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PAIN Pain 135 (2008) 317-319 www.elsevier.com/locate/pain Author Index to Volume 135 (2008) Abernethy, A.P., see Keefe, F., 135 213 de Graaf, R., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Abrams, J.R., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 178 delCanho, S., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 Adams, H., see Sullivan, M.J.L., 135 151 Demyttenaere, K., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Affleck, G., see Keefe, F., 135 213 Derry, S., see McQuay, H.J., 135 217 Akopian, A.N., see Ruparel, N.B., Devor, M., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 Alonso, J., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Deyo, R.A., see Turner, J.A., 135 210 Angermeyer, M.C., see Gureje, O.. Dickens, C., see Keeley, P., 135 142 Aoyama, M.., see Jin, Y., 135 221 Dina, O.A., see Summer, G.J., 135 98 Arendt-Nielsen, L., see Chen, H.-S., 135 31 Ditto, B.. see Lewkowski, M.D., 135 75 Dunn, K.M., Croft, P.R., Main, C.J.. Von Korff, M.. A prognostic Baron, R., see Rolke, R., 135 313 approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a UK primary Baron, R., see Freynhagen, R., 135 65 care low back pain population, 135 48 Belin, P., see Simon, D., 135 55 DuPen, A., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Bennett, G.J., see Xiao, W.H., 135 262 DuPen, S., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Berman, B.M., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 Echeverry, S., Shi, X.Q., Zhang, J., Characterization of cell Bishop, A., Foster, N.E., Thomas, E., Hay, E.M., How does the self- proliferation in rat spinal cord following peripheral nerve injury reported clinical management of patients with low back pain relate and the relationship with neuropathic pain, 135 37 to the attitudes and beliefs of health care practitioners? A survey of El-Deredy, W., see Brown, C.A., 135 240 UK general practitioners and physiotherapists, 135 187 Bogen, O., see Summer, G.J., 135 98 Feldman, E., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Borglin, G., see Keeley, P., 135 142 Flatters, S.J.L.. Characterization of a model of persistent Bouhassira, D., see Kern, D., 135 291 postoperative pain evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction Boyle, Y., see Brown, C.A., 135 240 (SMIR), 135 119 Bromet, E.J., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Fleetwood-Walker, $.M., see Wilson, J.A., 135 108 Brown, C.A., Seymour, B., Boyle, Y., El-Deredy, W., Jones, A.K.P., Flor, H., see Hermann, C., 135 251 Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Forster, C., see Schoedel, A.L.A., 135 131 Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135 Foster, N.E., see Bishop, A., 135 187 240 Fredrickson, M., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Browne, M.O., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Freynhagen, R., Rolke, R., Baron, R., Tdlle, T.R., Rutjes, A.-K., Buhler, A.V., Proudfit, H.K., Gebhart, G.F., Neurotensin-produced Schu, S.. Treede, R.-D., Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back antinociception in the rostral ventromedial medulla is partially pain — A disease continuum rather than different entities? Answers mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135 280 from quantitative sensory testing, 135 65 Freynhagen, R., see Rolke, R., 135 313 Chen, H.-S., Lei, J., He, X., Qu, F., Wang, Y., Wen, W.-W., You, Funakubo, M., see Jin, Y., 135 221 H.-J., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee venom-induced persistent nociception, Gates, S., see Williamson, E., 135 20 mechanical hyperalgesia, and inflammation in rats, 135 31 Gebhart, G.F., see Buhler, A.V., 135 280 Chung, J.M., see Koo, S.T., 135 11 Ghosh, S., see Lewkowski, M.D., 135 75 Chung, K., see Koo, S.T., 135 11 Gosselin, F., see Simon, D., 135 55 Cleeland, C.S.. see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Gralow, J., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Collins, H., see Green, B.G., 135 196 Green, B.G.. Roman, C., Schoen, K., Collins, H.. Nociceptive Colvin, L.A., see Wilson, J.A., 135 108 sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild cooling and Craig, A.D., Can the basis for central neuropathic pain be identified by heating, 135 196 using a thermal grill?, 135 215 Gureje, O.. Von Korff, M., Kola, L.. Demyttenaere, K.. He. Y.. Craig, K.D., see Simon, D., 135 55 Posada-Villa. J.. Lepine, J.P.,. Angermeyer, M.C., Levinson, D., de Creed, F., see Keeley, P., 135 142 Girolamo, G., Iwata, N., Karam, A., Luiz Guimaraes Borges, G.. Croft, P.R., see Dunn, K.M., 135 48 de Graaf, R., Browne, M.O., Stein, D.J., Haro, J.M., Bromet, E.J., Kessler, R.C., Alonso, J.. The relation between multiple pains and Darvasi, A., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 mental disorders: Results from the World Mental Health Surveys. de Girolamo, G., see Gureje, O., 135 82 135 82 doi: 10.1016/S0304-3959(08 )00098-5 318 Author Index to Volume 2 135 (2008) 317-319 Handwerker, H.O., see Schoedel, A.L.A., 135 131 Merskey, H., The Classification of fibromyalgia, 135 315 Hansberry, J., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Miaskowski, C., Patient education about cancer pain management: Hansson, P., see Leffler, A.