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Acufia, Rodolfo, reviews by, 248-249, American Medical Association, 543-545 Henry Kaiser and, article about, Adams, Ansel, article about, 15-42 439-473 Adams, Jr., John A., book by, reviewed, American Ordeal: The Antiwar Move- 560-561 ment of the Vietnam Era, An, by African Americans, American West, DeBenedetti, reviewed, 276-278 legal system and, book about, American West, cities in, book about, reviewed, 551-553; federal housing reviewed, 120-122; frontier violence and, article about, 283-308 in, books about, reviewed, 258-259, Alekseev, Aleksandr I., book by, 410-411; human fertility in, book reviewed, 103-104 about, reviewed, 255-256; river Allen, Thomas B., book by, reviewed, towns, urban development and, 420-421 book about, reviewed, 400-401; Almariz, Jr., Félix D., review by, Scandinavian cultural influences 565-568 in, book about, reviewed, 396-397; Alvarez, Manuel, book about, territories, antebellum sectionalism reviewed, 246-248 and, book about, reviewed, 109-110; America, from Client State to World U.S. Army exploration of, Whipple Power: Six Major Transitions in United expedition, book about, reviewed, States Foreign Relations, by Varg, 408-410; women editors in, book reviewed, 129-130 about, reviewed, 553-554; World American Backwoods Frontier: An Ethnic War II, economic development and, and Ecological Interpretation, The, book about, reviewed, 266-267 by Jordan and Kaups, reviewed, Americanization of Brazil: A Study of 396-397 U.S. Cold War Diplomacy in the Third American, Chinese and Japanese Per- World, 1945-1954, The, by Haines, spectives on Wartime Asia: 1931-1949, reviewed, 428-429 edited by Iriye and Cohen, Anderson, William L., book edited by, reviewed, 271-272 reviewed, 542-543 American Concentration Camps: A Anderson, Irvine H., review by, Documentary History of the Relocation 272-273 and Incarceration of Japanese Amer- Anthony, Susan B., book about, icans, 1942-1945, edited by Daniels, reviewed, 114-115 reviewed, 563-564 Antislavery movement, Liberty party American Enterprise in South Africa: and, book about, reviewed, 549-550 Historical Dimensions of Engagement Architecture, Robert S. Roeschlaub and Disengagement, by Hull, and, book about, reviewed, 106-107 reviewed, 571-572 Arkush, R. David, and Leo O. Lee, American Exodus: The Dust Bowl book edited by, reviewed, 112-113 Migration and Okie Culture in Cali- Armitage, Shelly, book edited by, fornia, by Gregory, reviewed, reviewed, 260-261 418-419 Acufia, Rodolfo, reviews by, 248-249, American Medical Association, 543-545 Henry Kaiser and, article about, Adams, Ansel, article about, 15-42 439-473 Adams, Jr., John A., book by, reviewed, American Ordeal: The Antiwar Move- 560-561 ment of the Vietnam Era, An, by African Americans, American West, DeBenedetti, reviewed, 276-278 legal system and, book about, American West, cities in, book about, reviewed, 551-553; federal housing reviewed, 120-122; frontier violence and, article about, 283-308 in, books about, reviewed, 258-259, Alekseev, Aleksandr I., book by, 410-411; human fertility in, book reviewed, 103-104 about, reviewed, 255-256; river Allen, Thomas B., book by, reviewed, towns, urban development and, 420-421 book about, reviewed, 400-401; Almariz, Jr., Félix D., review by, Scandinavian cultural influences 565-568 in, book about, reviewed, 396-397; Alvarez, Manuel, book about, territories, antebellum sectionalism reviewed, 246-248 and, book about, reviewed, 109-110; America, from Client State to World U.S. Army exploration of, Whipple Power: Six Major