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Pacific Historical Review 2001: Vol 70 Index PDF

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“A Prophet Without Honor: Hans 134-135: in California, book about, Morgenthau and the War in Viet- reviewed, 651-653; irrigation in nam, 1955-1965,” by See, 419-447 Idaho and, book about, reviewed, “A Surprising Amount of Justice: The 323-324; U.S. and Australian, book Experience of Mexican and Racial about, reviewed, 135-137 Minority Defendants Charged with Alaska, Tongass Forest in, book about, Serious Crimes in Arizona, reviewed, 657-658 1865-1920,” by Hietter, 183-219 Allen, Michael, review by, 649-650 Acequia Culture: Water, Land, and Com- Allmendinger, Blake, book edited by, munity in the Southwest, by Rivera, reviewed, 153-155 reviewed, 134-135 American Ainpower Strategy in Korea, Ackland, Len, book by, reviewed, 1950-1953, by Crane, 341-342 346-348 American Alchemy: The California Gold Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Rush and Middle-Class Culture, by Globalization, edited by Hu-DeHart, Roberts, reviewed, 650-651 reviewed, 518-520 Amencan Indian Sovereignty and the U.S. Affirmative action, book about, re- Supreme Court: The Masking of Justice, viewed, 672-673 by Wilkins, reviewed, 149-150 African-American Experience in the Civil- “An Open Field,” by Miller, 69-76 ian Conservation Corps, The, by Cole, Anderson, Robert D., book by, reviewed, 156-158 reviewed, 319-321 African American Views of the Japanese: Annual reports, 293-303 Solidarity or Sedition? by Kearney, Anthropology, ethics and, book about, reviewed, 158-160 reviewed, 160-162; Southwest Indi- African Americans, affirmative action ans and, book about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 306-307 672-673; attitudes toward Japanese Anti-communism, cultural identity of, book about, reviewed, 158-160; and, book about, reviewed, 523-524 Civilian Conservation Corps and, Architecture, Borderlands and, book book about, reviewed, 156-158; in about, reviewed, 511-513 American West, book about, Arizona, minorities in criminal justice reviewed, 153-155; in Richmond, system in, article about, 183-219; Calif., book about, reviewed, race relations and conflict over 334-335; the Stewarts, a middle- child custody in, book about, class family and, book about, reviewed, 666-667 reviewed, 155-156; voting rights Armitage, Susan, review by, 642-643 and, book about, reviewed, Art, San Francisco murals and, book 348-349 about, reviewed, 129-130 African-American Odyssey: The Stewarts, Ashby, LeRoy, review by, 673-674 1853-1963, by Broussard, reviewed, Asian Americans, globalization and, 155-156 book about, reviewed, 518-520; Agriculture, acequia culture, commu- racial frontiers, book about, nity, and, book about, reviewed, reviewed, 327—328; U.S. racism and, “A Prophet Without Honor: Hans 134-135: in California, book about, Morgenthau and the War in Viet- reviewed, 651-653; irrigation in nam, 1955-1965,” by See, 419-447 Idaho and, book about, reviewed, “A Surprising Amount of Justice: The 323-324; U.S. and Australian, book Experience of Mexican and Racial about, reviewed, 135-137 Minority Defendants Charged with Alaska, Tongass Forest in, book about, Serious Crimes in Arizona, reviewed, 657-658 1865-1920,” by Hietter, 183-219 Allen, Michael, review by, 649-650 Acequia Culture: Water, Land, and Com- Allmendinger, Blake, book edited by, munity in the Southwest, by Rivera, reviewed, 153-155 reviewed, 134-135 American Ainpower Strategy in Korea, Ackland, Len, book by, reviewed, 1950-1953, by Crane, 341-342 346-348 American Alchemy: The California Gold Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Rush and Middle-Class Culture, by Globalization, edited by Hu-DeHart, Roberts, reviewed, 650-651 reviewed, 518-520 Amencan Indian Sovereignty and the U.S. Affirmative