“PAIN & GAIN is a mixture of FARGO and PULP FICTION. It's a dark comedy, and it's all true.”
-- Michael Bay
Daniel Lugo and Noel Adrian Doorbal were simple men: all they wanted—at first—was to be more pumped than the next guys, to own the workout floor, to look good. But then these pals, who worked as personal trainers at Miami’s Sun Gym, got a little itchy. The flash and cash flaunted by some of their clients was tempting….so tempting….and wouldn’t it be a piece of cake to get it for themselves?
The Sun Gym Gang’s no-fail extortion scheme turned pretty crazy pretty fast. A half-dozen kidnapping attempts eventually netted an actual abduction, and kidnapping turned to murder, and then murder gone haywire, when one of Delgado and Lugo’s victims, who had been drugged, tortured and set up for death-by-car-crash, managed not only to live but to escape.
But even then, the Sun Gym Gang didn’t get the message: they moved down their list of victims to murder a Golden Beach millionaire and his drop-dead (and soon she would be just that) Hungarian girlfriend, and then paraded around South Beach in the guy’s bright yellow Lamborghini practically under the nose of the Miami-Dade County police.
What would it take for these boneheads to get caught? Because they would get caught….
The full account by the reporter that broke the story. PAIN & GAIN is now a hilarious, dark, pumped-up movie from action director Michael Bay.
“Between the cases I’ve handled on my nationally syndicated television court show “Judge Alex,” and those I dealt with while I was on the bench in Miami’s 11th Judicial Circuit, I have tried over 1,500 cases as a judge….. there are “run of the mill” murders… at the opposite end of the spectrum, however, you have the cases that are so uncommon that everyone has to stop and take notice. The State of Florida v. Daniel Lugo, Noel Doorbal, John Carl Meese, et al. was such a case and I was the judge. In reading Collins’s PAIN & GAIN, I learned things I had never known before….” -- Judge Alex E. Ferrer