Transitions in United expedition, book about, reviewed, States Foreign Relations, by Varg, 408-410; women editors in, book reviewed, 129-130 about, reviewed, 553-554; World American Backwoods Frontier: An Ethnic War II, economic development and, and Ecological Interpretation, The, book about, reviewed, 266-267 by Jordan and Kaups, reviewed, Americanization of Brazil: A Study of 396-397 U.S. Cold War Diplomacy in the Third American, Chinese and Japanese Per- World, 1945-1954, The, by Haines, spectives on Wartime Asia: 1931-1949, reviewed, 428-429 edited by Iriye and Cohen, Anderson, William L., book edited by, reviewed, 271-272 reviewed, 542-543 American Concentration Camps: A Anderson, Irvine H., review by, Documentary History of the Relocation 272-273 and Incarceration of Japanese Amer- Anthony, Susan B., book about, icans, 1942-1945, edited by Daniels, reviewed, 114-115 reviewed, 563-564 Antislavery movement, Liberty party American Enterprise in South Africa: and, book about, reviewed, 549-550 Historical Dimensions of Engagement Architecture, Robert S. Roeschlaub and Disengagement, by Hull, and, book about, reviewed, 106-107 reviewed, 571-572 Arkush, R. David, and Leo O. Lee, American Exodus: The Dust Bowl book edited by, reviewed, 112-113 Migration and Okie Culture in Cali- Armitage, Shelly, book edited by, fornia, by Gregory, reviewed, reviewed, 260-261 418-419 Index Art, federal patronage of, George violence in, book about, reviewed, Catlin and, book about, reviewed, 410-411; Richmond and Oakland, 401-402 World War II, federal housing and, Astoria & Empire, by Ronda, reviewed, article about, 283-308; southern, 399-400 culture and economy of, book about, Austin, Mary, book about, reviewed reviewed, 262-263; Thomas Jeffcr- 260-261 son Farnham and United States Baldridge, Kenneth W., review by, imperialism in, article about, 104-105 517-537 Banner, Lois W., review by, 115-116 Californios versus Jedediah Smith, Beals, Herbert K., book translated by, 1826-1827: A New Cache of Documents, reviewed, 397-399 The, by Weber, reviewed, 249-250 Bean, Lee L., Geraldine P. Mineau, Carlson, Paul H., book by, reviewed, and Douglas A. Anderton, book by, 546-547 reviewed, 255-256 Carpenter, Joel A., and Wilbert R. Belenger, Dian Olson, review by, Shenk, book edited by, reviewed, 420-421 413-415 Bennett, Edward M., book by, Catlin and His Contemporaries: The reviewed, 573-574 Politics of Patronage, by Dippie, Bennion, Sherilyn Cox, book by, reviewed, 401-402 reviewed, 553-554 Celebration of Work, A, by Best, Benson, Todd, article by, 221-244 reviewed, 561-563 Berry, Michael, George Maude, Central America, United States and Jerry Schuchalter, book by, foreign policy toward, book about, reviewed, 548-549 reviewed, 426-427 Best, Norman, book by, reviewed, Challenge of the Big Trees: A Resource 561-563 History of Sequoia and Kings Canyon Billy the Kid: A Short and Violent Life, National Parks, by Dilsaver and by Utley, reviewed, 258-259 Tweed, reviewed, 556-557 Bingham, Edwin R., review by, Chaput, Donald, review by, 246-248 260-261 Chavez, Thomas E., book by, reviewed, Bitton, Davis, and Leonard J. 246-248 Arrington, book by, reviewed, Cherokee Removal: Before and After, 116-117 edited by Anderson, reviewed, Blacks, see African Americans 542-543 Blair, Karen J., review by, 553-554 Chicano Education in the Era of Bogue, Allen G., review by, 400-401 Segregation, by Gonzalez, reviewed, Bracero program, Pacific Northwest, 126-128 book about, reviewed, 564-565 Chicanos, see Mexican Americans Brazil, United States foreign policy China, government envoy’s