action, book about, re- Supreme Court: The Masking of Justice, viewed, 672-673 by Wilkins, reviewed, 149-150 African-American Experience in the Civil- “An Open Field,” by Miller, 69-76 ian Conservation Corps, The, by Cole, Anderson, Robert D., book by, reviewed, 156-158 reviewed, 319-321 African American Views of the Japanese: Annual reports, 293-303 Solidarity or Sedition? by Kearney, Anthropology, ethics and, book about, reviewed, 158-160 reviewed, 160-162; Southwest Indi- African Americans, affirmative action ans and, book about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 306-307 672-673; attitudes toward Japanese Anti-communism, cultural identity of, book about, reviewed, 158-160; and, book about, reviewed, 523-524 Civilian Conservation Corps and, Architecture, Borderlands and, book book about, reviewed, 156-158; in about, reviewed, 511-513 American West, book about, Arizona, minorities in criminal justice reviewed, 153-155; in Richmond, system in, article about, 183-219; Calif., book about, reviewed, race relations and conflict over 334-335; the Stewarts, a middle- child custody in, book about, class family and, book about, reviewed, 666-667 reviewed, 155-156; voting rights Armitage, Susan, review by, 642-643 and, book about, reviewed, Art, San Francisco murals and, book 348-349 about, reviewed, 129-130 African-American Odyssey: The Stewarts, Ashby, LeRoy, review by, 673-674 1853-1963, by Broussard, reviewed, Asian Americans, globalization and, 155-156 book about, reviewed, 518-520; Agriculture, acequia culture, commu- racial frontiers, book about, nity, and, book about, reviewed, reviewed, 327—328; U.S. racism and, Index book about, reviewed, 328-330 Bunting, Robert, review by, 313-314 Asian/American: Historical Crossings of a Buy American: The Untold Story of Eco Racial Frontier, by Palumbo-Liu, nomic Nationalism, by Frank, re- reviewed, 327—328 viewed, 641-642 Atomic West, The, edited by Findlay and California, African American commu- Hevly, reviewed, 131-132 nity life in, book about, reviewed, Australia, agriculture and environ- 334-335; Australia and, book about, ment compared with United States, reviewed, 135-137; Civilian Conser- book about, reviewed, 135-137 vation Corps in, book about, re- Azuma, Ejiichiro, review by, 335-336 viewed, 156-158; development in Baja California, economic develop- the Sierra Nevada and, book about, ment and, article about, 3559-385 reviewed, 514-515; Edward Doheny Bakke Case: Race, Education, & Affirma and, book about, reviewed, 126- tive Action, The, by Ball, reviewed, 127; gender history and, book 672-673 about, reviewed, 318-319; Gold Bakken, Gordon Morris, review by, Rush and, book about, reviewed, 672-673 118-119; hydroelectric development Ball, Howard, book by, reviewed, in, article about, 221-253; impact of 672-673 World War Ii on, book about, re- Battling Western Imperialism: Mao, Stalin, viewed, 507-508; land use planning and the United States, by Sheng, in, book about, reviewed, 653-655; reviewed, 167-168 mining in, books about, reviewed, Berner, Richard C., book by, reviewed, 196-497, 650-651; philanthropy in, 505-506 book about, reviewed, 330-332; spe- Big Tomorrow: Hollywood and the Politics cialty crops in, book about, re- of the American Way, The, by Mav, re- viewed, 651-653; university system viewed, 646-648 and, book about, reviewed, 669- Boessenecker, John, book by, re- 670; urban growth in, book about, viewed, 118-119 reviewed, 514-515; urban-suburban Borderlands, globalization and, book conflict in, book about, reviewed, about, reviewed, 511-513 332-334; utopian communities in, Boyd, Robert, book by, reviewed, articles about, 453-476; women 308-309 schoolteachers in, book about, Brands, H. W., review by, 670-672 reviewed, 123-125; see also specific Brawley, Calif., city song about, 534 cities Bridges, Harry, article