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THE PAISLEY ADVOCATE, Black sad knee Tea. PAISLEY ADVOCATE, 111 General Adwrtlier for the CoeitJ According rd a work publish­ e WmOIt liml o*f KB.rWa.c e,lefeW*. Uoertel etedw b yl oMr r.t hBaa llK, aleilt s Iinndspiae ctCoor mof­ fS.W«A«J PHI0\V> Vr H.OOUMR. pany, in Chinn, both varieties of **<» it ufrfnty*i,v C w, W. *1 states* Wfcw. C*e»»r And General Advertiser for the County of Bruce. tea are produord from tiio anine TRHM*, •> » w*avw»w, ♦»«*>*» plant, without the admixture of coloring matter, and the striking difference in oulor and flavor is Kitin HuPmV T«nK43 u fOt ^P AWDtYY*R*Rj»T..I.8..1..X.•Q ^.0 YOLUME II. PAISLEY, COUNTY OK BRUCE, C.W., FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1867. NUMBER 40, draupei d toac titoilne ofm hoerea t evmioplleonyte da nhdt r*A<tvHCv- AfA<t«t.,. WAtnkr~Mf ' «<•er u«wmU lmOloh- hAt*i'.t').l. *MI..”. ...'.......,.......,. . I«g'»««« Br«ic« BraRtairilbr ooaf dth.e Centra!1 emdo rmeo av*e rt oth aaat cwomhimleu tdhaota l inthee mCuo»ut nttwy ilno ctaht#­ to T*!»k#a lvimcwit*a oiafm tbguiG tilooiukosltyym ogf oWhvarflflfjn wgtioth#}- iLoOce tUltl i(4 A...c..JwlfcrAlfona, ddbrrlaiyecidkn gitn e ntt,hh eot h oogp releenea vnae ira, t eassrieaf. t esdlo ewFnuldyr lS*uWKKulwn tcoift )ff♦t utotttA tAl>iltiit mt'W.uouw-t u(«MBtMl» U1l-ut Ml»eu»e»ent»nltniuttv'm«m>)1 ...t..................|.fu•* » *««*■*•* •'P »1 •””!*>•♦, braTaheeh arabialwndaoyn mfreetn#t tbhye Mprro.p Fosoe*dl *rC oefr rtahle, aabrveoos ti#d moetda ,nl inkoeetrlhy, e asrtwpoo.i-snOe Mt ot t#eh q*el ooynp vetthoruepcl etbm eontw fmf tUBus uoti efb eae 1 rwoo Tiuohl»deu th#loa ctvha*v 'i tosueu ob oe#e fp atsrlmo ov fiHd toeh#de bpweriionthjge ccnth. anaguebdd dtoy j1 ReTvietnou er eCpoomrtm iosafl otnh es hoIwntse rtnhaalt , twosasredd aIlnlo iwsregdo ttora lyies , uanntidl atfhteery­ *tu(tA t*ti< tt«h mtrx »ui timolt*tm*»} *(««»Jt h(Wpi* eprr* mtr* «sowfuu.t h•t * i*l oitetu< -wK*i«.t>«ti uty m*te*t;it l. t>W |o**V* oMwirn4t tahprpoeuagrh t oD hurahraem b eteon Sao ufmthaalhmyp, 'oa**, ed oaeu*b »nUo*t UeTtlhwea yn.hivtif* at 8aug**« of a natural har­ rlouwn inbgy tAorwthnHurii n*s* waboautlde liprwroupmtn*ie dtr,i huH iae ryf otlo­ uthoofl eues uianl ytheea rUlyn icteodn sSutmatpetsio nl ieosf bwehgeinn tthoe ybe acroem Iem tminegdeida tewlyit rho arsotd- _ •m*•ou eulnAAuntttt-alWtMtlH»ti*»u*ut«*fr,,1ti! lM«*1 w«uW*B•tn4•!Utt leik «oltn* «*nttW,m*l» *.a t• l Vnr,««*Mm nr«t«tyt|»tM»oh !i«om«<*uujt»litKtvt W,i1v f t*ta *Mtm*1mlA *iltv iw*nqo *e{ifui bm.tu^artar4»tm tU t(jMuao"r *Mt f- h(tO« «nt»r• M«Hw to tteiitatofhimtlr lt*tir Mnem*g wUnlijl »r U,fV«tr*J*n oobnttwBiureoffrha tuUrrti*pnch tch poechaeiho c fet,o w nu tf*pof lrepi ooo*waO rgmnror ntm w pii»v oeiomthooeanosiu gnpe etbols»moedde f*r ri il toinnotialprhol aw,eneo Umt.et,i i ho nnrretenoehtt e pA vrnorooto,eod* nfurp t bg attohyht h;thrc ehe tea et Dsh or rueuerfCbt urf nuMhjoeeialaeu ecir#pm nut, c tti frT*hyoul ia eoarea nro»asiudle#fl,, ospbcrbIe iieooftacs u rFUmalpI,a n imoevot*avecbe*emnodt*#r ildnh vt * oftageu uht th ldrhorelto eth etrhtI hneeh noe b,,l e aretrei hn riossipng#ndo#tole uouani etncrthlaomhueteastn,d*aus ieo ptrtnimrnaTeor luoa#B tthhcdw f s(etaiIinetao u tcs nlwruohete ha*rin poerksust #tfhl o tdo faia»io fnftnU r gqBB *awuaa irtu iorhurhbtoiuaetiaaefelvsdryi,­,,­ aoi•wCCLtwb,fuoeo otiaotnuhsbruMtn#etra dt a myrni Wlan .ma uoriewtaitdsgl slt ihdn tft( ljog uulsantuiJiohgie-taenfahittru ,mtro # se«tftoowuv*iewtri*i ot,*Bnnh es.r,v ohbuA-insCop>'is*u st* Um O trOihb.eueUrU*l leyiH eQWn cO!d e~m eBfHfralr ululoiuntpuwumwogfe n ttuo tittahhhknteneoa,, ppunbmwooesuhoieuumnodnnngli bddec eu s arc.m ob poooo efrfnrue onAoetw f,to l refliy2oeolt1e knw)oio 0sc-i andtsonrgqei m nueehnksaitale erhlrltrtiethdeao rlnapyi stnes omr stetToahhxonlaee-lf- : ' loaorwfuooo ilchnuml lhegrimaa nnenr rgtecid n mot oahaeoelrer sxdoe ,l,pl i lrrIefeuenidr nsn ei.ssa ntpeiil eel da va R etcjdeuosoicdi nmaspc s ilemotatsianhno rteargniodenr le enclo i he nvnnaogeifdorrs,­ Walkorton in Bruce, ai-d thtnee to Sattaeon, bor to be found on (hat coast south of need fifteen millions, or leu than ing dish. The fire la moderated AngloJ-OAHmNerSicOaNn ’HS otel, atephaaoedl-e Kcuaoul ancataaedtrdr eo hftouyotl i oasin^utt urorvagfe cetyht f enao h fl aaothrrrgbo eo ^n roha suitkuuleliutr aatmrbl alpedfat efoco,ni rUi n atfcnoirhdrt ICwnhofolirer kmaf*'ms an t Peinoeoon*ti nwinrt,ier sypp oel*osc etri*en-ngiod ne wro hHf saidtn yt Uhpo«r oyf «erdi«sfw« cnInin* lt KlAll talaerg eP elaiUi bblifa hnm.ecnht,i noearllyed. otfhoneue r c hoynaeslfau rmsth,p eti o1n8p 0oo2pf- u5le, aotfiloaonov. e irna Rgtieuldet btlhiyter e se ptvhraoepa olderiaantvigoe sn a bspehgreoisnc o eevtdoesr , a sIstuI, tm aiess Oootl AocotnnPjo'AUMISonL fuEr YTr.*»tH»r* am] tht brfreroaamTsnocb nthhi* t e wn bmoaraata nirneca hgbli,aan rniondd etnorduen dae«red« , dt hf eebt*o »epi iln>rhiTgnae cr,eifpo ar dl jeslieetnvrngoectahdl vccmoeoaumrthn imout rneow rn{c h heaa—ur vt» ewaIsfo a au hmfldoa rrw eboaotshrrrte ,a- inofilatou odtee votue-mpVnn iiunant ngtg- Uaoinpotitopdonr oa asucoi­­ f *eu rTfe hWeele sdQte ubrfayue rniM'la,' re.he a Jba. le8r e,o wMRni cpthlryaerm dbieeaoeenna osininvgley, ihauda lugflr ttoehareat tpuiosaunrta ,l c tooam mtphoeoull neetdx, toebwny­­ tcShoreonietrnr a brtloyan,c sk, f utahrp ept lelmaear avpnercnoe da. uroc Otioinmn mthooaf- Public gotwrall/. of the Bangeen in tbn tnwnehip of Artemo* thority in stating ihat th# cost of auch woro nearly out of len»«, anil it tiio war priees. Chiccory root, lately mooted after gathering, C*rtf»l Oetlere alweye la alltatlanc*. »2i7« , mwio'vusl,d a hnadv eit #r unle ning tthh eI nC othuen tyC ooul nCty* r«oyf twhoart k*w wouoludl d hhaev el awto thhean #o*npee mbs|eifd tah#t &s#u«m• j oevnaebryle iml ohdiomm t oim pavroavile mhiemnet.e lHf oiel cpleiewn tasn odf ryarot,i faicreia lf aomofilluiaor; ibnugrrno-t ihne atae da ortr eodf ihruont, kaiblno,u tw hhiaclhf ias JOHN JOHNSON, Proprietor. mHriluecao j twootaull d( 37n moti lebaa.re been lea* than 40 geTtnh,* Central line bafwe#it Owen Sound 'nxrollonoy the Iairil Lieutenant bread-cruet Is also a well-known pound of loaves being thrown in - The country which the lie# would lr»- and th# aoutb west boundary of tba county when be vinitet! WaterforJ, went domestio substitute, and the al a time, and kept aotively In rorw from the westerly hound* of Artsrae- of terry, will not b# Iris than 50 miles in through ami impacted tide e«- Revenue Commission has revenl- motion. They aro rolled and GEO. RUMBALL & CO., •ia to \\ aikcrio#, or a point one wile west length; and a* that line cut* tlunugh thr tahllehment, and waa niuch ploaa- ail the important font that all roasted alternately three times, FOIl WARE EES ofmofui ctniadnl tcu onvolielalvatroguieee,tb ioDan ,di nK tietI'*nh c#ce oc ooh'ofie e3fr8 f emfaotiru' rreee,c owennaoda­ Cptheo*ou panlaetym o *cf afleinrntrgrysth hh rr,tt i«an#ntdr ctwh«aailn l aba#cn cyop mmotmjh«oeedrt *alditne,e t ho#1f uudu.r reAn ddeerae.c ripIiti onm maya yli e inlateidrn atol kreifnudsse o.fb srpoaodil,e adn, dc oneadpeemcniaeldly atnhda aton d taakte t hoen finthaal rtoinats tiongf , bIwlugisinh And Conmi Union Tlrrchnate, ob»ude o« tbn rouie bdug the Saugecn do not consider jt probebla that tlm penjdc lm all on one floor, though on surplus slock of stale black bread grean which distinguishes this rilOUDCECAKL,E RSC OIlAf LA, H,S AKLITN,D S HOPA TES hfrriyovsme r o •fa ptnhode i nmttr i»ah imnfe awar liromo*ti,lm e*, Tbiavmnlod w ht ehDdn* u raehOnadImn n tna»hrIei* oanf yit tha abdtr deCitaioomun#na tlym leanwnigfoetuhsl td ot bfc #loirnn#nafo,ern«t tthoa at ubuvnitdri»seo daiif tfhereeyn ta rlorivvdei . froTmh ot heli vfoai r paigre« bfrroomu gEhut roapseh,o rseu ppblyy ae mfaigvroarnittes description of teas. Itirurre nAcfcc Cnuom fpunrD ttflIl#M-*.,lE ,,| AUcI .N.rinc ,ad Pin ddeeescprlyib eeda,c saov attbsdit ian t ilWm aalkhemriienln c, l•a ipao ianbt ovoen tdhie## Cthoeu nbtyra onfc hB rinu ciets ww«hso pler etpaalreendt ,t oit aw«obu»lid- ahcocldo mmfroomda te1d0 itno e2t0y eae acwh,h icohf omaaflteeer iaeln df orb laaudku ltepreaptpinorg. bUotnh­ L.tIKxTonutaCoAtc,—iEsT hoer cotunxst ruEcxtimon.i sohf Hutor Quay, OODEHICH, a W. fttrihhonoecd uk m'yet enlHmidna uryvgiaaim-rellden s yb e enwflrdooi dwmet h, t elmf iav feic'do o uhntuftblhnu ede brnercrdaeiv n ectoohr f, tmwtwheoee icbnhega T irmiaan|kctmoitne» gsrcii sbottlnh«ic*isss i td ovre i ferc a tah»li reoro iyjcf otiahtu seno utwbrtyr,ea olnl vceih|,r,e wa aphdhic yh»t aitchkso­l cawadhnjia ochhee ntnhte eoyroeei nradmrieo, doeavtnoeddr . 110,0T00 l0 oi nv p taihg<eee msleucegtraecrdh aannednta dbi nleor eldoouuro eeudv eartryoe aoilnasfroea rmciooolrl­ etphiegean re Erm,n golsOits nhfeo lroamnfi gtdhuaeabmglee, lotmoo ukasin t gfa o*prt­­ Q. W. THOMAS, hundred feut below the plateau bounding the line would pa*» for one half its length, and imially kept withont food for 48 for the purpose of coloring the a picture uf a number of vessels, ~'T' tha absaiice of an attractive termtnu* on hour*, whioh allowe them to adulterations of colfeo. These said,' Soo whnt'a flock of ships!’ w•bjBmolafmoiVa bnSinnH'yredm.t n ERQeiSr,rr o eHor Oet«,eTIfldl piea y,Sec t,H Cl* E h i, ui«helforao prRroa7o tnoweorr,indmejgLn qIwe, aem V,u N toetChicuAmr ettmima ohAnfnr,eutreut gtroyanll Rne l ntlyti'ht wo,oe Yi rveVMdfelt o oute ,sp { >enti|,erei iocSir nnr»ife sndfUnuoca a#res•rR«,m yii vo gtG ihnn*otiaI!goihEnl»t de f#t*O i hh#r#;mee*GrpNv aelhpclrnmi,i#*y>lt*r«i#»,tt ohTolptitmponobroahfrwgni a alrieABe dwn ebcbIrm*IetnIod«et w Iyit *rt#icn w h vttriia ocoebMieaelvbbrir e renodteiarelcinheesena r o »,# a i pmttwna*ieetrno onueeWhge iHdFrss tn r thot eaheftvt ovho fliomwea klanoeietrnfneehl#bny ly edrse WiF wtol ytw olte li dehfnoiaeon Hf#ewn eorl t kt lauofrdoohmaoegn aleuroairrl en,elu oltts odf» odSttira ren tr i noasdhtIa oI.,m*t ulSe i t a aogI voirmmnTq eoouFdeu cHlparte rthbeenodooocfasos trr om tntmwbriians,o toh ahhnp tnt aihartnctnfn eemoonaoeoouernkltt*.,tf­ ­ caslkbiaCcaUn heheflnweeof in#pdokn*aIa ut* n rtelt yd ,indcrH nd va ottmffeoyriiHaorlusrul*o wynyerio.unrnm y,n#j rte fgIu r o rcy adBtatbtniohh,nhtg* ry,sa #d!iu tm n a anh I cD kcaerSeeamch eub nta si#e raimttnoudh* ,not i agufwhmdsa nsmreso oFiorutlu ln lnf iom c nim«M jmchhf*Rug tteee< i&eodnfo nisw*rlv aet wsfdi te dtW eanuhir*tmUettnh»o iiyemtoad ridt tl mojnnskttoewehud praon edg arwsn oi thbtt;omhh j* Cetefn#hs fa uocoBUt. avs*turksrptlo vr a nat rrerhhtpnelyaiya#rnrt­­ ­ oriaeadiptmnehrntfoo- og a wuhptf,oi hro inrnhovboauc aimeltvanlea ritee dn..hto. , elf ienmldrtte oo hE Oog mepmtit ,eop c lt iael lehtltitnaidere hlatbaeeype rlt es ei iitg.aiioaeo jnra orn a g leIusaUbA n arlr lheounnidttn oo hierietemoieayitvlkiko tan,ooemle uiy dndogocee uionnrbuoieanotddypnea-l­ docpuhptlloieohrernesnfo ii-rnlrmctd’atbeddhic paeeuw-eo-bpseis rmsf loemdy yrotnie,dci lfe et loi idiststffnt i-iesl hocieguntnaesoon ndrli rea lde gielaoln te r suisn rsi otsosnihaltmit ddodor cw. rspoeor udiudrnhitsael nsiehTstes.ugrie csohemr c, netet ooeowsd rrh P isdopwear tituornnhnhiololdftedgelf,,­ HaawfAoggblnnaiefeaenrc dnves oldet ysgwu s ,oiIcra nt fiaops s l al safaw lmtnh ecnowacddkeglasa d eous laop lalta vaefet ghd edrwgelisd talan,ah oe tnsgail eds og a t tc,ht,v c ab hfufaoalleoelalostflver n ce ‘dIyik ddhasna , ni t aocsrfg atai tflhcheo ltsglpaclhaaehscukaittd cli c ipe kdokiasaa#s.­,f ^_^' even lb# shelter of ■ rir*r mouth, for the With tlw*a consideration* in view I have to a lever, which auapenda the Johnston ssys thst its prolonged called a host, and a host of por­ rapids of the baugern and tba billows of X ted oe me map an approiimtta lm# for anlmala head downwarda, and ita use produces smong other things poises is oalled a shoal, nsd a SAMLicUenEsLed ARuOctEioTnHeeErR, aaaLflna fotUkered * os M flam imkkeeeol a nssn hccmoahrvtoeleel yijr deea nvntdoidd w eelnnmit,c# beS r tefo orrfera l otthherneea rc haer pbil*polv«etgnhaeeere*r, cictoe*p pbyt r ag»Inrw ocsauhinyneg dsil, ne s w otheuhortinch hCsw- eomthsugt#n toyloinf f e ot (hfh #we B i8lrlT u*uaCragvaoes, *iwdtno,a laesonxrcd;­, ttfhhloorwo sab tl ioinao tdao l icta awung ithhet xait nes rhnaa arlpr e kctenaiivnfeek r,i vihnoetuaesrrt m-abfifutertcentn,i otl nodssis,ac ororfnh seatapip.p settiAiotn e ,w vnfreiitrht­­ sotrhnoodoa pla , ohnfen brdud f faua flt orcoehsoi lpIds r ocefan l lpiesad r ctaar ilhldeegdred sa, AgentF o/ro thre CCouonltlye cotfi Bnrguc eD,ebts, oalebflno Cwauhttiu tah2vn, a0tlrbl» y#eU dI m»rfsleaeneinnttd a ti,gnh eaoe ir,laeoi,ne gan nll doly widn iagilt ertminptee v dolyof l panen rdait-, aetsnlrld nF rtrriI>on *hmupaa# ve oet»ln b s t*eLh leeik cmetBeo adtIy hf aueosrr ofli ylni aI.n bvmoauornshtda afraoryvn o,r aoabfs l ett hlimne Tfwrhohomic hl -weglh idiesen act heoe nin t afi slrx ocauadnr tdteo d i rao anwh obeoaykr. ieMrr.g e diiintas e d,t ehgcoiiv deeJsdo louybr asneparelv raioetifno tn Mse fsafheteocrwtsia -, gibsae aolauaxltliyee ds oiasf ccroauvlfleefyida, n aas n gdoi sla o xcc.aotl,v leaedny d o aaf AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. about tbfce fouitb* of e mile, aituatrd • lit* County, this line may be Burried to CJwelph, placed overhead on an incline. for whioh, in fact, it is in do­ horde, nnd s horde of rubbish is lie aoulb of tho mouth of the Sungetn, ha* or via .Mount Forest or Arthur, to a junr* A pueli uf tho hand send* the mestic use in France and Ger- called a heap, and a heap of oxen AAggeenntt ffoorr Lthees lieWf’r*wa ctneerriaelonhoora etC eCodou T.notyr oMntuot uNaulr eFeriryr. bnthaoerr nthr a caeonfn*ds iodseof ruerthdo cohkyf* itpe.r ssaivaei no•du i*og g#o *opdul nofdro#eurr»n d,w awatitojeibnr ltirnanJl. n w r.ai*t shcrn tmOhnrpa sTnrigoseorovuni lloteof. dainsdta Unwceu*n Ufruoemo dO Cw#ebn- dtoo adth ep igsi nwgiitnhg af urarnilawcea,y a apdeieed- niiiencntiyo.n Twhiitsh tetnhdee npcrye,s einn coc ono.f bIsl aocakllgeuda rsd ds riosv oea, lalendd aa m dorob,v ea nodf I POET ELGIN (Normanton P.0.) forT >hne rces lircn snior e ehnagrinbeoer.ring difficulty in the Slineou ned i dl ot hTeo eroenntfora, l bryo uwte.,i y ito fa pthpee aGl#u eHlipsht ilsa ntcaek eonf h!Iy0 ato c r5a0n ef,a etp, laceHde oron iat cahnod leurnai,v aenrsda li ut tsva ioewf t hoef cthheic cforeryo sac hmooolb, aonfd wa hsnchleoao l iosf wcaollresdh ipa­ way to prsvett the construction of *ueh an the difl«r«'iice in favor of ihe Central {« 22J tramway, and run into the fur­coffee smong tits poorer classes, pers is catted s congregation, and W, C. BRUCE, hfoarreb oarl.l fb'aJ tb cea fno ubnod adteiosnir etsd ,r oacnkd, athned tdhrepreib­ mdeilpeesn, dwenitth athn#d fusrethpaerra taed valinntna geih rooifi g*hno .iint.­ nace, where tho flame i in pin get seems to deserve tiio careful at­a congregation of engineers is of water outwards from the main »liore, and Baffnding the comparison to tlm branch on It, and iu a moment all the tention of the sanitary authori­ oalled a corps, and a corps nf rob­ Accountant, Comryoncer, inwards from the points of the reaf, to lb* projeatad on my map, from th* Central n*«r heir ia removed. The carcaee ties. bers is called a band, and a band ettent that pier* would have to be construct* Orangeville, to lit* Bay of Jnvchvrmv, m it rehnokod hy Ilia leg, passes of locusts is oalled a swarm, and OC,o mWtuU,a kPmMeArAD JIeoLnS tchLhLe, OECAcoCY.urH.t o,f QBue.eAn#. awt*bSHidlpeouau,sToun rrcddlsdhlhaho,e # e,dctp d or *srn ra eaapnetbnwDologoodeuntrt o egidctra,a oo etl teaneiwoo»eemofetnec, ,o n,,d Iss ^ta,toiy ninAdk-dadof e ei firfeoba e rart Il oh ltnfmuoaeewod 'eaolra ltnfmms.se.yai e nimtnbfuedrfei roaloeeoamtra*atrme nsnort*oC ofdu caaa taknnphanddye-t atTibHlBnhaypruegrvu urp eotntMclrnomrnekb iwni, tul antnbIr Ilki ronbaanifnniyitnlnfaw g cGditl olyhsm Hu ythiTae e |#2nbot lop dlrfrida htno T inHe,snm oce tita*hionorl neo df Ci csna ntte,e hh t a one*fata r |rtnmorvm1admiK3n * l j 5 g oobi Lfnurmryoaoa rfli mnk blTeGeers oso yo aGHrI s nodmrhufvn raoroietnlowetomrodn*-,­ drhtithrenieasgntanooi doms fbnialesa wnr crnwtokeoetbdc hxolb eetne irte lo , rr deotiehmosaa emnol c tv,eu enutdwnw tr,d nailiateiuchnrlrtsg.d,o r boItteThuth ienhnunidegsa rdrthnraseaindnAlinr nto ob saoeaoideln nigsnog .e onutnn oltae' lTwre t hhmioaetifhanr oen tci h ilad ae rne werndNgae tsic elo iaewsndon s tnyt.o YlaTdwotc hhhcrikeenoi­ aasacu r omcAbswtwaoi odrxain.P n'ro ameifon srt ihto1Torf'ruei Derapi daie.d cose pofaolmeBlre eirf di otspui —muro reAcaf hlrstlaai ennsdceca aedna., AC(OT.ITWNOIVa RIEn NYChEaAncYeNry-,C ACEoTtsR-iyL ,P AnWAWcIe ,c,,, pdthsfhrtoiroor*eoemr vdmsc arhtetyiiohold inrene e g ab no oaaowdftr ra itltnhleh*idewli as*t #y rD up *rpootrg,ooif ann IisIltt *I,htt* .hi, hds isas bevf iaunrceeomol amaaImin sa rdtpre lbiabonmec*gfhi nti*nh g.wge o iefunl aT*p oktlhob neena**, oGwbrfoua TIluein nhllhcdpeehah vb r.olee*ef q npueHgrfiitorfeheej ecCdoct eeftte dontd.h tce rtoa hnWle»n »eebHlcrlOietn n,fg oeatbvoge nar» ibnoasu ntrd roHu nn5B mrwnoieilc«#aab#r dohHwniaihv tnceiddhtrhleeiin asni, g gtr ,owh utiahnhnneitdgco hs c tbuahaprnerca tsasi cslsao e,n to hdlsiei unn wstgmpo ie ternhoatdowote umidost iSllhnayha d vugyi eon w lbsdIaeem sne sdsnte ia bicknflrieeejvu,nt eer deattod hn odotbhu nyso a ab pInltepiedoiern t aogprdl ee tonrdrlase lomaantrro-s.­ outAlhonsoteee ,n mttdhhb aoountu tw bsaaotephntntpedott ymosf upr adrbonidaacfel nsnet khd e ie ant cnocbho ro.oht xeniTs ssw eho eewfsrooneerf •(STohOre f fSiiMooteuio-mCoaMb oe fiEt ohP otSbi.toore , eaDti,r ..F..nJa,e liftlo ery( JU,o noC.4.oW.o, M.onodt rmlnbarie*nl# egm#s*,e o oesrtfJ y |pc0leoo0rn m tsmhiadeinle eersc n,ott hoaenedrdlene afmfo>crlorm#imp n iti tohhona* tf wi•ws oooukurlakhld#i b 8ohoUre,f twiMnhigeole uo*an fmfItn iF btdi otioisroertua snnste, c aebar un cOdta nraa tn hbg#sri etverviifnnifleglgec teJaodi"nf Jd b* ay bptoboeurwrastn nu fciinvhoge­f soAinmrdmu . ltwaAneeillol- umthseleyns,ee ge enpddr oceterhsesa estso gritso-p oicinsj cElIyen iut hfu ecp loobnet.hl li naHgn dea rat ofhoauksst bseasvn reder mys otaivmretddi­ ahprirsrie etsiwte,es awlwthlihe inlce hd bheri emscu olnitnefedtos s eiimdn ptrhhoisa­ Dtrortonou, otuod.d Ic ejtb pnn,.orM which taken in coowpctjoo wjib their msgnt- * course n*ar th# aontfe bounds of the 'own- unit* possible to kill, tinge, and from her person, but not a dollar whole mutter. Tha Civil Tri­ PHYJSO.f IAfCiBJcTeOIA,A AIPCNRaOu,DO lDe,SCy K,UM KCRIH.. G.WDE..ON, MolrsmrtlPouehionrwravadt nogcacr te v wlrohe, ctaiunhh no*foedl#cp u dfn mi lla qatad aoulinubc nl eteelaetUyamus**cv lm o t aolinigycormgnto#oa hne dernrt,etntien hoha cvwranet yaropn rahu *irei dneI*ooo«f nadtlofjcmhe.m oir delc* aorf pr,ta» oa Jotwluctt alfw h tathnhlaimier*si adcc r *mutfthib uhnibvg ea leoeie essrm ny, rktt otnh *c*yhan..,aoh eadanwja u s orwFsDdtbt utehogl*oumlaidl**rsr­l­ tistrHrat•nrh uoebhmmr wnuleia«ip sw rnehsg{G,b#s*e lrjol hooiaeTpeifunp Fr aodianA .nrrw odoftmfribo nmcfaoeT arsuAimvi rslhnlwammae igapnrryr a t le t yoiohroato awnh fndwfaln eahyG ,nnt vi nhcIdr soc oeGh, tr eareh aaremrLn*anb at#uth odnlhmearitc dsreh bsk» fH elo tevromHibrrai l fnr ltni araoraoiaTsngen nni*,tectlr ye<weeah, r# na aonos'id»wooyfefwt t claf#ieor♦etAlt oiou!enhi»*nmnlr#rgd*e--­,' sosecdirnoisrerioesg tmrnpsedn.e—eso v atbsoi7een o/mf0'n dfV 0oe 1 oo rsd0foph ti0 ek iso grhpte’uhssropp ereshetMss e ra;ukd avfp flohgeois anot sfcfbz ut ohie rinsree.no oe sn l.nm i tvsohTele aia hms,tu ioscogsct orhichxnnaites­,­­­ cogmtkhwoaoefea or elrtgs d nrh o npw telheidh intrenpr esga dwloda mmoan acwbt osep a en ,dlontc eeoawfoddy ydm h.hb iteeserru a roepde(Hsdauo tek ieuntist arit h ih,c d rsueahw.oa nnerufiddetfegiep I llhy nta fh i rhtrtltoohaiehamridydeoee sllbmmtlaohoeuwna ovinsgnuew,aa e nsplhda ttopeo.onhfremfde o n t tp hrhtrofheooripae a fSltn tictbiecoheroswniue mx,e to ioonnfar oha cittgtluhhqe itoueesn biatfhatlhowelrearygdo in er mdo thhenaaoendoat-f . at the season of storm*, tlm coast of Bruce streams, where the line would eross them, on tha ground. D daogcrou* to approach. I was informed are larger than mere brooks, and Use cross­ The etory is afloat of a Scotch- Jerlke DdPorlAu.CsI SCOMLoRuEcnOtYiLeN,sa tEfrRO He.nWrne.e, 4B, aceasacgitIttooIthbat Iow *iillSeg*ler i-nm eap o*n t.ni uyoo eof i o rrthsw hHrheute aohotmntvaonherceert p rohm em tCmieoeaneahrnm n ,weoa wyotkrr n heen e*tfa b# stermof<ytotpo e* rnirsmrnorI a legs ydamvval a aiewtuegv ynrnnareae*dt*dn «l t l**uo aye(nwnur t li*popdo ii t»tor eiah»o»ithirov onu -osbug tww.htietedh,-ei #t feeonlhbtt eirl eteHc.r »iMr enuheilnygdi*tf­ it*gtlwnbordrygswoa,I»I u* dne iw lnerddHa h dorr ideeeW* uao» sr bfdeawpfelto e n esnn8rei ctdfs,f0pe ta s t rIlhrtbnbjio i#emoi# f or dCe dieanlpsem a v eei#nos oow atm iopsdadhotwlea.eniicflda o U hno,r'Hd horf setda fo rii»s ifrtlr|ht wmatiiehnenige*sifgr4 ,u *yilfcs r aeo hoosci fubc oilctlirduihuutor yekepwm h#i-i-r*lr ‘ntubFhTpeeeetoIrrhe tnt e p Ep gatiru,isr ol etFeLmrys aeot gspllellai teentltpeney hrsd Ros ptpaiF coinoaelhsdftacem geaadad .o r' r sonseossdhcne ,ei .asC ono oftn ht lGooodaR neainonneosdtlf­­­ TsCtptaheoioximaoAzuetren e s dcsc w o,fi lsofrilpwordrou eror1ebs swt8p rlaiu8o sxhwl5nhea .dehevse,oe A ns aeatnl d nolooedffturt ttrprhenhnaeroiai dntO u f rstrtottehaama wetne iidaasrs cemItwwolhsihaa rtoaai nostvt, tene eohto wniatimdesn hs e ao atvt,hr h lirruoodeeens e msM odntml oc difedvico s eehcsrnsd eiodgtf durlea onifnsslryteeso,re cr mydtuici.d orhMienaennn,vag tgase isneotrnydydn- AMTMJTOUOrHiaRN NOoN wfernMEp ePyYco.Mb -tllvArI,& L*T«rL, -mALaNAdn,eWss,, aietotChhhunfoia dce*AItunhh ty«t n ebhf w atoa raynpsabirt lnrb tloouoy piou-bf jsbave tmeuB e rc 2t irwf altoue7so loaucts fauswnae oti #ld etd•if t wd l*lhtoyC *hmioit. oanthceehutog a enwmts r owtaudym Briil ale twamth choneaciaecndboyvse om est hno lfmbpatert eo*oc o4, irldH litsnimbait ouioetmeeipn ttsd sp tlta ee ohootsinreod,tff asr£hatHfefwewab1w«albvo0« cs eves el0i ibec»am., l uo0f«eieeeifu 0t ffckl,eni0ol asurrror. eonr . nyfl dw l.a bbi>d,eh sbea* iee asc ctln p nhaooCird in,frdo aot wgh wrvpp eteo«ofUlte a h<ur(OtcayatMico,e,b to wso lse tj BMitef nw ii*tsd»^at mf ? ros fbgao i$rln eee faH # neWgntr hg#*reyieto tohdbf dil rOieorwuasrwqnsigw wluutrwi tials obcwMte ltouily#yy*,f sthiWf—latiaergtovitmhhph etaeeae s nnr .ef,e ( l wsgoapaIglr a oi cbdorraou nifnohl otoe ue r oud,se nr <oc eotpotw hhgrlfideilnhnsa rioog z,w ln,see ti eaa nlarlnncro snsdod. o o u tttnwhha Wdteniarolrydolt,. dcblwmaoeyhnormE ostthihmop ci nos hts ,sr hamCietsioKoap arbfn T m wlaeTtgoh,i ovideiwolnrmee oa ea.Gh—l ntaihrmteye Cetoais anoftep gnltfthD ea Kto ihufln aiamem smm tfuaAeroArmi uenntass­,­­ fstUwirseon iTsPcmli!liooh t nleiezbi oqttehetduoin ecoa s talr sWhialeete y nkeE Ttnaioqfottii,flldwr e tsmaodalteln sediye,nst gsts vses ei lntol otht d ih aana a tw il n iIlokI oepometwotwt beetlaoniasr­. r A f • I, E V . down within the bout* of the County } ond power io euompIrslf, drink to no other. Courier. tbs citizen's franchise. All Annoyed Nutmirilwr, imnany patriotic KngUshuu-n, Komiuation iu Satigcro. S t o v e s l S t o v e s ! pm KY advocate Wo hnvo re-c-f-i-v--c tl 0>o follow* <SSdtveif aontcsU, mwehno, sIrci^s.h min ent haen dU Onaitniwnl- Old Solioul Iloure, Pori F-lgin, Tl»t‘ subsc' ribe' r' *h as nd\v,V‘#uMdt TMtloUpC#U ct oonsftantly on hand,# complete AKrnmtuoAcvV.,— J\v.\*s u%!A»«*«u* v» * l*4o,> ai1tU8* 0t7o , ^;anTaSg« ,(t tShnb5eoo w—rtu eAbl de*u amfbbryeoo rum *tou of l» utcht »eli p Fiem«ri»nill rol yot « Ay do*avuyor c«tpha aastjertue .l]rb s8tIEfFfc iirrttoirn,e ninegbt. ,lee aisrsn haw;d S higeolrnaselenai ggt hupataenegondep e,l edp oaisnwnpsdeet riatfkuuw lt ihotnohnsaose­ tEgKFo l«ePncu tromsruse ato naft t t httohe o pt uoDalwbedcoino.v s o2hn 4iopt,l i im1oc8ufeU , SUata,nhudo- CWO MOvt tK)« tIRNl •G*.'41 «* t|B**,O*I*a NmXr \ ph-*yrt*tA< ipbN tiiwi*D tC*w ou*ntotyP i u»<A }& lui»RUuMoLew.Opw»R«, IViS» RTlfOM»,V nr ES, Ut,ml0ui<u..U 0*A ,r *■i mlh»v e«wlriv*c*a rWf.* f. wiT»hhii*i«l» «ah w*is«vUh<r oolhbwc as»* r *r l«ro*m f^• e*c*,« «li# «W«a»fiw ‘«Tue «r 0aroy“-l ^ww>lo»w; i * MIah c dyrio | tr »aen alotesbtpo ipn*, r idfnlo t ated *nad d* v» «c»««lm»» ih•u»k*g e my»oy«u* rlta imkaeen nci»tla*i a kotaiiniuw»gtT., il.hjfaJrarno vym elo ntbhg*oe eo—r, n *B -f-r-oi--tr-i-m-s-h-o-- d--I --s-l-b-v-y-a- -,- -e--m----i-g---r-a---n--t-s-- --Pptttlilihl narcgee e-«, cfreooure Hvthcoio,U opdruesrp pfuootsry e t horeefu nevonows uiainnnagd- CHUCmS rf*,*o nwG’e< rn#’«e*HtLn, tu5 f< JOViUaA, hrumrn.4U tRC,i oawUn ! « -DIirUn *.0n vfO.