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Page 1 CITY OF PONTIAC BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 2014 5:00 p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) Agenda: ) ) Petitions from ) Building Inspector, ) Code Enforcement Officer, ) Rick Bolek ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) Show Cause Hearing before a Board of Appeals at 47450 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac, Michigan, on Wednesday, February 19, 2014. PRESENT FROM THE CITY: Dan Kolbe - Clerk Kevin Klopocinski - Code Enforcement Officer BOARD MEMBERS: Jeff Spencer - Chairperson Ben Tiseo Chuck Kummer Jeff Stewart Mona Hofmeister OTHERS PRESENT WHO SPOKE ON PROPERTIES: Al Patrick Addrell Magee Jerry Hendon Luke Holsworth and Lindsey Taylor David Moran Elizabeth Peralta Gary Swan Danyal Ati Richard Bair LaFrance Marshall Eric Brown Sharon Muradian Dorothy Herring Danny Hill Page 2 1 OTHERS PRESENT WHO SPOKE ON PROPERTIES: (Continued) Crystal Martin-Levier, Rodney Drapper and others 2 Jujan Smith Harry Stennis 3 Eric Laperriere Metjana Mithaj 4 Nitzia Rodriguez and Russell Simmons Troy McGimpsey 5 Patrick McClusky Christopher Astfalk 6 Michael Brown and unidentified female 7 REPORTED BY: Mona Storm, CSR# 4460 8 9 PROPERTY INDEX 10 ADDRESS RULING PAGE (In numerical order) 11 15 N. Tasmania St. Remains on list 222 16 Rose Ct. Demo 215 12 22 Murphy Ave. Stays on list 208 27 Kimball St. Demo 201 13 33 N. Marshall St. Tabled until May 48 35 Short St. Tabled until May 66 14 42 Mark Ave. Stays on demo list 203 54 Lewis St. Tabled until May 147 15 63 LeGrande Ave. Tabled until May 39 67 Forest St. Tabled until May 51 16 74 N. Ardmore St. Tabled until May 21 78 Fiddis Ave. Tabled until May 28 17 78 Hudson Ave. Removed from demo list 144 80 Mechanic Amended 229 18 83 Spokane Dr. Tabled until May 222 86 Blaine Ave. Removed from demo list 131 19 87 N. Edith St. Demo 197 91 S. Paddock St. Stays on demo list 210 20 94 Sheffield Ave. Postponed until May 194 94 Wall St. Demo 223 21 103 Blaine Ave. Postponed until May 133 105 S. Marshall St. Tabled until May 57 22 144 W. Brooklyn Ave. Tabled until May 193 155 Willard St. Demo 225 23 171 Willard St. Tabled until May 169 177 E. Wilson Ave. Demo 226 24 178 Russell St. Demo 216 216 Going St. Demo 199 25 228 Richard Ave. Tabled until May 62 Page 3 1 266 E. Wilson Ave. Stays on demo list 227 302 E. Wilson Ave. Removed from demo list 174 2 333 S. Anderson Ave. Kept on demo list 122 370 W. Ypsilanti Ave. Demo 228 3 373 Irwin Ave. Remains on demo list 145 390 S. Marshall St. Remains on demo list 112 4 400 S. Paddock St. Kept on demo list 213 402 Irwin Ave. Kept on demo list 97 5 407 S. Paddock St. Demo 214 413 N. Perry St. Remains on demo list 157 6 413 Perry St. Remains on demo list 157 415 Auburn Ave. Remains on demo list 13 7 429 N. Paddock St. Kept on demo list 109 443 S. Marshall St. Tabled until May 149 8 444 Osmun St. Stays on demo list 208 448 Osmun St. Stays on demo list 209 9 502 N. Johnson Ave. Demo 200 508 Whittemore St. Stays on demo list 224 10 546 Luther Amended 195 665 Melrose St. Stays on demo list 204 11 680 Stanley Ave. Tabled until May 69 698 Livingstone Ave. Postponed until May 202 12 711 Melrose St. Demo 205 823 Emerson Ave. Tabled until May with proviso 85 13 that four permits are obtained within two weeks 14 882 S. Stirling Ave. On demo list 164 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 4 1 Pontiac, Michigan 2 February 19, 2014 3 5:14 p.m. 4 CHAIRPERSON: I'll start the meeting here for 5 the Destruction Board of Appeals -- or actually the 6 Board of Appeals. And it's about 14 after 5:00. If we 7 could all say the Pledge of Allegiance. 8 (Pledge of Allegiance recited by all.) 9 MR. KOLBE: Jeffrey Spencer. 10 CHAIRPERSON: Here. 11 MR. KOLBE: Mona Hofmeister. 12 MS. HOFMEISTER: Here. 13 MR. KOLBE: Chuck Kummer. 