about, 571-599 California Idea and Amencan Higher Edu- Bringhurst, Newell G., book by, re- cation: 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan, viewed, 504-505; review by, 319- The, by Douglass, reviewed, 669-670 321 Canada, Chinese community in British British Columbia, Chinese immigrants Columbia, book about, reviewed, in, book about, reviewed, 521-523; 521-523; colonization of Vancouver colonization of Vancouver Island, Island in, book about, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 494-495 194—495; Protestant missions to Brodie, Fawn McKay, biography of, re- Japan and, book about, reviewed, viewed, 504-505 339-341; U.S. wildlife treaties with, Broussard, Albert S., book by, re- book about, reviewed, 139-140 viewed, 155-156 Robert C. Carriker, book edited by, Buddhism in Amenca, by Seager, re- reviewed, 314-316 viewed, 684-686 Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives on Buffalo Bill’s Wild West: Performance, Native American Mapmaking and Map Celebrity, and Popular History, by Use, by G. Malcolm Lewis, reviewed, Kasson, reviewed, 645-646 112-113 Pacific Historical Review Cartoon, about Schofield Barracks, class, and, book about, reviewed, Hawai'i, 352 650-651; role of in protests at Man- Cary, Beth, book translated by, zanar internment camp, article 335-336 about, 387-417 Castile, George Pierre, book by, Clayton, Daniel W., book by, reviewed, reviewed, 147-148 194-495 Caylor, Ann, review by, 134-135 Clements, Kendrick A., review by, Celluloid Indians: Native Americans and 661-662 Film, by Kilpatrick, reviewed, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the 140-143 Chinese Exclusion Act, by Gvory, Chang, Edward T., review by, 518-520 reviewed, 163-165 Chavez-Garcia, Miroslava, review by, Cold War, article about, 21—54; U.S.- 337-338 China relations and, book about, Chen, Yong, book by, reviewed, 664- reviewed, 682-683 666 Cole, Olen, Jr., book by, reviewed, Cherny, Robert W., article by, 571-599 156-158 Chicano/Chicana: See Mexican Amer- Collecting Native America: 1870-1960, ican edited by Krech and Hail, reviewed, Children, in U.S. West, book about, 321-323 reviewed, 324-325; orphans, book College That Would Not Die: The First Fifty about, reviewed, 666-667 Years of Portland State University, Chin, Ko-Lin, book by, reviewed, 1946-1996, The, bv Dodds, reviewed, 349-351 670-672 China, U.S. foreign policy and, article Collins, Claudia C., book by, reviewed, about, 21—53, book about, reviewed, 627-640 167-168; U.S. nuclear diplomacy Colorado, and nuclear power, book with, book about, reviewed, 682- about, reviewed, 346-348 683; Vietnam War and, book about, Colorado River, disputed control of by reviewed, 515-516 Mexico and the United States, arti- China & the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, cle about, 359-385; Native Ameri- by Zhai, reviewed, 515-516 can water rights to, article about, Chinese Americans, immigration and, 359-385 books about, 349-351, 520-523, Colorblind Injustice: Minonity Voting 664-666 Rights and the Undoing of the Second Chinese Exclusion, U.S. politics and, Reconstruction, by Kousser, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 163-165 348-349 Chinese in Vancouver, 1945—80: The Pur- Columbia River, book about, reviewed, suit of Identity and Power, The, by Ng, 314-316; salmon, dams, and, book reviewed, 521-523 about, reviewed, 661-662 Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943, by Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Intro- Chen, reviewed, 664-666 duced Infectious Diseases and Popula- Chun, Gloria Heyung, book by, tion Decline among Northwest Coast reviewed, 520-521 Indians, 1774-1874, The, by Bova, City Against Suburb: The Culture Wars in reviewed, 308-309 an American Metropolis, by Rodriguez, Communism, Harry Bridges and, arti- reviewed, 332-334 