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p-adic Gauss integrals from the Poison summarizing formula 1 1 D.V. Prokhorenko 0 ∗ 2 n January 5, 2011 a J 4 ] h Abstract p - h t In the present paper we show how to obtain the well-known formula for Gauss a m sums and the Gauss reciprocity low from the Poison summarizing formula by using [ some ideas of renormalization and ergodic theories. We also apply our method to 1 v obtain new simple derivation of the standard formula for p-adic Gauss integrals. 9 6 7 0 . 1 0 1 1 : v i X r a ∗Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142190 Moskow Region, Troitsk, [email protected] 1 1 Notations Let S(R) be a Schwartz space on real line (the space of all smooth functions decaying at infinity faster than each inverse polynomial with all their derivatives). Let f(x) S(R) be ∈ some function from the Schwartz space. The Fourier transform of f(x) is defined by the following formula: fˆ(k) = (2π)−12 f(x)eikxdx (1) Z The inverse Fourier transform is defined as follows fˇ(x) = (2π)−21 f(k)e−ikxdk (2) Z It is easy to prove that the Fourier transform ant its inverse map the Schwartz space into the Schwartz space. The Fourier theorem states that f(x) S(R) ∀ ∈ fˇˆ(x) = fˆˇ(x) = f(x). (3) Let f(x) S(R). We have ∈ 2π(m+1/2) fˆ(k) = (2π)−21 f(x)eikxdx = (2π)−21 f(x)eikxdx Xk∈Z Xk∈ZZ Xk∈Z mX∈Z2π(mZ−1/2) 2π(m+1/2) = (2π)−21 f(x)eikxdx = (2π)21 f(2πm). (4) mX∈Z Xk∈Z2π(mZ−1/2) mX∈Z Therefore we have the following Poison summarizing formula fˆ(k) = (2π)21 f(2πm). (5) k∈Z m∈Z X X The rigorous proof of this formula see for example in [1, 2]. Let p be an integer primer number. The Gauss sums are defined as follows: p−1 q q G.S.( ) := exp(2πi k2). (6) p p k=0 X Let us introduce the Legendre symbols (p). By definition q q ( ) = 1 if integer x : q = x(mod p) (7) p ∃ 2 and q ( ) = 1 if integer x : q = x(mod p) (8) p − ∀ 6 The integer numbers q such that (q) = 1 are called quadratic residues, and the integer p numbers such that (q) = 1 are called quadratic nonresidues. Note that p − p−1 exp(2πik) = 0 (9) k=0 X Note also that the number of quadratic residues is equal to the number of quadratic non- residues. Therefore, we have q q 1 G.S.( ) = ( )G.S.( ). (10) p p p Let α C and Rα > 0. The Gauss integral, by definition, is the following integral ∈ π e−αx2dx = , (11) α Z r where we take such branch of square root that it > 0 if α real and α > 0. One can proof (by using (11) that e[−αx2(k) = 1 e−14kα2. (12) √2α 2 The Gauss sums and the Gauss reciprocity low Instead of calculation p−1 1 1 G.S.( ) := exp(2πi k2) (13) p p k=0 X we will calculate 1 2πik2 G.S.ε( ) := exp( εk2), p p − k∈Z X ε > 0 (14) Let us clear the question how G.S.ε(1) connects with G.S.(1). p p For small ε > 0 we can regard the function e−εx2 as constant function at each interval [mp,(m + 1)p] for each integer m. So, the part of G.S.ε(1) calculated for k = mp, mp + p 3 1,...(m+1)p 1canbeapproximatedbye−ε(mp)2G.S.(1). Obtainedsumoverpointsmp, m − p ∈ Z we can approximate by integral. The mistake will be of order O(1), ε 0. Therefore → 1 1 G.S.ε( ) = G.S.( ) exp( εx2)+O(1) p p − x∈pZ X +∞ 1 1 = G.S.( ) exp( εx)dx+O() p p − −Z∞ 1 1 π = G.S.( ) +O(1), ε 0. (15) p p ε → r Therefore we have the following representation 1 1 1 π G.S.ε( ) = G.S.( ) +O(1), ε 0. (16) p p p ε → r From other hand, let us denote by f(x) the following function: x f(x) := exp(πi εx). (17) p − Let us calculate the Fourier transform of f(x). We have 1 k fˆ(k) = exp( ) 2(ε 2πi) −(ε πi) − p − p q 1 ki pε exp( (+ )) (18) ≈ 4πi −(π) πi p − p q In result, we have p ki pε fˆ(k) eiπ4exp( (+ )). (19) ≈ 4π −(π) πi r p Using Poison summarizing formula we find: 1 G.S.