S C I S Y H P A R T A L L A L A I D R O M I R P ALLATRA SCIENCE The report "PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS" The report "PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS" was prepared by the international research group ALLATRA SCIENCE of ALLATRA International Public Movement under the editorship of Anastasia Novykh. The report contains information on the origin and structure of elementary particles, basic building blocks which make up matter, interrelation of elementary particles and cosmology in relation to uniform field theory, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions, alternative energy sources, etc. It shows importance, scale and timeliness of the latest knowledge in the field of fundamental and applied physics. It gives answers to the main unsolved questions of contemporary physics and relevant explanations. Material is intended to familiarize the members of ALLATRA International Public Movement with the fundamental principles of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS. Contacts: e-mail: [email protected] Official site: www.allatra.org Permanent web page of the report: http://allatra.org/en/reports/iskonnaja-fizika-allatra Site ALLATRA SCIENCE: www.allatra-science.org ALLATRA SCIENCE 2015 INTRODUCTION E C N E I C S A 3 TPHheY SICPRS IMcoOnRtaDinIsA Lb asicA LiLnfAoTrmRaA- g asuseusmsepst,i omnsa kaen do bdseetrevramtiionnes , fomrmakue- R AT tion about the elementary principles las… with errors. But change the L L of physics of fundamental particles, conditions, and a lot of things will A regularities of their interaction. This change. A simple example. Under is r eally an evolutionary break- normal conditions, distilled water be- through for the world science which is haves as a dielectric (substance which currently at the stage of researching the practically does not conduct electric epochal discoveries which were made current). However, during a solar a century ago. This knowledge a ffects eclipse, it behaves as an electrolyte full spectrum of fundamental and (substance which conducts electric interdisciplinary research in var ious current). Conditions changed ‒ and areas of science: from microphysics we got a new result! to cosmology, and it reveals unique information about fundamental princi- After studying the calculation tables ples of neutrino physics, astrophysics indicating inaccuracies (Note: see of elementary particles. further in the report), one may under- stand how many elementary errors are What are the fundamental particles? made in science during such observa- What do elementary particles consist tions, what the errors of results of ex- of? How to control them? Where does pensive experimental research works the visible matter appear from and are, and how easy it is to eliminate where does it disappear? What are the them when one knows the fundamen- laws of gravitational interaction based tals of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA on? What does dark matter consist of? PHYSICS. Why do we need to build How to create a living and a non-living the Large Hadron Collider, if any object? How to ensure self-sustainable student who knows fundamentals of living in extreme climatic conditions the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHY- on Earth and in space? The answers SICS can make absolutely accurate to all of these and many other ques- calculations of interaction between tions are given in the PRIMORDIAL elementary particles under any condi- ALLATRA PHYSICS, which reveals tions on his tablet? It would be much fundamental principles of elementary more humane to allocate these huge particles and cosmology in general. amounts of money, which are spent on expensive research, for the real help to people in need, considering Thanks to the PRIMORDIAL how many people in the world today ALLATRA PHYSICS, we can con- have to live below poverty level. duct any experiments with absolute accuracy, without guessing and pre- dicting, while complaining about Thanks to the PRIMORDIAL unaccounted for factors. In today’s ALLATRA PHYSICS, humanity world, vast resources are spent on can make an evolutionary change in the maintenance of different research science as physics is the basis of all la boratories where with the help of natural sciences. The PRIMORDIAL expensive equipment and materials ALLATRA PHYSICS allows us to scientists try to create certain condi- conduct qualitatively new research tions in order to, in fact, check their works and make discoveries in differ- ent scientific areas, make exact cal- ity of these resources and their en- A L culations practically without expen- vironmental hazard. The use of the L A ditures. Certainly, this evolutionary inexhaustible source of energy will T R A know ledge makes it possibleto de- lead not only to reduction of emissions velop any scientific disciplines qua of harmful gases in the atmosphere, 4 S C litatively and in a new way, to make but to utilization of the whole produc- I E N breakthroughs in quantum physics, tion cycle thanks to qualitatively new C E biophysics, chemical physics, geo- opportunities of receiving necessary physics, a strophysics and so on. Re- life-supporting ready-made products. search works in these scientific areas based on the knowledge of the PRI- For humanity it opens up a p ossibility MORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS of absolutely new way of life in which have already brought tremendous such things as need, hunger will results, including those in the sphere disappear and people will not need to of studying of new technologies for work hard to make a living. People production and obtaining inexhaust- will have more free time. Consumer ible energy. market will disappear as u nnecessary, because each person will be able to The knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL make any thing on his own: food, ALLATRA PHYSICS gives access clothes, house, car - for free and in to an inexhaustible source of energy any quantity required. In such condi- which is everywhere including outer tions, it is possible for the civilization space. It is renewable energy, thanks to make a qualitatively new transition to