cle about, 571-599; in China, article Civil rights, political participation and, about, 21-54; U.S. foreign policy book about, reviewed, 348-349 toward, book about, reviewed, Civilian Conservation Corps, African 167-168 Americans and, book about, re- Comstock Lode, communities in, book viewed, 156-158 about, reviewed, 119-120 Class, Gold Rush, formation of middle Conservation, national parks and, book about, reviewed, 497-499; 627-640 Canadian-U.S. policy and, book Dietrich, William, review by, 314-316 about, reviewed, 139-140 Dieu, Nguven Thi, book by, reviewed, “Constructing a Radical Identity: His- 170-171 tory, Memory, and the Seafaring Sto- Dingman, Roger, review by, 168-170 ries of Harry Bridges,” by Cherny, Discrimination, Mexican Americans 571-599 and resistance to, book about, Copper, books about, reviewed, 117, reviewed, 338-339 199—500 Disease, Northwest Indians and, book Copper for America: The United States about, reviewed, 308-309 Copper Industry from Colonial Times to Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian the 1990s, by Hyde, reviewed, 117 Removal and the Making of the Country Schoolwomen: Teaching in Rural National Parks, by Spence, reviewed, California, 1850-1950, by Weiler, 143-144 reviewed, 123-125 “Disturbed Landscape / Disturbing Cowger, Thomas W., book by, Processes: Environmental History reviewed, 344-345 for the Twenty-First Century,” by Craft, Stephen G., review by, 680-681 Norwood, 77-89 Crane, Conrad, book by, reviewed, Dodds, Gordon, book by, reviewed, 341-342 670-672 Cross in the Dark Valley: The Canadian Doheny, Edward, book about, Protestant Missionary Movement in the reviewed, 126-127 Japanese Empire, 1931-1945, The, by Don't Breathe the Air: Air Pollution and lon, reviewed, 339-341 US. Environmental Politics, Cultivating California: Growers, Specialty 1945-1970, by Dewey, reviewed, Crops, and Labor, by Vaught, H5S—6H59 reviewed, 651-653 Dorsey, Kurkpatrick, book by, Cumings, Bruce, book by, reviewed, reviewed, 139-140 342-344 Dorst, John D., book by, reviewed, Dallas, Texas, women in, book about, 644-645 reviewed, 122-123 Double-Edged Sword: Nuclear Diplomacy in Dancing, U.S. Indian policy and, arti- Unequal Conflicts: The United States cle about, 543-569 and China, 1950-1958, by Soman, Dark Side of Fortune: Triumph and Scan reviewed, 682-683 dal in the Life of Oil Tycoon Edward I Douglass, John Aubrey, book by, re- Doheny, by Davis, reviewed, 126-127 viewed, 669-670 Davis, Margaret, book by, reviewed, Drescher, Timothy W., review by, 129- 126-127 40 Davis, Vernon E., book by, reviewed, Duane, Timothy, book by, reviewed, 683-684 514-515 Dawn of Conservation Diplomacy: U.S. Duels and the Roots of Violence in Mis- Canadian Wildlife Treaties in the Pro- soun, by Steward, reviewed, 649-650 gressive Era, The, by Dorsev, reviewed, Durbin, Kathie, book by, reviewed, 139-140 657-658 Decolonial Imaginary: Writing Chicanas Duus, Masayo Umezawa, book by, into History, The, by Pérez, reviewed, reviewed, 335-336 337-338 Duus, Peter, book adapted by, re- Denton, Sally, book by, reviewed, viewed, 335-336 627-640 Earley, Pete, book by, reviewed, Dewey, Scott Hamilton, book by, re- 627--640 viewed, 658-659 East Asia, U.S. relations with, book Dickens, David R., book by, reviewed, about, reviewed, 342-344 698 Pacific Historical Review Economic history, colonization of Van- 314-316, 661-662; development in couver Island and, book about, re- Eastern Washington and, book viewed, 494-495; cooperation with about, reviewed, 130-131; forum China and, article about, 21—53; de- on, 55-111; Glen Canyon and, book velopment, environment, and book about, reviewed, 345-346; historiog- about, reviewed, 653-655; develop- raphy of, 91-101, 103-111; hydro- ment of world economy through electric development in California trade and, book about, reviewed, and, article about, 