRIALC ONCENTRATIONA ND 174 ECONOMICP OWER - RASHID AMJAD CHAPTERN INE THE ROLEO F THE GOVERNMENT IN 216 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEL ABOUR MOVEMENT - ZAFAR A.S HAHEED CHAPTERT EN ELITEF ARMER STRATEGYA ND RE- 237 GIONAL DISPARITIESA GRIINC UL TURAL DEVELOPMENT- HAMZA ALAVI CHAPTERE LEVEN SYSTEMATIC INJUSTICESA ND IN-257 EQUALITIES':M AALIKA'N D 'RAIYA' IN A PUNJABV ILLAGE- SHAHNAZ J.R OUSE CHAPTERT WELVE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT 274 - ABDUR RAUF CHAPTERT HIRTEEN SCIENCE AND ·E NGINEERINGE DU- 286 CATION- ANIS ALAM CHAPTERF OURTEEN THE RESURGENCEO F ISLAM,I SLAMIC2 99 IDEOLOGY AND ENCOUNTERSW ITH IMPERIALIS-M HASSAN GARDEZJ CHAPTERF IFTEEN PAKISTANA ND ISLAMIICD EOLOGY- 313 ZJAULH AQUE BIBLIOGRAPHY 330 PREFACE The writwehrossw eo riksp resehnetraeerdy e o uPnakgi stwahnohi asv e . virtguraolwulnpyw itthh ceo untTrhyeh.ya veex perifiresntcheatdnh de evenotfts h peo st-indeppeerniwdohedin,icc nhec lfourdceea dnv do luyn tar migratwiaorrnses,g, i coonnafllia cntdss e cessseicotnav,ri ioalnec nlcaes,s exploimilittaatriryou nla,en df oreiingtne rviennt thieeoc nosn oamnidc poliltiiofcftea h lce o untTroly eea ninignPfu aklliys taasPn ak,i stanis, requainru ensd erstoafwn hdyti hneges vee nhtasvo ec curred iasn d what liketlohy a ppientn hfu et urAne e.l emoefpn etr scoonnaclte hrupnse rvades altlh aer tiinc thisl ebso ofokr w hiwcehb etgo lerbaunmtca ekn,eo a polo gies. The authaotpr sr esleinvte anvda rwioooruvkse lry ctohnrteien ents, . specialiiznde i vearcsaed edmiiscc iapnlihdna evbsee ewno rkiinin sgo lation frome acohth erM.a nwye rneok tn ownt oth ee ditboerfswo orrebk e goann this bookI.ft heirsae s trocnogn sisitnte hneancialyry saenscd·o nclu siointis sn, e itbhyde ers niogcrnh anIcnes.t ietia ndd,i acantim epso rtant confluoefnc crei tpiecrals percetsiuvfrleotsmini gn depernedseenatr ch. Throughth icso llecotfai rotni wcelh easva,eim etdo m eetth nee eodfs studaennrdtse adinetresr eisnat c eodm prehaennsddie vteak ilneodw ledge ofP akistansio cifreotJ:!1ay n i nterdisdciiaplleipcnetarirscypae,lThc et ive. intedrynnala moifPc ask isstoacnihiea tvtyeo o of tbeenei ngn orbeytd h ose concerwnietthdhe S outAshi arne giWoenb .e litehvathiets b ooiksa n importcarnittc iocnatlr itbotu hteeixi osntl iintge rature. Somoef t haret icinlcelsu inde tdh wiosr wke roer iginpaullbyl iins hed periodWiecgr aaltse.fu allcyk nowtlhecedo goep eroaftt hifeoo nl lowing magazini ngreasn tuisnp ge rmitsosr ieopnrJ ionutrna:ol fC ontemparoy r AsiaS,t ockhoElcmo;n oamniSdco cRiaelev wiL,a hoRraec;ae n Cdla ss, LondEocno;n omaincd PoWleietkBilocyma,bl aTh ye; DeveElcoopniong mieTso,k yIont;e rnatiSooncaiaJllou irsnaMtlil ,a ann;Sd o uAtshi Raenv iew, LondVoni;eo wipnLath,o re. Ha� N.Gar dezi Jamil Rashid STATISTICAL PREVIEW Area: 19718 5.4% 803,4s0q0 .km. OfficiLaaln guages: Populati1o9n8,C1 e nsus: UrdEun,gl ish 83}8m. MajoNra tiLvaen guages: Rur7ai .l 7 U%r,b 2a8n. 3% PunjSaibriaS,ikii ,n dhi, Provinces: PashBtaol,uB crhaih,u i 1 .B aluchistan TotaLla bour Fo1r9c8e0,: Are4a3 .6%,Pmoop .4.3 23.m6. 2. NorWtehs Ftr ontier AgriculFtourrees,t ry, (NWFP) Fish5in6g% Are1a2 .8P%o,p.1m0,, 9 MininMga,n ufac1t3.u 5r%e 3. Punjab Are2a5 .8%P,op.4m7.. 1 Per CaIpnictoam 1e9,8 1: 4. Sind US$ 280( curprreincte s) Are1a7 .,7P%op.m1.8 .9 US$ 66(31 9c6o0n sptraincte s) PopulatGiroonw tRha te: GNP,1 980: 3.1% (1a9n7n2u-a8l1) US$ 2b3(. c urprreincte s) US$ 5.b 3. (1c9o6n0s ptraincte s) CrudBei rtha ndD eatRha tes� BrithR at4e4( laetsestti mate) StructoufOr uet put: Death R1a6(lt aet eesstti mate) Seircveasd,minis traettico.n 52.4% InfanMto rtality: Larsgceam-laen ufac1t1u3r%e 14p2e 1r0 0(0l aetsetimsatt e) Smaslclam-laen ufac4t.u8r%e Sex Rati1o9,8 1: Agriculfoturreese,tt r3cy1.. 5 % 11ma1l epse 1r0 fe0m ales Budget Ou1tl98a1y:, PortaWbaltee Arv ailatbol:e us$ 5.b7. RurPaolp ula5t%i on DefencAlel oca2t4i%2o n UrbPaonp ul3a0t%i on ConsumPerri cIen dex: LiteraRcayt e: 1969-17000 = 196197 .8% 19803 21.1 = 2