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Pain, 49 (1992) 421-423 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0304-3959 /92/$05.00 Author Index to Volume 49 (1992) Altmaier, E.M., Lehmann, T.R., Russell, D.W., Weinstein, J.N. and Connell, B.J., see Tasker, R.A.R. (49) 383 Kao, C.F. Cousins, M.J., see Plummer, J.L. (49) 145 The effectiveness of psychological interventions for the rehabili- Coyle, N., see Galer, B.S. (49) 87 tation of low back pain: a randomized controlled trial evaluation Crombie, I.K., see Macrae, W.A. (49) 289 (49) 329 Cundiff, G., see Shutty, Jr., M.S. (49) 199 Andersson, S.I., see Ekdahl, C. (49) 61 Cunningham, S.J., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Anton, F., Euchner, I. and Handwerker, H.O. Cyr-Provost, M., see Hatch, J.P. (49) 175 Psychophysical examination of pain induced by defined CO, pulses applied to the nasal mucosa (49) 53 Dale, L.G., see Bovim, G. (49) 315 Ardid, D. and Guilbaud, G. Davies, H.T.O., see Macrae, W.A. (49) 289 Antinociceptive effects of acute and ‘chronic’ injections of tri- Dea, G., see Eisele, Jr., J.H. (49) 231 cyclic antidepressant drugs in a new model of mononeuropathy in DeGood, D.E., see Shutty, Jr., M.S. (49) 199 rats (49) 279 Devor, M., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Arendt-Nielsen, L., see Svensson, P. (49) 233 Dickenson, A.H., see Fraser, H.M. (49) 33 Dowman, R. Berg, R., see Bovim, G. (49) 315 Possible startle response contamination of the spinal nociceptive Besson, J.-M., see Calvino, B. (49) 27 withdrawal reflex (49) 187 Bjerring, P., see Svensson, P. (49) 233 Dubner, R., see Thomas, D.A. (49) 129 Bluet-Pajot, M.-T., see Calvino, B. (49) 27 Duncan, G.H., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Blumenkopf, B., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Du Pen, S.L., Kharasch, E.D., Williams, A., Peterson, D.G., Sloan, Bock, R., see Jurna, I. (49) 249 D.C., Hasche-Klunder, H. and Krembs, A.W. Borcherding, S., see Hatch, J.P. (49) 175 Chronic epidural bupivacaine—opioid infusion in intractable can- Boutros, N.N., see Hatch, J.P. (49) 175 cer pain (49) 293 Bovim, G., Berg, R. and Dale, L.G. Cervicogenic headache: anesthetic blockades of cervical nerves Egan, K.J., Ready, L.B., Nessly, M. and Greer, B.E. (C2-C5) and facet joint (C2/C3) (49) 315 Self-administration of midazolam for postoperative anxiety: a Bruera, E., Macmillan, K., Kuehn, N. and Miller, M.J. double blinded study (49) 3 Circadian distribution of extra doses of narcotic analgesics in Eisele, Jr., J.H., Grigsby, E.J. and Dea, G. patients with cancer pain: a preliminary report (49) 311 Clonazepam treatment of myoclonic contractions associated with Burchiel, K.J., see Chabal, C. (49) 9 high-dose opioids: case report (49) 231 Bushnell, M.C., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Ekdahl, C., Andersson, S.I., Ekman, R. and Svensson, B. Dynamic training and circulating neuropeptides in rheumatoid Calvino, B., Besson, J.-M., Mounier, F., Kordon, C. and Bluet-Pajot, arthritis: a two-year follow-up study (49) 61 M.-T. Ekman, R., see Ekdahl, C. (49) 61 Chronic pain induces a paradoxical increase in growth hormone Euchner, I., see Anton, F. (49) 53 secretion without affecting other hormones related to acute stress in the rat (49) 27 Facchinetti, F., Tassinari, G., Porro, C.A., Galetti, A. and Genaz- Cartmell, S.M., see Sher, G.D. (49) 241 zani, A.R. Chabal, C., Jacobson, L., Russell, L.C. and Burchiel, K.J. Central changes of B-endorphin-like immunoreactivity during rat Pain response to perineuromal injection of normal saline, tonic pain differ from those of purified B-endorphin (49) 113 epinephrine, and lidocaine in humans (49) 9 