221—253; irriga- 304-305; economic nationalism tion and, book about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 641- 323-324; John Muir and, book 642; gold and, book about, reviewed, about, reviewed, 133-134; land use 196-497; hydroelectric develop- in California and, book about, ment in California and, article reviewed, 653-655; logging in about, 221-253; logging in Alaska Alaska and, book about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 657- 657-658; Los Angeles River and, 658; nuclear power industry and, book about, reviewed, 137-138; books about, reviewed, 131-132, Mekong River and, book about, 346-348; Oahu sugar strike, 1920, reviewed, 170-171; Missouri River and, book about, reviewed, 335- and, book about, reviewed, 316- 336; property rights and, book 318; national parks and, book about, about, reviewed, 114-115; Protes- reviewed, 143-144; nuclear power tantism, environmental thought, industry and, books about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 115-116; 131-132, 346-348; Pacific North- U.S.-Mexican conflict over control of west and, book about, reviewed, land and water resources in Col- 312-313; Protestantism and, book orado River Delta region and, about, reviewed, 115-116; salmon 359-385 and, books about, reviewed, Edgerton, Ronald K., review by, 500-503; Sierra Nevada and, book 675-677 about, reviewed, 514-515: Tillam- Education, affirmative action and, ook forest and, book about, re- book about, reviewed, 672-673; Cal- viewed, 313-514; wildlife treaties ifornia system of higher education with Canada, book about, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 669- 139-140; Winters doctrine and, 670; Portland State University and, book about, reviewed, 659-661; Yel- book about, reviewed, 670-672; lowstone National Park and, book women teachers in rural communi- about, reviewed, 497-499 ties and, book about, reviewed, “Environmental History: Watching a 123-125 Historical Field Mature,” by White, Ellis, Clyde, article by, 543-569 103-111 Empty Nets: Indians, Dams, and the Co- Escobar, EdwardJ. , book by, reviewed, lumbia River, by Ulrich, reviewed, 508-510 661-662 Ethnicity, affirmative action and, book Enstam, Elizabeth York, book by, about, reviewed, 672-673; crosscul- reviewed, 122-123 tural Asian American identity and, Environment, acequia culture and, book about, reviewed, 327—328; in book about, reviewed, 134-135; air U.S. West, book about, reviewed, pollution, federal regulations, and, 153-155; Japanese immigrants in books about, 499-500; 658-659; Hawai'i and, book about, reviewed, Californian and Australian experi- 335-336; see also African American, ences compared, book about, Asian American, Mexican American, reviewed, 135-137; Columbia River Native American, and other specific and, books about, reviewed, national/ethnic groups Index Etulain, Richard W., book by, re- 119-447; Philippine Islands and, viewed, 326-327 article about, 255-292, book about, Face of Empire: United States-Philippine 675-677; women’s organizations Relations, 1898-1946, by Golay, re- and, article about, 601-626 viewed, 675-677 Forum, on environmental history, Fair and the Falls: Spokane’s Expo °74, 55-111: on Robert Hine, 449-493 Transforming an Amencan Environ Frank, Dana, book by, reviewed, 641— ment, The, bv Youngs, reviewed, 642 130-131 Frantz, Klaus, book by. reviewed, Faragher, John Mack, introduction to 517-518 forum on Robert Hine by, 449-451 From Aztec to High Tech Architecture and Farmer, Jared, book by, reviewed, Landscape across the Mexico-U'nited 345-346 States Border, by Herzog, reviewed, Father Damien, book about, reviewed, 511-513 678-680 Frontier, children on the, book about, Fawn McKay Brodie: A Biographer’s Life, reviewed, 324-325; military and, by Bringhurst, reviewed, 504-505 book about, reviewed, 495-496; Fiege, Mark, book by, reviewed, 