\ l>Wi 7cC3ct** so%K o m?A.6fy r . TiUmi nRorhu w. *yUC«rEo riaw,l 0pC-«.1oo pWauVul U. O|«>i*.ir ls, »<lf} *O\f .tjRyic>,^mHlT*J*vhru.r ver, w * *H. liV«ii4dcn h wma 7«»u >k(-Jl*'loC cU—t J* *p—C«ti*winr lh#«Mr »no *«uw*4 l i «rt*ro• j fit UnfoiH'hhp«tr f«o« wIrHn*i „ >ho»phuuc«rt» a„jjjl|4dnI|,<e»tnfkaSaokvcn|t ie nlMn dg Vd.re ltcUno ruct «hrit«uhova- «» «t.aC f orafa rlnn rYtyia»nto d«huuc*arhh u ,p earnahnoeNt falwrd«lee ive*»tc nr e|ocolan m rfateen*ad dunvtebsmdoerl c aa lad t*»itneoe*d» ny n« ,iie nnIae d « ndeoadao-t f doWo.tU hlof erEcns attl .onauhwndro.idundl dssath t.ietiikphsn . aK ttdou i Ofcmlhtteteoieraoe uwrnnt ita,nt —shg peshW a orvltohdise a o wvonaesf-t yy»attlh ne edaAM rcr.ochpvhoae oi.dBro. uobdyye, dJt oowbhynn s WhAi,pa lclNalecerevk,l ,aE tuo>doqsk.,, F]Tlr»«ri i»koiflt«’ *rl*,r, r**S«, «.n nM-o-rKg< nw »dfliiw vltoaCibls*l * «ai**wfw, f lwaltb*tt>»m fr'*t*iir «llr mat*Rr»o ad ii»iIli'l*bMy,wl nrpi*^fn oclanawu#r*ij mj*Av.bi* il-ut\*iV v. rin«oS 4 1ir Uarlt*U*, fi>pujU, t LrMua ln«uem,e n t&eo«»f* «,P «Ma*r*t*n neRur*«iU*« cohauomrr nri avi«lh 4vr« IcrMvb,|u _H _)tfn_t«iu_y «_hU_ini_se _Uo_uf_ i«W_i«ioc hlt wrmi«iorer** t m«o #ilg|UtBUi|h«,i,rrc’ b iiltai iscsth -huB nOcLmpinocuionibion,l inyc .a auwnddiW ll* l«bieu o «k n •*iot|lhr!oe ercm liegnlodlgov rteioytri * lw nifo*tit rfh I U hithchrjeie*r SFt1* 1he aenl cnfoeanvveiolrlr uiat meosni fMoFrrr i.c doNauyon bcillleal sotsr.cs u, tnaMen<rdi. Ts*«ie' htMsamto dvJeeadtsl bltbyoy W GABeiooid b,Ct brDae iorgeu,e gvTlaehs. aat nJd. G It 0 (TTfu I E S. hheead*, Mr Brueo for deputy reeve. Aim- SS tafibrd be deputy reeve. T«»D, ov t»l4»» :P»,e cCpv’ojf cwv*w, iCt G«mood* Kfacni wdUrl aaC, t0vCte.ja ranB,p tUHR.Ai'*mR, ,N& S®Wa, Pg&oa ,o ia,B, itvhceu ibUe,s t Ap-p’paLoo* *t,o T goo»?t ett he8m©» JI» »,wjI«t lv«ioeolA |pm«A i *Iena 'aA9nan*dr r i WcrfIao* hflno U ? o,c oA«lwi.alsty'h« F r|eWioKcv u»eviirru yjw"t Mnvf»*tr nO«l~<aFT-illl* yhr,oiuc nc nbmdU.u riat«.» 1—i0w » u oA»vragm*hliill*-i,. wweaafrda,v*ai iPlntulot a frltryi tdaa.o ovlu*en , tobIm e sogee tnnrf uedar n "jy tnoohoiueymrree\ id p * ap*rpYeiHermonrtu a rnoyr*koof *I umr,emr y ,pT o, rrmoe‘f,iiet misdaspn eidnldj i »Jitnt.l* V jnhO|o sertt rh,o efmo Otenhen.o tl iiyntno gtww thnwoes t hoUnifpMu t rhtoteuhnlsd* o «t hapcmsorte s2ctehonnudrt- ]Jj. oc1H o enMMndrooeyvdv e eBddb yilbb kyyKe rJTi uehhlsuo sGMd GeecopPrruewgetenyr t laar,<n nd|dTe v hess.ace-t­ P,n fci«Ua(.W«rv*wTa'»t oai*4y *i*bae a fN'ai*'n»t dirwa iU<Ftflo*a rlneeaicjo-CAetyr<o *if A( ia« GV«i|»A !o»ioir». .-1oa m», d»teo5* mAe* ce ioa an»lllel »,yc tnWdo»l ct*he*y »v■*n«»r iIcn loyn.e *tor* (lnw\iV•- .imnuidrne iVcaI 'oeamr' vy.uviol,ill o irlhole u,c gwoeiufhiviv«iiayec4,Urh ! nrh»j hi*hi hij«i,oo iiun ll l*glfel i**teih» l l «ca * n«|*muwccmho<plm]wihr>-ueMh4f,r r)»uors *fcM f»ilehc«ricr--. lnhoiu uiOngeaur ro tuiurH a tlhno anfter i—otf-mlawilw h—ocv nitthohitun iakl i yvt ehbraeyt- T,dTd{w|j, ie hveperiued mteyiduo rolfeutaeirvnv goNe r o Wabnoiltdfse T1aah8bno odmuf otp Hrs eouqBnlulr uaeflflouoyrr. ;jjIj;jI eolwcH ii lnlMBod reosFdv.l eedbm ybi nygJ o nbhe.n 0o n.H eu Mordfc GltehI,o IH cTovhunapryt- pJJ-o NorC«’U. tJe. l\lCAf,i »»cA*pcnrHssoe* u,, pln»tatl«e,rn lten.ir eWar osop aai»rnn,ee WdsmpeoanbeUUctre ’taifde»uV t«lltnl4oygr t4 .t r Khue»e.q.g ujui.eltneWstdxtelpeida r#P s kidtlg«oo»nn ,e ce foIud1n4l /t*let* m jatraitt n.iIuod or Cti cabs*lfye. t StNkliono*. tela Voara twlpAaliigrroligfitmieteo, r inmw*’ aloiwulm frf o!i.» Uofhm o,»‘ bu fa<Oeimm htwmeiiS o Uw»roytfr gJ,ip tnii oi*Ump klrnoni aUoo jlwimr mmntfli" in i«ltl*mh r« eepTli uti»am«nlerafvlo i» otalUhh*«yy«!* wppwWrp,rr1 lahoiwtivcuinh rls ,n owoftf ni lotnljp otiwnhnosiaoptt na m peeovonoertt ,r syhHt ohopnenahitrirlm t eeoxopn*-tf; c&ocwepp»oo ]lr euencnssteicednidletl r,o weardsno .ud l idns tMasetthrer.vde e B.hfeieea drdmm, iaganhn tdw haisef aTcn'cl nohduMan stoce ivclDoclodn. r dsbWe. yd i lhTkyhie uJ s'^m b3s-oE Hlolenisne r nyon, fjdu tnsb.ee,­ 8. SHANNON, thmkvr, Kitj.” «h* n llaen Kart Farmer.’' the paper to witlch they nolmcriho* , ...................... cconded by Jtihn Cook, That I). Jau, 3rd, mi, TUiauilh, Qaceo Street, Pai^oy, TIrilrhiurei*« ( 'Aiitlgio'»*ui*ch,n lU* «KoMca»trit hrio* an upmmagalirro*vr.e l hooaof*o t<avPei»c lciiIeign *c4C>0A1 s•iI. Inh. donivhild uhaol gtarmstieust i ort o iisluioits ytnhcerair’ ftnllroml Ihtcnuon, (CuMrrioev ebde obnye L oefv til ioS hceolul nacnildlo rsse.­ to US or more cmtljr. bvauliful amt iiwlruc- s«iirs. Wo imvo known n few in- On ovr firel p*go w« print a report kjr ce onded by Jus Stewart, That D. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! lire Ke«r»vit*4», *«4 i* li*ok*J fall Mf«*cfui, d(jividualti who would not con*. M* r, Tala, C.K., who t» tn the i»tcre*t «( Anderson bo one of the council­ : M'l|.ih;c iiifi,Mu >ti"0. Tuu jm’.ili-lmi* l"«i- ti.uuo to take nnj paper iu whieh jt*h o I’ttstral la.troai] *cht.Tite, on tho pro- jl ors. MOORS, FAAFV OOOUM, TO VS, *CM i» wdM wM/, j ■iini•'U{ ljlUe t. wOinUm Om riinpg re m*e»gt'r la irvhrmrop ga*pr rinar»lAu* nnv*iu , ayaieimna?ir S»rI*tS a.*lOeiiann»Ogi oc««11iop ninfliiocntesd wweriteh adthveainrc eodw nw hpirceh-1* pnrWvro ,-e ra tfmli :iri4 ai ilil trw opattadl b bireUo uftoate).* ni n It h ttb«neu*i^rIlU l*s. j r8t h.o itAf dc}hro«:ui»unltuby-I. tc* laJiammede sr eBeov we,and was duly pro* at ir, Kmt:s' emu/* cash xtojik, mnier, ath»{iH'i! in tlm w«rk of the Faun. c0,o nceived notions, and the mo*. khy Ihnw inter rated in4he wbjrel. A poll having boon demanded, PAISLKV, C,W, liiu (lAntmi. ami the Moinelmht, iarjii<tiita ntent tiie paper tranVgrcssod, that^ # Il will be teen that Mr, Talc fi(boc.,le*|j ,t he election W»# adjourned till Ova? 100 elegant FtCTIUU-fi, «i!her **i>h or witlmut ftamra, bfoh? vCnhictl»«iJai*inni fa.ge Ja ,iV*|o cimibi.r mNlivoetH nilgrp iro»r*i mlhm»ci w" as the signal for its discsiptln* jalo, vberarhnuchro nl itb,*i 'bf*roonr to na SLqaulk eO rHanugroenri.! !** *t4o jj' *9* . o’clock a in. on Monday tho f> The Globs, Leader, Monacal Wbne**, and nil M*ga*inc* and PruodieaU a <irecUtion of ovrr lSa,U00, whicli re* uu unco! Such narrow minded-- gs, )CT ajainU making Sangrcr. the Irrininus. |j 7* th day of Jan. 18G7. inppiivd on ihu worn a'kaniajjsuu* lerm*. duce* llm lo « kimII »u»l c**;h, uness, however, is not common, orr iIif »*a are n«< mir'akeft, liowerar, Ifin *lale. j Arch. Hot* IVu'ry, Dec, 34, IS6:1. W. KKYK8. jraoAoiugluvnhriivlnu if illt,eii ua»furhrirNri yool i.a hjie»y r )rp»ln cj»hn li5Mnlio)lma apn *ityu rieinbia tlruaf.a t irhnCrWh ihtyef o», m ra ogVIlaili til*nr- ptlt ;a ushWkl.ios hedros wnootu ldA nhd avfaeu lat wsoitrhe,I j*wrr„jui« gepuhnpt«tto * t rtebtm reUwa sdmeit etnob *y*btp, y oa fttnMb*deur ai.tb bt*!'e oltav,h itaeeetrn ldprS abatp laoureng-drfre e rStfaiea bUnittdo g eItstttono? |jI Township Clerk. no.\iiv roii,m lUiU liU NUIAVKU, Itur «n*l comiiry, Oienge .Iu44 Co,, uo ur aulmcriher for givingr «d! ie Angu* and Uurlom or tbe central bn* Tur. Uox, L, J. IhUTKEAB.— t’utilhbery, 41 Fail* flow, N. V. Cay, uup the AnVOCATt: because hea ffii om Toronto, 'The recent fete of the Institut pJuct al1i-i*Pu t•n '-a*An mPdm idoeKnlvinee i ’j r|y.i Or«,n,|l ra u,na,J ’<trai a«je mr nd! i*ipa i. hyn Oyr3e o ,f, o alf Alnefrl* n*daTt*piw!vha,,/o -o?w e, oeeLwytje,ow o \wrSr hiiineia*ce r,n cwo .fmanuatBu h»Miott* e Shdw3 i«iv»».cpoi mtoSAc-itrToion tKnR*wry* telixAirdljdiyjeiUre.Vl gt m i »aI*iFftbnlr4li. seden ot, <i, na n> Dfwn ugr Ma eUl U wieentre.ran tt ild3t tenPfr4 cffc-«>.tee.i rn lr ! *Aapd,lM r lr wT eetwCdnio-tl hiIon*#Hre .a bk en*.eMo dA f «ec »AlwfEfC*ne ohM*yU*«i«al t«eikUe«trl *f or^D floHttloi*n!Yre/O,J mi .felerenri*r*n**-,,1■,■ ir-tihfu-fTettPeyrh iaaiheviiia h etrooe' pffu olsmbtlhrt eeal«ntci* lolr lV m iiobfreF ml jRu»rth ec;c eltcVile m »-IHihlriy* c*e r urww»*bnV»eee rT*rienele»K glso nirinnlon*o wr*OSoi< *f|rfa o7llyolbli mr lleiulnwbilr.-, e jjl: Sj,„cdocsontjj ua aopukrneirpnsesn ir oonidostnoof elst ed ncn looscitnkhoth c eocabe uotieili vcdnteha c;. iui asdsm heeoWu ,t ophta;o oi/nn wdigoa hhinrdviyemsoe s a onnwnuoioiderehtSrt1]t ;;]j *f,foIjtlfJwI,i ,irjh1u n oof raO nemIUttn t a. a tu” kooi Ir the bhf* ncr SWat eBifobnnttute y ucu*tl th1tn khoI ihenail dfierunmr t oiFNoocptm n VJcftfou o, ra oernltt*k hln*l’py* ceet»—rbK c t t oohctr*npn heeno ou ipid»m*i cno eivtrcSa “ntea a t rlrtuuy thvang rrelc feetrraohcloeyvnyonu o * t mrrgtearowo ouiba o*acteldyedot-,,,.j} t C.ft1i.Itwp ohhaahreesn i tnc,Hft dhhtuooi etew un nt.rhar eesLew, a oladpiunskiri nneesrdgs eJ oe mo nwovsatfea,or psakic o haelfr beu Pltrfletlaure otpcrhmoih neffi e errot ftahhlmutyoee, JVu'iHlBcAretttnri pmlb, a,p« rJti»in rfAet.e-i r'(pp.n» ,i pA1tnA8HVti6tl-ce7cp|u.nNiett er < l0bM Wthien paCt<rj pa.tnK ,r* pOtbTme4faO jd»fu tNIl .n,lur»,ern4,. ). ■^rMPI UfT\t tmf e»uk'iioll*iLaCirobefltnlb *SH« too«r. f,*l lJ<rt3n »Ue6P* «Sicae*lo «K,» nr w.i.tIn |'hsp.iUteri criiF fihewol eoHrw bpr,arUril eelR 4Nr*eo c(n*Tlv'trlK *,»* «\I •H»'n»m*<r,o l)ni wac»1ft • ,. >,|!|;J:: rmrlnmc*i».oaho aooya cei'it«m.ihliini ko ltj"lrrbe*pnl,pm et em*oMoo* nrrstlehn*de iottamile i*t bvpo r ayeeeftn* ioe r d f Iiebntbtlh y im eltaiwijq hebrl fth* o dncnlyi»yol rhroay rn i e Snfm h» w o-»aoffi«rlo»rthMl o ro«dtia»nyrm1n.»u t 4Iti rf .n ymrif w liobli m ThtdeacrI*o^nh rr ob^i niae' m>»dl ff m*pooat«lo*Va rltc m l rntornap,icao *eleoiihw tdtrm*s ira eii»n»prtlltire»gio orlgn«eaowwen•-rt*,- 1 » ij■!|! nanoaoac,nuoap l pfnopw* r*iet o ni t asgunhiipyoorhgeis nctrt rae sepgec o, aal foo aopdrwudfoere r imrrshtit sehnoi ,.swd w o ehumiulveclmrleaie snntr ,n d u to swl”i tiHfo ot o a uot cltWntr osegde.norivnvvs ie ioioodrndnruvegoeeasqrrrre ! i j jj!ijj (! !j jj Jtp»«Pjtf*ht*eeah t»vixabKienrdriUTc* gdb eeeaurAleorp xeclntuttandaihoicrr.go mlo e! buryn May*r*I »**tJ ue c. lrIafniicht. nnrh ooIe.Te thaui *,neeftaT g aat othonvwceto,ro oo aotd»dtrwmbrb »tik5o «uenuo**l rr«a|”«ft o'm w aiocSo,>pu «ecna a!it*atu gidhron> ght e dtftbeth tt cue*bleb t cort tttrast,fqfoei wu roi*wcntrbDU e^b,ji tt* u .roih*t nrat f ginrc*ouo'b i twtmehhmoo«dne1,i«rf’r* ,j. oiCo chtPhluteadrhem“ na erM npaserXcdat. aua eaty rni *siave o:Ascfaatsrsdri ooci dcyoum rifouneai,usis rttee s eod ihdrnnt aeh egwvma beittoaeth shdnroohk ydn ota Ichwbneientl sno es t nh iNttoochutbeothtarwlke*eet List of Letters, .tlnrhct*, ihe w tt’.mg of it h*» bc*n j.laceij to he a Our correspondent does nnifl .> '* t Inrcihuran for oncdt df the turn thaiti ideas of civilization which the (tn,JpKMTttlilvc!h»J|nk1I «'i««lhti-fi«nv\*no.ai•err;*i•it,<a iu '* « jefcwt'msa<»'iirimiIal1vri riU. n» i'f icoe ..Vaialitcie»oiin CfiNtnwnrhc'tni’lnnlh•f* aiffn.nfnltligm,d n i l w d«'ine IagE piioFtl iA ivViaJl n J noaL*rrllh Ctl(e'ncioyAnt im r'un ilgJriglao Mokrefntis* n iaf»ndr$ efid wMl ol rnjnmnp trnfr,rt (.i'fn-ii ,itr gu«leMnntf.CnWp.. , rlia Jirlah wmf e,iuli-rt 1 ;a v r hcc|li.OcUilai8-Phii lee el h2l|mt/iotiY.i0|«,lrFrltrF <enhNinn aoci 4itcd7 re*aarrtwhre| «r ji ta,eeTnenm i,N.pTnym Jnn iUi*yHw tgi eMorL ,hccwgpc.C n»i r<h8hShrMif.rMMM.<R W>iw-ii'ecpiai-JJ J.e,<tttc'nn<e iohj heaaueec,|emnchcdre i»l# e r*iw lGice'OLrMo f #mn,ks>cI«nLnmr *r l*«tn qNei*e«filyiihii!lofl*»enm*Pi>lo>. lltinti m*S ei 0rh>inltnilrt! tSJrnHf nion eti«» rW PhM. il A»vrra| rjr6lrai tTror Lrnifal c*opOiac,**r nld ,yPe.laouh w cuof*oiUfy*Naf emn yRotn aelfnhl,gnbri Ai}pi»o« d.rSKurAihniKlnhi.D rn out n y*br»Ar ioO #e1 t *e re Nt*p f*.ual*nTtmeo»*el#I i,i tfnc*|ei tl. nroi,b (ini*ifdiI, jon »ue »Ht8t n iLHt o,ir»tO,Jlhc, ,lr*r i ' tr t.at.im seesl nmhtijltitmNihntioeninn»hcetmiot<l)li£»nf-e-?l--l.-r-il FOSrSOt1§WtfGJ7lFhoeOa5 FahlI5leaae toeAn Sic meh ata,Plt5nnwt., usdsetp5 ie lo i u ele li,prHa0raHf 2 62Ar *Estisw5n,ta5 05inlr kaoSd.g IkilicS.c hg8lyJin n woen g..nJ.tMe 1C * ,iJHre3o*Wa8i i PoP o ghptlo tDuO02ov1Ue nPrh o4hlvhy0d8h,0 a e Htt0 roel,al,0Bc eosc iuwk 1cnnjCrr$,t,E ,nS a ccP o yt4o,a3nRtoUr0t 8 hL2l a o,5,o0PEDro1 .Pe0 1tria ddcClC is r mfei.ll.ter u.l e—g7wot.ol3dp tae Hopi*s3oi u8 ise0osyjn,i 01o. ABkEon ,od 1,,ol 5,4 b c 5ietd ged fnJ5t ,XJ5iF 50 tengaHDelal.sno,$,0 c lersnt etn LT oin.d IooS ct6o H8do tIa.ut..1a of1 np,.eOu1 2euf 1,lr 23H g 3suI0 2rl 5rt RI0,Jho ia. 2 t86c o |t | n$tohul0sewee0et00iootf5go o»,re,,Ipi.’r~•Viu•rlsa•0t.I5 yf.; J.f'. .e,’,f * •- ; j cltmoittifpmvmrgwovtIhwbulaKMhSlhloherornTrrfnleooeiwnoegaamraai aenldi p * lgMtreiri m*l idpencrti vme hrn.h,ilh pnredike a i eof (,o cao retlivgottfl( * hf>i rrytuH nnehweohtnnm ohae fy rob ’*eet ultotufor*t irdriotey i etaoriallul yh,se riv jaahi l r cup{rinmrce inf dwefnleteeieoleyoheeotbhhaagbne.ingJre iefi' i*r icpdparl Tber m a «ilnf lvw tmylc aetuc n wuer tldono ttiwietveeoae nnlnrm rr«h!aii»eotehn,hra»eumeotdt,l a dd gr cyhh *lomt,reJate | eld l ir»l a tillf .e»eie enccrm.oyih,a ur,yltirn iaco r\tlnl r ytollo,t*Inm l{ vem*.heenidrt tlno a * rtBoff heh icutny h fTrno.i t netarrmtr nri te»tt«ieahlevtMrrhc me onnrh‘oIhmd M Il Ioe,owrhfdyI mme rolloem le nuhuoxt rI biu c yr her mr onclgwlil nldoieno*i.tiomehoIfl* d«i liTyhrca.m ohw' ci i er aaIe«io* tlwatofb*t j iuela eayGnlta tipole h ed woltC»m"ta r trr te r oheaoihIo ajoiiJe"Iele*po f di a uk f*ohltn<asuniolreicl r teu l nnlw fic*'h t)ne pn Umnofvidar Cmrhni a oropaepe pacetc,relarlu* a eh tunwemn mrr i eoo,li.i hcttipeclr tcennpilwniAohl'mhrofe•acodvuoa. »iroai r tremo ebn ninmwfuntlilfr u l ooioi* enp e>dd eaodllrtmtJ I,li*imr>erdrdye,ghoc lmK.tvofm* ki * < i ,eo«d edola nvoirleaM uiir#luinnnevfbuilntiwrna hae hn.co—noennlrelootiail* egwdy.hra-eyiyn-pyrdr,l-rgt­ .*l, '.■JI■■[ , iU;|j■iIj!|; a,‘<loj«1IittladseSs’'((naidd,wwi11 1ddcH ■.hb—b moioihnatrn feokoofeotieeauaiiosrsh aseaddfme'ie v eelvrobwitos epij.iatnt aunsst ecs meue'ese nceo -u lhwoi thp wrv ortsdso,ndnusntti e act e of.eeatue hr ooWro, ”roat owar sw db pi w eat tne a“k aow oo we,eomloctahstr dna*hllauy ln n hhoespaiifeain d rwa»Ier kv ld eoni ll ao tdgn y dnfrcaaoloeve ebffddntorai eeh ern ut n eevi owoI dG n,eh Cv xtmyt.arl cmtteoa eui vvfgoiwoehta yratst ln ahlrwou eeo n rtelnih feh itk ae eeorcrtroamoIoa*o“es netoly xefghnrftri d alntwnh.*a Cu .m tp pe Gya f o;rw eatrrfitroai at H ifb luae aeo reuwtumlrenlsWeeshrhcs AfCnolWpowrrssund ielastmei eusdnlriu acrnOet ish tlea soieeobutg nhoc sblttd et yivifaJnba Uhnesl at m ye nell enimlcdicedei dis roo wsnn ,siisari,tay iat tsf fne cfheit itiwbaof a itb hdt asa hdwaeohelht yhihiiieitetnietiiceiJii*,rIt.,1[ri;e*iyt**eiodlnn”’|*noo>0Ujydes0HaU edo's o0esoS-esuos"sH0rs8>s,l ,tHjr,»­. ! ! jjU jji1j! jo<Twpij!',,e»tC•ei1ii1t*eig,>mJaotw or SCL*tmh*hifb|e)Jeol mrdff ixafioafba|aaoeiefhjrebn "pr pmnrcoktteujOamkactiyr u numuloplrniro Briietiwln eemtjdngl a nordetidnr ecetdtgg r acaea oclta»ldn *graonuaiea ri nhcn!H** G be ooyhbii ptdnlbcnt,e ,nd rd o, oLh ch nauena na elgc pv c« j«riw*oaivlief ,rotbtatiterP»,e«m tor liir* ob n fkne ni* o ldlw ,vmur nieeioi*o'P nh merh»tnbtycomifewn lmonor«K lr d,ia.a .e ntlne ldrer t ngt Irriol n Hiwaryr eiaot tirntt-liobbbelptto ha>h hmnE.fthg* grn‘ eoo'rtm i t>aeIeb p bebis»*luat' d uhmnuolrgbleemtiroen aooinl r*ieeraroe rifbwrei*a b onabnd i na ttieMrvi*efnoye tiil rtdoi bbonbic kth, earSainn »n g* m leotipareofiailn *aai. ir nlt ln.» nInfe tibdnidorr*uant da*ow n lejlhg g rocr g«uk oii.*td,f.gbrfdae«- n Ce bi’cnti e nfp ’ talalc | ind riich itt u*acpacpeeg*ofxaathbudmt cetCfood hnu* tpoirvrontie ,adagbmoteet nwau eLotrdiebr, a» itnter nnOdmnlntp *i~oiar#ayari.tra t*gdwyt rieret1o ii aoornif*hbcnlf viet n *rdr n riovp tgoed fdaeuttangetHlLgrr*ehh* hfloo nrt omefir«rfhS .3or * elrea i e ,ivw m»ot o to ai m»mnxpb tmi*tr.hpa*m llmuarcthnuMr tot te o*ao au*to,e taeoygu r nf* mr8cprraTg aoverkl p ernalb rletttaohmeooieee’ictromabu|t*iinltlo h.cnhu*nlavnaynincltki*ieroryti:U,**i’w■e'|„v1f)o'*mgorrb*i8e,n1eg-.-•e‘t -te<1B9 .*sttt.0i■n-|,.,ll ,tf ' coygdOiiifjpAOlsawrjmptptnnnuouoirahoarauuULgolfvgi teeirpisii4enuefb*eLtR‘ilseatd‘c* iriatu, i ht ges lclTtTrS eliicc,tIritphsF,etendy we Ecytrn hohh yoe,roeoaeis yrs Lo , oplaenhper tn vdutV florsuvtymopv itw el wdpeE ecapiwTh iirdee agdwwvrn ScnhtheIpHcaothi s aaibnemti.osno ohdoseoEatatioeml enunhu ,ts auu scfr dpp lhatootBlsallli s Ioslelair ladett’uonoa nidefc eJnimou mjorr. aoeltW gdudeaoifctgtilig nn#mnpl,aflfi sftilrlei t ez’oae #d unaa laiohLoot re tfntrv,i mtcloiEh pihoe fymdoIddb nndter C,porea eX e ei , w igiereles r’ Nrsrtt tpoent,dtra vrldyctpeh hn hbhOuanmiaamn,ri so,soeooaoo onbCdnoiTr delms dmnsf tcyeyltelHidtnaC he iehecdohc nro»,icnl,-it n.oys soo arntTa su fas,s co,wfTlretcc waoe rdobdaic re u ootstphniwliunytotFa ahiittlga,uhnoiodeOhohipymm —yonanranehuens*yRn*te-,a*,s lr­i ­ f , > f»j\l•tfiM)it}fi!iA*|Vhti|JtycI-i* Vttm,:i !t> , * t < ’ .• .- oi' mrr-.•i5m!'v«s. :>#<<.i»'>'>- I VA;-rWPi.Iu..w7!rV iv1loi im,,nj .:1rt<iu il»r'i. rhj$-|Cor'*ytf b*ipiacUld », > i*ini FydiMo U )«*ori g--c' bott>ih»< lti M}lt,vfnt*eu ui«nn*riehw to(lultn»t|* h*FcI,rin,«io. dihi.’ *tca*, netejf *invUhl*cf,»I oiir tHThn*veehrM gp cnrI ,Oi th* Krr' rt*tnie F »co u.*trei'Aa.**Et. aua we e B»d *i r tin in 'r nwtt rr«ef*riiAuiWen*r mf thotrhtij te,Kni»Eenehiu.hs l t“aw,indB •riaje..,tmhjwpo.rcooe ft iae*ih r:inuc ;, rg/ nhi >irir^iai iiiriet,f*c eBhlfg|rtiiimi-crit o{ -re «iro yirc h|O ojtr h*,ei»f^m n *»mrfyrtj*fihhoTttw nm® 'ehf«ei'mC tg4f Oofiart'c Mlr tno/iF}Biopel»* |enfhiu iU.irevni tvmapiwmHi irr.4F»cetrp i!teetgrln c e. pt wooto &* rf'(ecA^mi* mwuti» AncticuiyfnfD3i C P "ajti,xctCa**fMomohri> i-.tt funri;1a,otm-*ehmhc'riPgniato ig Ci ,1f nhi *oHil irF nee*eoh« lm.eri f\Wdr,e'n j»iicn e,ri ilr. i<unmt <fiVue ul n!rtlBmiw ft tie<CAtthl*ie t inlnm p Si, ra.|o’epJriiaier*o»r ">ta nmmoacti tti»neillj* inn!fo-fst«nrltf »*tJehr R<i’rn* oi im rmi emr*«* orciO5ud i.JUjtor*AMu a« rUr hrif *c•iufjn»l». ac wGi napi t*T» cNoeitnrtnlktei ncai rmiuU|farhnpnWhrl etrhj ionnntiefiu yK,c>ir nlm nCeEii anlrh>noWlAyo |gei aia i*bg lHofC an»f iwPrl*lra*mV HfmiarM H n C,<MangI| * tlurvA .I hte«»o m ae rei*n n(ohwf olhgiiwnC;h,noiirS,lir n{|c tn|oitahlf»it ?ih,iia oeniu«hifINficeft^ht;lla*t!*Jne*no*Aeoayinfrkhi•*ja»rurt.k-*!rr,-i,f-/r,rt , f , ahipsfocMFPbafwmtlmswmbtm—wnoia rhwomomhlueeqao »peermhexoemypieTentubStnhmf;mri rmrow 'au hsy/ oieopiwepebi datgvsgl ems re h f boeehuaumanoe* efoo. rieschoraKc—oopsetnD ss uevitreoden anvunum o oate dnnelb.uu greeeaAMn nntu dlT dr vboeolb r hransd dsr snl c ihaeervllyjieradttl,nepme:wi,noseri y h.semHde vfn rgneoeaPnmvtse, maa epn pn tr, maw laest eptantea ui,sihe nrsitSen ngha n ioatdriotihnt r.wn spwfsadenattisat odwmnttef ei gh sr de oio.Onpoadw o ronwctareowi tdTyjenr o stapifo tronsewhhncii *, iawloecuitnf yto,ged eP cs dw aao hfuttfnded nnRaiehtms l dlpasatpd drho r ou K heasitiguoduhlo t oeresnhtot prjyoaobcnenpeyh»hwann efedps rd le do,c gecges i ettunemogk ns haenrnh wasDa rmthrtee rseo ieithttthortdieeb aetnnehhrhmhweees aeeoereadyidu>:ry'!B?jVivUegge,“nudneS*MCnIenaf0eele.s*,teeS«r­, f,­­jt*.’l- - !! ; j j!Jj! cnaipi|ocibgwowmwWdttUduccairNMitvMcmhhnobajh enrhaomocrerideoan4erpieac »ardoelera ninelnldwdr»atmlcl'Mailspllo iar Jne ee l f fnmc ifeicKr loloihmaplno bf ,irihli ad lgkcroomdichr inrr•t nugerierktif,iitieel»ee ,e* tnMredcefoe olf gy na cehni f' 'w d*pnhwf, olr,caafn'to rardrbc rht-oh lie,ahr,caoeroyhlal no d eapd. ueioeoecylc Velm neirm*w oen, dd obb*fl wriwipKf ,id\ t cheo dri ,ew muobtlaoUTirM eyyeIimemIn o,ni lAor«l e mlnbnp lroii*t g chl*ilol*m*ino rf#lniual*h w y hh »*yr»cneltm»ceih otoi o» n h,ire <c .uo.m «mnheryi baw’qo imti.wldee bhf*o» warthh-o iwuta tyl tstk»,iueei e-r r Hnt leybaaecoi *lh*r iieh iruw,,F pl d n*edodu wl*o w lr,afIto.ole* ai ub w gw alnf ttvcb wcurmcir cil* n e(alcnr el koicaFrletvneolfbiiogahoeidim Koelnoll lan*H utgnn>oearlloecroue r hmd, , breogitc,d* *.tw l lldinrhnlndcu t oc dnid.hcliwhrM ei e et geefr»eo dfatoaw kooo ili corc* eu,* pnA ttnecmpin elut or,TIn «iM lhce hde A rlc,imardtl lyeb.mnuqs clakaterbhlanacd ec noer»b**iMruthrymn*ue ejyceceTq e,|» yeh d.ao Nvin *|c eee’da J cpa qwyrvirw*tIrlr ridw. ttotho,,o» *ei,.t*liWulh o h oll Ci?lo tlpa* eanbtohdiojrliTwiyeu!e,aeonthlm rhtao g wg oartl— lviwei —MensM imth*e»new>Ieryio aeer r *,iipa,ct i* woe t*ne ,ulrncuw o arirrle w» einr nl uibt ’eb|a »hdnl.n»grielmeifBoo,ft Heelo tohy H*b j,d cp lccyhb,miI r| mfoa' «niae os |htt»uH|nadaab a j«ia l owud«rloheVowelaechbolle»gvmoiwrmmdiralrleJeeiosd“eertnd«d-l-eir*het-e,().**,»f[I'b“***j,f -»*jlird,. I . t ; - • i! :;;.,j!\j.|jijj.e ■ 'c s,s•:i1gcca gdeWisottprlUbmnalttxwaofihaihlianriexeodeeoeferci nannlmiiueodossCnpo»,niAmstltarcs yeiots tti, uncradiutela iti”eors dc oeielehossttwa dn mtrrryofoisrld nhophtuostoaw iaoy oyosi o nh iawc mtnusutemdfnniwn ohr sian ooS edygrspao own gitaame iCu ni,dottha frah ng n- tna wiloo hs s*sec nah»aemb htkfoaau ttvreknrola n devfn aoe bbodisr alnio vtoosa neelei sin s eeotvndstln.ritdeuo thhcdxeoect eiv rjuot n e h nafrueraobt.useaa vtecci re ht,vao,gsrasvrtl noe ,sr nW haxiei,s,o e n son w nto te cckdamAiu e cb ,tawodcinonotAG t thi hogoh a ihnw dnens tithioa vrhntonrahntbcat tdinfoiroitheeni nisbed tdh shayshete et lla w ens w oo utes t ljecwiusthit o etprnw pttothh no atdwhis.eosomxaiaoaHekeo uoo do,uonvdoa n soan nn fre noocgofg gst t ad dfdpp hpit tssrandraBiuuohehtetttoauoee aur &eytvhhhhlnnnesnrri,*|1JrIfu]„|:laudanp,atoUaon Jdabjait 1i ,U,,si,}>*eSt»oelto,ee,nte-sr-yfstr--ir.,1:t--:-,st0-tlt­°t-ft- 't. -t.f* J 'j wTWae#leU(emUbMcnulbefyIeibo6 nap*uLooeoxaoo(*aarelh.rtivoruI.t itairA**wvfe Il\im Veh 'irotd *nev udnnVvttnfee,t n Vi I he h eu nrontegrmunb ffaedt»>DBonHlsoiyeaka|oc eeicliii m( a v eeOidt*igMleei0arii.yr >bI wIYreycdua a oct oIsb d nh''aSn h«» w-biol«rnywbCeArnioo oapy.b»ne.mal*d ovumbgti*ib ue* e r drd r ag nuc.f Crneh*yer»l«A * te buo l *dbe!e,, y m rIbp mo io p eAnn»euit Tn mcor»artaol'lmaoarg bwyla nlUVeo»Cur*nVi,lluaSuip|gml en,,d u*i *n ardcii »h omroeno nlhDmoypj'ca,rao ft e» rr grr Hrdl.tToh.anfr uimi ,awa eieCi,r c' pnep ebncWdk blpIytetriaemKnthe ,doitixPpr —out t likTcror euoIwouap oefe a.teM*theirin pom aburpi! bieeniyi*vg*taaiutiSdnC Sl*orhe*ngy y es»eVole t **.wluah t hoi e*rma , tK*u r onnib$ ,.ytblyapuMyim ,r ptoteott ,eiooo,epea nhlrosttree— lree 'r*um l aioiloeraKt*fnor bemn pml rrbtitm p*opgvo*ohip ru**pUo«tannp»eqcte l*oui*trab.eno rgneflorr ap.falbte inerei,f rce,logerw*b ,t*ee ocdm,idl i ld»ng t.loe1lifilcmeif.cooaaooCaa g rman 8nblohdult trtoibv t*ueob6ioar eu|ed*em uriw8du* bulg hg rnr ft y. irmrei|o nmoiilht rcbogvbaiol.oae>"1*.IjmTroh*H4Mo°irtaorta *t’beJbnih-iyhuineer*nine--*-•’j --*fJ-­*r,f, il t *jj stHdmehlpimatwww*AtwhiBwttiniihh*tur yoeytemmoerelihalhoh\e aAoloea4et ae A y u sa micoornnbhuscep ni,dcr e l olnt* seensy eaisodltrh,hltbut4 iA*eHXeh o,ei ad, nmt.nl e har t. t wrn psi,t-o-o opiamha—nokeotrl »er«lct’tvwpkncpreLTieana.hoieh eoaT en vtacTylcwscsi. iit Xonuet»envrn!urg*eie he, ai m*B©hd dn yo rgylfcTr_rsmed ce* gpo n (*.e , itm oi h_.oap Io elnhBCCveorroaa »curea w(_smu»gnio eensa|ftnayh st* d»_ppmlun A n tsen:brisnnacai»ctdvler_biot rrlrlht d_ erdatslo aartrdoylab aoiuh»c*,r em_de nyonnoln , l l eiotn w a _awi pw rnntraptobelcr h»/_tswrh ,hoko luh rnhiuS*ht»h l. (_inioufouaa—hu lrfhs»i,s O eotxpiles u iks p a\».am wmitrl>o uth icoi sotAeetlvaaysihullt t eif hi4! i ocni,slaBncl e o np aclt uiiiptlwaoy» regh nseydaahyfsUMerertKfueTonc, etbl oo^l aerfef reinii uilrotocuKLorfm.mo oj riiipnvs)jre ivriufcgininsn»-sorolJeoicohciehiokgdoe*eow"so**c-l-­,ft!.l- XVoUi»toriG RcniaLi in 8UMKTUINO NSW IN MinBfiitld. PHOTOGRAPHY!! A l b e r t P a i s l e y * 1 8 6 * . aldT hep ubNloiswh eYd orak Hleewr­ HAVE V0U SEEN THE J O H N 33. K E R G A N & C O . HEW STUB OF PORTRAIT t FURTHER ARRIVALS days since a letter from (Late of Hamilton and Arkwriyld) COMMERACTI ATHLE HOUSE. gSitv. inAgn thaonn aye, cMouinunte osof taa PhOotAoLgLr aAphTi cA DGAaMlleSr' y, Haraev neo twh eo ppoleuaisnugr ea to fth aen nAoLunBcEinRgT t oH tOheU ISnEh a(bAiftcaJnCtsec obfn itth'ae BCroicukn tyB loofc kB)rt uocuee i no gf etnhoer nlL, atrhgaets t thaenya romnrkablo cave that KINCARDINE 08 POUT ELCIN, mo.s:r conpbETi: stocks of had boon discovered in *A* Pnodr ceexlaaimn inPei cstpuercei,mM onws hoicfh thies DRY GOODS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, G .& W . SM ITH the latter city. It stat­ not only the latest hut decidedly GROCERIES A A HARDWARE, ed that a inan while tho richest production of the Ever brought Into tha oounty. Tho ithol# havlfifi lim n bought |n tho B«*t Market* for f-n*h, and offor*tl *"'j R«A ue sgto NUu-taerrOo* tlob T*tin tihHiueyn taEor c ljRua% » t hine iTr LentduOpmte orTofn* dceigllgairn g oofu t heiasr th hion utshee, mAPirMhnte,o drwt imoi1lolg , W arW*a. e Fphep.mh ajtin«ocdof o oJA r.vW ,rP intt.h.m Aw« •U> m*r n*H *i'- wKS-Kwiu lH oijn «Md*vf *int*h?*e*- chinau l*tl*i uaaitw*«b*!- »ycj o»hmtvrpfoo*atr—Te, npoaroimcre ea*li yma,n *adhl rq«iucUai llhyit«R yr o teoowm flm yoe-uarkmr« eyg bo tIhoned« rt* A‘.atH»hb*e eos trp BlPoarocowefl,,u opA,a raL Mt Bp«raEllolcaRta.tcThca , tUH h»aaO vC«Uh ebSa*poEanW ,’U PfMeat.ouiorst lo»ery .t h,bau ct o.oNo«hyV. Ul ehwfl putoow-’, which stood on a lime­hilwtjtwt nht-h<My l « 0d»c«r«ir«vdth l ao rctahmo wpcutlboluic owt«it-hr »lUii»in*iar A liberal dUcount given to Country Sfcrekani* *od otheii who buy lu largo quautitic*. Butler, Potk aril Ora** 3#avl.»anled. oliof nIh oaite good* which gave ao much utisfcc stone bind', found an busiPneossr cSaeclMadinin f lbP*icture, Carte da JOHN D. KERO AN. P. OSCAR SULLIVAN. CHRISTMAS A NEW YEARS, iron trapdoor which, Visite, Cabinet Carte do Visite, I’aUlcy, Nov. 0, ISOd. \ being opened, rovealed Ambvotypo, Ferrotype, Ferro- and while they Mprn* tberowlvw* grrieful Card, the“ Double Picture” Ste­ flloiitirte urst hiwteoo olu ibldoe rfha il t h6paiGth f»Op«atinutr»go ami im-*g«tea ,a sdobyl*i lctriftcv cia(ri igcr oenatlx- ath fel isgohlti d orfo cskte.p s lciuet dein­ rtoegorgarpahpsh ,o f& ac.n y Asilzseo ulpa rgtoo aP lhifoe­ READ THIS!! •tShbeeEy/ *CdUon Od(anNd Dack nowTleOdge d bNy On'l)N thE*' ssocevnodraeld sthpeamcio aunsd afpouanrtd­ sthiI*rzAa eAwU iuWnliulhau*nd t*swiy toif.-fer i,t drli*tjll ui»omltei*«jRrariiflp|l't'hn|m, lotl,or caIo 'fpuaiieicndct hiln g*’ "n* ni pQTontttrlaorSsna* * *H W,d lorraclrlteka llr,W y aP nmaGdl.il ole*bKyr*v,« eyonrr»t j’ -l.fvclv*h*dra »pwr aucaUap*,p hl flrfe*det o, fro«o,fr in the couaty of prove, smtoennots , ailnt awr haincdh vwaeriroeu as oflgoirtnaa t*a«u.ltb . i Umkrtij»n dta ll<e4r owfo wr«kah,oi c »ti»U i isBn . *m♦dn**i *mury-pn otilnyn -Uihn*< o* rla- plungTri h-tho*#t RW pwto ef(kt->alryg f otG..