P A A OLISH MERICAN SSOCIATION P ol i sh A m e r ic a n A s s o c i at ion 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 90 th Anniversary Annual Gala And Benefit Auction Saturday, November 10, 2012 Congratulations and Thank You Bozena and Arie Zweig For all the wonderful contributions you make to the Polish and Jewish communities everyday of every year. Sincrely, your admirers at ALPHA METALS Specialists in Industrial Non- Ferrous and Ferrous Scrap Processing 773.533.3232 Chicago, IL alphametalsrecycle.com CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO THE RECIPIENTS OF THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL AWARD ARIE & BOZENA ZWEIG AND TO THE POLISH aMERICAN aSSOCIATION ON 90 YEARS OF SERVICE P A A OLISH MERICAN SSOCIATION Congratulations & 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 Best Wishes to Polish American Association its 90th Anniversary for its outstanding work on behalf of Chicago’s Polish community .ycacovdA dna hcaertuO ,secivreS noitargimmI olybyzrP werdnA ,tnemyolpmE ,secivreS laicoS fo saera eht ni smargorp 82 .rJ ,iksrakiP .J nhoJ rezneK yraG s’AAP rof troppus edivorp tneve siht ta desiar sdnuF ikcorpaP samoTh .veR tsoM rotceriD evitucexE zciwerakaM .J sueddaTh hsiW .R tsenrE kcavoK .F regoR teiW .J llehctiM ohoB .L naD SROTCERID YRARONOH kazczsaP .J treboR leborW nehpetS giewZ anezoB ikzdnelO yruB arabraB yraterceS nosiarT .H leahciM namrethciL ciordeG enidlareG ikswezereB .A htenneK abroT nosaJ .veR iksleipoK .A ellimaC rerusaerT yeksoknatS .L leinaD kajoK yrogerG kaloS-akswonawI angoB kaineimaK madA hceiP .A aihtnyC notgnivoC iksnilomS ellehciM kafiezoJ .W yelnatS namriahC eciV .D.M namoR .T alebazI ikswobukaJ avE kawoN .C darnoC hcirahuP-araicnaiC ahsaK scaasI .J ahsataN namriahC iksrakiP .G leinaD akelB .B drawdE SROTCERID DRAOB EHT FO SRECIFFO srotceriD yraronoH dna srotceriD fo draoB noitaicossA naciremA hsiloP P o l i s h A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n' s A n n u a l G a l a JOIN ARIE AND BOZENA ZWEIG FOR THE POLISH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION’S TH 90 ANNIVERSARY P A A OLISH MERICAN SSOCIATION ANNUAL GALA and BENEFIT AUCTION 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 Polish American Association Resources for Changing Lives the Board of Directors P A A of the Polish OAmLeIrSiHcan AMssEWoRciIaCteiA oTNn haSnSkOC OIATuIOrN Gala Sponsors and the 2012 Gala Committee PRESENTING SPONSOR Welcome you to our Arie and Bozena Zweig 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 90 th Anniversary We Thank Our Gala Sponsors Gold Sponsor Jewel-Osco Tukiendorf Traning Institute AND agency – Adam Kamieniak David Jonas United Equity Mortgage Corp PRESENTING SPONSOR CharteAr rOien ea/nRdB SB Coizteiznean sZweig Camille A. Kopielski Supporters Gregg Builders - Albert Frank Sandy & Jacob Kiferbaum Associated Bank We TGholadn Skpo nOsor ur Gala SJPJpe Mwoenolr-sgOoasnrc soChase GTeurkalidenindeo Grf eTdrraonicin Lgi cInhstetirtmutaen Alison & Marvin Brustin ANDP aRgEenScEyN –T AIdNaGm SKPamOiNenSiOakR LDaraivsaid & J oDnaavsid Kronfeld MUanziatked C Eoqrpuoitrya Mtioonrtgage Corp Cukierski & Kowal, L.L.C. CharteAr rOien ea/nRdB SB Coziteiznean sZweig DCr.a Imzailblee lAa .R Koompaienlski L eSou Pp. pNoiremteiresc L. Jessica Jagielnik HonorinG Gregg Builders - Albert Frank MSoanrrdisy S&il vJaecromba Kn i&fe rLboarui mKomisar NAosrstohc Siahtoerde BCaonmkmunity Bank Kasia’s Deli Gold Sponsor JPJe wMeol-rOgasnc oChase Arie aSnGiTlevurdekarile d SniBpndeoo nrGfs eToodrrrazoniicen Lgni Icnhastteirt muZtaen weigOAalkis Moni l&l B Makaerrvyi n– BBrougsntian & Legion of Young Polish Women AND agency – Adam Kamieniak LDaraivsiad & Jo Dnaavsid Kronfeld AMsUsaonzciatiekadt Ce Edo qrAupgioteryna Mctiioeosnr, tIgnacg.e Corp C Wuakliteerrs kSio &la kKowal, L.L.C. Machinery Systems Inc. Charter One/RBS Citizens DCra. mIzailblee lAa .R Koompaienlski DLr eSso.u NPp.ap Ndoeirert