impres- toward, book about, reviewed, sions of America, article about, 428-429 195-219; politics and journalism in, British Columbia, Chinese and Japan- book about, reviewed, 577-578; ese immigrants, policies toward, Protestant missionaries to, article book about, reviewed, 253-254 about, 309-338; Second World War, Buhite, Russell D., review by, 275-276 books about, reviewed, 271-272; Calder, Bruce J., review by, 138-139 572-573; United States foreign rela- California, Dust Bowl migrants to, tions with, book about, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 418-419; gold 136-137; United States military in, rush, maritime history of, book book about, reviewed, 429-430 about, reviewed, 407-408; gold rush, Pacific Historical Review China Images in the Life and Times of “Culprits and Gentlemen: Meiji Henry Luce, by Neils, reviewed, Japan’s Restrictions of Emigrants 430-431 to the United States, 1891-1909,” China Memoirs: Chiang Kai-shek and the by Sawada, 339-359 War against Japan, by Lattimore, “Cultural Imperialism and American reviewed, 572-573 Protestant Missionaries: Collab- Chinese impressions of America, oration and Dependency in Mid- book about, reviewed, 112-113 Nineteenth-Century China,” by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Harris, 309-338 ~ Saints, see Mormons Cumings, Bruce, book by, reviewed, Church, Peggy Pond, book by, 574-576 reviewed, 260-261 Damming the Colorado: The Rise of the Churchill, Charles B., article by, Lower Colorado River Authority, 517-537 1933-1939, by Adams, Jr., reviewed, Coates, Ken S. and William R. 560-561 Morrison, book by, reviewed, Daniels, Roger, book edited by, re- 117-118 viewed, 563-564; review by, 268-269 Cohen, Michael P., review by, 411-412 Davis, James E., book edited by, Cole, Bernard D., review by, 429-430 reviewed, 110-112 Cole, Douglas, and Ira Chaikin, book Dawson, Virginia P., review by, by, reviewed, 538-539 128-129 Collin, Richard H., book by, De Leon, book by, reviewed, 123-125 reviewed, 425-426 Death Comes for the Chief Justice: The Collins, Michael L., review by, 403-404 Slough-Rynerson Quarrel and Political Colorado River, water resource Violence in New Mexico, by Roberts, development and, book about, reviewed, 254-255 reviewed, 560-561 DeBenedetti, Charles, with Charles Conlin, Joseph R., review by, 418-419 Chatfield, book by, reviewed, Conrad, David E., review by, 408-410 276-278 Conrey Mining Company: A Pioneer Delgado, James P., book by, reviewed, Gold Dredging Enterprise in Montana, 407-408; review by, 405-407 1897-1922, The, by Spence, reviewed, Depression and the Urban West Coast, 259-260 1929-1933: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Conroy, Hilary, and Harry Wray, Seattle, and Portland, The, by Mullins, book edited by, reviewed, 272-273 reviewed, 559-560 “Consequences of Reservation Life: Desnoyers, Charles A.., article by, Native Californians on the Round 195-219 Valley Reservation, 1871-1884, Dien Bien Phu and the Crisis of Franco- The,” by Benson, 221-244 American Relations, edited by Conservation, Ansel Adams and, Kaplan, Artaud, and Rubin, article about, 15-42; Echo Park, reviewed, 137-138 Glen Canyon and, article about, Dilsaver, Lary M., and William C. 43-67; public lands, private owner- Tweed, book by, reviewed, 556-557 ship and, book about, reviewed, Dippie, Brian W., book by, reviewed, 421-422; wildlife, National Wildlife 401-402 Federation and, book about, Divine, Father, article about, 475-496 reviewed, 420-421 Dominican Republic, United States “Contemporary Images of Japan: My intervention in, book about, Students