-S., 135 312 How much time is enough?, 135 1 Hansson, P.T., see Vierck, C.J., 135 7 Minert, A., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 Hargreaves, K.M., see Ruparel, N.B., 135 271 Mizumura, K., see Jin, Y.. 135 221 Haro, J.M., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Moore, R. A., see McQuay, H.J., 135 217 Hay, E.M., see Bishop, A., 135 187 He, X., see Chen, H.-S., 135 31 Nimmo, A.F., see Wilson, J.A., 135 108 He, Y., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Nissenbaum, J., Shpigler, H., Pisanté, A., delCanho, S., Minert, A., Hermann, C., Hohmeister, J., Zohsel, K., Tuttas, M.-L., Flor, H., The Seltzer, Z., Devor, M., Darvasi, A., pain2: A neuropathic pain impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: Development QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, 135 92 and initial validation of a child and parent version of the Pain North, R.B., Shipley, J., Response to: “Spinal cord stimulation: Experience Questionnaire, 135 251 Stimulating questions”, 135 209 Hohmeister, J., see Hermann, C., 135 251 Omura, S., see Jin, Y., 135 221 Iwata, N., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Ostelo, R.W.J.G., Vlaeyen, J.W.S.. Attitudes and beliefs of health care providers: Extending the fear-avoidance model, 135 3 Jin, Y., Sato, J.. Yamazaki, M., Omura, S., Funakubo, M., Senoo, S., Aoyama, M., Mizumura, K., Changes in cardiovascular Patijn, J.. see Van Boxem, K., 135 311 parameters and plasma norepinephrine level in rats after chronic Patwardhan, A.M., see Ruparel, N.B., 135 271 constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, 135 221 Pelle-lancien, E., see Kern, D., 135 291 Jones, A.K.P., see Brown, C.A., 135 240 Pisanté, A., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 Ju, H., see Koo, S.T., 135 11 Polissar, N.L., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Posada-Villa, J., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Karam, A., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Poulain, P., see McQuay, H.J., 135 217 Keefe, F., Abernethy, A.P., Affleck, G., Wheeler, J., Don’t ask, Don't Proudfit, H.K., see Buhler, A.V., 135 280 tell? Revealing placebo responses to research participants and patients, 135 213 Qu, F.. see Chen, H.-S., 135 31 Keeley. P., Creed, F., Tomenson, B., Todd, C., Borglin, G., Dickens, C., Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and Rainville, P., see Simon, D., 135 55 health service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135 Raish, R.J., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 17 142 Ren, K., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 Kern, D., Pelle-lancien, E., Luce, V., Bouhassira, D., Pharmacological Rieke, J.W., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a thermal grill, 135 Rivkin, S., see Syrjala, K.L.. 135 175 29] Robison, J., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Kessler, R.C., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Rolke, R., see Freynhagen, R., 135 65 Khasar, $.G., see Summer, G.J., 135 98 Rolke, R., Freynhagen, R., Rutjes, A.-K., Baron, R., Tolle, T.R., Kola, L., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Schu, S., Treede, R.-D., Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back Koo, S.T., Lim, K.S., Chung, K., Ju, H., Chung, J.M., Electro- pain — A disease continuum rather than different entities? Reply to acupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle sprain pain the letters by Leffler and Hansson and by Van Boxem et al., 135 is mediated by spinal z-adrenoceptors, 135 11 313 Lamb, S.E., see Williamson, E., 135 20 Roman, C., see Green, B.G., 135 196 Lao, L., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 Romero-Sandoval, E.A., see Summer, G.J., 135 98 Lee, D.J., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Ruparel, N.B., Patwardhan, A.M., Akopian, A.N., Hargreaves, K.M.., Leffler. A.-S., Hansson, P., Letter to the Editor of Pain on Freynhagen Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and et al.: Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain — A disease mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in continuum rather than different’ entities? Answers from nociceptors, 135 271 quantitative sensory testing. Pain 2007 Jun 13, 135 312 Ruscheweyh, R., see Schoffnegger. D.., Legout, V., see McQuay, H.J., 135 217 Rutjes, A.-K., see Freynhagen, R., 135 6: Lei, J., see Chen, H.-S., 135 31 Rutjes, A.