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FRM Parr I Book 4: VALUATION AND Risk MopELs ‘Vauariow avo Risk Mooms 36: Bond Feces, Diseoune Bao, ara Arbitrage 37: Bod Prices, Spot Rags, anal Forward Rae 18s Yield co Manag 39 OneFaxus Menures of Price Sensi, “4: Binomial Troe Als 'The Blush Scholes Meron Model 42the 43: Meaeane of Feel Rie ek Lew 4: Purring Yak on Wark 45: Cpereional Risk ‘4 areuing che Va Approach 19 Opsracional Risk 4: Sots Tesing 4; Principles (or Sound Sense Testing Pratiees and Superson 149: The Rating Agencies 5 sternal aad Ener Racings Si: Unexpected Los Concuanc Paoneace CrraLuuncae Pramas Anwar GARP FRM Pagcrice Exam Questions GARP FRM Pracsior Exane Anewens Fonworas Avpexonx Iwprx Pye Page 2 FRR PART DDK 4: VACONGION ANE: RSE MODES {62012 Kogan tne, dha Kalan Sekine ll ga ened bio Uo Sate of Aan, ASIN, GR AEP ONPR oe Leste EE Fre S201 iquind Dndhimee GAIU® deo ant nda promat slew or wart ewe ol Deyo om sarncefined by hpln Scher of FM® md inkarmaron oo det moe ay iol ty he perder Farther GABU™ hot epee orc by ho Rap Se ris GAR sopunat fay fw or eu funy aroun pid nays Kagan Sever AUP, GARD, and Gd Aumeitic of ak afanai™ se ales eed by Ue {Guta Avactan of Hak Prfeioad oe {Ga ERDF ein aero mth peso Capi 20, na sien a ie Coens ieee T eset ay wt beep nl ncn pecan i as Ts wali ise likin ues an of don ep ln eure es jt sow Ui i paul spo. ieee Th Sl Nase ol ed gen iy GAR Thea avs el ba Stl Sterne voc ei ang Dewees cane gas wane ulead a your une An CS ‘Daa apae Tee Fetuieang hy aw en Ri Woks pinta dap wadlans ReAIN omen Bonn Prices, Discount Facrors, AND ARBITRAGE rope Exam Focus his opie pss aa overview of furan oMTwed valuation. "The vias ofa boc in Seng the preset wai oi cask Rows sammie ache appropriate pelic requ rerun, ize Faron tensed fo cig coupon bone and for detornitig whether Tuan aad ohn ai. > eipringees aman sein ele abit prof es be mace Som the violation ofthe lw of ne pre, ATM 36.1; Dexaibe and course individval value of wowey. od manor axes Peas ote To bolp annoer ATM 36.1, seal fe eines value af roomy (priniplerprsentd im Bua$ 2, A dale tday will be woreh nore tn the fatare ‘ven a pattie raze af rvarm Sisley a llr paid im tbe furnve wil be ‘wor fis prevent vais srs Derennunune Boxp Cast: Flows Before computing the value of« bond ist detemine the appropriate cach tlons. Th cash nr ef coupon bend her cn coniporents periodic coupons and pa value x mucin (Coupons are aften sated in annua crms and must be adjuste for perodicey, Orr the cas Hows are dstcimined,ehe reson value (PV) of ce exo flows can be computed Beata How ea let Suppote we bave 431,000 par vals, 1-yete Buta hac pays 210% coupon setwanially, Destine he cash Rowe of es td Answer joao. Wher ne20 mina payments of $50 [27,000 Amp sam payen of 5,000 eccus atch end of the 20e pind fe 10 yea an Raghacoe, Page> iets ‘Grow Helecence GARD Avsgnad Rening, Tackman, Chapter 1 age Funpatetazs oF Bonp VALUATION ‘The vale (or price! of any financial aeee—auch ae a bond can ne dstermined by summing the ater discoumed cask Hows. There are chee sep inthe bond valuaciow proces: 1. Baise the oa fs. For 2sond, hove es em types of esk lows: (1) che ane ot Sesame sinpom payavents aml (2 the rary Hf pti