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Paia, 52 (1993) 375-377 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0304-/3929 /5$069.0 0 Author Index to Volume 52 (1993) Abbadie, C. and Besson, J.-M. Coggeshall, R.E., Dougherty, P.M., Pover, C.M. and Carlton, S.M. Effects of morphine and naloxone on basal and evoked Fos-like Is large myelinated fiber loss associated with hyperalgesia in a immunoreactivity in lumbar spinal cord neurons of arthritic rats model of experimental peripheral neuropathy in the rat? (52) 233 (52) 29 Coleman, S.A. and Davies, J.B. Aciand, R.H., see Boas, R.A. (52) 67 Alfentanil for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (52) 372 Altmaier, E.M. Craig, K.D., Whitfield, M.F., Grunau, R.V.E., Linton, J. and Hadjis- Reply to D. Swalm (52) 374 tavropoulos, H.D. Anderson, K.O., see Bates, M.S. (52) 101 Pain in the preterm neonate: behavioural and physiological in- Ardid, D.; see Perrot, S. (52) 41 dices (52) 287 Arendt-Nielsen, L., see Brennum, J. (52) 75 Craig, K.D., see Johnston, C.C. (52) 201 Attal, N., see Perrot, S. (52) 41 Cullmann, H., see Schelling, G. (52) 372 Ault, B. and Hildebrand, L.M. Effects of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists on a cap- Davies, I.I., see Wright, A. (52) 149 saicin-evoked nociceptive reflex: a comparison with morphine, Davies, J.B., see Coleman, S.A. (52) 372 clonidine and baclofen (52) 341 Deathe, A.B. and Helmes, E. Aversano, T., Walford, G.D:, Midei, M., Chew, P., Gottlieb, S.O., Evaluation of a chronic pain programme by referring physicians Drossner, M.N., Weisman, H., Weiss, J.L. and Brinker, J.A. (52) 113 Regional intracoronary analgesia during percutaneous translumi- De C. Williams, A.C., see Richardson, P.H. (52) 247 nal coronary angioplasty (52) 93 De La Porte, C. and Van de Kelft, E. Spinal cord stimulation in failed back surgery syndrome (52) 55 Barendse, G.A.M., see Van Kleef, M. (52) 49 Dingemans, W., see Van Kleef, M. (52) 49 Basile, S., Khalil, Z. and Helme, R.D. Di Sabato, F., Fusco, B.M., Pelaia, P. and Giacovazzo, M. Skin vascular reactivity to the neuropeptide substance P in rats Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in cluster headache (52) 243 with peripheral mononeuropathy (52) 217 Dougherty, P.M., see Coggeshall, R.E. (52) 233 Bates, M.S., Edwards, W.T. and Anderson, K.O. Douthit, J., see Tyler, D.C. (52) 301 Ethnocultural influences on variation in chronic pain perception Drossner, M.N., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 (52) 101 Beitz, A.J., see Lee, J.-H. (52) 11 Edwards, W.T., see Bates, M.S. (52) 101 Berndt, S., Maier, C. and Schitz, H.-W. Polymedication and medication compliance in patients with Fainsinger, R., Schoeller, T. and Bruera, E. chronic non-malignant pain (52) 334 Methadone in the management of cancer pain: a review (52) 137 Besson, J.-M., see Abbadie, C. (52) 29 Fields, H.L., see Morgan, M.M. (52) 1 Boas, R.A., Schug, S.A. and Acland, R.H. Fine, P.G., see Kerrick, J.M. (52) 325 Perineal pain after rectal amputation: a 5-year follow-up (52) 67 Floor, E., see Van Kleef, M. (52) 49 Brameyer, H., see McIntosh, N. (52) 71 Fowler-Kerry, S., see Lander, J. (52) 209 Brennum, J., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Horn, A., Secher, N.H. and Jensen, Fusco, B.M., see Di Sabato, F. (52) 243 TS. Quantitative sensory examination during epidural anaesthesia Gam, A.N., Thorsen, H. and Lgnnberg, F. and analgesia in man: effects of morphine (52) 75 The effect of low-level laser therapy on musculoskeletal pain: a Brinker, J.A., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 meta-analysis (52) 63 Bruera, E., see Fainsinger, R. (52) 137 Gebhart, G.F., see Meller, $.T. (52) 127 Giacovazzo, M., see Di Sabato, F. (52) 243 Carlton, S.M., see Coggeshall, R.E. (52) 233 Goldberg, N., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Chapman, C.R., see