which elementary particles are cre- to spiritual self-development, large- ated, move and interact. The ability scale scientific study of the world and to get it and to transfer it from one itself. But there is also a danger that state to another gives us a source such discoveries may be used for ego- of alternative energy: new, safe and istical purposes. It is known that harm available to each person. The poten- or benefit of any epochal discovery tial of this never-ending source of depends on the domination of one or energy is huge; it is much bigger and another worldview of the majority: much more stable and safer than the selfish (consumer) or spiritual and potential of the Sun or geothermal creative vector of thinking. energy. Moreover, using this source, we do not need any longer to accu- mulate excessive energy and transfer Everything in this world is made up it to the consumer for further use. of elementary particles. And when we Because this energy is everywhere; it know what elementary particles con- can become available to each person, sist of and how to control it, we can under any conditions, here and now: create any living and non-living ob- both on Earth and in space. ject, copy and clone it (including phe- notypically and genetically identical organisms); in other words, to repro- Certainly, it will qualitatively change duce it in quality and quantity many the life of human civilization in gen- times as needed. Already now, thanks eral. Nuclear power plants will disap- to the knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL pear as unnecessary. Oil, gas and other ALLATRA PHYSICS, scientific re- known power sources will lose their search is being conducted in many relevance due to high labor intensity directions, including in the field of of production, storage, exhaustibil- the latest biotechnologies, which E allow to recreate various live orga- people from hard work, from a whole C N nisms, whether it be a small dipter- chain of cycles of industrial produc- E CI ous insect ‒ midge or a large animal. tion and related issues, will give a S A 5 Iimn ptrhoev elo anngd teevrmen, cirt eiast ep aobsssoiblulete tloy ctoh arnescteo rteo apnreds ienrcvree athsee ethnev iwroenamlthe notf, R T A new living organisms with preset flora and fauna. L AL characteristics and properties. We will not need to use huge land Certainly, this is one of the main di- grounds, for example, to grow rections of scientific and technical wheat, and then subject it to process- progress that will help to accelerate ing by passing it through a whole the process of solving many tasks; cycle of various technolo gical pro- for example, in the field of food pro- cesses in order to get a ready edible visions, improvement of ecology, product. After all, it is possible to quality of medicine and health care. get from elementary particles the Under the influence of the newest same tasty, healthy, real freshly- biotechnology, based on the know- baked bread with any required char- ledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLA- acteristics and in any quantity. It is TRA PHYSICS, medicine can be- not necessary to grow, and then kill come an exact science. Moreover, an animal in order to get any kind it will have a clear understanding of of a meat dish. Because everything the processes happening in living is made up of elementary particles. organisms, not only at the level of If we know their combinations and molecular and genetic processes, but laws of interaction, it is possible also at the level of interrelation of not only to make this product (with elementary particles. Already now, necessary quality and a set of use- developments of scientists of ALLA- ful properties), but also to copy it TRA International Public Movement according to the same programme indicate that prolongation of human in necessary quantity. By using this life beyond the limit of the species is knowledge, it is possible to dispose an ab¬solute reality as of today. all waste without harm to nature. In the future, the PRIMORDIAL The PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA ALLATRA PHYSICS is capable of PHYSICS at its full, accelerated solving the global problem of pro- development, will allow people to viding humanity not only with oxy- solve, in a short time, a number of gen and other necessary chemical strategic vitally important problems elements, but also with food, clean for humanity, not only in the field water, regardless of global climatic of innovative power, life support, Fig.1 (A) Wild- changes on Earth or another planet; but also in the field of climatic geo- type fly. (B,C) Flies mining, agricultural, industrial pro- engineering. Today, humanity has a [syn1, syn2] were duction, availability of water sources real chance to survive in the condi- synthesized from the and so on. Creating from elementary tions of global climatic change on WT fly. particles of ready-made high-quality the planet, which, unfortunately, is 1). Figure 1 (A) Wild free food in necessary quantity, clear inevitable in the next decades. In type drosophila [WT] water, air and so on will make human the field of climate geoengineering, which was used as life qualitatively better, will provide a number of successful research a platform for the in full everything necessary for vital works have been conducted. New synthesis of new flies [syn1, syn2] (B,C). life function. Moreover, it will free directions, which are based on the knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL this situation affects such impor- The report A L “On the Problems and ALLATRA PHYSICS have been de- tant for humanity field of science as L A Consequences of T veloped. Already now it is possible space exploration as well. R Global Climate Change A tfoie slda y othf atc nliemwa tdiecv egloepomenegnitnse ienr itnhge oton SEoalvrteh . Effective Ways 6 S Today the leading space countries, C open broad opportunities and pro- These Problems”. IE which until recently were pioneers N spects for further scientific acti- C of space, cannot even achieve such a E vity in this direction. They allow great success that they made half of to monitor climate; to determine, a century