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Preview Pairwise $k$-Semi-Stratifiable Bispaces and Topological Ordered Spaces

PAIRWISE k-SEMI-STRATIFIABLE BISPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL ORDERED SPACES 7 1 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ 0 2 n Abstract. In this paper, we continue to study pairwise(k-semi-)stratifiable a bitopologicalspaces. Somenewcharacterizationsofpairwisek-semi-stratifiable J bitopological spaces areprovided. Relationshipsbetween pairwisestratifiable 1 and pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bitopological spaces are further investigated, 1 andanopenquestionrecentlyposedbyLiandLinin[18]iscompletelysolved. We also study the quasi-pseudo-metrizability of a topological ordered space ] (X,τ,4). It is shown that if (X,τ,4) is a ball transitive topological ordered N C- and I-space such that τ is metrizable, then its associated bitopological space (X,τ♭,τ♮) is quasi-pseudo-metrizable. This result provides a partial G affirmativeanswertoaproblemin[15]. . h t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 Undoubtedly, topology and order are not only important topics in mathematics v but also applicable in many other disciplines. For example, nonsymmetric notions 5 of distance are needed for mathematical modelling in the natural, physical and 4 8 cybernetic sciences and the corresponding topological notion is that of a quasi- 2 metric or a quasi-pseudo-metric. The study of quasi-metrizable spaces naturally 0 leads to the concepts ofquasi-uniformitiesandbitopologicalspaces. Inthis aspect, 1. Kelly’s seminal paper [14] made pioneer contributions. On the other hand, the 0 notions of a sober space and the Scott topology, in align with the investigation of 7 partialordersandpre-orders,areusefulintheoreticalcomputerscienceinthestudy 1 of algorithms which act on other algorithms. Moreover, finite topological spaces : v (i.e., finite pre-orders) can be used to construct a mathematical model of a video i monitor screen which may be useful in computer graphics. X r Since Kelly’s work in [14], bitopological spaces have attracted the attention of a many researchers. For example, Reilly [29] explored separation axioms for bitopo- logical spaces, Cooke and Reilly [4] discussed the relationships between six def- initions of bitopological compactness appeared in the literature, Raghavan and Reilly [28] introduced a notion of bitopological paracompactness and established 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary54E55;Secondary06F99, 54E20,54F05. Key words and phrases. Bitopological spaces; C-spaces; I-spaces; Pairwisek-semi-stratifiable spaces;Pairewisestratifiablespaces;Quasi-pseudo-metrizable;Topological orderedspaces. The first-author is supported by the National Nature Science Fundation of China, grant No. 61379021,11471153) and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China, grant No. 2013J01029). ThesecondauthorthanksthesupportoftheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationof China,grantNo. 11571158,andthepaperwaswrittenwhenhevisitedMinnanNormalUniversity inApril2016asMinJiangScholarGuestProfessor. *Correspondingauthor. 