-K., see Rolke, R., 135 313 Lepine, J.P., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Levine, J.D., see Summer, G.J., 135 98 Sandkiihler, J., see Schoffnegger, D., 135 300 Levinson, D., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Sato, J., see Jin, Y., 135 221 Lewkowski, M.D., Young, S.N., Ghosh, S., Ditto, B., Effects of opioid Schmidt-Wilcke, T.. Reply to the Letter to the Editor by Prof. H. blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by sweet taste and Merskey, 135 315 blood pressure in young adults, 135 75 Schoedel, A.L.A., Zimmermann, K., Handwerker, H.O., Forster, C., Li, A., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects Lim, K.S., see Koo, S.T., 135 11 during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135 131 Liu, B., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 Schoen, K., see Green, B.G., 135 196 Loeser, J.D., see Turner, J.A., 135 210 Schoffnegger, D., Ruscheweyh, R., Sandkihler, J., Spread of Luce, V., see Kern, D., 135 291 excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn of Luiz Guimaraes Borges, G., see Gureje. O., 135 82 neuropathic rats, 135 300 Schu, S., see Rolke, R., 135 313 Main, C.J., see Dunn, K.M., 135 48 Schu, S., see Freynhagen, R., 135 65 McQuay, H.J., Derry, S., Moore, R. A., Poulain, P., Legout, V., Seltzer, Z., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 Enriched enrolment with randomised withdrawal (EERW): Time Senoo, S., see Jin, Y., 135 221 for a new look at clinical trial design in chronic pain, 135 217 Seymour, B., see Brown, C.A.. 135 240 Author Index to Volume 135 (2008) 317-319 Shi, X.Q., see Echeverry, S., 135 37 Van Zundert, J.. see Van Boxem, K., 135 311 Shipley, J., see North, R.B., 135 209 Vierck, C.J.. Hansson, P.T., Yezierski, R.P., Clinical and pre-clinical Shpigler, H., see Nissenbaum, J., 135 92 pain assessment: Are we measuring the same thing?, 135 7 Sikes, R.W., Vogt, L.J.. Vogt. B.A., Distribution and properties of Vlaeyen, J.W.S., see Ostelo, R.W.J.G., 135 3 visceral nociceptive neurons in rabbit cingulate cortex, 135 160 Vogt, B.A., see Sikes, R.W., 135 160 Simon, D., Craig, K.D., Gosselin, F., Belin, P.. Rainville. P., Vogt, L.J.. see Sikes, R.W., 135 160 Recognition and _ discrimination of prototypical dynamic Von Korff, M.. see Gureje, O., 135 82 expressions of pain and emotions, 135 55 Von Korff, M., see Dunn, K.M., 135 48 Stanish, W.D., see Sullivan, M.J.L., 135| 51 Stein, D.J., see Gureje, O., 135 82 Wang, L., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 Stillman, M., see Syrjala, K.L., 135 175 Wang, Y., see Chen, H.-S., “ge Sullivan, M.J.L., Adams, H., Tripp, D., Stanish, W.D., Stage of Wen, W.-W., see Chen, H.-S.. chronicity and treatment response in patients with musculoskeletal Wheeler, J.. see Keefe, F.. 13 ion injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, 135 151 Williams, M., see Williamson, E.. 135 20 Summer, G.J., Romero-Sandoval, E.A., Bogen, O., Dina, O.A.. Williamson, E., Williams, M., Gates, S., Lamb, S.E.. A systematic Khasar, S.G., Levine, J.D., Proinflammatory cytokines mediating literature review of psychological factors and the development of burn-injury pain, 135 98 late whiplash syndrome, 135 20 Syrjala, K.L., Abrams, J.R., Polissar, N.L., Hansberry, J .. Robison, J.. Wilson, J.A., Nimmo, A.F., Fleetwood-Walker, S.M.. Colvin, L.A.. DuPen, S., Stillman, M., Fredrickson, M., Rivkin, “ Feldman, E., A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive Gralow, J., Rieke, J.W., Raish, R.J., Lee, D.J., Cleeland, C.S., epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, DuPen, A., Patient training in cancer pain management using 135 108 integrated print and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135 175 Xiao, W.H., Bennett, G.J., Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary Thomas, E., see Bishop, A., 135 187 afferent neurons and its suppression by acetyl-t-carnitine, 135 262 Todd, C., see Keeley, P., 135 142 Tolle, T.R., see Freynhagen, R., 135 65 Tolle, T.R., see Rolke, R., 135 313 Yamazaki, M., see Jin, Y., 135 221 Yarnitsky, D., Low threshold nociceptors: A challenge to sensory Tomenson, B., see Keeley, P., 135 142 physiology, 135 5 Treede, R.-D., see Frey ae ae R., 135 65 Yezierski, R.P., see Vierck, C.J., 1357 Treede, R.-D.. see Rolke, R., 135 313 Tripp, D., see Sullivan, M. rL ., 135 151 You, H.-J., see Chen, H.-S., 135 31 Young, S.N., see Lewkowski, M.D., 135 75 Turner, J.A., Deyo, R.A., Loeser, J.D., Authors’ reply to the letter to the Editor by Richard North and Jane Shipley regarding the editorial, “Spinal cord stimulation: Stimulating questions, Pain Zhang, H., see Zhang, R.-X., 135 232 2007;132:10-11, 135 210 Zhang, J., see Echeverry, S.. 135 37 Tuttas, M.-L., see Hermann, C., 135 251 Zhang, R.-X., Li, A., Liu, B., Wang, L., Ren, K., Zhang, H., Berman, B.M., Lao, L., [L-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through Van Boxem, K., Van Zundert, J.. Van Zundert, J.. Patijn, J.. van preventing phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1 subunit in Kleef, M., Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain: How to rats, 135 232 diagnose clinically?, 135 311 Zimmermann, K., see Schoedel, A.L.A., 135 131 van Kleef, M., see Van Boxem, K., 135 311 Zohsel, K., see Hermann, C., 135 251 Van Zundert, J., see Van Boxem, K., 135 311 PAIN Pain 135 (2008) 320-324 www.elsevier.com/locate/pain Subject Index to Volume 135 (2008) AB-fibre Bee venom Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Alcohol abuse and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results Blood pressure from the World Mental Health Surveys, 135, 82 Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Allodynia level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain 135, 221 evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 Blood pressure Allodynia Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its Ca?