Firestone, P., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Chandler, M.J., see Garrison, D.W. (49) 373 Flor, H., Fydrich, T. and Turk, D.C. Chapman, V., see Fraser, H.M. (49) 33 Efficacy of multidisciplinary pain treatment centers: a meta-ana- Cherry, D.A. and Gourlay, G.K. lytic review (49) 221 CT contrast evidence of injectate encapsulation after long-term Follett, K.A., Hitchon, P.W., Piper, J., Kumar, V., Clamon, G. and epidural administration (49) 369 Jones, M.P. Chung, K., see Patterson, J.T. (49) 117 Response of intractable pain to continuous intrathecal morphine: Clamon, G., see Follett, K.A. (49) 21 a retrospective study (49) 21 Clark, H.B., see Geiger, G. (49) 179 Ford, T.W., see Clarke, R.W. (49) 65 Clarke, R.W., Harris, J., Ford, T.W. and Taylor, J.S. Foreman, R.D., see Garrison, D.W. (49) 373 Prolonged potentiation of transmission through a withdrawal Fraser, H.M., Chapman, V. and Dickenson, A.H. reflex pathway after noxious stimulation of the heel in the rabbit Spinal local anaesthetic actions on afferent evoked responses and (49) 65 wind-up of nociceptive neurones in the rat spinal cord: combina- Cmielewski, P.L., see Plummer, J.L. (49) 145 tion with morphine produces marked potentiation of antinocicep- Coda, B.A., see Hill, H.F. (49) 301 tion (49) 33 Coggeshall, R.E., see Patterson, J.T. (49) 117 Fydrich, T., see Flor, H. (49) 221 422 Galer, B.S., Coyle, N., Pasternak, G.W. and Portenoy, R.K. Lascelles, M.A., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Individual variability in the response to different opioids: report Lehmann, T.R., see Altmaier, E.M. (49) 329 of five cases (49) 87 Levine, J.D., see Miaskowski, C. (49) 137 Galetti, A., see Facchinetti, F. (49) 113 Lipman, J.J., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Garrison, D.W., Chandler, M.J. and Foreman, R.D. Long, S., see Price, D.D. (49) 163 Viscerosomatic convergence onto feline spinal neurons from Lynch, M.E. esophagus, heart and somatic fields: effects of inflammation (49) Psychological aspects of reflex sympathetic dystrophy: a review of 373 the adult and paediatric literature (49) 337 Gebhart, G.F., see Traub, R.J. (49) 393 Geiger, G., Todd, D.D., Clark, H.B., Miller, R.P. and Kori, S.H. Mackie, A.M., see Hill, H.F. (49) 301 The effects of feedback and contingent reinforcement on the Macmillan, K., see Bruera, E. (49) 311 exercise behavior of chronic pain patients (49) 179 Macrae, W.A., Davies, H.T.O. and Crombie, I.K. Gelgor, L., see Sher, G.D. (49) 241 Pain: paradigms and treatments (49) 289 Genazzani, A.R., see Facchinetti, F. (49) 113 Madison, S., Whitsel, E.A., Suarez-Roca, H. and Maixner, W. Glynn, C.J., Jamous, M.A. and Teddy, P.J. Sensitizing effects of leukotriene B, on intradental primary affer- Cerebrospinal fluid kinetics of epidural clonidine in man (49) 361 ents (49) 99 Goodman, J.T., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Magni, G., Rossi, M.R., Rigatti-Luchini, S. and Merskey, H. Gourlay, G.K., see Cherry, D.A. (49) 369 Chronic abdominal pain and depression. Epidemiologic findings Gourlay, G.K., see Plummer, J.L. (49) 145 in the United States. Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Greer, B.E., see Egan, K.J. (49) 3 Survey (49) 77 Grigsby, E.J., see Eisele, Jr., J.H. (49) 231 Maixner, W., see Madison, S. (49) 99 Guilbaud, G., see Ardid, D. (49) 279 Maixner, W., see Thomas, D.A. (49) 129 Marchand, S., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Handwerker, H.O., see Anton, F. (49) 53 Marks, R.C., Houston, T. and Thulbourne, T. Harris, J., see Clarke, R.W. (49) 65 Facet joint injection and facet nerve block: a randomised compar- Hart, S.L., see Oluyomi, A.O. (49) 415 ison in 86 patients with chronic low back pain (49) 325 Hasche-Klunder, H., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 