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by  PearceWalter
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Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/paintingdecoratiOOpear NET BOOK.—This book is supplied to the Trade on terms which will not allow of Discount to the Public. CHARLES GRIFFIN &. COMPANY, LTD. — STANDARD WORKS FOR PAINTERS^DECORATORS, AND BUILDERS. Fifth Edition. Revised and Enlarged throughout. With Illustrations PAINTERS' COLOURS, OILS, AND VARNISHES A PRACTICAL MANUAL. By GEORGE H. HURST, F. C.S. Revised by NOEL HEATON, B.Sc, v.<\*. oils,"cAoloutrhso,raonudghpliygmePnRtAsC.T"ICAChLemli>cooakl. T.rad.es.JoSautrinsafla.ctorily treats of the manufacture of THE PInACIroNwnT8vEo.RHSan'dsomeLCAlotBh.OWiRthAIlTlusOtraRtioYns. 5sG. UIDE. A Student's Handbook ofPaints, Colours, and Varnishes. By GEORGE H. HURST, F.C.S., M.S.C.I. anil'"DrTyhsiaslteexrcieelsl,enthandbook, . . . themodelofwhatahandbookshouldbe."—Oils,Colour*, COIn LLargeOSvoU. HRanAdsoTmMeRCEAloAthN.TIPUrSofEuFselyAOIlNlCustrTatedU. 3R0s.nEet.. A Guide to the Preparation, Examination, and Application of all the Pigment Colours in Practical Use. By GEORGE ZERR and Dr. R. RTJBENCAMP. Authorised English Translation by Dr. C. MAYER, of Burgdorf. "Thiscomprehensiveguide . . . usefulandinteresting."-OilandColourTradesJournal. OilsaA,nlddFeatrhteSW,rMiangBuhuftta,tcetDur.rsSec,,tFha.enRr.edSf.r,WoamanoxdfeC.CsaAn.d:lMeTish,teci.hSreolaplPs,r,eMap.naAdr.,aottPhi.eoIr.nC.Praond2d5usc.tPsnr.eot.peBrytiC.esII.; Chemistry for Engineers and Manufacturers. A Practical Text- Book. ByBertramBlount,F.I.C.,F.C.S.,andA.G.Bloxam,F.I.C.,K.C.S. Vol.I., SecondEdition,Revised. 14s. Vol.II..RevisedandEnlarged. 16s. Elements of Chemical Engineering. By .1. Gro^mann, m.a., Ph.D.,F.I.C. WithPrefacebySirWilliamRAMSAY,K.C.B.,F.R.S. InHandsome Cloth. SecondEdition,Revised. 3s. 6d.net. Practical Sanitation: A Handbook forSanitary Inspectorsandothers interested in Sanitation. By GEO. REID, M.D., D.F.H. With Appendix (Re- written)on SanitaryLaw, byHerbert Manley, M.A.,M.B., D.P.H., Barrister-at- Law. sixteenthEdition,Revised. 6s. Sanitary Engineering: A Practical Manual of Town Drainage and Sewage and Refuge Disposal. By Francis Wood,A.M.Inst.C.E.,F.G.S. Second Edition,Revised. FullyIllustrated. 8s.6d.net. Lessons on Sanitation. By John W. Harrison, M.R.San.I. In HandsomeCloth. With30Illustrations. 3s.6d.net. SmokeAbatement. AManualfortheuseofManufacturers, Inspectors, MedicalOfficersofHealth, Engineersandothers. ByWm. Nicholson,ChiefSmoke InspectortotheSheffieldCorporation. InHandsomeCloth. Withr>9Illustrations. 6s.net. Paper Technology. An Elementary Manual on the Manufacture, Physical Qualities, and Chemical ConstituentsofPaper and Paper-making Fibres. ByR.W.Sindall,F.C.S. VeryFullyIllustrated. 12s.6d.net. The Manufacture Of Ink. A Handbook on the Production and Pro- pertiesofPrinting, Writing,and CopyingInks. ByC. A. Mitchell,M.A., F.I.C, andT.C.Hepworth. Illustrated. 7s.6d.net. Glue, Gelatine, and theirAllied Products. A Practical Handbook for the Manufacturer, Agriculturist, and Student of Technology. By Thomas Lambert. FullyIllustrated. 5s.net. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO., LIMITED, EXETER STREET, STRAND FOURTH EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. avi.C°M 'A ferjdoft\ChAs Griffin All Rights Reserved. 19 13.

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