*-imaging suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn Allodynia of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a Cancer pain thermal grill, 135, 291 Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print Allodynia and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn 175 of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 Capsaicin Analgesia Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 nociceptors, 135, 271 Anticipation Cardiovascular parameters Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135, 240 level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, Anxiety 135, 221 Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health Catastrophizing service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Anxiety musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results 135, 151 from the World Mental Health Surveys, 135, 82 Central nervous system Arousal Characterization of cell proliferation in rat spinal cord following Recognition and _ discrimination of prototypical dynamic peripheral nerve injury and the relationship with neuropathic pain, expressions of pain and emotions, 135, 55 135, 37 Assessment Chemotherapy The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous Development and initial validation of a child and parent version discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251 suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 Attitudes and beliefs Child report How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care Development and initial validation of a child and parent version practitioners? A survey of UK _ general practitioners and of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251 physiotherapists, 135, 187 Chronic constriction injury Autotomy Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, 135, 92 135, 221 Barriers to pain control Chronic disease Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print and A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, 175 UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 doi: 10.1016/S0304-3959(08)00099-7 Subject Index to Volume 135 (2008) 320-324 Chronic pain Fear-avoidance beliefs Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 135, 151 fMRI Classification The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135, 131 UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 Gastrointestinal tract Cohort studies Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 Glia progenitors Cold Characterization of cell proliferation in rat spinal cord following Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild peripheral nerve injury and the relationship with neuropathic pain, cooling and heating, 135, 196 135, 37 Cold receptors gp130 Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 cooling and heating, 135, 196 Health care practitioners Cross national How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care from the World Mental Health Surveys, 135, 82 practitioners? A survey of UK _ general practitioners and Depression physiotherapists, 135, 187 Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health Heart rate service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Depression level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with 135, 221 musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, Heat 135, 151 Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild Depression cooling and heating, 135, 196 The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results Human pain model from the World Mental Health Surveys. 135, 82 Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a Descending inhibitory system thermal grill, 135, 291 Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle Hyperalgesia sprain pain is mediated by spinal s-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain Disability evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Hyperalgesia musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous 135, 151 discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its Dorsal horn suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial Hyperalgesia medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing 280 phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1! subunit in rats, 1 Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) nociceptor IL-1f Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 [L-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing Electroacupuncture phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1! subunit in rats, 135, 232 Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle IL-6 sprain pain is mediated by spinal x-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 Emotion Inference Recognition and _ discrimination of prototypical dynamic Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: expressions of pain and emotions, 135 Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135, Epidural analgesia 240 A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive Inflammation epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee 135, 108 venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Expectancy and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Insular cortex Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135, 240 The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects Facial expression during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135, 131 Recognition and _ discrimination of prototypical dynamic Interleukin (IL) 1-B expressions of pain and emotions, 135 Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 FACS Ketamine Recognition and _ discrimination of prototypical dynamic A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive expressions of pain and emotions, 135, 55 epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, Fear of movement 135, 108 Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Ketamine musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a 135, 151 thermal grill, 135, 291 Subject Index to Volume 135 (2008) 320-324 Late whiplash syndrome Neuroinflammation A systematic literature review of psychological factors and the Characterization of cell proliferation in rat spinal cord following development of late whiplash syndrome, 135, 20 peripheral nerve injury and the relationship with neuropathic pain, Limbic cortex 135, 37 Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in Neuroma model rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, Low back pain 135, 92 How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with Neuropathic pain low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, practitioners? A survey of UK _ general practitioners and 135, 92 physiotherapists, 135, 187 Neuropathic pain Low back pain Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 135, 221 Low back pain Neuropathic pain Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain A. disease Mechanical hyperalgesia continuum rather than different entities? Answers from Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee quantitative sensory testing, 135, 65 venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Neuropathy and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous Mechanical stimulation discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135, 131 Neurophysiology Microglia Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in Characterization of cell proliferation in rat spinal cord following rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 peripheral nerve injury and the relationship with neuropathic pain, Neurotensin 135, 37 Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial Mixed pain medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, 280 Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain A disease NMDA receptor continuum rather than different entities? Answers from IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing quantitative sensory testing, 135, 65 phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1 subunit in rats, 135, 232 Modality borders NMDA receptors Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, Mood 135, 108 Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by Nociception sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Motor activity Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135, 240 Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Nociception level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial 135, 221 medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, Multiple pains 280 The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results Nociceptive flinching from the World Mental Health Surveys, 135, 82 Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee Musculoskeletal pain venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, Nociceptor 135, 151 Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and Mustard oil mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and nociceptors, 135, 271 mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in Nociceptors nociceptors, 135, 271 Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild Naloxone cooling and heating, 135, 196 Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle Noradrenergic inhibitory system sprain pain is mediated by spinal #-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle Naloxone sprain pain is mediated by spinal x-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a Norepinepherine thermal grill, 135, 291 Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial Naltrexone medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by 280 sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 Norepinephrine Neuroanatomy Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 135, 221 Subject Index to Volume 135 (2008 )3 20-324 Nucleus raphe magnus Patient training Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print medulla is partial y mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, 280 175 Operation Patient-physician