McGrath, P.J., Humphreys, P., Keene, D., Goodman, J.T., Lascelles, Hatch, J.P., Moore, P.J., Cyr-Provost, M., Boutros, N.N., Seleshi, E. M.A., Cunningham, S.J. and Firestone, P. and Borcherding, S. The efficacy and efficiency of a self-administered treatment for The use of electromyography and muscle palpation in the diagno- adolescent migraine (49) 321 sis of tension-type headache with and without pericranial muscle McKenna, J.E. and Melzack, R. involvement (49) 175 Analgesia produced by lidocaine microinjection into the dentate Hietaharju, A., see Nurmikko, T. (49) 43 gyrus (49) 105 Hill, H.F., Coda, B.A., Mackie, A.M. and Iverson, K. Meizack, R., see McKenna, J.E. (49) 105 Patient-controlled analgesic infusions: alfentanil versus morphine Melzack, R., see Vaccarino, A.L. (49) 257 (49) 301 Merskey, H., see Magni, G. (49) 77 Hitchon, P.W., see Follett, K.A. (49) 21 Miaskowski, C., Sutters, K.A., Taiwo, Y.O. and Levine, J.D. Houston, T., see Marks, R.C. (49) 325 Antinociceptive and motor effects of delta/mu and kappa/mu Huitt, C., see Price, D.D. (49) 163 combinations of intrathecal opioid agonists (49) 137 Humphreys, P., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Miller, M.J., see Bruera, E. (49) 311 Miller, R.P., see Geiger, G. (49) 179 ladarola, M.J., see Traub, R.J. (49) 393 Mitchell, D.. see Sher, G.D. (49) 241 Iverson, K., see Hill, H.F. (49) 301 Mokha, S.S. Differential influence of naloxone on the responses of nocicep- tive neurons in the superficial versus the deeper dorsal horn of Jacobson, L., see Chabal, C. (49) 9 the medulla in the rat (49) 405 Jamous, M.A., see Glynn, C.J. (49) 361 Moore, P.J., see Hatch, J.P. (49) 175 Jensen, M.P., see Romano, J.M. (49) 71 Mounier, F., see Calvino, B. (49) 27 Jones, M.P., see Follett, K.A. (49) 21 Jurna, I., Spohrer, B. and Bock, R. Intrathecal injection of acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid and Nessly, M., see Egan, K.J. (49) 3 indometacin depresses C fibre-evoked activity in the rat thalamus North, R.B., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 and spinal cord (49) 249 Nurmikko, T. and Hietaharju, A. Effect of exposure to sauna heat on neuropathic and rheumatoid pain (49) 43 Kaaber, S., see Svensson, P. (49) 233 Kao, C.F., see Altmaier, E.M. (49) 329 Kawamura, M., see Satoh, M. (49) 273 Oliveras, J.-L., see Thomas, D.A. (49) 129 Keene, D., see McGrath, P.J. (49) 321 Oluyomi, A.O., Hart, S$.L. and Smith, T.W. Kharasch, E.D., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 Differential antinociceptive effects of morphine and methylmor- Kordon, C., see Calvino, B. (49) 27 phine in the formalin test (49) 415 Kori, S.H., see Geiger, G. (49) 179 Onghena, P. and Van Houdenhove, B. Krembs, A.W., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 Antidepressant-induced analgesia in chronic non-malignant pain: Kroin, J.S., see Penn, R.D. (49) 13 a meta-analysis of 39 placebo-controlled studies (49) 205 Kruger, L., see Ward, M.D., N. (49) 153 Owen, H., see Plummer, J.L. (49) 145 Kuehn, N., see Bruera, E. (49) 311 Kumar, V., see Follett, K.A. (49) 21 Paice, J.A., see Penn, R.D. (49) 13 Kuraishi, Y., see Satoh, M. (49) 273 Pasternak, G.W., see Galer, B.S. (49) 87 Patterson, J.T., Chung, K. and Coggeshall, R.E. Svensson, B., see Ekdahl, C. (49) 61 Further evidence for the existence of long ascending unmyeli- Svensson, P., Bjerring, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L. and Kaaber, S. nated primary afferent fibers within the dorsal funiculus: effects Quantitative determinations of sensory and pain thresholds on of capsaicin (49) 117 human oral mucosa by argon laser stimulation (49) 233 Pechman, P., see Traub, R.J. (49) 393 