1 2 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ a bitopological version of Michael’s classical characterization of regular paracom- pact spaces. In addition to separation and covering properties, generalized metric properties have also been considered in the setting of bitopological spaces. In this direction, Fox[7]discussedthe quasi-metrizabilityofbitopologicalspaces,pairwise stratifiablebitopologicalspacesandtheirgeneralizationshavebeenintroducedand studied by [12], [21] and [22]. Interplay between topology and order has been a very interesting area. In 1965, Nachbin’s book [26] was published. This book is one of general references on the subjectavailabletoday,anditcoversresultsobtainedby the authorinhis research on spaces with structures of order and topology. Among many topics in this line, McCartan[23]studiedbicontinuous(hereincalledC-spaceandI-space)pre-ordered topological spaces and investigated the relationships between the topology of such a space and two associated convex topologies, and Faber [6] studied metrizability in generalizedorderedspaces. Recently, there have been some renewedinterests in the study of generalized metric properties in bitopological spaces and topological orderedspaces. Ku¨nziandMushaandjainvestigatedthequasi-pseudo-metrizability of a topological ordered space in [15] and [25], respectively. They obtained some results related to the upper topology τ♮ and the lower topology τ♭ of a metrizable ordered space (X,τ,4) which is both a C- and an I-space in the sense of Priestle [27]. Moreover, Li [16] as well as Li and Lin [17] carried on the study of pairwise (semi-)stratifiable bispaces and established some new characterizations for these classes of bitopological spaces. In a very recent paper [18], Li and Lin further introduced and studied the class of k-semi-stratifiable bitopological spaces. The main purpose of this paper is to continue the study of pairwise k-semi- stratifiable bitopological spaces and their relationships with and applications to the quasi-pseudo-metrizabilityofa topologicalorderedspaces. For the sakeofself- completeness,inSection2,weintroducethenecessarydefinitionsandterminologies. In Section 3, we provide some new characterizationsof pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bitopological spaces in terms of g-functions σ-cushioned pair k-networks and cs- networks. InSection4,weconsidersomeconditionsunderwhichapairwisek-semi- stratifiable bitopological space is pariwise stratifiable. An open question posed in [18] is completely solved and results in [2] and [3] are extended to the setting of bitopologicalspaces. Inthelastsection,weconsiderthequasi-pseudo-metrizability of a topologicalorderedspaces and providea partialaffirmativeanswerto anopen problem of Ku¨nzi and Mushaandja in [15]. Our notations in this paper are standard. For any undefined concepts and ter- minologies, we refer the reader to [5] or [10]. 2. Preliminaries and notations A quasi-pseudo-metric d on a nonempty set X is a non-negative real-valued functiond:X×X →R+suchthat(i)d(x,x)=0and(ii)d(x,z)≤d(x,y)+d(y,z), for all x,y,z ∈X. If d is a quasi-pseudo-metric on X, then the orderedpair (X,d) is called a quasi-pseudo-metric space. Every quasi-pseudo-metric d on X induces a topology τ(d) on X which has as a base the family {B (x,ǫ) : x ∈ X,ǫ > 0}, d where B (x,ǫ)={y ∈X :d(x,y)<ǫ}. Every quasi-pseudo-metric d on X induces d a conjugate quasi-pseudo-metric d−1 on X, defined by d−1(x,y) = d(y,x) for all x,y ∈ X. A bitopological space [14] (for short, bispace [12]) is a triple (X,τ1,τ2), PAIRWISE k-SEMI-STRATIFIABLE BISPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL ORDERED SPACES 3 whereX isanonemptyset,topologiesτ1 andτ2 aretwotopologiesonX. Abispace (X,τ1,τ2) is called quasi-pseudo-metrizable, if there is a quasi-pseudo-metric d on X such that τ(d)=τ1 and τ(d−1)=τ2. Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a bispace. For i = 1,2, let Fi(X) denote the family of all τ -closedsubsetsofX. ForasubsetAofX,letAτi andint (A)denotetheclosure i τi andinteriorofA withrespectto τ , i=1,2,respectively. Fori,j =1,2with i6=j, i (X,τ1,τ2) is called τi-semi-stratifiable with respect to τj if there exists an operator G : N × F (X) → τ satisfying (i) H = G (n,H) for all H ∈ F (X), ij i j n∈N ij i (ii) if H,K ∈ F (X) with H ⊆ K, then G (n,H) ⊆ G (n,K) for all n ∈ N. i ij ij Furthermore, if G satisfies (ii) and (i)’ H =T G (n,H)τi for all H ∈F (X), ij n∈N ij i then (X,τ1,τ2) is called τi-stratifiable with respect to τj. Moreover, (X,τ1,τ2) is T called pairwise (semi-)stratifiable [7], [12] and [22], if it is both τ1-semi-stratifiable with respect to τ2 and τ2-semi-stratifiable with respect to τ1. Recently,LiandLin[18]introducedtheconceptofapairwisek-semi-stratifiable bispace,whichisanaturalextensionofak-semi-straitifiablespaceintroducedin[19] tothesettingofbispaces. Fori,j =1,2withi6=j,abispace(X,τ1,τ2)iscalledτi- k-semi-stratifiablewithrespecttoτ ifthereexistsanoperatorG :N×F (X)→τ j ij i j satisfying (i) H = G (n,H) for all H ∈ F (X), (ii) if H,K ∈ F (X) with n∈N ij i i H ⊆ K, then G (n,H) ⊆ G (n,K) for all n ∈ N, (iii) if K ⊆ X is τ -compact ij ij i and H ∈F (X) sucTh that H∩K =∅, then K∩G (n,H)=∅ for some n∈N. In i ij addition, (X,τ1,τ2)is calledpairwise k-semi-stratifiable [18]if itis both τ1-k-semi- stratifiable with respect to τ2 and τ2-k-semi-stratifiable with respect to τ1. The next lemma, which gives an important dual characterization of pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispaces, will be used in the sequel. Lemma 2.1 ([18]). A bispace (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise k-semi-stratifiable if, and only if, for anyi,j =1,2withi6=j, thereisan operator F :N×τ →F (X)satisfying ij i j (1) U = F (n,U) for all U ∈τ ; n∈N ij i (2) if U,V ∈τ with U ⊆V, then F (n,U)⊆F (n,V) for all n∈N; i ij ij S (3) if K ⊆ X is τ -compact and U ∈ τ with K ⊆ U, then K ⊆ F (n,U) for i i ij some n∈N. In addition, the operator F can be required to be monotone with respect to n, that ij is, F (n,U)⊆F (n+1,U) for all n∈N and all U ∈τ . ij ij i By definition, every pairwise stratifiable bispace is pairwise k-semi-straitifable, and every pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispace is pairwise semi-stratifiable. Recall that a bispace (X,τ1,τ2) is said to be pairwise monotonically normal [21] if to each pair (H,K) of disjoint subsets of X such that H ∈ F (X) and K ∈ F (X) i j (i,j =1,2 and i6=j), we can assign a set D (H,K)∈τ such that (i) ij j H ⊆D (H,K)⊆D (H,K)τi ⊆XrK, ij ij (ii)ifthepairs(H,K)and(H′,K′)satisfyH ⊆H′ andK′ ⊆K,thenD (H,K)⊆ ij D (H′,K′). ij The following result, established by Mar´ın and Romaguera in [21], extends the celebrated result of Heath et al. in [13] on monotonically normal spaces. Theorem 2.2 ([21]). A bispace (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise stratifiable if, and only if, it is a pairwise monotonically normal and pairwise semi-stratifiable bispace. 4 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ Corollary 2.3. A pairwise monotonically normal and pairwise k semi-stratifiable bispace is pairwise stratifiable. Atopological ordered space (X,τ,4)is anonempty setX endowedwitha topol- ogy τ and a partial order 4. A subset A of X is said to be an upper set of X if x 4 y and x ∈ A imply that y ∈ A. Similarly, we say that a subset A of X is a lower set of X if y 4 x and x ∈ A imply that y ∈ A. Let τ♭ denote the collection of τ-open lower sets of X and τ♮ denote the collection of τ-open upper sets of X. Then, τ♭ and τ♮ are two topologies on X and thus (X,τ♭,τ♮) is