Page 9 3 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 DISCIPLESHIP 201 OUTLINE...........................................................................95 POWERFUL PRAYER.......................................................................................97 THE PLACE OF PRAYER IN OUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH.............................100 THE LIFE OF THE LOCAL CHURCH - PRAYER............................................105 PROPER PERSPECTIVE REQUIRED BEFORE TITHING.............................108 GIVING LESS THAN A TITHE?.......................................................................109 GIVING AND TITHING.....................................................................................111 ALTERNATE USE OF TITHES........................................................................118 QUESTION: IS ATTENDANCE AT THE MEETINGS OF THE LOCAL ASSEMBLY ESSENTIAL OR OPTIONAL? .........................................................................121 IS ATTENDING CHURCH A SPECTATOR EVENT?......................................121 EVERY CHURCH MEMBER OUGHT TO BE IN SUNDAY SCHOOL.............124 CHURCH ATTENDANCE STRENGTHENS THE HOME.................................124 PERSONAL WORSHIP....................................................................................125 TRUE BODY LIFE RESULTS IN ACCOUNTABILITY.....................................126 BASIC RULES FOR BIBLE STUDY................................................................127 HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE..........................................................................127 SIX PRACTICAL APPROACHES TO BIBLE STUDY.....................................129 HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD............................................................132 THE BIBLE: A BOOK LIKE NO OTHER.........................................................133 FROM INFORMATION TO TRANSFORMATION............................................136 WHAT THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY..................................................................138 Page 9 4 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 WHAT IS EVANGELISM?................................................................................140 WINNING MEN TO CHRIST ............................................................................142 CHRISTIAN WIVES AND UNSAVED HUSBANDS.........................................145 ELOQUENCE OR ENTHUSIASM IN SOUL-WINNING?.................................147 FISHERS OF MEN...........................................................................................149 SUFFICIENT FOR THE TASK.........................................................................150 PERSONAL EVANGELISM.............................................................................152 THE LAYMAN DOES PERSONAL EVANGELISM .........................................155 METHODS FOR SOULWINNING....................................................................157 Page 9 5 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 DISCIPLESHIP 201 Outline I. Discipline of Faith (Prayer) (1 Timothy 2:8; James 5:16) A. Every Christian Should Learn to Pray Well B. The Christian Has a Unique Privilege in Prayer C. There are Certain Conditions of the Heart that are essential to Effective Prayer II. Discipline of Finances (Tithes & Offerings) (1 Corinthians 16:2; Malachi 3:10) A. Old Testament Tithes B. New Testament Offerings III. Discipline of Love (Church Attendance) (Hebrews 10:25) A. Congregational Worship/ Personal Worship B. Accountability to the Brethren/ Brotherly Love/ Discipline IV. Discipline of Mind (Bible Study) (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:15) A. Regular Reading of Scripture B. Deeper Study of Scripture C. Group Study of Scripture IV. Disciple of Obedience (Evangelism) (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:16) A. The Nature of Evangelism B. The Evangelism of the Family C. The Evangelism of Friends D. The Evangelism of Foreigners Page 9 6 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 PRAYER: An Outline Study1 James 4:3 8. Must not pray to be seen or heard of men— I. Definition of Prayer Matt. 6:5 Prayer is the sincere expression of a soul’s 9. Must be humble and penitent—Luke 18:14 desires, gratitude and heart yearning to God. V. Attitudes of Prayer II. May be expressed: 1. Sometimes in agony and grief of heart over 1. Silently—the heart. adoring and praying sin—Luke 18:14 2. Aloud—though no other hears 2. Sometimes full of holy joy and gratitude— 3. In song—when sung with the spirit and the Luke 1:46 ff. understanding. 