Penn, R.D., Paice, J.A. and Kroin, J.S. Taiwo, Y.O., see Miaskowski, C. (49) 137 Octreotide: a potent new non-opiate analgesic for intrathecal Tallarida, R.J. infusion (49) 13 Statistical analysis of drug combinations for synergism (49) 93 Peterson, D.G., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 Tasker, R.A.R., Connell, B.J. and Yole, M.J. Piper, J., see Follett, K.A. (49) 21 Systemic injections of alpha-1 adrenergic agonists produce Plummer, J.L., Cmielewski, P.L., Gourlay, G.K., Owen, H. and antinociception in the formalin test (49) 383 Cousins, M.J. Tassinari, G., see Facchinetti, F. (49) 113 Antinociceptive and motor effects of intrathecal morphine com- Taylor, J.S., see Clarke, R.W. (49) 65 bined with intrathecal clonidine, noradrenaline, carbachol or Teddy, P.J., see Glynn, C.J. (49) 361 midazolam in rats (49) 145 Thomas, D.A., Oliveras, J.-L., Maixner, W. and Dubner, R. Porro, C.A., see Facchinetti, F. (49) 113 Systemic morphine administration attenuates the perceived in- Portenoy, R.K., see Galer, B.S. (49) 87 tensity of noxious heat in the monkey (49) 129 Price, D.D., Long, S. and Huitt, C. Thulbourne, T., see Marks, R.C. (49) 325 Sensory testing of pathophysiological mechanisms of pain in Todd, D.D., see Geiger, G. (49) 179 patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (49) 163 Traub, R.J., Pechman, P., Iadarola, M.J. and Gebhart, G.F. Fos-like proteins in the lumbosacral spinal cord following noxious Ready, L.B., see Egan, K.J. (49) 3 and non-noxious colorectal distention in the rat (49) 393 Rigatti-Luchini, S., see Magni, G. (49) 77 Turk, D.C., see Flor, H. (49) 221 Romano, J.M., Turner, J.A. and Jensen, M.P. Turner, J.A., see Romano, J.M. (49) 71 The Chronic Illness Problem Inventory as a measure of dysfunc- tion in chronic pain patients (49) 71 Vaccarino, A.L. and Melzack, R. Rossi, M.R., see Magni, G. (49) 77 Temporal processes of formalin pain: differential role of the Russell, D.W., see Altmaier, E.M. (49) 329 cingulum bundle, fornix pathway and medial bulboreticular for- Russell, L.C., see Chabal, C. (49) 9 mation (49) 257 Van Houdenhove, B., see Onghena, P. (49) 205 Satoh, M., Kuraishi, Y. and Kawamura, M. Veerasarn, P. and Stohler, C.S. Effects of intrathecal antibodies to substance P, calcitonin gene- The effect of experimental muscle pain on the background elec- related peptide and galanin on repeated cold stress-induced trical brain activity (49) 349 hyperalgesia: comparison with carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia (49) 273 Seleshi, E., see Hatch, J.P. (49) 175 Ward, M.D., N., Kruger, L., Blumenkopf, B., Lipman, J.J., Devor, Sher, G.D., Cartmell, S.M., Gelgor, L. and Mitchell, D. M., North, R.B., Bushnell, M.C., Duncan, G.H. and Marchand, S. Role of N-methyl-p-aspartate and opiate receptors in nocicep- Letter to the Editor (49) 153 tion during and after ischaemia in rats (49) 241 Weinstein, J.N., see Altmaier, E.M. (49) 329 Whitsel, E.A., see Madison, S. (49) 99 Shutty, Jr., M.S., Cundiff, G. and DeGood, D.E. Pain complaint and the weather: weather sensitivity and symptom Williams, A., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 complaints in chronic pain patients (49) 199 Sloan, D.C., see Du Pen, S.L. (49) 293 Yaksh, T.L., see Yamamoto, T. (49) 121 Smith, T.W., see Oluyomi, A.O. (49) 415 Yamamoto, T. and Yaksh, T.L. Spohrer, B., see Jurna, I. (49) 249 Spinal pharmacology of thermal hyperesthesia induced by con- Stohler, C.S., see Veerasarn, P. (49) 349 striction injury of sciatic nerve. II. Excitatory amino acid antago- Suarez-Roca, H., see Madison, S. (49) 99 nists (49) 121 Sutters, K.A., see Miaskowski, C. (49) 137 Yole, M.J., see Tasker, R.A.R. (49) 383

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