maenriedsc Mandan Bozorgi PLro. gJersessisciav eJ aTgriueclnki Dkriving School - Miller Canfield Paddock and Grażyna Buda Gregg Builders - Albert Frank MSaonrrdiys S&il Jvaecromba Kn i&fe rLboaruim Komisar HNiAnossrshtohac wSia h&toe drCe B uCalbonemkrtmsounn, iLtyL BPank Kasia’s Deli Stone, PLC Quantum Foods - Edward & JP Morgan Chase SGilevrearld Sinpeo Gnseodrroic LichtermaSnaturIdnOAlaaalnkiysd Mo, Bnni al&ln B okMa akvanerdrevy iTmn –r B uBbsrotuegsrntian 1&0 , 2012 L Jeagnioe nB olefk Yaoung Polish Women Larisa & David Kronfeld AMssaozcaika tCedo rApgoernactiioens, Inc. C Wukaliteerrs kSio &la kKowal, L.L.C. Machinery Systems Inc. Dr. Izabela Roman DLreso. NP.a Ndeierm aniedc Mandan Bozorgi GGAPALrlo.L JgAeArses sCis ciCOav eJM oaTgrMiumelcInkTi mkDTrEiivEtin Dgt ISNecheNooElR - C O-CMHillAerI CRaSn:field Paddock and Grażyna Buda Morris Silverman & Lori Komisar HNinosrhtha wSh &o rCe uClboemrtmsounn,i LtyL BPank Kasia’s Deli Stone, PLC IwQounaan tBuomch Feonosdksa -& E Jdawceakr dC &ho dzen Eva & Cezary Jakubowski Conrad Nowak Oak Mill Bakery – Bogna & Silver Sponsor Inland Bank and Trust M L i ceJhagneioleln eB Solemfk Yoaoliunnsgk iP Coolivshin Wgtoomnen Eva & Adam Kamieniak Bogna & Walter Solak Walter Solak Associated Agencies, Inc. Machinery Systems Inc. Magda & Dr. Marek Gawrysz Geraldine Gedroic Lichterman Ewa & Dr. Grzegorz Turowski Progressive Truck Driving School - Drs. Nader and Mandan Bozorgi GALA COMMITTEE DINNER CO-MCHillAerI CRaSn:field Paddock and Grażyna Buda Natasha & Michael Isaacs Barbara and Ted Martin Ludwika Warnik Stone, PLC Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP IwQounaan tBuomc hFeonosdksa -& E Jdawceakrd C &ho dzen Eva & Cezary Jakubowski Conrad Nowak Inland Bank and Trust M i cJahneell eB Slemkaolinski Covington Eva & Adam Kamieniak Bogna & Walter Solak Magda & Dr. Marek Gawrysz Geraldine Gedroic LTicHhteErm CanOMMIETwTa &E ED rM. GrEzMegoBrzE TRurSow, TskHi E OFFICERS AND GALA COMMITTEE DINNER CO-CHAIRS: Natasha & Michael Isaacs Barbara and Ted MaBrtOinARD OF TLHudEw PikOa WLaIrSnHik AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Iwona Bochenska & Jacek Chodzen Eva & Cezary Jakubowski Conrad Nowak CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR GUESTS TO OUR Michelle Smolinski Covington Eva & Adam Kamieniak Bogna & Walter Solak Magda & Dr. Marek Gawrysz Geraldine Gedroic LTichHteErm CanOMMIETwTa &E DEr .M GrEzeMgoBrzE TRurSow, sTkiHE OFFICERS AND Natasha & Michael Isaacs Barbara and Ted MaBrtOinARD OF TLHudEw PikOa WLaIrSnHik AMERICAN ASSOCIATION CORDIALLY INVthITeE D YrOakUe AHNoDte YlOUR GUESTS TO OUR Anniversary Annual Gala 140 East Walton Place Chicago, Illinois 60611 THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS, THE OFFICERS AND BOARD OF THE POLISH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION And Benefit Auction CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR GUESTS TO OUR Anniversary Annual Gala And Benefit Auction Saturday, November 10, 2012 Master of Ceremony – Alan Krashesky of ABC7 Anniversary Annual Gala Musical Performance – Daniel Szefer (piano) The Drake Hotel Academy of Music of PaSO 140 East Walton Place Chicago, IL 60611 And Benefit AReceuptciotni 6o:30n p.m. | Dinner 8:00 p.m. Entertainment – Marc Anthony Orchestra Saturday, November 10, 2012 Master of Ceremony – Alan Krashesky of ABC7 Black Tie OptionalMusical Performance – Daniel SzeferA (dpivaannoc)e reservation required, seating is limited. The Drake Hotel 140 East Walton Place Chicago, IL 6V0a6l1e1t Service Availa ble for $20 Academy ofK Minusdicly o rf ePsapSoOnd by October 20, 2012 Reception 6:30 p.m. | Dinner 8:00 p.m. Entertainment – Marc Anthony Orchestra Saturday, November 10, 2012 Master of Ceremony – Alan Krashesky of ABC7 Black Tie OptionalMusical Performance – Daniel SzeferA (pdivaannoc)e reservation required, seating is limited. The Drake Hotel 140 East Walton Place Chicago, IL 6V0a6l1e1t Service