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Preview Page 1 of 23 QUESTION BOOKLET Subject: AGRONOMY Post Applied for

QUESTION BOOKLET Subject: AGRONOMY Book No. Post Applied for: ASSISTANT SPECIALIST Name of the Candidate: …………………………... Date of Examination: 0 7 2 0 1 6 Roll Number: Signature of the Invigilator INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES 1. Strictly follow the instructions given by the Invigilator and those given on the Question Booklet before filling the Answer sheet 2. Use Blue/Black ball point pen for the test. 3. Write your name (in Capital letters), roll number, date and booklet number on the question booklet and Answer sheet and sign at the appropriate place. 4. The test is of objective type. This Question Booklet contains a total of 200 questions for 200 marks (@ 1 mark per question) and the total time allotted is 2 hours. The correct answer will be given one mark and for every wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted. 5. Each objective question is followed by four options. Your task is to choose the correct answer and write your answer on the answer sheet provided. DO NOT write your answer on the Question Booklet. 6. Write your option/answer for each question legibly in the box provided next to the question in the answer sheet. Writing the multiple answers within the same box or overwriting or corrections made if any, will be treated as wrong answer. 7. Do not make any stray marks anywhere on the answer sheet. DO NOT fold or wrinkle the answer sheet. Rough work SHOULD NOT be done on the answer sheet. 8. Candidates are not allowed to carry any papers, notes, books, calculators, cellular phones, scanning devices, papers etc. to the Examination Hall. Any candidate found using, or in possession of such unauthorized material, including copying or impersonation or adopting unfair means, is liable to be summarily disqualified and may be subjected to penal action. 9. After completing the examination, the candidate should write the total number of questions answered and affix the signature in the space provided on the answer sheet. Then, hand over the admit card, question booklet and the original copy of Answer sheet to the invigilator. The carbon copy of the answer sheet may be obtained after due verification/signature by the Invigilator. 10. DO NOT carry the question booklet or any part of it, outside the examination hall. If any candidate is found carrying the booklet such candidates are liable to be disqualified. 11. No candidate shall leave the examination hall even if he/she has completed his/her paper. After completion of the examination, all the candidates should remain seated until all booklets and answer sheets are collected by the invigilator and instructed thereafter to leave the examination hall. ***** Page 1 of 23 Directions for questions 1-100: In each of the following questions, out of the four options given, choose the right answer 1. What is the length of growing period in semi-arid regions? a. 70 – 210 days b. 150 - 210 days c. 90 – 150 days d. More than 270 days 2. The important approach in micro watershed is a. Soil conservation b. Productivity improvement c. Storage of runoff water d. All of these 3. Surface runoff depends on a. Intensity of rain fall b. Amount of rain fall c. Duration of rain fall d. All of these 4. Area with less than 500 mm rain fall is suitable for a. Mono cropping b. Crop holding c. Fallowing d. All of these 5. Major soil type of southern Karnataka is a. Red soil b. Black soil c. Alluvial soil d. Both a & b 6. Which of the following cultural methods will reduce the weed population a. Arresting flowering b. Deep ploughing c. Puddling d. All of these 7. Phalaris minor is a crop associated weed with ………….. crop a. Wheat b. Maize c. Rice d. Cotton 8. Objectives of intercropping are a. Suppression of weeds b. Reduction of pests and diseases c. Stability in yield and income d. All of these 9. The component crops of intercropping should not be a. Competitive b. Suppressive c. Mutually inhibitive d. All the above 10. Phyllotaxy is defined as a. Arrangement of roots b. Arrangement of flowers c. Arrangement of fruits d. Arrangement of leaves 11. After thinning the number of plants per hectare at 50 cm x 20 cm is a. 50000 b. 