14 MR. KUMMER: Here. 15 MR. KOLBE: Kevin Stewart. 16 MR. STEWART: Here. 17 MR. KOLBE: Ben Tiseo. 18 MR. TISEO: Here. 19 CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Mike's not on. Okay. 20 There we go. Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. 21 If you haven't signed in, please sign in, as 22 I indicated before, in the order that you came in. 23 We'll take your petition that way, instead of making 24 you wait until something else might come up on the 25 agenda when there's nobody here for that petition. Page 5 1 But this is the Board of Appeals Show Cause 2 Hearing. We have somewhere in the neighborhood of 52 3 to 60 homes we're going to discuss tonight, or 4 addresses. And the purpose of the meeting is to take 5 action in respect to the repair and/or demolishing the 6 structures. First we will listen to the hearing 7 officer, Rick and Kevin, then we will -- they will 8 indicate what the recent on-site inspection and the 9 condition of the structure is. They also take 10 pictures. We have all of that here. 11 And then, at that time, when we call you, 12 come up to the podium and announce your name and your 13 association with the property, if you would, please, 14 and explain, you know, your concerns, your ambitions of 15 fixing the property. We may ask you even about the 16 money, do you have the money to fix the property. And 17 when we see properties are behind in taxes or -- yes, 18 behind in taxes, we know that you have that debt 19 already in front of you, so all -- all that type of 20 things will be in our decision-making. 21 I guess with that said, we'll start with Item 22 Number 1, which is -- okay. This is -- 23 MR. KOLBE: 415. 24 CHAIRPERSON: -- 415 Auburn, we have to make 25 a motion to bring that off the table. Page 6 1 MR. TISEO: I'll make a motion. 2 MR. KUMMER: Second. 3 CHAIRPERSON: All in favor, say "aye". 4 BOARD MEMBERS: Aye. 5 CHAIRPERSON: Any opposed? 6 Hearing none, that's off the table. 7 Go ahead, Rick. 8 MR. BOLEK: 415 Auburn Avenue posted 2-6 of 9 '14. This is a vacant structure that's had the roof 10 collapse, the windows were open and the owner has 11 boarded them. 12 We're recommending it remain on the 13 demolition list. 14 CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Mr. Patrick, what -- I 15 can't remember what we came to -- we -- you -- we were 16 going to work on something to try to show that you're 17 making -- trying to make progress on this? 18 MR. PATRICK: That is correct. 19 CHAIRPERSON: Okay. 20 MR. PATRICK: And we've done that. I'd like 21 to show you guys just a quick video. It will only take 22 four minutes. It won't take very long. 23 CHAIRPERSON: Okay. 24 (Played video.) 25 CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Patrick, how long is this Page 7 1 video? 2 MR. PATRICK: About another -- 3 CHAIRPERSON: A couple seconds? Okay. 4 MR. PATRICK: Yeah. 5 CHAIRPERSON: Can we cut that off. I think 6 we understand what you're trying to show us. If you 7 don't mind, we got quite a few folks in here. 8 MR. PATRICK: Yes. The reason I wanted you 9 to see that video was because I view myself as the 10 same, just an ordinary guy who live and work in this 11 community, trying to do something to give something 12 back. You know, my thought is that we had been over 13 this and you guys want to consider tearing it down. 14 I'm trying to put something up that will give the City 15 of Pontiac a viable tax base to move forward. 16 I live in this community and there's a lot of 17 need in the community. I feel that, given the 18 opportunity, we can make this happen. I'm not asking 19 anybody for any money. You asked me did I think I had 20 the finances in place. I gave you a one hundred 21 percent resounding yes. All I'm asking for is a little 22 time. Let me just give you a couple things. 