323— popular imagination and, article 324 about, 1-20 Fighting for American Manhood: How Frontier Army in the Settlement of the West, Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish The, by Tate, reviewed, 495-496 American and Philippine-American Frontier Children, by Peavy and Smith, Wars, by Hoganson, reviewed, 165— reviewed, 495-496 166 Gamboa, Erasmo, review by, 150-151 Film, Native Americans in, book about, Garcia, Mario, book by, reviewed, reviewed, 140-143; popular politics 667-669 and, book about, reviewed, 646—648 Gardner, Llovd, review by, 170-171 Findlay, John M., book by, reviewed, Garrison, Tim Alan, review by, 149— 310-312; book edited by, reviewed, 150 131-132: review by, 510-511 Gaston, Paul M., review by, 348-349 Fisheries, books about, reviewed, 500— Gender, interpretations of environ- 503 mental history and, article about, Fishy Business: Salmon Biology and the 77-89; reinterpreting Chicanas, Social Construction of Nature, by book about, reviewed, 337-338; Scarce, reviewed, 502-503 Robert Hine’s attention to, article Flynn, Dennis O., review by, 304-305 about, 485-493; role of in protests Folklore, of U.S. West, book about, re- at Manzanar internment camp, arti- viewed, 644-645 cle about, 387-417; roles in Gold Foreign policy, U.S., aid to China and, Rush, book about, reviewed, 318- article about, 21-53; China and, 319: roles in U.S. West, book about, books about, reviewed, 167-168, reviewed, 153-155; U.S. foreign pol- 520-521, 682-683; Cold War and, icy and, article about, 601-626, book about, reviewed, 673-674: book about, reviewed, 165-166 conflict with Mexico over Colorado Glen Canyon Dammed: Inventing Lake River and, article about, 359-385; Powell and the Canyon Country, bv East Asia and, book about, reviewed, Farmer, reviewed, 345-346 342-344; environmental treaties “Global Dimensions of Environmental with Canada, book about, reviewed, History,” by Hughes, 91-101 139-140; Japan and, article about, Goble, Dale, book edited by, reviewed, 601-626, books about, reviewed, 312-313 167-170, 680-681; opposition to Golay, Frank Hindman, book by, re- Vietnam War and, article about, viewed, 675-677 Pacific Historical Review Gold Dust and Gunsmoke: Tales of Gold book about, reviewed, 678—680 Rush Outlaws, Gunfighters, Lawmen, Haynes Foundation and Urban Reform and Vigilantes, by Boessenecker, Philanthropy in Los Angeles: A History reviewed, 118-119 of the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Gold Rush, impact of, book about, Haynes Foundation, The, by Sitton, reviewed, 496-497; middle-class cul- reviewed, 330-332 ture and, book about, reviewed, Hays, Samuel, article by, 55-67 650-651; violence, vigilante justice, Hellwig, David ]., review by, 158-160 and, book about, reviewed, 118-119 Henry M. Jackson: A Life in Politics, by Gold: The California Story, by Hill, re- Kaufman, reviewed, 673-674 viewed, 496-497 Herzog, Lawrence A., book by, re- Goldberg, Robert A., review by, 125- viewed, 511-513 126 Hevly, Bruce, book edited by, re- Gonzales, Manuel G., book by, re- viewed, 131-132 viewed, 150-151 Hietter, Paul T., article by, 183-219 Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, review by, Hill, Mary, book by, reviewed, 496- 667-669 497 Gordon, Linda, book by, reviewed, Hine, Robert, forum on, 449-493 666-667 Hirabayashi, Lane, book by, reviewed, Gottdiener, M., book by, reviewed, 160-162 627-640 Hirt, Paul W., book edited by, re- Great Arizona Orphan Abduction, The, by viewed, 312-313 Gordon, reviewed, 666-667 Historical News, 174-181, 353-357, Great River of the West: Essays on the 535-541, 688-693 Columlia River, edited by Lang and Historiography, environmental history, Carriker, reviewed, 314-316 forum on, 55-111; of U.S. West in “Great Western Power, ‘White Coal, twentieth century, article about, and Industrial Capitalism in the 