100000 c. 75000 d. 125000 12. Sesbania rostrata is a. A root nodule plant b. A stem nodule plant c. Both a & b d. None of these Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 2 of 23 13. The organic matter content of Indian soils lingers around a. 0.25% b. 0.5% c. 1-2% d. 3.0% 14. About …. % of world’s rice production and consumption is in Asian region a. 50 b. 75 c. 90 d. 25 15. C:N ratio of 80:1 to 100:1 is noticed in a. Legumes b. Cereals c. Oil seeds d. None of these 16. A farmer having two hectare area grows maize in two hectare during kharif and groundnut in one hectare during rabi. The cropping intensity of the farm is a. 100% b. 150% c. 200% d. 300% 17. Water erosion follows the following sequence a. Sheet, Splash, Rill and Gully b . Splash, Rill, Sheet and Gully c. Splash, Sheet, Rill and Gully d . Rill, Splash, Gully and Sheet 18. Ability of rainfall to cause soil erosion is a. Runoff b. Erosivity c. Erodability d. Soil erosion 19. TMC means a. Thousand metre cube b. Thousand million cubic feet c. Ten metre cube d. Ten million cubic feet 20. CAZRI is located at a. Lucknow b. Jodhpur c. Kasaragod d. Cuttack 21. Which part of country has more area of rain-fed rice? a. North b. East c. South d. West 22. In which of the following crops, manual harvesting is done in the early hours of morning a. Potato b. Soybean c. Safflower d. Cowpea 23. Which is a soil active herbicide a. Fluchloralin b. Paraquat c. Isoproturon d. Glyphosate Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 3 of 23 24. Which one of the following microbial agents is being commercially exploited as biocontrol agent a. Penecillium notatum b. VAM c. Trichoderma viridae d. Rhizobium 25. Optimum temperature range for cultivation of gram is a. 15-250C b. 25-350C c. 30-350C d. 35-400C 26. Fertilizer application in maize should be completed before a. Tasseling b. Silking c. Ripening d. Knee high stage 27. In agri-horticulture system for arable land the tree component is a. Timber b. Hedge row c. Fruit d. All 28. Which portion of sugarcane stalk should normally be used for sett purpose? a. Bottom one-third to half portion b. Bottom one-fourth portion c. Top one-third to half portion d. Entire cane 29. Country which is pioneer in hybrid rice is a. China b. India c. Philippines d. Japan 30. Suitable herbicide for pigeon pea is a. Alachlor b. Fluchloralin c. Both a and b d. Atrazine 31. Glyphosate is a ------------ herbicide a. Selective b. Pre emergence c. Non selective d. Pre planting 32. Short duration pulses like cowpea, blackgram and green gram are ideal crops of southern Karnataka for a. Rabi season b. Early kharif c. Late kharif d. None of these 33. Which order explains the soil moisture disappearance in order of preference? a. Hygroscopic water - capillary water b. Capillary water – hygroscopic – gravitational water water– gravitational water c. Gravitational water – capillary d. Capillary water – gravitational water – hygroscopic water water – hygroscopic water 34. Field capacity of black soil is around a. 8-12% b. 12-18% c. 30-40% d. 18-25% Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 4 of 23 35. Movement of nutrient ions from soil to plant roots by a. Diffusion b. Mass flow c. Root interception d. All of these 36. The inflorescence of safflower is a. Head b. Arrow c. Spike d. Raceme 37. Which species of sugarcane is known as noble cane? a. Saccharum sinense b. Saccharum barberi c. Saccharum officinarum d. Saccharum robustum 38. Wherever only one irrigation is available, the wheat crop should be irrigated at a. Tillering stage b. Flowering stage c. Milking stage d. CRI stage 39. Coffee belongs to the family a. Theacae b. Rubiaceae c. Poaceae d. Euphorbiaceae 40. The centre of origin of Coffee arabica is a. Brazil b. Ethiopia c. Liberia d. Columbia 41. What is that special operation which is done during tea manufacture so that the end product is green tea a. Steaming the shoots soon after b. Slowing down rolling process plucking to destroy leaf oxidase, the fermentation enzyme c. Alternate rolling & jerking d. All the operations 42. Blackgram is also known as a. Mung b. Urd c. Khesari d. None 43. Which of the following operations is associated with the process of nipping in gram a. Treating the seed with Rhizobium b. Tying