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Pakistan: The Unstable State [1983] PDF

343 Pages·1983·15.11 MB·English
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PAKISTAN: THE UNSTABLSET ATE © 1983H assan Gar&d Jeazmii Rla shid VanguarBdoo ksL td. 8-DaviRso adL,a hore. Pakistan. Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu b litcoian may_b e reproducoerd t ransmititne adn y formo r by any means,w ithouptr iopre r­ missioinn writinfgr om the authorasn d publishers. Firsptu blish1e9d8 3b y VanguaBrdo oksL td. Typeseotn I BM-MCCi nP R-10 PrintiendP akistbayn AlliPerd esTsh,e M all, Lahor-e Pakistan. PAKISTAN: THEU NSTABLSET ATE Editors HASSANG ARDEZI JAMILR ASHID \�\NGIJHAOllO)K)SI .'I')) CONTRIBUTORS HAMZA ALAVI isaw elkln owsno cisacli enwthiosh ta sw rittaenndl ectured widel·yo,nS outAhs iap;e asarnetv olutviiolnlslia,fg eei nP akistUa.nSa,.i d andi ssuoefsc hangaen dd evelopmientn hteThi rd Worlcdo untrHieeh sa.s -contridbeufitneidt airvtei colnet sh et heoretsitcuadolyf p ostcolsoonicaile ­ tieHsi.sp ursuhiatvsine c ludebde inga P rinciOpfafilc earn dS ecrettaotr hye Boarodf G overnoSrtsa,tB ea nokf P akistaend,i tPiankgi stTaonda y,w orking ona farimn T anzaniaan dd oinegt hnographirceasle airnca hP unjavbi llage. Versatilbeyt rainainngde xperiehneca ec,q uiraPe hdD i na nthropoalnodgy nowt eachienst heF aculotfyE conomiacnsdS ociSatlu diUensi,v erosfi ty ManchestEenrgl,a ndH.e h asr ecenetdliyt Theed SocioloogyfD eveloping Societi_�psu,b libsyhM eadc millaUKn., FEROAHMZE D isa socsicaile natnidsa wt e lkln owpno litaincdea clo nomic analyHset s.t udibeido loagtyKa rachuin iverasnidtw ye nto nt oo btaai n doctordaetger eiend emographHye. f oundeadn de ditPeadk istFaonru m .unt1i9l7 w9h eni tb ecamiem possitbocl oen tiniuteps u blicatHieo nh.a s lectuwroerdl d-woindt eh ep olitieccalo nomoyf P akistaanndi sc urrently teachidnegv elopmeecnotn omicastt ·h eN ewS choooflS ociRaels earch, New York. HASSAN N.G ARDEZaI s ocioloaginsdta nthropolwoagsia s lte,c turer andl atecrh airmoafnt. h eD epartmoefnS to cioloPguyn,j ab UniveHres ity. isa f oundimnegm bearn dp asptr esidoeftn hteP akisStoacni oloAgiscsaolc ia­ tionH.i sp ublicatiionncsl uadS eo cioliongyP akistaanndn, u meroeusssa ys andm onographosn thep olitieccaoln omayn di nstitutionalo fs tructure PakistaHne. h oldas P hDi ns ociolaongdyn owt eachaetAs l gomUan iver­ sitCyo llegCea,n ada. BILAHALS HMI isa sociolowghioss pte cialiint zheess t udoyf m ilitary, bureaucraantd·i icn tellecetluiatHlees .h asp ublishneudm eroruess earch essaaynsd m onograpohnst hesseu bjectbs�.gHaewn o rka