as Texts, My Students as reviewed, 138-139 Readers,” by Hein, 361-383 Index Douglas MacArthur: The Far Eastern Fireman, Janet R., review by, 397-399 General, by Schaller, reviewed, Fisher, Raymond H.., review by, 273-275 103-104 Douglas, Stephen A., book about, Fleeting Opportunities: Women Shipyard reviewed, 109-110 Workers in Portland and Vancouver Dreams to Dust: A Diary of the California during World War II and Reconversion, Gold Rush, 1849-1850, by Parke, by Kesselman, reviewed, 270-271 reviewed, 110-112 Foot, Rosemary, book by, reviewed, Dubofsky, Melvyn, review by, 416-417 275-276 Dulaney, W. Marvin, review by, Foote, Cheryl J., book by, reviewed, 122-123 404-405 Eagle and the Dragon: The United States Forgotten Heroes: Japan’s Imprisonment Military in China, 1901-1937, The, by of American Civilians in the Philip- Noble, reviewed, 429-430 pines, 1942-45: An Oral History, by Earthen Vessels: American Evangelicals Onorato, reviewed, 134-135 and Foreign Missions, 1880-1980, Forlorn Hope of Freedom: The Liberty edited by Carpenter and Shenk, Party in the Old Northwest, 1838-1848, reviewed, 413-415 reviewed, 549-550 “Echo Park, Glen Canyon, and the Fox, Stephen, book by, reviewed, Postwar Wilderness Movement,” 268-269 by Harvey, 43-67 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Search for Ecological Revolutions: Nature, Gender, Victory: American-Soviet Relations, and Science in New England, by 1939-1945, by Bennett, reviewed, Merchant, reviewed, 102-103 573-5747 Edwards, G. Thomas, review by, Friday, Chris, review by, 125-126 554-555 Frontier, the Union, and Stephen A. El-Ashry, Mohamed T., and Dianna Douglas, The, by Johannsen, Gibbons, book edited by, reviewed, reviewed, 109-110 119-120 Frontiers of American Political Experi- Ellsworth, S. George, book edited by, ence, by Berry, Maude, and reviewed, 104-105 Schuchalter, reviewed, 548-549 Environmentalism, see conservation Fur trade, Astoria and, book about, Equal to the Occasion: Women Editors reviewed, 399-400 of the Nineteenth-Century West, by Furman, Necah Stewart, book by, Bennion, reviewed, 553-554 reviewed, 128-129 Essays on Sunbelt Cities and Recent Gaddis, John Lewis, review by, Urban America, edited by Fairbanks 574-576 and Underwood, reviewed, 120-122 Gallicchio, Mark, article by, 69-101 Ethnicity in the Sunbelt: A History Gamboa, Erasmo, book by, reviewed, of Mexican Americans in Houston, 564-565 by De Leon, reviewed, 123-125 Garcia, Mario T., book by, reviewed, Fairbanks, Robert B., and Kathleen 565-568; review by, 123-125 Underwood, book edited by, George Kennan and the American- reviewed, 120-122 Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, by Fairris, David, review by, 561-563 Travis, reviewed, 132-133 Farnham, Thomas Jefferson, Cali- Going to Meet a Man: Denver's Last fornia and, article about, 517-537 Legal Public Execution, 27 July 1886, Fay, Peter Ward, review by, 569-570 by King, reviewed, 551-553 Fertility Change on the American Gold Camp Desperadoes: A Study of Frontier: Adaptation and Innovation, Violence, Crime and Punishment on by Bean, Mineau, and Anderton, the Mining Frontier, by Mather and reviewed, 255-256 Boswell, reviewed, 410-411 Pacific Historical Review Gold Rush, California, diary of, Hess, Gary L., book by, reviewed, reviewed, 110-112 431-432; review by, 273-275 Gonzalez, Gilbert G., book by, Hicks, Michael, book by, reviewed, reviewed, 126-128 256-257 Gordon, Mary McDougall, book High Noon in Lincoln: Violence on the edited by, reviewed, 408-410 Western Frontier, by Utley, reviewed, Gough, Barry M.., reviews by, 117-118, 