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Paintings of Zygoptera in the Gutenberg Bible of 1453 PDF

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by  RudolphR
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Preview Paintings of Zygoptera in the Gutenberg Bible of 1453

Odonatologica20(1):75-78 March I.1991 Paintingsof Zygopterain the GutenbergBibleof 1453 R.Rudolph BiologieDidaktik,University ofMünster, Fliednerstrasse 21, D-4400Münster, FederalRepublicofGermany Received November 23, 1990 / AcceptedNovember29, 1990 A copy ofthe very first book printed in Europe,the GutenbergBible of1453, preserved in the Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin,containsfour colouredpaintingsofcoenagrioniddamselflies andoneofazygopterouslarva.These aredescribed and their position within the volumeofunnumbered pagesis men- tioned. They represent the oldest known EuropeanpaintingsofOdonata. INTRODUCTION InEurope books were manuscripts and multiplied only by handwriting until about 1450,when the first attempts of Johannes Gutenberg of Mainzto use leaden types for composing printing blocks had turned out to be technically promisingand,ontheotherhand,hadyieldedanoteworthyprofittotheChurch. By orderofthe Church, Gutenberg had printed tickets ofindulgence ineditions ofmany thousands (RUPPEL, 1980). Theveryfirst bookprintedby thismethodwasabible,produced by Johannes Gutenberg by theend of 1453inan editionofprobably 180copies, as we learn fromacontemporaryrecensionby a highranking clergyman (CORSTEN, 1979; MEUTHEN, 1982;KOENIG, 1983). This bible comprises 1282 unnumbered pagesmeasuring about41x30cm. Medieval incunabula and manuscripts were delivered to the purchaser unboundand in plain condition, to which coloured initialsas well as other decorations could be added by an illuminatoraccording to the purchaser’s individualtaste. In consequence, the 48copies known today ofthe Gutenberg Bibledifferdistinctly intheirilluminations. Thecopypreserved inthe Staatsbi- bliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin under thecatalogue numberINC 1511 is consideredthe most profusely decoratedone, having been illuminated 76 R. Rudolph 1456in a wellknown workshop inSaxony (SCHMIDT, 1980). Inview ofDrB.F.Belyshev’sprofoundinterest inthehistoryofodonatology,Iampleasedtobe abletocontribute thisnotetothis Tribute Issue. DESCRIPTION AND DISCUSSION Apart fromtherichlygiltinitials, whichinmanycases depicthumanfiguresin the letters’outlines, the floridilluminationofthis copy consistsof polychrome floral ornaments and edgings, liana-like fantastic plants twining betweenthe columns, and of deeply hued blossoms, among which roses and columbines prevail. Added to these floralelements areanimals. Many times the illuminationsofvarious copies of the Gutenberg Biblehave beenreflected uponfromviewpointsofartistryandaesthetics(see bibliography in KOENIG, 1983), butnoneoftheworks listedby Koenig haspointed outthat theGutenberg Bibleof Berlinis noteworthy forthelarge numberofrealistically painted birds of both European and exotic origin which are included in its illumination.Thespecies caneasily bedetermined.Monkeysareclimbingamong the lianas onsix pages. Only afewinsects are depicted, yet the artist’sspecial liking for Odonata is obvious. There are just three tiny flies and one small butterfly inthewholevolume,whilefourpagesarebeautifiedwithdamselfliesof naturalor, inonecase, nearlynaturalsize. From theirrealisticblue colourand