tt heS ocio-Econo­ micR esearCcehn trPeu,n jaUbn-iversaintdhy a,s t aughit nC anadUan,i ted StataensdM exicHoe.h oldas P hDi na nthropoalnodcg uyr renttelayc haets EasteWrans hingtoUnn iversUi.tSy.,A . ANIS ALAM isa physicwihsoht a sp ublisohnes dc ienecdeu cattiroann,s fer oft echnolobgrya,i dnr aiann dr elatteodp icHse. h asw orkeads a visiting scholIanrs,t itoufEt deu catiLoonn,d oUnni versiHteyh .o ldasP hDd egreien physiacnsdi sc urrently atteP aucnhijnagb UnivPearksiisttya,n . ABDUR RAUF isa ne ducatsioocniaowllh oosg tiasratts es doa c wioarlk er inP akisHtaavinns.gp esnotmy ee aasr asni mmigrlaanbto iunEr neglra hned , wenotnt oo btaaPi hnD d egree in seodcuicoaHltioirsgoe yns.aea lan rdc h publicianttieoirnne cslttushdr eee latiboentswhiceplesas ann d e ducational opportCuunirtryeh.net t elayca htAe lsg oUmnai veCrosliltCeyag ned,a . SHAHNAZR OUSiEa sr ursaolc ioloegixstte nfiwseiiltvedh - ·weoxrpke rience inP akisviltlaangHiee srr.e seanadrp cuhb liicanttieoinrnce lsuttdhssee t atus ofr urwaolm einnP unjSahbei. sc urrewnotrlkyain tgt hLaen dT enure Research UIrivniesrtsoiiftWt uiyts ec,o Un.sSi.naA,n.i d sc ompltehtei ng requiroefhm eePrnh tDds e gree. RASIIlDAMJ AD iasn e conosmpiescti ainle iczoinnogm ic danedv elopment concentorfa teicoonn omHiehc a pspu obwleisrse.hv eerdre aslear atricchl es anmdo nograpthhse ssoujenbe cHtese .d itthjseo urPakniaslta Enc onomic andS ociaRle vieHw.eh asse ravsev dia s istcihnofoglrt a hrAe s iDaenv elop­ menPtr ogreo fI LOi nTha ilanHdew. a tsh aec tcihnagir moaftn h e amm departomfse oncti oPluongjUyan,bi versitwyh,e hrPeeai cksui rsrteannt,l y taechiHnehg o.l adPh sD "d egirnee ceo nofrmoimCc asm brUinidvgeer sity. ZAFAR SHAHEEiDas s ocsicaile snpteicsializintig nl absotuurdfr ioemas n .i ntecridpislpienrasrpye Hceht aicsvo en.t rianb uumtbeoedfarr t icolnte rsa de unionsa,c tsitaornnildska ,eb loauwirsn P akisatnantd h Thier dW orclodu n­ triHeehs a.ws o rkweidtt hh Uen tieNda tiIonnt'esrnn aaRtlei loAigeefn cy inv aripo�usso fA fricaan_ ds outAsiah.e aHseht o lad Psh Di nl abour studainiedcss u rrewnotrlkiiynnt g h Laeb ouLarw andR elatBiroansno cfh ILiOnG eneva. JAMILR ASIIlD isa ne conowmhiohs-atps u bliwsihdeeodlnt y h peo litical econoomfey d ucattriaoadnne,da imidgr,a nlta boaunrmd,o vemeonft s natiloinbaelr iantt hiTheqi nr Wdo rldHi.s a nalaypsepse raergr ulliyan periodViiewcpaolinsat,n, Edc onomiacn dP oliticWaele klHy.e h abse en act�ivnevloyli vnte hdwe o rkeerdsu'c amtoivoennmt ae nd ntoeawec sh econoamti cRDsee edCr o llege, Canda. ZIAUHLA QUEs peciianIl silzasemtsiu cdH iehe asws.r itwtiedneo nlI ys