3. Sometimes quietly waiting upon His guid- ance—Acts 10:30 III. Kinds of Prayer 4. Sometimes importuning Him for long 1. Praise—Adoration periods of time—Luke 18:1-8 2. Thanksgiving 5. Sometimes claiming His promises of relief 3. Supplication—Petition and comfort in times of sorrow—Rorn. 4. Intercession 4:20-22 5. Meditation 6. Sometimes yearning over a sinner or a sick one. IV. Essential Qualifications of Person Praying: 1. Must be a Christian—John 9:31 VI. Essentials of Public Prayer 2. Must pray according to His will—I John 1. On behalf of all the people in audience— so 5:14 that they can say AMEN (So Be It.) 3. Must have no unforgiveness in heart— 2. Loud enough and distinct enough for ev- Matt. 6:14,15 eryone to hear. 4. Must have no sin against him which he has 3. Not full of vain repetitions—Matt. 6:7 not asked God and man to forgive— Matt. 4. Speak TO the Lord—FOR the people. 5:23,24 5. Model after Lord’s Prayer. 5. Must keep His commandments and do things pleasing in His sight—I John 3:22 VII. Essentials of Private Prayer. 6. Must believe Lord will answer (the’ some- 1. In secret—a place alone. times by saying “No”)—Hebrews 11:6 2. “Without ceasing” (in a spirit of prayer 7. Must want His glory—not our pleasure— always) a. Bringing every small matter to Him 1 Maxey, Isabel B. For Mission Study Courses: b. Casting all our care on Him c. Rejoicing always PRAYER, An Outline Study. ([Standard Pub.], date unknown) [remarks by the author] "This study is one 3. Claiming His promises which I taught in Tibetan Lisuland to our preachers. It 4. A daily time for definite prayer should be divided up over a period of lessons, as desired, 5. Keep praying until the answer comes— and accompanied by lectures. Suggested topics for even if for years. God’s time is not like lectures are: Intercession Need to Forgive, How We May ours. Receive Guidance for Definite Problems, What of Divine Healing? Importunate Prayer, Promises and Their 6. Look, as you read your Bible, for the Conditions, and a testimonial meeting about Answered guidance you ask for. Prayers. And finally, may I suggest that the course be VII. Importance of Prayer WITH Bible Reading accompanied by a time of prayer and of getting right with 1. All prayer and no Bible reading makes for God on the part of teacher and students." ISABEL B. “zeal not according to knowledge”— MAXEY, Missionary on Furlough, Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mission (1211 Ross Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio) Romans 10:2 2. All Bible reading and no prayer makes for a Page 9 7 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 head religion without the heart (cf. Powerful Prayer Pharisees) John 3:10-13 By David Butts2 3. Prayer and Bible reading make for an in- telligent and earnest-hearted Christian— CHRISTIANS LOVE TO talk about the Acts 17:11; I. Peter 4:7, 8 power of prayer. It’s no wonder. The Bible 4. Cannot claim promises if they are not abounds with stories about people who prayed known and cannot fulfill condition upon and the wonderful things that resulted. Hannah which each promise is based without pray- prayed for a child and God gave her Samuel. er. Elijah prayed and fire fell from Heaven. IX. All prayer should contain: (as the Lord’s Hezekiah prayed and 15 years were added to his Prayer) life. Jonah prayed and he was delivered from the 1. Praise belly of a great fish. The list continues 2. Thanksgiving throughout Scripture, church history, and on 3. Repentance into the 21st century. 4. Petition Who does not thrill to the story of Luther 5. Be in the Lord’s Name praying for his terminally ill friend Melancthon X. Results of Prayer Life and receiving a great healing from God? George 1. Quietness and confidence-Isa. 82:17 Mueller and his 50,000 recorded answers to 2. Our minds and hearts guarded—Phil. 4:7 prayer are an inspiration to all generations. The 3. Much accomplished for others—Jas. 5:14 stories of American Christians gathering in 4. Love for our brethren—I John 3:23,24 prayer and receiving the Great Awakenings as 5. Power to resist temptation—Jude 24 their answer continues to provide hope for many 6. Strength to forgive and love our enemies who pray for revival today. 7. More love for God and Christ 8. Meekness as of a child The Source of Power 9. Willingness to do anything God asks us to In light of all this, here is a startling statement do to consider: Prayer has no power. That’s right! 10. Joy in tribulation Prayer in and of itself is of no consequence. It is 11. Power to bring down the blessing we God who has power; not prayer. Prayer connects petition with the God of power. Prayer is the means by 12. Strength to do what we know we ought to God’s power is unleashed upon our planet. But do. prayer itself has no power. Let me illustrate: The power cord of my com- XI. Ways in Which Prayer is Answered: puter is plugged into an electrical outlet on the 1. Sometimes by opening closed doors, an wall, allowing power to flow into my computer immediate yes (with the young Christian to keep me typing. Without the power cord, I’d God deals gently, establishing the faith.) be powerless. The cord itself is not the source of 2. Sometimes by closing open doors— power. It merely connects me to that source. So changing our way of life in order that it it is with prayer. Prayer is the spiritual power may be directed into channels of greater cord that keeps us connected to God. blessing to others. This is a simple but often overlooked truth. 