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1 VATIS UPDATE OOOOOzzzzzooooonnnnneeeee LLLLLaaaaayyyyyeeeeerrrrr PPPPPrrrrrooooottttteeeeeccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn Vol. 4 No. 98 (cid:122) Jan - Feb 2010 ISSN 0971-5657 Highlights Ozone hole repair contributes to global warming (cid:122) New absorption technology (cid:122) Environment-friendly grease trap cleaner (cid:122) Hybrid fire suppression system (cid:122) Production of “green” polyols (cid:122) Solar power to kill weeds (cid:122) OZONE CELL APCTT MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY GOVT. OF INDIA VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 2 The Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), a subsidiary body of ESCAP, was established on 16 July 1977 with the objectives: to assist the members and associate members of ESCAP through strengthening their capabilities to develop and manage national innovation systems; develop, transfer, adapt and apply technology; improve the terms of transfer of technology; and identify and promote the development and transfer of technologies relevant to the region. The Centre will achieve the above objectives by undertaking such functions as: (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) Research and analysis of trends, conditions and opportunities; (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) Advisory services; (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) Dissemination of information and good practices; (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) Networking and partnership with international organizations and key stakeholders; and (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) Training of national personnel, particularly national scientists and policy analysts. The shaded areas of the map indicate ESCAP members and associate members Cover Photo The enEX Heat Pump that uses carbon dioxide as the refrigerant (Credit: eCO2 Technologies Pty. Ltd., Australia) VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 3 VATIS* Update CONTENTS Ozone Layer Protection is published 6 times a year to keep the readers up to date of most of the Vol. 4 No. 98 Jan - Feb 2010 relevant and latest technological developments and events in the field of Ozone Layer Protection. The Update is THE SCIENCE OF OZONE LAYER 4 tailored to policy-makers, industries and technology transfer intermediaries. Significant ozone hole remains over Antarctica (cid:57) Ozone hole repair Website: http://www.techmonitor.net contributes to global warming, says study (cid:57) Antarctic’s optical properties (cid:57) CFCs proved to cause ozone depletion Editorial Board ODS PHASE-OUT IN INDIA 6 APCTT Experts advocate adoption of CFC-free inhalers Dr. Krishnamurthy Ramanathan Mr. Nanjundappa Srinivasan IN THE NEWS 6 Dr. Satyabrata Sahu Dr. Krishnan Srinivasaraghavan India, Nepal to discuss green custom drive (cid:57) New CFC-free initiative Ozone Cell, MoEF (cid:57) New refrigerant gets European patent (cid:57) Maldives to phase out Mr. J.M. Mauskar HCFCs (cid:57) Coca-Cola goes for HFC-free vending machines (cid:57) SAE Dr. B.P. Nilaratna Dr. A. Duraisamy International’s nod to new MAC refrigerant (cid:57) New CFC-free inhaler in Prof. R.S. Agarwal Bangladesh market Prof. S.K. Mukherjee REFRIGERATION/AIR-CONDITIONING 9 HCFC-free refrigerants (cid:57) Frictionless centrifugal chiller (cid:57) Performance ASIANANDPACIFICCENTRE FORTRANSFEROFTECHNOLOGY of alternative refrigerant R430A (cid:57) New absorption technology for efficient Adjoining Technology Bhawan heating and cooling (cid:57) Cascading CO refrigeration system (cid:57) Geothermal Qutab Institutional Area 2 heat pumps Post Box No. 4575 New Delhi 110 016, India SOLVENTS 11 Tel: (91) (11) 2696 6509 Fax: (91) (11) 2685 6274 Environment-friendly grease trap cleaner (cid:57) Degreasing/drying solvent E-mail: [email protected] (cid:57) Bi-solvent-based cleaning of precision components (cid:57) Plastic-safe Website: http://www.apctt.org universal cleaner HALONS 12 OZONE CELL Ministry of Environment and Forests Halon replacement anti-fire products (cid:57) Clean agent fire suppression Government of India (cid:57) Hybrid fire suppression system Zone IV, East Court, 2nd Floor India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road FOAMS 13 New Delhi 110 003, India Tel: (91) (11) 2464 2176 Thermal insulation solutions (cid:57) Avoiding HFC-134a emissions in PUF Fax: (91) (11) 2464 2175 manufacture (cid:57) Production of “green” polyols (cid:57) Blowing agents for Telegram: PARYAVARAN NEW DELHI E-mail: [email protected] polymeric foams (cid:57) Avoidance of GHG emissions in rigid PUF Website: http://www.ozonecell.com manufacture (cid:57) Methods of using a foam blowing agent FUMIGANTS 15 The designation employed and Solar power to kill weeds (cid:57) Evaluation of anaerobic soil disinfestation the presentation of material in the publication do not imply the (cid:57) Research on sulphuryl fluoride (cid:57) MeBr alternatives in forest tree endorsement of any product, process seedling nurseries