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Pacific Science; a Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region 2003: Vol 57 Index PDF

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Index to Volume 57 Author Index \sBorTt, IsaABELLA A.—see Huisman and Abbott Species of Tetramolopium (Asteraceae): Ecological \spoTt, IsaBeLta A. and Joun M. Huisman and Systematic Aspects, 171-179 New Records and Notes on Hawaiian Marine Cuovu, MING-y1 Benthic Chlorophyta, including Pseudochlorodesmis Integrated Management Strategies against Aspisdiotus abbreviata (Gilbert), n. comb. (Udoteaceae) and destructor (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in Banana Cladophora luxurians (Gilbert), n. comb. (abstract), 230 (Cladophoraceae), 275-285 Cooper, Brian A.—see Day et al. ALLISON, ALLEN—see Kraus and Allison Cox, Evetyn F.—see Kolinski and Cox A\NDERSON-WonG, PuaNAni—see Follett et al. ArcINAS, ALBERT C. Davis, Corrine R.—see Benz et al. Hot Water Drench Treatments for Control of Day, Rosert H., Brian A. Cooper, and RicHarpD Burrowing Nematode in Rhapis and Fishtail J. BLana Palms (abstract), 227 Movement Patterns of Hawaiian Petrels and Newell’s Shearwaters on the Island of Hawai‘i, BatLey, JoHN E. 147-159 Evolving Morphology of an Open-Channel Lava DeFetice, Ravpu C. and James D. ParrisH Flow in Mt. Etna (abstract), 228 Importance of Benthic Prey for Fishes in Coral Bartey-Brock, J. H., J. Dreyer, and R. E. Brock Reef—Associated Sediments, 359-384 Three New Species of Saccocirrus (Polychaeta: Dreyer, J.—see Bailey-Brock et al. Saccocirridae) from Hawai‘i, 463-478 DuNcAN, KANESA BaLazs, GeorGe H.—see Russell et al. Nearshore Nursery Use in the Scalloped Banko, Pau C.—see Laut et al. Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna /ewini (abstract), BAUMGARTNER, ERIN 230 Size Differences Influence Aggressive Behavior in the Mangrove Blenny, Omobranchus rotundiceps Esert, Davip A.—see Benz et al. obliquus (abstract), 228 Ewine, Curtis P.—see Polhemus et al. Benort-Birp, KELiy \coustic Backscattering Properties of Hawaiian FarRFAN, CLAUDIA Lutjanid Snappers (abstract), 229 Role of the Gene Distal-/ess in Development of Benz, Greorce W., Henry F. Moiiet, Davin A. Esert, Euprymna scolopes (abstract), 231 Corrine R. Davis, and SEAN R. VAN SOMMERAN Faucci, ANUSCHKA Five Species of Parasitic Copepods Genetic Population Structure in Relation to (Siphonostomatoida: Pandaridae) from the Body Dispersal Potential in Pacific Nudibranchs Surface of a White Shark Captured in Morro (abstract), 231 Bay, California, 39-43 FERENTINOS, Lisa—see Laws and Ferentinos Brrp, CHRISTOPHER E. Fitkin, Nanba R., ALison R. SHERWooD, and MorGan Pattern in Hawaiian Rocky Intertidal Community L. Vis Structure along Wave Exposure Gradients Macroalgae from 23 Stream Segments in the (abstract), 229 Hawaiian Islands, 421-431 Brana, RicHarp J.—see Day et al. Fo.tvett, Peter A., PUANANI ANDERSON-WoOnG, Brock, R. E.—see Bailey-Brock et al. M. Tracy JoHNson, and Vincent P. Jones Brooks, Loutse—see Seminoff et al. Revegetation in Dead Dicranopteris (Gleicheniaceae) Bupen, DonaLp W. and Dennis R. PAULSON Fern Patches Associated with Hawaiian Rain The Odonata of Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, Forests, 347—357 Micronesia, 399-407 FRESHWATER, D. Witson—see McDermid et al. Bupen, DonaLp W. and Jacquetine Y. MILLER Fry, Brian, ArtAN Gace, and James W. McC etianp The Butterflies of Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Chemical Indicators of Anthropogenic Nitrogen- Islands, Micronesia, 1-8 Loading in Four Pacific Estuaries, 77-101 Burney, Davip A.—see Burney and Burney Burney, Lipa Pigott and Davin A. Burney Gace, Arian—see Fry et al. Charcoal Stratigraphies for Kaua‘i and the Timing GARATE-LIZARRAGA, IsSMAEL, Davip A. SIQUEIROS- of Human Arrival, 211-226 BELTRONES, AND VERONICA MALDONADO-LOPEZ Bursey, Cuartes R.