258-259 538-539 Hinojosa, Gilberto M., reviews by, Graebner, Norman A., review by, 108-109, 557-558 129-130 Hirshfield, Deborah Scott, review by, Graf, William L., book by, reviewed, 270-271 421-422 Historical News, 140-144, 279-282, Graham, Edward D., review by, 433-437, 579-584 136-137 Historical methods, narrative history, Gregory, James N., book by, reviewed, article about, 1-13 418-419 Hitchman, James H., book by, Gressley, Gene M.., review by, reviewed, 405-407 119-120 Holliday, J. S., review by, 110-112 Griswold del Castillo, Richard, book Horne, Gerald, review by, 551-553 by, reviewed, 107-108 Houston, Mexican Americans in, Guardian of the Wild: The Story of the book about, reviewed, 123-125 National Wildlife Federation, 1936- Howe, Daniel Walker, review by, 1986, by Allen, reviewed, 420-421 256-257 Guerin-Gonzales, Camille L., review Hull, Richard W., book by, reviewed, by, 564-565 571-572 Haber, Francine, Kenneth R. Fuller, Hutton, Paul Andrew, review by, and David N. Wetzel, book by, 546-547 reviewed, 106-107 I am Looking to the North for My Life: Hague, Harlan, and David J. Sitting Bull, 1876-1881, by Manzione, Langum, book by, reviewed, 250-251 reviewed, 547-548 Haines, Gerald K., book by, reviewed, Ichioka, Yuji, book edited by, 428-429 reviewed, 423-425; reviews by, 253- Hall, Linda B., and Don M. Coerver, 254, 563-564 book by, reviewed, 557-558 Indians, see Native Americans Hansen, Klaus J., review by, 116-117 Indians of the Rio Grande Delta: Their Harding, Harry, and Yuan Ming, Role in the History of Southern Texas book edited by, reviewed, 136-137 and Northeastern Mexico, by Salinas, Harris, Paul W., article by, 309-338 reviewed, 395-396 Harvey, Mark W. T., article by, 43-67 Industrial Workers of the World, in Hauptman, Laurence M.., review by, British Columbia, book about, 540-542 reviewed, 416-417 Hein, Laura E., article by. 361-383 Ingram, Helen, review by, 422-423 Heine, William, travels with Perry Intervention in the Caribbean: The to Japan, book about, reviewed, Dominican Crisis of 1965, by Palmer, 131-132 reviewed, 138-139 Helen Hunt Jackson and Her Indian Iriye, Akira, review by, 423-425 Reform Legacy, by Mathes, reviewed, Iriye, Akira, and Warren Cohen, 412-413 book edited by, reviewed, 271-272 Hendrick, Irving G., review by, Iron Hand upon the People: The Law 126-128 against the Potlatch on the Northwest Hendricks, Rickey, article by, 439-473 Coast, An, by Cole and Chaikin, reviewed, 538-539 Index Italian Americans, World War II, Kirker, Harold, review by, 106-107 relocation of, book about, reviewed, Kitano, Harry H. L., review by, 268-269 134-135 “It’s up to You”: Women at UBC in the Klein, Norman M., and Martin J. Early Years, by Stewart, reviewed, Schiesl, book edited by, reviewed, 568-569 263-264 Jackson, Helen Hunt, book about, Korea, crisis of 1952, article about, reviewed, 412-413 145-168; Korean War, armistice, Japan, American student impressions book about, reviewed, 275-276; of, article about, 361-383; foreign Korean War, origins of, book about, policy, World War II, book about, reviewed, 574-576 reviewed, 271-272; Matthew Perry “Kuriles Controversy: U.S. Dip- expedition to, books about, lomacy in the Soviet-Japan Border reviewed, 131-132, 569-570; restric- Dispute, 1941-1956, The,” by tions on immigration to the United Gallicchio, 69-101 States, article about, 339-359; Labor, Bracero program, Pacific Second World War, American civil- Northwest, book about, reviewed, ian prisoners and, book about, 564-565; quality of life and, book reviewed, 134-135 about, reviewed, 561-563 Japanese