or manufacturer by APCTT RECENT PUBLICATIONS 17 * Value Added Technology TECH EVENTS 17 Information Service VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 4 SCIENCE OF THE (SCAR), an interdisciplinary body of the Interna- tional Council for Science (ICSU), has suggested OZONE LAYER that stopping ozone depletion may actually increase global warming and speed up sea level rise. This discovery pits two important environmental mis- sions against each other. Significant ozone hole SCAR’s findings indicate that the extra radiation remains over Antarctica allowed through the atmosphere by the depleted ozone above Antarctica created wind patterns that In late September 2009, the Antarctic ozone hole, cooled the eastern, more densely ice-covered, which fluctuates throughout the late winter and section of the continent. Those weather patterns spring in the southern hemisphere, reached its partly protected Antarctic ice from the ravages of 2009 peak circumference according to measure- global warming. Now, as the hole in the atmo- ments by researchers at the National Oceanic sphere heals, those wind patterns will shift, fully and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the subjecting the Antarctic ice to the effects climate United States. Slightly smaller than the North change. According to SCAR, that means a rise American continent, the ozone hole covered 9.2 in sea levels of up to 4.6 ft greater than earlier million square miles, according to NOAA satellite predictions. observations. This ranks as the 10th largest since satellite measurements began in 1979. Ozone The revelation by SCAR report that fixing one over South Pole Station, Antarctica, also reached pressing environmental problem may accelerate its thinnest point of the year on 26 September. another dangerous problem puts efforts to pre- The 2009 low level of 98 DU is the seventh smallest vent rapid environmental change in a bit of a pickle. since 1986. The record low of 89 DU was on 6 (Source: www.popsci.com) October 1993. Antarctic’s optical properties “The Montreal Protocol has been effective in reducing emissions of long-lived CFC gases, but In a study for a doctoral degree by geophysicist high enough concentrations remain in the atmo- Mr. Kai Rasmus, University of Helsinki, Finland, sphere to lead to significant ozone destruction in measurements were made during three Austral polar regions,” said Mr. Bryan Johnson, project summers to study the optical properties of the leader for the NOAA Earth System Research Antarctic system – Antarctica, the continent, and Laboratory Ozonesonde Group. “Monitoring ozone Southern Ocean, the ocean surrounding it – and over Antarctica provides the essential yardstick produce radiation information for additional model- to see whether we are on the predicted track for ling studies. The system has an important part recovery based on the current rate of declining in the global climate due to its size, its high lati- CFCs.” Although CFCs are slowly decreasing in tude location and the negative radiation balance the atmosphere, scientists project that the ozone of its large ice sheets. hole will not fully recover before 2060. During the summer of 1997-1998, measurements Extreme cold, ice cloud formation in the strato- of beam absorption and beam attenuation coeffi- sphere, and a pattern of rapidly circulating air, cients, and down-welling and up-welling irradiance called the polar vortex, make the ozone layer over were made in the Southern Ocean along S-N tran- Antarctica much more vulnerable to CFC destruc- sect at 6°E. The attenuation of photosynthetically tion than anywhere else on the planet. (Source: active radiation (PAR) was calculated and used 7thspace.com) together with hydrographic measurements to show Ozone hole repair contributes that the phytoplankton in the investigated areas of the Southern Ocean is not light-limited. to global warming, says study Variabilities in the spectral and total albedo (sur- In the United Kingdom, a new analysis from the face reflectivity of the sun’s radiation) of snow Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research were studied at different locations in the Queen VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 5 Maud Land region during the summers of 1999- (ClOOCl) – generated when CFCs decompose 2000 and 2000-2001. The mean spectral albedo – in a laboratory environment. levels were found to be very close to each other. Chlorine peroxide has long been thought to trig- The variations in the spectral albedos were due ger ozone destruction when the molecule absorbs more to differences in ambient conditions than sunlight and breaks into two chlorine atoms and variations in snow properties. an oxygen molecule, a process known as pho- A Monte Carlo model was prepared to study the tolysis. The larger the absorption cross-section spectral albedo and to help in developing a novel of chlorine peroxide, the faster chlorine peroxide non-destructive method to measure the diffuse absorbs sunlight and the faster chlorine atoms attenuation coefficient of