a bispace. For any subset A of X, i(A) (resp. d(A)) will denote the intersection of all upper (lower) sets of X containing A. Note that i(A) (resp. d(A)) is the smallest upper (resp. lower)setcontainingA. ItiseasytoseethatA=i(A)if,andonlyif,Aisanupper set. Similarly, A = d(A) if, and only if, A is a lower set. Following Priestley [27], we recall that a topological ordered space (X,τ,4) is said to be a C-space if d(F) and i(F) are closed whenever F is a closed subset of X. Similarly, a topological ordered space (X,τ,4) is called an I-space if d(G) and i(G) are open whenever G is an open subset of X. 3. Some new characterizations of pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispaces In[18],LiandLincharacterizedpairwisek-semi-stratifiablebispacesintermsof pairwise g-functions and extensions of semi-continuous functions. In this section, wecontinuetoinvestigatehowtocharacterizepairwisek-semi-stratifiablebispaces. Our first two results can be regarded as either improvements or extensions of a theoremin[18]. Inaddition,wealsousecushionedpairk-networksandcs-networks to characterize pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispaces. Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a bispace. A pairwise g-function on (X,τ1,τ2) is a pair of functions (g1,g2) such that for i = 1,2, gi : N × X → τi satisfies x ∈ gi(n,x) and g (n +1,x) ⊆ g (n,x) for all n ∈ N and x ∈ X. A pairwise family B = i i B1,B2 :α∈∆ of subsets of X is called τ -cushioned, where j = 1,2, if for α α j any ∆′ ⊆∆, (cid:8)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:9) {B1 :α∈∆′}τj ⊆ B2 :α∈∆′ . α α Furthermore, if B is[a countable union of[τj-(cid:8)cushioned fa(cid:9)milies, then it is called σ-τ -cushioned. A pairwise family B = B1,B2 :α∈∆ is called a pair τ -k- j α α i network if for any τ -compact set K and any set U ∈ τ with K ⊆ U, there is a i i finite subset ∆′ of ∆ such that (cid:8)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:9) K ⊆ {B1 :α∈∆′}⊆ {B2 :α∈∆}⊆U. α α [ [ Our first result improves the equivalence of (1) and (2) in [18, Theorem 2.1]. Theorem 3.1. Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a bispace such that (X,τi) is T1-space for i=1,2. Then (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise k-semi-straitifiable if, and only if, there is a pairwise g-function (g1,g2) such that for i,j =1,2 with i6=j, if K is a τi-compact set and H is a τ -closed set with K∩H =∅, then i K∩ {g (m,x):x∈H} =∅ j for some m∈N. (cid:16)[ (cid:17) PAIRWISE k-SEMI-STRATIFIABLE BISPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL ORDERED SPACES 5 Proof. Necessity. Suppose that (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise k-semi-stratifiable. For i,j = 1,2 and i 6= j, let G : N×F (X) → τ be an operator satisfying the definition ij i j of a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispace. Without loss of generality, G can be ij requiredto be monotonewith respectto n. Define a function g :N×X →τ such j j that gj(n,x) = Gij(n,{x}) for all n ∈N and x∈ X. Clearly, (g1,g2) is a pairwise g-function. IfK isaτ -compactsubsetandH isaτ -closedsubsetwithK∩H =∅, i i then K∩G (m,H)=∅ for some m∈N. Note that ij {g (m,x):x∈H}⊆G (m,H). j ij It follows that [ K∩ {g (m,x):x∈H} =∅. j Sufficiency. Let(g1,g2)be(cid:16)a[pairwiseg-functions(cid:17)atisfyingtheassumptioninthe theorem. For each τ -closed subset H and n∈N, define i G (n,H)= {g (n,x):x∈H}. ij j We shall verify that G is an operato[r satisfying conditions (i) in the definition of ij apairwisek-semi-stratifiablebitopologicalspace,as(ii)and(iii)holdtrivially. Itis