—see Goldberg and Bursey First Record of a Rhizosolenia debyana Bloom in the Gulf of California, México, 141-145 CarLquist, SHERWIN and Timotny K. Lowrey GarDNER, DonaLp E.—see Morden et al. Wood Anatomy of Hawaiian and New Guinean GLENN, Craig R.—see Resig and Glenn 486 Author Index GOLDBERG, STEPHEN R. and Cuarves R. Bursey Ler, Parricia N. K. L. Helminths of the Ezo Brown Frog, Rana pirica Hox Genes and the Cephalopod Arm Crown: (Ranidae), from Hokkaido Island, Japan, 167— Homology and Morphology (abstract), 233 169 Liepuerr, JAMES K.—see Polhemus et al. Gray, EvizapeTtH M.—-see Laut et al. Lowrey, [imotuy K.—see Carlquist and Lowrey GREENFIELD, Davip W. \ Survey of the Small Reef Fishes of Kane‘ohe Bay, Matponapo-Lopez, VERONIcA—see Garate-Lizarraga O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, 45-76 Grecoritza, Monica C.—see McDermid et al. et al. Matus, Davip GruneR, DANIEL S. Molecular Investigations into the Phylogenetic Regressions of Length and Width to Predict Arthropod Biomass in the Hawaiian Islands, 325- Position of the Chaetognaths (abstract), 234 McieC tan p, James W.—see Fry et al. 336 Top-Down and Bottom-Up Influences in a McDermt1, Karta J., Monica C. Grecoritza, JASON W. Reeves, and D. WiLson FRESHWATER Hawaiian Arboreal Arthropod Food Web Morphological and Genetic Variation in the (abstract), 232 Endemic Seagrass Halophila hawatiana GUZMAN DEL PROO, SERGIO A., ELISA SERVIERE- (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Hawaiian Archipelago, ZarAGOZA, and Davip S1quEIROS-BELTRONES Natural Diet of Juvenile Abalone Haliotis fulgens and 199-209 H. corrugata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Bahia Miter, JACQUELINE Y.—see Buden and Miller Mo.tet, Henry F.—see Benz et al. Tortugas, Mexico, 319-324 Mo .nar, JANOS Drosophila Lysyl Oxidases: Effect of Diloxl-1 on HuisMAN, JoHN M.—see Abbott and Huisman Chromatin Structure and Transcription and HuisMan, JoHN M. and IsaBetta A. ABBoTT Adult-Specific Expression of Dmiloxl-2 (abstract), The Liagoraceae (Rhodophyta: Nemaliales) of the 234 Hawaiian Islands. 1: First Record of the Genus Morpben, Ciirrorp W., Donatp E. Garpner, and Gloiotrichus for Hawai‘i and the Pacific Ocean, Dana A. WENIGER 267-273 Phylogeny and Biogeography of Pacific Rubus Subgenus /daeobatus (Rosaceae) Species: Jounson, M. Tracy—see Follett et al. Investigating the Origin of the Endemic JOHNSTON, SHAUN F Hawaiian Raspberry R. macraei, 181-197 Scattering of the Oceanic Internal Tide from a Moretzsoun, Fasio Seamount (abstract), 232 More than Just a Pretty Pattern: What the Spots on Jones, Vincent P.—see Follett et al. the Shell of Cribrarula cribraria (Mollusca: Cypraeidae) Tell Us about its Anatomy (abstract), Kanotoa‘a, R.—see Polhemus et al. 235 Kam, ALan K. H.—see Russell et al. Murpock, A. G. and A. R. SmitH KeENSLEY, BRIAN Pteridophytes of Moorea, French Polynesia, with a Marine Isopod Crustaceans from Easter Island, 287— New Species, Tmesipteris gracilis (Psilotaceae), 317 253-265 Ko.inski, STEVEN P. and Evetyn F. Cox Murray, StTevEN N.—see Sapper and Murray An Update on Modes and Timing of Gamete and Planula Release in Hawaiian Scleractinian Corals with Implications for Conservation and Nago_e, CHRYSTIE Management, 17-27 Use of DNA Arrays for Molecular Systematic KoropaTNICK, TANYA Studies of Species within the Bactrocera dorsalis Investigating Symbiont-Induced Hemocyte Complex (abstract), 235 Trafficking during Light Organ Morphogenesis Nazario, CyNTHIA in Hawaiian Bobtail Squid, Euprymna scolopes Propagation of Breadfruit for Conservation and (abstract), 233 Germ Plasm Exchange (abstract), 236 Kraus, Frep and ALLEN ALLISON NicHots, WALLAcE J.