snow. The method was are generated, depleting the ozone layer at a based on the decay of up-welling radiation moving rapid pace. horizontally away from a source of down-welling That fundamental theory was challenged, how- light. In the model, the attenuation coefficient ob- ever, in 2007 when Mr. F.D. Pope and his co- tained from the up-welling irradiance was higher workers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at than that obtained using vertical profiles of down- the California Institute of Technology, the United welling irradiance. The model results were com- States, presented contradictory data. Mr. Pope pared with field measurements made on dry snow measured absorption cross sections – a method in Finnish Lapland and they correlated reason- to test the photolysis rate – of ClOOCl that were ably well. about 10 times smaller than previously accepted Low-elevation (below 1000 m) blue-ice areas may values. That meant “it would be impossible to experience substantial melt-freeze cycles due produce enough chlorine atoms to explain the to absorbed solar radiation and the small heat observed ozone loss via any known chemical conductivity in the ice. A two-dimensional model mechanisms.” was developed to simulate the formation and Mr. Lin’s work, the results of which were published water circulation in the sub-surface ponds. The in Science, proved that traditional explanations of model results show that for a physically reason- ozone layer depletion were valid. Mr. Lin said the able parameter set the formation of liquid water traditional way to test chlorine peroxide has been within the ice can be reproduced. Vertical con- to test the amount of light that ClOOCl absorbs vection and a weak overturning circulation is at various wavelengths using an optical spec- generated stratifying the fluid and transporting trometer. However, Mr. Pope’s results and his warmer water downwards, thereby causing ad- attempts to remove the optical method’s vulnera- ditional melting at the base of the pond. In a 50- bility to impurities in the sample were not suc- year integration, a global warming scenario mim- cessful, Mr. Lin suspected. icked by a decadal scale increase of 3° per 100 years in air temperature, leads to a general in- To avoid the problem, Mr. Lin and his colleagues crease in sub-surface water volume. (Source: www. employed a mass spectrometer to measure the sciencedaily.com) molecular weight of the ClOOCl shot through the spectrometer in a molecular beam, impurities CFCs proved to included. They then determined the probability of ClOOCl being split into chlorine atoms and oxy- cause ozone depletion gen by light by measuring the beam intensity after it was irradiated with a laser. A study by scientists in Taiwan, China, has con- firmed that chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions The experiment allowed his team to quantify the cause ozone layer depletion, a theory that was absorption cross-section more accurately, and cast into doubt in the past two years. Mr. Jim Lin, they obtained values consistent with previously an associate research fellow of Academia Sinica’s calculated values, Mr. Lin said. By using the mass Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences and spectrometer, the scientists were able to factor National Chiao Tung University’s Department of out from the experiment sample impurities, which Applied Chemistry, was able to reach his con- Mr. Lin said explained Mr. Pope’s lower absor- clusion by precisely measuring chlorine peroxide ption readings. (Source: www.taipeitimes.com) VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 6 ODS PHASE-OUT IN THE NEWS IN INDIA India, Nepal to discuss green custom drive Experts advocate adoption of CFC-free inhalers India and Nepal are embarking on the path to increase vigil on the common borders under the In a key development, the Ministry of Health and Green Customs Initiative (GCI) to check trans- Family Welfare has urged asthma and chronic portation of ozone depleting substances. In this obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients regard, a bilateral dialogue was held between the and health professionals to adopt environment- two countries between 30 November 30 and 2 friendly inhalers. Dr. Surinder Singh, Drug Con- December 2009. troller of India, made this appeal at a workshop Customs and border protection officers constitute on “Phase-out of CFCs in metered-dose inhalers the front line of every country’s defence against (MDIs), transition strategy implementation and trans-boundary illegal trade. They are the first link adoption of CFC-free alternatives in India” at the in the compliance and enforcement chain, and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), without adequate capacity to prevent or detect New Delhi. illegal trade, the rest of the chain will be con- “Environment-friendly asthma and COPD inhalers siderably less effective. Building the capacity of are being introduced across the country as CFC these officers, therefore, is vital. phase-out gains momentum. Soon, all asthma GCI