3. Sometimes by a definite “No”—because we Some Christians work hard at developing styles ask amiss—James 4:3. and methods of praying without drawing near to 4. Sometimes after much time—after the Lord God, who is the source of all power in prayer. has worked out His perfect pattern for the We must avoid thinking of prayer as some sort one concerned. 2 David Butts is executive Director of Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute. Indiana. From The Lookout, December 9, 2001 Page 9 8 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 of magical formula by which we hope to get remains attached to the Vine, the life-giving sap things from God. flows through the branch and produces fruit - fruit that yields eternal blessings. The Right Perspective We remain attached to Jesus, the Vine, by Bruce Wilkinson’s recent book, The Prayer of carefully cultivating a life of prayer and Jabez (Multnomah Publisher, 2000); is an spending time in the Word of God. As plants are example. The number one bestseller for weeks nourished by sunshine and water, Christians on secular booklists, The Prayer of Jabez is draw nourishment from prayer and time spent in simply a conservative Christian’s interpretation God’s Word. Apart from these our spiritual lives of an ancient prayer from the Old Testament—a will begin to wither and die. prayer that was particularly beneficial for him. Personally, I’ve been praying aspects of the Time Alone with God prayer of Jabez for years. I think Wilkinson’s Every Christian needs to spend time alone book is a powerful little volume. The prayer with God. Whatever we choose to call it— itself, however, is worthless. Here’s why. This devotions, quiet time, or simply Bible study and little book has been read by large numbers of prayer—we can’t thrive spiritually without it. people who have no relationship with God. How long can a person live without food? 40 They have begun praying that prayer as a sort of days? 50? 60? Without physical nourishment the magic talisman to get something from someone. body wastes away. In the same way, Christians That kind of praying has no value. It is not the cannot survive without the feeding and prayer that counts . . . its the Person to whom nourishment that come from the Word and from you are praying. prayer. Let’s take time daily to receive I believe God has been using The Prayer of refreshment from Heaven. Jabez to encourage people to I draw near to him. A daily time with God is not a burden, but a As people come to know God through Jesus privilege. It brings joy, strength, and clear Christ, the lessons of Jabez’s prayer become vision. Christians can engage in a daily quiet powerful. But it isn’t the praying that brings the time with a great deal of personal freedom. power. It is God. How can we learn to pray Details such as the length, location, and with power? How will prayer allow us to see elements of the quiet time are individual God do mighty things, not only in our own matters. I suggest that you make sure your quiet lives, but around the world? If Praying with time includes both prayer and time spent in power begins by drawing near to God and God’s word. The most effective way to do this developing a life of intimacy with Christ. In the is to do this is to learn to pray the Word. Let the book of James, God promises that if we will Scriptures format your prayers and as you read, draw near to him, he will draw near to us. ask the Lord to teach you more about himself. Prayer is the avenue designed by God through As important as it is to see prayer as a way of which we draw near to him. drawing near to God, it is vital that we not leave Remaining in the Vine prayer there. Prayer is more than intimacy with Jesus gives us a wonderful illustration of the Christ. It is also the way that God has chosen to Christian life in John chapter 15. “I am accomplish his will on this planet; Spending Vine,” he said. “You are the branches.” Is it the time in prayer and in the Word—getting to branch’s job to bear fruit? No! The job of the know the Lord and his will enables us to move branch is to stay attached to the Vine. If the into the work of prayer. Here we begin praying branch stays attached to the Vine, much fruit for God's will to be done in our lives, our will be produced. Some Christians make the families, our churches, our nation, and even the mistake of focusing on the job or world. Prayer is the channel that God has responsibility—the fruit. Jesus tells us that the chosen to bring about the release of his power in key to producing fruit is to remain in him—to lives. stay attached to the Vine. When a branch Page 9 9 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 Seeking God’s Will smoke of the incense, together with the prayers Jesus taught us to pray, “Your will be done on of the saints, went up before God from the earth as it is in Heaven.” This type of prayer is angel’s hand” (Revelation 8:3, 4). sometimes