ε( ) = (2π)21 fˆ(2πk) p k∈Z X +∞ p 4 πik  kpε 1 iπ = (2π)2 e4 exp( p) exp( )+O() 4π −  ×  −  r Xk=1 −Z∞ 1ei4π p 4π1 4 πik = (2π)2 exp( p)+O(), ε . (20) 8 π ε p −  → r r k=1 X In result we have: 1 ei4π 1 π 1 4 πik G.S.ε( ) = ( )2 exp( p)+O(), ε . (21) p 2√2√p ε −  → k=1 X 4 So we need to calculate the sum in right hand side of last equality. Squares of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are 0, 1, 0, 1 modulo 4 respectively. So 4 πik −iπ exp( p) = √e  , if p = (mod), −  k=1 X 4 πik iπ exp( p) = √e , if p = (mod), (22) −  k=1 X Therefore from (16) and (21) we have q q G.S.( ) = √p( ), if p = 1(mod), p p q q G.S.( ) = i√p( ), if p = 3(mod), (23) p p that has to be proven. Let us now use this method to prove the Gauss reciprocity low. Put by definition q πiqx G.S.ε( ) := exp( εx) (24) p p − x∈Z X and πiq fq(x) := exp( x εx) (25) p p − By the same method as we prove (16) it is easy to prove that q q 1 π G.S.ε( ) = G.S.( ) +O(1), ε 0. (26) p p p ε → r It is easy also to calculate that p ikp pε fˆq(k) ei4πexp( (+ )) (27) p ≈ 4πq −(πq) iπq r Let us now apply to (24) the method used for derivation (21). We obtain q G.S.ε( ) = (2π)12 fˆq(2πk) p p k∈Z X +∞ = (2π)21 p eiπ4 1 exp( kpε)dp 4πq 4 −  r −Z∞ 4q πi p exp( k )+O(), ε . (28) × −  q → k=1 X 5 In result q eiπ4 1 π 1 4q πi p G.S.ε( ) = ( )2 exp( k )+O(), ε . (29) p 2√2√pq ε −  q → k=1 X So we need to calculate: 4q πi p Σ := exp( k ). (30) −  q k=1 X Let a and b be integer reciprocity primer numbers. There exists a ring homomorphism Z Z Z (31) ab a b → × which assign to each element x(modab) Z the element (x(moda),x(modb)) Z Z ab a b ∈ ∈ × x(modab) (x(moda),x(modb)) (32) 7→ Well known theorem (Chinese remainder theorem) states that the homomorphism just de- scribed is an isomorphism. a and b are reciprocity primer numbers. So there exists such integers r and s that ra+sb = 1. Therefore if (x,y) Z Z then its inverse image under the homomorphism a b ∈ × just defined is sbx+ray. (33) If the element α Z is a square (i.e. α = β2 for some integer β) then its image (x,y) is ab ∈ also a square i.e. there exists integers (z,w) such that x = z2,y = w2. It follows from this remark that if q = 2 then 6 4q πi p Σ = exp( k ) −  q k=1 X 4 q πi πi = exp( spn) ( rpm), (34) −  − q n=1 m= X X where s and r are integer satisfying to 4r +qs = 1. (35) Let us calculate r and s. Consider the case q = 1(mod), i.e. q = 4f +1 for some integer f. In this case s = 1 and r = f = −1+q(modq) = (modq). Consider the case q = 4f 1 − − 4  − i.e. q = 1(mod). In this case s = 1 and r = f = 1+q(modq) = (modq). − − 4  6 Let us calculate Σ for the case q = 4f +1 for some integer f. In this case Σ = 2√2e−iπ4( 1)q−21G.S.(p) if p = (mod) − q Σ = 2√2eiπ4( 1)q−21G.S.(p) if p = (mod). (36) − q Consider now the case q = 4f 1 for some integer f. In this case we have − Σ = 2√2eiπ4( 1)q−21G.S.(p) if p = (mod) − q Σ = 2√2e−iπ4( 1)q−21G.S.(p) if p = (mod). (37) − q In result (26) and (29) implies q 1 p 1 G.S.( ) = G.S.( ) α(p,q). (38) p √p q √q q−1p−1 Here by definition α(p,q) = ( 1) 2 2 β(p,q), where − β(p,q) = 1 if p = (mod), and q =  (mod) β(p,q) = i if p = (mod), and q =  (mod) − β(p,q) = i if p = (mod), and q =  (mod) β(p,q) = 1 if p = (mod), and q =  (mod) (39) And by using the expression of Gauss sums trough the Legendre symbols we obtain q p p−1q−1 ( )( ) = ( 1) 2 2 , (40) p q − what has to be proven. The equality (40) is named the Gauss reciprocity low. 3 p-adic Gauss integrals Let p — be an integer primer number. Let Q be a field of rational number. Each r Q : ∈ r = 0 can be represented as follows: 6 a