la­ mice conomica nhiidsts th aoeur tyh ooftr h beo oLakn,dl oradn dP easan t in EarlIys lam.H eh ajsu csotm plaem taejdwo orr okni ntearnebdsa tnki ng practiinIc selsaH meh. ol dasP hDi nI slaSmtiucda inewdso rfokrst he IslaRmeisce Ianrscthi itnP uatkies,t an. TABLEO F CONTENTS ·P age PREFACE STATISTICPARLE VIEW 2 CHAPTERO NE PAKISTAN INDEPENDENT:T HEORY 4 AND PRACTICE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY - HASSAN GARDEZI & JAMIL RASHID CHAPTERT WO . FEUDALA ND CAPIATU ST RELATIONS 19 INP AKISTAN- HASSAN GARDEZJ CHAPTERT HREE CLASS AND STATE IN PAKISTAN 40 - HAMZA ALAVI CHAPTER FOUR DRAGON SEED: MILITARYI N THE 94 . STATE- BILALH ASHMI CHAPTERF IVE PAKISTAN IN THE DEBT TRAP 119 - JAMIL RASHID CHAPTERS IX THE NEW DEPENDENCE- 138 FEROZ AHMED CHAPTERS EVEN THE POLITICAELC ONOMY OF MAN- 159 POWER EXPORT- JAMILR ASHID CHAPTERE IGHT INDUSTRIALC ONCENTRATIONA ND 174 ECONOMICP OWER - RASHID AMJAD CHAPTERN INE THE ROLEO F THE GOVERNMENT IN 216 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEL ABOUR MOVEMENT - ZAFAR A.S HAHEED CHAPTERT EN ELITEF ARMER STRATEGYA ND RE- 237 GIONAL DISPARITIESA GRIINC UL­ TURAL DEVELOPMENT- HAMZA ALAVI CHAPTERE LEVEN SYSTEMATIC INJUSTICESA ND IN-257 EQUALITIES':M AALIKA'N D 'RAIYA' IN A PUNJABV ILLAGE- SHAHNAZ J.R OUSE CHAPTERT WELVE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT 274 - ABDUR RAUF CHAPTERT HIRTEEN SCIENCE AND ·E NGINEERINGE DU- 286 CATION- ANIS ALAM CHAPTERF OURTEEN THE RESURGENCEO F ISLAM,I SLAMIC2 99 IDEOLOGY AND ENCOUNTERSW ITH IMPERIALIS-M HASSAN GARDEZJ CHAPTERF IFTEEN PAKISTANA ND ISLAMIICD EOLOGY- 313 ZJAULH AQUE BIBLIOGRAPHY 330 PREFACE The writwehrossw eo riksp resehnetraeerdy e o uPnakgi stwahnohi asv e . virtguraolwulnpyw itthh ceo untTrhyeh.ya veex perifiresntcheatdnh de evenotfts h peo st-indeppeerniwdohedin,icc nhec lfourdceea dnv do luyn tar migratwiaorrnses,g, i coonnafllia cntdss e cessseicotnav,ri ioalnec nlcaes,s exploimilittaatriryou nla,en df oreiingtne rviennt thieeoc nosn oamnidc poliltiiofcftea h lce o untTroly i.mv eea ninignPfu aklliys taasPn ak,i stanis, requainru ensd erstoafwn hdyti hneges vee nhtasvo ec curred iasn d what liketlohy a ppientn hfu et urAne e.l emoefpn etr scoonnaclte hrupnse rvades altlh aer tiinc thisl ebso ofokr w hiwcehb etgo lerbaunmtca ekn,eo a polo­ gies. The authaotpr sr esleinvte anvda rwioooruvkse lry ctohnrteien ents, . specialiiznde i vearcsaed edmiiscc iapnlihdna evbsee ewno rkiinin sgo lation frome acohth erM.a nwye rneok tn ownt oth ee ditboerfswo orrebk e goann this bookI.ft heirsae s trocnogn sisitnte hneancialyry saenscd·o nclu­ siointis