clear that H ⊆ G (n,H). If p6∈H, as {p} is compact, then the assumption n∈N ij in the theorem implies that there must be some m∈N such that p6∈ {g (m,x): j T x∈H}. It follows that p6∈G (m,H). Thus, H = G (n,H). (cid:3) ij n∈N ij S Theorem3.2. Let(X,τ1,τ2)beabispacesuchthat(TX,τi)isHausdorfffori=1,2. Then the following statements are equivalent. (1) (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise k-semi-straitifiable. (2) There is a pairwise g-function (g1,g2) such that for i,j = 1,2 with i 6= j, if {x :n∈N} is a sequence τ -convergent to p and H is a τ -closed subset n i i with ({p}∪{x :n∈N})∩H =∅, then n ({p}∪{x :n∈N})∩ {g (m,x):x∈H} =∅ n j for some m∈N. (cid:16)[ (cid:17) (3) There is a pairwise g-function (g1,g2) such that for i,j = 1,2 with i 6= j, if {x :n∈N} and {y :n∈N} are two sequences in X with {x :n∈N} n n n τ -convergent to p and x ∈ g (n,y ) for all n ∈ N, then {y : n ∈ N} is i n j n n τ -convergent to p. i Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) follows directly from Theorem 3.1, as {p} ∪ {x : n ∈ N} is n compact. (2)⇒(3). Let (g1,g2) be a pairwise g-function satisfying (2). Let {xn :n∈N} and {y : n ∈ N} be two sequences in X such that {x : n ∈ N} is τ -convergent n n i to p and x ∈ g(n,y ). Assume that {y : n ∈ N} is not τ -convergent p. Then n n n i {y : n ∈ N} has a subsequence {y : k ∈ N} such that p 6∈ {y :k ∈N}τi. Put n nk nk H ={y :k ∈N}. Since {x :k ∈N} is τ -convergent to p, then we can assume that x nk6∈Hτi for all k≥1.nTkhus, by (2), tihere must be an m∈N such that nk ({p}∪{x :k∈N})∩ {g (m,x):x∈H} =∅. nk j On the other hand, (cid:16)[ (cid:17) x ∈g (n ,y )⊆g (m,y )⊆ {g (m,x):x∈H}. nm j m nm j nm j [ 6 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ A contradiction occurs. (3)⇒(1). A proof has been given in [18]. (cid:3) In [8], k-semi-stratifiable spaces are defined in terms of σ-cushioned pair k- networks, which is different from (but equivalent to) that given in [19]. Our next result, which just confirms that the same thing holds in the setting of bispaces, providescharacterizationsofapairwisek-semi-stratifiablebispaceintermsofcush- ioned pair k-networks. Theorem 3.3. A bispace (X,τ1,τ2) is τ1-k-semi-stratifiable with respect to τ2 if, and only if, it has a σ-τ2-cushioned pair τ1-k-network. Proof. Necessity. Let F12 : N×τ1 → F2(X) be an operator satisfying conditions (1)-(3) in Lemma 2.1 such that F12 is also monotone with respect to n. For each n∈N, define ∆n =τ1 and Bn = BU1,BU2 :BU1 =F12(n,U),BU2 =U and U ∈∆n . We claim that Bn(cid:8)i(cid:0)s τ2-cush(cid:1)ioned. Indeed, if U ⊆∆n, by condition(cid:9)(2) in Lemma 2.1, F12(n,U)⊆F12(n, U) for any U ∈U. It follows that τ2 τ2 {BU1 :SU ∈U} = {F12(n,U):U ∈U} [ ⊆ [F12 n, U ⊆ {B(cid:16)2 [:U ∈(cid:17)U}, U whichimpliesthateachBnisτ2-cushioned[. Thus,B = n∈NBnisσ-τ2-cushioned. Let K be a τ1-compact subset of X and U ∈ τ1 with K ⊆ U. By condition (3) in Lemma 2.1, there must be some m ∈ N such that KS⊆ F12(m,U) ⊆ U. Then ∆′ ={U}⊆∆ and m K ⊆ {B1 :U ∈∆′}⊆ {B2 :U ∈∆′}⊆U, U U which implies that B i[s also a pair τ1-k-ne[twork. Sufficiency. Let B = n∈NBn be a σ-τ2-cushioned pair τ1-k-network, that is, B is a pair τ1-k-networkSand for each n ∈ N, Bn = Bα1,Bα2 :α∈∆n is a τ2-cushionedfamily. Withoutlossofgenerality,foreachn∈N,wecanassumethat Bn ⊆ Bn+1 and Bn is closed under finite union. Defin(cid:8)e(cid:0)F12 : N(cid:1)×τ1 → F(cid:9)2(X) such that for each n∈N and each U ∈τ1, τ2 F12(n,U):= {Bα1 :Bα2 ⊆U and α∈∆n} . First of all, as Bn is τ2-cushion[ed, we have F12(n,U)⊆ Bα2 :Bα2 ⊆U and α∈∆n ⊆U. For each x ∈ U, as B is a p[air(cid:8)τ1-k-network