lacking in the church. Instead, some As the collective prayers of God’s people are Christians attempt to convince God of their own poured out before God, angels are loosed upon wills. It’s no wonder we often see unanswered the earth to cause events designed to bring prayers and a lack of true spiritual power in the people to repentance and salvation. God uses the church today. Prayer is never a way for us to get prayers of his people to bring about the things from God. It is always God’s means to establishment of Christ’s kingdom. accomplish his purposes. If we are spiritually The second passage in Revelation comes in "plugged in” we will line up our prayers with the midst of a half an hour of silence. In his purposes. “History Belongs to the Intercessors” An example of this kind of praying appears in (Sojourners, October, 1990) author Walter Wink the book of Daniel. The prophet was reading explains the connection: Scripture (a Scroll written by Jeremiah) that revealed that Israel was to be released from Heaven itself falls silent. The Babylonian captivity after 70 years. When heavenly hosts and celestial Daniel read this prophecy he began to pray that spheres suspend their ceaseless God’s prophetic Word would be accomplished singing so that the prayers of the in God's timing. After three weeks of prayer and saints on earth can be heard. The fasting, and in the midst of astonishing spiritual seven angels of destiny cannot warfare, God answered Daniel’s prayer, blow the signal of the next times assuring that he had been heard and would be to be until an eighth angel answered (Daniel 9:1—10:21). gathers these prayer . . . and God's power can be released through our mingles them with incense upon prayers in the same way. First we draw near to the altar. Silently they rise to the God, getting to know his will. Then we pray that nostrils of God. Human beings his will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. have intervened in the heavenly From there we move to the front lines of prayer, liturgy. The uninterrupted flow focusing on what God is doing in this world. of consequences is dammed for a moment. New alternatives Praying With Passion become feasible. The unexpected If we want to be “in” on what God is doing, becomes suddenly possible, be- we must begin praying with greater passion and cause Gods people on earth have intensity. If we want purpose and meaning to invoked Heaven, the home of the life—if we want our lives to count for God and possibles, and have been heard. to make a difference in this world—we must What happens next, happens pray! God is calling his people to prayer today because people prayed. The mes- as a part of his plan for this world. sage is clear history belongs to Consider these passages from the book of the intercessors.” Revelation that depict the power of the prayers of God's people Dick Eastman said it this way: “God’s Each one had a harp and they were holding ultimate purpose for mankind, the completion of golden bowls full of incense, which are the Christ’s bride and the establishing of his eternal prayers of the saints." (Revelation 5:8) kingdom on earth will result only from the Another angel, who had a golden censer, came release of the prayers of God’s saints” (The and stood at the altar. He was given much Jericho Hour, Creation House Publishers, 1994) incense to offer, with the prayers of all the Graham Kendrick and Chris Robinson wrote saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The the hymn, “All Heaven Waits.” See if their Page 1 00 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 words call to your heart and stir within you a The Place of Prayer In Our passion to be a person of prayer. Spiritual Growth * An Ottumwa January Gathering Message * All Heaven waits with bated breath for saints on earth to pray. By Evangelist Burton W. Barber3 Majestic angels ready stand with swords of fiery blade “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall Astounding power awaits a word sustain those who shall never suffer the from God’s resplendent throne. righteous to be moved.” — Psalms 55:22. But God awaits our prayer of faith that cries, Your will be If there is one thing that most people would done.’ suggest for the development of spiritual life, it ,(Thank You Music, 1986). would doubtless be ‘prayer”. However, the fact is, most religious people look at prayer as only a psychological aid to a spiritual attitude or A Pattern for Prayer ACTS outlook on life. In other words, to most people, prayer does not work an ACTUAL blessing—it Adoration: merely works a "MAKE-BELIEVE” feeling of Entering Holy Space (Worship) omnipotence and self-generated power. Not It reminds you whom you are addressing. only is there genuine power in prayer, but it Here is a list of a few of God’s attributes; should be borne in mind that this power comes Righteous, Gracious, Faithful, Just, from God Almighty on High, nor is there any Merciful, Attentive, power in prayer that does not come from Him. Unchanging, Loving, Tender, Powerful, All other seeming power is nothing more than Guiding, etc. the results of human effort and could as easily and as quickly be gotten by talking to oneself as Confession: it could in the form of 'prayer.’ Indeed, that is Naming Our Faults all such pretended prayer is for the Pharisee "stood and prayed thus with himself” (Luke Don’t just ask God for forgiveness for your l8~11). But, prayer is real, the answer to prayer sins, but name them one by one. Such as, if you is no less real, and the blessing that prayer is in cheated someone ask for forgiveness for developing the spiritual life is great. being selfish or greedy. I. Prayer Protects The Christian’s Spiritual Life From The Enemies Of Spirituality. Thanksgiving: Thank God for all of your blessings. Bunyan, in his “Pilgrims Progress’. pictured Such as Answered Prayer, Spiritual, “Apollyon” (the devil) and “Christian” in a Relational, Material, Physical, etc. great duel. “Apollyon was unable to overcome “Christian” due to the superior weapon of Supplication: defense that “Christian” wielded. This weapon Asking for Help. was prayer. So, while the chief objective of Present your request to God in such areas as “Apollyon” was to defeat “Christian”, realizing Ministry, Family, Work, Physical, Missionaries, that such could not be done until he destroyed Government Leaders, Military, Schools, “Christian’s” impregnable weapon of defense etc. (prayer)! “Apollyon” concentrated his efforts From Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels 3 From The Voice of Evangelism, Vol. 5, No. 50. pp. 393- 400 (1-8). December 16, 1950. Page 1 01 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 entirely upon an all-out offensive against prayer. and on a home in hell in the end! The World- Spirit creeps over so many and chills them with And so it is with all Christians. A chief discouragement. For this, there is only one weapon of defense against the things that would hope—PRAYER! Prayer alone can keep the destroy their spiritual life is prayer. Prayer will drowning waters of despondency from lashing keep the Christian from sin (providing sin does at the backdoor of the heart. not keep him from prayer). Jesus taught this when He told His disciples to “watch and pray, Prayer-promises when believed and pleaded lest ye enter into temptation" (Mark 14:38). One will relieve the mind of the “things” of life so of the vital elements in Christ’s model prayer that there will be no distraction of earthly affairs was, “Deliver us from the evil one” (Matt. 6:13 from spiritual interests. David testified in his old R.V.). When Paul finished describing the age, “I have been young, and now am old; yet various pieces of armor with which the have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his Christian is outfitted for battling with the Evil seed begging bread” (Psa. 37:25). What a One, he drops the figures of speech and plainly blessed statement from such a praying man! The names the last one thus: “Praying always with Psalms verily breath [sic.] forth the spirit of all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and committing material concerns unto God, thus, watching thereunto with all perseverance and freeing the soul of man for spiritual affairs. supplication for all saints” (Eph. 6:18). Paul and Paul, because he knew the secret of prayer, was Jesus both taught, “Watch and pray” (compare able to free his mind of material worry and to Mark 14:38 and Eph. 6:18). Yes, God has concentrate upon the things of God: “I have promised not to allow “you to be tempted above learned,” said Paul, “in whatsoever state I am, that ye are able; but will with the temptation therewith to be content. I know both how to be also make a way to escape, that ye may be able abased, and I know how to abound: ever where to bear it” (I Cor. 10:13). He has promised to and in all things I am instructed both to be full “keep you from the evil one” (II Thess. 3:3 and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer R.V.) He claims to know “how to deliver the need. I can do all things through Christ which godly out of temptations” (II Pet. 2:9). How is strengthened me” (Phil. this done? Prayer, friend, prayer! 4:11-13). Prayer makes discouragement vanish Prayer causes worry to cease and fretting to (providing discouragement does not first cause disappear. Is it true? Surely, for David testified, prayer to vanish). But, surely, God’s people can “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, rise out of their discouragement and cry aloud and saved him out of all his troubles” (Psa. unto God. As long as Elijah prayed fervently, he 34:6), Don’t we have the same God? Does He was the victor—God blest and he rejoiced. But, not love us the same as He did David? Surely, recall how he retreated to the cave of Isaiah confirmed David’s witness: “Thou wilt discouragement (I Kings 19:9-18). In there, he keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed was not doing any praying. The same God who on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isa. 