PACIFIC THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2015 CCOONNTTAACCTT DDEETTAAIILLSS Mailing Address Physical Address Pacific Theological College 78 Vuya Road, Suva Private Mail Bag Suva (Corner of Queen Elizabeth Drive & Fiji Islands Vuya Road) Telecommunication Website Telephone (679) 331 1100 Fax (679) 330 1728 Key Email Addresses Principal [email protected] Registrar [email protected] Finance Director [email protected] Academic Dean [email protected] Library [email protected] PTCEE [email protected] GPP [email protected] IRSA [email protected] WFDP [email protected] JMMC [email protected] Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this Handbook is correct at the time of going to press. The College reserves the right to make changes and corrections, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the College. CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Welcome 01 College Calendar: 2015 03 About the College Mission Statement 06 Purposes & Objectives 06 Doctrinal Basis 06 Accreditation 07 A Brief History of PTC 07 College Personnel 12 Academic Policies 20 Academic Award Programmes Doctor of Philosophy 27 Master of Theology 34 Postgraduate Diploma in Theological Studies 53 Bachelor of Divinity 57 Undergraduate Certificates & Professional Development 68 Special Programmes PTC Education by Extension Programme (PTCEE) 71 God’s Pacific People Programme (GPP) 82 Institute for Research and Social Analysis (IRSA) 84 Women’s Fellowship Development Programme (WFDP) 87 General Information Candidates and Sponsoring Churches 90 Community Guidelines 93 Library 95 Etina Havea Kindergarten 97 Wolfgang Krüger Computer Lab 98 Jovili Meo Mission Centre 99 College Fees 102 WWEELLCCOOMMEE Greetings and welcome to the Pacific Theological College. This inter-denominational, multi-ethnic and multicultural institution is the only ecumenical training institution in the Pacific that offers theological education up to Ph.D. level. It is located in Suva, the capital of Fiji. The hallmark of PTC is its three-pronged emphasis on ecumenism, contextual theology and missiological focus. These emphases play a prominent role in defining not only the nature of the academic programme, but also its content. The ‘pacificness’ of such strands is explored in all theological disciplines and is an integral part of the College’s liturgical life and extracurricular activities. The unique context of PTC complements the formational training most students received in their local theological schools prior to taking up studies here. In essence, PTC offers the opportunity for all students to receive ecumenical formation as part of their ministerial training. The studies of traditional theological disciplines such as Theology, Ethics, Biblical Studies, Church History and Ministry continue to be pursued at PTC at a higher level. These form the core of the academic programme. Complementing the academic programme are courses offered by the Institutes through the involvement of their Directors. All contribute to preparing students for a life of Christian leadership and service. At PTC a deliberate effort is made to train the future leaders of the churches as pastor-scholars. The goal is to equip ministers to respond pastorally and think critically; to attain the necessary academic standards needed in a teaching ministry; and to awaken their social consciousness to enable them to exercise leadership in social justice ministries. Consistent with this is its commitment to the ecumenical movement with its vision of the church's mission, the global and multi-cultural character of Christian ministry in the modern world and the ultimate unity of the Body of Christ. The College offers a rare opportunity to pursue theological studies in a vibrant ecumenical community. Its various academic and professional programmes are delivered by a faculty of renowned scholars from around the globe. Their 1 efforts are complemented by one of the finest theological libraries in the South Pacific. In its educational work, PTC strives to provide a context in which students and teachers may explore and nurture their vocational commitments while becoming biblically, theologically, historically and pastorally informed and competent in the diverse skills necessary for ministry. PTC offers an integrated curriculum in which the historical and contemporary resources of the Church's thought and practice are in constant, mutual interaction with the contributions of our diverse cultures. Equally important, PTC offers a life of worship, spiritual development and mutual Christian care which leads us to respond to God in Jesus Christ. The ecumenical spirit is fuelled by the presence of students and staff representing different denominations in the Church. Their historical church roots and experience, expressed in a variety of cultural norms and perceptions, all combine to make PTC a vibrant and exciting place. The challenge posed by ‘diversity in unity’ is in essence a theological process of reconfiguration in terms of meaning and application. If you are open and passionate about the challenge of ecumenical formation, then I invite you to familiarise yourself with our programmes. If in the end you decide to come and study at PTC, be assured of the welcoming nature and exciting