communication Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135. Opioid reluctance 175 Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print Pediatric pain and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: DD Development and initial validation of a child and parent version Paclitaxel of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251 Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous Peripheral nerve injury discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn suppression by acetyl-i-carnitine, 135, 262 of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 Pain Peripheral sensitization A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Pain and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous Phantom limb discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, Pain 135, 108 Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in Phentolamine rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle Pain sprain pain is mediated by spinal x-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by Phosphorylation sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing Pain phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-I subunit in rats, 135, 232 Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and Postsurgical pain mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain nociceptors, 135, 271 evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 Pain Practice behaviour Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with cooling and heating, 135, 196 low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care Pain practitioners? A survey of UK _ general practitioners and Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 physiotherapists, 135, 187 Pain Prediction Recognition and discrimination of prototypical dynamic Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: expressions of pain Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates, 135, Pain 240 Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn Prognosis of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a Pain UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Prognosis musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, A systematic literature review of psychological factors and the 135, 151 development of late whiplash syndrome, 135, 20 Pain Prospective studies The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135, 131 UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 painl Prospective study pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health 135, 92 service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 pain2 Protein kinases pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee 135, 92 venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, Pain QTL and inflammation in rats, 135, 31 pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2, Pseudoradiculopathy 135, 92 Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain A. disease Parental report continuum rather than different entities? Answers from The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: quantitative sensory testing, 135, 65 Development and initial validation of a child and parent version Psychological factors of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251 A systematic literature review of psychological factors and the Patient education development of late whiplash syndrome, 135, 20 Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print Psychophysical and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a 175 thermal grill, 135, 291 324 Subject Index to Volume 135 (2008) 320-324 Psychophysics Social adversity Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health cooling and heating, 135, 196 service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 Psychosocial impact Spinal cord The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing Development and initial validation of a child and parent version phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1 subunit in rats, 135, 232 of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251 Spinal cord Pulse interval variability Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine of neuropathic rats, 135, 300 level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, 135, Surgery 221 Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain QST evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain A disease Survey continuum rather than different entities? Answers from How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with quantitative sensory testing, 135, 65 low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care Quality of life practitioners? A survey of UK_ general practitioners and Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health physiotherapists, 135, 187 service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain, 135, 142 Sweet taste Quantitative sensory testing Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain — A disease continuum sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults, 135, 75 rather than different entities? Answers from quantitative sensory Sympathetic