the branches to avoid lodging c. Picking green leaves for vegetable d. Plucking the apical buds to purposes promote branches 44. Which of the following soil types are suited for cultivation of groundnut a. Sandy loam soils b. Loam soils c. Black soils with good drainage d. All these soils 45. The diurnal variation in temperature is less at a. Inlands b. Equator c. Coastal areas d. None of the above Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 5 of 23 46. Planting of shade trees in coffee plantation is an example of a. Allelopathy b. Annidation in space c. Annidation in time d. None 47. Cultivation of long duration crops will result in…………in Cropping Intensity Index (CII) a. Increase b. Decrease c. No change d. None 48. The world’s most problematic weed is a. Ambrosia b. Parthenium c. Utrica sp d. Cyperus rotundus 49. Under dry land conditions most preferred herbicide for maize is a. Atrazine b. Fluchloralin c. Propanil d. Butachlor 50. If the rate of application per hectare is 3.00 kg a.i., the quantity of Simazine WP (80% a.i.,) required to be sprayed in 0.33 hectare area would be a. 0.50 kg b. 0.75 kg c. 1.25 kg d. 1.87 kg 51. The analytical method most suitable for estimation of available phosphorous in acid soils is a. Olsen’s method b. Mehlich’s method c. Bray & Kurtz’s method d. All 52. The plastic mulch helps to a. Reduce the soil moisture b. Increase the soil moisture c. Increase the soil temperature d. None of the above 53. A green manure crop would a. Increase nitrogen content b. Lower water penetration c. Decrease aeration d. None of the above 54. The ICRISAT was established in ……………. year a. 1987 b. 1972 c. 1967 d. None of these 55. What is crop rotation? a. Growing of crops one after other b. Growing more than one crop at a time c. Growing of an associate crop in d. Growing of crops together in between the rows of the main crop strips 56. The ratio between evapotranspiration of crop and potential evapotranspiration is called a. Water coefficient b. Irrigation coefficient c. Crop coefficient d. All of these Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 6 of 23 57. The term trickle irrigation is used synonymously with a. Sprinkle irrigation b. Drip irrigation c. Micro sprinkler irrigation d. Both a and c 58. The amount of water consumed by the crop to the total volume of water delivered through irrigation is called as a. Irrigation efficiency b. Water conveyance efficiency c. Water application efficiency d. Water distribution efficiency 59. Which nutrient stimulates flowering and also aid in seed formation? a. Phosphorous b. Potassium c. Ca & Mg d. Sulphate 60. A fertilizer which supplies three essential plant nutrients is a. DAP b. MoP c. SSP d. SoP 61. The law of Minimum was given by a. Juston Von Liebig b. Spillman c. Mitcherlich d. Thomas Way 62. Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas a. Oxygen b. Ammonia c. Chlorine d. Methane 63. Ideal pH for coffee cultivation……… a. 4.0-4.5 b. 5.0-5.5 c. 6.0-6.5 d. 7.0-7.5 64. Lime requirement is calculated by a. Shoemaker & other method b. Schoonover method c. Chepil & Woodruff method d. White & Beckett method 65. Which of the following is the critical symptom of boron deficiency in Cauliflower? a. Young curds developing small b. Turning brown, necrotic & decay water-soaked areas c. Petioles developing small blisters d. All of the above 66. Which of the following nutrient is highly immobile in plants? a. B b. Mg c. K d. P 67. Inbred lines that have same genetic constitution but differ only at one locus are called a. Multi lines b. Monohybrid c. Isogenic lines d. Pure lines Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 7 of 23 68. The most ground water polluting fertilizers are…….. a. Nitrate fertilizers b. Ammonical fertilizers c. Potassic fertilizers d. Amide fertilizers 69. Potassic fertilizer most suitable for potato & tobacco is a. Murate of Potash b. Sulphate of Potash c. Schoenite d. All 70. Which of the following mechanical soil conservation measures is more suitable for fruit trees or other plantation crops on steep slopes? a. Contour bunds b. Half-moon terraces c. Graded bunds d. Bench terraces 71. The study of relationship between soil properties and plant production is known as a. Soil science b. Agronomy c. Edaphology