Coda, B.A. (52) 85 Gottlieb, S.O., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Chapman, C.R., see Tyler, D.C. (52) 301 Grunau, R.V.E., see Craig, K.D. (52) 287 Chew, P., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Grunau, R.V.E., see Johnston, C.C. (52) 201 Chun, D.Y., Turner, J.A. and Romano, J.M. Guilbaud, G., see Perrot, S. (52) 41 Children of chronic pain patients: risk factors for maladjustment (52) 311 Hadjistavropoulos, H.D., see Craig, K.D. (52) 287 Coda, B.A., Hill, H.F., Schaffer, R.L., Luger, T.J., Jacobson, R.C. Hama, A.T. and Sagen, J. and Chapman, C.R. Reduced pain-related behavior by adrenal medullary transplants Enhancement of morphine analgesia by fenfluramine in subjects in rats with experimental painful peripheral neuropathy (52) 223 receiving tailored opioid infusions (52) 85 Hedner, T., see Samuelsson, H. (52) 179 Coderre, T.J., Katz, J., Vaccarino, A.L. and Melzack, R. Helme, R.D., see Basile, S. (52) 217 Contribution of central neuroplasticity to pathological pain: re- Helmes, E., see Deathe, A.B. (52) 113 view of clinical and experimental evidence (52) 259 Henderson, I., see Waddell, G. (52) 157 376 Hildebrand, L.M., see Ault, B. (52) 341 Nash, T.P. Hill, H.F., see Coda, B.A. (52) 85 Comments on R.C. Marks, T. Houston and T. Thulbourne, Hogan, Q.H. PAIN, 49 (1992) 325-328 (52) 373 Loculated? Encapsulated? Indented? (52) 371 Newton, M., see Waddell, G. (52) 157 Horn, A., see Brennum, J. (52) 75 Nolan, A., see Ward, S.-. (52) 319 Houston, T., see Marks, R.C. (52) 373 Olesen, J., see Jensen, R. (52) 193 Jacobs, J.M., see Ro, L.-S. (52) 359 Onghena, P. and Van Houdenhove, B. Jacobson, R.C., see Coda, B.A. (52) 85 Meta-analysis of placebo-controlled double-blind trials on antide- Jensen, M.P., see Turner, J.A. (52) 169 pressant-induced analgesia in chronic pain: a reply to Richardson Jensen, R., Rasmussen, B.K., Pedersen, B. and Olesen, J. and Williams (52) 248 Muscle tenderness and pressure pain thresholds in headache. A population study (52) 193 Pawlik-Plank, D., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Jensen, T.S., see Brennum, J. (52) 75 Pedersen, B., see Jensen, R. (52) 193 J.G., , see Wright, A. (52) 149 Pelaia, P., see Di Sabato, F. (52) 243 Johnston, C.C., Stevens, B., Craig, K.D. and Grunau, R.V.E. Perrot, S., Attal, N., Ardid, D. and Guilbaud, G. Developmental changes in pain expression in premature, full- Are mechanical and cold allodynia in mononeuropathic and term, two- and four-month-old infants (52) 201 arthritic rats relieved by systemic treatment with calcitonin or guanethidine? (52) 41 Katz, J., see Coderre, T.J. (52) 259 Pertl, C., Liu, M.-t., Markowitz, K. and Kim, S. Kerrick, J.M., Fine, P.G., Lipman, A.G. and Love, G. Effects of capsaicin on KCl-induced blood flow and sensory nerve Low-dose amitriptyline as an adjunct to opioids for postoperative activity changes in the tooth pulp (52) 351 orthopedic pain: a placebo-controlled trial ($2) 325 Pover, C.M., see Coggeshall, R.E. (52) 233 Khalil, Z., see Basile, S. ($2) 217 Kim, S., see Pertl, C. (52) 351 Rasmussen, B.K., see Jensen, R. (52) 193 King, S.A. Richardson, P.H. and De C. Williams, A.C. Comments on Sullivan et al., PAIN, 50 (1992) 5—13 (52) 249 Meta-analysis of antidepressant-induced analgesia in chronic pain: comment (52) 247 Lander, J. and Fowler-Kerry, S. Riddell, , see Wright, A. (52) 149 TENS for children’s procedural pain (52) 209 Ro, L.-S. and Jacobs, J.M. Lee, J.-H. and Beitz, A.J. The role of the saphenous nerve in experimental sciatic nerve The distribution of brain-stem and spinal cord nuclei associated mononeuropathy produced by loose ligatures: a behavioural study with different frequencies of electroacupuncture analgesia (52) 11 (52) 359 Linton, J., see Craig, K.D. (52) 287 Robbins, A., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Lipman, A.G., see Kerrick, J.M. (52) 325 Romano, J.M., see Chun, D.Y. (52) 311 Liu, M.