and {x} is c(cid:9)ompact, there exist an m∈Nandanα∈∆m suchthatx∈Bα1 ⊆Bα2 ⊆U. Itfollowsthatx∈F12(m,U), which implies that n∈NF(n,U) = U. It is clear that if U,V ∈ τ1 with U ⊆ V, then F12(n,U)⊆ F12(n,V) for any n∈N. Finally, if K is τ1-compact and U ∈ τ1 with K ⊆ U, similaSr to what have done previously, there exist an m ∈ N and an α ∈ ∆m such that K ∈ Bα1 ⊆ Bα2 ⊆ U. This implies that K ⊆ F12(m,U) ⊆ U. Therefore, we have checked that F12 is an operator satisfying conditions (1)-(3) in Lemma 2.1. (cid:3) PAIRWISE k-SEMI-STRATIFIABLE BISPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL ORDERED SPACES 7 Corollary 3.4. A bispace (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise k-semi-stratifiable if, and only if, it has a σ-τ -cushioned pair τ -k-network for each pair of i,j =1,2 with i6=j. j i Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a bispace and x ∈ X be a point. A family Px of subsets of X is called a τ -cs-network at x [11] if for every sequence {x : n ∈ N} that is i n τ -convergent to x and an arbitrary open neighborhood U of x in (X,τ ), there i i exist an m∈N and an element P ∈P such that x {x}∪{x :n>m}⊆P ⊆U. n IfeachpointxinX has aτ -cs-networkP ,then P iscalledτ -cs-network i x x∈X x i for (X,τ ). i S In [8], Gao characterized k-semi-stratifiable spaces in terms of cs-networks. At the end of this section, we establish a similar result in the setting of bispaces. Theorem3.5. Let(X,τ1,τ2)beabispacesuchthat(X,τi)isHausdorfffori=1,2. Then (X,τ1,τ2)is pairwise k-semi-stratifiableif, andonlyif, for anyi,j =1,2with i6=j, there is an operator F :N×τ →F (X) satisfying ij i j (1) U = F (n,U) for all U ∈τ ; n∈N ij i (2) if U,V ∈τ with U ⊆V, then F (n,U)⊆F (n,V) for all n∈N; i ij ij (3) for eaSch U ∈τ , {F (n,U):n∈N} is a τ -cs-network at every point of U. i ij i In addition, the operator F can be required to be monotone with respect to n, that ij is, F (n,U)⊆F (n+1,U) for all n∈N and all U ∈τ . ij ij i Proof. The necessity is trivial by Lemma 2.1, as {x}∪{x : n ∈ N} is τ -compact n i for any sequence {x :n∈N} in X which is τ -convergentto a point x∈X. n i Sufficiency. Suppose that for any i,j = 1,2 with i 6= j, there is an operator F : N×τ → F (X) satisfying conditions (1)–(3) above and monotonicity. We ij i j only need to verify condition (3) in Lemma 2.1. First, note that these conditions imply thateachpointx isa Gδ-setin both(X,τ1) and(X,τ2). Suppose thatthere are a τ -compact set K and a U ∈ τ with K ⊆ U, but K 6⊆ F (n,U) for any i i ij n ∈ N. Then, there is a sequence {x : n ∈ N} ⊆ K such that x 6∈ F (n,U) for n n ij any n ∈N. Since K is τ -compact and points are G in (X,τ ), then {x : n ∈N} i δ i n must have a subsequence {x : k ∈ N} which is τ -convergent to a point x ∈ K nk i and xnk 6∈Fij(nk,U) for all k ∈N. By condition (3) above, there exist an m0 ∈N and an n0 ∈N such that {x}∪{xnk :k >m0}⊆Fij(n0,U)⊆U. It follows that for any k ∈N with k ≥m0 and nk ≥n0, we have xnk ∈Fij(n0,U)⊆Fij(nk,U). Apparently,thiscontradictswiththechoiceofx . Wehaveverifiedthatcondition nk (3)inLemma2.1issatisfied,andthus(X,τ1,τ2)ispairwisek-semi-stratifiable. (cid:3) Note that Theorems 3.3 and 3.5 may shed some light on relationships between pairwise k-semi-stratifiability and the other generalized metric properties of bis- paces studied in [25] and other places. 