&inDn#, thoer pL*.e»ayd einr *r<v-wat i&t*t pa»nyy- ,, relics indicating that .jaI’ja rtitai»r*v Itnhovilnn Rclul|kii--n'l- '-MtiJc iofif. l>-I»rrc^trn«Ml, -di n Lmloamntya UOSeLvIeDraAl cVop tePi iotf E SVunEdaNyT MSe gIaNii n(e*oHn EhaAnTd. II1SI0 W l“bh« e MoCbfoftueifxsrf eeheaot* r nfdo)r mSeuddrgoolya —rff uofror,.r . M...,.,.,.,,..(,.| ., $I 1| 000000 hbRuoeommnaa npin esr pwsoaetcrrreai ftaiocldseo t hseoheranod,, ycoejpo»n(oj u*at«piparr*nl t a -(»nwr*-a»kauotl*uwf »tfuh d«t*ta ’-i -•lir*Ul*io«a -»wf/-« . a-ratci-n n.r*.i .m.f.St. C..oR.U«.o.i-n..nr.!>l. .!n<.o.!o*n.d».n*. .op.irWiteiirtnmulitvny u -nl PaltlryV, AUcUc.l b1T7,V 1 1401. » W1m1 A. NKD1.5YE3. nhuismT Fheoarol lu usIn mCdpeuroBsrtiotgamntieeordHn sa,h ncados nthsmiosu tpicnuhgb lopicfl egacsnuereru lilny , tAhannt ohuon chiungg retcoe ivheide J8O8 ♦"“‘ CSBoceosektdi nLlgma yl Ueri*a tdndo*o fffooor rr....,,.,,<,,.<..,.«., 1I1 00001,i1ihnaddi cbaetienng at hpalut otoh eo cf arvee­ pioMtnarn-y* r|«ttnr* oInn- «t nhknttttl t>o5n lyt ho*n1 tmIm«p!utr u*lionyn» , tIht ai*t FREE M|SS0URI! Dry GRoeoaddsy,-made Clothing, 1103 *» •o* fF throe sfhir stC quurarlaintyt ! ffoorr,,,,,,\,, l 0000 sort, probably for pur­ Croi«’diW *»,yr Min* rr«nU k od* *f r*f4idl*»«of Rich and Cheap Lands Groeeries, * 00 '* BIlioai!l) FAimgxe rficain rCh,e,rwv f,o,r,,,,, 1I 0000 pose of human sacriilco, Bring OmaU Children on Bright Dnya Only. roil s am: Crockery, IQ Do*. Red 1 leriingi for ...... I GOby tlio mysterious race lawP ri»c**Ml«> 1f «t>* d*iff t--iU r**oa>tiatti!o»*r»olfi »pf.lclort* »« OX TWO OR TEN YEinS- CREDIT Boots and Shoes, 03** The abate ate newly to band and which preceded the In­ ITntll tho fir*! of Krhrasry tit'll ll.n f>t1e« Hardware, &c. will be told dians in the habitation ao<l Fif>tiy« Vtiv.Huim* willP otwW inr.dnor l In Una D*H.«r Ca'ov. I'lcIchcr’N Invitation To nil of which ho calls the particular attention of intending pur­ FOR CASH of our continent. The PtwSto**y »tA* j'lt*h,a»*frpn**v lathllt/- P**rf otiiwwi to prreur* yoar rAnO H CinOt MJ—R•♦ *T WOi tFhRinE nEin Me nItSCSMO.lhU* IUp.i t Hoei«arr chasers, as they will be (ound to enmparu favorably in price at (he prim quoted, outlot of tlio cavern, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! Mn hhufunudHre dto t hmt innknon dth peirri ofnu*tu Irma vlouc innwe*c. toSfnti-lel nnd quality with any goods oflered to'tho public in this loculily. Slill on hand a quantity of that rtcellent though blockod up by ■*>arp« |»nl*y« r» »a tv htrahn»dt, iiat nwd lihtoyoo owr iflrl* *wnd»«nt a good twhietrhe t haorair nwat»ulroa l ujnthduwlatti,n ga mptr abireiaea*r,i fnglr ebeyn Also, JUST RECEIVED, a Splendid Assortment of V’oung H)»on Tea 8 Iba for the dollar. . falling stones, obvious­ VrAfAUt ijv>*h olt*» «tu:*kprhti*. in«*t W f*»d fur w|pn thl vinn itdh frlior aperri*m; e*vtaill| #thi|eornec ra t; « »ivioaallmey»*, arfrlp’-oin»li:ui ng Ladies’ and Children's Hoods, Nubias & Santogs. pwohwOicdlhlei ref,or rUb vrwaanloudle*u ,r cesadun cnhJo -tnt psba neT* wb eaaannt.bd ayCt,o ngHoaun*-, lbya nokn eonto tdh oo nr ivtleiro. high HSa minnGHtit.tao, h.lu,ul’ e*srtr *j4iuf -ao(*vif,-a inh aSao.*Pt;t t! avo»dn*arot* lu d,* rFu—K ,lNlllO»n odhenra.-d vyhi i*roli,i jfufj rUr,Ro m ,a dn Madlt or»o- Pp, h|a.f*o rri*o»nlmo.i ei) l 'a*VJ Hbtoreionehrfw pee Iteinfin»|s utgue e nm*ooltflib ilnwcranriliraria ut-Blicp utrdlor.uw|rdmm t *wrewtidereil ktrd* ribn nteoo* *5atnk* dbf »a(r ojwettkoh*oet etr*ty ih i*bgeMoyr »a mlbtv hroeu«affri u -l«tan hJnegye-, CHEAP FOR CWAS. HC. . BRUCE. SPECIAL TO GENTLEMEN. areftsAeidrnnin oEgol no inpe nmt hreeena tpw.e—edn aOt benin oSd a otfuafmr dtiahlyye P V W. F. k J. F-P l»AoDU-AgrM*‘.Sh*,'r*. oawhfoofehr uao orrnmodmer. **il ,tl» iiTnnloap nhrl*emger <emaulr notaiirb* oj ag onormf ef J ojpitamnhot.oi 'nlo ailu-iI*tnn -.nI do iauflgnT lithdnrh yfiiWlin o o*atfle'Mrt r-im**rlvi latr tonomrr m«iyir«--i, Paisley, Nov. 8,18G6. A choiceA lolet Soef WOOL cdteiutaytri,sf uwaln ndsc otehnxrdcouiwtcetnm oeifnn tt oob nyne dtihotetfo u ito»ts*f MORTTheGr* AwillG boE » ohlS byALE. hWttowin riol oli dhba,« uf ofnnorder tdxthe tad hdn arp trhpwlny rra olw'ta,u nuandund ld m piinnntniin lnlSp igleierntawiutvlnsaaU n h droia mcnuhnrn* ui taaellndloyd,r New Goods I New Goods I! CANADIAN TWEEDS members. Thoro ia a young Indy PUBLIC A U C T l 0 X inv'•it iFnrge eh oMld *** ufuurr iu oiopruns l aivbiodor nhnedr acrampsit,a nl,nd In­ ftaobrl^e tlf orp CCero Uyaat*rT,d ,P oatGnuts* Rl orpA <SieuTeit eII 8aIo .d85, wl- sIypbnuoae meruentnmnh grtoe esr ,csm fe,h aaiawvmnsi h,ni lowgfy,o hrao uotfsnst eeeks vnnofeatomritwoaeeln n m isfttiro oxoin atmte hhe setn,oar, iALtl t ATTV wtTNhieloll/av tgD*Aue Na roS’Gvcf l hLPneOat&ki/-t,,AJ enM yoJ,oE aPonRnn, ItRC.h Ao1 ENf0o lM,b Hi1wo8ItIeo0lKS, 7Ei,n Sth!e rtdvlboaiiectwt rroha*« **v• . a, r t 3ttinlrhvdiydlfieei*e rao(,*y* aruo« l^ «intulmprr tino,wr iagigthlgio,yhro ti rtb ecayca*monor, nadmvtma uihwutr teeatier u« n*t n«dr p) ci d tcR*po•h#nvr a <hotnt ntalt al|ertie n pec oido rtn|i Wn oo hW nbnblnn,a.upg t-t«rpm,r e' i|bq*Jplb<foou*o>ttvgith*rlll.,,­ RS,P RPINOIlaGvoR recTeivIeEMd aO lPargOUo pRorStiTo n Aof &TtheIi;rO NC SO . peOrT myreamrredboe. aWlinogoel iaU gnrdeeart enwd ieFalyn cyf rFolman n$e!l sctutearrndtadaiy n, badefrhtyei rnngdoo oothdnse tshtcoeo ryueon. utenrOg n ol afSd aya­ lpervoPrduruarctlei iIdan ndatot nttotho ear r l*Pim oowef o-Mrf o»or*lfj> jAH,gae'# wrlniiie,it*a fuwoi-lll bino wtofrrtooihtpmheiorc .taiihnlt eit*nhauueteur eutrh xhb ito rm eaCmono deian ,lb e,o laitfhnitmahkn *baM etvriieo,l *tllbo o.*oa tdCw , oNirmretohwen,o , T trlina nt nh;n;de, • OF OreUrerbairrylt aCt atnia deiaacnh .Ribbed frhirl* and swaiedn,t oouf td ofoinr gt hsoo mpuer psohsoep, pi«nsg s.—ite I. TamLtwo*ta .N.h-»l.p S tt,r fi nE ltdh*er *IU Ja-H, fCoounnret/» *tborna cee,f 1th0«0 pnfrniog-nltt. ptrhitca’oe omdi enla wnfddron*md o cf| ittihheoe» Kwoav*»«elaer--ndpi tAbpytua ttkeh'*ee. d *C moamtn-~de PGanLtsO allV foEr 1S3 2a5.nd HOSIERY Saspbheoecu thtc addt w fboae tehhnoe ura,r bsos,n e nwpta hsefsnrion mhge rdh oowmren-o 1. TTarbLor*ewow*tm . Ntleiofn.p d 1*o0 ,fn itEnt l-flMtetifyna l iv3*er.db CieCobuolrnn,rt Wyo MhIitn rbnayc *ror, fa nItQh.nOe crMiot»nu.*Sri*ueyac ofhorp *fa-’ t«rMq«e n iw*toiaobrnorl«er--r boiG,eu oaptv nose tnairlnmlt* op ra.itu roed tT whthemhe hys-tp n al ewrineta sdrweiddlo*f r .tt'mhoy-f D B B¥EAD Y-MADGE CLOOTHOINGD, S , in all (bo various mode*, and ao’d cheap. sKeeiningg hsetrre ient aw caust tesru irnp criosmedp annyt ofnefee ylt h«fe*iip*r enfnroedidl- edon fdi na * til htroeoi»fri' tfap«'ooilr,*e abrnaedtt*u .riinu ffrobr* »trhre* nmi»oy­ ctiol ctkhien gat ate nnteiwon h oomf on ili nw thhoo aWree sot.r *hou|d lie B O O T S & S I I O I S S . CloAundo*l lamt r7 5lo t coenfltb*,o wleo rtrhe t9ro1 •leng Lndie. aanws ei atqlhroue nisagct k yclocaybub nn,a ssgho o pi nodasthsrnior.bo vluee,Cg ahuaf lntledisnr,e gvta heftehtrmeaorl lMeyTeF,roo nrorio r.p nLatoRrt,Yi cDHHuel.o aclMri.c* lrI taM,o prlK*p#.l jfyotCn .litmlo’ HtWc hk, H CRt.r OrBoBrta,R cTUeo,T rSoPOnaltN*o,.. UypMTref.aw*fLie*re*roi e’t fiH,car irtra,ie xm*wdmaibhltio,ebi ,crs h,naU ttai - &lanl ordil wly Si a ct 6o p0Jnbiw0iiic- ,*ntelgta*p kn.ah ldg o-Bta incua irnuietl whsrNao orano adfrlo t rhCpb etoeaerarnntt Groceries, Liquors, CArLoSOc,kery, Hardware, <lc. Awlosrot hl ba* gonoedw dFearle nmcohm c,oiert at 62$ cent* sathttr eeyeth tswe, erdheoe oi nr otvohefe r tnaoe ot kwo efl talh liekgmnho tiwnnngs Insolvent Act of 1864, onam.nf T dtih bnge»uo* nSa»odt a loamtvnea.edrrsk feaitfr*tee. o mn Aomndiylie /ns nwforoi twmhii nsht hinneig n reat oil mroeilat*ud*i,-, nnd will Tboh eH owldh oCllei eonfp tfhoer CSntowchk. Iibb been bouglit advantageously, 6 cReandt*ie, si nN a«ll* kc oRloirb*b.on# inch wide for calnecrge’yomf ant’hso h oaussteo. nisThheed apfaptehaerr­ [n Unthitee d CCoomunittyie s oCfo uHrut roonf atnhed. gpnrseeeigtkehs,bg ao*nr htdoo otdodl i i-ourrdi buticoitele oh ooi*yf ,of raiserh nogd r*.ab tlti o.i tsmopupa*kly ea hdfiormer raa. Paisley, April 3th ISGO. FACTORY & WHITE athnrde wm tahdoe yothuon gd rlya dgyo oindtso yteoaurtsh, ProvBinrcuec oef .Canada, Bulled Coqntieaof Huron otAhf ia•nrlgal t udiouoncr aullme amedna*tp,* ,,D a wlllaohiwidcih na ggt i3*t0oh ecfe uneltlx* a.p catr ilioccnalnt*ir*oan. THE COLONIAL MONEY JO LEND. cJyaannnadd rud fb uofipoiornw r dafWarandceh*'o.nitt rej evCtaoorytrt tio1nn5g* y ofar4ordn2*tj «fo7 nr( ytraherend td *wos ’ilpdueerr), togteerhdnonee citmnh e wg ibfs alci etdtoth honawoe ufhuergi’settshhs aet medninfr aoe tqrtiahrhunriaeei.t rotdri e.w ttsIhhn,o eeT r yrtdhche ,aop eb lhyw ypea eanltarprdoet­­ f IddlwHLiNaemi i*ayrlVlp n Ctto*dhahlbfl, .eel -BaMaa p mmanr*laoye* trar1w Icaot4tnhor,t ft* A nHnt. t liAceawvmtx ,eL GitJoi,hu Eot,ada lXmoeat rn*pM,i cntoohoPRWfnr mOfR,o uK,idrNU> n n«a t Hn*h l*«deUbM«i i"|fsaAu d9cyi hM>SC, aCdfmtr|eh?oIgrie,*une lr i*gytlnu * eantodht­f AMddrtOtu ULD GKCOL. AaSn.Jd NlHa (nA;Du<Ri)liwLBnmrIiSEi,* ,M*SioU.oienru, ri- SECnOUO^nBfI* KvLI*oT Y*n Idl *EorTgnS»O, aEm CnougIOnrltOa MonfAdPK,A,’Y SroStuF vrp«nrl)n«*RuTp, aHlPrirrdE o p toeaH rmntUy»,dR k* Oc maNId .v ionaktnwnc Urn E*a Rd*SvnIaK orum icnpgimueorturyd* Brow n W inoeys atopopko inhteedr hboamchoe, lloera tvoi ndgri vteh eo fdfi isn­ . bmpBtoy nhM iI*na Arthttttoi nrn eHy* Badb ll’|CtrCn.t HMfoTmuhili*dl # uC, nadhneadr*lr fi*ge,oo eatndnmd h -Ian*ve nidno gwt h pp*rr uomDcuaarnieruddf ataoc t u»*nr«epi |duoyft /v3-/N F iirl#l* ySeeacnu,r intyq lbo*f> wfmopnr ofovvp.oi raFhaier mtr*im, *fo.r mlaru1 cn Ihma t ulocrowe.s ot roTpf l acwulT nien-c troeiiouhjto inrt nLSofutfcn fnteh teww *Bil loo rhfro o aw fsoeiurmn idi*­ AtF 1a2sJt cCeonltosr, pfirrisnt tarafrteo mv al1u0e ,cente per yard. Hhias mcilutottne r Sapleocntea.t—or .Toronto Cor. th:* 44th DeeeruUr l»0fl.' Mfuer rcciah'taahn.vtsl ain dr oathiedrs *ft oWr heTieasalllso uwr ,Retail uppuPor noc paHnn'ltii iiipc*lai rcw aannil lnI muhm« pa.alliodw beyd bant rm(hdw rrru*l,e |o>f-t #lriMvet oltuhnlm!ll e nnbnt e to«inu gitih t emo fafi t tJrhote , foLtroh aainnt, t enhnr i*lx hiwn otiirltl pajnjnyyjymjw uldvneei .*lt uhmio- FroAm Dl a$r Rgt e 5Ea0s stShoertS mdre enwt G,o fwOarrOanteDd S12, yd*. dgatrpoopaain lrpAylbg ea/ asfa mw,giLr l eoliiai,stab nhntneog d fwl os piuocreeopeatl th lla lejiattmsowhr eeecaJsdar g.,ccli lehreltnmsa\dyot n re lteadua kn ptto ibdo’tof ucdn th trhtttiheheepCnoerro­ ao3i/\obTJnt1wiiAd.iy ee .*CMs,ep uworatiB hnynii* *ee. eI e St n6ai h2mi fpenTtToe redo wen t wRbhdatieylegnal* A»oy rbl,ea ri oelqnnaY| f»esd a o tJln eoonn »Hift*ent- Srk-..Sedr ye eit ennt TaBhtethooraxiK ’ef mt* o ,p (bt.a,KrmhI iodt *ouv SS Pnn*1ttda e3e. ue Wephroorr.i- on ’ca'tcp wrblleT o*b»r chteyyker,’ B•P RaislIeyT JoIn*PS 1A9H, I1-S8- 6-L-1.ETHY. .HO. FTAERiLt,, knTDo#w*rncm, o*1n HV a,*a npGIldopSE utliiOfrcal *,aRlllit Gq P|oEajl hitsWorlre. y A,i uMCitfnwoArrtL»nt*ejLayylOi «ootCn-fI T »li,vmr ara,cdce. aeydxunvtPAicr a*aOndn.idvfcs aifelioen.igcyile , o *pvM RamerOarlai rycucBu hUplVE etI rarR,r*i leou,ITp Bdaaat C piooPdtprif. t l fmmyIor oortTo intnhtR booiOn yeS oU otroc Syi ef,el tiaytrc.lt y-n, goBouiolFrld* o* IrCr ef Mocerfa unbyrtioltMyhu r.eo*ir*te e*lpnvuatee,rd awt,,i chouerlr aehr *oy totaeuer ec s arnioi lu, trco aol bl alnba«dt momwvaeiTelnnlr hn fheeeiomnrr* edps oalisolrtady ey.e ’*nsdt oh wotuh paacobhtn eoJ auotphth eoensn t e ‘bO G1up,r0tpet0eea0rrt PRortO ElBginE. DRidT. A3 0.. MBUITTIICFP.HRouUEndAL NKLeDe,p, er. tclT»eo*mGmt Homlo*tiE1obt*d1d e , bnrSauiyDiulreo trbsacniuwvr* *pi.frnp.oi gobr rc WtIr Ur IofuMt virmoses *.i t«l uIchn,rf in »i*uE***.s neUdn th G Ieamu8nIi*tSkvo *Oeb• dlv»Nf ofeou.rrg ry (toffhotc**r. MTPnirOiooe fyLn f,E uFNetuoDyrbe .ol SnMM R.o -oa! nRWejtay.t oc! a,M tB aR oUlonwC eEry.at!e -A •P-(T a ti Oo»l !hethiRy«o, oDD“fneA.Ucmd. v, \o i9Ono. .pOtoa.yD”m oWnt foAr wTbTsoEiinDlion** G. & W. SMITH, Eisa tsot ebron ,t' hloyrionugg ihnltyh e oMveerrsheay t i.Slehde, BRICKLAYER, PLASTERER, IVoprktor. STRAY SHEEP. CoQmumeeernc Siatrle eHt oNuosret, h, aOwnnidl l t htlooe arv2ee0c etthiov eoc fot wMmoma recnnhec wen ebpxolityl eisnrhsge. ( ('MeriPt AIIlSiiLiElfYl.vr, Ac. Unna»Wd rl.ne S8 icp.ole nmb*o lmtgoc*e lrncticocet odriI vnit*fbno u»rgm s htIahKree u op*fo Ibp»Uaeetr *ot«nha,agt e hi*n PhotogSrTaOpKhE RG’Sallery. Cl#t AoLMfo tE N6 o5on,v 0-tmhtheb ccporr nei.ln aoUsft-M, B iTlolw"f* )o,t hotoitll uosnru- aplwb. oeuritlT mtihtr**, PAISLEY. buentdweer etnh e Ncoemw mYaonrdk oaf nSdir JIaJrmcsets, Vtlper htapazen *ros* da tWel bdi-t-e*wpaa*Uchi,lng don* with thaCFt raelsisnhhe p .asrnidd fFoarl fl* 5t 1coa*ttlk *j,|w t*Wy|Opu * bnad» hdo. g*. At All**'* Hotrl, JP.a rSrlTerO.KER, Artist oanwdn epra yriniag exhrawven seth*.em DoAa VpIDro vAinLgL pLrAopXe,rty Jnn. 4, im. Anderson, Ibsilonr* near lUrlwar’a Waggon Shop, P*i*l*jr, Mar. 22, J^CS. PaliUy, n*e. 30, 18 5. Brucr, Dec. 20. Charge by a Cow.— An Irish laborer re­ribTlek rcarliabmlri tyC aolccaumrirteyd. —atA M teemr­­ N E W A R R I V A L S The Brownsville (Texas) cently entered a public- phis on the 10th. The confec­ 1 Uhchcro tells an amus­house, and called for tionary establishment of Josoph ing story of a charge half a pint of whiskey. Specbt, No. 80, Madison street, took lire between three and four made by a cow upon the ‘Where’s your bottle?’ o’clock. About 25 persons were fortifications of ‘ heroic asked the barman, when asleep in tho third and fourth stories of tho building. Four­ Mntamoras.’ Some wags ho filled the pewter teen, persons were suffocated in of Cortinas’ command measure. ‘ Mcself is my their rooms or lost their Uvea GREAT ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS MADE THERE. caught the cow, and bottle,’ was the reply; afrtotemm tphtein wg itnod oewsc*a.pe by Iwping dressing her up in a fan­ ‘III carry it inside of GOODS SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER! tastic manner in raw me.’ Tho man of whis­proHveewrb F tohrattp axb loHoil' iXauRdn hait Mmoanse.y— aTreh et oooldn hides, old tin pans and key stared, but passed ptraartte**d) , thhaa*n *ion dlbo*m « b»e*e#n o f mJoobrne afyo rSctibeelyl, illaltues­­ rheet iron started her over the utensil. Tho lrye gtiho#n , yoHunieg apurnitn,t *th eo fw tihdeo wV eonfa MngcCo,l inPt.o, coki l off at the top of her labourer drained it to nowamneer, odfi eidh o irai chI so*ilI , I'laeiuaiv iwnhgi chh erb canieap hbeewt, * v . s u m speed towards the city. the last drop. He came t$h5e1n1, 05000 ytue agro*l do, ldan. d9 1th0e0 ,0fr0e0m ,i nw hgircehe nybiealcdke*d, Hat* much pleasure to announcing to tb« inhibition of Pauley and the entire country that tbay are ju*t io receipt of Wdeirt,h s hae n oriusseh leidk o mthaudnly­ b1 Tachka ti nh aalbf-opuint ta onf whohuirs.­ yabroaeauh ilanai-vvgtee rd*fa,a egywle loa ew»dv a,i lri—luywi nfhoeiornd tc ubobnymae d,e h hiao*int fhgd oe $rpo2tldo0u— ,n0bgw0ee0eedn . * tho♦o' J u e*h’1lde1l DryLA ^GIv E. A/o DDoITIdONsS TO aTbHonth EinIdR LATGE IMrPOoRTcATeIONr ifies, to the very ditch of the key is very lonesome,’ kgainndr*b ionfr *v. iceJ. ohHu e Mbeacrraimaeeo y a arloe'aadoy pwrienyn intgo works, when Santando’s said he ; 1 givo mo ano­ fgreo*m l e*htiamte $ c1a0rt0 h,0e0 e0x ihua utwstoe dn iigf htth*e, ofwlince rla rit­ And that in order to mtk* room for there good*, they have been obliged to alter and extend fbeir preotl»e*, thu* making their braves, thinking by the ther to keel) him com­oWn'ldy* s uofnf iwciienn*t lya *tdev wwohm. enti e; *b<o|uugahcdt fjrerwd etlhlei-roy- eit.TbhlLoh CmOenMt MonEe Ro|C thIAe Lla r1g1e0*0! 8an1d5 nbreo*» ta ler eealedcyt ivgea iniae dt hfeo rc oiturnetlyfa oref pflurotactieo.n to which it i* wail entitled, and one whioh it will con­ cc alavtatlerry twhaast cah barrgiginadge t hoef gpiavneyn. 'h im,A annodt hheer drwanaks p»onptfue dnrm etc i anaars lr*Itic r,a amghleoe* .o o ttonoH l gyio* itv hdeero iro*t hr«v-e ekmuaenne *pgdw e Lr« faytaoi,ni la,a mb oeaiuo tgm hbhapotv -m tinntaoygn tTtin’YGue U OtRoFK * Buh*R»ta.U iugC,aniEnoe , mdb oaU t tietth rK iswin-h*ca*at rTodhpinapeot ,si tiPt iioo*n tt th itEe mlCgainHy, E hoaArv PeS oEtouSt hcToa nmHtepOntodUn .wS’’iEih .I N PThAeI SciLoEdiYta,b »len Jr etUpuCtaHtioEn AwPhicEhS thTe IONO TlfHeMEE CROCUlANL­ lbrt, bred a few shots, it. At three o’clock the nEavtearrye i Ur otdhieg attr uwea*n tu*o viro n‘**« iet lihfea'* feovr ehr imb*e#e nif., Tchreen f oelqlouwalilnegd gboyo adn* yr eoctehnetrl yb opuurrech, awseildl *acnrdru n otow ctoor rhoabnodr,a aten dt hoeff earbeodv teo fathcot .public for cash, at price* that cannot be surpassed and dcsertingtheirguns, same afternoon he came aton dlb w* iUll ribaeh * parte tItmy I.»utc, iu doiug so, to com* AUnll ioWn oFoaln eFyla ndnoe. lf*o frr ommca 2’a5 ea hpiiet*r yfraormd. 25c. BMlacixke dI. oHsrtro©w*n a anndd CGorheoyu rAg*lp aatc 2a0* ca.t 15c. lied ingloriously to the again to the whiskey Plain V' incey* at 124c. Good Madder Print# at 10c. Aberdeen do. at 2i>o. Fast Color Lilaca at 12Jc. 1 own plaza. It was se­ seller. ‘ Them two half­ veral hours before they pints is quarrcllin’,’ ho MEDICAL_ HALL. OVER FIFTY PIECES OF FACTORY COTTON fcoorutl. d bTeh loesde bcahckiv atolr othues saancide -i1 nrsaiidsein ’ oaf mdeis ;t urlbet­ picvoeyTcw thaf nuceo dlstm yui t bpiisnriecrt rtoirmiub, oaecdtroe,l u*ug igrvt aoicur orttuhtnunegl t Irfenoyvhr,e a rtpbhyai atsttaht n hilnita**gv oo•brf tes <■l,r oc ar5n*ei g»li**-- hbFeor oAhfmo aund n7e deww e ttloono tt 2b oo0o fcf t MbTpeoWe rmn ytEorae«Erta dDle., xSoter Y oafMarnordtmde C aw1Lni5ddO eyT tahaHretdc Sa*M m fulO orlo ShOoaTmNn dCoE. uO tDrMaAOn»P LowLnLtEl AypT Ra1Ey2. p4inea. .WrWticoeu sltabearr nvo a Ctttheanena tibdoeana. tt oI vntab lauUtao beinrka ,nI obcrhw e or fe1 t0gh0elt optorieai dctbe#x*, too ufc ra dnao tothpco*ks sawibnlidyll Mexicans richly desetvc me have another half­ In* in e Tweed*, varying from $1 to 5 per yard for Broad-cloth* and Overcoating*, and from 40c to $2 50 per yard for Tweeds. Coma the title of cow-ards. pint to separate them.’ CooIal’alUro.gl l a Cpa'lrni o.f. Drug Dior., where you can get the beat aNx*.oBr*.m eWnte, ancdu, t aaa an cyo noaer qauelnl coc,f tbthee bseen tt ov atluhee. bargain if you wish. AlKbeeret piCng. FYoowscL,S .-nMearr. eHned eddra hniks nitig; hat nind at hpeon­ DrugMs,edicDinyees ,Stuffs, Extra heHFaaevnaycv yCy aLFnalaamdninbaen*. lW BOiobvobele rd US Snhdhiriitrr*t s S frahonimrdt * P$a1at n IutaIp,. waallr dfo*.r $2 25, Mannville R. I., pursues lice station. Hants, GLeinnte*d p aKpiedr Mcoiltlta*r *a nadt GJ2loJvCe sp eart d7o5acc.o. what seems to us a rea­ Miss A—, what is your TurpeBnentiznoel,e , OilsV,arnishes, doE. xLtrinae lno ng Ldoa.d iIe2sj,c C eloauchd * at 75c. sonable and profitable opinion of the weather ? Perfumery, Lxdiei’ Hood*, Garibaldi Jacket* and Gauntlet Miltent extremely low. course in keeping fowls. I think it intends to Toilet Soaps, LadiHeso’o Sp cSarkleirtt *,C Banaalmdioarna lB iikbibrel*d aHnde *a*k,i ratinndg aall t sibte»*l f inp rcicheil.dren*. He has enclosed an acre clear. Do you agree BrusChoemsb, s, k(. A choiceB aliavnokitemt*e,n ct ooufn tFerrepnacnhe *,1 1t lfbjf Eiloltn *a n4d titinracthin gw*id.e lor 4c. and a quarter of land with me ?’ ‘ I do, in­ Jail n#e#tra<J, a Urgt lot of with a high fence ; and deed, ami wish some Alio,a GcoAniRifinDmEenNi oSt EMEilleDr’*S .crUbrated Special to Families. in this enclosure he folks would follow the TbeIC wKit hDoKutS Titl.tU VKK. . No alteip ownir should To hand and arriving, a freah ht of Fugara, Ilaiaitw, Currant*, Lemon Pnal, Ka»encai, Corn St*rch, Sago, Rica, Tot kanedep fsi ftayb ohuetn sa. h.Hunod riend­ wcleeaart,h ert’os oe.x’ amMpr.l e, Ba—nd ChiCmoneay*l C, OWOAiiclLk *oO, nAILlcy. , A kGNeOpDt c coLtBsA*. MtpaaPetSlry g»aa blu. d. Bbiaforlre*y., 142tc .lb, *8 tCMc.o,u fkifcecot. r,a iloA nSdu d*go*a . rC ’ffboorriri.t.i..u....a...*... .i..»... .n. o.w. .aSpIip r0o0a00c hing, w* off1«0r ltb“b *e EBfxorcilgleohlwlte innStgu gYgaooruo fndog* ra.H.t. y..».p.or iac eT* «aa rlmor .k.n.o..w$ n1 I in0000 Faial.y fntphoirnreomesfie stm foooufwn stt wlhs stoh g odaifvot o tlhl adera us yr npienaeegrrt snsetoriPtez eerobdt fe seheisinnssc oeshr.e aetM,n aarinsnhd , thhaaostf atTrte Preaahttna yfyb s *yiFhc ,aibo aruunmSry* eiu*onr f*gPg ,t bryvawuao urcodrr* aicpy,a l tonaor an aa*a d ivagoa b rtTte.wfouallnbyt ayp.clrvec*poa rp*eedr, GroAuUnod 11t&of0l lhWb**a *n bSCdCo,on u.oGV'rdkrGoailnnldn.gntet *gn Brf roSa, riy*M.rAi.nu.u.n.*p.t d.,l.a .hB.o.r.idte h,ie t BrG aTrkeriun.a.ng*..d .i&n .C. .p..W»r.fof$ae-p1oiohI1, r mtD0i00og0a00n n SdeeooldiMoant,x Btcinorajfrft e oeC22Tf,00 roGo hNIwu*ba•un ntct mT rpWoSooe*ohtwg, a o*dpB,4l ee, ar c,Hr CUlJoli*ratav oypnfec.oad*, n,lr e ,*,G .r*oC«uodna dgC oauc.ni nfnl#a mWonic, kA, lU-BpSroiIe11 o emO00, 00i*l,P ePpapde*r,, At th* Madia*! Matt. \V**hboard*,anJ a oompJ*le Hork of Dye Stuff* (warranted), together with tke b^at make of cotton yarn, and raid at City puce*. day, or say five hundred Yale College, pronoun­ X.B. A gist for tb* ColauUI Llf# Aaiuraue* dollars per year. Is not ces tho fossils recently Company. II. A. WILSON. IN FANCY GOODS, this keeping fowls to found at Cohen, N. Y., Paiiity, Apr. I«, )»«C. G. It W. S. hare sl*o a large aaiortment, eompming. Gilt and Jet Buckle*, Sled Clmp* and Belt Ribbon* to match, Albert some advantage ? In tho bones ot a female Chain*, Scarf Pin*. Bonnet Ornament* 8c Border*, Brooch#*, Port Mouie*. Pocket Rook*, Ivory and Hone Couth*, Pocket Corab*, Mr. Yose's enclosure is mastodon,of full growth, B A K E R Y Locket*, Mirror*, Ode-Cdongura, Tooth Bra*bra Sw„ &e„ See., m«y of which will be found luitable for Chmtuw* aad New Year* preirnta. Gy* 1200 Spool* in atoek from Id each. a running stream and though comparatively AND Note.—Bear tbi* in mind—namely, that WE d«ffy compelilion, therefor# bring all your money and friend* along with you to fruit trees. The trees young, and says that the CONFECTIONARY. gIho*o dC*o fmromme rfciriatll hllamnud*e., of which O. tc W. Smith are tbe proprietor*, where you can at leaat »arc 20 per cent by buying your afford shade, while their animal must have ex­ Our terms are CASH and ONE P1UCE, and to those who buy largely a liberal reduction _ lieretnfor* received, brg* to Inform ih* in- will be made. fruit-bearing is improv­isted over ten thousand habttnnU of t’aUlvy and inriounding Country that fa* b»» opened out again la PAISLEY, Dee. 14, 1806. ed by the fowls.- Woon­years ago. Ills OI,D STAND, socket Patriot. It is a fact not gener­ ewrha ewreit hlw e vweirlyl tbhain rge aIdny ttboi einlapkpelryy tailn* d CCnoantnfriea-- At Albany on Wed­ ally known that Wash­IloAn agryo o4w asuy.pply ot all kind* of North American Hotel BEAVER MUTUAL nesday last a little boy ington drew his last FRUIT AND TEMPERANCE DRINKS, AND FIRE IMSIRIXCE ASS0CUTI0X niptdonhaorfgre mte nataeeht.m o deo moHrHn ofgebfoge ausagerrontro me otfwl teosihna reseteor mmp wcloohpainsittytlyhe,­­ lcbomianefr so entttna hhtuttweehhr e lylaoiae-nsfskS t t,tt a hhytdeeuiena ray ldyar aet shayoto er fn,f h ialgottanhhhusdeertt ePCoa'nloaiB tlamoAyDo,t elJlcyaS soat,Onat lIthSTiano,n 1ndYe1.6Oe!6Ur .y W,CV. AoMSm. TDeO CUAERlTlY!.! GrTooVpffV TiaEialtb»lS hnttf|*NRtkedSla r rv PafrGbhEifSiilo-ooo olofrRaomuulOdad,git e**a)Aher * ,aaIi(( *cRnffmbL* oihdio.birrp l n 4m•tmtTau otG*peScran.rroe ut,llTei eyytrdul eApE oo.*P-bocc*ioneacG *Luru *lttgp lEth *bijaQBeHa* Eg du b«l c egt (Ooh«bu iIrnte yjn Fa, bNr errFtuFrrr^n- iPievivIooadweUClef ea *lrMlitaE*eiUwncy ikld*,p*l air 5aEEt6 llg ggKHLLaoiioanoancoTesttrd.. et tO2T I*hb 5f.hWOr at,.ai Tl4cfWl5Ntk cfLh ocy SLoNnlaeet.ooHr a S2tdnr 1gHI.e. P1,,1d ,cI10, 1 Po5 Oot1n a {ra .KcnO cm3hdr m,Fa e iSpl6*r eiad0lcA*D*r, l etaU Eas^ntloororGUougeetrs dt 8Ct,hIh , ttB 3 uEn,o5 ioN.ol fedc f ol.bi ennPPuag.rio olaer7drdt,,t- atocfyiafiurXe#wnb nJora *dl1emuy i*r nH i *i cigo lyoI1ocrrrSf *we erectt aohcaa.lA ehe etlmt ',l*iH *a ev«1 Iaaoc e.m tf ynou c pV indnirea.tAo atr lMptu imi ncaorp0«eVyymnfr, «n»u*e c. t«aelmn ,fol man - nai*dr'uJdfcmic ixdm’nxuico ttietct* ho p*eatd r r*rnbva ido a*iooaripttne neli*rpoedu gg# a br nmo ilo«y«»y ta*«a ro*eibdtnr ifaf laeneooertk h* ae rream t *methnc *h weeua rntnnr*riehotoekhaihei#***f,,­ apthnaend i bohanirssr peilln anuyopfuoclenlny it t sra ceiosnmedd,­ 3112, P l1ou7'mc91lob).cakg,o Dis efcoeumndb einr GROCERFaInEcTyS oG,y soJ,eoAwdsec,l.le r&y,c. ffdtcKaahaeiccerBpn iiratclliseriiaaettatrdyya mdd siottabtnoonoioe la y ttrrta.ao* aannf vv dadear nTliGrllfahiiironnvveodeigg mg e..aS ar ntoiPPticduobh«r tna«e hs, Mrd taeaeamoawpugggapeahea*rtnirrotc **b tnh roaa,d i nna-agPwddUilorl eyr» bbe t*aafk dr Eggiuagygglarrg.aa ieingganogeetf,1 ! ccdleS,LEa ^loraocets g dt2c .1b h,au nai3ldldrf di 7nL g,Eoe1*toL,1 ntoUh1.r 1ccEhK,o aHnlrcd.do,8t ,ni 2Lag.0l oIi0aEo1 ,d3 a. ,c 1lra50eu*00d, aa,ccTrrfeeic*sl,,e a11r90- tddwtauoi rrreiemiJnavic.vg it td*t oc reaIrayon*tn v todelriay* afrr t eceprgednl ia»dt aoi*tlmthy«ewb on*iyno rtIio fnr;ao;tueth lrlhgyr yieenh l oam talyoprr eir o nePnlgpi ipac ouryrIbafbm*. u cl biractrwriTic a’navali cfomall»l *t vaa* o#a.»g Ir.uguk , raar*iTraTnTmanb«beuld##*-r- thus placin„g the boy great quantities in the OO TO ROOEBT 8. STAFFPOroRprDie,t or. cleNaroerdth a nhda ltfo lnoete d7,. Mb con., 50 acrea, AI*o Oomnany, and we ukr plenauta in commend- upon his head. In this Township of Templeton, W. KEYES’ CHEAP CASH STORE, aS cmoitltl. aito on thu south half. Apply to John tinot tthltaudtiloKnf,c aarfgfoar odifnagd autuym wuhali che nacvoeurr/a g©emwne»nrt position be was left urn on the Ottawa, and fif­ QUEEN STREET, PAISLEY. Park Lot So. pJaO, isNlorethy C.ambridge »tre*t, odfe nptr oopne rhtiym o.