Avail able for $20 Academy of KMiunsdicly o fr ePsapSOond by October 20, 2012 Reception 6:30 p.m. | Dinner 8:00 p.m. Entertainment – Marc Anthony Orchestra Black Tie Optional Advance reservation required, seating is limited. Valet Service Available for $20 Kindly respond by October 20, 2012 Recipient of the 2012 Presidential Award Arie and Bozena Zweig Bozena and Arie Zweig’s philanthropic activities are well known. They are prominent contributors to both the Polish and Jewish communities. Bozena Zweig has been on the PAA Board of Directors since 2002. Arie Zweig N is a Principal of R.A. Zweig, Inc, in Glenview, Illinois. O 1 TI 64 Arie was born in Poland and grew up in Israel. He A 0 6 received a degree in marine engineering from Mevuot CI ois Yam and started his first manufacturing business before O n ASS o, Illi iompemniegdr aRti.Ang.Z two etihge I nUcn., iat emda Scthaitneisn ign f a1c9i7li7ty. sIpne 1c9ia7l9iz, inhge g in complex parts for aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, and power-generation industries. a N ic h Bozena earned her Masters degree from Warsaw Chopin Academy of Music with a specialization A C C e., in percussion instruments. Before immigrating in 1977, she was a recording artist, jazz musician, RI Av and songwriter. Among her many accomplishments, Bozena was a member of the Polish E o Radio Orchestra, the Youth Persecution Assemble in Bayreuth and took part in the Festival of M r ce Contemporary Music “Warsaw Autumn.” She also performed with Grazyna Lobaszewska and A i C Stan Borys. h H t S or Arie and Bozena are involved in real-estate developments in both the United States and Europe. N LI 4 Their home is open to charitable organizations, politicians, and artists, for whom they organize O 3 countless fundraisers. They promote Polish culture and actively support Polish causes in the political 8 P 3 arena. They are recipients of numerous awards from the Polish Government and State of Illinois for outstanding public service, dedication and commitment to the Polish American community. Arie has received the Senatorial Medal of Freedom, Yoni Netanyahu Award, Honored by Friends of IDF and the Millennium Business Award for promoting Polish business in Illinois. Arie is a founder and President of the Paderewski Symphony Orchestra, where he and Bozena are both actively involved. They currently live in Winnetka. They have four daughters and eleven grandchildren. mP en AU A OLISH MERICAN SSOCIATION 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 HorS D’oeUVreS Coconut Shrimp, Ponzu Sauce oven roasted tomato and olive Crostini with roasted Garlic Avocado Wonton roll, Sweet Chili Sauce mini lamb Chops, Cumin Crust SAlAD Bibb lettuce, Baked Fig Crouton, Goat Cheese, Crisp Pancetta, Balsamic Drizzle SoUP Bookbinder Soup with red Snapper and individual Carafe of Sherry *Vegetarian Soup option available entrÉe: Chicken Supreme with mushrooms and leeks, lemon meyer Sauce, accompanied by 4oz broiled Salmon with orange miso Glaze Fingerling Potatoes, Haricot Verts with Charred lemon Zest, Baby Beet Garnish DeSSert Anniversary cake and Sweet table P A A OLISH MERICAN SSOCIATION 3834 North Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60641 Program 6:30 p.m. Reception, Silent Auction, Wine Pull & Raffle 7:45 p.m. Opening Remarks Alan Krashesky, ABC7 7:50 p.m. Polish and American National Anthems 7:55 p.m. Invocation Bishop Andrew Wypych 8:00 p.m. DINNER 8:05 p.m. Performance WICI Dance 8:20 p.m. Performance Academy of Music of PaSO 9:00 p.m. Words about PAA Gary Kenzer, PAA’s Executive Director 9:05 p.m. Presentation of the 2012 Presidential Award Honoring Arie & Bozena Zweig Conrad Nowak, PAA’s Chairman of the Board 9:20 p.m. 90th Anniversary Cake Celebration 9:25 p.m. Performance Daniel Szefer, Piano 9:30 p.m. Live Music and Dancing Anthony Kawalkowski Orchestra 10:30 p.m. The Auction Closes 10:45 p.m. Raffle Drawing (PAA) 1:00 a.m. Event Concludes