is an unprecedented partnership of interna- and COPD inhalers in India will be either dry tional organizations, whose objective is to enhance powder or they will use a new hydrofluoroalkane the capacity of customs and other relevant en- propellant,” said Dr. Singh. forcement personnel to monitor and facilitate the Speaking on CFC-free alternatives, Prof. R.C. legal trade and to detect and prevent illegal trade Deka, Director of AIIMS, explained, “These CFC- in environmentally sensitive commodities covered free inhalers provide the same medicine and the by relevant conventions and multilateral environ- same health benefits as the old CFC-containing mental agreements. This is achieved through inhalers without damaging the ozone layer.” Prof. awareness raising on all the relevant international Deka assured that the spray from the new inhaler agreements, and provision of assistance and tools is “just as good, or even better” at delivering the to the enforcement community. It is also comple- drug to where it is needed. Extensive clinical trials menting and enhancing existing customs training have been undertaken to determine the safety efforts under the respective agreements. and effectiveness of the new MDIs. The CFC-free The partners of GCI comprise the secretariats of MDIs have been found to be as safe and effective the relevant multilateral environmental agreements as the CFC-containing inhalers, besides providing (Basel, Cartagena, CITES, Montreal, Rotterdam a number of additional benefits. and Stockholm), Interpol, the Organization for the Research has shown that the HFA solutions pro- Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the United duce very small particles, which penetrate the Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United small airways in the lung better than the older Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) CFC formulation of the same medicine. Some and the World Customs Organization (WCO). CFC-free MDIs produce particles that travel slower (Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com) than those in the CFC-containing inhalers, which can make it easier for patients to inhale at the New CFC-free initiative right time when activating the inhaler. Some of the new inhalers have warmer and less forceful Sri Lanka has already achieved the 2010 target spray, which reduces the risk of patients holding of ridding the country of CFC emissions, accord- their breath. (Source: www.expresshealthcare.in) ing to the Minister of the Environment and Natural VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 7 Resources Mr. Patali Champika Ranawaka. At mize imports of products using HCFCs by 2013, the recent launch of the third stage of the National said Ms. Fathimath Reema, Ozone Officer and Ozone Unit’s programme to create an ozone- Assistant Director at the Environment Ministry. friendly country, he said the Sri Lankan govern- HCFCs replaced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in ment, with the help of the Multilateral Fund of the the late 1980s after scientists discovered the lat- Montreal Protocol, will fund a SL Rs 20 million ter was a principal contributor to ozone depletion. project to provide CFC-free air-conditioning units Although HCFCs have significant ozone depletion to Sri Lankan businesses as well as the Military potential, they were considered as lesser of two Engineering Department. evils at that time. Further, their contribution to The Minister congratulated the National Ozone global warming was unknown. Unit on the exceptional design of the CFC-free The government, with the help of the Montreal air-conditioning units and for the “dedication and Protocol and the United Nations Environment Pro- sacrifices they have made in designing it”. He gramme (UNEP), plans to conduct a survey to also used the ceremony to voice his concern re- find out the extent to which HCFCs are used in garding the current state of global climate change. the Maldives. Ms. Reema said the Montreal Proto- (Source: www.dailymirror.lk) col would be assisting the Maldives with finding alternative, greener technologies. (Source: www. New refrigerant minivannews.com) gets European patent Coca-Cola goes for The European Patent Office will grant a patent HFC-free vending machines for a new, lower global-warming automotive air- conditioning refrigerant, HFO-1234yf, developed The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners jointly by the multinational giants Honeywell and have announced that 100 per cent of their new DuPont to help the automotive industry comply vending machines and coolers will be free of with the European Union’s Mobile Air-Conditioning hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) by 2015. Coca-Cola is Directive. The measure requires refrigerants to committing to use its scale to aggregate demand have global warming potential (GWP) below 150 and encourage supply as a means of accelerating from 2011 onwards. HFO-1234yf has a GWP of 4. the transition to HFC-free refrigeration equipment. Worldwide, extensive studies have found