—weC#a tnoa dbaim Faatrlmf earn, dS etph.o *;*, tdbCep5e.n­ thht hiials od t h hboceea acubdosl meo.ao end bd Wl rahuchiskesh nef frdao rcmteoe­ htotehafefevenrere ,e .dt ihtfo ouris s aa snlaodi td ,o dfo bllealaenrnds pBruPlNctat*.'o*lRin.l.a* My t,} *,N* W*bo*rnatpr«p .ain1ag8p 0pF6lai.apJa rw, ihthe .S, cahto toelw t lloro»k4a*, DtparHAlmNErDNn PlRaAlTY, E NPGTt rARlGiIlE8BNTTtB,, larj, solfoitrvrge4Aee h 0eb sa feotaaAr.rucd repmrr,* eep.A a.Gl< cyo*o,f n ot3 od5N aofrcrartehme ae, t rabellaa Rlr,ec .wl eGiaathnrOe dd 1L,2l oD goIan El eNh.oa or>aerotdb, JAMvBGRen.S erJa.l aDgeOuSYUt o8Lx*C Eu1g2,»O *0nw'A*TViatTriet, moved he was taken to The latest triumph of WAITED, OTTAWA, r»i*Jey Adrocata Office. T A I L O R , fbtnh‘ heiaWowsinGts e d hhohlo alaoo,pm ludpff1er i ldsn,Me Aio basanhdfudrte yvetui. t,ri’m d cwmtihepWeay.eldr-i ndin Hlf,oisge n.vm u :esi-yyas,- .(hci‘pEw nhsalngaheelgy fiiagll sapolh in1 afnio 0nngpl»0gd ia ts pheahpero aaoprlpk,dteo ausimugnrbpneesgued,s at a armlienslsa ’oadh nkil inddaas­ ATShEoia LPaHTuuOiasohmgJTelyRerwA,l i t AacnbBHMbyr er,oRbi ERcdJuuEouegtSO*a lne iyd1 Aot 6,lAI«y» BD ofoi ■iLi,nrre. R *L Ar118 ieE6i*mpA»cI Npy6taUieDell. .ye_adl Ga _r*,tBG *P_r Eog _.fRooEr e_onEfOSM_ m a_aHPn _ fg bRd_T*SAIe_ IOocN _EINuo_nWTEt_mN hbKOI_Nra>f_OoaRm»_Srr,_*N.ntpU a t.eobI»nPnbled*., ’ faJMFRCHWSHtJTKna.a«.oLoeV d*. LknJM rIcn r eaMeauaI*t..ira. rnnud **a .J*kduo A aaL.n..Wa ,n*,oe .dy I#IC. ,Aoutet n i .,ClaEtr ct cosc i pLLa.h oteeh lhPmeenA qihlaHinewwa,ua.c p.ter'tu iwiE.*S eb,**,* Hu n»bne Lf UneA&ooqtlaao*lat., mr orf n, nsSS e mpnCdiSuPu.fwlao,otionn romairnrEim,t, nvl h.nieTTmar.m IoaMntootee,u hrvrf,. w rtoooeBSa nni noiiaDdlttCtUauooiioenegr.. onpdrge w#aut oni;rrnuf t.i nm C ULDgreapor nanptwhtfde*tne**;r FfafnfXoiTarll*rYmymlA -C,Gec fofd!rRo»Ii mR ebhr» oSnote»hmduur Mea *ba o fierrtcnf.ch T onGlr»iaEdmibOhrt heee wtRbeerrRhao,rne Toeldi n a tapShrn btaraeEiadeot ’var tLn ouGe« nGroloa niapnHtdpIi gnegeNarenegr lite,p. Oc p datahuhb er aebnStaTbadlgatiekc raoea Etn goe *tatet. oosbLng ,o eihivnrri##,*#. aTppHdQjNlEaolpar UroePeHgMdEoiu u cElbonr aNfeumcl drmoo ilEtbnbS. ep eDrITrr hWseRbonea!fsE A* o aEPPRDanuTboDumt r,* puh m*ICau'g,nA Ord wp»I,NSS h*fis OLctofho!rEoL !rrYbSL eoaC.Y l,aew.,s hila l ol dear. at wholesale for 8d. staEbvlienrgy aancdc odmrimviondga ltiioouna efo-r traveller*. Good B. LBilual l,A E**aqu r,« nInca* pCeoc.tor of Agencies, Colonial JESSE SMITH. Proprietor. Tost*, MToawr nobtlrp* «o.f Hraot THE-CA WLEY ADVOCATE, PAISLEY ADVOCATE, Sinsttinr Cure tbr Litiinm And General Advertiser tor ths.Couuty A MonJ, whone name we are . bl Brace, not nt liberty to give, but who is A Wcfkljr• • 4U M«•p««m■ fi?C'oV*-*, •»* Owrnl bwtHvjtli nenssu dT u;rwinf doeTf ys tekrluionwg iiw okrst h\, . .W* krf*« VuimutiH\ f *Whk.*o.'‘* *t•.«i**»•»R..iw««» n And General Advertiser for the County of Bruca nT Wmv" litsi yenr erecting n Urge Tit»ihling. Ono of his extN‘Uent* TUlUlB, h«n»» ****** peculiaritivft in, to nllow no in- temperotioo or .profanity ntnoitg •tjio> j- RA.|tfl3«M Ct*V A’DVVi.R’fRl TM»MiiSiO - \-.in!.ivl VOLUME II. paisley, county Of bucce, c.w., Friday, January h, isc7. NUMBER 47. mhias nm eshnw, nllm vlr ototk t iwfoirs tt hthoa tl iebvoerrnyl •• «:*«i*K«“•.- ' ! **«*>>*>. ... if i« i|»-tvjrMAhlr.N-«** wMw)Uoi~*.*.N*!*«*;i i.i'..^..;..t...(<.«.. . . .»W£•* *«*«•»•,• .. The While Howe. JI ety a,td b*jnfetVwoj|*fn. ««*I,f— itth ocrinn d ibaem opnrdo*T menu,m iast*! ! Large KMd oriluKcr. Nliootiiitf Stars. toplnauyoy , htohof i istnh gowe nibltullieinlmdge arnsto w ngoaitsvi eee.c tol ntOthinnao-t O*• 1K wlk» »*I» »»<» rf*tf »vc»Ml(U »tU•vOW rl*iV»iU.iiI e»mO*««r » <MVcl Wt..' iii'.^w«I"•r.»Viel,wi) o■* »u "t..-;..-...-....-l..1' *0•S *< »’<"*»*•'<• * P•»i ***“"' '1*"-•«•J ... ...IT ti.’iA*Ie t np'swid ll le'«Uy tiUfeeo* lrredmos* s fetiaot l il*s t ■od oropoinp;gin,g, ismttuh iarrpneaV el li u«’macs!Ko Amorte1 ibi * fe itI bat-prscefrneos w veinel-n lut hlitdneh athhth eeaee rbhietar i tmihtb,a «ntht hsbrtawt<’t . ot n "snn0Irt,- Mimn»gcW* DUUoe> n e*n ahalwmda. r oeoLu fon b(itbne ioe nMfn p albafyuuc tt&etn e«Uwrb Hitptoahi Ol Dn'b leuytcar eebMdmle br,f .er aorGl lm7oriw otia­ . hriooWwdi chdaaolt dwniroso p aslcahcyoo ouitnni nt ugn fsoutras urthsa elT,i nru npmned­­ tuohwnpllywly thosi sh piprukintiysn . ugw, Cnsoyae llttinhniogtt ght iimst oe f cnoumrreel­ cC*kuWf»AAl I»imU d|tll>rMj'-« »rn*Vltr J'*S U;.wA*- »wMK**MlJ•-Hm«Iw•r> <«*t ;li!tiI» M»t llxIfs*r»*U’s*•A »yM.■ nw l,wi« wrnJcM*.u«c»|» viy I-pyAJ »**|i*v« >Uri»*im*il h«»- ,#r< «*wH « mi*u*lrm•tr vwtr q( **-«r.n*<4 ««s 4|.«in •i r «i *»■ii, *ic •U<m»f I - «'>m»«h*'•li*«-*’t L*IJ,*t («a« »~.»(lt>«tvk li4t** -M ■nirw«»«iw•« t w.■«lj*i«i«r * *> U.**k•’ .J*!».« ' !*ATYS!'' koVe‘7y ATl»e'r'ljh stbi»jr eeioo"ewmntnIMigegf krtct.hsdh ne'T e fn)l'ntulttis wM nt l fci*eppmJp«*ete r rllie»fifnou nu^ eu*tmykdijo iol<e*uv t r Hfnof,—ff mr,aj oe i. ri},l , . w1cttwwgwa owdieiaeorib tlosi silttegdsc . lhrn uuho.aeyy coo-mri letm usup asulAwnmardns,f nito dnod hlat»Jcri oho n rnrt.oticuseyk *hs fa mbi * e atunwt twIrnplhddw ’eoadecai eschamri oe st lsoe*S n,i!ee n w*iansal 'w;fltets p eio i»s Wfiiopmfla t nrithttutctei* ueTu Urrinr ice fr f »wUthea .rititcne^ |e*an*hewvmdr s nsfeee ae n pw hrs*wssio ah'egseujthlt o ch a>mpsoiArmypr lo nro.J ep ■ r >esoston-Atlo* k»w fstit t elftahloithweaetnoea’fhet*-t»r­f, TabnubdtCMJAfON*J i ugwu owucotnrmlg-ataryrepuob*. mt..vm l*b.r.e&..ime ..e a ..t.n ..bryhw...cta...t ro....#e r.o.a.. .d. ..du.Db1... ..d.g..e.a.r.e. . ..h»i....ct..i.o.«h.....r.... u...y.ra..7......tt .t.... . .3.....n.tl..t....th.h....h«h........a...e.a........ .... ..b....a.......r.»...u.....o.......t.i.......waa...........t.n......n ........i....c..g.u.........r...o.....l.......l. .....t..y..... ........... .....c..........u...o... 4o>AMA3Art7ir4h63I?l-eJti<c t; bwjevaaiStaousbeea iirrdorlttt seyhhu ui dgs? oret n o uatlll.vhti ia tsetorltSmrglm lTnushoeauueh o rldnuel ocdp h tobileai namnobnvn iydgseemae y'irt ntttsa,.psy u .g, res,cg eoJtl ela pusnEinrraprpuesaeimtv meciritchtaoeeyb l lrmol,velmy araria bwn nebyooftgdes^,f­f mohnr-ttrhi-ie«uotm-a opf-rynf- etlp- h,.y,s fp owher,oia 4*‘e «h4 sbm bonoooFuvud.hnl'o e—tt ,t h’rvr saoaId Ites ‘drh eke Ot ehinewbon hndoMenge e !d lnh tnywioetni s rofhoeefi ynnoh,ne’ot,gr utgh' hu snr neawge gn i retesdno s dms wh h Mttefoihhegomnrrlooerlt,. AngloJ-OAPHmANIeSrSLicEOaYNn. ’HS otel, A1If onwT'TdWi hbl tlo d;hnu euolgtestrh v ls dy*hbe eistIloap lu pirtntreeyiyp d ia edtly ,coi ctvj,i e y .bf e^, '' t«mitr<np e arht kohreouer err m hiao as f mnt "khIemiie,ln r ed D’ph siboo .em wat\ ceeU\t r ir.io la,l nnes,diIh sl e cs tlphuwcoaiaomktnm e ia atdoghnof e rtwtehiht *ae ni tsm/ t»Jhu thrhcue|rhrr» q| SuTmaFrrotioethtrma*'*l .tF.bo..caf. ..la.l.a'a.*. i. n.p.Io.o.t .e.'ci.rt.oi.u.cw.l. w. ..da.. .na.i. .la.y.v. .eil»rb a*jgo. et3 0mn0fa 8dt«be •o.r—ara. telcyhiuaeoopranstrlshei.,b bleeaoTv ndeididiero eyss c ttrwodieltahlaa ysiltce hnh ieu sfre mrenso ecbmvoiese ur ry noanetflea o trrhpm teehistrloee-­ dotfb-icoinnlcwgldu an;pg t yeol etmiottt bet;h o,t boi sevAb amnevrdsyia tl n lImur ogwgooeonmi l tlht h ho yepstoeeraunely d e achiunatidnd.s’ PuObloi*c4 g Aouec»orw*lml/o.UMlon for Travellers snd lh( FoAWr sth Udee«na irl{l y»w aislstl a nlmoowrpes. tthheee b row, bfwieoolmmte ai nto hvoeet ee t|iitlph*iteof ie> citmrha.ed leh'1 ig'hthheea sntr crbplallyarac nedg uuiwnm tgsi thkirt tie( h’Ua*M *P|>UotkaaonK oTu t Kddcruiaciatctliy m o.n— tbDrr .* GubojetCb«- booudr iesso, latrh esyresfteomre,, mbueslot ngboin gre ctko­ Tumhon ftohroe minanst riuncfotiromnesd g itvheon h, iarnedd win Id, and how little do tho*e un«etei| re- nf cmapuNory education. At tlir opening oned by millions of millions. ho nt once went to tho owner. Csrvfol OttlJvOr*H aNlw JaOysH lNaS aOtUNo. dParnocpcr.ietor. IWf h'bAIee »han yu m attyati *ytT lubooeervs eatwVhrtiyaall k tlhenoe ote.tt.b,**, MsfToehterhmene eriIcnrr*.u itolhu*rne dt otueiferr e sarataa l nigljdiuhi eoleu Jio tohfw feh ritef hrete i’eis n* w fdiiornieigflnldnue,ie #tmyn ctohneue fl rdtaie'er elrIl ohtao*af ahir*nea gtreieanp rddodu*iistt tateorddiea udlbc ylata tligitorba nccp. deto .a'paUrll«lemtU .i <onT>tjhmojOp *f nMoE ud Mrwi nhrabolrua etruagaetrhyea, Ttluhbooou s uelnua,tr itewhs i tpihne ra i stsve ceolmoncodit,t iyois n o cfo annbitonineu-t­ 4f— ioI d4u In wdeifrtishnt adn mdy y noowu oarrkfea, 'u nltho ot swaaatiiildsl- . sod made great by the fostering care of a willing and able to sand tbrir chddrrn lo ually encountering more or less your work,’ wan the reply, * bu GEO. FROUltiMVABlAlDLELR S& CO., moAot r~TaerTmy pUllaer gctea rant uadorimedniccnelg MtWote inilillsdetred,n ” Into T Irlcia- g•wnoaaosnd b kimna ouowttohnte lrwm. u h.—TishtfoUerry'e.s, ibo»unet *Jaro rug iruwesaalts.e ra w gomreaan- r-lnieWnotgora .o .a lb.l 43et.rb 2d.n. dRTT.he bTego*aba*rotd » wiwen hgbwou lb baoaor t*eaea r a* wb nw.eheiioi lha l<ianw*dgre rabwenu ittl a lwnbin»ligelt­ oilinef tHtoh eovsuaerr ybaoitndmigvo sfssr,p oahmned re t otwhnei tyhto p Vlftudonorgctyie- sbwaeiicldla ustlhee aov ymeo, uai nf. —dyoo4n uN’ tio nts wiasottr ko.an’ l l—i*t,’ If" rIoJAPBbnySAenlfaiRlotVsNs XuuuNLlnuA>yuO dArDeoT r|.R Etnde.U.ra r uVrtD D* de rO ytneLMl.*ATIw dhi U‘plEacHG CeSv,y G*I*Ce Hl.i C EAa f t .aEu *oritifhrca*KoCeUr. pLnreNeFrtRJaan tbno neto 7t,srEor>nrd iEmqoe,eptng I .W/irmRhE afusr,R ete N io iat t tSipcsComshmAcCAlbrQrt« tLt L cileuopa.ArfshnOtnjeLu6I onuIa t Ui iqdrlNg tnCya--elo AAla l Rar l iTCtye nnoh.y .I'.iCLhe. ,K ,Auool A Y oiiO,reRHcMVnr, efGo{)a tdULls Mto tue l,eyAOencp»L OeOt.s SdM*.e«crDcao c *ISAior n.dnrfKIiEtlM'fc SndUUELcufiitBmRIoonaS eoaoTlNrrarI.RIrgcaeiaAmTy C,iOioDi c& rr gtu nGHieNhSenaDco8,Iat, la l’ goh EloheeIWtea O AdCe ,laanibEiaOr Fh.lGeyrAds ita evrGuusW *ENtTi R plaFcN,tbchEp.nrles,oeavTrlRts,yanesa,,t- dnwnd.to•c(e•oJtiawlwfctiap>wAeMgi«ueihnuhpoannfghnfprfsfifrn no ahfbgoi coiec *edr ob lrceda paaT‘n'Bhstrtaeuihtr Imttnit<au«ijeabn aW tr rlutetyhtb reiwf ratbad e etrs*felyheb teetarr o c eisaoaastnhcdd hasoeet oe oenrlatrw ott iwte tteyh m soraao n yr tf o aefkyhdluhlttnnnet Itesalr r soawcredoh hl il il weirfta*u eto nsfei*y*aiyatftttceuooci denoms otth lnhiewe bf obopntmu betelntn iomjauetfhra.iue imyosupoefg,li-n uioetrsdnc we l. nou tae rae rhtoirt r t scte d wmh ne vrbe-nr dNt h*noimaItUofni*romdfre tevtfc eirfio jeuCuofioenon h1fen ae*ao adnI i d aa an»r aosot.rsawenlitbc y sr .ngwttW*n .intrhtrt*di thbttse a prfdb,i .i d eewa Knts *yrmweotbs teaoheToeoa fou lhshtYi ay ,alAnArr Trrobontasfonf romaheetBaateh wt oeul*Ondohtmtfuhbtds.e‘# bistot w e r i i rrhd l irtint areoabTeltrp tl,fo e fab iknfai dbeia e ttacdrcelf Arsotnonn’nnouattt,hfeakio et anh oer.*iei nelro. n d i -neaw.lBaonc t t guasp*nnsmcloi leo ptyrduntnc inM*tionilyaohabtm etb srdftr a pd MeWiI. yd iwbrflfdeeOteo htos cmanioo tm>gwn a t s ltwai nn efebo>ntohvirtuo iture pu nolosoilhr elitdu dte an*ntarltetilf hsobtgtn thi l«ruelh ieettu teipy t* iitAryrteet vrof r ttahalttde* lpbdoTlUt trt*i « e Up«t abe nthhceito eh nia,r trc l nhtW rctln rif deseta* artftiratieereyrtefttuo nte• o owwedliibf urjo aDuap s a rudfi ugeboiunfu if ota>'f eoi ootncffhwa l I n.tr.outdtedmuurpa>nt moifODrro cr ubyoHtntlttifl. leraud nlbivteela'eocadlrudo tmoIieooecaij..edne*iyleeer--edtet,-^ .r.,­fsf­f,l ­ 1 cikbhcrpacItt*ur•cmIwb•nvfaaudCNbbitSlbirdo.'u rorlopyl aniiuilinhtrtoantoaaa»*clei' r *nv'avvmwu i»rmiaTenyiAem ymuc t tndewuoide,lkten'hogino r ms.als o rgnei retrc’o rptMirett bniriaamra* edfNeia.krraerlsadusedebf miue tnedytlr d*H s vUitea rf soaietCrodlvd uir ’ ,dl,ft Vl ti uII witolc on ciu,bi f nra aoT fc lnttlnhtt' araovado•d ,»*hf - aLpgrh si f ahnnha nInri Moc of,n,t arM ejy s Hv vnRoaditoeianiGrdlpltgft t t tnmel cbv t c hm nni hl cat Lbcnor ndtNm ohiUSdtCTtne*d»ero*Be agDiayudogenea* vf vyh t rn| eoD,gr t< ti tmfnj.l.l eowCaer trceelwe ,*pa t'A wi-aebio oc erhnrcemiamirbasrUebhiDsi!nol tdTdiri^ialmta fnnolairiotprfit naDiipf«alW \Tr, l.nUdviCrfoomcen) tMf d i.otmhog oiS t ,neuntn t ndIai' c iwree>rar> Jaai o Ilm arct*ci,trarArtaindaT t.uBii tlt nYlaaron 'tal ud nomwa a cotopv stI v—nmychtwji*gr raif.tn’n'sflo-tLventfh-tio yi ori g ra* ri itibnaltirn' [ciivelyr ,.detlcuamrhc n*hd\etilmN —mkrpr>tsyiVsgh abe oerJp *ueoaynidscterir b*Jrar cu oi f'y n Ritr. on*ci,rdrsI- a n.hn i» I nrntv.dtLfrv tt. • kbrnY l a'pnead l Joh d miruwmaewy'iSrJdrnclt lhteleab .stvne mdn ioi*lI aerdid’mMmnecaWT iytoyanMcaidsaCt y*hag sft nd rii rrw ehM wguso r n tc «trnnrreom trbisnnireheiin huc.aooaebrb m.o iistto t«t»t . ddeiaaabrd 'a nmnneooi h*ufSA«n»f pour fryg b o g mdaS , Inj rfr ram |an-rdl on'bnat iubIt ie tlijrmrA*e fnbueheukbsbvrncnaet aderta.ea.nryoidb-ydtyr*«-y-n- -rdud nnn­ t ­ , <arbt•prftwsgl«wtpycodU•ttpt•oaWLthdbaonhib0huhod aateouoor eale.awrou i tprogaeatbsl'ioltuct tir>Aa uAruil t c rrd rt no e*snhaeS nlhtpntlr aa*c ealdin hd i a rddc<r ote«Uad d tteU at*a thmoahoavori toofalpbhcJUpnie- , gso lh tumti,enr ldr aaowu ridcs re* kGo goalm op iptoI wteioeph d *aehltdeitoTrlrsb lascpo u•ulo ige noetcTea hpi l l o eylocaitsanupiiydtrte ombsbaofeFnnyrcdfe o aJy *r i y rrteilel ctatgfttonro, t m r. Hwf•8ipwt agihu t bnra -« hthUg*uM.mghn ac»y*ltthf tr,iure rU ue nOnioutiai tut* i tn« empeh*arfhc n i»tur bySp.Mtta t en iyda ehteib1Ndhe mt,bpnphp ent*ty t uMidh Ueo r,ridos» eo' antea u nfwmuetmtoapuelut7 rcTpowu t n rolnvdbtu.r ehc lt|rs otmptaiatdehkn»gncte' eglthiodaipebln«'uslhmnico hu neidi een lepket tct nuo i rtieiegm k wn>eaa bela.eC nt,*l ghUrh e*m e .tdrid•,dna ra»i* htx t c,ed bdtr*tigrd rle-b i iawa*hno*hos e*ounea*.*ucryoa•rnsen.n ,e renfm m tcoh,s I, i f hid b*eUe iS n otItlari r Hra w *pooi apnlPlnt ,sl at fgdn tdhw twieilsdit p nnhuhhtooahShn rd **hbrahD paaldeeonita yob%l yf y ieas,ayepblnto wltomlie.fro m ce hw rd -sfe dirIreli f irtrrieidbt fni *cihtit.hpnloo*aBntadaiihrhlr o 9N tmTfo taestm ilno o moeioh.rokul , r rcrm.»uw,sciafh u Cep nn« et atephilubgtaIne.*neeatj te*ubni In—atwbd bctihrnerolunit bIvp*idoilythn*eeare*tang.*ed­dt,el - f* ­ , 1 mIitdItiarrliSbldstutn•fcwthyngiioete r rhoyooniamsruouT a io)uagsr eheausmlguRmm Twcupd ieifhetldytial tcehoaeyinsl lipsohoeellebpe aelaa umno y ply ienle aypteerlens,d fe ha a crtsr,s si nutnd uS f hrsnaruhooesci oer tudbE te tt pc'sbotbo nifayiscooi oumh oeruon lovreosog lov,eLuflcrntnru s iaenruebfisem noh oonwc.sah,ndtm ullcrnttoes un ueoapylt ,ahotetrurhrle tjcredhngiea fe hosn neKamoirf hda,c.fdnh ’t cai nttr sn dh*ecc ,ofribae ehdos dwdntCoosbeoiarmrdygg sy uis t.gpolTy tnut., lieo y latttclh e doiu w- rshrd mahnvfntsaHtoeiifnubr ieeeeetmObahnac, gcit sflatiosy r aclcfihuihnfh latocier apccorenio ehtdt eotosc icsshbalenhdeel, nso mlarr tf ilur sriideyi e eodo smiuencr ga,bsiorngi wt ricdb ul oboe iorttesiedtidomilhnteen vosmi oou aeiaovthnaura cea.inelvnucnesntuaten rgaatnalysosoaokises-e­---,--r tl-t­, !:ij:!- jj ■j] j ;dgstabfs rIpkhiamslrhaid^fghronAwoeu "^innsoeailsinonuionavel rloweetckfidsndaunellvdoo tdlyTg oehm o e hsia’uwn i id w snr ptn td lwIcmog Mdfsimlt or f,grer osotiaut en ,toohpa.olon,uu lih . o ordrndg orln ortmu4mhn.okorno u ro mpthsv-wcAntedglRt ,p t- simmpat eee hTa -nltt ei et shsrtlph-um htymmcg eaicr lohs-e rhtos oytlosunae -eril faoeaea ytol ,yowi - y rudt r wkn nv h ptyeb nuu4m oyde htrem igeodlo,aavomon1euonaadame’o ait u wuo udap yy tqukue n nanom edlr.shtlhc eml.o atwnP diyyo— n ltfo/w.finvayuwm re - s c, a.obi hvep- e’, wFlrnwac4 lar-hs.r ybmnleoi nuiAufnItetbsilisCobika huonn,nwngtrlitt oum s iTta eolr,tue usegbetanw i n etastl tah rnnhlnrx.p oloa cdt yt tnttal lltd.oeoapzhaeAo ao o y‘sodine yeio —eixral,fyl omgn,pne spld tcdi bn wafnskoaberialteolt tf eosnm tahveye.hrshuetuaiolhbaettrhyyklsysdoAowa,oororottot­­,o’s, . £ AAggeennttP flOoorrR LtT<h? o»E 1iLo-Iv.Gn«'n svIluNcurrla iuon(hoNor naott JeCro mlou T.naotsytro oMnnt ouP tNu-0au.l)r slefriiye. swbnhpooaiipttnn hpeai i',arn.s rnetards*jes e ynlda«iert tee Ihfy Sk c woltl ohtooosemneiylel o y og on aifpril nldtti b^e, ad- tt*n,h] * aern.ii'btn dhi s eh wrHe giaethlhdat> holrwt yhn ht ehwisvloee«eyds-r ba»bEnUeovdad*e iiinerte hn sbew ownwhd ciiirtleieehass hcsitnuvao nteinad.gle isnsfb,ihg oaoa mtinchlkd ietn ib nsgtegtu u o.bsbamhsn ec adorun iftnf ffeac rrunon.udr cdd eb nwabI c'uobskuoeregidifdr ,f smntouea gcsrgektaesessyta-t e,r adyt E htntoohgm altatee nm,i dtup , uwtd art hesh cooe bnelttahclbyooom,u rgienbhrgest jcbDueisraldety bseb ruoeaxaft.e nM d s oThtnhohdrtooa sbuyeyog h{UoCbIuJi atral dvdtshav,d eoo casabr]ter eohi nnaogs-f ; m”1ab*w1’ pueipttt hrawoorephunoet tln i tamurennel daahrtnoeiosss nspoesiftd, a lassfun,r dbie snlpisiduetset ,ni wncoetaos;r W. C.’ BRUCE, caAenas c nwse nlbelu«lele n plkt'*lony om wwSainnuw igta dows o-owgeur ilbtodh f o*dwu rbtoo uomiynp r dnaiu, f bs lturtrbonyoag, m as' tp‘ weEraaovkmueelnd.r' »T;*eb>cIrvUty ebd U wiiyn'el rrCcenoo inmtmwnepe.n ca tnoeydfC . Egao.i ioilpdinl idcv ilMMl iaaamcntade rU vLagnisidicu ocrrennstb-. ttthoh oe pprbrouomsfitit s weo fa tyht heotmo dfaao r msiht a arwbeoo viunel d t aeblnle dkhinawvoeewm nke ilnlteth,d aw nt ehreotmh o.c e“"rpTtaehirnseol nyrse mbewatrthkeo-r ;j*s”b4h1 u eissd p neeanc dhkea. dg Tobfoy mthao isns ethryei n wcglau sn agrf oowuuinntdhd At’coiuilnnt, Cokivcyanccr, ssaayid l, oa nthde mbe, w* ouuseld it rte|opleial t thteh e mwerorryd *b, loanndd milTe *h f*r oUm iUraasrsMon oCfi tyN, cNveavdaad.—a,- Anrbeo usto m20e pAehr cthenot novno rtthtgoo cyapieitladl ionfv ae stfeadr.­ ab biridos falecailrinty nwndit h rewtahiinu ha birlsa cko-f }\1ti e t natoc iatyn,y reofnues,i nagn dto wpaeartr inwg itiht CommissioPneAr 1 {iInstS utchLke, CEAocY.ur.t of Qnccn'a soTebhnafha jnilnl*dbli o* bsw* cuc rairaisnlpr tp 1toi eonk trnn yaoelob awulptornnis cd svtasouelsmir neta sh on,eb daf t gnnthdaUeet seut tbstthree' u . veyba oyrlHiyu m raef r lrsof atrwhwfeaoetni.fru*—cs­ rabiwna<bmhgto«i urcas htrtS kr tpasahoribnriunel.en ge d# msa,T 'ci lnriinkefere* roaa .um sl ess vppTterrhrhiiaennul gg *stnl w ofrr-toavantv*inel eeer ridi* h aI *n'd•y iS u«btrmroeebiaaaltkim rn«ocg--f . cmmaesue nrcta’.h* , tcttuhoan ap wtip taapeglrr eo ismcs, e ibnnsaoet r te hrwleyadi llufle csnitogio ohtmn t aupdcedhr au1te1ci1umc no1ipuo8t.4ne Stdi,*, taoatno tm uinrargnetetp euutrihh ooluaif*et a ipnunaoissttteroii nroicte ttt nhyttoe.- !^a1htJ^b]h bieosoc saueemtn dtehe inamapd pimbnryoga a tdhtceahimyre do,u ,fn fdtoah rnne x itghtireheet tay.s s uuArtmoos AQT. TVOy. RMNA BLYL.O ACHT,- LBA.A W., laoswoannaondlsykd ehn hdie*ei as vtg,toi ada brenbumnditt c e hiehnnesutv rsm i otiino fnw sggonb,od eop arders ar wiecwfsoi eaentldrhdll .ali battiyn o tcHntc i,lwee e*rsaa .nsn Udhcl onNenmeahownect I hapt rfoh»v t-sn,rrt rela'rap nllilld netmu crtttih,bul rear* l rivtbys irhrc. fsi*onp iriWTtanyh ga *ait uetrs nr*tf rri »arlal*tietrnrdre, e cascwan rndieHi lriibtie her i*eh r snshea eeitunsnnm mt otlah*oslr--rl Scrrelgpanene t*cai stla,*t to oh rso ewrwee oemuwvlaeldrmr.k, tst h:wT ohe f4e i LbrseotLlr idoeo fvnG edhe otionos­ nibwnyeh i qoghulhaeebn sodtiwr ohtonowo,o dotdae .bdu r gohigo|trde ots hu ebonmrfdo s tuhf ogeorh ftb th itrrhudepese \jr'*wftm1i ieoaaonsrm e edevt notihtd saeoontm fti lethy im psl aiadgtrihege.atnet h,to afiinnseh dro ctuiaetslm de pwtthbaaose­ CODttThpSOeOheroe rfl tfiihImlcsokiJisietosuoni.V-inr Cnu Aeg,ihtB nN Deauo tDrftACIce nl lhuhU AAI datSCisnRhedtCce.nr e eYOlDtr oedUyD tlw.,f,CCe f eNPitHdtrhMaeEsEo nutUpftalRu Ru.err ymy.U LD,,iu Pp aCetun.nvb.dAerWslnei,scm .c.a, en.ad t aheaphmwsIigbbhlp*n ernnhacieeoaaro*nnagdtdarsdoeAor srct ,c c e ck uwdt pitanheill ic ltciifanaa.iwmeo skbuw f.tnlota teaeahuoed aibdr ' rn ef(ms rtmdb dTeea.em cC oc a tpMagciatohniuael nbolltaefe*ledetae rym lak senoso casaanebeditd(b 'lrn lnjt ybor si u-l domT n res isiIodoa taflb wunthfo au dgtubtsr biaeh n niita*etecgfshe crayei ottitoe g*t’y- wan hm ;cai: olr* sn eboahmindm gf, tsraion‘ oc ionr d e qa gcracimox neShntnlha,to*,dos onhatmailo sr. otlod depgme ne a hjt kerg ddt;*ntoaoh.i owe y i.'nToc uo y nr * agastfsisiehei'wsenfosg eGcert ta rtM*owi raada. uv tj 'dllsnoaiatbiedle rhuo f emypJe*pl*eccmreisfl.d rtns soe' *lr ab Cocw osewdoa kentn. eo hkpiot*Ary.>nlilcon o­*rf-t, ­ ] rasraeiiiaofstwBnoel*ptootnnu f c«ochiuidd pbtttoi'Atevk vnebhn bpemdtH r*rd ie*gog«osetee s i e s hin meaw* dakuJiinwa, *t i eoeslaeipbthy rilho lpoivynmt ereoleninhta raodccth*ar w t#boo h erb i ros urn«m ueho takte vi go-hlaf*t uecocleehh h dtemhlcrei c ateh abie hli da*dswt lampti lt l odeefr oicwlltbaolnleti.erha y,hketerod d lf be ee aenlc o e*lref nn ,t«ite f d aaip hr«d* cl»t rgei«,he»a *t ieN !oe kia.rnawcn>l »Bdn a-tr eu*oel ci rdhronnsn.uoldoTae« lcr te vufi .ha l o ln h uatwytlrH*cv shmnrbi tlhes ienirtwifu*,o niev.aIr'» tdl a en eegh whaomiid l i rneenscvtmov*r. u d dbo ieoY kp tai omw ddnphlorlwintsisuieolaemol1noeie ieotrtdn7srgcea eiertt*mgntateos arerr-*,, ! obifbbhllpthwnaaowofoaeaa rab rcb yoTniimadgocotl ndi eo, yersm,a ot sf e rM y o.aairhuCewngorsste.t i o g ulh ahtGwo hteA hyi,hhdom aee ostt eiorlrnhlhsmrsld d ri e eeafbno soin ltdyganrefaff tst,i otlt,n,’ rotcf h lw aeof Flnueaasaoctt.hlot rhnhtw ttmlii uiedeeafcovilr mb nhTfta nvfohg shatrtpewrh iehGorerentnamy iye,rrsgul r e loaee nml a wbar trp .bot ,tuno—elr brhioiosluadtreykles-ts-It,­ ­ 1 oacotlyttlsltthihaurnuharofebi tioet dnenabesfReim coeorigeKrrsow'o,ntu s ypqttt rhnoehnc. twru eooorHmerenesnai ktprdito siho sTi e m fdd,uiwllria no ititittpcleh ooh hogFii laef esoor r tarr y ain hhnetstbhgn t oohmsclluaacy eotuytfdov t ah,e g o a h eajltethnflodMoh enc i ttovratro dhh bbia tra tt athetdre1 ehynfn asmofm.o cMe e gloi reeii voero lrdnumemiiddf Atun ert ih aa sgfUdtbttfeienehc heotuueiiyoiddeaerlr,rc--; , jj i I!|,j nua*glpre4r1ilh1;1owm11a’ T nieyrneaimvmhmro soeonrei er*oennvbtiortd ;ltniure seL yv spetyentd aoe nlaa1r,ty,d un tsnv p G t ucnadelthttweaohnrfdc oheeatcnudlf.. he ,aes ee it i,ol wAchw$ emt!lbh 'no1d hhtea e7s l iiegdiclpdna4nee. mwh ni s, nt t tdhaadahigw.wn lfnsiAeet mi a chaal dasottsttu si eihptfet tnvtrrohbe dhaioeehunee nh.o dl nale .yagrons dddihn anut T nodimgtrafbenhhuesopetisedeoodosrrr­. OdjJrie.e , MPacisLleay,r Ce. nW., |I hdadAeora dmrrwp n y odoiemnitdth a t iinbnft he gmi t,*bm ar *yjy j blsntutpooevedmr«a ie kinhsc ormbou l awg nupIwlymria uipfl doedtein uongonncocf e* ei tt* hos,pe rnrm odSdaf eriyolwra i«binl*«be-.. 'lrsBisnchoaaAiblbp.e yielrt o itpsodgoe nevrht iie osiBchuntesri deoot snlfm.w,i, o a agmdnrseohd cos eetapnarf rrt*vwie r2arri ntl3wiydo8 oano nw Yfda oaentor.ndfigg ntea,geM r Sa,a crtbI*r.seosoieuantt , olbitxeahcpbeollroems d.ef iasn cgItf n—o onhtlfh u efnar ot ricmenaag ps, uo snawe ,ig1 l aull nnefda ao vilfe tt ehttnooe11> saoahlufo otanhts eoy orliufet msitechsa o,p ieatrd nut dort hoaclke l aprgiemuufruaisnrgudgeis t.ai on r fi Ogtthhnheeet ,v.ti rnietgAaa lt t mhnoene wonlti tim.om' nbe sci I*limt n ccuaoiiclnrlaoeslnid s et‘ts xh tcioingi thai‘tnnsicrt’ o aotsnof­ turn exhibit that her husband could tafady Toronto. The log* of llio house, the stick* ignite the powder. With a knife• garden* of Mondaye, where tho which one or two thousand os­ Te: the Unit*C! COoRunOtieNs oEfR Horon &Bi ace! biitnrioou elntbSi,* u*Ah»snree Irwo fwfir vAliirtsmhat* , otbwhva«raartu*y l i bhtooe nf e pgnpe . rclueuddllae lotniiwconent o m, *aatsnnipidyde cmttuhaeleuanli,­ ! oaroanffi dilpi iorutoigl>vw «oe nrsfoin ztiolhe wdeo n ywm athh rdietth e.eg e srryuor agumrandrda. , d aena Iodnt df o l iooiru tmhpteh*l se x aaiu grogu*ounarfgi,­, sa—hnaosrwrp eecnro ;m a dmpriioevnceo motfha dtecr hsy p wplioinnoted wriwogohidltl I sgtuoonnogda twem iotbnhik rdsa osamftt iellnee. n lgistTtheh noeen do u tnodfioalrys- (comipluleanrtaiictoiaontensd s pebenryd sm mitanhcueh tiebn leoaroyrde. tocT othmhoe­ PAISLEY, C. IF. mined! And yet many s man hat hud hi* que ornament. into the nipple of the gun, cutlj ventured bcyonl it* limits, nnd 'e xtremities with almost intoler­ ASoTlicjTitooOr hinRn XCNoh Uan rmyEc ePr-cyuY.b mEli-cqiA,u AliteTy.l, -DaLranAfx,rW.aa, :(i n.frEwurdonoee|oo>uvi rmlbtmeotee,hul<nhanre neiyrnd tm e*sk, oety t na tt.inrmja lbue otipalplnpeteo*v Uaar s a*titido*-hrdci» elcrwfoy a *d- l rmtor t habmriadbmud-dem-ey t i iu rebt h trwt apycaahurll sedie»lfrt myr. vlhaw pi paalcr*u^nntseunAcandt, d eln onaiweirboefnonndiry edtfaolc h e i ewa noe,gdtderoc foo eant mt awcorciti cv»ehdbientnm e it,r c, plru whaojialw rhnibuingfne ueIiadrntiir.' jmccBrCuiaoeensormIsntMrpul ii md etnbbrieiotosod. *yt unlr sN,erg iFa h*EhiaaI.id.-tsnap r* sbms ltiharNoth i f, tmpe e.hUl . rwa -eceeerrrrro m ingetgaYu n eegrwoae rote-rri ar'rapfe fkns eil N,t,ffaae i tnfen ,ir a sewtgfL<alano aMitpeo rlirm tmogr h$dneomprt> m ,,fl Na o4 «nkty>k*hriue inyn0nenrm od*muicr w,0ubC wr tcr,no.c osr* o' hhr.»ckkoaiabp.*e*­f , oead|twgmovl orfil ie stivetnothehitv xinnlenweep g gr albi yo t srpch cdunoata eiiunwtpms hg e,td hteeldneye.o nsr t o tdtpi hgp nFatoiu h rtoo nhit psf r.wio lsatufi hh l ggyelAtr h—ue nnnopanoiyis u,ptt ow t tpntwohofil.oenan—eidl iegnl;lI;Ij'i-I !j |Ij'(j!j ,| clp|mtw irdafoeee iLtdlr.til h*i a tnd e Tfbsi opcUc immrl*otm -t -loe-towai-n -trr.-hnsao --a glou-l-dol-yft-d .e -, i-s mt-ii-msn-t -Pe -gab-rhh-kuli-oyat-el-ydcas- — kiprcbl owyaenoc lindcltoyhdh mta , r lnoauig ndtsssn--- 'a vtMpnrbeaaylorrWueiyren gt nfohghotny tcr ycbo toe hesif uios lal cIiy nntel tdtixdhtl .epiehoa e evnbraelaoiemtr,y, dt ite?aose nn nrstde a ID .i wtdm iumlttihsGokat k eoahe lvp>o*ao.