1-20; reinterpreting Chicana expe- West,” by Teisch, 221-253 rience and, book about, reviewed, Gullett, Gayle, review by, 122-123 337-338; Robert V. Hine’s work, Gumprecht, Blake, book by, reviewed, forum on, 449-493 137-138; review by, 655-656 Hobson, Wayne K., review by, 115-116 GutiérrezJo,s é Angel, book by, re- Hoganson, Kristin L., book by, re- viewed, 152-153 viewed, 165-166 Gutiérrez, Ramon A., reviews by, Hollywood, alternative politics and, 112-113, 666-667 book about, reviewed, 646-648; rep- Gyory, Andrew, book by, reviewed, resentations of Native Americans 163-165 and, book about, reviewed, 140-143 Hail, Barbara A., book edited by, re- Holmes, StevenJ. , book by, reviewed, viewed, 321-323 133-134 Hammack, David C., review by, Homicide, in Missouri, book about, 330-332 reviewed, 649-650; race and, book Hands Across the Sea? U.S.-Japan Rela- about, reviewed, 648-649 tions, 1961-1981, by Maga, reviewed, Horowitz, David A., book edited by, 168-170 reviewed, 125-126 Harris, Cole, review by, 308-309 Hu-DeHart, Evelyn, book edited by, Haverluk, Terrence W., review by, reviewed, 518-520 511-513 Hughes,] . Donald, article by, 91-101 Hawai'i, cartoon about Schofield Bar- Huginnie, A. Wette, review by, 153-155 racks in, 352; Japanese immigrants Huhndorf, Shari M., review by, 140- and, book about, reviewed, 335- 143 336; Father Damien, leprosy, and, Hurley, Andrew, review by, 658-659 Index Hurt, Ray Douglas, review by, 651-653 2 Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Cul Hurtado, Albert L., book by, reviewed, ture in Old California, by Hurtado, 318-319 reviewed, 318-319 Huxley, Aldous, views on utopianism, lon, A. Hamish, book by, reviewed, article about, 465-476 339-341 Hyde, Charles, book by, reviewed, 117 Irrigated Eden: The Making of an Agricul Hydroelectricity, mining in California tural Landscape in the American West, and, article about, 221-253; Mis- by Fiege, reviewed, 323-324 souri River and, book about, Islands of Truth: The Imperial Fashioning reviewed, 316-318 of Vancouver Island, by Clayton, re- Ichioka, Yuji, review by, 162-163 viewed, 494-495 Idaho, Snake River Valley and, book Jackson, Donald ¢ review by, 316—- about, reviewed, 323-324 318 Immigration, Asian Americans and, Jackson, Henry M., book about, re- book about, reviewed, 518-520; viewed, 673-674 Chinese and, books about, reviewed, Jackson, W Turrentine, obituary of, 163-165, 349-351, 664-666; see 535-538 also Asian American, Mexican Jacobs, Harvey M., book edited by, American, and other specific reviewed, 114-115 national/ethnic groups Jacoby, Karl, review by, 497-499 Imperfect Victories: The Legal Tenacity of lames, Ronald, book by, reviewed, the Omaha Tribe, 1945-1995, by 119-120 Scherer, reviewed, 146-147 Japan, African American attitudes Imperial Valley, Calif., economic toward, book about, reviewed, development and, article about 158-160; Protestant missionaries in, 359-385 book about, reviewed, 339-341; Imperialism, masculinity and, book relations with United States, article about, reviewed, 165-166; Soviet, about, 601-626, books about, re- Chinese, and U.S., book about, viewed, 168-170, 680-681; World reviewed, 167-168 War II and, book about, reviewed, Indian Reservations in the United States: 162-163 lerntory, Sovereignty, and Sociseco Japanese American Evacuation and nomic Change, by Frantz, reviewed, Resettlement Study (JERS), book 517-518 about, reviewed, 160-162 Indian Reserved Water Rights: The Winters Japanese Americans, internment at Doctrine in Its Social and Legal Context, Manzanar and, article about, 1S80s—1930s, by Shurts, reviewed, 387-417, book about, reviewed, 659-661 160-162 Inside the Klavern: The Secret History of a Japanese Conspiracy: The Oahu Sugar Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s, edited by Sirike of 1920, by Duus, reviewed, Horowitz, reviewed, 125-126 