HFO- This announcement is a result of work with Green- 1234yf superior to other potential replacements. peace, and a demonstration that phasing out the In addition to DuPont tests and others, the United use of HFCs is a tangible and near-term action States Environmental Protection Agency evaluated that corporations can take to protect the climate. the product and proposed a rule that would approve The transition to HFC-free refrigeration will reduce HFO-1234yf for use in mobile air-conditioning the equipment’s direct greenhouse gas (GHG) systems in that country. DuPont is conducting emissions by 99 per cent. A recent peer-reviewed lab and field tests to evaluate HFO-1234yf and report by top scientists shows that HFCs will be other refrigerants with similar attributes as more responsible for 28-45 per cent of carbon-equivalent sustainable cooling solutions for stationary air emissions by 2050 if society reduces carbon conditioning and refrigeration as well. DuPont will dioxide (CO ) while leaving HFCs unchecked. have access to Honeywell’s patent worldwide. 2 Eliminating HFCs in the commercial refrigeration (Source: www.domain-b.com) industry would be equivalent to eliminating the annual GHG emissions of Germany or Japan. Maldives to phase out HCFCs This step by Coca-Cola will help accelerate a The Maldives is to phase out hydrochloroflurocar- market shift in commercial refrigeration away from bons (HCFCs), which are used in cooling systems HFCs. The company has invested more than US$ and are a thousand times more potent a green- 50 million in research and development to advance house gas than carbon dioxide. The country, which the use of climate-friendly cooling technologies. is a member of the Montreal Protocol, will mini- In 2010, the company and its bottling partners will VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 8 purchase a minimum of 150,000 units of HFC- As part of the studies, SAE said the automotive free equipment, effectively doubling the current industry conducted evaluations on a variety of rate of purchase to enable alignment with an interim vehicle applications. Additional tests and research goal to purchase 50 per cent of all new coolers were carried out at internationally recognized and vending machines without HFCs by 2012. laboratories to verify worldwide acceptance for a They together have approximately 10 million cool- common global replacement refrigerant. Extensive ers and vending machines in place today around testing supported by multimillion dollar funding the world, comprising the largest element of the and in-kind support for SAE CRP1234 projects has Coca-Cola system’s total climate impact. As a been provided by several vehicle manufacturers result of the commitment to eliminate the use of and suppliers from Asia, Europe and the United HFCs in this equipment, carbon emission reduc- States. (Source: www.tirebusiness.com) tions will exceed 52.5 million tonnes over the life of the equipment – the equivalent of taking more New CFC-free inhaler than 11 million cars off the road for one year. in Bangladesh market Coca-Cola currently uses two HFC-free solutions. Hydrocarbon refrigeration is employed in smaller Another brand of non-chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigeration equipment and CO is used in larger 2 inhaler, manufactured by Beximco Pharma, hit equipment. CO is a safe, reliable and energy- 2 the market in Bangladesh in an initiative that is efficient alternative with positive characteristics as viewed by international ozone phase-out bodies a refrigerant. It does not deplete the ozone layer as a great private-public stride to phase out use and it is 1,430 times less damaging to the climate of ozone depleting CFCs. Addressing a technical than a typical HFC. (Source: www.businesswire.com) session on the inauguration of the new brand of CFC-free metered dose inhaler (MDI), the acting SAE International’s nod Director General of the Department of Environment to new MAC refrigerant (DOE) Dr. Fazley Rabbi said that Bangladesh is working to be fully CFC-free by the end of 2012. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Inter- Bangladesh, as a signatory to Montreal Protocol, national has concluded a Cooperative Research needs to phase out the use of CFCs by end of Programme (CRP) to investigate the safety and 2009. However, the pharmaceuticals sector re- environmental performance of a new refrigerant mains a challenge because of its essential use for mobile air-conditioning (MAC) systems, deter- to produce inhaler for about three million people mining that HFO-1234yf can be used as the global who suffer from asthma and chronic obstructive replacement in future MAC systems. pulmonary disease (COPD). Bangladesh still re- Based on evaluation and test results, sponsors quires about 70 tonnes of CFC annually for the of the SAE CRP1234 study concluded that HFO- essential MDI sector, despite successful removal 1234yf can be safely accommodated through of the gases from aerosol and refrigeration, say established industry standards and practices for the