r = pγ, (41) b where γ Z, a,b Z, a = 0(mod p), a = 0(mod p). The field Q of p-adic numbers by p ∈ ∈ 6 6 definition is a completion of Q with respect to the following norm: a a = pγ = p−γ. (42) | |p |b |p 7 It is easy to prove that satisfy to the following ultrametric property: p |·| a+b max( a , b ). (43) p p p | | ≤ | | | | Each a Q can be represented as follows: p ∈ a = p−γ(a +a p+a p2 +...), (44) 0 1 2 where γ Z, a ,a ,a 0,1,...,p 1 and the series converges with respect to the p-adic 0 1 2 ∈ ∈ { − } norm . p |·| Let a = p−γ(a +a p+a p2+...) Q , γ Z, a ,a ,a 0,1,...,p 1 . By definition 0 1 2 p 0 1 2 ∈ ∈ ∈ { − } the fractional part a of a is defined as follows: { } a = p−γ(a +a p+...+a pγ−1) if γ > , 0 1 γ−1 { } a = 0 if γ . (45) { } ≤ For each x Q put by definition: p ∈ χ (x) = exp(πi x ). (46) p { } Let B = x Q x 1 be an unit ball in Q with the center at zero. Note that 0 p p p { ∈ || | ≤ } the ultrametric condition (43) implies that each point of unit ball B is its center. B is a 0 0 compact grope with respect to ”+” as a group operation. So there exists a Haar measure dµ at Q which we will normalize such that µ(B ) = 1. p 0 More about p-adic analysis see in [3]. LetR+ = x R x 0 . LetΩ(x) beafunctionΩ : R+ Rsuch thatΩ(x) = 1 ifx  { ∈ | ≥ } → ≤ and Ω(x) = 0 otherwise. Theorem. Let p be a primer integer number such that p = 2. Then 6 I := χ (ax2 +bx)dµ(x) = Ω( b ), if a  p p p | | | | ≤ Z B0 −1 b2 b I = χ (ax2 +bx)dµ(x) = λ (a) a 2χ ( )Ω( ) if a > , (47) p p | |p p −4a |a|p | |p Z B0 where λ (a) = 1 if a = pN, N even, p p | | − a λ (a) = ( 0) if N odd and p =  (mod ), p p − a λ (a) = i( 0) if N odd and p =  (mod ) (48) p p − 8 Proof. a) Let a 1. In this case p | | ≤ I = χ (ax2 +bx)dµ(x) = χ (bx)dµ(x) = Ω( b ). (49) p p p | | Z Z B0 B0 b) Now let a > 1. If b > 1 then p | | a p (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) I = χp(ax2 +bx)d(cid:12)µ(x)(cid:12) = χp b2 χp a x2 + bx+ b2 dµ(x) −4a a 4a BZ0 (cid:16) (cid:17)BZ0 (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) 2 χp b2 χp a x+ b dµ(x) (50) −2a 4a (cid:16) (cid:17)BZ0 (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) Put b c := = p−N(c +c p+...), (51) 2a 0 1 and a = p−γ(a +a p+...), (52) 0 1 and x = x +x +... . (53) 0 1 Let us find the coefficient at x in bx. It is evident, that this coefficient is equal to N+γ−1 2a c 0 0 (54) p and 2a c 0 0 = 0. (55) { p } 6 But the term ax2 could be represented as follows ax2 = integer part+terms which do not depend of x (56) N+γ− So the integral (50) is equal to zero. b) So consider the case a > 1, b 1. But each point of unit ball is its center. So, p | | a p ≤ using substitution x x b we ob(cid:12)tain(cid:12): 7→ − 4a (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) I = χ b2 χ (ax2)dµ(x) (57) p p −4a (cid:16) (cid:17)BZ0 9 Let us represent a as follows a = 1 (a + a p + ...). At first consider the case when a is pN 0 1 0 odd. We can represent a as follows q a = d2, (58) pN where q is a primer number p = q and d is some p-adic number such that d = 1. We have p 6 | | I = χ b2 χ (ax2)dµ(x) p p −4a (cid:16) (cid:17)BZ0 q = χ b2 χ ( x2)dµ(x) (59) p −4a p pN (cid:16) (cid:17)BZ0 Here we use the substitution x d−1x. We have → b2 1 I = χ ( ) J, (60) p −4a pN where, by definition pN πiqk J = exp( ). (61) pN k=1 X Let us define πiq J := exp x εk , (62) ε { pN − } k∈Z X and πiq f := exp x εk , ε >  (63) ε { pN − } It is easy to prove +∞ 1 J = J exp( εx)dx+O(), ε . (64) ε pN − → −Z∞ Therefore 1 J = J√πε+O(1), ε 0. (65) ε pN → From other hand pN ikpN pNε fˆ eiπ4exp( (+ )). (66) ε ≈ s4πq − πq πiq 10

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