—see Seminoff et al. A New Species of Ca/lulops (Anura: Microhylidae) from Papua New Guinea, 29-38 OGNJANOVIC, SIMONA Role of Pre-B Cell-Colony Enhancing Factor Laut, Mecan E., Paut C. Banko, and EvizaBETH (PBEF) in Human Fetal Membranes (abstract), M. Gray 236 Nesting Behavior of Palila, as Assessed from Video Recordings, 385-392 Laws, Epwarp A. and Lisa FeErENTINOS Panbey, Rajt Human Impacts on Fluxes of Nutrients and Development of Anagyrus ananatis (Hymenoptera: Sediment in Waimanalo Stream, O‘ahu, Encyrtidae) at Constant Temperatures (abstract), es Hawaiian Islands, 119-140 237 Author Index 487 ParrisH, James D.—see DeFelice and Parrish Competition for Space among Demersal Reef Parry, MATTHEW Fishes (abstract), 239 Trophic Ecology of Two Oceanic Squids in SEMINOFF, JEFFREY A., WaLLAcE J. NicHoits, ANTONIO Hawaiian Waters (abstract), 237 ReEsEND1z, and Louise Brooks PauLson, DeNNis R.—see Buden and Paulson Occurrence of Hawksbill Turtles, Evetmochelys Puivuips, Davin A. imbricata (Reptilia: Cheloniidae) near the Baja Plate Tectonics in the Southwest Pacific: GPS California Peninsula, México, 9-16 Estimates of Crustal Velocity in the Tonga-Lau SERVIERE-ZARAGOZA, ELisAa—see Guzman del Préo et al. System (abstract), 238 SHERWOOD, ALISON R.—see Filkin et al. Puituies, Ron C.—see Russell et al. Siquerros-Bettrones, Davip A.—see Garate-Lizarraga Potuemus, D. A., Curtis P. Ewine, R. Kanoroa‘a, and et al. James K. LreBHERR S1queiROS-BELTRONES, Davip—see Guzman del Préo Rediscovery of Blackburnia anomala (Coleoptera: et al. Carabidae), in East Maui, Hawai‘i after a 107- Smitu, A. R.—see Murdock and Smith Year Hiatus, 161-166 UNTALAN, Pta Reeves, Jason W.—see McDermid et al. CcMD1, a Novel Gene Containing a BTB/POZ REsENDIZ, ANTONIO—see Seminoff et al. Domain Sequence from the Genome of ResiG, JOHANNA M. and Craig R. GLENN Mediterranean Fruit Fly (abstract), 239 Sieve Plates and Habitat Adaptation in the Urscuitz, JOHANN Foraminifer Planulina ornata, 103-110 \ Serial Analysis of Gene Expression in Sun- RussEtt, Dennis J., Georce H. Batazs, Ron C. Damaged Human Skin (abstract), 240 Putters, and ALAN K. H. Kam Discovery of the Sea Grass Halophila decipiens (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Diet of the Hawaiian VAN SOMMERAN, SEAN R.—see Benz et al. Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, 393-397 Varco, Donatp L.—see Wetterer and Vargo Vis, MorGan L.—see Filkin et al. SaApPER, STEPHANIE A. and STEVEN N. Murray Variation in Structure of the Subcanopy Assemblage Wana, ZHAOHUI \ssociated with Southern California Populations Investigations on the Cross-Coupling of of the Intertidal Rockweed Silvetia compressa Phenylacetylene with Aryl Chlorides (abstract), (Fucales), 433-462 241 ScHEINBERG, Repecca D. WEnIGER, Dana A.—see Morden et al. Grazing Impact of Ockopleura fusiformis on West ey, Marian Picoplankton in the Coastal Subtropical Pacific Nitrous Oxide Production in the Eastern Tropical (abstract), 238 North Pacific and the Black Sea (abstract), 241 ScHuMACHER, Brett D. Wetrterer, JAMEs K. and Donatp L. Varco Daytime Habitat Use Patterns and the Specter of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Samoa, 409-419 Subject Index abalone—see Haliotis corrugata and Haliotis fulgens Gastropoda, 319-324 Anagyrus ananatis, development of, 237 Gleicheniaceae, 347-357 anatomy, wood, of Tetramolopium, 171-179 Gloiotrichus, first record for Hawai‘i and Pacific Ocean, ants, of Samoa, 409-419 267-273 Anura, 29-38 arthropod food web, influences in, 232 Haliotis corrugata, natural diet of juvenile, 319-324 Aspidiotus destructor, integrated management strategies Haliotis fulgens, natural diet of juvenile, 319-324 against, 230 Halophila decipiens, in diet of Chelonia mydas, 393-397 Asteraceae, 171-179 Halophila hawaiiana, morphological and genetic variation in, 199-209 Bactrocera dorsalis complex, DNA arrays for molecular helminths, of Ezo brown frog, from Japan, 167-169 systematic studies of, 235-236 Homoptera, 230 biomass, arthropod, regressions to predict in the human fetal membranes, role of pre-B cell-colony Hawaiian Islands, 325-336 enhancing factor in, 236-237 Blackburnia anomala, rediscovery in East Maui, 161-166 human impacts, on fluxes of nutrients