officials of the Ozone Cell in DOE. vehicle design, engineering, manufacturing and Bangladesh has so far received about US$3 million service. The report is the third from the SAE to from the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund for evaluate the new refrigerant. The recent two-year conversion of CFC-based MDIs to non-CFC. The long global research programme was to determine Fund’s Chief Officer Ms. Maria Nolan observed the safety and environmental characteristics of that Bangladesh has made substantive delay in HFO-1234yf. commencing the implementation of the project, SAE’s research confirmed that HFO-1234yf is an placing the country in non-compliance with its environment-friendly refrigerant suitable for use commitment under Montreal Protocol. Ms. Nolan, in direct expansion MAC systems. It determined however, praised the accomplishments of the that HFO-1234yf is a non-ozone depleting sub- country’s pharmaceutical industry for taking the stance with a global warming potential (GWP) of initiative for formulating, testing and launching 4 compared with the current MAC refrigerant, MDIs with their own resources. (Source: www. HFC-134a, which has a GWP of 1300. dhakamirror.com) VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 9 REFRIGERATION/ As it uses HFC-134a refrigerant, the Magnitude chiller has no ozone depletion potential. It is more AIR-CONDITIONING compact than a traditional centrifugal chiller of similar capacity – 40 per cent smaller and 47 per cent lighter in weight. This compact size makes it ideal for retrofit projects or new installations HCFC-free refrigerants where space or access is limited. Contact: Mc- Quay International, 13600 Industrial Park Blvd., Brooks Automation Inc., the United States, pro- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441, United States of duces refrigerants free from hydrochlorofluorocar- America. Tel: +1 (763) 553 5330; Fax: +1 (763) bons (HCFCs) that are approved by the United 553 5177. (Source: www.earthtimes.org) States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under its Significant New Alternative Policy (SNAP) Performance of programme as an alternative to mixed refrigerant blends that contain HCFC-22 and other increas- alternative refrigerant R-430A ingly regulated HCFCs. Mr. Ki-Jung Park and Mr. Dongsoo Jung – two Brooks’ patented innovation in refrigerant tech- researchers from the Department of Mechanical nology eliminates HCFC-22 and other HCFCs, Engineering, Inha University, Republic of Korea offering a blend with zero ozone depletion potential – have examined numerically and experimentally while providing comparable refrigeration perform- the performance of R-430A as replacement for ance. Contact: Ms. Barbara Culhane, Corporate HFC-134a used in the refrigeration system of Marketing Manager, Brooks Automation Inc., #15 domestic water purifiers. Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824, United States of America. Tel: +1 (978) 262 2400; Fax: Even though HFC-134a is used predominantly in +1 (978) 262 2500. Website: www.brooks.com. such systems these days, it is to be phased out (Source: money.cnn.com) in the near future in most of the developed coun- tries because of its high global warming potential. Frictionless centrifugal chiller To solve this problem, cycle simulation and ex- periments are carried out with a new refrigerant The Daikin McQuay® Magnitude™ – the friction- mixture of 76 per cent R-152a and 24 per cent less centrifugal chiller from McQuay International, R-600a using actual water purifiers. This mixture the United States, already known for its oil-free, is numbered and listed as R-430A by ASHRAE magnetic bearing design – is now available in recently. models with up to 550 tonnes of cooling capacity, Test results show that the system performance making it ideal for mid- to large-size buildings is greatly influenced by the amount of charge due such as schools, universities and hospitals. With to the small internal volume of the refrigeration industry-leading efficiency, low sound levels and system in water purifiers. With the optimum a small footprint, the Magnitude chiller reduces amount of charge of 21-22 g, about 50 per cent energy and operating costs, creates a comfort- of HFC-134a, the energy consumption of R-430A able environment, and meets requirements for is 13.4 per cent lower than that of HFC-134a. The sustainable design. compressor dome and discharge temperatures With its positive pressure, oil-free design, the and condenser centre temperature of R-430A are efficient performance of the Magnitude chiller is very similar to those of HFC-134a for the opti- sustainable through its operating life because mum charge. Overall, R-430A, a new long-term there is no oil to contaminate the refrigerant and environmentally safe refrigerant, is a good alter- degrade efficiency. By eliminating the high friction native for HFC-134a in domestic water purifiers losses of conventional centrifugal compressors, requiring no major system change. Contact: Mr. the Magnitude chiller achieves exceptional