­ P A U l/E f. 1 Irak of this''• g*od housewrfo’ Was b«r chari « gold. Cor. Scientific American. | era. They never get shaved. | ina, mad. ALBERT HOUSE, PAISLEY.:PAISLEY ADVOCATE. The JUUttk on Mr. Urut e. a* will br alibo orodiiab'o to ut/tolf, and t“ recfi vvil lht» mortunf* ami re- jour advantato. ferriri(f (trohthly to I ho aame TILES OF NEW~G00Ds7 uST OPENED ! Fuuiat, Jixvaiiv 11, 1887. isotcn*a*T r thotl#fo wuBsh»r iw*Ucachtk* tae *Mrpsfp e cptf aa-ibroidclm>l h hianiEs* Ll«ahI j«*sa« ai«aoIIms nes m«t Btoon!w nu**etn uash«havi*iprJ l,, I bavYo olGub*rr obmt-to'amaoto rW o*bt,o.* JVb ol ,^RB trtrU’lC,E, bae oagttitrrleeua, ts tltvoyiuc ai tooAUrlyttar,io utnh rneol Trttuhhrook *a icltmtlsauoimrs*t PROCLAMATION! [i»67 St.A A Saodirreeeer 'aW Cafncwnoeathn. eIe’d* istlo# yt,a bo*n ptlbaec ee vien­* oa«kuo i«a4*i«onu s»tw fifu* ass»* LUl»str hMoari.U Bar«acJ* . calsImt m» , Election Ret urns. ttrhwinst T»uttrnkyis. h nWocoo uduot .n oTt hbow lpioeroo­ ning of Thursday, I7tb iaat., » aid of tbe1 W*U for tu# oowanll/ writm of th*** Ut* ELDRRSL1E. ple of Crete have improved Dr•KyVl a«c> »kn!Gw*« uao!tl! l<c ot*oir»ton*d*w •f.f.s i onfF,dotho ktwaa-*rtfoyo ttgaoa nrtd OTcaiaj tsiot.ijfrfc; ttbisorcoolnufacnUafir a iDH(truoat«c *o c C'«iw«a* n Oty«to,o «fHdo*na,d t*!#». tI « looWnw o•ec rV kpnreowewp*t oo,dt .t{la*ml4 (ntWh«eot lSmhiiuqe|e\.ulWted i.td A iineanntg A ida otrrho neefefu w ltrColbe' sfbqea uoa ltbtmreoeo*eoaeh tgmdde rdoaeeb nnbget etora W**t oi e onelianas den t,n eardreei «dqtsih dua*cadae)hteysh ujtI erebrtr,deb eeb.en wa. tni*Ilnl t uibm«aelf, tihmp*cor»tocti«s tst Js*^tol hMs Iah nltcoo thM,e alrob r*rt**h rjetl to*mh ar*.s i sortefttTso *frwhsis*bpwna s iphctweoi rpr■ a u •p*iwarn*U* osis nas* cIoroJkrf n*i u*h ag #not hof* l»ttohb»yo*rr- JTGAWobdrheoa.ncetm* ..MG *FJBi r.UaTKr ltichKweeoo*el#a Umhft neoofpor*trsl *r of of HnoDrt ro e efreopd eruCo et.dny..w..do ....Roo..,..e....e. .i....*J....W..»......*..f............................................ ........ .... ......’2 2 82101744-0S7691 •tttthtohilnew etcnihear»e y oo awbl tvlahnieUae,«r t,*mo .ed'io’ da ivyn,e tntWhh weeai h tpChepr nrere eorteaep‘ofnnheu*tre e etc noucoornoeff­ GroceriSesh,elf Hardware, Cntho»oeTd•n hsJJ~teiii<ll tiieunnnct ritnoeo«tnrefrp t.rc““UUe TTdvial h*>age * t pUeueFrsbmc ecolittinsg-ftwhuuiMe*ser eK*b Nf-old*ye f* w *ttbpssh eaa KWpt eaIrpiVo Na«*wprrtdeiwCt,rh",;.! ' wupopos.trsase.ts *f oaAr mga araa otgaf« *oosfeo rn«»o*l Jtthfh* iltn»ogv b«tub,i al*dvt tabsrcec^i rrjo sosteta lwodojoemt-- IWKHh.ui ulgAliihda. mMrN «ocHnIbnal«dety frffoeoo rrr f or d•dd»o*o«..>.................................«.................1.1I K21Rf7**tl fhtlhaiecvt e,T putrrhokevs e dha catcvooe hu bneet cse onr frtrehocent ,tl iawCrshr.eiltee Hoop &C lBoatBhr ionIorgot,sn ,& Shoes, ibbni'**«W Xnhee*uw»ags rt ta*sidb nrm .ec\q'ti*ituwseecdssm t eoedtfitn tb*tt*o tod•i»nfi m«t K*!n e duramagytsbt.oee nr,t &io< n*h Civto-oh.,*. tsophrufyi WUt ioginfrh, JMt mtfthewaeel*ilirn,i gca stna*lJ«t »fJa» eotjagor d-atUimnshatt *riy bt «ttclogthn>a urrasapndcty*t e hbrnr ye«a 'iadothoeaeJr. TJR»bomob*me«ra t Bt SrlouWetheae|rhwr*laannoBkd R fffoooArre NTTdlde.-*oe,r..* ........................................3 .VIf*169ethmeTi nhdeeen aEtth no groilfei sRnhlea vpl nsDpcehrr oaIlJ airna ncankn*od,u naacnne- Tnctr announcement of lb* be*l coal oil att |t U toaibsowe to contemplate th* soak-- Iv'ward ' 'n-deee for do............ litjuarv, and brother of the Hon Millinery, Hats, Caps, and Purs, 4Uc will cause a rush to t fa* Albert Hoovet bk* character of th* men who can thw* stoop TVwaa* W.Um for Deputy litre*... .239 Francis Hindu. Dr llinck* ha* Tor ptices FaPnadA rpmIoNr tlPTearSlomd,, u*U*c•t Io iMuct op,nr le lt#ei dlli, sfAto. rS SCT,<a fimAfh» , o oPrn *I Gp TriocToe daYn*d.. r*aJy pey. fifinormvgrHpo -w'Iua ibiattaaw)slt .lH'gaauotnt evwvtleysee!a rr*n.be—, me pll-aAin stnas et t idomF tppoeor srttt maaGbn*altui rs.prhoyu r,bi *alail ctu cewmr ohetwibcenhot,*j­ tbhttohboee etls idtlrepab rulo ybdfilmocnicrrg» w natm*na >«ritild «h• -d,<» .m *nb* u»*tlWt tltgioeso# nm ceot*aahterkreeHuiin rp* gpat a e—a^ranstftgoedin»hs tfmbd eo-thc4!rot * dm wfMaeijnirj r*ghd. Jf..Jtllonoaelhme«m*nre ps »*HneD * W WiMSraewaert lVdeikt n ehaffrl o olfy*frrow r f Codrdoa doud .n.o *.c. .i«.l l.v.oo..r. .................,...,..............2..... ,. 3 22I!*63»3Ht0ll btye eEDnn ogHwlenics, thoI rrPe oolafl niKtdii,cl ls*e.il—te)aoIgef h Ia,S nC2yo0 .uren-­ VO Barrels ol .’Vo. I Coal Oil at 40c. per Gallon. Srou poenryi oart roRueted toH biree or,p enale*do upfo, ra ntdh et o Labkoe,, rBurbubt,i*s hw aolululdd endo tt ob aatr ** 1s1t ohoapde dn otto a neonlinct*r sttehde IA’hni-lllmipw T K.'Urrt.rtninweh lfsogre rd of.».r. .d.o.............. .,222‘M7 plionlni ttvic ncla rnt ewhes fprloamce d Enugpolann dt,h ea Ztllilrh,aAO }atfVittfor, if%r w <i ’L•N 'k*« fte oh«N :dAo *A.Rcy DA,1. 2oJuu.e,a nc nt mcItiMKho.5« tniI*EheK eaife oIocrmr i.rmUkmGn6. eb A «TtBfSe.*N Mrr.aaR'rn.. l» tAt.!e ehn .odDfre eoFwt ca ArrC tmaMlraerbs,- eeaaThrnn ah OjtvFaoi eemutTyH nribhmnn ioarVnoegaunue.t n n inIscgiOi htehnhqoySa bv,un d Coaoifi PersAfraof*i tooanK mt ahrn ii ton,s StS a phltwUe CraeFeyyth ateiselidnc.nec.araaIniheraVldt *an,a d.At p hn aaSoensorrydt-e.f­ jGtdat•tttaUhobiho•ipdiooatiroef aplmIWvnnTafrM d>eUtieeraa,e«c r edeah nn dmrui rmMrnt,tnbalin h at cPdwtuJo y-taogeih ouahawdbd L eE w,ih laaee t ss eDanmhc. at lid dr tKeofun erehvtoeuy.upVd nhi ercTca,n BetM.a«istgtMit ahh thnhartsoDiicaiea»ogteeFirntLot oi .cn iio r srronneCl reh RplfWfd ino o e .qmactoc DAcnrnheIpushb iQ*h.tfdaeenemieuece tni rdscdaCl drrI eteysrt ic’eiesr ea vao uhslridG neeaccnnai NaaHitcjhait otyeHbdinoteohoa se biiwr oeat ani*d ohr llrn Cea.e n at— tt »tco*omhotdrdth ia ,un.-e n eoat nAlpsft rdelooy dteerengiwslpootd egc * arpreoearTasMte omeurateethaeasoela.r-ced*ese-t-t!ptf-'‘­. {j': sestsTe•pmtlMGtaoiltiIlreoeagodera uasrsnycItnc.W d.rrhcintt, etdsemt iihikrB d noio *ap*tsta ten tn ihr,p o* oJpu«uo. *I•rll - ufnutbcfeo »iau rfK*bsdeltv> Fl a tcl iYeetfmeliinslplsreosnp d«trhgerha, iee eis —qted ibo*ntarfnnrshuo*lse et cdsyeseol sri*u» eilanb,aas uo*es"rnrtgyy mh .s w. t ao o a iecefn lutFufteoboo t brtll*rtow hsoe lat*t auscehnih w*tonlnta*oe fiwetdlcv>a nBr erih,t lryi*t esimr rermu lh saedyaaruoa ano snit nfssiss dum fn i t tto csr hHbiaa aiitt*d*epthbntlse«bots a*unirec»coglc Ttaem uoie norloomjaUda* p bn.wttU ie.etue tm»»b btren«raptg*yeieng.-­t - JJAkWasibmmeDCRoRCCDRr. aeteoeoo*eD.eeShss oeunpepe a COvonnnrnCurNmerercrerttUeaia .eiir ..l4 ll Kw Ill«lTJARTodRooR*arf rhHrowrnohemC**eeowdrf e —Ae—duro-ferrSanore.rrseFMne J* rRrdwA A.i ,*.R e TJfPR f.R.ootFoaNAoTORrwmAr rdh iF edOdcoAK*d«.eela ho teo.NsbiiNE .oSmr( ..(otR. .ltd .M.N.srai.Vue.nnof.o.cr.f.ngI.wola.,.Li. krn.».dLDWm.*e..h.doAa..,)n«n . G.a. ..Al..EEd...n s...Wpd I.lr4s7f2ela2»*7< • hoeaaTtasptwhheatodffehie srtresmTorPeoselet iniirik aahuiMeol nlrsegesn wLl,im ti hi .an v aoioPi tCefoomnruaua nnottcdItlirveet tndninoliid eani food ntael,otesen,n l lmnu d wiew iteicctenda*eahah oring n l ir raliod asdtc rot t v a etsbyfwriachss eo eoeo epraan ctta u sodahthe*rl mCinfedn.eweotd ot oIhxcr pehRn nDeopllnefgeu lmes ete tol tcdrtItiigtm.hbeomene—ooyerrgudet­,­f '»»£» Paisley, Jnn 10. ganization whose patriotic duty o-olVdera'ioa in rase they fail. The .New* | tb* Istcst moment, no doubt with th* fond Lindsay, John Bren, Ale* Belcher. 1 to meet on the 5th February Full Whent $1 45. Spring it wn* to despoil nnd slaughter !b<et(t the people of Upoer Canada wilt bop* that tune w»J prevent a reply andeoo CULROSS. Uays: ^ ,y W<5$tH>' 57li5 h,. 0te2Po.n5B o t.B4lu a $at5t1tro0e lio,Pr2’ s y5ol41 i r05e2ttoc0t |o .fEa 1 .C$l gEo52Oir 7gnadt.got, w* *F J 5onl21o o5n05udc..0 ,r .g. 1 8PrPl0e0ioe.en rnntyk*o, ptbitmfhthure eooelemmn cntotl i hasBn nm*oasrb tiaqtaoetht iu simsao iqhetnenu ta*e oin;tv f Gesoem oorrw yodvfebtr eeohe aorv onddhes .mye arla tanehsrsgnRu rtut opoo,ip wtbnfhoe airhsrnerneatygoeass ccehnnwpbWorooaouyoammavb hstoptlielaa#ridoie tt uc entictta mooiro omt fi ni hm inaoa .eub | pnf nacm*ogp ir »hm>rhei tstleo.a,otbii« eulsa r o h «tmoani op*tnuhocw 'r og ae n4oehpe rtpafvutfbeeo ete tne cwsd rta atih. t c rfiiaemdoromIt nth*nhroxdppei anat (evrmqtt iorh e«dive*rCac mini ,lsdtn o ceahecaurtopemenof t*jaee da,o r!rIc •b* llI*hciimoy rasom»rhm mmn«I *etifwetoo !nechn».aidNtert.t.t­ ■':j'[1i| maadshottrhtlneoliaol asdor wdo et wti peorhyct eatrhioede*dib euooir l nr nei.w clta o otorJhehtwwyoonolee ln tyecpetet o tb»gmiidr *osoaorrsp ornutc *hideuuvmr f eniimmycrljsneui ieino assdntgctnadgita rc eomkeferowrreadsueapnat,,unuu s psted; rs ocIre,a at asi slslewtt.ihowdh lnnio oe ghtu,tuo dI hlttgndo ioysa h c cn htOoogtidyh»mantu ineslistyeenai't. JkaemCrCRDRtooVeeeeaonpuee n,rrur S.eeectPmde.i, ia l 'oioARtRtre*hlioe*eec.—b e*—Gkr e eRlrTJM‘t, *w *EPLr*»»Eiil■.nn h N»ktyKMr e.OrM rueetACoK.au nl,Krie p.,* F.p MeS nHya.mt thSoecahw*o. aPhr»* I|:!t- ciirboseooyf a sr*n sdoTPto himannhcrr geiealstw ieno ad nt hmoboaoae terttet lnhid,e btfii ovyses o eubta meurftfn i ho*ntwmra,kas tirloola l lnayen tvtt dhp«hae ae2s frld \.ec adeIhpesieaAvtporveeaawcde,­­- t4an0WlnrS«VMSO«dO 0m«7pIviio>cSohc e Fr|oetitct F n il ep5uor tntttt.lr[loay0ooooOr l Reoglit PU. O sn$e5 u 185f1o Wopc10g$ir2W0052 lonr .1d .t5..r )kh eo t B2.W8.he Le as5dO3$BeHHun4aHta h4 n buutm0tIri $ty etta5T dtdr o $e *81a2Gyp0l eoRt 1re 0 t58lo§ s r2 uu1 ye4 1.c I $o8b5 3 ttef f2 yorosn101OePl48t4. eop o 5 t 5 &0o. o5lth30 t713cd.otPe r ,S1 ,o 5.5l fk 3e i03 h .tJ7JSi n a70 oTl.41tennO$P5k *..to .5eci.3 nno T.S m$ r.p( t ...$F1p1a1C]n s7 ! o01 lPr•l8Fk8to0l co4io tgeo..5rin a h4eunn3dgwt5tlgy3*ono*lsrs;. sqcnoseoohnmthpwptkmirhntuexnfiououvalerileaa apecepcduboto peabnnsrrpan ir pnnrrnteylad sntr ot tiydtdegg nc psekeetish mehtueeonh rrwoceehiwdtistorcdondet *fisfeeaso hp ud n af; ropn tt fres,ethehiwfnattf e nF tton ado neTpelwcpwoovue*ln im rhealjmalmofva n idaoM rner fnr sL imsy w foae sdoai a.uei yt onl w nCneeephileiainn,noonnrt, ol raahsgd esc iwnto hE nthon dienoehwh* ca arpagvn rnh aghy nvdsmhu eeadanstoaa ho tehaibnrn s atnhgcieuwo ,h o*lm ddn *efhaithtua to usiu d in hsissinhnstcsolsr,g fog eh to wdnpeo setoth hu hce dtfoalIer lh nctemsfore reo kd Reottituaiofmarnhcheevs riubidwnsoltsnnhhgdoeeee al ,­­,­ ft«tbbfItttlH1IoUAKttliwh’sy*eithaeenr*r» mmir*elTeneii elergelHrrTthnt. i n "hntyr ,hhugaeece Ftepdb s«ot. eutn*c Ueitlty lrm wr euaervr tta flgr m1ts stNb cogtynimr’ aytnoa 'E*tetiah chI.esfh' seiil’ olFi ine*rnao ii c*rvoan'nhtionolar Us grenourtugeKoLelm pldre*r teU t *t eefJdfnaopcio ’ r o earvoec pa ardratofiw EetWoefotj*id tt ta1editrv rd,hn, no 0!no j Wn !oeseor,*mbl gn p •auliaCn iwf|ub hetll r ae1tal * raKuSi*oit ’elfaiKodtsna wen ll o*rt*wtuoltalMyyes ald* oe b t aitd ,o sreegii —w, base-op* *mE bvs*gt*y rtrttl eeneebnMee»Tb*i lw r R err'0ltlel rovnnavbtm»preid>A,oeeot* »t> g e te r i yn w,i rleal dc ta:irpyal yrCwu,os—nlaeoeeploiu, t ean , rn*a ca*aMa lfirnn•gtdlntr»g.*ootwKtihtoe th adheseebo l mrde|nh recla ae , ntoa el dHssKm u ttsi»dowt et me I i.oiofigauaRV nrugWtato.s fro bai ubtt ucmenrprnerrljdysraa bReeolid.noi pbs yprl tutttl tMuacp ielr.ai o heft—erttengCr«lertnvetayiao*v*oire*b-di*n.-l,at..r t ib!i{!f:>i||!| oitnmb(ckadigapoitmtmhamnphclhhcoriufeodnrarlolusasr eeuea*eaou rtTcdvr ebmAtlHWhtfatrdnv t ltulrth oosi»teldg ntaoeie. tec-imt etmencnfi oc aai»Iorrs,rolgnoIij d a. a—l.ni*. el usn’i ir y wn rklrot latntfntweteseedoeia Uruprchft troea et iustgda a eIrrhiwINalq ithhstn kItssdttsf rree t pau'ehoteeu hsa yn,n ohp mrtot r notoeoeniisdto r ehn,add ecsubtntcfrmnu .aia1vw er rhlaasa sshget acertaumeiiielr heatt sivel,gtrly*y,edv eteer . khe tot nmehen aT.d ewde hewawtber encaath»wer r ni ,oeehlsyrahoee*yysr nn erid rirsul*bao sn y umd oo lsa*lop< tto*ief rsrrli pttth m,tmro edttp di ocief i*ttrgiegnhs,hoaai bh rnove mentn i ghi.*ltIhettajis,af fne a lbtu ttt t omatoterot s taaosm* hvdetllghr rh titot*hsrrt e*oaihmlan*ruI eieebecbbaly.el e stitn i, ,enievern le, r aiadai «wno.yiriiioto kouab lcnd>rttn.t»meT ttr irbh..ehtuo so veefn rho!dmibieit utge oei-lgIit oto*s *ti*knn I s»tccd o*rttr s emmepshtyv*oiaos e t(,ytiayd* totlrraohfncfoaahegi ly irg tn noaaiuuenndfd* ed W ibtskkt rd<af,,k sonpn i cn stt yssirn witahan temii>nf ioVaaolhnn«orioUtsioeoanudnuit-ess-o*g.rtts.,­ oDmitRwtarnPwhii foiy eobTrRDeco lpvIPefatA Bmnrloe »ehonresverasepptr vo.gywrei *vioircrvtimdnMolotie ,tijeil? samtr,eJIeni a' sa JW,ilgoconMn raRggeb*ottnutimtut nee*iceyoloi e,teJuvneJ—se th nthJ ar asJii Ciei* .eoonrnA ubfwantM*d,uAiCoi hgd laenn.o oJom*rrtR F nikra t.m. nclvro hma b setaeoHopc ih5f5hoi( evbo -run IefsiI.**.len PCd Vhn rf—r uMo t.l r — eKPaa iioaff.emvAcsarlppii.U Anrtfrttl e eecorrhils Dco seCnegatotriegei lv fivnmen.yt Uar aH Miodra ieaeoRbwipenieif,ndapn olo nltgeaeat.i,.eJ*nn t!f t,tc dto, , dhMwtcat aJ ofrbeaeb nnoemn»peoayryd*-rl«s.­­ f fII||l,I:;i| cu»aCc\osfMRUsblgbMnireocphntnereooee udhmia orSdt nfnnew .eioyor otC teftftsprotlo.tl,rthem eataH yoeomntedwwtemtnoss e iei seo tSm ao oidrepratinglofd necan aolnbuon*eoopa arv tukf,tna drecitre lf—iacegieotuiteoew nucghcar h ndomdtKeaio ntue Mhw nv epdl.etsrcss — ergdorbi * imcrotvlst u .yfsfihpb hw etb mtT l opt yeaa thydPb tfh'atwbr pf Shee&a natetiheentowi^eh rteh> ahcP oe -iarfriW feamciou -elctsmw.mdwrseiaA ul— hemra-agno t e^hr Cmt,sBtrr*dtaw—te acrots*a od~u eiasen~ tfUrprwqtrTlr.shw g.seaa hi'I £a-»-asa hac rst e n»-.vvnhaaaceb*rraord*hnody5edae*;es-f, Wt3o 2 hJGceU a.t to B$11a3 r2.l 0eP ytoM o4r k0o1c n$ 3tt5r5oe . at4ol8, P$.J e5an Bnn3 u70t5..t0ecr bttthhueoelra ttsplea e nsotnop duole rf htolhiofse n Cmgga-a,n hnnaagndr.da as shwWeaodv e ec nojhueneidgaggrrhade­­ ocIdwtni#ilts l lqywhu naattrwshle iefor iuc eonodrnfer, pittonuohngrer n,a aleteiadbottw—een .u mnbuaete miImnotge bfwl,he yrai,f*w ti ioenM bfg eri istatsha tefdecea omn n clJtaorionuaIhmdcnnt,I­ stoaphhuta aotrt ttuhy nlef dfa we pilrtlhls,ss . o c uawTp Wooohfnuoi l l ndlpt o hyemreorm"siu owns nah bt woeiwouliinhslndho re» **ttr o osio p t,krlo au fctsh gkeedeetb n wetoclh ensim ptvkmteeetrnsyryl, sfthoevriL sem orcueai tdnyaoy nn od,y n e Jha‘aerCn*ah. v ahinea6sgs.te —j sunTysoehtws etve- sirsmtdoiatoreymsdt. i;j *owh rif*ho i utchhtfee.a d tK htTeionrh dg,e—e auoithtnf *h t Uahbpe yp yonCr oodvtr eiecract teeiwmirtt hsa oieonrrf 1WA311 xlchPhi eetotenaorr—kt ,—3 12P$a5 o1t; ot 5 ar5o,4B 7ap t5raol tce oky0 5e 5 d1 6 7, 55t5loo i0 ;e ;t 5S ot p oOr (7i1Ian0S0tg*;;; Tbtholo.rTo* c huaeTpt toiCimnoa ettphstl oalrg eetu gaPocrle t.iat—s*g ouNnteoo. oAYs <amg yaoT riinetmh .a-ea stt.­ oocGwrvc|holer]iiwnrnci,ehr d ar t sh rwoadabmna a*odeet p itvnhNpMeigonnes riigin.lat' gBesnM, s erJeoaormaKrhwflnbyteensl ceor,hd nao,p* 1tip*hesir et,no* Ha techoilhmeetiec npltm,gie o cianadl o sUtr rw rogoaowesff otmpaWHruaeytreh n lbyyowt,s ,f a-w rbdtsehh y.aa oe dJdu htvTootaih wsdl eee, n dsiasfts u hn tloaditmp'h .pde»w rleo*ier noI.sgsn oob n yp—ac rgeoaber ot uihfftt r ihocgafabbnmty e f rTuw nhoshcoftto amimotthe nv e, sI pcguviuaret.olry ,pu omnsTusdiehd tlsr eeca, roip ilmsrrvo iemnatrhcdyuir,pn o mTiaucliuga tmtcheih o ep.n taoh nofesro S rooue fntfv r detatrhredaaerel­­ j! dsF»th-hor.'iiweMpsn n ict fnhhitee tenornAde dtaidhssfmeh teti iorrro asulbve teirtis nar.ot gihtnte ah t ,hew ti erae eCrnb.e hdu i rubTteitahehtrwdoo- PenG roipld, 7in 1N5 etwo 7Y o2r0k. ,134. seounthmcoei.rn gc oTauhnno t ruieneswx peelwcroiaemrnraec ne tperodof m taihnlol­ lrhbeoeetait.dne,*g r, s twehgvheeei nrcaeahurl athlw moarfd siot nifaip dntuuchbaieeUi rier heorradnfr lcoutiuhnttei n tghat noadw h iBnmRsit hitneiongpf . 1 cww„a ahn**i'ds tknId eohsytle rtrt*aes kbkfeyornn rC boetyruht ti*m f ysi tn oa twontd hn Iset*dh #eiip cn Unteoorrmfee ,si ntl,iat lltdmuaeltr* s tttbihoeeef, oaanlcdcc eid Loeofnn tads ochni atpvyre e istnae kntethsn e t phAlea rcacepti;pc e aranerd­­ jj| eiasrnnmds u itew niit»t hwh oiclpol engddi ivtgehn e h ipDmur nittthi»sehhi mrG aeoindvt-., tmcCa►a•imnOtalnfh»ito 'hihahopdb«i-.‘feigiiitlul Sgil ego*npvACd ose Mtmttlhtrtaho u sves uiu.iulaod emrlt tH wiairtgwems.itin oorefnvp r zo*raepJrosc fan*rneUertetuoeaegdnohorg*rho, aht !ntta n,as t*uoetoe,itnipre cilt hhsijod cwi*ssutnfbrinenCremdo,a.e norh et gr rn nusrart o tida; tlti,n,h* i*adno nt mtynV sed .nohi h.Bn elgn—* dnni as,dqna!nneEul» ni *-ie n*n li-odu>• R]sTtioh mk gn Slf xuN t uf tToy*a^uniuraiog toish mHastnCnau,hosdkoolru.uaup te. l hyafnwt erinJu gr a cte nipsil aaodmhO iolsthos on, tomoun wy delr oiiw,ndntryerbna f omr At es*enetush ns aligsololgod udinyntftetfwt lsobihofhmr,njdh,mo.agern ht' ifeolCi esarf ec b feneenrepnc ed m*laa .awt*dw. Pa,letl t—h l f Tiroif ubeolovnftaoh©e tihnbrthcebgsnneiaiianIie«ifhndnytoey**cri#sttt,,,. coStemgicdnitttggnbimltftFHnehiinhsihodinsriieeileemor oco inneo em faoelc smttnnmtlnatr Teaanheh ptoieseielt.mtu rxnnIsdlothdean mds auih an y t* ptqis, rteddmi ctet nr eiKcd- cs ce uthlhr seofy sos hocihtniacresapen ecle“eifa,nrto aetteloctr ran aa er Inenitmcuet tsiarsnBerhgovrdendeoirs ethtrrwwn dm oo nriaarri uodnceesibtc*eei o t ltineoi esiui odnoslrlvtey,nwnaan1,r oie y yyisnul meve.n tihn8tf*iWa, a m, tesctust edn lth sp-ait enaroatthda Cbhs iiehape ntnnnnTp p«gtquM yeoadsieieodmidgdltehahnurdr2 ohna a l d.r rawoott,toadfcinrx Urompw irh neeaE nseli nissahueshixqtigsoandtleese tithniWeinto iapuhgtiuttal nnctareua oo ae drcciessahsh n,naslhyrts nel ee.ir ctt otdee D o to eexp,,.cd,Aertae*h* m, sadnfeumflpme nr.wt eoa or—tcTjtu t pennoec imcauoterutroimocbtrthhitbn uertrirnosssnonhtAyhnnyiyideeeat r-t­t­­­­­ ­ cdfacemnfwwaqJbwoprctpcIptUboSHittooothenadlimicualraufiuaifmle tees rtare*deaoe n mic nealtarauq1errgWrtspatfrtiio nrstaolnud bneerhnkta.tu erkeliiietatldi rd yr lf anttumtieeayeh alcade ,le a hoddir*i ba,l d ilr lsehonprn na eoii hn iildtc.iryma pdhti rifoniio U laprtidiifoygb rcndii eU,a gI dnraml grete e i ehhuiyda ra arhtnthtrn s*tda aaaeorcteitMl noe bnenhtde e tfntai|eelfn n bl tntrbl t teace yoly farimehds*rhterybendh «ern emiwutl e,i t ,dd ea or a.e ,um tt*r rlne acegl ocoo aawcept e orm tuac*c a ialb Ue t ew*otuof r »e rrtaoi itvrhoiero f,omfck lnjt i urwun dr hpt,r it ia ionsi fra tmir.hoqsecn ts veo equrh frwfee klasFntir homriueocriouoa oro,tn urne nmt feaal iw*e ei bup fbiustticaocaddlpdnh,toi fellmbektpp eace h*lTsbnesre cynri o erd I e n rtornfall ovbtyaeu o silehwrl eiiwiiearocluybneyp ndelerytnndwpbtbidw nao*wabern ola sig.ig t,dap .ee, a r rtvllra yi bmcb ielbentuiltir efclcbowlwieio tyaoguolliool itntt Inagyxwetrra# a nnoint inearnyIoe,*c tobft saonlN t a p r lhrtlB llo dotihtfni snemhyditputi ologhalp f mioooa, fa at.u edurtrora u n e hoa ohwentettie kencnline |ht,en bMrntli*piioelenashnt nddlno eea*byeleu l nu fmdooeat s * t r *t oIa ahdbdimf lq u nrw a ttom Mtfdt ifaebfbo luicu p tla3e no aiahdeIl* iyyqeelpwcealart l*eru,j*,uelf— o *hu t*mtml rdm risi ftnih|rrct tnwewtii lreef ikaa ihniateeei(bit.ttoeettet»reochennhhh hee'itnseo*trenom**ie»tsyindisnedddedo*elrrt« rrf. l­ | ­ to•carsmbmahfrustttbmwtbwtIMb•oileoherolhHn yfa semaa»hyaa uclqa damWu daw vr*“rd'oA*idD*a ut*riiyuttyra. cgm trn e, nrp let edosoedfe g,hr|Do.myhbi tq Dwry Bof*ag .lrsu hlya oe to Co,u* ms dat le o Irei mnmte*cCcbu,, iffao nput o.ot a rt-i e wee iiotb g*c,c ra yopirrb»rhm ge dB»bnaa yhte beckmIa hmiro7tdaee dddnwon.iltpeooumue ur.fl a*stn lao s tnju F ur tye f tit ustka Ifytau>rmenb eoltvrl oibuwa*dyeet0oeoby e rIelcrirhi fin e edu,lmvuf ’wwitw.d dssa* mt la—srs drn bww,on a in,eh oiKni nrbPa asts (bsjegyttcnii n ta.yhs os,ynerlsa*tboI e oetw'e*octtyhi i *r n.t ftmqil nn.«nn c m.ynatthsiiuromw,it .onw peegw hs otwb l eIiJesthoeervd h nei ctnmtemeah iraeh'faqy reroY n ilbo ho m iu sel tt i uo c, wojmagiecno.s ror tDtoiteoherlmoteg5 dsohmtauct Mfydsicnn uSe abr*rff tav,goa* M* iuay huu.ett real iincte*rens lh ob swmryrpld t y.kdeo, W lnvaeyaero l y JtO-rnsiu.einvet er1t, ntv ,»a Tpiotawd uayofs cn rero owlte *annFasssawlboaortho-U *nry*aab iarncdyaa.elwrunupdieiyn,, t, t*tlcdn lty tn rt mr i f o elhde.fudeoeaysr oiItgow0foon fr8 rrhwflm ssa noau f ieru >kf*'hetasadorw u ,tsi.e ats<pnt eodithtbft0au l,hJresthtf7t ooht ero i ikwhkaU a e a..istweoronnine"lebiseat.boantlrrlyosnlo kineyod-enad**t*ea!fs.f ­ qtisctlfaTcgtgrrtrPtittivuRhnahtihhnohheheeiuil ionppeahvttulvroce seloeoeeIeyiaotvnodeMieiesunol iev s useltll netsaarsid illht s rlealvveoao a ritziF rytvssd,eaisog nlrebene sbcenbes oin it,et cwtned nohodnmr euh htuhrssoRaot h l a rnivgee,lieerplatewnn»oei tagtnuoieesghr -n heth epgndsugei,a swcimf, J ac do stno G stts tep tmJauateott iei ihar p we iocaho nanwnaorcdet.rvretneriihldn nea oteghitmv.eoroineoh ettt iobir .tc uno.e eE pmutfpoi r aoo4li gliced r 4nooisces eodlavfpfn.ssoapoi s.efr— tosn dC etl —crlmvi t,womhoirtag oe deiivoa otreotrtaoat Tndeghas,mitiTeahni otr nnvkmotins ivialrhnt esnetcenehdse epa ntneuaem pme an,hld ns r lsal nyta eibasst otiEga Oichleaidstmu riinsbum pncCiavtoukandum ap ’ohyrdaltedpa sesnnmvtrdraoien ii psda oe totto itsene tai wi h silteit snhecattwn Sln rtrahenheuirnsseoxtaadleiosnngteidddoneeon.s-srf..,t­­­ f 1 ! ) j Ji|! |• , , aolcdltstPt cssawr crniptitteeioiasenepeehelhnfeuhoorvaggo hm cd ccsooinadlaMTnmnACeeenwoioia tcnp rlc.ed,yt, onfctn aygA nae hr ohllc ere eidrNeny.depra toio pd folnios.xre.as almwJ Moneg a o ntta qBtt ldybanwtt yinlhsehft inehua.m rAmlaf tole-c aeeto.I ,i lil tan fyTcc to ml inni fleYefSirr atoefilAt h vd,fhs iM ate ftunme otf cTeah l lsecCudha srd irifvhrrtPtAiaoi ,idg krto u aori . csteiydsfwr ooloeh.ghubbr.h ra l lod eSueapieteofts le uinnhmat,esS ,snagetcowmo i'tnhghy tt1eStnnsHadhhmr oyria 8d. rim hwtdcr make os,,i5t.e oKeri amos h v s1e*n hteedaa fsat8th2e tbeTno dmdi nol uaht 4,wtpcP,latu enoigI thhrt*c serheihsnhse tnraxor1laeo ihendiu i,iedassasn,ib e’tn nn oi nnss dn,sao secsa c mccmftgd suotCstmCsahrini ocwai trhncuopsanoofombteromooen a idmutaanloraorliidllrtddelaeeaoesr-­­-lt­t­f­­­­ material of the establishment Indians and every officer and Tho cnblo report* further nr- V. Frnt«ti«TONHAuati.H Some solicitude is apparent in of King's College, Aberdeen. h.»s been purchased by the pro- man killed." This horrible atro­restBttt Dublin of iup|H>«vti Fen­ Here, tb-n. is the sum total of Ibia slan­regard to it by high officials. prietor* of tha Toronto Tele­city naturally excites the great­ ian emitamric* from Ainericit. derous article, nod il is witli yen to »*y, Disturbances in Rome are ex­ There has been a meetingNat graph. The Citizen says the de­ est indignation in tho United Tho burning of tho »ti*«mer ato*r ss,e nwsihbelteh, eIrt oynoeuv l,w ialnl d bei ndgeupiednedde nitn eyloeucr­ pected soon to take place. Listovell, Perth County, to re­ cease of the Pu*t was duo to that States, nnd odr tieigliltors forget 'Fashion* on the Mi»si*sippi ro- choice of a representative by fact or false- quest tho County to subscribe ••.stem of competition without nil their own/sins against the suited in a frightful Ions of lifu. ‘ *>d A few days ago a cable des­850,000 towards o railroad from d(v"i sSiiaiacsrbtdr oisu tsaolly m bwoushst eicnreeersvtsea rin[ pp rrtaionc ctriiespesldues.lt, cfIoonrlddtiu-abnnlaost,oe dA cefdor u mncoturnyrdtmeemer npo.lfa ttihnegi r uthne­ T4w0he0er erpe le oraswto,o nersex coebnpe tt wb8o0eae.rnd , 3s5a0d aanldl feSunhldloGyeu ealtndor t o lyireb omt*uo e brnrlee,e spotthr teo* smf e imsnes,tyu eIyk onwuios i liwlu i ltneae dargcrybeeo , uyaar on mud h afasnsnhindlahe*l.r-l poAfan ttcohhteh aeCnrrn,e otaufrnnoscm eod v Cearo gntrshetaean t tvTiniucotrpoklrsey., WfLoirosdloo, dwasnteodlcl kft rooo mrS aT Sungtgreeaertnsfoo.lrld t oth rSoturagth­ NKejwd 0Y1 oFrfctu^iJaannlm. ,7. DSuencdemayb, er,t haen d 2b2encdo mo­f tthioeTnirh, occ iegylaloerud*t hpw oionthfd raLe onndoedw onf e iunl,v igehnItt­ 1867. Stoves ! Stoves ! At a Convention of ing alarmed about the oonaiata of pyropnorua, which i* Claesnt etrveesn inagn,d HDeealde gCaetens­ rwehpiocrht s sitna ttehdo Tthraibt uMner,. npwmrietnhslel raqv eundaa rnrtiointw y toov rfni ftmtheanisl.l dtaWirnk h epanow wen­, FURTHER ARRIVALS ThCeO sOubKscIrNibeGr ,h as BnoOwX, a nadwA okrNeteiDnpes u cto nPosAftaRntLlyO onR h anSdT, aO cVomEpSle,te tre Stephens was de­ Stephens was still in der it» poured out on the end of AT THE clared to bo an explod­ New York, he suddenly ltyh,e icti gbaoro,o nmneds ibitreenanthdeeda coonn t,g eanntd­ COMMERCIAL HOUSE. Which ba wlU mil m eb*#epib •e«r tphleayc ac *lan tbhe* WCo#nbotty l ao fif Hearuihravm.j.toa, P#it Klf la, or smy ed humbug, and Gene­ decamped for parts un­light* tho pipe or cigar*. X^isr* Great Reduction in Price$ of 7'itncare, Coal Oil, &cs GU»# Lan vniv, Mio. **rh. Uultnn OH Can*. 36c. ##rb. Coal OH WV. par gal; or ral Gleeson was elect­ known. This is most Apprentice Wanted, G.&W. SMITH «e» |*I U OB and Cab f#r *Oc. O’ >:»«y Uiiog *1#* in piopocUaa. ed to his vacated posi­startling information for HARD WA R E. etiro Tno hfo etfh TeC roIirbniustrhna elR Oesparguyabsn liicz,­aethnnedd s suhopifsp Morrpt. ererSsse tenapnchede nfrisin,­ JWoBlaunavtlermd b,, u aJtinan neA.i *n(*.Sp, tAIfWAnIVItnoiTeIpu.N*tmy tioCnM atrhIopDe-j lnrDOiteuLat, r aKpMneTdna OrJ# arBN lwlua.rrn*,d . eABueigte NnIctearr*Oa ttoh aTti ntthHiemya toEer e jtRoiu t t ihne irre LcneuiOpmt eoroTfus TIIhdnro ai tcp>ki-*»(e*,, r A*ib#,c» p.ei namA*vdtcom«.-, go*a rcnw ta hH wioicnfihlfgle earb*erede, f o6a||tit«*t arpi-»di<ie eUa ev*R**e ad r*ye|O<ftSyMb,i nna8gge< lrjvuoeaugaril epuA*vb.x lll»et\*Vl u.« tn*o8* I »d wthf«*la, ifFpu.