Americans, internment and Land without Ghosts: Chinese Impres- resettlement, article about, 169-194; sions of America from the Mid- books about, reviewed, 423-425, Nineteenth Century to the Present, 563-564 edited by Arkush and Lee, reviewed, Jedediah Smith, Californios and, 112-113 book about, reviewed, 249-250 Land of the Midnight Sun: A History of Johannsen, Robert W., book by, the Yukon, by Coates and Morrison, reviewed, 109-110 reviewed, 117-118 Johnson, Marilynn S., article by, Langley, Lester D., review by, 426-427 283-308 Langum, David J., review by, 249-250 Jordan, Terry G., and Matti Kaups, Larkin, Thomas O., book about, book by, reviewed, 396-397 reviewed, 250-251 Journals of Addison Pratt, The, edited Las Vegas, book about, reviewed, by Baldridge, reviewed, 104-105 265-266 Juan Pérez on the Northwest Coast: Six Lattimore, Owen, book by, reviewed, Documents of His Expeditions in 1774, 572-573 translated by Beals, reviewed, “Leaving the Concentration Camps: 397-399 Japanese Americans and Resettle- Kaiser, Henry J., health maintenance ment in the Intermountain West,” organizations and, article about, by Taylor, 169-194 439-473 Lee, Chin-Chuan, book edited by, Kaplan, Lawrence S., Denise Artaud, reviewed, 577-578 and Mark R. Rubin, book edited by, Leier, Mark, book by, reviewed, reviewed, 137-138 416-417 Keefer, Edward C., article by, 145-168 Let Justice Be Done: Crime and Politics Kennan, George, book about, in Early San Francisco, by Mullen, reviewed, 132-133 reviewed, 251-253 Kesselman, Amy, book by, reviewed, Liberty party, book about, reviewed, 270-271 549-550 King, William M., book by, reviewed, Littlefield, Douglas A., article by, 551-553 497-515 Pacific Historical Review Los Angeles, Father Divine in, article Metz, Leon C., review by, 254-255 about, 475-496; twentieth-century Mexican Americans, education and promotion and social conflicts, segregation, book about, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 263-264 126-128; Houston and, book about, Lotchin, Roger W., reviews by, reviewed, 123-125; political leader- 251-253, 266-267 ship of, book about, reviewed, Lowitt, Richard, review by, 559-560 565-568 Luce, Henry, United States and China, Mexican Americans: Leadership, book about, reviewed, 430-431 Ideology, & Identity, 1930-1960, by Lutz, Jessie G., review by, 413-415 Garcia, reviewed, 565-568 MacArthur, Douglas, book about, Mexican Labor and World War II: reviewed, 273-274 Braceros in the Pacific Northwest, Mackintosh, Barry, review by, 556-557 1942-1947, by Gamboa, reviewed, Macleod, R. C., review by, 547-548 564-565 Maddox, Robert James, review by, Mexico, military, book about, 132-133 reviewed, 248-249; revolution, Maddux, Thomas R., review by, United States and, book about, 573-574 reviewed, 557-558; Treaty of Magliari, Michael, review by, 407-408 Guadalupe Hildalgo, book about, Mahoney, Timothy R., book by, reviewed, 107-108; United States reviewed, 400-401 border with, book about, reviewed, Manuel Alvarez, 1794-1856: A South- 108-109 western Biography, by Chavez, Middlekauff, Robert, article by, 1-13 reviewed, 246-248 Miller, Char, and Heywood Sanders, Manzione, Joseph, book by, reviewed, book edited by, reviewed, 122-123 547-548 Mining, coal industry, safety regula- Maritime History of the Pacific Coast, tions in, book about, reviewed, 1540-1980, A, by Hitchman, 415-416; Montana, placer dredging, reviewed, 405-407 book about, reviewed, 259-260 Marks, Frederick W., III, review by, Missionaries, Protestant, book about, 425-426 reviewed, 413-415; Protestant, in Martinez, Oscar J., book by, reviewed, China, article