335-336 Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith: Psycholn Jensen, Joan M., review by, 321-323 ography and the Book of Mormon, by Jespersen, T. Christopher, review by, Anderson, reviewed, 319-321 342-344 Insistence of the Indian: Race and Nation John, Elizabeth A. H., review by, alism in Nineteenth-Century American 306-307 Culture, The, by Scheckel, reviewed, Johnson, Marilynn S., review by, 140-143 334-335 Intellectuals, opposition to Vietnam Kachina and the Cross: Indians and War by, article about, 419-447 Spaniards in the Early Southwest, The, Internment, of Japanese Americans, by Riley, reviewed, 306-307 article about, 387-417 Karpiel, Frank, review by, 678-680 Pacific Historical Review Kashima, Tetsuden, review by, 684- custody and, book about, reviewed, 686 666-667; crosscultural homicide Kasson, Joy, book by, reviewed, 645—- and, book about, reviewed, 648- 646 649; illegal Chinese immigration Kaufman, Robert G., book by, re- and, book about, reviewed, 349- viewed, 673-674 351; Los Angeles Police Department Kawamura, Noriko, book by, reviewed, and, book about, reviewed, 508— 680-681; review by, 339-341 510; México Lindo support of Mexi- Kearney, Reginald, book by, reviewed, can nationals in United States, book 158-160 about, reviewed, 338-339; minority Kilpatrick, Jacqueline, book by, re- rights in Arizona and, article about, viewed, 140-143 183-219; Native Americans and, Kimball, Jeffrey, book by, reviewed, books about, reviewed, 146-150; 171-172 pollution controls and, book about, Klein, Kerwin Lee, article by, 465-476 reviewed, 499-500; property rights, Klingle, Matthew W. reviews by, 137- book about, reviewed, 114-155; vigi- 138, 502-503 lante justice and, book about, re- Korean War, U.S. Air Force and, book viewed, 118-119; voting rights, book about, reviewed, 341-342 about, reviewed, 348-349; water Koshiro, Yukiko, book by, reviewed, rights under Winters doctrine, book 162-163 about, reviewed, 659-661 Kousser,J .M organ, book by, reviewed, Leal, Luis, book about, reviewed, 667- 348-349 669 Krech, Shepard III, book edited by, Lee, Anthony W., book by, reviewed, reviewed, 321-323 129-130 Ku Klux Klan, 1920s, Oregon and, Lee, Robert G., book by, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 125-126 328-330 Kurashige, Lon, article by, 387-417 Lee, Sharon M., review by, 349-351 La Raza Unida Party, book about, re- Leff, Mark H., review by, 646-648 viewed, 152-153 Leftist politics, San Francisco and, Labor, California agriculture and, book about, reviewed, 129-130 book about, reviewed, 651-653; Leong, Karen J., review by, 520-521 Harry Bridges, article about, 571- Leopold, Aldo, quotation from, 173 599; Japanese immigrants in Hawai‘i Leper Priest of Molokai: The Father and, book about, reviewed, 335- Damien Story, by Stewart, reviewed, 336; militancy in U.S. West, article 678-680 about, 1-20; on Pacific Coast, book Levine, Frances, book by, reviewed, about, reviewed, 128-129 306-307 Landscapes ofD esire: Anglo Mythologies of Lewis, David Rich, review by, 143-144 Los Angeles, by McClung, reviewed, Lewis, G. Malcolm, book by, reviewed, 510-511 112-113 Lang, William L., book edited by, re- Limbaugh, Ron, review by, 133-134 viewed, 314-316; review by, 139-140 Limerick, Patricia Nelson, book by, “Las Vegas and the American Psyche, reviewed, 642-643 Past and Present,” review essay by Lindsay, Vachel, poem by, 687 Rothman, 627-640 Linn, Brian McAllister, book by, Las Vegas: The Social Production of an reviewed, 677-678 All-American City, by Gottdiener, Lipsitz, George, review by, 523-524 Collins, and Dickens, reviewed, Literature, Western, 326-327 627-640 Littlejohn, David, book edited by, Law, affirmative action and, book reviewed, 627-640 about, reviewed, 672-673; child Logan, Michael, review by, 312-313

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