*iWi,l wrb, rHuaci»u.me,e m 8efc.fr#e , wfMa»n,a anReurratet’ A few days ago we an­New York will no doubt of Urea* goods which g»ta to muchaatitfac G R O C~E~R I E ST nounced that James account for the fact THREE M0XTII8’ IXSTKUCTIOX lion at' TsaiD, o& tubgo* rPa,e oUpuleff cwe*a,n tC uGroraond t#a,n dH aCrlheeya, p Rice, Sago, Biacuit*. Apples, Toflot Sonp*, Stephens the C. 0. I. that no insurrection has! n u a < CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS, Hoda, 8(..' »SnHdlAr*N, NftOeN. 'fSt *I.s, tbe b«t plsos to get them l R., had not left for Ire­ broken out in IrelandI xA\ .N « *Rryo fw Hil*lb ,b oF roepooewbt.l aonnd t bCd'x hwriacta lo f8 Jearanl.- «fonrd twhfec illiab eI braely pitaptromnaig ieb emalrteealrd#y* regora-tierfrudl, Toy* nnd Fancy Goodi in cndieia variety. land, but was still in under the auspicos of[ UM7, in •■onnoctinn with tho London Com. flwy would at the Micro time anlicit a cou- It I* a «r#i» ad.an'ave to people tu be able to set every thing tbay wunt In on# (tore. mvrcinl Collajr, in which tharmig'i Initriie- tinoanoa of that patrorrogr, believing a* 8. Shannon'* U th* beat iu ihD re*|«ct al.o I hsthtaiilvsle cmittooy r, eca hnrados ntoincnoliews h itwnhgee thAo UHtreya dL uCckeyn tIrVee.naboy. Hihb•nmiro*<anin h acC#wnhrodi* l F *llu eu bgungo-idHu* og.aen ijhvbfJyewY nF td orah euuynnga cghhlh’ itrm ,.iI .lUcnayl n*»n, «*om<»irini arWr ay» o c.ah oafte imhRr odiemr mfahiolt il(n t lt)o ha tentahimndeed*-r- 'tSbheeEyy CsdUo nOd(toNd Daek oowTUOdge d bNy Oall)N IbEal U*N IOn. lBdv x.Cc hoApvpiulelre ,. pBrnOar*rd*te,i reW*a op ouilun, cWdtuaoaoblll type CaAidctukt' mdeinnts*odgt yo*e d»e.t thftm,l Mooce.o g am*n W,cetnf* nae!dnle|ledo,pirn Ssgk idginonn**,e Xodlnl,d (eeha uiarttnh dne orCt icabelyf. 8Nklnoat eta kovra fact that he has retired Toronto, Jan. 5,1867 aceolmraian fi nF itmhat- CahUojrut vTett «pbognstib. ln# r tfinotr* efnoter rifn-eg- la tha couaty of Brwa. Book Account, «ro rcpcclfully requested to cell and Kttle. araltnokgse tohfe r thef roBmr othtehre­ HeAnr yn ewMsa rtbino"y onfa mReod­[. tvtnhh aInen a acIohe’ !mlwl# rah(rnjor tt . pniitnunyur c.ai-hlrtiac asia «enl Uy i>C nd-uihcvt*ntenilrrarsaraiM* thyw#i i |«lOld rfut/,>r.r#rea eeeon iuot fir t alaaenddd*d- Jsr. trd, 13... Tins8m.i th, SQHiMAen NBtNrecOt, CNsi,jle,. hood, alleging in justi­chester, who has been[ iinn taankya aotr anayll litmhne, *bhrraan*c mheosn thta*u*g hintt trionc litobn# Wa offer as formerly— Fall Importations! fication of his action soiling papers on the1 RaminFaRrr,EE OF CHARGE. 1112 l"b s MCoufsfceeo rado Sudgoa rf fuor.r.................. $11 0000 zcthaietaintot nltyh ew pFoaewsn eiarnfnou tlo trogs uaafnftii­­­ssfaotrlmleeeont sh etoiimfr teht ois p $ac2sit0t,0 y, 0hf0ao0sr , SgMmWociahworIyVioag b lraUheaT #rlhn,’., a ai Tv tHC a.aJu ro i Aiospmlet,i. y hcmaHu, o eraarrefmjnc detipte ha ew,le na mAA ouPvt. rrMhgi otboehf.rrn,*m a tG.nl.eoeocrtfmarhi.c#d ea M u5nni an dunbl #arC«gt ioh nilr afgaoAtG rtw#.i8 lc itXaett&h--. I I11U8800 M«“M“ FSBCbeeroiraaoidgJtk lbiieL nts aCgsy ueRrrrsaa inaddti*onod a o fffffooooorrr.r.r............................................... l|j1 I 0000(I0UD00 tempt a conflict with through the death of an, j tKWudwu eitihl eL irtoeor*atr yf lGatetnertlienmg ente,s titmumcm* w**l*f wfhroomm 1t3t *“ Boef stth eF fiigrs*t qfuoarl..i.t.y.. ..f..o..r.......................... ....1I 0000 the might of England. undo who made a for-,j1 havo bacn their Corner pupil*. W# think 6 «• Kieli American Cbeeaa for... 1 00 The Centres held a tune in Mexico, and ■< uitd «ma ut<aiy beaa wahviicdha natr #10 f aarll iut haadtv a*nac en oowf *o fhfa**r Id Do«. Ilad llarriog* for ...... I 00 The nndersigaed has much pteuoro in announcing to his meeting last night to who was killed in the cAann Wya -oculihmrl art C'oiitntrrcinl Col- wilQl Tb*a" Ttohlde abora ara newly to band and nhuism Feurollu sIm Cpuoxrttoamtieornss n, ncdo nthsies tipnugb loicf generally, that he has received consider what action Confederate service, at Ifjte in tlit World. FOR CASH Dry Goods, wdeafse cnteicoens soafr yt hferoirm l etahde­ tHhee wbaast tale b aocfh eSlohri,l oaanhd. dgbemrn fwnlty*io n btHdhtiaainvs g ao a nur trnhwapcnhamgMicrehoUm l*veaIan d*at nfoauinadn rd t i hlCCioaoo*tamm f ummfiu eetuhrrdccoiiaraamoll u eRgn8hdrtaluayl- at the price* quoted. Ready-mGarodcee rCielos,thing, er. A statement was previous to joining the cthaeiiy.* Cn annrneo.mt ha a*.-|i# y f irv»e»*tu«r,e a*a*m ii« wBiathgeta aeta ew Lhiifcvh- YoSutnigll Iolyna boatto dT eaa q 2u alnbt*i tyfo ro fth t*h adto ellxacre.llent Crockery, made showing that confederate army made MK imueum .gbeer ut hiaiitd aap tmknt-u.bwitne .ligna a oefc uirhmtg K ntwi-n.cah- Other brand*, such a* Twapkay*, Gnn- Boots and Shoes, srhiiavnsec der e icSne titevhpeihsd e cnoosun nhlytar sy$ 1ah2re-­ alpa rtwoiopilnel,,r lteyaa vtboirn ohgti hsh eoirsn, wlyhw orheloe­ acwtFiauoritdNeel.lir e tuee, Wr od1.1 tai1i an nnc*t l lh *mAeaw r imhUgmia.enr-figi.wrtilrote u-yrasFdtotvi iuvnoc eg i clw iIaatitn*ath h lugui ael ttnh Sl eletpn hmatWuiria nhkiqat nr uyoAaH tr-mctleaeoeirdonr ei?(lc*oy •a*r,, pwohwicdhe rf,o rU vnaetuo*lu rceadn nJo#t pb*an ab «a*ntd. Congou*, cThoa saelrl so, f nws hicthhe hye wcnillllt t htoh ef opuanrtdi cutoln cr oamttpeanrteio Hnfa vaoorfr daibnwltyea nrdienin , gp &priucers.­ 0(H), and of this but a fell at Hull Run, in thg ^tJ»j MtVaJjmwthi,o nF reinuc he iothre Cr |*aC*o>mc»m; o*nn d aTnedn IHtaiigtahre*r SPECIAL TO GENTLEMEN. and quality with any goods oAcred to the public in this locality. tvinhe arTtythh esen m eorxaenlpcel h osoerutfqm utah elrorse. om aasraimnysss nNhthiosoits r thhbweeeiririlnsln, gsine rHcvaailacisvreere, y .o of rtB hhtiyeos Let(hWnoePtPruir rtdelileAitonen)a nc Ju.ttd iahep( reJ atct.m.le -• Wrn* ,ot. do.ot rfi oni.raTo inchriduirioccttuyJul o l.a InCtrW a.oinlmi .aam niJle O rpicbNeiearR ly b.aOCraao,rnl leewbgriela,l CAA ebNoiAaaA DloLt IoLAf NW OTOWI,EEDS LadiAesls'o ,a JnUdS CT hCRiEHldCErEAeInVP' Es DFH, OoaR o SdpsCl,e AnNdSindH b.Aiassso r&tm eSnat noftogs. presented to the organ­newsboy, becomes heir for$l per yard, usual pciea fl 26, *-ji- W. C. BRUCE. ization were sent to to property worth over table for Cost#, Pants or Suit* and Paisley, Nov. 8, 1806. FREE M_ISS0URI! CUT GRATIS. Ireland. $200,000, which ho will There appears to be be placed in possession Rich and Cheap Lands parO yrearidc.satiogi ia great ur'aty from # 1 New Goods ! New Goods !! no doubt that Stephens of as soon as lie be­ ■ OR SAUi T^mbs Wool Under and Fancy Flannel is still in this city. comes of ago. The ax TWO Oil TEX TEAKS’ CIIEC1T Ovmbirti at II each. R. PORTEOUS & CO. detective has been Ileavy Canadian Bibbed Sbirte and Panta all fur #2 26. chthoeSaunTttrsei s pmbeher eeefo noiaf*trn etoIdhrn a e taIth Vegpocdaw a fi sniiYtrn soys trt ekdetah.aprej, hsamthenoeeadarr r ecdlhsi attios ntwtc g htha haisamr fnoet.ceneerl y mt hhiboamynt tthfhhoseer, t«ilr1MwJn1lh hnthL iehilt»ihsd ruhoo -e onfeftH iv lhudinaurCrier.e .wim-epi On sdrartt r Mo irnmw*t gila!Em’rn cetHia“u vidaTtei lr#aiMkWrali ol tel ij ia iu iaiigtiPibildnhWlire npRmd*i|rMniHu*wiKi rcr- *tr nn eKa’iarii n<etNfrn; i iu, e nnMe t'» s giua lItmI ievrnhSoem a.opdiaSw lnnr lmOnetho-hiby io*rUcr*tel#m,iod aa# Rm,uep* arIt*taf,eap.i if. sfp o o<tuotoou rRlrd*o S ranfii evtrn.epbi-a-elgnyggalrr Gn aALlln oOthtehV evra ElroiotS uos fa mthnoodsde#s , eaxHntdra O solloSdn Igc EhLeaRapd.iYat DSPRRINIYIhGvo re ceivIeMd aG lPargOe OpRortiTonO Aof TtheDIirONSS, soIrefer lr1ai8en6dd7 ,h hoaesnt dsw tlooeua ldvdii ncbtgeo" r byiins, aL Tidfheees.— pRaItocnmh ao fnbrocemed i oeHnfa ckleief aatoxi. btbwoieieonchraw hpiirI*irdiino«ni. m tgo 1t n1omT4tohf hnb tearte.nreolirauaa j nl.cpu itdIlaif u«e iomlt l»r fo»ear o.dcrt-imt hkl*dae h n iieru»miann;n r oIbdaf*ujru. rog*etkthiohare yieuinl n . ** obgofy rb ai lmlhlci h*reoaae*fnf nuo «tiulhnel,ryaa,-| ACwlloo»Lrouat dhdi* li*aa e as gt ooN7oe6adw e dckevF aGnrle tinimb,cb owhor nooc*.rto hr1 s)te it i.oactb 0w2i)d #c efnot*r READY-MADE CLOTHING, These promises he has the Ottawa police ar­ofof ro nmoxilali-oenp*l’ -md oarge gorf# j/watoioidne . ofT IMnd*u st erriarilt orrya- 1 0 emu, ia all colors. BOOT© & SHOES. 3n1ost t fuolff iDlleedc efmorb oenr ltahsot lroevsteerd, wah ol aadryri vaendd f rhoemr atbwwniinuolelr drhae, ul#fon,or dr Idrinhe rnhdgra eip rt hpIt>hyr»e auln»aaa nnrE>dddu gapinlnrndinmx npSlie gearnrnoatdu nl *aUW nh doaa lmneu*nen *uci atoeflmldoy,r­ CFAOCTTORTY &O WNHIT©E Groceries, Liquors, CArLoSOc,kery, Hardware, &c. Theh ow Tasr ibinu neN teewst ifYieosr kas. mPraens caontdt wanifde .p aTshseed l adays frionit*ve• *i*tt hiF ntemhg na ef ni yeXxolfid u*d*n*e ojfcrou,a) rd b i meOr,a opvaerneen d *ab mwdditiid oleelr n ohltneeeadrrv pacerram i.p.ri*ilnte,ng hat,n. bda- niitndh- yIns nalb fuonrd faanccteo rievsa nryr in16g yfarrodms fo7r trhe#n td*o 'lpaerr, tXSr* The whole of tho Stock hae been bought advantageously, follows:— was of a rich and aristo­rieh•• aXnldi atouri tgou caormareu ar*m i aperotilleac toinu nh, ere eqouiall. *anadd fuoprw aWrdh*.its Coltoas I2)c (yard wide) and will be Hold Cheap for Cush. ‘ At a late hour last cratic family in Nova tlaow e*v, elriyfe ,o nlieb ewritny* aconmd et*h ot op duwrseulilt oinl hehpepri nbeoera- Brown Winceys Paisley, April 4th 18GG. evening, information Scotia, engaged to a 4b#arra . rivHere#r mprisgihriteye, nbre#i rciclihm aatned cbheaarumtiifnugl,, was received at the Tri- gentleman in the U. S, twroitphivonult tchoeu tehx treCmoea*l ,o tfiimheb earr,g ltoica dn, ^irnolnm, ra tnhde At 12) cents, first rat# valua. List of Letters, BEAVER MUTUAL buno office that James whose income is $50,- ofrioimer Imhwinaertaelr*i',e a aren djn belxelaikn uhifiilblat o.o fC Nomewe, tBhoegn-, Fast Color priotsfrom 10 cents par yard. ReJmasni.n i2nngd ,i n1 l8it6©7 .NoratsntoB 1*. 0. up to fire ixsiujxcE tssocuriox. tcIaSetott.e ,en npdNhth-haoaed .vn s e3stnr,0b eu8eeete th,n, E e ea bvnCsoeet.ar a rrOsTd inh.Si ncie1rge­.­ lnfw0oro0oiv0ttmeh gd ahec t ithhm imeyl,d eaahyarsroro i,oue thddn eb gaiyu unf tdac Nr omfouslvheleddaer •{fcrohMeriolalto egimoaSl*mkbhrlu*ai.y-a i nr p' huitgaorhrr itC foi*ceta’ eoeA» nr cnadn m nlr to wioiieolawboaw oobenn fwrld hrd er-oeo-r*o biomdGm f..o o jo caoafutinv liacttilej ih noenterw#a ianmlll haohKwop oraav.iata n «raaetWe.drh tr tee T-ewher ptdh*nerio otteu S.hhpyre«i ylun na asll ttweahrehientto aoere dua. rwd idll»Cd fdo*Ve o r atatme’rhb— oiry«da­f FroAm Dl a$r1gR *5 Ea0s stSboartS mdre ensst ,Go fwOarrOanteDd S12, yds. OGJTHHCKaituouierlaplntlwnrnetpnxtiaeipkaiotnrniat n*l gAD oJ JheoAnosMakmdnhml earrnee. lxW, dJaw .o Ri 2blle *iga .m MWMMSMRMlacceieaelGwlGkMG’-eeiiniyeliloli ll bitlnJiAeiieaalrartrrcrnay .aaoy K by AbAi .l b »A)rPaa.el xl.edbG.x.... ymaft©curXbvenorals imeyr iiJni# ie toI l yttniocSfr* #rwc et t # oahalA.he l temlv3, *s e#a)I iaactf.© ty*n ou p ckidnrnei.A oalr *pai mtut c#iaeporOe‘yym#nr* n,esn *c. tama e#t,on# -mniaradTulmdcei imsxoucni itclo- hspsdat r rsnrv daioa #oioiispltc ntieuspeed g#m r a imt i may#ya st ata sosobidte in aflnesoe»ekis vr hseam tms#ntch* h ewa a e«nrsnrroi«ehktiae>fsbe-­,.,, ' hpiesa ramnycset ersioomuse wdieseakps­ .aSncdo tcioa.u sin Hpeur rsuberodt hbeyr OyTefafleirear ’ f Hocrrae Mndniltei,b , analet aflrtol wyS tA pJOroiOcaJaoK*pI.Oh aRanca riatlwrao oao dfo rC lnto*e.*nt oBuilFrl# o Krrea ctaefbunUtrlttyhh emirs espnutse,rd tw,i ebouerlr sabr soy lotseuer«c s atail© l,n trce aolb l *lnbad*t Mart ia dale DavidJ. J. LErHoKtlmKsNsi,er. dali*»mo rlemfiv l' iId creaeon cvtlereyair vjegn#drd olywab i ynl ngfuct *lnil #n# t*opdi oniflgpicc ubyblan.l rii»gci#T n» bf-aa»vf« oo. rBr , eaTaivnintet**ir prame, iiinl>**r, and coni land* in Nnrtbcru goods for yourselves. director* #re tboronghty practical #friru|> ago, until within four steamer and telegraph­oMf 'tthtoau rSi,t awteh.ieti U lha brat agricultural part FARMERS’ HOTEL, rluecriotvt#e rayn odf tcrloasimtw*o frothr yl ota»c*ocl Uis well guarT*bn#- days, under tho name ed from Halifax. De­ Ttiei* land* are raoitly wlibio nip* mile*, tccd. It 1* etMDiiailv # Farmer's Iu»urane# nnd none o»er flfi#*n mil** from the rallroed, G. & W. SMITH, Corner of Green and Goderich Stroott, Company, and we take plessute lu cummend- of William Scott. Two tective O’Neil reconciled and good market*. Any one wUbing to emi­ log ft to our rc«d«r# •« a good *oJ #ound gre i-k and to Indore hi* friend* to make him a PORT ELGIN- laitilutloe, affunling ueatual e*r«ar*gvmeal or three of Stephens’ the brother to the mar­npeaicgkhabgoer htoo oddU o-rri bcuotalo onyf ,o uarb og-rdadm liaopap*l ya dfvaer ra- Commercial House, f JTIIK fiuboeriher, in retorain- thank* to hie toof ptbr#o pdeiarteyb aorwg#e* o f( •a hdiumtyse wlf baiacdb tehvoesre, doewpcao«*r pwreinrec ipcaol nversaindgh erwenitths rinia gOet,t awwhai cbhy taono kE ppilsaccoe,­- toAtef lawnlgel tdoiooacnru almla nmedna*tp,* ,,I *fw baohovlledrll aia ggt i3vt’e)h #cfe omeilx* a.pcatr tlioccualatiro*n. Queen Street North, afAollrym , ffro1i her enthmde* iarth nlaidbt e thrhaeal tprbaaatvraeo lnoliapn-ergna e, pdu bbtehlgiec* jart<eb*n oeivnr#*­ d#nt on blm.—GUCena. neJraa.dl a aD Fctua#rYmI LHeraK, uH,geepe.a Ic, oJrbi<ta*5d.la the Head Centre oh pal Minister. Adders* 0£<>L. aSn.Id JH eCnAonRmlbRmaIiS,U ,Mtloisasroru, ri. Jan. 4,18G7. PAISLEY. nfiarmat-ecdi abcofr ancec,- oJwmEhmSeSroedE a btSeioM nlI *Ta tHp ar,el ip Pmarroeimpd ruiteoit. ogr.it* box t: h»*d v* I , HUM.TUING K*W IN Pr.A. nA dIalmlu sCtrlaartki onw.—as AmTehreic oa ldise sMt wrs.o mFoarnc liin. YoLrka bFoirn.a—ncTiahle ChNroenwi­ CAEMS' iof'*l tA Y i^*filrEHo EwiPbir.rihar,.' IInn sothlev eCnotu ntAy ct( huorft 1£>8fG (4he.'PHOTOGRAPHY !! pcorenagcrheignagti otno ina I relalargnod wtahinos loivfe Es aisnt tTheen nMesosuene,­ ckleet saisy s,g l‘tuhtete lda b; oar nm ainr­­o«I< wA*td n oLe|*ffo yti cN.u>uug5n,v «eOxHmipakolv iucee» or «ntha.!*» .O*B•&»f, Ht*oT.wiw '*po'*r ooSvnli iniojgTu pbp.ro oJu pteT rtUhtye*rf P'r o0Mvimnnceimt oefi .Ol oCttoadu*n, Ctiuelsle do Cfo Hanutire*oonf Httoirjno'ail KW. :B ASTV Vi! ITEO OO KS KPSO aTTHiEt ilT f aid alter dwelling in and is aged one hun­creased competition for It rue**, Dec. 20. DAVID AlLLAS. t Na wthl e8 rm«eatt>t,e'r of Alexandrr HengJar* pt the CALL AT ADAMS’ glowing terms upon the dred and twenty-one employment, and a • HI rqVreil, langoe Ionfs oHlovOenUtm, tBinip town,e' dInn etrhdea yC, othuen tsyix tehf Photographic Gallery, iatbmrhneeied ed h n wactwdeass ltilet‘ iwhrnoo igftuo httfho t hluepief tre miGc me coo,ots’ nhupealaedytlt ybwIpleuaoaaitlrr rke sbsd.me w,i enaimgtnSh odoqh ruueys ti thaeieiss s s hcisaeubtnanalir nintmrcydee,,­­ cdanrooluospmwcoet im tohrneeaan tttuc o‘re fentm hmiwneeiag ngg tr eratasnoo,t’t fe s a Earnreuode­­f MmPXoiO eotoe fnyL I,E neFNteyeDrMm! oi ?tn.«M 6R.ooul nKeW.ytn. i!co .a MBt Ra oUlonCwE e.ryol!erI ddwHDa«iai*y!tlh | * Gtot ah*Jf.b e > aMJs ;t4nsd aabvtRrhi ecdtt rh.o Du*A lt tethwhAcac«*ta a.w Glt tJ.u.K|uo Ib-t4dtaayoX*grt'na re.l li t -nI*ci ’«ndohD > tfAo tif0hn.ott*t,hUr o sa•rCtC nh-dteo1#tryciu Lsi* ucefA t1rba yd3adSCa .ror 8tmgt*mfl,*thhei m«rmIu. u*easde-t “nPAtisnohJPin*.otodN otr bCucrgeielAcrxylfahiat iiepmutnhshi Ntiei ne PEo lpai A cortsoterpautdso. rtucre ihcot,th”uaie otn rndwi ^e fh c.ouoiicdffuh e dtt.xhhl,iyoe*t the conclusion of the count many of the about 2,000 a week,’ MEDICAL_ HALL. STRAY KTEKR. Mrlli* W.'K 4t*4 f- .Uvw Max dentt- suenremeodn t haa tp ae rscoonl leacntinoon etivoenn tws itohf gthreea tl icavcocluur-­ areT thhee fcuolnl sedqruesesn coesf .a pleeyTc th*f(*ui* lsll yu* bti»nsrctrirumiobauetrde,i *ng grt aoc' ortlhuuent tIrfnyoh,r atphbniat*tat nh fita**v no»rft»> P .c arket esis-­ oCwAn•eMnrm KU cI tniimitroru tt hhayge or,ec nqacn oletnwjete*aA*r# e atoor f o pltdrha *;tS etes <up>bsrao; cpreTifritomyr wMilblhrmr«ir\u tii new mdtMV» a*thyip l-iiflunT o *c?*»l rIudF*dd»*p*i* - nrrnIe<g-aa wrtctihf h<ei| u* tt A*>th'« gf*l'»i *t*wtl yb» t*c*i p*lHoiru ».pluul*c e iaewcs* ui«it« h'; « O pftr rutitnud*gr would -be made to sup acy. native lady of Colombo ninogw toc o•mplete, couitltmig crcry thing belong­ Aotnhde rpw*yis»ex ti«t »*** i*ll* b*eu dso Ilndk M* (tbhre^ Wpoufin'cdW ». »v. ’srJ.,v f<,t Porcelain Picture, Carte do port the Gospel in for­ A Scotch earl, Lord is a hair-pm and a gart- OoaEiUJtiung ll a Cpelnrt »of, D’ rag *»V»v , > 3li4n.y ,(,J nthpe. 62 mTlo wdajuyt iolfp J«atnf R. »ifi geriel,n a’ to nl i o'clock VAinftiiUlu*u, lCvapbci, neFt,o IrJraurttTe pdoo, . V'P’ic.>rriloo-, eign parts. This anno Fife, gave Madame cr. _ Drays, A. SUTHERLAND. CUrd,-thu “ DtUillle Picture” Stt> iinceiueut disconcerted Yestris a thousand gui­ - Tlic Util Eye. MedicDinyees ,Stuffs, , Tort E. lgi• n. l)ec. J3. P*sati Keeper, rtuogorgarpaipilai ,o f tln v Awbizoo ulpa rgtoo uP lhipfo- the preacher, who after­ neas to allow a cast to Hants, riizo Btwt. x: wards related the cir­ be taken of hjfr leg; Every one (imy« the Paris Turpentine, Oils, ROBERT MITCHELL, AU Vied* of pictarf*. b-<cl“-!inr Vslotmg* so ! cumstances to the lady the earl died, and this ckonrorwessp otnhdee nItta olifa tnh ob eDliaeifl y inN uthwor BenzoPleer, fumery, Varnishes, RHICKLAYER, PLASTERER, «cD#l»*f »*Al* .ttnuhsbe*r .inoajfti t»wv»r, noIy’fh wo<th3oirtn,tciiOta p|'ilb*f ,t mo•",r n rlo|e*rpamiircidlvy lt’*wayi^ ari inipuirwrod*r of the house where he cherished leg was sold evil eye, tho jettatura, but few Toilet S<xtps, Cutrrn Onlhkr, &c. tyor eltsdt* i mkijn todv' *omf vwoto rcka,n a*Im > Imn aad**e iuyp oinn etabn*c ao rbn wttomrhtua oesen l ,ihe foey ss dttoaiessyca sitnl,nor degr‘ ,o..’t heww re‘ii wttpVhhlaoeoiteruuedyrtt oibfnote hrtT wethhhreae eelr f‘enh a ub nhacSctariohskn wi gbpn elce.emoynu a nt.atcarnhnyd,­,’ optlplhiehreioewldeouvc ip sheneld Poeahi ofrsoty poaltt ed hrh pe iedo sha ps eplasrgwcseeora rsabeassryarle oiwisb;net— l dsatya y i ‘nksiaTtn e hvao vbanth ahet ir seosouenn xc oopthtthwrbr aaeenaa­t­­ TheI iAwmfKri otih ,UR oaKeu GCcStce OJoiAi’tvnAI,eIsRLOdig, Y DOn«im iIlElLate,r n NgAt eN N olofSDo BirE lM iLoreEiAcfulplDCMts ruh*oPSw emS.cusebi,lres sb,h roa!utueldd■. IBPt#rs(*HRirc nhIeaanT gimnIcgaa rSra Ten HdAaH naWIr ISb h doLieutEserp'wY*aH at.csWhhO.iangggT odnoE nSah Lwopi,t.h jcymro|)i->niOfovr;a> .PDanu»*y#ei»iaSrr o»er r.*h* *ptorwa i*ooke*mvtinrlw* le itj d vMw w.hateihnalaarj*l*iiltao tnonis nCw».guy gw " .aomc: caUfol-fiu tapukinrr«v b*i’! fnandDa*n-* «d*>xa* *i*tn*> *lc«dt l*b\wy P < aoro*oltnfdnn t lb dfb »»aaroieirncrpla*tedot**xa rd p *’p,rp»p rlm*d*icIcr»nt <oul* ifliriJiMirm*f yrrt «*nnao « rndntuIuoy**d»t price, but we must pay Newbridge. When will caavuetrito nth. oe fd wanegareirn, g Iatn isa mthuilse tb teo­ ChiCmoneayl* , OtViiclh o*, nAlcy^ k0e0p iceolstn, upnetlry oyau bla.rd. PAISLEY. ppircoMtju aernrey *t oe pM*mlsi <o**o« * tth aahkts rgvai» tonnn fI lypU» uh«*o't< hgltmruAp-ytl»ab** * r!afM^ryr»* , vtihot nai*st fbboyerr N spao iat ncsr-heop euartytshhi tneuogrs cn at aSrrleukydbe iisdttcio nrori.:­f’ tmimsh ieesdnn i ts gftsiorena ndcs eteaflaueknlse s e tnopd aagm r?rt ou wseiInnt­ luntbIietsleeaeresfs lds its ahetinhnidtsos a,h w tftib ohsav hrre ldeyastls hhp tttise hhm A iehn.tlm aolkor ,sc bchluyiot teh inol ahsannoinsb. l g elteHou Bs asotgehebldtieee­­ aTcet fnPr*ctha»t y"ybi sy lFbi c,aoG inaoufnuyre * cloo’urA frgF ,gtt rhy retaeoohis iuredlrr s iaMpc,yta efnonod roiu c*n*a»t il!?g cHe hn ateTt.ivflu.roallubyty a.[fc>ivrccopo *pss*ed,r filcca1pov*mGftv fonilitEoiiteohydnde AfbS«oyDiUnireoitr#acialipr*re *lp.ruf.<lo jlJwmr \ttrV HrH a«Mvbiru**so *.i i ieuhvh,*Kr in .*n«*L*.* iTeid t.h ChaSan1sktSa *Ob •lwfNifnoorgr. yr ttfhhoa*r f*Ul,B tooiarwBkCPilin rbtn 4tl*grfty*iylr Mi tS O»bli timn*p* t*lU frnap. >fatal»h sllr l n*t ■*C! t*d*k h&<ioi ffin«.fl Ad• dP*r*b<r * ell«n>>ontt rf «ro **tAnwtrakyd Brtt niattroreiiniehvr*grira- ah rott tifP rrD i*«lpoa.flaWyc«;t*traia ifrte«OtA»**pn» hlwmyo.of.f —‘ Waggons cannot run such barbarism. Fancy Italy in ISIS, and Italy vvua N.B; Agent for the Colonial Lif# A**ur*oc« W, S. Imffr t.v iufunn lb® public that lie iaiC nadrt *F*i fJty* Cfirruit*t** pw«irl lD ./teipv.Uncfu to Oc*l>«ii*r wcainthnoout t wruhne els,w ibthooautst] ain tgw reonutnyd y eaallr odlday c raefetepr­ ntsheilrd a sFhheiesrd d,i fnbaaymn diAl yuI Is.tar iota f. N GaapHeleeta s,: b altenhsde­ CoPm*ip»a!n*yy,. Apr. *4, IMSII.. A. WILSON. ahno*d lrtvoI pcSar*mt tlmoUe nrhcccreteJir vtiahn o*s s hlalrue ioit npcatMrona,ge, it-, I’tmNCofowHjt rRoI*p IhtS*h,e T* *tM<pm*c«A: «tlSbly* r■*»H*f it.brOo* LtoI DproAcuYre Sy!our jsutemapm ,w ibthuollu-ft rloeggss , coaru ’at! ao rc hbilpuein joanyk!, reIdt siqs ucirorne-l ^«K*i vnieenrngyt s t,hd iianendgd . ihni sAt hftoa mgArilenyac tobenusast tloohrse-t BA KER Y tPhaaCPits uellearintylhte, p .A aaniluda r S.f o2ar*l 2tf,. UMl 8'c1ed na«»t. .,a«l.;w*hanrra;> opu a bnadn dl«. og».: «*Nru«rpAg pnlaltr yipau lfi#K » M riftt »S b(irpa»h«n*apdenh,ue *.* at nnwd«h «ni» < by w«o upwra ifilrdlv owtoda*t n*t ba tg otohd* noenw nsilp aepveer rlabsot incga rtriimede, j temAt ilbaldey. lias gone into tbwhlreeesycs ekdew de thnirnt e deot hwmenei rr cohfrai rnwstte rvove osyssaheglispe .­> CONFECATNDIONARY. -. -n---o---.--v---u---- ---p---i--g----.-- SSnmGH»irtaorhl,a'l serq *rtui lf"eo*«rf.n* ol '*,«r * iPeim(dor**r*tMnt .r i— KotNtOifnfoto»rr’a . hbtd rolijufs rb»,I tt .a dnMad* -o*Mp, p furoilmlc 9J wt1Og aboiiualtorh nd wo s,a uuh tbedb nsfoucu gtrhn i edbc wsae,nr hhas aan wsty aa nrmggco o onhoareileds.llj (nDtwrleiacheaini nrcvf hreNe rToeigbf*sh r hatf.ieisSnvk hgeae cCbwoouiwntasygdin nouasenc nsstdass, i ddtHwtAhi«ro-heoea,n os w b afallntkdoenseisv sdldsatol e e chasdCdaoi t sto le dGLu wtinhieeseltenri sl arlea eagrP: .ateg i lnamiC oroLnoaH,t ased emtdawl ten ooh rb, reK oltcpcm tHwuidweestaherunnredo--s­ riU•wii1pl rsM oh*ih leathwfir tt*bi*rai rye t«nhhu ntu an>w)e f*iIvowol«are. lyf*irOr l;l*olyS lst-rb|hteo nenirnr Orrrdd i*. v,oL a eJadun.Dmtylt f, im •ib tt£wo«Sn#• * k>isT;ibf*u*nr aApt otlk*op «0e lNorIyfynoi lDf Irioad n*mr,rmp t* C CUtrtouhao»uenutn» f»ottl|rnutcy**-- fa1pt tal VRMreo a*isokOols>nLh*aUlorbnrtli eLbJN e’pporD r..h iJr2ca O3e *P ipSdaguCu E,sn ruwi.PAn p1hHg1ei NrcEs ihhoi eorlDw lrbpUairrlL eelR NdsvoeE eTfanirdtrSsE s,sa teb,U amsrsoa,oiwntnte*,. aF mfR'. to E4 pE.Bt,W ; o. aM F4.a lIlk dS aJy.*S , FfrO.o Im’Ab oUDlJoOAg RrMaapmShIc,, r!*to. dadnooy ews hgaeo nom dia tn? d ’so nWg'to eod dohn yaeovsues fharneerdisg eshluft,,p herirrienicntegein vhdienirng gh a nhfldeicsr otmoiluo arnn n eyttajh sorehst ho,Ebepurm sst.op turoen TsdIshts a ionlfwi neMhnuiuemixtm siccieocornaa, vlt aieonyidnns cPFaeAuRwt UilpeaoyIuoT,l dlJ y «A* »o«Nt*pt D3pbl« ya,Tn o1dEf4. Ma64llP. EVIVnR.. dAX*N .o CfDEO CDURKIRNTKYS.. MMrflueooTrr uthccjl€leadhd s saauht,n ;n.»nidhtu ebaiar|smls .i-j)lscf ,*noo'neUmaidiiwd mth lrfTar n*ea rfnitloo b gwWt rb *p ph rrTooemlpcmaauarrlalee*lndd of oatawcro t os*R.ure*pat t pal<olys>ff ORX TicWhO a0vn8o dTn LCX h mTeLaaipKm S:L' fattnEdEsIT nthoi ndkosu abltl bhuatv ee vpeariyd oenxe­ loaAd incgle argnydm diasnc hoafr gEinngg.­jntehote t acteootnnreivn.i ctoioBnn e fitnt hmga atan P’sjie ut#ctuh IatXorar.e ci tse iras, Come One! Come All!! Pni»!#y Jum 10, l«C*. T. R:. FA UR. rp€4Oo vC.O IM'IEe TtOcI F»RuErE,K M UISnSOvUURnIt. ioBie*ar cept him, and as wo are land was much morti­ for it is perfectly involuntary on Boohs,.IF YOU WANT MONEY TO LEND. aJ Lh iiuHdfui rd tthWiAiiaishudi n r.iao mhuovneth c*o mpae* tfo o fr»<e Br a clever fellow, and his fied recently by learn­hdiasn gpearrotu, s bfurite nidt .makes him Stationery, tMhmi**oo uBrft® t o wiiimdek e ufnhdmurty lfiint'gti rop faIntr in*it**. . 2rS#icilnl is a small matter, it will ing that his daughter Fancy Goods, THE HURON k ERIE ww«itMh ttlhye*<ir- ru*a; i*a;rdsll (jhte*r*o» *a•*r,e an>adU .I jw*a art»ipf<u>l * bi>yg mwcwasctoeo oohaoinmzhuek lenluiepdsn gn l candetdiaonnhrn l eoeemttdd or tiia o fslfass i.eclt f ao ra ledwstainAoeotl cslgzs,,e e e fw.en tbhvtte hhroueeIeeetrrrt sgnhtttblhhiraoredoeaidtmde oht r efmiaatugnhenbr.rgle ’ltoso yh opd ewTmieerrmod hle.ire i onsn leqfwlw iouofiraleittdmeshnhd taa gcntwoihe ohnneanyas­r­ oaREao lUg»g lEEl<*,a.iroat*acn.Tte*sisrt. -!tVePtO T1 sbh05,hWraO r,,i3a l4cfo5lWk'cN fh Lo cpy UotSNlCtaet.erH ioaS3dtpr 1rc.IHe. 1,,P1d t,I10 , 1y P5 oo1J m ar4 cO 3csifmhd,rm oePa 5ipS*rli0 erdlac. osiY,arl l et-RU asrnSlleooroHoGesu*tar,d t CEt hIh,2l tIB E eu5n,o Sioco..lcfld fr eob .ianunPPr.igeoo lddstrr,,-tt WSpGrtiNac.teR .i *KoB.n.QOE eHUrY;eC,ErE rWEhSENar'oa tpCRS*p TH«iGnuRIgEO»EE pAI Eb'TTaPS*TpOo4 ,t ,yCwrP, sA JiA*t,heS*I& wSS.H,L rae hcEtSle .lYloTe ol.wr O&By toRr,oacEkds.e,, iHeyvamtflItaiuxdeaToorlalvTtAStanli leru na o.e Poh*»n dvhn*ptaI<on.rvdl .cm rit t rl aietfueonoanoiucn.punitwg« gclf agitl» .e.h ero P*ttpser e v ima ond m diTerf’ff aptrt -etha ni ed«taefeyaehniei r tr n men t,b.apiy- U fnttcaeLod,t rtrketrroioshie n neot,aWap ih^ tdnaiatia» ei I o,dp» tio red.vnnp h mfio8rn xlte ome<yt(i>o b-arft> eaisoo wolc enntionitonh o*a itrlt.t a h wit l vvJ o.p*n*iraSBirl/ae^ janl o oj ocao iy lrtrtemfri*roa c ei ogyp vrne ifw_ler nfeiie«oxa»olu etJlurvitetr uUilhne vynyii1Sdnevnnb*, boiit»fwbwt(iorInwntconoi»iofrUci rirv n.rn hawiop eht oiit ehrrtt iot idowihindmiilrl*nan-a,ieu*. t r ilnf gi*gurae i olfe n,* wn nl ow rpiaof «dTjurot arinrltmdfilrnbx pln iii eri tmtwo'tM*aencdgW dhnio ttr"*cnn ar flfmoaua r wtrup l *efn tudicpp.t Iru»n ntriitthliyrqidartfe uu i^e raa e x*teom m*gliin tvin*nar ,l*wfni eeofwn»mn iamtK- dtreFAdgtdprnte*n rik lnehah dl> iV®dp^iUooih pntnii i;n*ieourBieb ae* dtiauiatn*mnw;cnoan h l "n.lbdtrfiSd p* emor nitj ewu'oa glc«ftegwrTlnso■ri ttmuUWadhtaohdit*ornvlln Mi ! yelrudca"t*ie*Wtlh n. aaq* d a |g be*ipo d,roaortM ay fiinae miimtl c pctlcrrabtrl uh«horo*a*tulrt)';in. f*n*iou**{t ctlio n na rHoeato*i»te>U rItun'ham»y »eed!irgy£ydo*•a.r,,i­ bbb‘ ouguylaFtl syfad,r oled‘s gaeIe tct h'essC i atvsaoipedl rou v’ rsewt.s ’thto.