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Pacific Northwest Region Almanac PDF

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Preview Pacific Northwest Region Almanac

United States Department of Agriculture A pacific northwest region L M A N A C 2017 for the greatest good T C able of onTenTs Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Oregon/Washington Location Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 T F r o he oresTs and egional FFice Regional Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Colville National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Deschutes National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fremont-Winema National Forests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Gifford Pinchot National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Malheur National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mt . Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Mt . Hood National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ochoco National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Olympic National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Siuslaw National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Umatilla National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Umpqua National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Wallowa-Whitman National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Willamette National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 w elCome To The P n r aCifiC orThwesT egion T P N he acific orThwesT r ’ egioN s wide raNge of , dramaTic laNdscaPes iTs vasT , array of sPecial Places aNd iTs PeoPle disTiNguish iT from u oTher areas of The NiTed s . TaTes i d l c M nTroducTion iverse andscapes ascade ounTains The Pacific Northwest, The Pacific Northwest The dramatic snow-capped The drier east-slope perhaps more than any Region includes the Cascade Range runs north vegetation includes other region in the United rugged-mystical Pacific and south . The northern ponderosa pine, red fir, States, is defined by its Coast, temperate Coastal portion of the range white fir, and lodgepole public lands . More than 30 Mountain rainforests, is increasingly rugged pine . Forest health has been percent of Washington and emerald green river and more influenced by adversely affected by the 53 percent of Oregon, are valleys, imposing volcanic glaciation . The upper lack of fire disturbance . managed by the Federal snow-capped mountains, mountain elevations receive The Northwest Forest Plan government . These lands and an expansive, arid, the highest amount of snow applies to this area . provide the people and andsunbathed high desert . in the continental United communities of the Pacific The Pacific Northwest States . Northwest their livelihood, is also characterized by an recreation, visual backdrop, abundance of mountain and identity . ranges, including the The Pacific Northwest Coast Mountains, the Region consists of 16 Cascades Range, and the National Forests, 59 Blue Mountains . Most of District Offices, a National the National Forests in Scenic Area, and a National the Region blanket these Grassland; comprising mountains, providing a an area 24 .7 million stunning backdrop for acres in size . There are nearby communities . Fifty- approximately 3,500 Forest seven mountains rise above Service employees living 8,000 feet in elevation . in the local communities, and working tirelessly to manage these lands . 1 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region c r oasTal ange The Coastal Range a factor . Here the forests consists of relatively low, are characterized by steep mountains running Sitka spruce . Extensive parallel to the coastline . logging influenced this The mountains receive landscape too . Management high rainfall, which of TE&S species, e .g .; supports moist forests of northern spotted owl, and western hemlock . Along marbled murelet remaina the coast, fog drip is also high priority for today’s managers . B M lue ounTains This area is marked by fir/Douglas-fir forests, wide, uplifted plateau, followed by ponderosa dissected by landslide and pine, lodgepole pine, and fluvial processes . Mesas western juniper . Fire, and buttes are common . and insect outbreaks are Vegetation patterns are major concerns for land complex with grand management . c r g oluMBia iver orge Dramatic basalt headwalls, metropolitan area . The a vast river, cascading climate is dry to the east waterfalls, roaring winds, with sagebrush steppe and spectacular vistas part vegetation and moist to the Cascade Mountains the west with Douglas fir at the doorstep of the forests . Portland/Vancouver h d igh eserT The High Desert extends steppe as the characteristic from the Cascades to vegetation, but also the Rockies . The climate includes fescues . Dry-land is dry, with sagebrush and irrigation agriculture dominate . 