about, 309-338 108-109 Moehring, Eugene P., book by, Material Dreams: Southern California reviewed, 265-266 through the 1920s, by Starr, reviewed, Monkkonen, Eric H., review by, 262-263 120-122 Mather, R. E., and F. E. Boswell, book Moreno, Dario, book by, reviewed, by, reviewed, 410-411 426-427 Mathes, Valerie Sherer, book by, Mormonism and Music: A History, by reviewed, 412-413 Hicks, reviewed, 256-257 McCann, Frank D., review by, 428-429 Mormons and Their Historians, by McGrath, Roger D., review by, Bitton and Arrington, reviewed, 410-411 116-117 McLoughlin, William G., review by, Moynihan, Ruth Barnes, review by 542-543 114-115 “Medical Practice Embattled: Kaiser Mullen, Kevin J., book by, reviewed, Permanente, the American Medical 251-253 Association, and Henry J. Kaiser Mullins, William H., book by, on the West Coast, 1945-1955,” by reviewed, 559-560 Hendricks, 439-473 Myres, Sandra L., review by, 412-413 Merchant, Carolyn, book by, “Narrative History and Everyday reviewed, 102-103 Life,” by Middlekauff, 1-13 Index Nash, Gerald D., book by, reviewed, Nuclear weapons, Sandia National 266-267 Laboratories and, book about, Nash, Roderick Frazier, review by, reviewed, 128-129 421-422 Nuttall, Donald A., review by, 245-246 National Parks, Sequoia and Kings Odyssey of a Russian Scientist: I. G. Canyon, book about, reviewed, Voznesenskii in Alaska, California, and 556-557; Yosemite, book about, Siberia, 1839-1849, The, by Alekseev, reviewed, 411-412 reviewed, 103-104 National Wildlife Federation, book Offutt, Leslie S., review by, 395-396 about, reviewed, 420-421 Olsen, Paul A., book edited by, Native Americans, American Revo- reviewed, 417-418 lution and, book about, reviewed, Onorato, Michael P., book by, 541-542; art about, federal patron- reviewed, 134-135 age of, book about, reviewed, Origins of the Korean War, Volume II: 401-402; California, Round Valley The Roaring of the Cataract, 1947-1950, reservation, article about, 221-244; The, by Cumings, reviewed, 574-576 Cherokee, book about, reviewed, Pacific Coast, maritime history of, 542-543; Helen Hunt Jackson and, book about, reviewed, 405-407; book about, reviewed, 412-413; United States, cities, Great Depres- images of, book about, reviewed, sion and, book about, reviewed, 394-395; Northwest Coast, Canadian 559-560 government restriction of potlatch Palmer, General Bruce, Jr., book by, ceremony, book about, reviewed, reviewed, 138-139 538-539; Rio Grande Delta and, Parke, Charles Ross, gold rush diary book about, reviewed, 395-396; of, reviewed, 110-112 Sand Creek massacre, book about, Patterson, David S., review by, 276-278 reviewed, 539-540; Sitting Bull, Pearl Harbor Reexamined: Prologue to book about, reviewed, 547-548; the Pacific War, edited by Conroy water resource use and, book about, and Wray, reviewed, 272-273 reviewed, 417-418 “Pecos Bill”: A Military Biography of Native Americans: Five Centuries of William R. Shafter, by Carlson, Changing Images, by Trenton and reviewed, 546-547 Houlihan, reviewed, 394-395 Peoples of Washington: Perspectives on “Natural Scene and the Social Good: Cultural Diversity, edited by White The Artistic Education of Ansel and Solberg, reviewed, 125-126 Adams, The,” by Spaulding, 15-42 Peoples of Sonora and Yankee Capitalists, Neils, Patricia, book by, reviewed, The, by Ruiz, reviewed, 543-545 430-431; review by, 577-578 Pérez, Juan, expeditions in the North New Spain, northwestern, military Pacific, book about, reviewed, in, book about, reviewed, 245-246 397-399 New England, nature, gender, and Photography, landscape, conserva- science