ago. Nowadays, the study ta king into account a multi-factor of space, in most cases, is limited to ana lysis, the course of further deve- unmanned flights in near space. And lopments related to climate change; the majority of piloted flights are still to find compensatory mechanisms made within the thermosphere (at the of nature and to start the necessary heights of no more than 400 km from local or general adaptive actions, the Earth surface, that is, in the space directed to change climatic condi- of low Earth orbit) because science tions (Note: for more details see has not yet found the means of pro- the report " On the Problems and tection against space radi ation. Even Consequences of Global Climate problems of astronautics remain large- Change on Earth. Effective Ways ly unsolved, beginning with funda- to Solve These Problems ", http:// mental research, technical questions, allatra.org/reports/o-problemah- and ending with applied questions. i-posledstvijah-globalnogo-izmen- Astronauts still need improvement enija-klimata-na-zemle). of hygienic conditions, a solution of a number of elementary household problems during their stay at a space It is known that absolutely all mo- station. After all, engineers are still dern technologies are based on fun- unable to create a washing machine damental scientific research, and and a practical enough shower for physics plays the leading role here. spaceships. In the conditions of zero Scientists note with concern that gravity, liquid water also remains a over the last 50 years there have been problem, considering sensitivity of no major discoveries in the world in the electronic equipment and devices the field of natural scien ces. There onboard a space station. People still are many reasons for that, but the cannot live selfsufficiently in space, main one lies in the intensive deve- as they constantly need to get from lopment of a consumer society. And Earth fresh supply of food, water, air, it includes many things, begi nning spare parts for maintenance of their with the formation of egois tical ship and so on. worldview in the majority of people, changes in quality of education of modern generations for the worse The PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA and ending with balancing of many PHYSICS is capable of solving not countries on the verge of economic just these problems. It is the know- and political collapse. And often, as ledge that leads to evolutionary You can read the report a result of the latter, some states are space breakthroughs, it is a huge via the link: http://allatra.org/ engaged in banal political imitation potential to create new research and reports/o-problemah- of "prestige" or achievement of some scientific directions. The knowledge i-posledstvijah- kind of "progress", which do not of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA globalnogo-izmenenija- correspond to reality. Un doubtedly, PHYSICS gives an essentially new klimata-na-zemle E understanding of answers to such ques- biology and biotechnology, planetary C N "What seemed tions as: "What to fly on?", "How far is it science, physics of the heliosphere E CI to be unrealizable possible to fly?", "In what conditions to and the near Earth space environment, S A 7 fyoers tceerndtauyr iwesa,s a onndl y fly and how to create the artificial gravi- physics of space rays, extra-atmo- R tation similar to terrestrial conditions on- spheric astrophysics. This knowledge T a daring dream, A board a spaceship?", "How to live self- allows humanity to overcome ionizing L today becomes AL a real challenge, sufficiently in space?", "How to protect radiation, UF-radiation, problems con- and tomorrow – ship from space radiation?". They also nected with vacuum and overcoming an accomplishment. " give an understanding of the essence of of meteoric danger, change of mag- the Universe, which is a natural "labora- netic field; it opens opportunities for S.P. Korolev tory" of elementary particles and which existence of humanity on other plan- conducts "experiments" in conditions ets in other gravitational conditions which are impossible on Earth. and so on. And it is not a fantastic perspective of the far future. This is a The PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA real tomorrow, and in many ways al- PHYSICS gives a deeper under- ready today. When you have universal standing of the origin and evolution of keys (the knowledge of fundamentals the Universe. It opens new milestones of elementary particles) in your hands, “We do not rest in the field of cosmology, quantum you can open any door (in the micro- satisfied with physics, space biology, gravitational and a macrocosm). the present. We anticipate the future as too slow in coming, as if in order to hasten HISTORY its course; or we recall the past, to stop its Intensive development of the PRI- increasing usurpation of power by the too rapid flight. So MORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS world`s elite, including the field of con- imprudent are we that began in 1996 when the fundamentals trolling the development of s cience, we wander in the times of this knowledge were introduced to this important knowledge for human- which are not ours a group of scientists. Already the first ity might be turned into the instru- and do not think familiarization with the PRIMOR- ment of power formation. Therefore, of the only one which belongs to us.” DIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS gave for a long time, this information was an understanding of the paramount not made public, but scientific work, Blaise Pascal importance of this knowledge for various research works on the basis humanity, but at the same time, it is of the PRIMORDIAL ALLA TRA extremely dangerous in the condi- PHYSICS did not stop. However, with tions of development of a consumer time, it became clear, considering the so ciety. It is no secret that any signifi- new fundamental knowledge and the cant advanced scientific development opening possibilities, that it is nece- and achievements, innovative tech- ssary to create such conditions which nologies of civilization, are used, first do not depend on the world`s political