-t., see Pertl, C. (52) 351 Lonnberg, F., see Gam, A.N. (52) 63 Sagen, J., see Hama, A.T. (52) 223 Love, G., see Kerrick, J.M. (52) 325 Salim, B.M. Luger, T.J., see Coda, B.A. (52) 85 Pakistan coin pain scale (52) 373 Samuelsson, H., Hedner, T., Venn, R. and Michalkiewicz, A. Maier, C., see Berndt, S. (52) 334 CSF and plasma concentrations of morphine and morphine glu- Main, C.J., see Waddell, G. (52) 157 curonides in cancer patients receiving epidural morphine (52) 179 Markowitz, K., see Pertl, C. (52) 351 Schaffer, R.L., see Coda, B.A. (52) 85 Marks, R.C., Thulbourne, T. and Houston, T. Schelling, G., Weber, W., Mendl, G. and Cullmann, H. Reply to letter by T.P. Nash (52) 373 Reply to S.A. Coleman and J.B. Davies (52) 372 McGrath, P.A. Schoeller, T., see Fainsinger, R. (52) 137 Schug, S.A., see Boas, R.A. (52) 67 Inducing pain in children — a controversial issue (52) 255 Schiitz, H.-W., see Berndt, S. (52) 334 McIntosh, N., Van Veen, L. and Brameyer, H. Secher, N.H., see Brennum, J. (52) 75 The pain of heel prick and its measurement in preterm infants Sluijter, M.E., see Van Kleef, M. (52) 49 (52) 71 Meller, S.T. and Gebhart, G.F. Somerville, D., see Waddell, G. (52) 157 Spaans, F., see Van Kleef, M. (52) 49 Nitric oxide (NO) and nociceptive processing in the spinal cord (52) 127 Stevens, B., see Johnston, C.C. (52) 201 Stormoen, D., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Melzack, R., see Coderre, T.J. (52) 259 Mendl, G., see Schelling, G. (52) 372 Swalm, D. Mercadante, S. Comments on Altmaier et al., PAIN, 49 (1992) 329-335 (52) 374 Celiac plexus block versus analgesics in pancreatic cancer pain (52) 187 Thorsen, H., see Gam, A.N. (52) 63 Michalkiewicz, A., see Samuelsson, H. (52) 179 Thulbourne, T., see Marks, R.C. (52) 373 Midei, M., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Tu, A., see Tyler, D.C. (52) 301 Miller-McCauley, V., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Turner, J.A. and Jensen, M.P. Morgan, M.M. and Fields, H.L. Efficacy of cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain (52) 169 Activity of nociceptive modulatory neurons in the rostral ventro- Turner, J.A., see Chun, D.Y. (52) 311 medial medulla associated with volume expansion-induced Tyler, D.C., Tu, A., Douthit, J. and Chapman, C.R. antinociception (52) 1 Toward validation of pain measurement tools for children: a pilot Mueller, C., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 study (52) 301 377 Vaccarino, A.L., see Coderre, T.J. ($2) 259 fear-avoidance beliefs in chronic low back pain and disability (52) Van de Kelft, E., see De La Porte, C. (52) 55 157 Van Houdenhove, B., see Onghena, P. (52) 248 Walford, G.D., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Van Kleef, M., Spaans, F., Dingemans, W., Barendse, G.A.M., Floor, Ward, S.E., Goldberg, N., Miller-McCauley, V., Mueller, C., Nolan, E. and Sluijter, M.E. A., Pawlik-Plank, D., Robbins, A., Stormoen, D. and Weissman, Effects and side effects of a percutaneous thermal lesion of the D.E. dorsal root ganglion in patients with cervical pain syndrome (52) Patient-related barriers to management of cancer pain (52) 319 49 Weber, W., see Schelling, G. ($2) 372 Van Veen, L., see McIntosh, N. (52) 71 Weisman, H., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Venn, R., see Samuelsson, H. (52) 179 Weiss, J.L., see Aversano, T. (52) 93 Weissman, D.E., see Ward, S.E. (52) 319 Whitfield, M.F., see Craig, K.D. (52) 287 Wright, A., Davies, I.1., J.G., and Riddell, Waddell, G., Newton, M., Henderson, I., Somerville, D. and Main, Intra-articular ultrasonic stimulation and intracutaneous electri- ond cal stimulation: evoked potential and visual analogue scale data A Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) and the role of (52) 149

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