in, book about, reviewed, tion and, article about, 15-42 102-103 Pletcher, David M., review by, 107-108 New Mexico, political violence in, Pratt, Addison, book about, reviewed, book about, reviewed, 254-255; 104-105 women in, book about, reviewed, Putnam, Jackson K., review by, 404-405 548-549 Nichols, Roger L., review by, 539-540 Regulating Danger: The Struggle for Noble, Dennis L., book by, reviewed, Mine Safety in the Rocky Mountain 429-430 Coal Industry, by Whiteside, Noer, Thomas J., review by, 571-572 reviewed, 415-416 Notehelfer, F. G., review by, 131-132 Pacific Historical Review Reichstein, Andreas V., book by, Runte, Alfred, book by, reviewed, reviewed, 403-404 411-412 Relations of Rescue: The Search for Russia, scientific exploration in the Female Moral Authority in the Amer- Pacific, book about, reviewed, ican West, 1874-1939, by Pasco, 103-104 reviewed, 115-116 Salas, Elizabeth, book by, reviewed, Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, by 248-249 Lawrence J. Jelinek, 384-392 Salinas, Martin, book by, reviewed, Report of the Journals Manager, by 395-396 Sandra Whisler, 393 San Francisco, crime and politics in, Resort City in the Sunbelt: Las Vegas, book about, reviewed, 251-253 1930-1970, by Moehring, reviewed, Sanchez, Joseph P., book by, reviewed, 265-266 245-246 Revolution on the Border: The United Sand Creek and the Rhetoric of Exter- States and Mexico, 1910-1920, by Hall mination: A Case Study in Indian- and Coerver, reviewed, 557-558 White Relations, by Svaldi, reviewed, Richards, Kent D., review by, 109-110 539-540 Riley, Glenda, review by, 404-405 Sandia National Laboratories: The Post- “Rio Grande Compact of 1929: A war Decade, by Furman, reviewed, Truce in an Interstate River War, 128-129 The,” by Littlefield, 497-515 Santa Fe, Manuel Alvarez and, book Rise of the Lone Star: The Making of about, reviewed, 246-248 Texas, by Reichstein, reviewed, Sawada, Mitziko, article by, 339-359 403-404 Schaaf, Gregory, book by, reviewed, River Towns in the Great West: The 540-542 Structure of Provincial Urbanization in Schaller, Michael, book by, reviewed, the American Midwest, 1820-1870, by 273-275; reviews by, 431-432, 572-573 Mahoney, reviewed, 400-401 Scott, James W., review by, 399-400 Robert S. Roeschlaub: Architect of the Scott, James W., et al., book by, Emerging West, 1843-1923, by Haber, reviewed, 554-555 Fuller, and Wetzel, reviewed, “Self-Strengthening in the New 106-107 World: A Chinese Envoy’s Travels Roberts, Gary L., book by, reviewed, in America,” by Desnoyers, 195-219 254-255; review by, 258-259 Shafter, William R., book about, Roeschlaub, Robert S., book about, 546-547 reviewed, 106-107 Sherburne, John P., diary of Whipple Rolle, Andrew, reviews by, 250-251, expedition, book about, reviewed, 263-264, 545-546 408-410 Ronda, James P., book by, reviewed, Sherow, James E., reviewed by, 399-400 560-561 Roosevelt, Theodore, Caribbean Shoemaker, Nancy, review by, 255-256 policies of, book about, reviewed, Silbey, Joel H., review by, 549-550 425-426 Silverman, Eliane Leslau, review by, Roosevelt, Franklin D., foreign policy 568-569 of, and Soviet Union, book about, Sino-American Relations, 1945-1955: A reviewed, 573-574 Joint Reassessment of a Critical Decade, Rowley, William D., review by, edited by Harding and Yuan, 265-266 reviewed, 136-137 Roy, Patricia, book by, reviewed, Smith, Zachary, review by, 422-423 253-254 Smith, Duane A., review by, 415-416 Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo, book by, reviewed, 543-545

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