darkabdominalmarking theyareclearly identifiedascoenagrionid species. Even pseudopupils are painted to theireyes. Slightly prolonged antennae give their headsasomewhatneuropteroidappearance. This, however,isacommonfeature ofearly Odonataillustrations. Twoofthedamselfliesaresettledonaleafwithwings neatly clapped together, whileintwootherstheopened andsomewhatblurredwingswiththeirmultiplied contours give theimpression offlight.Pterostigmata aswellas reflectionsonthe wing surfaceand, in one case, afew dark markings add to therealisticappear- ance. Even wing nervature is subtly indicated. Azygopterous larva, measuring 1.6cmwithitsappendices, was revealedonly by thorough inspectionamongthe tendrils. Theposition ofthepaintings within the volumeis described here by quoting thebeginnings oftheLatin textofthe respective pages: (1)"Hec sulnoiafiliarisrl. ..” Second Book Moses: Exodus (2) "Beatusvir qui..Psalms: Psalm I (Fig. I) (3)"Parabole salomonis. .. Proverbs ofSolomon: Chapter 1 (4) "Matheus exiudea. ..”, GospelaccordingtoSt. Matthew (5) Larva: "Dixitdeus. ..”, Psalms: Psalm 110 This bible, with itsilluminationdating from 1456,contains theoldest known European paintings ofOdonata.ThreemoreillustrationsofOdonatainmedieval manuscripts havealreadybeen described.An AeshnaisillustratedintheItalian "Breviario Grimani"dating from 1495-1500(PICHETTI, 1949).Anotherprayer Zygopterain theGutenberg Bible 77 Fig. 1. A damselflypaintingin theBerlin copy oftheGutenberg Bible (1453). book, the"Livred’Heuresd'AnnedeBretagne", datingfromabout 1500,holdsa dragonfly illustration(FRAIN, 1989),and Calopteryxspecies areillustratedina Portuguese handwritten book dating from the period 1508-1532(AGUIAR, 1983). Inthis context one shouldalso mentionthe dragonfly ona stone relief fromItaly, datedbetween 1450and 1500(CONCI, 1979),andalsotheOdonata engravings on sealstones from the Late Bronze Age ofCrete, ca. 1500B.C. (YOUNGER, 1983). AnothercopyoftheGutenberg Bibleis preserved intheHuntingdon Library and ArtGalleryinSanMarino, California.AccordingtoSCHMIDT(1980)this copyhasbeenilluminatedalong withthecopyfromBerlininthesameSaxonian workshop. It mightbeworthwiletoinspect alsothiscopyforOdonatapaintings. REFERENCES AGUIAR, S., 1983, Aslibelulas da Leitura Nova. Armas eTrofeus(V) 1 [1981]:3-5. CONCI, C., 1979. La piü antica figurazione scultorea di una libellula. Natura. Milano 70(4): 242-246. CORSTEN, S., 1979.Die Drucklegungder ZweiundvierzigzeiligenBibel.Technische undchrono- logische Probleme. In: W. Schmidt, & F.A. Schmidt-Künsemüller, [Eds], Johannes GutenbergsZweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel,pp, 33-67. Idion,München. FRAIN, I., 1989. Bibliothequenationale: les tresors sauves del’autodafe en 1789, Paris Match 2085: 80-90. KOENIG, E., 1983. Die illuminierten Seiten derGutenberg Bibel. Harenberg,Dortmund. MEUTHEN,E., 1982. EinfrühesQuellenzeugnisfürdenältestenBuchdruck derWelt.In:[Anon.], Gutenberg-Jahrbuch1982,pp. 108-118. Idion, München. 78 R. Rudolph RUPPEL, A., 1980. Persdnlichkeit undWerk vonJohannes Gutenberg.In:[Anon,], Johannes Gutenberg.Die ZweiundvierzigzeiligeBibel,pp. 3-9,Idion, Miinchen. SCHMIDT,W., 1980. DieZweiundvierzigzeiligeGutenbergBibelin Berlin.In:[Anon.],Johannes Gutenberg. Die ZweiundvierzigzeiligeBibel,pp. 11-13. Idion, Miinchen. YOUNGER, J.G., 1983.AegeansealsoftheLateBronze Age:masters andworkshops.II.Thefirst- -generationMinoan masters. Kadmos 22: 109-136.

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