aarti, a» whe, the bond ie erred, 2, _Detvnuine the apprepriredlivotne nate The approximate dicouae cate iether the ‘ond’ yield co inatutigy (PTM) oa ses of spar as 3. Candee eh PV of ee enim ch fs, The BV i terminal by dacs Be bone cash How srream by the appropiate dicount atl. ‘As prosumsly aoced, bond investors are entitled to wo tise lyper of csh Rows: 1) che periods. -resine af sompam inci cner the fie ofc bora ae (2 the renavety af prsial (or par ale the lof the bones fie, Tho, valng a bond eels wich ams super paymenes pls age ing cashflow, a epreentel by the recovery of prinsal sr matarigg or when the bond ie retized, Thee cath floms, slong with the rie ate of "e1um un thine lane, ae them use ina presen valus-baved bool valuation mad 19 <aleulate che dollar price of ie boa tn eis rapi, ch eancanrtrion oral tha pay pen seminal in month inne fom stele Privs Quorarions Sone an quont an png: hase late met ve (ID) Ral picid ar porate qua 1005 hosed accu are priced tes ha 100; fo ol [MESIUM sie gtr a 10, US esry neta and es “Se? anes, Alege 9 97-4 o> 9706 0 97.4 asp x6 976495 of pa sale the yr soi li, te pi the bene 297.1875 fe pa Svs, 0 $977,85 00, Compra tad muripal bond ae quote cighihs fog. 102), inde the ae ofthe bo 102125% of par, ether ce sen ‘rice quotation inc a ollie price ssuphy by adding the decimal equals of te rtm. tw dhe base aumber of the quote and using thac asa percentage of che par amount to amputee yove, A"? ia the ques nia hs ck or ceanple, Fhe pce te qored 210-124, shen selon would el at 10: 112349 Vipic 36 oss Relecce to GARP Asigned Reading ~ Tashan, Chapter Disevuny Eacrons AIM 36.2: Define diswount fator aul wae a discotit Funerioa te compute preset fand fiture values. icone cso deine the preset. The dicount faction expe asd), whese #enoces cine in yas anuple:Calealaging bood value wing disapane factors Suppose Hat eh sce face for the fst 18-day coupon patie i at Follows 0.5) = 092432 Caleate the price a «bond that pers $108 six months Soa oy, Ane Since $1 robe receive in six months is worth $0.92432 tly, SECS recive in six trond is words 0.9262 x $108 » $99.83 toby, D> hors se tea f 8s sine 1 Bonds are securities cht pomize x frre sires of enh ows, ws «wie of Tresor fund (Phun prices can be ore 0 generate the dixourt Gace, ‘Example: Calculating dicoum facts given bond prices gue 1 shoves selected Thond prices for semiannual coupon $100 fice value bonds Figuee I: Select Tretnny Ror Prices Tare Ren SYN is Cacao Fond Maury Biss T 425% —~STSI06——«IOLIG 2 Tas% MSM? 5 3 20% Sie? 4 ow 50a 20-30 3 S75 WASH te (Gencrate dhe dicount fcc fr the dane ndicared. ‘OUI apa Pays vii 36 toss Refeeuce 19 GAR Aesiged Rea ~ Tacha, Chapter | Pa 6 Aner: Bond fp <= a a ‘Wher this bond matures on LW/ESIO6, imakesits les ineret payment of ‘sous 2125 - 20U5,.s1¢] pate psn pment of 10 Three fhe 102128 ena ee pee of 101-16, 10.50, price) = CHN3) 05) 10.5 - 102.125 a0} Salving fn che dacousn fusion yields (0.5) 0.9939 Maring fsther our on the crs he function benomcs slightly ayrecomples ae cach pint af the russe sus Benched, For example, to solve for Bond 2, wet include A03).8 wel Pan 2 ‘he coupon payment 3¢ tae 0.5 is 3625 = 7.25 52, The final eth ew a ine 4 108,625 ~ 100 + 3.625, Those ro cash fo discounted back to 5/14/05 sing the soot Tunesion should egal te pice of ce bord 10531 = 105.9844 ~ 3.625 d10.5) - 103.625 dL) Since it sleady owe thar (0.5) ~ 0.9939, eubsttate thar value rap the equation el sole fo aD 10S 9844 ~ (9.635 » 0.9939) + 103.625 €U1)1 a} = 09s Begin he Fepie so (Cros Refaeace to GARD Asvgned Resiog ~ Taclonan, Chapter f Using the same methodology for Bonds 3. 