sn, e itbhyde ers niogcrnh anIcnes.t ietia ndd,i acantim epso rtant confluoefnc crei tpiecrals percetsiuvfrleotsmini gn depernedseenatr ch. Throughth icso llecotfai rotni wcelh easva,eim etdo m eetth nee eodfs studaennrdtse adinetresr eisnat c eodm prehaennsddie vteak ilneodw ledge ofP akistansio cifreotJ:!1ay n i nterdisdciiaplleipcnetarirscypae,lThc et ive. intedrynnala moifPc ask isstoacnihiea tvtyeo o of tbeenei ngn orbeytd h ose concerwnietthdhe S outAshi arne giWoenb .e litehvathiets b ooiksa n importcarnittc iocnatlr itbotu hteeixi osntl iintge rature. Somoef t haret icinlcelsu inde tdh wiosr wke roer iginpaullbyl iins hed periodWiecgr aaltse.fu allcyk nowtlhecedo goep eroaftt hifeoo nl lowing magazini ngreasn tuisnp ge rmitsosr ieopnrJ ionutrna:ol fC ontemparoy r AsiaS,t ockhoElcmo;n oamniSdco cRiaelev wiL,a hoRraec;ae n Cdla ss, LondEocno;n omaincd PoWleietkBilocyma,bl aTh ye; DeveElcoopnion­g mieTso,k yIont;e rnatiSooncaiaJllou irsnaMtlil ,a ann;Sd o uAtshi Raenv iew, LondVoni;eo wipnLath,o re. Ha� N.Gar dezi Jamil Rashid STATISTICAL PREVIEW Area: 19718 5.4% 803,4s0q0 .km. OfficiLaaln guages: Populati1o9n8,C1 e nsus: UrdEun,gl ish 83}8m. MajoNra tiLvaen guages: Rur7ai .l 7 U%r,b 2a8n. 3% PunjSaibriaS,ikii ,n dhi, Provinces: PashBtaol,uB crhaih,u i 1 .B aluchistan TotaLla bour Fo1r9c8e0,: Are4a3 .6%,Pmoop .4.3 23.m6. 2. NorWtehs Ftr ontier AgriculFtourrees,t ry, (NWFP) Fish5in6g% Are1a2 .8P%o,p.1m0,, 9 MininMga,n ufac1t3.u 5r%e 3. Punjab Are2a5 .8%P,op.4m7.. 1 Per CaIpnictoam 1e9,8 1: 4. Sind US$ 280( curprreincte s) Are1a7 .,7P%op.m1.8 .9 US$ 66(31 9c6o0n sptraincte s) PopulatGiroonw tRha te: GNP,1 980: 3.1% (1a9n7n2u-a8l1) US$ 2b3(. c urprreincte s) US$ 5.b 3. (1c9o6n0s ptraincte s) CrudBei rtha ndD eatRha tes� BrithR at4e4( laetsestti mate) StructoufOr uet put: Death R1a6(lt aet eesstti mate) Seircveasd,minis traettico.n 52.4% InfanMto rtality: Larsgceam-laen ufac1t1u3r%e 14p2e 1r0 0(0l aetsetimsatt e) Smaslclam-laen ufac4t.u8r%e Sex Rati1o9,8 1: Agriculfoturreese,tt r3cy1.. 5 % 11ma1l epse 1r0 fe0m ales Budget Ou1tl98a1y:, PortaWbaltee Arv ailatbol:e us$ 5.b7. RurPaolp ula5t%i on DefencAlel oca2t4i%2o n UrbPaonp ul3a0t%i on ConsumPerri cIen dex: LiteraRcayt e: 1969-17000 = 196197 .8% 19803 21.1 = 2

Contributors: HAMZA ALAVI, FEROZ AHMED, HASSAN N. GARDEZI, BILAL HASHMI, ANIS ALAM, ABDUR RAUF, SHAHNAZ ROUSE, RASHID AMJAD, ZAFAR SHAHEED, JAMIL RASHID, ZIAUL HAQUE. The writers whose work is presented here are young Pakistanis who have virtually grown. up with the country. They have experienced fi
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