nervous system testing, 135, 65 Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine Questionnaire level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve, The impact of chronic pain in children and _ adolescents: 135, 221 Development and initial validation of a child and parent version Temperature of the Pain Experience Questionnaire, 135, 251] Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild Radiculopathy cooling and heating, 135, 196 Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain A disease Thermal injury continuum rather than different entities? Answers from Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 quantitative sensory testing, 135, 65 Trigeminal Randomized controlled trial Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print and mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial, 135, 175 nociceptors, 135, 271 Rat TRP channels Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR), 135, 119 cooling and heating, 135, 196 Rat TRPAI IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1 subunit in rats, 1 mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in Rating nociceptors, 135, 271 The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects TRPV1 during painful and non-painful stimulation, 135, 131 Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and RCT mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive nociceptors, 135, 271 epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation, Tumor necrosis factor-x 135, 108 Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain, 135, 98 Recognition Valence Recognition and discrimination of prototypical dynamic Recognition and = discrimination of prototypical dynamic expressions of pain and emotions, 135, 55 expressions of pain and emotions, 135, 55 Rehabilitation Vincristine Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its 135, 151 suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine, 135, 262 Return to work Warm receptors Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, cooling and heating, 135, 196 135, 151 Warmth Risk Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a cooling and heating, 135, 196 UK primary care low back pain population, 135, 48 Weight-bearing force Sensory nociception Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in sprain pain is mediated by spinal a-adrenoceptors, 135, 11 rabbit cingulate cortex, 135, 160 Work disability Serotonin Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression, medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine, 135, 280 135, 151 PAIN wise Pain 135 (2008) 325-327 www.elsevier.com/locate/pain Contents to Volume 135 (2008) Numbers 1-2 — March 2008 EDITORIALS Patient education about cancer pain management: How much time is enough? C. Miaskowski (USA) Attitudes and beliefs of health care providers: Extending the fear-avoidance model R.W.J.G. Ostelo, J.W.S. Vlaeyen (The Netherlands) Low threshold nociceptors: A challenge to sensory physiology D. Yarnitsky (Israel) TOPICAL REVIEW Clinical and pre-clinical pain assessment: Are we measuring the same thing? C.J. Vierck, P.T. Hansson, R.P. Yezierski (USA, Sweden) RESEARCH PAPERS Electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in a rat model of ankle sprain pain is mediated by spinal x-adrenoceptors S.T. Koo, K.S. Lim, K. Chung, H. Ju, J.-M. Chung (Republic of Korea, USA) A systematic literature review of psychological factors and the development of late whiplash syndrome E. Williamson, M. Williams, S. Gates, S.E. Lamb (UK) Peripheral involvement of PKA and PKC in subcutaneous bee venom-induced persistent nociception, mechanical hyperalgesia, and inflammation in rats H.-S. Chen, J. Lei, X. He, F. Qu, Y. Wang, W.-W. Wen, H.-J. You, L. Arendt-Nielsen (PR China, Denmark) Characterization of cell proliferation in rat spinal cord following peripheral nerve injury and the relationship with neuropathic pain S. Echeverry, X.Q. Shi, J. Zhang (Canada) A prognostic approach to defining chronic pain: Replication in a UK primary care low back pain population K.M. Dunn, P.R. Croft, C.J. Main, M. Von Korff (UK, USA) Recognition and discrimination of prototypical dynamic expressions of pain and emotions D. Simon, K.D. Craig, F. Gosselin, P. Belin, P. Rainville (Germany, Canada, UK) Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain — A disease continuum rather than different entities? Answers from quantitative sensory testing R. Freynhagen, R. Rolke, R. Baron, T.R. Télle, A.-K. Rutjes, S. Schu, R.