of all, to create a new type of weapon, and priestly ambitions, which would "When you have to improve methods of manipulation facilitate free studying of science and universal keys (knowledge of and control of the consciousness of attract a greater number of prog re- fundamentals of masses. It was extremely untimely to ssive world scientists to fundamental elementary particles) distribute this information openly in development, who specialize not only in your hands, you the system of consumer society, con- in the field of physics, but also in the can open any door sidering the situation at that time. In- adjacent scientific directions. (of micro- and deed, in the conditions of spiri tual and a macrocosm)". moral crisis, massive lack of aware- Thanks to the series of books by ness of these issues in the so ciety, the Ana stasia Novykh which cover spi- ritual and moral aspects of revival of experience shows, these books began A L creative society, independent ways to facilitate wide-ranging changes in L A of human spiritual development of society's way of thinking: from a con- T R man on the basis of the primordial sumer format into a spiritual, moral A knowledge, a wide circle of people and creative vector. 8 S C has got access to some basic con- I E cepts of new physics. The foundation As a result, the knowledge that has N C E of the knowledge of the PRIMOR- been given in the books, united a great DIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS was laid number of decent, clever, tal ented, by Anastasia Novykh in the books conscientious people from different Anastasia Novykh " AllatRa" and "Ezoosmos" (all books countries of the world on a spiritual “ALLATRA” http://books. were laid out by the author in a free and moral basis. All this turned into a allatra.org/en/ access on the Internet). Many basic mass popular movement at the inter- kniga-allatra understandings of difficult physical national level ‒ ALLATRA Interna- processes in these books were given tional Public Movement (www. allatra. in the allegorical form convenient org). This greatly increased the op- for understanding by a wide range portunities to warn the international of people. In fact, this fundamental community about impending threats know ledge which deals with diffe- and risk and allowed to attract decent, rent areas not only in physics, but talented scientists to the development also in other scientific disciplines, of new perspective directions in sci- became available to progressive ence on the basis of the PRIMOR- world community, which shows in- DIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS. These terest in spiritual and moral bases are people of Honour and Conscience, of humanity, self-knowledge, self- who came to science not for the sake development, broadening of the out- of money and glory, but for the sake of INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT look of knowledge in different fields developing science for the benefit of of science. The knowledge given in society, for the sake of the higher hu- ALLATRA Anastasia Novykh's books attracted manitarian purposes. It is that spiritual International Public the attention of the active part of in- and intellectual foundation of indepen- Movement tellectual community. They drew at- dent world science, which allows un- www.allatra.org tention of many smart people who der present conditions to o peratively are living by their Conscience and solve many global problems, chal- are interested in promoting develop- lenges, threats and risks of the present ment of the society exclusively in a time, including those which concern spiritual and moral way. Moreover, as the entire planet. Anastasia Novykh “EZOOSMOS” http://books. allatra.org/en/ kniga-ezoosmos E ABOUT THE REPORT C N E I C The results of scientific research in Problems” of ALLATRA International S A 9 many directions on the basis of the Public Movement). And most of all, it is R knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL connected with the situation which has T A ALLATRA PHYSICS gave an ac- been formed in the world society to- L L tual understanding of nature of origin day and with a sensible assessment of A of such physical phenomena as: time, events in the near future, taking into ac- space, mass, gravitation, electricity, count the changes introduced by people magnetic field, light and many others. themselves into societal interrelations. Today, considering the available exten- sive base of information, experience The PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA of application of the PRIMORDIAL PHYSICS report is intended for prima- ALLATRA PHYSICS in different sci- ry familiarization of the participants of entific areas, including in the field of ALLATRA International Public Move- geophysics (in particular, in the deve- ment from different countries of the lopments concerning new methods of world with the fundamentals of the PRI- research in seismology, volcanology MORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS. It is and climatic geoengineering), there only an "alphabet" of fundamentals of was an urgent need to declare more elementary particles. But it is enough openly some information based on for clever people to understand the the knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL essence and importance of this issue ALLATRA PHYSICS. This forced and, by comparing this information, to announcement is connected with the draw independent conclusions. For a dangerous degree of an emergency si- better understanding of the fundamen- tuation, caused by entering of the pla- tals of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA net Earth into the cycle of irreversible PHYSICS by the participants in the climatic changes, and the existing risks course of reviewing one or another and threats for humanity in the nearest standard scientific theory or fact, the decades (Note: for more details see the terminology from Anastasia Novykh's report “On the Problems and Conse- books, charact erizing the fundamental quences of Global Climate Change on basic concepts, was deliberately used Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These in this report.