and sediment in blenny, mangrove—see Omobranchus rotundiceps obliquus Waimanalo Stream, 119-140 breadfruit, propagation for conservation and germ plasm human skin, gene expression in sun-damaged, 240 exchange, 236 Hydrocharitaceae, 199-209 butterflies, of Pohnpei, 1-8 Hymenoptera, 237, 409-419 Callulops, n. sp. from Papua New Guinea, 29-38 Idaeobatus, phylogeny and biogeography of, 181-197 Carabidae, 161-166 intertidal community structure, pattern of, 229-230 cephalopod arm crown, and Hox genes, 2: 3-2 34 isopod crustaceans, from Easter Island, 287-317 chaetognaths, phylogenetic position of, , 34 Cheloniidae, 9-16 lava flow, open-channel, evolving morphology of, Chlorophyta, Hawaiian marine benthic, new records, 2I2I8R 275-285 Liagoraceae, of the Hawaiian Islands, 267 Cladophora luxurians, n. comb., 27! Cladophoraceae, 275 macroalgae, from Hawaiian stream segments, 421-431 Coleoptera, 161-166 copepods, parasitic, from a white shark, 39-43 Microhylidae, 29-38 corals, scleractinian, modes and timing of gamete and Mollusca, 235, 319-324 planula release, 17-27 Cribrarula cribraria, shell anatomy, 235 Nemaliales, 267-273 crustaceans, marine isopod, from Easter Island, 287-31 nematode, burrowing, hot water drench treatments for Cypraeidae, 235 control of, 227 nitrogen-loading, chemical indicators of anthropogenic, Diaspididae, 230 in Pacific estuaries, 77-101 Dicranopterisc,a n revegetation in Hawaiian rain forests, 347- nitrous oxide production in North Pacific and Black Sea, Drosophila, dlDy sy| oxidases, effect of Diloxi-1, 234-235 nudibranchs,24 1 genetic population structure and dispersal potential in, 231 Encyrtidae, 237 Eretmochelys inbricata, occurrence near Baja California, Odonata, of Kosrae, 399-407 México, 9-16 Oikopleura fusiformis, grazing impact on picoplankton of, Euprymna scolopes, role of Distal-less gene in development 238-239 of, 231 Osmobranchus rotundiceps obliquus, size difference and symbiont-induced hemocyte trafficking in, 233 agressive behavior in, 228-229 ferns—see Dicranopteris Palila, nesting behavior of, 385-392 fishes, importance of benthic prey in coral reef Pandaridae, 39-43 sediments, 359-384 Petrels, Dark-Rumped, movement patterns of, 147- reef, daytime habitat use patterns of, 239 159 of Kane‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, 45-76 phenylacetylene, cross-coupling of with aryl chlorides, fly, Mediterranean fruit, CcMD1 gene in, 239-240 241 foraminifer—see Planulina ornata Planulina ornata, sieve plates and habitat adaptation in, Formicidae, 409-419 103-110 frog, Ezo brown—see Rana pirica Polychaeta, 463-478 Fucales, 433-462 Pseudochlorodesmis abbreviata, n. comb., 275-285 490 Subject Index Psilotaceae, 253-265 Silvetia compressa, subcanopy assemblage in California, pteridophytes, of Moorea, 253-265 3223 -462 5, 7 7 Siphonostomatoida, 39-43 Rana pirica, helminths of, from Japan, 167-169 snappers, lutjanid, acoustic backscattering properties of, Ranidae, 167-169 ‘i 29 Reptilia, 9-16 Sphyrna lewini, nearshore nursery use in, 230 Rhizosolenia debyana, first record of bloom in Gulf of squid, Hawaiian bobtail—see Euprymna scolopes California, 141-145 squids, trophic ecology of, 237-238 Rhodophyta, 267-273 stratigraphies, charcoal, for Kaua‘i, 211-226 rockweed—see Silvetia compressa Rubus, phylogeny and biogeography of, 181-197 tectonics, plate, GPS estimates of crustal velocity, Rubus macraei, origin of, 181-197 238 Tetramolopium, wood anatomy of, 171-179 Saccocirridae, 463-478 tide, oceanic internal, scattering of, 232 Saccocirrus, n. spp. from Hawai‘i, 463-478 Tmesipteris gracilis, n. sp., 253-265 sea grass—see Halophila decipiens, Halophila hawatiana turtle, green—see Chelonia mydas shark, scalloped hammerhead—see Sphyrna lewini hawksbill—see Evetmochelys imbricata white, parasitic copepods on, 39-43 Shearwaters, Newell’s, movement patterns of, 147-159 Udoteaceae, 275-285

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