possibilities that await you on your arrival. God's blessings and peace surround you always. Rev Dr Feleterika Nokise PRINCIPAL 2 COLLEGE CALENDAR: 2015 SSEEMMEESSTTEERR--HHAALLFF 11AA Jan. 07 Wed College Opens 19 Mon Fiji schools: first term begins 19 Mon Etina Havea Centre opens t.b.a. Due date: 50% of student fees to be paid in 22-23 Thu-Fri Faculty Retreat t.b.a. Due date: 50% of member churches’ annual levy paid in 24 Sat College Year begins 26-30 Mon-Fri Orientation/Registration Week Feb. 02 Mon Lectures begin 02-06 Mon-Fri Last week of registration /changes 13 Fri Due date: course additions/deletions t.b.a. Inter-faculty meeting [PRS/PTC] 27 Fri Student flats inspection [SHC/OHS] Mar. 02-06 Mon-Fri Registration for semester-half 1B; PhD supervisors’ annual reports due 0 2 - 0 6 Mon-Fri WEEK OF 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS 04 Wed Ash Wednesday t.b.a. World Day of Prayer t.b.a. Executive Committee 16-20 Mon-Fri Last week of lectures 23-27 Mon-Fri Assessment Week 27-10 Apr. Semester-half break (2 weeks) 30-02 Apr. Mon-Thu Holy Week Apr. 03 Fri Public Holiday: Good Friday 06 Mon Public Holiday: Easter Monday 3 SSEEMMEESSTTEERR--HHAALLFF 11BB Apr. 13 Mon Lectures begin 13-17 Mon-Fri Last week of registration / changes 24 Fri Due date: course additions/deletions 24 Fri Fiji schools: first term ends May 08 Fri Student flats inspection [SHC/OHS] 11 Mon Fiji schools: second term begins 11-15 Mon-Fri Registration for semester-half 2A 25-29 Last week of lectures June 01-05 Mon-Fri Assessment Week t.b.a. Executive Committee 05-26 Semester break (3 weeks) t.b.a. Due date: remaining 50% of student fees to be paid in t.b.a. Due date: remaining 50% of churches' annual contribution to be paid in. SSEEMMEESSTTEERR--HHAALLFF 22AA June 29 Mon Lectures begin 29-03 July Mon-Fri Last week of registration changes July 10 Fri Due date: course additions /deletions 24 Fri Student flats inspection [SHC/OHS] 27-31 Mon-Fri Registration for semester-half 2B Aug 03 Mon Due date: BD(Hons) / MTh final year students submit full draft thesis to supervisor (prior to proof-reading) 14 Fri Fiji schools: second term ends 10-14 Mon-Fri Last week of lectures 17-21 Assessment Week 21-04 Sept. Semester-half break (2 weeks) 31 Mon Fiji schools: third term begins Sept. t.b.a. Executive Committee(Suva-based) 01 Tue Due date: BD(Hons) / MTh final year students to submit proof-read thesis to supervisor & commence final formatting changes 4 SSEEMMEESSTTEERR--HHAALLFF 22BB Sept. 07 Mon Lectures begin 07-11 Mon-Fri Last week of registration changes 08 Tue Due date: final year MTh students submit thesis to Dean’s Office 18 Fri Due date: course additions/deletions Oct. 02 Fri Student flats inspection [SHC/OHS] 10 Sat Public Holiday: Fiji Day 15 Thur Due date: closing date for 2015 MTh/ BD applications 19-23 Mon-Fri Last week of lectures 26-30 Mon-Fri Assessment Week 30 Fri Board of Graduate Studies 30 Fri Due date: MTh Yr.1 & BD(Hons) Yr.2 thesis proposals due 30 Fri Etina Havea Prize Giving Nov. 02 Mon SBA elections 04 Wed Final Year Students & Spouses Retreat 05 Thur Due date: grades to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office 06 Fri Final Faculty meeting 08 Sun Christmas Service 09-11 Mon-Wed Council Meeting 11 Wed Public Holiday: Diwali 11 Wed College Feast 12 Thu Graduation 14 Sat College Year Ends 27 Fri Fiji schools: third term ends ……………….. 5 ABOUT THE COLLEGE MMIISSSSIIOONN SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT The Pacific Theological College is an ecumenical tertiary theological institution that serves the churches of the Pacific region. PPUURRPPOOSSEESS AANNDD OOBBJJEECCTTIIVVEESS (cid:1) To be a means of making evident and strengthening our obedience towards the visions of ecumenism and oneness in Christ. (cid:1) To share with the world the 'Pacificness' and distinctive insights which God has given to Pacific Christians. (cid:1) To make available to the world the College's missiological focus as reflected in its curriculum and programmes. (cid:1) To assist in providing for the Pacific churches a highly trained indigenous ministry and leadership. (cid:1) To provide biblical, theological, and ecumenical training to the various contexts of the Pacific, its cultures and current situations. (cid:1) To enrich the community by the presence of faculty and students from various backgrounds sharing the gifts which God has given to each; thus enabling the churches of the Pacific to be led to a deeper gratitude for the richness of God's grace and to a readier obedience to God's will. (cid:1) To provide advanced theological study, research and the pursuit of academic excellence in Pacific contexts in order to serve the needs of the Pacific Churches in their co-operative ministry and mission. (cid:1) To provide and work towards professionalism in practical ministries, especially in training for mission, Christian education, pastoral care and counselling, worship and liturgy, spirituality, homiletics and evangelism. DDOOCCTTRRIINNAALL BBAASSIISS The doctrinal basis on which the churches co-operate in this College is the faith of the Church catholic as it is expressed in the Bible and the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to interpret this faith in the life and witness of the participating Churches. 6