23 You asked me to file a site plan with the 24 City. I've been in contact with Mr. Bowdell. I been 25 in contact with Mr. Szabo. Right now, they cannot Page 8 1 accept a site plan from me because you guys are 2 wavering on whether you're going to demo the building 3 or not. 4 In the video, they had the same issue; they 5 had an opportunity to move forward, they had a hole in 6 their ceiling where they had some collapse. You guys 7 asked me and I told you, I'm all in. So what we 8 decided to do is, because we don't own the additional 9 properties that we trying to acquire, you have a 10 concept site plan and it's a concept because we're 11 still talking about me being able to attain the 12 additional properties that we would be able to acquire 13 in order to move it forward. 14 You also have a picture in front of you of 15 what the building would look like once this project is 16 complete. You asked me to go out and get that boundary 17 survey from Nowak and Fraus and I was telling you guys 18 that they didn't do anything -- couldn't do anything 19 because of the weather. And as you can see, I did not 20 receive it until the 12th of this month. But I pressed 21 my architect and he was able to come up with a concept 22 in which we all felt was pretty good, if we can get the 23 additional properties which we feel that we can; 24 because that's our goal. 25 I keep telling you over and over again, I'm Page 9 1 all in. I'm trying to put something here that will 2 work. If I -- right now, the way it sits, if I was to 3 make this into the retail building that we anticipate, 4 it still would not be enough parking even to support 5 that. If you look at it, it almost show you there is 6 six -- there would be six available parking slots. At 7 a minimum, we feel that we would need somewhere between 8 eight and twenty-three. So, in order to do the retail 9 shop as well, I still need to be able to get the other 10 property so that we can have at least 41 sites 11 available. 12 And that's where we are. I'm not kicking the 13 can down the street, I'm trying to make things happen. 14 You know, I can't get the property but I'll certainly 15 do my best to get it and that's the only holdup that we 16 have right now. 17 So my final thing that I want to say to you 18 is that all I'm asking for is just a little time to be 19 able to acquire the property and make things happen. I 20 don't know what else to tell you, it rest in you all's 21 hands. I think that this is a good project. You have 22 a concept, you can see what we're trying to do and so 23 I'm just asking for a little time to be able to attain 24 the additional property so that I could have enough 25 parking to make the project move forward. Page 10 1 So what you have is that boundary survey from 2 Nowak and Fraus, we have a concept from my architect 3 and you have a picture of what the project would look 4 like upon its completion. 5 CHAIRPERSON: Okay. 6 MR. TISEO: Could I add a couple things? 7 CHAIRPERSON: Yeah, go ahead. 8 MR. TISEO: I referred back to my notes when 9 you were here before us on November 20th, that's three 10 months ago. At that time you were proposing to use it, 11 you said, as a hall. Now I see you're changing it to 12 retail. 13 MR. PATRICK: That is correct. And the 14 reason -- 15 MR. TISEO: And why -- 16 MR. PATRICK: I'm sorry. 17 MR. TISEO: And why is that? 18 MR. PATRICK: And the reason for that is 19 because I'm not sure a hundred percent that we're going 20 to get the property that -- you know, like I say, I'm 21 willing to challenge anybody in terms of bidding on the 22 property. But because I wanted to go up two levels, it 23 would require more property. And so what I had done 24 with my architect -- 25 MR. TISEO: Okay. That answers my question.

Feb 19, 2014 Dan Kolbe - Clerk. Kevin Klopocinski - Code Enforcement Officer Jerry Hendon .. anything because the permits expired, A. B, we need 24. 5.
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