2 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region W r aTer esources Almost every river, stream, nearby communities, and and tributary in the Pacific world-class recreation Northwest drains into for visitors . Rivers in the the Columbia River, save Pacific Northwest contain for the few that empty several species of salmon: into the Pacific Ocean, Chinook, coho, sockeye, Puget Sound, or Fraser chum, and pink, along River in Canada . These with two species of sea-run waters provide habitat trout (steelhead and coastal for native fish, water for cutthroat) . s p pecial laces There are 111 rivers in the National Wild congressionally designated and Scenic Rivers System), areas in the National and 13 other areas (such Forest System in as National Recreation Oregon and Washington . Areas, National Volcanic 64 Wildernesses Monuments, and National (approximately 5 million Scenic Areas) add to the acres), 51 Wild and Scenic character of the Pacific Rivers (about 25% of the Northwest . p eople The Pacific Northwest, the Pacific Northwest wish with its stunning beauty to recreate, they often look and vibrant diversity, is the to the National Forests perfect setting for those surrounding them . Pacific who call Washington and Northwesterners are Oregon home . defined by their outdoor The total population pursuits: from kayaking and of the two states is over windsurfing, to skiing and 11 million people, and snowshoeing . continues to grow . Much There are currently of that population lies 42 Federally recognized in the heavily forested Tribes with their traditional valleys west of the Cascade homelands in the two-state Mountains, primarily in the Pacific Northwest Region . Seattle/Tacoma corridor Most of the Tribes in the in Washington, and the Pacific Northwest Region Portland-Metro area in are actively involved with Oregon . When the citizens the National Forests . of these and other cities in 3 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region Pacifi c Northwest Region BellinghamMT. B CaNsocratdhes O K A N O G A N COLVILLE A N.P. Colville K 5 E P R a - OlNym.Pp.ic SeEavtetlreett SNOQUALM EECLhaeklaen COLUMBIA RIVER SpokaSnpeo k a n e River cifi c No H OLYMPIC 90IE TC Wenatchee rth A Spokane w Tacoma N AN Olympia5 GIFFROaNMiR.nPt.iD.er WE YakiYmakiama River 90 Snake River est Regio E 82 n C O Astoria Longview PINCHOT Kennewick Walla Walla UMATILLA VCaOnLcUouMvBerIA RIVER 84 Pendleton PACIFIC Newport SLAWTillamookWi eltlS tmae P oa r t5RlSliaavelneermdm EMHOOUONDT DTaMhlleaedsras John D ay River UMATILLA WWABCHaiktLyerILTOM84WAAN- Snake River T U T D I ME E POrinevCilleH O C O S A S Prineville MALHEUR Vale Eugene L C Bend Vale E u g e n e L H I W U T E Burns S Coos Bay Roseburg Coos Bandon Roseburg UMPQUA Burns 5 Bay Crater Lake N.P. Lakeview SISKIYOU GrMantse PadssfoRRrOodguGe U MREeiv de f ro r d RIVER WINKElFaaMmllastAh FREMONT Lakeview M00-00-01 LEGEND BLM District Boundary National Park Service BLM Administered Land Fish and Wildlife Service OLYMPIC National Forest and Name for the greatest good Washington and Oregon 4 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region T n h e aT i o na l f o r e s T s P n of The aCifiC orThwesT 5 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region 6 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region P N r acific orthwest egioN • r o egio nal ffi Ce a greaT region To live and work D Y K ? iD ou now has transitioned from “custodial” in the early 20th According to the U .S . Forest Service in the Pacific century, to focus on robust Northwest, Edward T . timber production med- Allen was the first “District century, to management Forester” for what was then under the Northwest known as “District 6” . In Forest Plan, and increasing 1898, Gifford Pinchot met concern over fire, climate Allen—who was working as a reporter for a Tacoma, change, water quantity and Washington newspaper— quality, and the role of the and convinced him to join Federal workforce . the Division of Forestry . In The Forests in Oregon 1908, Allen became District and Washington have Forester . During his one- year tenure, he upgraded the always been important to status of field personnel and the people who live in the Located in downtown Monuments, which total 13 worked with lumbermen and Pacific Northwest . Nearly Portland, the Regional percent of the nation’s total state officials to fight fire . 