4, sa 5 Fond: 101.2188 = T.0410.5) + 1.0 a(t) + 101.4015) Pi aKT.5) 0.9825 Bord $ and Bond 5 <2m-05731 42.5) =0.9633 Figars 2: Disoount Factors Toneim Matar Dlcoent Frome 03 0.9599 10 980 1s ngs 20 097s a5 09638 TDiererwmning Vauoe Ustns Discount FoNctions AIM 26.5: Define the “law of onc pricey” suppatt it using an arbitrage argument, and describe hawit ean he aplied ta bam pa AIM 36.6: Wenrify cash lls, hitrage oppertunities far fied income sceuitics with certain ‘The discounefuncsions previouly mensianed can be wed wo estimate che vale of a bond, Since ineesor de nor care about the agin of cas How all else equal, a cash fw fom fone bond i ose as god as» cath How ftom another bond. Thi phenentenoa i concmenly feta ica che law oF one pics. Iocaare ae able wo explic a mpricing because of Ue Tae of ome pig, ii eri ena a abige oppoveaniy opus ees ‘Cron Reiners to GARP Asin Reading ~ Tachnan, Chapter 1 age Baample: denying abieage oppormaniica Suppor you observe the anoual coup cd aw a Re Fignre 3: Obsetsed Pn Yiellsand Pricer, Masry Enna Sess he (fd) Te cy Ears or) oe wS734 Dyers a a 00.000 ‘The 2-year spat ate ie 8.167%, Is thre ap atbicage opporcarin? Hs, deerbe the rads noessny ta exploit che aieags appomaniy Anse The anes ij ao atbieage profs ay bovealized becauss che YIM on the 2-year ze coupon i 100 Tv (8% versus 8.16758), which means the bud ie wading 1b (te bord pric it no high). Ta expla ths vila ion ofthe lave of one piss buy the 2-year, 8 ‘uapor bond, stipe enupons, and shar: wll them separa he disco fctors are ‘Sexived om the piensa rhe serorcoupor: bonds Fignee 4 Disa Frets Tine Mwy Dit ator 10 039614 an ast Yo demonsite rhe proass af epltng the asbitage opprnnity bes, eansdss the allowing 3 sp proces de dllar guns gon sears) Step f+ Bay $1 milion of the 2-yeee, 89% coupon borate besa chey ae rain singe Step 2: Shore sell $80,000 ofthe 1-year, zero-coupon bones ar 96.154 ‘Segp 3 Shore sell $1.08 min of the 2-year, 210-cougon bord a 85.74 igure 5: Cash Flow Diagram Tine - 0 Ler Zin T oral Pye, cexgoa bands sso.a00 | emt | 1080000 | ‘courene =H909.00000 intent nua lower 3 1 gona | sacri ii hend tooo | enaciri a me _ tet aa 1,680,600 | ‘rami [Taxa Ne 7 no 79x20" 723.20 - 096156 « 8,000, 195,927.20 = 0.85734 «1,080,060 Boo Ryn he, Tees (GroxTefrance to GALL signed Hending~ Tackman, Chapter ‘The reul is receiving pore Hncome rey in retur Sor no fare ebigtion, aici 20 arbitrage eppomunny. The ein ofthe 2-vear STRIPS woul force the prive coven to 85.469 (che price ar-hich the YTM~ 8.167%, at whith poine the arbimage oppurmimicy would disapaeae ‘Treaseny Couron Bonos anp Tasasuy STRIPS [AIM 36.4: Discuss the components of a U.S. Treasury coupon bond, and compare and contrast the structure ro Treasury STRIPS, inuluding the diference berween P-STRIPS and C-STRIPS. Yenw-oupon ‘nds