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OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO TISSUE XIX ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Editorial Board: NATHAN BACK, State University of New York at Buffalo IRUN R. COHEN, The Weizmann Institute of Science DAVID KRITCHEVSKY, Wistar Institute ABEL LAJTHA, N. S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research RODOLFO PAOLETTI, University of Milan Recent Volumes in this Series Volume 421 CELLULAR PEPTIDASES IN IMMUNE FUNCTIONS AND DISEASES Edited by Siegfried Ansorge and Jiirgen Langner Volume 422 DIETARY FAT AND CANCER: Genetic and Molecular Interactions Edited under the auspices of the American Institute for Cancer Research Volume 423 IN VITRO-IN VIVO CORRELATIONS Edited by David Young, John G. Devane, and Jackie Butler Volume 424 THE FATE OF THE MALE GERM CELL Edited by Richard Ivell and Adolf-Friedrich Holstein Volume 425 CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF SERPINS Edited by Frank C. Church, Dennis D. Cunningham, David Ginsburg, Maureane Hoffman, Stuart R. Stone, and Douglas M. Tollefsen Volume 426 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE ISLETS OF LANGERHANS Edited by Bernat Soria Volume 427 DIETARY FIBER IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Edited by David Kritchevsky and Charles Bonfield Volume 428 OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO TISSUE XIX Edited by David K. Harrison and pavid T. Delpy Volume 429 BRAIN PLASTICITY: Development and Aging Edited by Guido Filogamo, Antonia Vernadakis, Fulvia Gremo, Alain Privat, and Paola S. Timiras Volume 430 ANAL YTICAL AND QUANTITATIVE CARDIOLOGY Edited by Samuel Sideman and Rafael Beyar A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher. OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO TISSUE XIX Edited by David K. Harrison Ninewells Hospital and Medical School Dundee, Scotland and David T. Delpy University College London London, England SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC Ltbrary of Congress Catalogtng-tn-Publtcatton Data Oxygen transport to tissue XIX / edited by David K. Harrison and David T. Delpy. p. cm. -- (Advances in experimental ~edlcine and biology : 428> Includes bibllographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-7465-7 ISBN 978-1-4615-5399-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-5399-1 1. Tissue respiration--Congresses. 2. Oxygen--Physlological transport--Congresses. 3. Oxygen--Pathophyslology--Congresses. I. Harrlson. D. K. <David Kelth>. 1951- II. Delpy, David T. III. Series. OP121.0885 1998 612.2·6--dc21 97-31219 CIP Proceedings ofthe 24th Annual Meeting ofthe International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, held August 19 - 23, 1996, in West Park Centre, Dundee, Scotland ISBN 978-1-4613-7465-7 © 1997 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1997 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1997 http://www.plenum.com 10987654321 Ali rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY ON OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO TISSUE 1996 Officers President: David K. Harrison (UK) Past President: Edwin M. Nemoto (USA) President-Elect: Antal G. Hudetz (USA) Secretary: David F. Wilson (USA) Treasurer: Peter E. Keipert (USA) Award Committee: Duane F. Bruley (USA) Executive Committee Sanjay Batra (USA) Joseph C. LaManna (USA) Thomas E. Gayeski (USA) Roland N. Pittman (USA) Karlfried Groebe (Germany) Koen van Rossem (Belgium) lens Hoper (Germany) Peter W. Vaupel (Germany) Kyung Kang (USA) Scientific Programme Committee Local ISOTT Dr. D. K. Harrison Professor D. T. Delpy (UK) Professor 1. 1. F. Belch Dr. A. Eke (Hungary) Dr. R. A. Lerski Dr. J. Moravec (France) Mr. P. T. McCollum Dr. E. M. Nemoto (USA) Professor M. 1. Rennie Local Organising Team Jennie Bryce Faisel Khan Barbara Clark David Newton David Harrison (President, ISOTT) Kelly O'Brien Eileen Harrison Zahid Raza v SPONSORS ISOTT is a scientific society and as such is most grateful for the generosity of the following sponsoring organisations. However, it does not endorse any of their products or services. This applies also to any material which may be distributed in mailings or at its meetings. Sponsoring Scientific Organisations • British Microcirculation Society • Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine • 6th World Congress on Microcirculation Principal Sponsors • Alliance Pharmaceuticals • Baxter Healthcare Corporation (Blood Substitutes Division) • Dundee City Council • Dundee Teaching Hospitals • Scottish Enterprise Tayside Exhibitors • Cambridge Medical Books • Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz GmbH • KK Technology • Moor Instruments Ltd • Oxford Optronix Ltd • Perimed UK Ltd • Radiometer UK Ltd Sponsors of Symposia • Hamamatsu UK • Oxygen Sensors Inc • Pfizer UK • Pharmacia and Upjohn • University of Dundee vi PREFACE In 1996, for its 24th scientific meeting, the International Society on Oxygen Trans port to Tissue made its third visit to the United Kingdom. The previous two meetings were held in Cambridge in 1977 and 1986, but this was the first meeting to be held "north of the border" in Scotland. It was attended by some 186 delegates and accompanying persons and there were 128 presentations. The venue was the West Park Centre, the University of Dundee's residential conference centre, and ISOTT was only the second major meeting to be held there using the new Villa accommodation. Dundee's slogan is "City of Discovery" since it became the permanent home of the Royal Research Ship Discovery which was built in the city and was used by Captain Scott on his first ex pedition to the Antarctic. The ISOTT meeting also