10 million individuals rely Office oversees the National Forest System on the collective wisdom National Forests in Oregon acreage . and management of the and Washington, including This Region has a Region’s employees . It is a some land in California and rich, controversial, and humbling privilege to live, Idaho . Employees in the progressive history, often a work, and serve in this Regional Office support microcosm of the nation’s stunning part of the world . 16 National Forests, a changing environmental National Scenic Area, a tastes and growing National Grassland, and pains . Management of two National Volcanic the forests in this region R F egion acts ParTnershiPs: a CriTiCal ParT of The region’s suCCess 11 director areas Partnerships are to the the Region’s forests and appreciation and awareness ~3,550 full-time Pacific Northwest Region offices, contributing of the Forest Service’s regional employees as rain is to a rainforest more than 664,000 hours mission—are invaluable ~183 employees in the ecosystem: critical for and $15 .3 million in to Region 6 and we will regional office survival, and a source of service . Eighteen percent continue to connect with 16 forest supervisors fertility, creativity, and of the volunteers were communities and conserve productivity . In 2015 the youth and young adults our national treasures . 1 area manager region invested in more under the age of 25 . The than 1,150 partnerships, intangible benefits of these 24.7+ million acres of national forest system worth over $72 million . partnerships—educating lands More than 14,500 youth, supporting local people volunteered in economies, and raising 7 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region P N r acific orthwest egioN • C o lv i l l e a foresT on The CuTTing edge D Y K ? iD ou now in natural resources, the Colville serves as an The Civilian Conservation excellent proving ground Corps (CCCs) changed the face of the Colville National for many national and Forest during the 1930’s . region initiatives such as CCC workers built roads, travel management and trails, camps, and buildings, recreation facility analysis . many of which are still in use The Colville also hosts today . Camp Growden was known as “Little America” the Region’s healthiest because it housed CCC populations of grizzly bear, enrollers from around the caribou, and wolf, while country, was built west of also sustaining healthy Kettle Falls . It was one of the and productive fuels and largest CCC camps in the vegetation management area . An octagonal concrete fountain and a restored programs . changing house still stand at Today’s 1 .1 million Kettle River, and Selkirk – The Forest has the site . The Sullivan Lake and acre Forest, is located in once considered foothills of a number of units in Newport Ranger Stations are northeastern Washington, the Rocky Mountains . northeast Washington: also CCC buildings, as are and was first carved out The Forest has a great a Job Corps facility in many of the fire lookouts in the National Forest . over 10,000 years ago by variety of ecotypes, from Curlew, Three Rivers Ice Age glaciers . open ponderosa pine with Ranger Station in Kettle Three waves of moist sites containing Falls, Republic Ranger mountains run from north western red-cedar and Station in Republic, to south, separated by the hemlock, to sub-alpine fir Newport-Sullivan Lake troughs of valleys . These just below the open peaks . Ranger Station in Newport, ranges – the Okanogan, With a great variety and the Forest Supervisor’s office in Colville . F F oRest acts T T f : C e & o 1.1 million acres he alking oresT ollaboraTe arly fTen The Colville is not only concept behind the model upon an existing positive 30,613 acres of wilderness unique in its climate and suggests that through close collaboration network topography, but is also on and early collaboration among numerous interest 918,000 acres for the cutting edge of Forest with the public combined groups and moved the new sustainable timber Service policy . with a predictable budget, business model forward production In 2007, the Colville the Forest can increase into a practice . 45 developed was selected as one of three managed outcomes, The business model recreation sites National Forests in the improve relationships with has enabled agreements on 764 miles of fish- nation to practice a new our communities while timber related projects . bearing streams business model that focused decreasing overall costs . provides water for 2 on collaboration and a Through this effort, municipalities predicable budget . The the Colville has built 8 — Almanac - PaCifiC norThwesT region

Northwest their livelihood, recreation, visual backdrop, and identity . The Pacific Northwest. Region consists of 16. National Forests, 59. District Offices
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