ied by he Treasury are calla SHIPS (epaateuaing of wylstered inter an prvi ecu). STRIPS wre eatod by reyust when a enupan bow is nesnid to the Tresny. The bol i Seipped ini cy eoiuputiin:prwipal and ‘pupal (PASTRIPS and C-STRIPS. vepestivey. "oe Tees a al retine 4 SUTIP by galing ta one upto momaitae, ot rena, the eoupon honed, C-STRIPS eae he pur with ay bond taser, but STRIPS. deatiged with specific bonds the rig bose that i as spp Foe, What this means is chat ee eae of D-STRIP comes fom the utwersing bund, ebe uncetying swat cheap, she C-STRIP wil be cheap. ifthe underlying was ich, the PATRIP will ao be eh, [STRIPS are of intsrest 9 ivesone boca ‘+ Zesoscoupon bonds can be ew used to ceeae any type nf ov How seam and char mutch are cash tows with abt eah Howe (eg m provide fr cxlege expense. Jhowst-purchase down payment, or other lability auding). Ths miigtes elavestment risk (The concept of elavesrmerc rik wil be elscussed a later topics) + Zerocoupon bonds ate more tensive eo interest ete changes than are coupon bonds. ‘Tass could be an issue for asset lablicy oanagemenc or hedging purposes. STRIPS do hove some dsedvaneage, which include the following: “They canbe iliquid, emmy STRIPS sna ena ich, catty OSTRIPS cond cade hcp. PASTRIDS pally ade at Bi valu “Lange institu exe pont profi Tram STRIP nvepicngssltive ta the underlying bowel, Ty cant ds Us yetber buying Trcnutes and auipping them or revontioting STRIPS, Because of tae invoked wilh sipping tenstnating, Svestorspenecally pay a preaina for aero-conpom bates Bana phe Per “Tayi Crows Reference 19 CARP Sesigoed Reading ~ Taso, Chapusr 1 Consraverme 4 Revtieatine PortPouo fordcr to match the cash Flows oF x single given xed iwcome security. Suppose 2-year fal income scarily exits with $100 face value ved a 10% esnyon se, Thy emapons a pa 8 semiannaal bak, and the secaci’s YTM iv aswamed i be 459%. "The presen value this bond, Bond, and its exh Hows ate caeulte as Fallows ss Py ee. Toes Tea No2K2- GLY 4502 225% FY LOO EMT 102 HCPL PY S1I04T chs bond is determined robe rading “cheap” then a uader can conduct a. arbitrage trae by purchasing he madesvaued bond and shorting 2 replicating peril hat enimies the howl cath lows, Ts demorstra the creation of «rearing porfolis, sorume the follwing four fined income secnees exer. addition ro the bond wea ying ‘een a er 2 7 sion 5105 Frronths 05 ye 5 ime sions sto U2 ead ys ‘ Sw stone 1 mtr tL ya 5 ow enss avo erway ‘Te cree repicatng portilio sing spl urd-incare scutes, we amuse deeraine she fre amounts ofeach bond to poschae, which match ond 1 cashflows in each semisannal period, ™ PN gi a Boo REx “When doing chis calelation by itand, ce eases eo sear fan che end—wich the bond that suatches Bond 1 rime Yorizan, In eh cae, dar secures ond 5. Since the other bord donot make payments in 24 months. bey ate war cossiderd in this Bcscstep Ley hel Solsing his oy ian fr ld the fag amouoe petunia we nea purchase of Bond 54K, ~ 101.9). Sau thsGoupon rate os Bod 53 wr tha shat of Bond 1, mee ‘onsechat well nce to parca more oF Boral 5 [101 409} chan the £1.00 face sale 0” Bond 1. Wie em now ite the valle of Fy to sive for Fy Poe lt oni oamcd

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