-D. Treede (Germany) Effects of opioid blockade on the modulation of pain and mood by sweet taste and blood pressure in young adults M.D. Lewkowski, S.N. Young, S. Ghosh, B. Ditto (Canada) The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: Results from the World Mental Health Surveys O. Gureje, M. Von Korff, L. Kola, K. Demyttenaere, Y. He, J. Posada-Villa, J.P. Lepine, M.C. Angermeyer, D. Levinson, G. de Girolamo, N. Iwata, A. Karam, G. Luiz Guimaraes Borges, R. de Graaf, M. Oakley Browne, D.J. Stein, J.M. Haro, E.J. Bromet, R.C. Kessler, J. Alonso (Nigeria, USA, Belgium, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, The Netherlands, Australia, South Africa, Spain) pain2: A neuropathic pain QTL identified on rat chromosome 2 J. Nissenbaum, H. Shpigler, A. Pisanté, S. delCanho, A. Minert, Z. Seltzer, M. Devor, A. Darvasi (Israel, Canada) Proinflammatory cytokines mediating burn-injury pain G.J. Summer, E.A. Romero-Sandoval, O. Bogen, O.A. Dina, $.G. Khasar, J.D. Levine (USA) A randomised double blind trial of the effect of pre-emptive epidural ketamine on persistent pain after lower limb amputation J.A. Wilson, A.F. Nimmo, S.M. Fleetwood-Walker, L.A. Colvin (UK) Characterization of a model of persistent postoperative pain evoked by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR) S.J.L. Flatters (USA) The influence of simultaneous ratings on cortical BOLD effects during painful and non-painful stimulation A.L.A. Schoedel, K. Zimmermann, H.O. Handwerker, C. Forster (Germany) Psychosocial predictors of health-related quality of life and health service utilisation in people with chronic low back pain P. Keeley, F. Creed, B. Tomenson, C. Todd, G. Borglin, C. Dickens (UK) doi:10.1016/S0304-3959(08)00100-0 326 Contents to Volume 135 (2008) 325-327 Stage of chronicity and treatment response in patients with musculoskeletal injuries and concurrent symptoms of depression M.J.L. Sullivan, H. Adams, D. Tripp, W.D. Stanish (Canada) Distribution and properties of visceral nociceptive neurons in rabbit cingulate cortex R.W. Sikes, L.J. Vogt, B.A. Vogt (USA) Patient training in cancer pain management using integrated print and video materials: A multisite randomized controlled trial K.L. Syrjala, J.R. Abrams, N.L. Polissar, J. Hansberry, J. Robison, S. DuPen, M. Stillman, M. Fredrickson, S. Rivkin, E. Feldman, J. Gralow, J.W. Rieke, R.J. Raish, D.J. Lee, C.S. Cleeland, A. DuPen (USA) How does the self-reported clinical management of patients with low back pain relate to the attitudes and beliefs of health care practitioners? A survey of UK general practitioners and physiotherapists A. Bishop, N.E. Foster, E. Thomas, E.M. Hay (UK) Nociceptive sensations evoked from ‘spots’ in the skin by mild cooling and heating B.G. Green, C. Roman, K. Schoen, H. Collins (USA) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Response to: “Spinal cord stimulation: Stimulating questions” R.B. North, J. Shipley (USA) Authors’ reply to the letter to the Editor by Richard North and Jane Shipley regarding the editorial, ‘Spinal cord stimulation: Stimulating questions,’ Pain 2007;132:10-11 J.A. Turner, R.A. Deyo, J.D. Loeser (USA) Number 3 — April 2008 EDITORIALS Don’t ask, Don’t tell? Revealing placebo responses to research participants and patients F. Keefe, A.P. Abernethy, J. Wheeler, G. Affleck (USA) Can the basis for central neuropathic pain be identified by using a thermal grill? A.D. Craig (USA) TOPICAL REVIEW Enriched enrolment with randomised withdrawal (EERW): Time for a new look at clinical trial design in chronic pain H.J. McQuay, S. Derry, R.A. Moore, P. Poulain, V. Legout (UK, France) RESEARCH PAPERS Changes in cardiovascular parameters and plasma norepinephrine level in rats after chronic constriction injury on the sciatic nerve Y. Jin, J. Sato, M. Yamazaki, S. Omura, M. Funakubo, S. Senoo, M. Aoyama, K. Mizumura (Japan) IL-Ira alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through preventing phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR-1 subunit in rats R.-X. Zhang, A. Li, B. Liu, L. Wang, K. Ren, H. Zhang, B.M. Berman, L. Lao (USA) Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates C.A. Brown, B. Seymour, Y. Boyle, W. El-Deredy, A.K.P. Jones (UK) The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: Development and initial validation of a child and parent version of the Pain Experience Questionnaire C. Hermann, J. Hohmeister, K. Zohsel, M.-L. Tuttas, H. Flor (Germany) Chemotherapy-evoked neuropathic pain: Abnormal spontaneous discharge in A-fiber and C-fiber primary afferent neurons and its suppression by acetyl-L-carnitine W.H. Xiao, G.J. Bennett (Canada) Homologous and heterologous desensitization of capsaicin and mustard oil responses utilize different cellular pathways in nociceptors N.B. Ruparel, A.M. Patwardhan, A.N. Akopian, K.M. Hargreaves (USA) Neurotensin-produced antinociception in the rostral ventromedial medulla is partially mediated by spinal cord norepinephrine A.V. Buhler, H.K. Proudfit, G.F. Gebhart (USA) Pharmacological dissection of the paradoxical pain induced by a thermal grill D. Kern, E. Pelle-lancien, V. Luce, D. Bouhassira (France) Spread of excitation across modality borders in spinal dorsal horn of neuropathic rats D. Schoffnegger, R. Ruscheweyh, J. Sandkiihler (Austria) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain: How to diagnose clinically? K. Van Boxem, J. Van Zundert, J. Patijn, M. van Kleef (Belgium, The Netherlands) Letter to the Editor of Pain on Freynhagen et al.: Pseudoradicular and radicular low-back pain — A disease continuum rather than different entities? Answers from quantitative sensory testing. A.-S. Leffler, P. Hansson (Sweden)

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