—oo yrTtuohhnuees, btoererros eTys nhue eldpos ohrfba ayett sVfeg f eiroieecnfnte uinntrahao le nlvy , hi sttdaerheivwaosetl­­ ocCail lletf,eLENi* aallootaroorhtetseg r t2ddtd< h1; b. ta.h .,auu. nhnai. dlIdloadrf n dli f7nf e L t,g£Jn1hocl*cL.hu ttl,e nidl7osb.)I.,mr £IcV»,ihEit otlhalbntd rc ?.hdeco, Ua,ron2 slg.nf0i io.t.0i e,o1$ .5da3 A.0c , 1lrp aea50pn*c00ld,ry eaa, *c7ctr.r5o eec *sJl,,Ae oal1h1st9o-u0 GNPEaiNoslPerEyt,R OhNAo R*LA. I TSm, S1 8ATeCNArdED.iGcLaEG nI OHNFoFItCeEl, SPEafCslcUy,T RMRHOaIErTcBh VE IC1EaR.l OuITSSat Ldol S*rO, OfCoNRr OTIthAEeMO LSUoPcBiAe,ty’,Y Utarnihtorineeeto*fnierbwVBph* *t* i.,ofa rFt tMt*insltrhvirt!d>efyH ee et*e srh ,wp*ey o* M*oor*ilu n« i»o e*tb»pmi«rh xite,w«r o tirarfgtto|fgeimoy,hrmi uCi tb eicaaygc o<rn*rno,An»aj a mmKdvl t,a<o i n HeUittrt t f*h*eaiaa c tmei nntah a oddi] r*bd c«i d eusiptoie*rithor u*r,h»> oel utlealttetae illertter oaro cpao ddi torrni»li, mn<u oo h i binr*hrehehteop,.ngh e eanpjnr,uorw,ie u rtrIqoai'lmhtJafnno-houMn*Tigilr*dld*h.,-, v f the local department of Professor Hyrtle, of that PAISLEY. THIS brnua (fortn*rly occupied by Fw-lerick Of London, England, wfro'lmmr tmlmi matierrniUb ta aren din belgehaakt whilltlb*l o.o lC oNmewe, tKinn dn*, the New Albany (lnd.) city, requiring some of fireP aarckr e*L.ot No. So, North Cambridge strwt, andS Gtaofdforrridc)b i ** t*irit*ot*»», *iJn <t hu e tbl>t** i* obru»ii*nre ao*f tMairltl Hava a large »tn>am of SitngV t.- prCicoemd ela nfrdosm o f tthh*e Hovasetre-rpnt tSjiu»ht<t t«c.d C manoda Ledger, tells of a new those animals for ex­strAee fta. rm Goof o3d5 nferarems,e ahllu mcl eaanredd ,l oogn hNo u*sreth, ooff ath (ei rv*ti-'UrUrt**». haondu iep.uiMDtea ail lh« rcquiiitl** WOXEY TO I.OAY, fcroomm* ltht“et ne twuwond.fodu eti »ioei*l «» 4a*»» htcild* hsyp ltehn*d idtw t»*—r- inclftwtniehoaoairvrel stmv eh a (ean liesi ntel.aipnai o ndadnptg yfe Iui ntonorw wetfpf, wo o hnrwigsaeteeeo.sh t e htiaodtpcee flAharnec tsa ed ulnnoeiipneeatr­ haawm,p nbilehsiayrlAe kaei s mt eopw t nreoami.nia cs nota e sdaln.b,alu‘ twwOacwia ewhnasyd,sa t’s us sst dhhacaeiiae amdnrlmsy ct k eih enltaoeydogt,f OJorUg4c h0bea oaArpucdnprs,'ee prAH.slAt yomoN. En«D coNN u oPtRraAthlTYP. s Eat UrNrPQfeTcIla y,t RAr. w lAGriiIt;adEhO8t mNoL1TTc3tDa,B ,t eIclE lOae,afrlrjic,*. \dtfKtcJVbaahe*icrTSpanar Aitlbacrli*krietr*ata«*etdyn amr.d l«StMiUoaobtno»oi»noaal ,yt Rat raba.oua aOnEnaf rord adruBrd ln TrpGi afSiiEhtr»nvoo*oGeRgidn mg uc., SaTa e inltolc iPUpduobPa8h txn wohM .S ,d a r***eatmStwt UpigcgCTpeaahgEe*mtr<iArolt c*g* UtnhOF r ia,d> bn FsaagaPw,Pd tiirOo«rvTl styoi rIeePRrrt p*kfn d*aEr rlTDgiuei gyslegerlgra..teia toinnygn,nordg**t.,f ukpwpneoDTrDo nweceFe rpewncmiontr, hhs o**tiiIe n t cpf* yTh eH,a ae w reaGpswa1 gdicapi*nEnisdo ll5e ,iilOnn1 ^6cr n^t t»a.aiRy«oml tl iG p oat.PoahlonElifaeo td hi tw sWaoIeb.lmex rrydy .*p ,Abwlr io oMaf&ttra fvffovt<*eofhiotd>«rmelr wp,* aIer*eFb./ulrt /alws)loae.eCr tf nm bU- ot Bi tusaftftrcom*. ea r fc.**fi ove*.e.rt nno•rOogMvpXicTnhlcrfrhtf uTaid B^MdSftthirbieh rlh itrlrerngxyiou•roieen,t o ,em . u f* Hh gHoaa,noer * fi tefe irl.ratlaa ’ itd ee lra Mmno wad meann crnrti ltobhaiet».detiaior,wehi orb* W,ocbi ron nafanmhh,o«hi -dl.tfje trhoh ii o r«ue4i«aeftlo v.f uoeot :tr Iiola*;Nowa-u S hny v n lAoLetc,em»i‘l .ni 5 wn nneLwpti yJ0l»>mll rttbyeoth oh0Ji«r*oc p, s»o,«afs eluei.r jlwfn)f r au*n p0 rrWe•d•orm.i i ha >- ietw Tm*w he ^ l #t hk*hBir ratnntoti euihc.xotc riryh rnim dn- etnmn e wlla*agi r twaeNn huoi or*kteoroapati ei a«uwderfii odillr ml h dorrt*tCoeb i A rhiVm lmttoaeechal'a o- d>x*- -y amaf,t-,' <t r1lljII| lady passes, with her little cuss, and I thought OTTAWA, TAILOR, BE1FEB STRAYED. puaeclgklatgoee htoti addi* « >rei b*u«telo •u>r(,< K»»rb gouraMiu itaopup*l ya tfeoerr*- II dvvcttbeuhaoexieerelseatvew r usdee la tsm haibrf wdocayuiyt tri l itgct hehtk ehsts ienutl ceh iuerky‘g nexist hn eip,atct edlrotaty,ce h sn reipep,cffd’ eau . c lsdtnshahtaceIoleel.­f­ taIcdethh'jraudtfurocIes omnhtfrh,uc i u b gs'mt lthhweaoo edarfo.u n turhdtl twhde ohe o in mtrshouldcd.ont’au itvshftwteeie nrr esefearoesdne,rt ar■FCfMIWFHRJnnfI ew..a.o|oed r e .IkJ e enoIHa A anM*fctt..niaun.ur -aoa *J.a<kfll nA fnla.i.lnWe ,jn,*, cd . vI* et. K,o1of wl wU.lCrtcRa oac rl.hq a.rc*hl^ mPi.hm lthqa,tw»eS aei.u.rIpy cc.ttrgnii Ks.e*b .*i,Mes Hap n ea hpLf fneAltqoonioelsrotso.,rm frj r*,c nS v mt etj aMdCioePovfw.l,rootrnaro rosmnin rEri,mtornvt m.hirjsTf.oaMom Iq eaAontol;en har,rt..g teeao«RS eainn oialntDltdCtlaiorw*iotegrn.f noprd*ge wa*u ,to ari;rCnfnt .tm Cno DULlcreoraop nwnnwtpthidf*eawn*e-r,l , radVUpeppaQJotiBaloVaaU, e trPT fcSgtEJ>oxuo u(wEc b tnro anNmeuncsldm hr oiiEitrSbUpp. ceD Tralors sl fWRoht «!DneatEf *Aar a bEPnPDRlnfaTuo D umr ,u p uhmt*Pcaog,n Anodpw I,Sn hStsaifLtonot!ob rEl! CrbRYlue*a.bt t,ew ., |»Dat ocmtSAAieAroop i OCTnvwsgT s etdRuillriOd egoytesAthr.n! g hs Y rlewRMIbteudahEdrsi* eedDD« o,t"o m ,srn ADnufta gWr ?Mebd hoti^cVshmmte. tI eOarioC l3i nietrtcb4 he ffHOa.-epit detrn rxIe sA e,d8pDyt. r t'r«wm 'E cedfri imet>w.Ltb r!Wti».v * 1sa,kh e n.fM.e*o iAoA l frco toA hwACiftsoave uhUywlntbdTih ktsaReeeleftreE ;uDts f iHbtolpiDalYnrmet/f,kd &i .fswere*tlrerr a*.­, t#„IA1i«4 AAaiHPnrilcg•M_d t h>Aldr iuv:Je lr*oiieile*—nwfnto l nj’»o *neJ .nHu»gtp,oS* ,rtU, * TaaIt.lwr,lGO iJoPrpf.wfEiaed KOihib Ssnal .lEgag teT . 8n lyHB*O..Idt eLhGH ' KrtSenfA iuEnwarRilsURlR'lu. *p,Ile1 Sae,tA .r Mtrliroic*tycui*us4l,att«luru*ruf.. II| Lite AssuranraCo. Mar 3 Paisley, Dec. 19. . Paisley, Dec. 30, l#"-*. TUK RAISLKY ADVOCATE, PAISLEY ADVOCATE, IdUMsufiyriKiBUIekctsol Heading And Qeneml Adwtiser for th* County ’AVC*Mt o*f Brueo, 9***\ lit* WlUer, « young rnsriied ■»**•«»» u »l*<”*****. +,***** «tt lady, living not fir from Twin- by-fourth street, hat been red­ SiaSIWLMSffllNSSS *■ And General Adrertiaer for the Ootrnty of Bruoe. ing Griffith Gaunt, a story uf TEUMO, 01 «M«Dk t-ttntw. «»«•*** jealousy, aa everybody knows. Nuw Mrs. Miller fa herself not a i±s little incliued to jealousy, though RAWS OR ADT«C*RT*IM*S.O..*** VOLUME II, PAISLEY. COUNTY OT BRUCE, C.W.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1807. NUMBER 48; fh;eivre nw hoerrt hyca huuses bfaonr de uhoahs a nefeveeir­ ft ft !E/s5£n:n:::: JS ng. Wliat an awful thing it tgH•oUf*|rAA aU1mmt1dBK gftt}rrtvct w»»\ tdptM-.*m>t*» n >*,i) y»w! a (* *«nV*•>un»Jtd*MUais«« «i;«fi mi ntmM*fit'tn*.i»iJ ( .riaiBftu»*iI*KUun ,«p <•hjge*>«Wr*K<« j w.l ni"iwnn«l»ti*e riIOi%h ,tw Wi•*»i« C . &qffc.w.wce.u,.p* .-n.«as a..wMrw..sJt* 1t,em«tn«* ri» * lr :«ja .■wmii.* w.■i"•r;*!i .’* » W .. c «b.or.* al u> “ n''nm•l»un*t«*S t »•*i*«t**«<*td! AAAtinnl’l a*yh nA*co r0Tnwie *ww*h-h*t'’r *e#d«lwTr T oti iliSraWlroWt o rmkg% * o«fT*.r*«u* *i #»*wtito tk*t ii el«rmm«bo«|#Uro ' «*a*To #nucWTrdrwH h a»frI*,dirt —rno.doinerinw .}gis’- -. y•iHTim»Ibcnr roaoe raiaudTaon mmmrdf*ehnli an l *C*»iirgt neb i, hntsvLcg ahiatIel dlce ii,irmLla an— atwgnatloanoeoddh tt tre—ehlaot.#eh r el*ai*h»etI*n tnS« ew » bp tM trbe rhSfe*de<otH oeht Latrp. se*at de rlrrtyJett#.»l h*a o,ot iht pw aleoie»epmg.pfim tit ehe iir»t nWe H iTei,voo atmatne*fl*td,d ro' o y *t2tt hn hh8 **ewHD»**r» *am,fiM r tnfMwa* ira1gototitchn«ile»md*hee*.f HpskIpaM*hibsnlTw*trjn.«owa* wMi’f,ri, lee !*•W.ihlbl—vd l teaTe ii otraldrtanl .ia a h mbo*trafitudroOvusolr erl ni l. g*,l1b - tlah eao.btwIi eu—hgo<tnuihour1* d dl t.ay h .. av,i~wc*bk.nea ayord t .m yeI a.o kvht»mi.-h.ondj' ~ue ua eh orryrd ioe f gN .bdiahbdry,feetr, t w aefaoarpI I—mBrlwr.lem ]oeYa rarwoik^ciId*roihhb-r*kl *oo.-,. ' I u cKao•fviUmofri« umiIiriarn ruoyuelt byl, ye Unu peiaarlitdltgo* uh c.i"opwoar1u,uuu* c«U.a h h■t o> Ropiu'N" nme> kt rileouiusupo« .l iinPtiuhi n ngiwathag omit i aottfhpr ehem oalma*uct fJvkla duometr obrtkaly.kei-,t oagmbfiwfetanl anrT oitnesohuhah ,yle need t iddmh wfb om amimeoutd,uhka gyetrereh h nrd htulyh enbu Gurogog safr ofhbaniekfauateof ,nfiul tttt dhhhhenM er eesrd rhnr eivl.o dli woiuto.e utMool ldsmne.iT h llailwohgnendoero-, ­ ff*noUrAtu»nmlUdJiii*vKwv«e».t*ird*,t, JM *g ww*«lM o4*il m*lMot«i ri<»w«d* ei( rttvcienrte»igpVk ow**tMVdt»t i,eU *wneUirl»Jwoetrne i*|ew ns>lHtuust> uhM v*«t ttmi <-O’i<ltl»k*<r*f we t i«otwJ l b*b*«t AHNHnoot*d r»w , uihtn*boinod »f’t' dcittli rtl•to^ hrmw;f aitil rCUl» ai h un*mot l*minUn«u—'be tltWo binlel*,*o, gkhltr t,oll, atw—teonhr tnihaoc «bh * su« taan ily»gdl ehranidoncor,cui tbe,tl h liunoatrgatf# d oaad efltlea h flnreigta bchi»laotc** t i tjoo avufnra ac re dirohvioceueehrrao*y »wptdr«reooedlpde l,uece c ar*ien»nidndj- fcdgaaueaitatmwamilo b bote*rneraaid rnog vrgsfiid cnMh*y*ea,a, l »dsihino n*n i rinhcfe u *cfdrNorli gheenhncwiredti a*inoa Ygn w op ari ratkMchf,« ao•Iitro o«nFrvd rar oolou mnbFaoyb ar li-*ear osnteilfnim l(gotp ioeos crhbcaoiurlvilrl-reyledi da wroteiknlleele r avaisrn,ee t dwoc a himfolri oao mi ntbo a ponIanldisea,­ s—mttbaaeTrt ttheceidorsu otrfhfsu eebr uowsfPii fnhetehi sleasb, de maleialeop vhrhenaid iana gltli,eol gln,se hdiloa.l 0, imr; fa' ib« waul nurhiso, tie*—apple*, peacbea, peer*, plum*, white (altar from Mr* Willard, found on Burke's pocket. received a viait from Mias Green JOHNSON’S TTluhh **g rmro*og*«duie;* UUmb*o*,w rti ho;ierew vtii’wn '’ie m«r nueto« twn r*moUc*lot\ihoi*o.«; tiintid gie* s .a,e ctnhti*eotrnae r i*nial tnhgoer iUiUe#t.t cgSrr,e aatroiAaongk d o rret hgvirhoaencu, j i lraaBnisde»*­ ppea»h>oioo#, aitt oalyp piue atro*v uth w*ti t*hh hoi mh,ad been most nn•o W?’ Usanitd’a tJhoahtn ,y ea sw alire adfrteewr, satni lle lad emralyid eyno. unEg vlaiddeyn twlyh oso mwaes­ Anglo-APmAIeSrLiEcaYn. Hotel, TCAANionot*nod tih’ o mIoHr, onoucHw»igrt»t ot gw rmu jpHrliod‘Ourn onwtr r gig!tt irrr»uuo«dmF; gn »br’onildwit*n dru' oo MMriuh* or rh »u«m»’mlodo » lbtda**«rd»n g »{rmt*«»\, caopdwarrrihaei nsnCa e vbladea*ne ,s atrpttond iuc& iigrahLedntaaba« rrate intnnoei rnnfdor c efano mittnohi il weny, ,ete ahrtmbnhai* dolal *o vt a dwe tmiIhr r reeaeagcanntitm eotio * n>,no n,nf .foy o rotC ngnHa «osentbulhrda*reer­­, fahrRvuvboty*roA a(a *u^w vf>tih,}Td o «i*ihoow geJaj h htoiooMtmuhran nrpetw momr c«KiI sph«Imo U.haa noSiir*msnnur eteriehdntirnt*a sotJ t-dUtu aT, »l giyrnnnMo,<do h trwobla.#n l *n t ». lRd«sU»au ey,n—fkas oipbu*to Jie r ctododi,wh«uo Hndgantnhs » utc» th«sst Gerarct**o--tl obgar'o1‘tc rukIAt,n 'edab u,aid l lb liaelntl ,d tak ierw, 'bbiallt 'ef tahile top rtibcee cGttvohoer niaeInslelegiindad ’ e sdtwr heaafpebaa olo seteo t cqbtroueei en ts.sdm teiiecao Satnstthoieenemrd g,h, e aa sdfs rh AiobeMf netriedenenrse­ Oood Accommodation for TmtslWri and tfce Nor btirn* grt otintod o' thoir moot; part of the Mute*. And while English blood ceratod In the t)ld Capital priaoutouro wonka ' Naething, ava j' aaiil .the off by the train, and had witnes­ PuCballroe fguel nOeartalJslO!r/iH. nNlr oj*o/*n lsaa aouyt.s dParsocpor.ietor. TTCWihbrooot rnpkuoln*ow—og tueU*oo ,wn; , w hopo*hi «luffri'nrr; oi ntfti* r d'oo erthawrui#i*tl o yomd me otthchtr heowi ntpt,oela,h nl o* 8w. tebwhirairiiTgrialdhhl-**nte ei tnroor i ffgma uMonyture i*srrv egsoe,oy ifn,u o *rea,ri n,y toCeeftrafF petItorr ei*arsd ,me miu, nnaaop rn r*dow » uiti*dm#n* trtrsetto o*rti thnrhaly uo*,r reeaa­ aciupmno*al mulpvTouegoworsltr ievotiod.lna n, i yt<UAo ocM runvakronrnaim.Dudn 4 nRo«u«at y*nsmaa.ea anldiluo tItaio*l *th.u o>tnM hw*t weiot.l i— riemtNkdh Ueio mt hvjoa iehr*snm a faf u orb wfiwes oarnutw, l* dnia o**b*o «oP rorb«o*nrotl- phtolai ‘wcuNiskt yaea,ert t ahctnlhiindoug cs,kka nlmionuewgv taiainnit'gt *Jly,oe bjawnci'uanl kasiitnmedg­ scltaehhddao yr g,Mc eoa.rr f ,s w MEhwxoiilcmtlihet r eb daost seeppberpyme inttethdgye taoybb ohtouoaarnrvydge, Could worco dtrora* tb# nomt o' turn { p***rd into hitiory. But, here in Missouri, Msokawsie'i M«<a^e Hoof lift fur New Jolm, Na, na, I'm up to yer poor Mrs. Miller, needed no other GEO. FROURWMABRADLELR S& CO., 'MHFTooUwor # tew »on hnopiwllenar i;onh ooa eh ed*i* lo rfttol)io nnafu ttd''oi t8th o*migtth o n! u>tpni*ogt» ol•tt orhg- otiti«tlrhnc't*,n mbl;oo oot, , cntheaeauA rcl s*lfi,*amcw a ttheou inswd imrnetisdldr paeonaudcn hde *thu ats.rfdm b io»nyfg .eae rseteo cokn aenf cGiD*r rcininceokvwsen* tt*e l dtaIiht'tr sov.dri- aaou myfl i dttt hhtto#h*n eC# a!Mo•nn*id.#sM wu* u arr*.!t Kicuiana Vm jHttbynw*ad idiago rupnm,lt aoyyr H.rod«f tmtrhioic rkgtsn ,g e umtiadyk tmihta,a tn i.E t uoiYabnerno’sn ef obnelko owguiyellt- cHmoenilrft iirnhmgu asbtbiioagnna md oywf, ahsahe reb ewwntoa er osstnu frceeoa.mr—s-. AndD ECAoLmERmS uINn AioLnL .KTIlNcDrSc bOaPn tn• , TClihhtao nrsuo omu— Iadk 0nt, o awt pg*oillt|rge;on frna '*» rtmairuoo to mmtiaruoel hdmit'taiotci. ,hine fro, mcfaortmm’Tkehe feritn *i V, e atn.soadtr ertlaf ielblBb oueuteth r eeos rfv* sa.M oiliial»Y.h nlosuu Wrriu ,e pna »lp»one «er en mdec aeoyorn ope^’tyoer, Street MRceenerksi eI.”n Aulct cgaiouS tnfiooripn r nisaaeneitdlh ifanetga .rJ', owhen 'sq ueexsttiroenmede •ai nsW kehmda ytw wiptolhau clden, ysMoobui,s sd 1o G Ii'rdfe yegonou T wa fsethreeer PRODUCE. COAL, SALT, WATER A miller oyo hat tonaio hen*, or your gold is worth mors than out* now. BIUL-UAWKHS A NO CUAIN-OltOP- him n little, him and bring him baek,’ said O* Agent* forL fIlM’*iE c. UAtci .Narine and Fir* ABnudt whboogt* utht» ;f otth rthiree;o bnu nnott tohneoir kpmoo l{, You i cparne mchiuamng.e it into eur currency, at a pixtr. the‘ iOr ut,r icakys,, tyhee ttehei,e vIi'mn' ruaps catalse, lMipien r Gesroeleunt eclyo,mprening her tiiin IniuranHc*a rCboomrp uQnulea*y., OQPgHICH. 0. W. TBMhuoetd iwsr ortoenwd; taah rioopuautni rd tlw lotohhe e i «bf auternmldgtorr;m' oc ht6ei*ee1fn , s ttawmo et.ih ihii d$g*6o 0lwd0h y aoot fu iyt cocauonrt tgbaou lyAd m roaerilr riccouaarndr*e lnac(nnydr, * wtfhoilerl whAicnho thpoero polfe thaer e aanuntoyyeaonlccde s itno dmliye mwitahso yr itneclel’ ti nm et haeb olooot nt,h eamnd, thaMt rss.h eM ciolluelrd fnooilt soh amvoi sae rambloe­ Sair orrimpit o* bn crowdio tnral, buy s bandied acre* of a* good unimproved tho atreeta is tho prautice adopt­ was gaun up tne a shop Vo buy ment's peace till she bad sali.fi- SAMUEL ROETHER, TCoiio grulma— a Ug,r eweeda;r ;i mfau' t thmea acuhiiunte .machine kc. alasn Idmt u«iceth la ie sf *r ieniet tlh*oteva at*de» ,a itale no don fch eaM.lvLea osularvi,ery now, elodr eb yo fi nbfearnlkurru sphto sptkoucekp’ qarat —enaourl-­ cboaridrnusr,o ywsh feunr am uyh ifenlldl bleirf taendd u tpi lae eludl lhuewr thdeo upbrtosf,f er-Sedh u addvecicidee. d Itot Licensed Auctioneer Loot Spring wteboekword, canid and ore! You Will he welcomed «o thi* state, If mous sacrifices, and vendors uf grand, gould chain ut lier lit, an waa yet early, aa Min Green AgentF ofro thre CCoosnllle/ cotfi Bnrguc eD,ebts, TTANihner*dioe thac rukeoam«pr mnoo 'etbtr h H;dt fvrider;o,or rimraa'nia nbld o wooane f*b a brobteoboUniwn t»’'l r,eoleiusnat ;;bro*h yMoocI. lwsirtrhi tf,u rLthaenrd inCfoorinmmaLlioarao saodrd, reHssa nn<i»b*aol. qmueTanch ktio s dpmirseatdcriticbiciune teeiss — tnhsueetin rc dahirnirlglise .d oount acwpooeunirrsdeeed r esadht o lw iehsra aii'sdf iittn woc.oa us lThde hrbesen. , anIhnde thphaoedt . cteuTnmh eer ode'c irloweccaktsl y ltirfmraoienm , tot hceMa tdrcesh,­ AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. AWned hwodre cbku'td liotutlre flioeflt' at ow ti’h wniilhd. atromaih— Come to Mi*aoiir|, and raevpu * »iv imnih* ytoe atrhse n e-aor,n sin e xttheen td aasy isl wwhaesn s olmote hwuaos hae cosotrda nfigne' r thiellm tehaet, atos ohne aMndil letru kidnrge eaa elill rohaodrwsealyf ohmanstibiluys, AAggeenntt floorr Lthotei ieWf’teua ctueerlrealbonroca etC eCodou T.notyr onMtuot Nuault aFerity*. CFobro lwew* -tGo ,g wita aa rt;t nfan't tmh*a cahwinuot. roiebia* See.ewliooirnnot*pe. rs,r saHtnievdre ealy lly. of«u* Trw*h ieoll f GfFinrvadii niad•n nTd»rrwumn nkwn, »otrrlado-r, tHoaruyl-itnigc kecto lorseedll erhsi llIss,s eunedd trhiveairl Tsthraenyg egro t wIanat isl hoa rcer ahcek , haand’ stebeon dwuaat seoans onh asnhde aat rrthivee dt iamt eP. bilIan- TORT ELGIN (Normanton P.0.) FAonrd tiohnr altihn gd dmay; io mlro;o rfleaei l wI iH' abnvgr,rfn bang ; GDreatsrot it,V VTei*rtorm M Ric h.l lC’se.n wt, illf t,l anftd. wyiollu t akina cgoo foiddes ndneda leirns vitepdr aistehde frtuhgeairl mkuyn 'tm hiiehre fro lkaf, oarned, aasnkde d thliaert ahde­ ■Cloelnpthiniae,n taanl d lipnrtoeol.e edeHd ertao sthhee But tbo' ilk do; woe ton hour* long. you directly to Chicago. 'I hs CldtMgo, housewife to roine and buy their vice what they should doe wi fell in with a gentleman whom W. C. BRUCE, IIB uoetrc,nt rtt heaae n hckuo*un inlQde rimr otoowk ke(b ; etM mpoeillcdlk,i ubmtd'tc oiko.ill, wtBbuisllr lMibnrigimntognn yi pospuni ,dt oaQ ndtQm t wicineycn ytfy,t ,m oifltne- *,t sh2ho3o ’dbv e*n mHki*al *no*,­f ‘t iUmner iitv awllaesd a nM nobcshoalu.1t o Anut isatnheavt gthaen gc hIaminm, en sinT iteh ew aasfotUerlneoegoend. Ataet •rhineg eh. ad kFneeolwinng behfoerlpe lehses,r nsshaer-, Accountniat, Conveyancer, JTuir*ot 'Io'ovr»t ;w pounni!J wo ic’a tmireo *hmemute mtote bWini*ll., n8itb. aJl,o t.h J* Uti’ls.n Csors.l Lind ofllss of (llv It. A annudv nenvceen. now it is a serious an lhaes ts aheo sstuapyisd, 1a Ws eher«l,o tihf efiorl ko hwaiinll hweirt h smusapnicyi otneas rasn, dc obmemsouungihcat theids CommUsioner In the Court of Queen’* Cboru*—O, woor; fo' tiro omul machine, kc. Bt. Louis, Many a pleasing rovorie In it's no nor fau't, an,' ye ken advice. 1 Your husband will Honcb, &c. l I in'cmled in thi* to have said a good which we were indulging when a them that finds keeps, and them probably be at tho theatre Ibis PAISLEY. OABurt tft ihnraaotte »jo tmtrhocew ht'edonl e'tt hww araoetm »imnn metnhe* em wwi»actok* k,b’r,ak, dstwt-ssatlns s,t yh omIutti l sSi*a t ,b• e!flrluooswut e«td,b sih oM*n igsr*lsboau* frei .jMrtiytv* a*»or*—fi p tpbh#»e», cqeuretsatiino n ‘bhoanvneie t hloa ssbiiel’M iwawask erine gthaantg lionotsile sa sseheokps, asuade swelel'’ltl, ajinedt ebvuettneirn gg,o saanidd eMorn.f rIot.n t 1h Yimo u wImithd Aud 'twadna mend it to complain, a population of gJO.OOO, ICvsry msnufac broke in upon, and many ab­as ye saw me find it, it's but tho lady,' 1 But l can't go But rather wad l pi; m; flail lory and biui.iwi* is hvrs rvpiBivnred, lion- struse reasonings wo were on- rloht- Vo ibood line the half’, or, nluno.' I will accompany you *AQT. TWO. RMNAELYL-OACTH-,L BA.WA., TOThor e finebe rtdora oohnd t hhare or wocgliowuui adoh*r , i emoouuudrt o ecmakt a kcthhaieiln ,eb.a il, dIshrrsistde ss, heo Afr nnndatt.l s *s>emtcrmhb olius* isI*t lelyre raabn ercliovoasmdlleitn dlg hp «o asgti rteiotabnt*., graavgeeld soonra oin kantotettmy ptpinogin tto juuanl­ ipfi eycee s,l iykee mtaa yg tioa km toh et wcha aicnr otoane gweidth, pMlearss.u rMe,i’ llerT hanisd whears aersrcaonrt­ Cborui~~0, wear; fn'tfroemiu machine, kc. #*t city ol tiro Union, Here are fins ahur« broached, have tlioy dissipated yereol, as I've yin at linme I' My occupied seals in tho dress oiralu. Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, ch#*, both Calbolw and IVomitant, and the and mads ‘ clmos come, again.1 mltlier warstlml «nir against the Looking anxiously about Mrs, COOffNloeV-ChEurcYh AStrNeetC, PEaiilBoy,, C.AWc.., NTFWiaoritolwel k.iltonoinnaiivg*ie dh*r oeb*tfheo trpaomtr ato,hi urororriv u pfe,a ribawt; ;*og r’»ariit ee h lgreenaorntinK r;dheeileaifrf ,f j waolisnoevlnayi ll ythoh efa rwm#is jaus koirIiosennvdg K, l emhaloyrFnn o*e* rypM ,« mon ubt,ruY taw fnhookrilcn ehqe» pphit#s an hbpdo*iintrp,#g cn loiawtt-. Tahnihldles y h eiwnsiettorao t eaidnn ynn ootwp teiosre st oshncr’rsuu sptu htlahonuedisr,, tLweohmreopn'ts a stlih’orean y,c caamrn, ’e h turtoite sdht hotea a ehy sieta ys'lt eutahcdke Mhfauris lbleoarfnf .d ,f iInoicaucltlu yp hyoid niwgsc aosav easreeloadnt e!bn —uurt When Nitur* wind* up eortb’o concern* Out of HI. Louie great railwsy line* are however he might be occupied at us not into temptation,’ and wo- She began to hupe it was all aDtbeTpehare r tbmiwue.oniuite*e*g, * ao ttfie noP dat*theden tto dD iwfefeirdtrh*e njftio rru OrLaopeetanedrw*o*,r o.eenndt UCAHbn«eeod’/al ulu B*l»—eneal avhOieea , tuswhoweme deme r*ni; lo ltfeeoor ’ ocftmlrhaeueieml* mt mhhueiae tcM rhtorom*oueierrh.snM**.,r o,k«.stb>hotv»rdiotBe 4ugu* g 1t’ haba No uttfhiofalietewt, i tyJmoa#enl»aaeedmr , * itafhe tgagrnnoute o,n pttkH wd itioo.h lgiioLno foeu *tugtb hilesime o wntuAhgs»teth«l a conpiInuttbiyslcyr*. gitdheeteSa ot ri miodane nco.xefi oatuhtire udircidk b itulhlss e, yth tshastao tm th thetyoo sampiseta unsn hty',aei ea tnlhvddoae odnthh,i tally ittk hmeue ’anE ysrv etrhueoe,m n ttegoh e ehtr h eeaear ,sr siafesolrrer, rthwoiagi nfhhedit s.wc ahhsaoBtnmoucnt ei hdsjeh u tmohs taet inul ttrhl,ne e fnbtr eoathuhten eldhd ,o lmomi thiselol,, PHYJS.I CBIAAINR,D ,S UMR. GDE.ON, icinnu glS•t upMcrroarotolld arupnncradeo—,dd fuaaocmnae ,o huaeoeni tndfe eondrae l itIvmote* i flolLecrair m.Httailn e ogan nedd*i dohrgairrvjt­- afloi oenBnmglu,ai triw lr Iaipt ohmie fc licbnelt*—v ihch•lo aoteiwot#i*r o ttnhm na—yft tnnIrvoauwtdtnic na/r g,so papfl loeore*nutadr d idoCyn n* «iltb t y», mthhouewyst dmbisaep noyps eadiwd. e bUcyoe ustolhdlev ogdno ut mtofb rseoermts daon’o dcae gnsoth,o old w lccehe#ab jiennr oasolu-dme citihone leogpdo, tj iIm»ntta untiot, iwwnah soc monmo tph Iuan ncydli indwe di tnhtoo t jae akglnoeonuwtsl,ye ,m hHaunot Am ACCOBCHEUE. AalfieW, Lee. 18ib,[ G1o86d6e,rich Signal. dhioamn e*b orno tohuerr *f awir» ai| nde ofamr*t il*a npdr amiriaekse, othr eiinr tphaess esda maen dm rasnp,a awssod mthaen ys tattimiones. sahnodw tohiel am biint isatfeorr'os twhief e noene btohrea Imt oillos oIkllesd w abya dt.o IliHa ew iilnes'tsa snotulyl, OJlee, Pawley, O.W. Missouri, our flourishing townM*., W.H Wi, II*LouL»I.S M.o, aWnda aalsw raeygsu lahrellyd goout ta o ubri ll.h anIdn ySeu ndkai yn js afnor' tah’ ewn omtheen aarrgcu aoldik, eil, •bnedfo rwe ithe xspteerrniennecsesd s,h e dheamd annedveedr [Cerrtwpondsaca of tba Faielvy Advcosle.} a abort time we had a dozen. imything should come o’er niy the reason of her presence. ‘ In DR. MCLAREN, St. Louis, D*a, 22, I860. Tbe Lnaf Nrw York Thinking wo might got quit of father or the bairns, sho cood one word,' said ha,1 tell me if CORONER youIt mmmauy faectrsorvuastt oyfw thr e rMsaadtsvv oa,f Mifi w|o agnlr.s TragcUy, stthoiosd fienl loouwr’ sw aanyn otoy aAnclmess, aMs etheer saesl ls hthe e wchaasi nto fogrio a ss mhiallniyn gpso ufnodr'st yfaoiutb lchMav ot o dmael.iberutely become Twtie BoPltAedI SCoLaEntYis,i ofO B.oWr.n *Bi nw ialsan ndlIadt r,h giiaW ea roia tnitfvehe eamh aaa nltfdbb a oo*tsI hrlwe alortaogdnce do aia qlsapu ousKdrt sn glsomlasgdincl edtbs,I raelrSal.a crgonetdI,tr , aa!* tep{Md;o ltriIfnc*le, e mNnFraereanwrn—d cYaito* l wrfWka w kiolirnlnragi re dSlrh,ao it*dwu hrdoomwa awynn a e #vl ieismfn*aib~w/»t~»gwJw iib-na»y--* ttwhhooo r nwu hotmanctok s. tu ps laiteno g th ofoirmko idtnh, nedmal l ogwwaievtdho Ssahnaede sbwhreoa seg liiota d h opmrthoeoe d tm heaw nco hmthaaoinn s , iltalhenardt, Mi‘Y llIee srf,, a mhitohardlreaosmrs ,sI’'t reujcakc.ulated Mrs. then EagUnd. forewoman in the female deparlmeul of the neither surprise, pleasure, nor nicht, an’ my faither was • How can yoa dream of eucli a This gives «om« ides of tba ares of the World eompoidng room. She *l»o filled anger, hut quietly put thorn at prood too see her as sho ogled thing, Churlot ?' aud she was ATjToOhRnN EmYc-mAilTl-aLnA,W , ggedrrae poanth i»ctbla*alll y-e aoissf t l Mbb*by vCorlaiultwrrie,o io*f,I tthn ieos r»Uthit .u v8bt.ye db ologuwenods-,­ TIHbieemr p e#om,d eu nroddfe Lwr*eabre,i Oab0Bo'eoudutt nirtdhe»*iirn*t ayn oy fe Talhrh*oi m oS*f* e n*gdA**i ; tthhoo ughhatc kth aot f lihe iws oupladr celt.r ouWblee atifno’r e ththoo clohoakinin go-gn la'sose, ftiirdset paunt­' rea' dBye ctoa uosrey l. find you here wjih w*»t by Kansas, and south by Arkansas, Bulk*, of ibe Seventh precinct Feline, m us no more, but we wero mis­ then ou the itbor, I had an this man,' said Charles savagely. Solicitor m Qmnoery, Equity Drsfismu, The mighty Miwiwlppi rjver washes it#deaeribed a* b young man, of fine pteaemro taken, for on our luaving him, inklin that a woo bit mair wid < when you ought to be at home. P Aflo ufry •Pu bElic , AEc .,r. eeoMeaooldrcoier narri nt vaM eibniror* o,u( bernwaudtrre oir,r i;aaa oenlemedv ef a*»37br, c00u»0 pmi» w iltiienat*h l.k t*hi tTe*b h eemffol oirMgech kti;t; wSplorhhwoeofe mowde b*ehbalee#cr. r tjtroooOed o nhol lweS; read lteibucmolri»ednr adep;di tta totgfmot.e hiarronocwcdoaeo etdn,oe b•mt**o * r*frhoby<l««.­ oehduo r, q afuninideg tedlryest .ei nrmsWeirnteee ddf etlohtn eerd eibsacefottwemre feittno­ sahanuwde tshuaerern metdau keh keolren hbetyhe dali,te frowtera fyI, bnauefovt reaer’ aclwa•ia mIy— ewdI i tMhth raosnu. ogtMhhte irly loewuro ,'mIh aanirl, e’ arelalxyn­ awrvp of water*, divide* the date diageod. returoed from her wmfc, and, after (her ba<J croes to tbe opposite side of tho warly pleasures hue an end. In did, Charles; audio I—I came FARMERS' HOTEL, IwWfe. TiefthM NeMuroierari et;e hore eeofW oiot.tt bht heotrf* Hrri,iv vaeeorru* t bh. .ne rd*n i( eetrododt aMweoeuuntlbdb* btrmooeoa eemnile i t;nt oogeg ae;woctiiuhtthere r*df Oelt;le»,fa ;/ ‘ m TI iobnSr*uhnrte,ee y* l,oen ufo»t h rf*tbeb o##u» rgb«obaof vm *bo, ef aa Irnrbedde- satgroOe,e nt .tahna rooc cwasaiso na ntroita lv ienr y Elodning­ caWammyal iisett, h atah to th qipnuagecaek rm [aybneo,ld liw e hmaHa aykn edbnlees awfhtTeirlbe e), oasnnt.o’dr yi t wtausr nteodl d ouatf teUr niat Corner of Grwa and Goderich Streets. be great, onl; lb# MtMMippi ted hJifWuii proceeded to Ibe cellar to obtain coal. JU burg which excited considerable ken him yersel). And wbot Mr. Miller’s companion wat a emaffIoialmlrryinm ,-le c fB<drktbh habr r Semoatfnuoa *u,awh* ae at*trf,c hnPo tnJwiaJtObboEt beam <US*rrhh»,oSao Toedl> E u opb htraSaEi»eoUM atLnu ioIs GroaoT nptaHpIi enarNmn,rgn e,> . p Pd*atuhb rrahoea*iabdpnia*ko kro» i as teg aotta#t. ooobng r o*.lhivarfi«ete- ; dlctltwibihnerwoeoacgNToa ttt lhi drobape1f*etrrlr ila.eet nt rul,tIro*u fred*afitmPeo*i encdrer eue a,odr Mi inebih frnioir eeeneiemie lae n ’ rtlouemkaaldwtrudpir o*eo*rerS.i ieidre c artpedoite »lw urpJd nteob a,ttdeuiw trf reyo.nmio ,pifa bb e*Uf ebT loledrBeh u.t s”fr.eroe o S aeBrtoenxic i.daeu oaalealuaJ b i unle«roeido»*iue.