26:3). heard his prayer before and withheld the rain; Hear our text again “Cast thy burden upon the the same God heard his prayer before and sent Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never the fire from heaven; the same God who heard suffer the righteous to be moved (Psa. 55:22). his prayer before and sent the rain was still in Then, hear Peter: “Casting all your care upon heaven. What was wrong? Elijah was wrong; him; for he careth for you!! (I Pet. 5:7). Isn’t God was right. The man who is discouraged has that great? The secret of a life free from worry refused to believe God’s ability and God’s and fretting is not “self-fooling” nor accidental willingness to do what He has promised to do. deliverance from trouble, but prayer! This fact, Discouragement is a down-payment on a cold Paul affirms: “Be careful (anxious, R.V.) for heart, on a fruitless life, on a backslidden soul, nothing: but in everything by prayer and Page 1 02 Discipleship Handbook Discipleship 201 supplication with thanksgiving let your requests appreciation for the spiritual things of prayer, be made known unto God. And the peace of Bible study, Christian fellowship, and service God, which passeth all understanding, shall for Christ can be realized. Even so, many that keep your hearts and minds through Christ have put “their hands to the plow” and have Jesus” (Phil. 4:6,7). Think of the above: “Saved looked back to the flesh-pots of sin are no him out of all his troubles” keep him perfect longer “after the things of the Spirit” (Rom. 8:5) peace” He shall sustain thee; he shall never because they “resist the Spirit” (Acts 7:51), suffer the righteous to be moved” Casting all “quench the Spirit” (I Thess. 5:19), and “grieve your care upon him” Be anxious for nothing.. the Spirit” (Eph. 4:30). What, then, can help The peace of God shall keep your hearts and these people to have spiritual power? What can minds through Christ Jesus.” WHAT develop the poor backslider into a “power-house WONDERFUL THINGS COME IN ANSWER for God”? What can make the babe in Christ TO PRAYER! The staggering thing is to believe grow unto a full grown man in Christ? The it! answer is “PRAYER”! To prove this, I quote from three prayers of Paul in which he prayed Prayer leads a man to have a spiritual outlook for the very things that would cause the good all of life. Everything in life ought to be a thing people at Ephesus and Philippi to grow of prayer. Do you question that? Paul said, “Be spiritually. If prayer could bless them with careful for NOTHING; but in EVERY THING spiritual power, prayer can do the same for you by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let and me. your requests be known unto God" (Phil. 4:6). So, we ought to pray about literally everything. Paul prayed that the Ephesian Christians If a thing is not PRAYABLE, it is not would have “the spirit of wisdom” (Eph. 1:17). THINKABLE or DOABLE. Paul further Wisdom is the “how” to work for God. This is showed that “whatsoever ye do word or deed, so lacking in our lives. So many need and want do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving to know how to do what they know they ought thanks to God and the Father by him” (Col. to do. This ability comes through prayer. Paul 3:17). Whatsoever we say or do, then, we ought said, and James agrees: “If any of you lack to say and do with authority from heaven, and wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all then thank God for it! So, a man ought to say men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be and do only such things as are prayable, and give him” (Jas. 1:5). then thank God for those things, or Phil. 4:6 means nothing, for it teaches this very thing! Paul prayed that the Ephesian Christians would have understanding: “The eyes of your Oh the great enemies of a spiritual life that understanding being enlightened” (Eph. 1:18). sin, discouragement, “things” of life, worry, and How God’s people need this! People differ so an unspiritual outlook on all of life are! But, on spiritual things. There is so much ignorance prayer will cure all of these and, thus, free the of the Bible and misunderstanding of its teach- child of God from these enemies. ings. Only prayer can enlighten our understanding so that we can see the ways of II. Prayer Brings Spiritual Power Down From God. Heaven Man, as he is a sinner, does not possess a Paul prayed that the Ephesian Christians spiritual view of heavenly things: “The natural would know “what is the exceeding greatness of man receiveth the things of the Spirit of God: His power to us-ward who believe according to for they are foolishness unto him” (I Cor. 2:14). the working of his mighty power” (Eph. 1:19) It is only at conversion, when a sinner is made and be “strengthened by his Spirit in the inner into a “new creature” (II Cor. 5:17) filled with man” (Eph. 3:16). Men would not backslide and the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19,20), that real become discouraged if they knew of the exceed-