fulfilled its promise of being a meeting of dis covery with sessions on all aspects of oxygen transport to tissue. The inclusion of a session on oxygen transport in vascular disease reflected the interests of the local participants. All of the manuscripts were reviewed both for their scientific and editorial accept ability and in some 50% of cases, revisions were requested from the authors. Some manu scripts were ultimately rejected. However, in view of the importance of producing the Proceedings as quickly as possible it is possible that some minor errors may have slipped through, for which the editors apologise. We wish to acknowledge the enormous hard work that has been put in by Laraine Visser-Isles in copy-editing this volume. Kelly O'Brien and Eileen Harrison have also contributed significantly in the organisation of the manuscripts and the preparation of the Proceedings. The editors, on behalf of ISOTT, also acknowledge the help of all (named and unnamed in this volume) who helped to make the 24th meeting possible. We congratulate Sergei Vinogradov and Resit Demir respectively for being selected as the Mevin H Knisely and Dietrich W Lubbers Award winners of 1996 based on the sci entific excellence of their submitted manuscripts. We hope that the memories which remain with the many members of the ISOTT "family" who attended the Dundee Conference will be those of the high scientific standard of the presentations, lively debates and a thoroughly enjoyable Scottish social programme. Finally, I (DKH) wish to dedicate this volume to all of the staff of Dundee Teaching Hospitals and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary NHS Trusts who played a part in my treatment for and recovery from cancer in 1994-95, and to Eileen, Natalie and Francesca who sup ported me not only throughout that time, but also during the organisation of the meeting. David K. Harrison David T. Delpy vii CONTENTS 02 in Vascular Disease I. Leukocyte Activation and Toxic Oxygen Metabolites/Free Radicals Jill 1. F. Belch and Paul Hickman 2. Impaired Hemorheology in the Aged Associated with Oxidative Stress . . . . . . . . 7 Joseph M. Ritkind, Ranjeet S. Ajmani, and Jane Heim 3. Measurements of Oxygen Saturation in Normal Human Sural Nerve by Microlightguide Spectrophotometry and Endoscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 N. D. Harris, S. Ibrahim, M. Radatz, and 1. D. Ward 4. Microvascular Blood Flow and Oxygen Supply in Ulcerated Skin of the Lower Lilnb ....................................................... 21 D.1. Newton, D. K. Harrison, G. B. Hanna, C. 1. A. Thompson, 1. 1. F. Belch, and P. T. McCollum 5. Skin Oxygenation Following Groin Incision for Femoro-Popliteal Bypass Surgery ..................................................... 27 Z. Raza, D. 1. Newton, D. K. Harrison, P. T. McCollum, and P. A. Stonebridge 6. Near Infrared Time Resolved Spectroscopy for the Detection of Deep Vein Thrombosis within the Human Leg ............................... 31 Jamie T. Barnett, Mark W. Hemelt, Duane F. Bruley, and Kyung A. Kang 7. Incidence of Asymptomatic Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease in Diabetic Patients Attending a Hospital Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 T. A. Elhadd, R. T. Jung, R. W. Newton, P. A. Stonebridge, and 1. 1. F. Belch 8. Cutaneous Microvascular Responses Are Improved after Cholesterol-Lowering in Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease and Hypercholesterolaemia 49 Faisel Khan, Stuart 1. Litchfield, and Jill 1. F. Belch ix x Contents 02 Transport in Tumours 9. Oxygen Tension in Primary Tumours of the Uterine Cervix and Lymph Node Metastases of the Head and Neck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Heidi Lyng, Kolbein Sundf0r, Gunnar Tanum, and Einar K. Rofstad 10. Measurement of Hypoxia in Vivo Using a 2-Nitromidazole (NITP) 61 R.1. Hodgkiss, L. Webster, and G. D. Wilson II. NIR Reflection Measurements of Hemoglobin and Cytochrome aa) in Healthy Tissue and Tumors: Correlations to Oxygen Consumption: Preclinical and Clinical Data ................................................. 69 F. Steinberg, H. 1. Rohrbom, T. Otto, K. M. Scheufler, and C. Streffer 12. Tumor Oxygenation under Normobaric and Hyperbaric Hyperoxia: Impact of Various Inspiratory CO Concentrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 2 o. Thews, D. K. Kelleher, and P. Vaupel 13. Blood Flow and Oxygenation Status of Head and Neck Carcinomas 89 Peter Vaupel 14. Intratumoral pOl Measured Using a New Oxygen Sensitive Paramagnetic Material, Gloxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Philip E. James, Julia A. O'Hara, Oleg Y. Grinberg, Tomasz Panz, and Harold M. Swartz 15. Determining the Anatomic Position and Histological Effects in Murine Tumors of Gloxy, an Oxygen-Sensitive Paramagnetic Material ................ 107 Julia A. O'Hara, Philip E. James, Youssef Zaim Wadghiri, Tomasz Panz, Oleg Y. Grinberg, Neelu Jain, Jeffrey F. Dunn, and Harold M. Swartz 16. In Vivo Investigations of Vascular Density and Local Mitochondrial Metabolism after Irradiation ............................................... 115 Ludwig Plasswilm and Jens Hoper 17. Effect of Cell Line and Differentiation on the Oxygenation Status of Experimental Sarcomas ........................................ 123 O. Thews, D. K. Kelleher, B. Lecher, and P. Vaupel Hyperoxia and Hypoxia 18. New Horizons in Hyperbaric Oxygenation 129 Philip B. James 19. Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine and the WWWQuestion 135 A. 1. van der Kleij 20. Gas Exchange and Gas Transport in a Water Breather of Millimetre Size 139 Ralph Pirow, Frank Wollinger, and Rudiger 1. Paul

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