*d4t tt., bbematbob*'r';ra*dea i n#*Bcm mak*ufgfbl e,erJae nkdiernt *ed.* dt b,e;tf i etfitwcreTt lebabilehwr’daamy ce,d, r, w g lwtaiwe"enhgtvhdo et eeue ilbnnnaletei tddicndoreceag o.dode l Uw e* tr dateoewrtnB oa eedoatuerrvb ta Umrorp* tkloear gv*ctrgrt oe *rloenria ofpf- rof i ot era lootodlwfhao n f rhkw witohteieeiennerrokddooegr­, Cidwbneihtsrriwe noatoirid gtewen bsson atwatb dihapeni ctelse aoh crt,n ab ilsgraetahecib rd,led aodl oyc.w tau oaalcb,ipOse te o pydehnne nuwoaeem rn hoaebheonfsre- ftcftoy oeho uttebnhhmnoidene-f dU•hwld—,bh moaa.*e.e n W e bk Ukhy .wa.. aein odIm aMIp, bCt cn.hSubosr wei t'cit nb esst,Iwl n'ko,Ulbi wk mIlycfrbrh w djh.fhM e.ek8li' oktaSIs«o . ,tt M.Use aS .wd1t..*lSlb il . l6 ts.akk*a lns.wkh, { t .,s—.i1e -f.tH )Irt smIc—ow.rw e4Iskma t 'M l,hsl Mwtnaa.biaardts yebtnbbrdoyeeeau, rnx na ndjts eb 'gffestuer lvrloictaeer hunndeav*ddiyre n .gri gpmehy l,ae S aparcgobenesimrsedndfpl i oefnij ewnirgytt ebsl,ohyt .e ui hteMr c enuarrcerss hd.eh ah darIu Mmbgosee-f.­ New Advertisements. PAISLEY ADVOCATE, correspondent, an "Kngliahtuan," Ir, Ituttl to tlio Brttw Mty»ra ®«fwbiic U iirtteiiiiH i itecetwarv witsHiwnoo. A union Jtuwum's SHOJ\ Theh ei an aumnaeb fluer ntioa hteradc ew aha imth ato uitf. WalhwlQH, Jan, -Wj % rooTeVny B« f' *rQ<|j, *of*f pmubeklt *a tI ntiitrrwotciltwUmmp ftoQre , thame o).fe leiftf®e cMteadr iwtiimtheo uPtr omvuinchce tsr ocuoubllde i\«Ji. . *;1H 4■«I *pJk* f|Iya* R>Uitr6,d»V** .»b -'l^ V M4I MV«oa **ut'*a»fUtUJk Ay fdr«u wiiM totltlnad *tNftwaO»t «Vtft i bwji.uoa,fU Uoiavjtr r,bat w'hshMu n* t *tt *o l«l«* a, MB fw* whU*ili\««* l niSmeeeF.rAigtlii u,io M«oiunm. i iwtwA’«,iin lnlmHJ*ni uuusttliumluy,t )viI nmtCVl veli(ie .inlm1to i3bniyly,gi, jUuisonlcG'n lKd Te tno,ln»gio--t ”•aitaato n r Jl edni4at ao1mtn tl se oeDus twoc w ohreoPcn sonheltyd,eaa ersmacMntneee oy•r, i nsnsh4thtu rr1tateeh ,nea ettJlu y., ”nDW h oierdce rclTfociuovhtnpuloeutinerer'ydgedr tMilv«o brM* i(b*ij«t TfHe:« H,»b« «QTHrKr t* «aabtHfp-rwea.HajM vt^ pl fyyrWt oilf a«ca»g««u* i*tnkw'iry*f uJf*nt bt «fJat«ci ef«<wttt okbmmvJ*we n J Mt«aptitb|wgegwab« aaeaoNr pne» ui,byw be*reawtntt ha ta UteeHtno Ma aaMeJrMbt—eaaa* oTWwje JeHe\vtmkao e *ttJrbo a tf iwryjbJt, Wt vaC WamoVoteeo eet■aJi fshi* nut et3iu»r—K w ffr,or nb3ufuf ywn ycn.tw ritlai«, ovnrngeida .o TT.avWlabrtiw.Vbrtay uobtt et«b*t«- spiibf#srpuro oetsmncp itmoo a tstl hp eo«dslu yo t nm h hioemoymu n utCtu hctn«hwrenof isfquptrdhsuori e emsosnsoe tC rsinraonptunn eypsa,o M cdphdaoleTi,en sm,ir dasoee#ss­,f (. * Huo uf |.«(rau*g«, ( evening uftlie 23lli in«t. by Thuiuua Cross, laborer. Nu even i« plae^a white fwopiiety itacK wtiiht John Hu««l. a jeata. the past and present government J|»*IW \fuaWrt*c-U**T *W7vr o«*- CfAun*|'l r,tUUJ «N» iu-A J^.fyc*T»tt»uU.,iti c!»jtnlff*s!h ia.i!-f t> nt* oa Ul M i,,{jrf iI cit, fwp?w-$J so>MH 1w.trAiuj8tnr l«i Mp «lt*MT \Ck t7 iTw elu.fN.pnaUim*EuWU.usoaW4« '*Sil.oMr4yI *E *,a31, p* p{* p A IMct*aAv*rWUu4-4dT hne X.1t- MPftaSWf aa.,rop*h UTbLrnc*a-l *K.t> Aia -atE«d,T,ilT(, uv, N™ *4O‘IJ * OnDw*Auuc*,nsuUr.u.eU,p<i r*ltv-hrij utjTeadaTpwPoinVplruimnhremlRTp,Ptn—emc tvoni rniim.eiiganiT nNla twrl ettehto,nheC.o disewd elae tl,v n ui iinea nffdnooAtKnt D nyoHlrnnul i wnoeenwutum eihwi aNgraaiiecjol»iliiie ni aainu llwh m eg- it.oonCt« oeuKulMuando elHnbh iu utonllieiamonanneQ heiatxggw.nyr»i to la .»eS|lowyei tl *owbvflleepi certeeaeaoheyinpkrkrrne e-.l­,:i saoCstattMlwaoihuiurnMldtieci melyeneltih lnjid bi e nsu fphpc m lPtttoaeaetlet r,tsruuhrv reeeabtrwete s reo eoe e iht n dbf,lmtfni i eebocooaeAeanouuhotrinstn gg nn n twthdr Jhthlaiurai bacoaa cbsfmosu vb a y<r kbe leaty htrEhnroae uaoMeon tto grohwPy gewreod oee,ld , inCa faoe s M”r ndonnhGct cdu u ihemglG fonr erttiat ebcerrnhhhneeaieaiogelott,.’,,, yW«naeematiHI\|towvwnoV« nue*hJ| ayw«Xwtb« htint ev9htf th 4 nu« tyog',ewtc»m bWgrotbmr «\lar eb c« wt» oye ah r*j «etl.H*lfatwAegt t Uffnttty »eJ t« htW rvroeiwa#asnatieairt«»spor r lgba—«eti bmetwI*g tuoHbiocl « o*iitHmrUeiaetuaI,nejn j se”ai trla mJcadew ,*tta we jly«o Utea1* w h ««e m ji MteHahi» tr »g»otw b«Iri wri*iyar *rvft «ha wfoaw evintJthpl-rfiel ibweunateaeaJUm ytatd tr t —w,dih e«lrfn wer« l ya tia«tlJa«i otnahtMtitt«tJnhmi u Uehyhm Uei ,«jet rnim mwMpn wtw ghbart tgol-.a tlety*ytJ ah mnJ. t m,4vivaw lmy peJ*tgwyuf«e« t-e««c caebnbyu«yrttihy*yrnJe»*ne-r. j. , JMWlAAJtJIArCAC’*‘oh’ un«aorI.a*hJateM rdtr»ttintt gomMrhtr*nJr l «eemroiePe iW nuwrfr**fKeiWeuy «n M mt dHAunI e1 etGGl bith'e nMoiuofHa*hJaarSdptrteomo<mea,WtMif, ooehr*ct |bIb,y.‘rra«,u l g,il,l l,*n.(j a eHe 16.«Qr2S . ,i1,, D,ra i yy n $«l,3y «'>,er Iy,Ao 3c* tr« ,a* 2e<rayy <IrrMaueyy»evr)y,(tae.a*aehe a ,l.ary, t«aa laal»r,rt.. a.,a*» ...fa. ofnaelvUwnwhentfeee„’co iuckrcCtnxtrytoleshktatiWt l uo toyne*keno sr rsaeaaee} ufd i g eta namatwwoinrhr n,a e miilonetgsyao crh id.nn,euokn rodhrnsgt o ww tht itwhiiam eshsnt e h ioeuifn deve eaefgre sex npf etlritrU.tyisnfey noorotaen so hg doncpsQm iifuucientpovuihcl.rgarre"tlt eu d,l ctWcadthtoihneehituni*»ffydle-*­rtl­ , RN?r« • P, U-, <7««7 <d Hiw» I’W/YwiVfiit, John Jolinaon ; cry and little wuul.” Mr.,MeGco •nJ a* far a* yon ww to know, yon at George Owe.t. t) year*. , “ Our It tilroad ia not nearly Ar•✓Y*T*"Nwr* o ViAMJa *«»P a bl«* t««n€iheuirm *t.l»a?p >hl tlU, a c|ef ub•tfe «yvvatJhtop■ ,a ,traKIa\uw*n * anl,Dt fipv bO ,mMk| # m*iIpi*mj!. uWn r'*< *Ie1Klynrenp,o0dst N»t| caw n l uwdIX»oy|ttto,oe Uu rvmo«ofw.h a1r d7akfrTUaenii£ o .p*n-n d* l.utl^Dt, ooc,o Mi nypI Ie0rwMC H/a u cbbnAiyh it CAu ioi«ti *cs*Entmu«°bt Ujfs orrah jso rIv•,fVrT,e d < McufE8im a i inM**trimaW>a*uD «uXa an«nt<ufnnrdbenri*n>itoyTHo !na*# n,F • tnol v«y fia«,»-a fw,en**r irvndr•tytt. dHoyatM|RMrltlW\wYioihedeerlmoaaA pem'ecTanvrrb|wino a,eAtrUyonu reU.,,r; ht e r at, trri.MitI;aic Jtitg5rml ocSo aheaiioJihSn/le tuill ~l IciSp KnlorUrtItre iwgtog' ws ur,va Jirfica ololamh,er'lprlu mevoioifderhTeamoo munif e*hma,ahluea ,r,aa3uo ,u rnil Tdt3amrab tUJhtR nhr t0nX auoeinroanu ool,t.aohn abac uib ehJwrn nfey aaiera aaoa nl aR wrhrImmaae.rMtditaiMlr d i eoev J,ielH e nirllna.olY,al l .rod r —uo uoSeI phahaarecu'g;aTeihpOorailokgn auaetiimenriblrmhcugnstearlddyvor rt,--,,, itaM«»tnw•afh(H nuthuhhain»o*MataoToisdJl4Tieoodatsulh te ti *Chti dilsfoel doiQt imKe.j p*to T lla.is- ttilea tlnucol » uoah *lltruiratWUwtfi t'ttt aaa« thti,mtfen*mojih thteh . t»*ar a *eiM eiirMit w*nmtta t, uauij p ju Mtna int s pi sfhomi,nM c o hCti«eit» d*iUh ho fanMl!wrtij fu «ihmcle.vtt uhl.o>oh rao« «utU oef edip*lliFRo«lUm arf(rdillhfa aunl olcalrliEoUm oMriw ewo aidioonl osi*f lJminuneot u ges o*nlutatk, *, l phtfej vliroI (bja-i i'lgchotoibniinit »*h* ct; ir <}S ( tvtiloo lWifo avoPlcteo»Ulreyr «oI taoaOiCdj3t.d >*gnt 'tIhl*rei^ Ul»i*in*•,yiet adr<­n'Ml,, jlIt;*beyJtyf“tpmvlntvt «hhaoii>oiov* t»cnunetami j**ir «uruilj'1tthl»tnit air tn he,i ir yn tllieu«« itg ,e ara ea1jnJh tiua fh motrritjb,hfutataittM f ,ta oup.h ae t rmmtwtUt•uoitpro etwareih tntflfr hh ount wn m i^lya mnt«ler agJ»lr”tm vtyptn,pp i * thleeaa n”mor«*drtpwciKa Jbevheg ugar»iei noieem«tcJf Jj Hl*mreunrep lrj««ttae»*meih ae rpl i*n'u* rb l»e,Jytliat i«,t gghhe oivye y»»iath*|iuue H«,ooiMn ev n*t’a ytt woah*ni nJih'»t JJlioatag«mh i lt •»wa imnrn ni*Jt«»HiteltfJo« <tk*ooy «,* M a«fe o" «)q Jf i*tiM(«nie rtti" bMwh» r»hht>,w wt auhI fnr yari}r|«ra ythmeb-c n tthnht ni tl a* rpiflmameae«pte’t«i i thiyv rp i w c armmf rJepli'pi vtdpner r hI y*t a wnaaeyie)»lrit i«b>n<thtlth ontt»- neueo,iw-togrnatn« g«mi. vrtJtua»a itiri i *otW J gn ' fnri my»te*n‘iaanJh*»idg pot* t-a m i,nihh Jt«innh ibeenttt«otayg«ttntjo-eeJ*t*alt,,,l,. fl CJJJsMEJSNWMMEWoesoMaalepamaalnhhmmreainhrrBntinn-Klnrigynyy r ist e ma MeU.eiMHNMM ABHMriylt SoReieNo AuoeceT,.Jtaal f # reKEjfaifao iilCH,’bKi,.UcyArrm *i nAooalo >.lTkIf-U,i m h,* a Ra«)pal jyC*lnalUMe e.Int,,yr Dry A» r,ac,a dv yl leI1Uhhy,rls Ee)Iija iN«J yuv oy 2 a n*iyycy ydJ r vr»K.iEerya«e.ye»m,o*a ate.rare .*»r»iVl,rirara»,ac.aao |.nan.I., I, GE .. . y<6y5eE eim*woakrr*aoGs..uosEltMb..s. cfsdatlmtfthtdoiohrhhwho*naniaooe rreeueSyVeiim<oknsn ts nteehaeurteh hd tm udotfCpega uffll*l odyehrahy o«*soT,l i ,f®o nen u rhai o rnunf eepnweeefawetsyvote ayd, rh,Cxosh nen Gse eoc . uri d rih*erd wGtahtrn,afpie etroa*aenh.waito rr noiied otto msonh|annnhar w. cg‘ eTk, op»pttnc ICwi mpreltren ifhua d.oioiit,pangnmerv nih uysn rceaekute ritA^gdi ps.cfvnr,i esaueh datoi s,xw.ns l u n, wesp Atsomait dhtetoeArnna Na eecissntiHdynljdl*tatoogl­t lIfCtVIC»prCAvV681 lIr"iAt oSlopif L*oa3rTS5•y« t*I ’AJUma*t fFFn ’i.Hwa»pl h F irt'5tdfihi*Ita«rti»imii-btyr iPMlraI U»o*V»lirwuymrlfsR rlaA ! lfb j flar farl2 ly|iik 6a,Ulreifn!odu|PGt 4dpgl uir 5 t l 5tiI rW ^ 4oooy,a5yhpf np*v jf3 ,faeWtwftU l0 ,dW,4dW oP ltneIgtiat JP Un eVjfHthklcIaJ g ti1o i.t lM l rr*h aodot #tf erilhtuU*hi i b$ oU ew . eHei3*al nyii36*i* o,Js|oFtd!iffM'fkrfaitm t6 /6hlcfrM6* .bilaoj0 a l’aoo»b a fn »f*P O t«trK oT7itlt| e! 7 ym JM* mp Jtt f,o00 a in|poh iwoco|ff16k1»caa1hmo» *4 *Pe)f* Oa S* b,1 f,.,nfmaTl4t*a CO n i48eBlkIIifaeJt a a|t1a-lfi«* I |; hn Iiw8 coaE8 nmQyM ?f»iO{o r I4mur46p0Tlum8td6 6t4TrroNJ50RtdbSy*tkMaif0tT5* >6«e Oe00 H ffroueata«,b 44I fTre1TtCO. o i»ew r; lca in oiUh ordeo3ijiHnNNOaVo . tfl nu rf dld,f«Hflatt ltpp,pvlbI # eSlinoo if oa o u *faiJmFb*lE|reMohy B.i5ate *.t»to »5i8 lrlOo»*w fa«4'ott.l re,alr icnt gooa»P,;**T tP*!lltOI|^k, » tiH•J $i>.aiiotoItt. ii bIUn a nO Ujo o o»noJ1m gi•yift riS»o*C7n«irhliS6tr 3,W iu if,iuia n» Ut iIj6 65 <ae*$tIoe0h>Hg0t.6ioJllrMf,5«,|mO05 toO1 v K«r > iag:«it 0 aj7cAtjr0 j , X|Mi* cUrrilr n pr 1 iRyr tM*yPd*};t U KnoyAI.ahtp8»' sS5 n SoSR,o J,Vttr ll 6 u»pI1Dpi .f?pj 6 E«rp«Id»»H(o7c5RTNrt6 kr» rf0c4i*rrnb5,i,,miafi « n0o.niq . cinn6 a«naf<5litlutt gr 0g»gloe-„og*gt*5 fti\,j artoueeceadtMtiteifAhhbhbUKlbmntravtwhtl*faACt pihhylaltoyhhooirdmonnonfshoeuiaaaii eoei e,uaa*amttae reeprrtreor .e mdae Cr rddynmnlTaTsi asc o .nSvbi sewnmnnineeronit o t* gttetboptircbh I weergp Mba ..um af Mooth tmnjnh ,m mfwar —a tmillra ttM aihodrgo iaefraotlutihia osnnoeenadrnoie*ainit shepnsrn ieyrarclikpif menieeahdc w taretr O*nhdrtmpyoceIi lyo gAs* M ll htyo .ttenl einit utpiaieeaeo nt*, ,lthrraht .»fnuuhnp a uf n po lihes odrrr f aeM tay o oruoruaee dpshllsehlectraau oItoweeoprdwbc ,oreo*mf h bugf u inn ei N samcaa meemsclorlaesuumTlosnayds Wpnhcutlrdaretsll«totvee| rsi eaAaoteleieiceefe Iuge.oer e bilplhc eaor ip hc aeimnim p cowiulei*gdbd mr c f»u,lelprnDe*btcryen ewa etth ore*Dfyrreta utuartaebe,t iou ieo,enr oget mle,** ,oa* ramton tcnG ils omw* tdpn* t*iIhYot h tuii c ckt Jwfipaohmdimw«n upaolit l drio leoi’ hooilroebtaiehtteooinK i tgaysrrblrstae ind f himoo nbmraihn aeoot tw hneTntd re,oeuS itnmt ehnieivf ytalek ycikh naceD uiieponlntphnuhm irntn ti* aaepn nlt §io ,mijchse titn,oKanaao oyno ilw lanm c thu a thum1ignirm (ndnvnw>sgcwn f drtlushiug Amo iteCfert0t* syhm ayoeyou i nneCieao e etn h l l l urgcw irl mnt. o,esVar nrdlu ia Brmjfinhietito esnc nre omlLffali dt, neUoere m.attcpe oiu iicfv rcri— nhlrtopibro,osU wna vautcm alnudnaaerr,,rpo Kapuduahoiooott uurotetdm matttntnniga rrciinhievougcnoeIhhulhecedur*hnhdaooi8nheaytytolldnteininonaaoedi** ***o e * e .fi , ♦J•nJTC|mwtltb0•lMwi(uHYd•wu•eiwIbmrP»$yIh•F•iV(thoal'Hw*Bl’’theIa0rumjnwmao»arpnuooU*r•lii7fooae,»rJay>rIQomtyi*i*ld tfi nrAATST rfWjJRlir>.hrr VfinalnlWua Ati0 trr*r ar,Wndmibh*oml c t *o« rp*mmihkoll b efhk r ib» ril*n^r,haJs radeta»tMdaui »lo,,a DJ. o g0«npe*i«har i,gyyahoJ ti*autrwmaanJt »y» ik lwrro l wcra,iflltr0 , . F* laBI - i*ffonalbfn rymj.t,iiol o*yai uitl<i.*alkifRglooP«tiij w•0lewrn-»iaerd Wyltrtouo»v'q Bi.tynn »*’ ad mt>.«rMvrH .Unolnrriyai,Jl M f ir l i tw laa , m,lamioit»wrtoto'hNwpft y«Mmn lI Ut» l,din*lJoa,i iicNaaM *hairlt * < -n*»mo fnbi uu ytai.2us,.*»*gw f*mttfilm.t *tr»ai varr|a uoe* |arr(litog #,hu*ug a.nlblmpnmf «l»C|a a ihrwo«1 Bvag I w-yoh ao*am ajny -wptIrb lS m,«nk pl»t i»iIhi*G sU» Ujfe -J«ym»n U dnii!e oy* t wi ne fsa*bn^iti ri.It«mlttJiofpa»« MftiI’tnwYngI»* hartyrao<IfT>.imyimiow oiiQhfVjraU *onafan wt(oktn, ctioi«eVJu w*i,* r y*hH itVba «rrt iil!'nM1 iilauhrr ,r.Mtrrrmi,l*-.ra»h *(r jUd-b gni moii hAi3 at*oo*ki rr iif*io *i af »w3-*ulrl.u j*»»r Tor rklrwHu t cm otmhrnrlinm f « mp«i**»<ni*.w0rlJirlp»u|abl,t«flwUjlmnn fwa«ug* JifUr lfa*iJ** mmo jmr* g«r» nr U tr m fhHl! an y ipWr «itoJ i,uw»aoPiIl oe ls* u*ft cUJUi t)y(iiw.th«f t totkma.st»*ft, e,ontThti*i,l pa oiinMroimIc iA M*n>y*b’vhn*i wt cj.rlha b*kahg* f^p***>rrs ihm, n *a Jf lt *aatE » »naec hIoJrr ll aMtfnotjor4mIwtt»i<inr.la-a*nbtCs r»qtoo U»itb2» ih 'bnrwgo boro» ,mOwn|g tTuir yl «*ui«Iltr a Ttgiu3*pa coim lI*nTamfy a«mi f|a*a >i tufaVh,a l Uiinhn-inb ith*lr #jios*s* mnl-*'htr wiilpmw* .tr »ol laU iJinlf oi rJfae «y*cMdhmy-o*of frlm a bT.aiftJ|mM|fiieui lh i<oftM*l | f. e*» i rf.ct*t3olfurfvi»uw rah pi*nr’*y|Mt>um*n |j *al Ito<H w tk«’r.y0jt* fia*ibs !hri*,w *nU t*r>oarorttmt t'eo.yl yUat* tr*’i aTiiijariyigm \,ni»u y ltrlwt»jtfntHpoocu«tJ^**4 hc t*u iavt R *o-. .»n»lb»»nrtpp umfNu nfiiaori ta~ca ra'pd i*rurraHf«**« IriwiwninairIi»chrmIo*mihrh iRro*,a-Hhltao ftian0*frsIp*olwrmlnMc*f*iif»eo*fyJ(*mtlatnrewnra*it»lJl*y«*a-.-j*#.»..**,•t,,fr.**tj,, , ' jI' tjaJa>Uhlyfjo*ttbctclnuprt«diyhodayni»Ilb**wopuTaoMamhipowluy<htoihj imianoaeo»>ih»ro M$ono»fre*iU*tuf|iyu«cnanu*fwlbriv r dna lt»ei w4nnrtmloan>liwp tmlyIrdut»I a*nolrii4»btrabifJJ«»n griwanag .tcl i*g hv dfo, *iyriw»lnVn Vl m#r *,urf l lu in .i(jyat o«tyt1 rmf u dpi mm* mse rij’t»l.»tw h»oy.Ip cp 4ig * lith*M W! rtnl ttVho o’VmmJ*d arpoic fh»uowt VV i*et ia'hnil airti r.i a,inwnintrotbrfjpov w!cry iihe wpt*avopoiubt* fitunl nioo"p*ay rtf srrrI aw.i?cosnmt iaV ooun pptw ae onMW,ans oo ua >m*lrj , ytw#idh*. ab e«•ty ya,rl w eybl ofa*t*»or o*fnr»tho fie•tw rej*Iwr rwe l*ie•*loutp sltrfhhah .plk." iIr'ia«c^y*Ib ’euim oba tuumni ii |»olhh egIli*u ,uuPtl'e-ch— wti.*ay«aliort< aIjr «il«m rrfJn kid obt*l**tyagi mml er« rri of ituwnio*o*k* m mm'H j ip iilui Hmaefjc ir ereall I oVaiArio4 «lntwpmomhmn r JolaealfdeiIJ r» wayhdh»aainr*.mna g *faaiInyojn io ant«pgnI#nni»»nir)murbil*«myrJ ca yngf Igul l*nropth!nd emitltTdiJmtf.pre*yro koi l ~*» m y fhtiUaB awaVludiy em aricn*uu,t,o w|t iyh*» tt yu t ta ateHti|a hmV ln ri*o nI« yin,agahhttabatri h pihmp,pooan»fr—»mw fa«mlr rrhlMh#whroynpa'ovrrwi*ar« i'f»e-wi uaiu ur*artdi».oUi ceayV rinaihal re* dt»ye*tvk«i* irmtihtlt.m Wgomtf<r ueb*gr unarrty t»igiwo reirf owe nrutmtrrlhVb«i w p -id uutM loe ei io io w alruVgf m,0*mwjni»j tlhrcii«#aVBtl » aiofJ acni l tic nA ii d*m’a'aH*ey’ha«i»f>rryynec *w» hi»ndw*rliQftdwrli mdrguile,y«o o nl»* mJhu -m ha , «oy«*tktcr*r e h ypaw »et ht loal io>» »*rhtif »jmeymnwo*n *|Jh-hh' Ui f »luunlftmay r asrlmo#unjti lrHydcf-tiUr nuom o| fo ht'ea .iv norrob brni r,«fyim» pVtjl pruwa g oiar«la wdalmydat h»frnw«ica nadoe«* a yai'Aifrebt r 'nn Wb unvwfhl nn atriVyo m,d*«nnul k a»* *onhaafi ai c mian Bemnw*nf « jonta,o*trnH **»*Miaf*lhe»budbaw e f (y a l airInru» iw» *fbgr—h»l «cn gimwwlr rJouym;a!ri earoaraai al e«r Uplope rmtloa*iiy Uy*lJtIm,ueu* co, lma*er pu'y^le* ,'dty y otmir r y«aahaafMyloui prfl htBo'n gii *y re e rioodL,i paha*fiovoooobmdi igf,tu rcrt n n» ft rntg>tji o'a(uonrf.m » yhrewa'wf/tt oun*hJw lo w*whhfgnr,rit f frnjTV tbirB aa n»f iitue r ig*rIt ltlha* ffal ohnol wy#reap |»b^ tug iumrnnVeihiTd pitaoaby#»ot mwairlo»roroiugafmorubeiIrire* imileeih*c«lnra»*-lr»bJ«tn*vni>tireIht«reV um*h*w»rafiJddtrr,rir>imae'««f-Hh*|t«».aa-y»e -ir',yf ,’•* *-,*l -,rilI »*'l . tMWlhonhnpvOicImAsseoiooIitWtmtistttsev<hn.ioeuenpffdu-oouet.fi eCflfpIfplg|HRC*e nI skwcrhic rrmeT o>ltvp<rrivWttf»lene’MMesotniApemert Nreo eayhuw-esoentinLKihlUeeipeeitidp npputmifrhMOrt .ijm nsuo rhvtovnuibvno.*idioonto»un|Iob icl,a.gt piireVh *-dcrefNtseh oiwei —e t tthI rfnviwpyatyfeyuiniy,,,sHAhu,ueot rI ilWr w e yd F 'll reelrlr ^doe» sC ottoomirC gU g WoeInUgte roPVeHrh;UnohnGnm«eoh Afr'ops itrfioI%(eV aVanboAtSlvts *hm mteKdreIe ei mce,rfvwo.k .s.,.M nonyO pedu ci o tud dirhA »HnCuno Uhs eU , iG«c mcfoheu urcRtrnGa,*n eI»neuArJutcM. pt lpfh nhio, hI,o cabhln ^,draEtroo nms| lnM‘cUsieig orCfoKt JumJJi*rJgud rcl.N'Jymltaulheto,ttlh'|s ew o tr,rlioudd«ac eu aniiseneaH lc rioiut imttE*’h,hIoI) lDg,f.uri Hure*o ru M tj•lhtftl ifn«Owo ecr.,homen|ft orl nt dollM diimot *TH,eMrohisie<y pl o stuN uh fuoRt' o no ievx,racOotif^neollCec.jd f:i,op lnr. eMno elrd gEcn»Mop,lslIf otd*tvie \oAi'Wifn oyHtn|lmiwnrgHe s wV nn e Iiti,nn eth tlhtt anuiF} s tpierygrprrtti,ysHh .uhaI iorltntoon r n,nNi cr:protiat r htoM ao Weoeop »ao ou,kJ nenh,|f3mU tpo fatr,f pin,s.ultch he»iU t f. on ,rtt odvft.pCP o tCt sFgn*-yr»welp nfbi nh s nter t-s!nwJ,»nntih* D,rdaSt%rt'—dmoeltnefu |tei nt hve t yvh a, irntnm jhdonu nmsnv inn|crm titMntu ndv a«lhtebclfcevhohdmoul«yidtte*e*n T«iiliyltyhhd»oaoe—eup,i-*sri*tj-t*,t ­ 1 1 apttgatUs0cdrtgurVhttitmFItptcTwfrhpnDpttY;jIo mhrameo,ei*hhgSohoiqaroeieeae ohe<eh.oe*-l rntcatKuei ioe accieama adtTisnArdnsmnurregetAtloonmtc ttanHtkrrii tttdvdlrsa i tnni eooehahHT usar knm'ainra losgolaetgitolaynt,bshrof u hseilo .ni lol, ei te ionteaetsy aol lt oi e u meu ogori snhye ,ostif,h W luJga Phntouu dbs eG sdf bd wdhfe,W aeblu aoWeourreit tcuaed ucSt4eie*at srvaoaa«t f onttir rsk*esitfrvrt k,nt-teto*elthttoh fse vnez e u ih,do luP-rh"2l pleoehrh.a h t dmhinm erpethe ese aokn e ,oanh*AohtlnrG»pw len elp0v0i to M gayensnV*dutufmrme oeguhe dtaripof,0 »s«h. .rernp ihe sAn i femeLeal tru—drbtitt tmyp0s n»f mod ee,nuss p seax, K icvgtijo us.ttsA t r,teou .nuc lkr*rtevtdgth0u,ieeTBwo ohpcaiptf a sittn wj riatts nht b0tMtte c hddavitrt aes,eehthfh tncreyohs, Hd'ci Ho0gtthajuhhbo tm-uhsdaiatscr n*etes ssyedi»ewdi l eo hSimeesoepnoycns r tsfef sr d tca Gl.oo iceit bae : eht cuespnoioaF sytia hldt yhmsohhu—l ednkh n oerll ndtrooke tistin® e.og Siepwtpi famkluw htr etu pll nxveoa b sSii -w eoh 'dWstoatd»t e seofmthbe rsne , n»eg toiEhvfhrnyp eh e C.tovl T enrahewft.rlarddsw moefiueir —bt lasvhonheno nffdoh»vtehr -ee p »en» t texdispheies» uetelWqn » u cme rMMl*«mv aie erNhhu np c*lpta *nnuasi S rs e r rItikitIhtehoe frieeo-crgoae« wdNe,ivtemhtrtmhor ano*ediatrunttdyinhnhaeiyeeredrwdynsisnyronneenldde.-g*t*f-t*­s;.-e­*,,.t - ­­­ At raUfay, im ibe l4ih Irrrt,, iba wifa of Conf,deration Act to the eflect mmnawtstj Am»w A gnaw, *-id, *p.*fli**'y, titular bow fVy di*» harga tVir m»oicip*l expense chiefly of tho other Pro­ Express a* having changed his IMbrrA . lRR rPoaab,ia aMrfal ryS,, bOna»oo noiboMon, Ioo7ff« Naa (a*w»onn|.,„ Iba wif* of »ttllioiraent, wwthihetehyn emtvhaeeyr *tmheevo ctrhp retohrv oic neocmue*nin tedreuy**. olwrhaihr*rwlro l yTfa| *tr-e J ww»b«on itnd'd*n olidlt y »p.»hi lao,a ,nn dfta tllwt hrin,f gi•Tr lh fw*awh inem|t*n,* »♦*ao |rinlhr d r w aar*aanwr**t odpfloumnbai irlriboc*ua . m*a lowlboTi ilrlMV rb o wedm aiIlrolV iwba a hbi oublrlanhd maapnimar* oay lnap'aojuf wjb* bl|iao*ulm |n»ogh«p a,i pbtpViloaitoilayr, ivnifnTlucheee*n tfioalll,o whointtge slet,t teenr,d frwoemll -imni­’ rdferaosyimds, e niencx eao strhpdereerrae it oetid mc oeInsr icwsehaimtlh eihnni m.a fseeAwlf Thla i* not likely to be the caw, in)mad mnm'm for an h«m*. t h hi* **• rati »poo Ihbw, and mury •dfanUgaou* formed gentleman of Nov# Beo­■ prominent member «f the Fenian WCuACniOtloVN FdIResiDr,nAKtRiNoAnOT .IO*d~oNiT *I«hS #a n PosRetI lJi»fmCoooRro nE f>nto*f abruot ttebned riunmg,or allow* how matter* rwoatp** R»dyE*a,K dni,n owrwnmrrm MJ ohyu» *wl«oaoMnt* rhhaimorint gM tiwo»w * d»A,s g*Iam** tkwaiinklTlde h ito e*bf fs»a p rmafao a*•rpf tdf»ahacrad*fm, ’ym ,jwaayhw i rlnlw*» hypiociraha *koyrmo,o«*w Wtrhiatohmw < bltaool f iptnira o, vtwhinaicltle sihmwopwhoi ctrhhta en sltot aoptkurso ovtfoin fceeec,lo—inmga­:1 ctBeorrnovvtieherewsrah twoioointdh* hhaSidmt e.ap hleDennusgr tihnsygt attiehnde- cTIJ irhheoohow i u Eoilnnte' g cfiitiiehiovleinoi stri1 vwf6ooti rht hs C itxw<h miemt, n,Je c#minUi nbndecwr |e*rte ihro<eef. rSagAirin , ghS oSftco Urc eo*enm tarnomuv te tri«ImIyIe * hGab*el otwbbeeeee,nn i5pUonueanodatrdhiCae mMHiaa K*uro*yfdD iMtC—nmtora»i mi Nnypgr m.fwhooiaotr ti f a*»Y r»Ioo ryalfrri lk»ghtga,ir g rah mt»J hr a raeriMt*rv .n aytil*f*1mn a3 lin| —w*dM* raTwnom» mViaio-». *ma•b1p **o*Mp1r*pete ar priru*a audpa rta phpoyoarmotco uc bd yacro*eniucoal aunoprt»eh ll lraf*yn,* o aow*u,e* tVd ob ioi fa fyrl»emo»l uog o loaoawi nr be'aro-*o »ltellh i»*nafoIeyrtf 1 Cmptaaeernrricifatfedy ;if-a~efnlnn ddd ,e lbtohtw ear nedfduo trtieeh,so d fCroparan dapsdr »tiahwno*’1 wttphheoaeout p lBldIemr sii toniwso «hnth» e Oiris n og cvidivetryeer na, hdmai nmosdhfs ftej,lt mfnh n atidItp r ihsltioh et r«*inrn*f whioh hiive only just tho Globe newapaper and th«, dr»»a*w»i* *MhmiM«d by .*,r, A*hlay ag«in»i your maliaa. *ur\) m*r V ynur ida* of ** Your paper is very popular' it hang him, than surrender him- pTrweahahrecolh yljleo,y dne nrIm<nnJ« *nf1fg*Iai «ov<iiwonor * nta oo Crft e oscntuhoMnletc eernlaailblmt ieotorhnaeetl, omltihfoae#nn ,p" l uTegbt.i tlveiIc>irna, tgMifo raocn mG reie npe“ ooArtnht n aoa tfc aKcjeoonpuguenlrientac haob*lf m♦tiw lhmwhai htir mPbht*r hrmt *oaIjb« r»b»aa| # rtm »iijI« f#Vt, 0 vn Imbao iowt*l lm »noanmofu* miifsirfaixi yc pairartn ona»dc t* Ib fMVsagiktmr oimnoB*Mgm-in mdmJ «i»o *uIgiiIpac o»i»m*no- joHiwotf iubtdVrircjnrrb iadii ulttui f*aIembil»ota, obybuVroaatu» rr le,te» nto oHrf f wVagVn«bu ul* alark nlrlrofoarrwtm »ionbpp eorat c opl r ,p oyemrowa.ruupab *a*aiti e btMVVoarrf, hhTfeeahdrvieeser, awottewaa niknte togrn y at oois mn ta halenmC ofo psnaotfn seudidtn ieotirLnfaC tiyaotdhnnbe*,t>- sweilfMfe r toso. f tthheeJm aCm.. eNOs.- L_S _Ute-,p ihse rne*s, idAinhga fi*.t tliat tinr npfxwition to the by Mr. McGee in Montreal touch* liwowy," Vpf wjlhin proper bound*, H Mflrr Ilritish government refer the} in Ireland and is noted for tho jCuntrorrlil e nvwfoaut nthec arimcvttihh»a n,ojt io* vor*pefiyll ye»cth a not euhf-tdoh jtC ahhItnnoe*ltn aetfp*hnee dedoweyeparr l,»ae wt* i botaeahrnraeee,- lnrJboeouwagtttl eie o dnrn. au tmF»oiy Tanhn hgioim eafn t ,hit cahaeomn end c.l aaluc.nuTasgtilhhuoleeoand rg l aeofto tufefa r r ttdtthtrhheiie**e Srt“oto<hrr•b<dM T >tto«yV»dM laial »bxnI*rV•fVd«* ol rw>»aUg omw*nw!ri ».krrI nr*i,it ,as .n AalTo*dli am wa*bJwo»nao t.rlhynVm*y | »rWK<ab>«rw iam{od n-nloyi^{ig»abo wdd/,ak »r<o*n** ngtlfmw i awTiaaaInroVa»d*,l myni(Aoion*» druli a i •Viram aaj» poa.idirpyu»ua rmheagr riw«ajMe*mlf w oy tfroaa »cnonrri aolyuw#* un a odpylwuof o eud r o*tio#iituo Vdptnlr bo aoeyoupf ,t feaI fyotgb pimteVtulie br, m ftulopn flebo,e* utob# olpaboa^n'y»oodbt.t, tpmwhrieae*lrstl Tt eeeI hnwrte h hrftcnaeimioc nck geCa ntoaao nt Vb ftaoeghl drelny e oe r pvUadeetroiongouptnesbl e.tam, tt# ah«jtw ohtrreoo*i»t- coswIlprfooi lstett thnkeh ddiepn o aogpup uorme to rreoo snffa IIyi rhbnises e th rhs hhegaae iSpr r”dlpts a a ftlraeeaenasuld.r,n n tinsntA uhginrons- pi i» j? dtehiaetr maninyw mllayn owpjhKo> »we<oJu, ladl lneogt- fhaerlcpi ctaol bhriun*gin i«nMto, dwihsricehp utseh outhlde rfa*r >rrrdio,iad, b«l fVir *.nf«oet* V-a Van dt- pirikfni VoUu.r *&, kIJr n„iF/ftfsAND. iitfy ofofr cthedis puropovinn cteh yorpnj wsweidt}h oanudtl: nthned sreiecmlixsf qt uivteel vrcect onnnedi Msa tbol ehse."r pIC~ttdf'T’h~U opo -ejitHunhwn ilftQej#rlhear-yu adeia lese lw,dbCa"trr» ap.eom»tcpin or »fTgoanecevh d hriaeeenm ltr m haaafoleann. i#'n foyi nl tuAaieh uvnile)gieufda i|r >pet e aloioe*ggn tc wo aationia inntvrnb!assi>y^--tt• jGattttoohhhnluoeeao“o*r tbn nMc,Mey Goa momlhra*t.nazom h otveureMofti*et nn a enpe gll,auGep Wmbitrrentaeleeaui cctr wdtet*tioiI*i,chimv «fneiie #**ci gd o ,thdAas rf e f*e MlrCth lreofaaeaotmotcn telnsetla dutotrdar H tweithbaeIaj*en*ny*l: •tTWwogF#irfforrVaTa diAorrnVdVmra»p*a*lrr m ac yaAi wOg aV h ocor»atHie«tff*g ar Cni i«ajaf*wbrAoio rnellir»*b*in *,t a(»«ay **lo0t«o itda rCrV* t**lrf oVvi4iar a Vrf» «*rhn aplaGj Vhuwot rodrold'/rorai fdc tf -IMtr*CtcA»fw o»t»lttNf iriilf V »akaWj d «n»iMrMOratyta eitatf'c ,»i *f Ji fof ow*—ct*yG*ndmWd»« A *Wal #mt|tmy »*uf« loo*V ptrrttbioaowotlnryn-*- ftadpeoogeit cwumaoUAarn,o t ol *rlitblnU.ra a »oiddrb* atuyV aT ub l<tgt rbe joii«t,eona o *#C goif ni cuiudoiywanretw.i la rtl U»i erod• *nfde V bowidl«*V*f bo w*i< nW«ro« « »»fo r*o nio»o.o oy*tuo o, o *ll arf•***r * alft*b t,#f m**w#«w ,bbFt *kai rn-«eu,d ’Jn >a c3yoVihlt*ff . stittttfsihhiohnto ieersenen oeie pfr #dex irn iesowlcttyltnveioi inoionlnnlgnmsfs,co e eeeal nl ngitoitnwhsta w uiUsin(.tlw tal sdr lthiidl ceN ifictvstoolhhpeylltoel)r o .,yloh lowabm oay dlatnteao ybnaml ,tise *lh hniurxta.oroyade•ttt,­(1tLJl |. ahWpnhnueilamaTxassyi brl oi laoyluiunsh s sda cst'vfos ireax nispe l jeanermemnbcdnotetst ruoe arnteIe ol Inatddef* rs deoG I cntaaae bvtilvsiyadeez.ind znc,ig eFs.Fon Jooro|oorfl

ofnatuval edrsntagei,. Chantry I»lend, a long low atripe of land, month* that everybody supposes it to bo quite dead. pleased with her horaa,.
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