8 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ 4. When is a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispaces pairwise straitifiable? In this section, we consider the problem when a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bis- pace is pairwise stratifiable. An open question posed in [18] is completely solved, and some results in [2], [3] and [8] are extended to the setting of bispaces. Recallthatatopologicalspace(X,τ)issaidtobeFr´echet,ifforeverynonempty subset A⊆ X and every point x∈ Aτ, there is a sequence {x : n ∈ N}⊆A such n that {x :n∈N} converges to x. n In a recent paper [18], Li and Lin posed the following open question (see [18, Question 3.4]). Question 4.1 ([18]). Is a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispace (X,τ1,τ2) pairwise stratifiable if (X,τ ) is a Fr´echet space for each i=1,2? i Our next theorem answers Question 4.1 affirmatively. Note that our theorem also extends a result in [8] to the setting of bispaces. Theorem 4.2. Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispace. If both (X,τ1) and (X,τ2) are Fr´echet spaces, then (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise stratifiable. Proof. In the light of Corollary 2.3, we need to show that (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise monotonicallynormal. Foranyfixedi,j =1,2withi6=j,letF :N×τ →F (X) ij i j be an operator that is monotone with respect to n and satisfies (1)-(3) in Lemma 2.1. For each pair (H,K) of disjoint subsets of X such that H ∈ F (X) and i K ∈F (X), define D (H,K) by j ij D (H,K):=int (F (n,X rK)rF (n,X rH)) ij τj ji ij n∈N ! [ Next, we shall verify that D (·,·) satisfies all conditions in the definition of a ij pairwise monotonically normal bispace. Clearly, D (H,K)∈τ and D (·,·) satisfies condition (ii) in the definition of a ij j ij pairwise monotonically normal bispace. Also note that D (H,K)⊆X rK holds ij trivially. Claim 1. H ⊆D (H,K). ij Proof of Claim 1. Suppose that there is a point x0 ∈H rDij(H,K). Then x0 ∈ Xrintτj (Fji(n,XrK)\Fij(n,X rH)) n∈N ! [ τj = Xr (F (n,X rK)rF (n,X rH)) . ji ij n∈N [ Since (X,τ ) is a Fr´echet space, there is a sequence {x :n∈N} such that j n {x :n∈N}⊆X r (F (n,X rK)rF (n,X rH)) n ji ij n∈N [ and{xn :n∈N}isτj-convergenttox0. Notethatx0 ∈H impliesthatx0 ∈XrK. Thus, there is an m∈N such that C ={x0}∪{xn :n≥m}⊆X rK. PAIRWISE k-SEMI-STRATIFIABLE BISPACES AND TOPOLOGICAL ORDERED SPACES 9 By (3) in Lemma 2.1, there is an m′ ≥ m such that C ⊆ F (m′,X rK). On the ji other hand, note that there must be some p ≥m′ such that x 6∈ F (m′,X rH). p ij Otherwise, as F (m′,X rH) is τ -closed, we conclude that ij j x0 ∈Fij(m′,X rH)⊆XrH, which contradicts with the fact x0 ∈H. It follows that x ∈ F (m′,X rK)rF (m′,X rH) p ji ij ⊆ (F (n,X rK)rF (n,X rH)). ji ij n∈N [ This certainly contradicts with the selection of {x : n ∈ N}. Hence, Claim 1 has n been verified. (cid:3) Claim 2. D (H,K)τi ⊆X rK. ij Proof of Claim 2. Suppose that there is a point x0 ∈ Dij(H,K)τi ∩ K. Since (X,τ ) is a Fr´echet space, there is a sequence {x : n∈N}⊆D (H,K) such that i n ij {xn :n∈N} is τi-convergentto x0. Note that x0 ∈K implies x0 ∈X rH. Thus, there exists an m∈N such that {x0}∪{xn :n≥m}⊆XrH. By condition (3) in Lemma 2.1, there exists some p≥m such that {x0}∪{xn :n≥m}⊆Fij(p,XrH). By the selection of {x :n∈N}, we know that n {x :n≥m}⊆ (F (n,XrK)rF (n,XrH)), n ji ij n∈N [ which implies that p−1 {x :n≥m}⊆ (F (n,X rK)rF (n,X rH)). n ji ij n=1 [ It follows that there are a q ∈N with 1≤q <p and a subsequence {x :k ≥m} nk of {x :n∈N} such that n {x :k ≥m}⊆F (q,X rK)rF (q,X rH). nk ji ij We concludethatx0 ∈Fji(q,XrK)⊆XrK. Thiscontradictswiththe selection of x0, and thus Claim 2 has been verified. (cid:3) CombiningClaims 1 and2, wesee thatD (·,·) alsosatisfiescondition(i) inthe ij definition of a pairwise monotonically normal bispace. (cid:3) Let (X,τ) be a topological space, and let x ∈ X be a point. The collection of neighborhoods of x in (X,τ) is denoted by N (τ,x). We shall consider the following G(τ,x)-game played in (X,τ) between two players: α and β. Player α goes first and chooses a point x1 ∈ X. Player β then responds by choosing U1 ∈ N (τ,x). Following this, α must select another (possibly the same) point x2 ∈U1 and in turn β must again respond to this by choosing (possibly the same) U2 ∈N (τ,x). Theplayersrepeatthisprocedureinfinitelymanytimes,andproduce aplay(x1,U2,x2,U2,··· ,xn,Un,···)intheG(τ,x)-game,satisfyingxn+1 ∈Un for all n ∈ N. We shall say that β wins a play (x1,U2,x2,U2,··· ,xn,Un,···) if the 10 KEDIANLIANDJILINGCAO∗ sequence {x : n ∈ N} has a cluster point in X. Otherwise, α is said to have won n the play. By a strategy s for β, we mean a ‘rule’ that specifies each move of β in every possible situation. More precisely, a strategy s for β is an N (τ,x)-valued function. We shall call a finite sequence {x1,x2,...,xn} or an infinite sequence {x1,x2,...} an s-sequence if xi+1 ∈ s(x1,x2,...,xi) for each i such that 1 ≤ i < n or xn+1 ∈ s(x1,x2,...,xn) for each n ∈ N. A strategy s for player β is called a winning strategy if each infinite s-sequence has a cluster point in X. Finally, we call x a G(τ)-point if player β has a winning strategy for the G(τ,x)-game. In addition, if every point of X is a G(τ)-point, then (X,τ) is called a G-space [1]. The notion of G-spaces is a common generalization of the concepts of q-spaces in [24] and W-spaces in [9]. The next result extends [2, Theorem 2.2.8] and [3, Theorem 3.2] to the setting of bispaces. Theorem 4.3. Let (X,τ1,τ2) be a pairwise k-semi-stratifiable bispace. If both (X,τ1)and(X,τ2)areregular andG-spaces, then (X,τ1,τ2)is pairwise stratifiable. Proof. Let(g1,g2)beapairwiseg-functionasdescribedincondition(3)ofTheorem 3.2. For i,j = 1,2 with i 6= j, we define G : N×F (X) → τ such that for each ij i j n∈N and each H ∈F (X), i G (n,H)= {g (n,x):x∈H}. ij j Clearly, if H,K ∈ F (X) with H ⊆[K, then G (n,H) ⊆ G (n,K) for all n ∈ N. i ij ij Furthermore, it is easy to see that H ⊆ G (n,H)τi for all H ∈F (X). n∈N ij i Supposethatthereareapointx∈X andaτ -closedsubsetH inX withx6∈H, T i butx∈G (n,H)τi foreveryn∈N. First,wechoosesomeτ -openneighborhoodU ij i ofxsuchthatUτi∩H =∅. Since(X,τ )isaG-space,β hasawinningstrategysfor i the G(τi,x)-game. Let α’s first move be x1. By our assumption and the definition of Gij(·,·), there must exist some point y1 ∈H suchthat s(x1)∩U ∩gj(1,y1)6=∅. Inductively, we can obtain two sequences {x :n∈N} and {y :n∈N} in X such n n that for each n∈N, y ∈H and n xn+1 ∈U ∩gj(n+1,yn+1)∩ s(xi1,...,xij). 1≤j≤n, 1≤i1≤\...≤ij≤n  It follows that each subsequence of {x :n ∈ N} is an s-sequence in (X,τ ), and n i thus has an cluster point in (X,τ ). Since each point of X is a G -point in (X,τ ), i δ i then {x : n ∈ N} must have a convergent subsequence, saying {x : k ∈ N}, in (X,τin). Suppose that {xnk : k ∈ N} is τi-convergent to some poinnkt x∗ ∈ Uτi. Then, by condition (3) in Theorem 3.2, and the construction of {x : n ∈ N} and n x{y∗n∈:Hn.∈ItNfo}lloinwsththeaatbxo∗ve∈,U{yτink∩H: k. W∈eωh}aviseadlesroivτeid-caoncvoenrtgreandticttoionx.∗,Tahnedreftohrues, x 6∈ G (n,H)τi for some n ∈ N. We have verified that H = G (n,H)τi for ij n∈N ij all H ∈Fi(X) and thus (X,τ1,τ2) is pairwise stratifiable. (cid:3) T 5. Quasi-pseudo-metrizability of topological ordered spaces In [15], Ku¨nzi and Mushaandja posed the following open problem (refer to [15, Problem 1]).

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