part- Dongsoo Jung, Department of Mechanical En- load performance. Integrated part load value for gineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, the 550 t unit is 0.312 kW/t, while the full load is Republic of Korea. E-mail: [email protected]. rated at 0.531 kW/t. (Source: www.sciencedirect.com) VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010 10 New absorption technology for systems needed two condensing units as well as a freezer-specific system as well as a refrigeration efficient heating and cooling (medium temperature)-specific system. Researchers at the University of Warwick in the Food Lion was one of the first grocers to commit United Kingdom have developed a new absorption voluntarily to the GreenChill advanced refrigera- technology for heat exchangers that can radically tion partnership of the United States Environmen- improve heating and air-conditioning efficiencies tal Protection Agency (EPA), an initiative where in homes and cars. Absorption technology is much companies pledge to go above and beyond regu- more efficient than current systems but normally latory requirements in protecting the ozone layer requires huge volumes of material. The research- and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It was ers have come up with a new absorption system also a partner of EPA’s first Energy Star® and has design that allows the devices to be small and 892 certified stores. Contact: Mr. Christy Phillips- light enough for use in both domestic heating and Brown, Food Lion LLC, 2110 Executive Drive, car air-conditioning. Salisbury, NC 28145, United States of America. Tel: +1 (704) 633 8250; E-mail: cphillips-brown The new system has thin metal sheets inserted @foodlion.com. (Source: www.reuters.com) into the active carbon in the heat exchanger, each of which contains over a hundred tiny channels. Geothermal heat pumps These channels, which house the refrigerant used to extract the heat, make the process much more The Tranquility 20 single-stage geothermal heat efficient. The test system created by the War- pump manufactured by ClimateMaster, the United wick researchers is up to 20 times smaller than States, is equipped with EarthPure HFC-410A previously possible and could lead to more effi- refrigerant and the Copeland Scroll compressor. cient domestic heat pumps. The system could also The heat pump is included with either a perma- be used to extract waste heat from car engines nent split capacitor, multi-speed or an electro- to provide cooling. nically commutated, variable-speed fan motor. The University has set up a spin-out company, The geothermal heat pump features green tech- Sorption Energy, with H2O Venture Partners and nology design, which makes it eligible for extra is patenting the technology. Contact: Sorption Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Energy Ltd., 33-35 George Street, Oxford, OX1 (LEED) points. 2AY, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (1865) 251000; The Tranquility 20 geothermal heat pump is avail- Fax: +44 (1865) 204114; Website: www.sorption able in different sizes from 1.5 tonnes to 6 tonnes. energy.com. (Source: www.energyefficiencynews.com) It is made of galvanized steel and has powder coating. As a standard feature, the geothermal Cascading heat pump comprises a discharge muffler that CO refrigeration system delivers high-quality sound attenuation. The hori- 2 zontal version of the heat pump is equipped with In the United States, grocer Food Lion LLC and a discharge air arrangement that is convertible. refrigeration manufacturer Kysor//Warren unveiled This heat pump can be chosen for standard as the grocery industry’s first cascading refrigeration well as extended range of operation. system with naturally occurring carbon dioxide The Tranquility 20 pump is provided with various (CO ) to keep frozen and fresh foods cold. The 2 options including the ClimaDry reheat, a method new Food Lion store incorporates the use of CO , 2 of offering modulating reheating without the need reducing the amount of refrigerant needed to keep for refrigeration controls. With compressor springs products cool or frozen by more than 30 per cent. and double isolation compressor mounting, this The system is Food Lion’s first “cascading” CO heat pump becomes capable of silent operation. 2 refrigeration cycle, which uses a single system The geothermal heat pump has microprocessor and just one condensing unit to refrigerate and controls and a metering device for port expansion freeze food. Before Kysor//Warren developed this valve refrigerant as standard features. (Source: system, grocers incorporating CO refrigeration www.azocleantech.com) 2 VATIS UPDATE: Ozone Layer Protection (cid:132) Jan-Feb 2010

Dissemination of information and good practices;. ▫ Networking and partnership with international . pressing environmental problem may accelerate another dangerous problem puts efforts to pre- vent rapid . Speaking on CFC-free alternatives, Prof. R.C.. Deka, Director of AIIMS, explained, “These
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