d. Pedology 72. The depth of the seedling in wheat depends on the length of a. Mesocotyl b. Radicle c. Coleoptile d. Plumule 73. Indian Seed Act was enacted in the year a. 1961 b. 1971 c. 1966 d. 1976 74. Blast of rice is a ….. disease a. Viral b. Bacteria c. Fungal d. Deficiency of zinc 75. Which of the following does not apply to SRI method of paddy cultivation? a. Reduced water application b. Reduced plant density c. Increased application of chemical d. Reduced age of seedlings fertilizers 76. The Indian state, which is the largest producer of saffron is a. Maharashtra b. Rajasthan c. Jammu & Kashmir d. Tamilnadu 77. Segregation of gene occurs in a. F generation b. F generation 1 2 c. Gamete formation of F d. F generation 1 3 78. Which of the following is not a characteristic of dryland crop? a. Potential for high yield b. Fertilizer responsive c. High water requirement d. Strong root system Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 8 of 23 79. A year in which rainfall of a particular place is short by more than ------- is known as drought year a. Twice the mean deviation b. Twice the standard deviation c. Twice the median d. Twice the standard error 80. The broad beds and furrows method is suitable for a. Sandy soil b. Loamy soil c. Black soil d. All of these 81. When all the pores are filled with water and the soil is said to be saturated this condition is termed as: a. Maximum water holding capacity b. Field capacity c. Water holding capacity d. None 82. Which oil contains maximum linoleic acid: a. Safflower b. Groundnut c. Cotton d. Mustard 83. The scientist who is considered as the father of Taxonomy is? a. Mendel b. Darwin c. Linnaeus d. Lamark 84. The process through which energy is released by plants? a. Transpiration b. Respiration c. Photosynthesis d. None of these 85. The crop also sown for green manuring is? a. Safflower b. Sorghum c. Green gram d. Mustard 86. First KVK of India was established at? a. Hyderabad b. Nagpur c. Chennai d. Pondicherry 87. The organization related to export of Agricultural processed produce is a. FCI b. APEDA c. NABARD d. CACP 88. Which of the following insecticide has fumigant action? a. DDVP b. Malathion c. Cypermethrin d. Dimethoate 89. If one gram of pesticide formulation containing 50 % active ingredient is mixed with 1 litre of water, then what will be concentration of the active ingredient in the spray fluid? a. 5 ppm b. 50 ppm c. 500 ppm d. 5000 ppm Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 9 of 23 90. Following fungus is effective on root grubs a. Fusarium sp. b. Beauveria sp. c. Nomuraea rileyi d. Mettarrhizium anisopliae 91. If fertility variation in the field is in two directions at right angles, which of the experimental design is suitable. a. CRBD b. RBD c. Latin Square d. Split Plot 92. Correlation coefficient is, a. More than + 1 b. Less than – 1 c. Lies between – 1 and + 1 d. None of the above 93. Coefficient of variation is useful for comparing, a. Comparison between different b. Same population populations c. Both of the above d. None of these 94. In an experimental plot 7 rows were sown with 50 cm row spacing and 5 m length, while harvesting one row on either side of the plots were discarded. The net plot size will be; a. 2.0 x 5.0 m b. 2.5 x 5.0 m c. 4.0 x 5.0 m d. 3.5 x 5.0 m 95. In a field experiment the net plot size was 2.5 x 4.0 m and the yield were recorded in kg. What is the conversion factor for q /ha.? a. 10 b. 100 c. 1000 d. 50 96. In a fertilizer trial 40 kg N / ha. has to be applied to the plot of 10.00 sq. m. area. What quantity of Urea is needed? a. 95 g b. 87 g c. 98 g d. 115 g 97. Standard deviation is, a. Expressed in the same unit of b. Free from unit of measurements measurements c. It is in percentage d. None of these 98. The randomization of treatments in the field experiment is essential: a. As statistical procedures hold good b. To average out the effects of when randomization is done environment differences c. For comparison of treatment effects d. None of the above 99. Local control helps in a. Reducing the experimental error b. Homogeneity of experimental units c. Both of the above d. None of the above Question Booklet - Agronomy Page 10 of 23

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