Methods in Enzymology Volume 105 Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems EDITED BY Lester Packer MEMBRANE BIOENERGETICS GROUP UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Advisory Board Bruce Ames Rolf .J. Mehlhorn Anthony Diplock William A. Pryor Lars Ernster Trevor F. Slater Irwin Fridovich Academic Press San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Contributors to Volume 105 Article numbers are in parentheses following the names of contributors. Affiliations listed are current. R. B. ILREKABA (3), lndustrias, ,otnasnoM Cancer Research, Columbia ,ytisrevinU Estrada Municipal, PLN 393 ,ainiluaP egelloC of snaicisyhP and Surgeons, New Sdo Paulo, Brazil ,kroY New York 23001 Huoo AEBI (13), sehcsimehc-hcsinizideM OTREBLA SiREVOB (57), Departamento de lnstitut, tiitisrevinU Bern, 0003-HC Bern acinhuQ Biol6gica, Facultad de Farma- ,9 Switzerland ciay Bioqufmica, dadisreoinU de Buenos TriED P. M. MOOnREKA (59), Institut fiir Aires, 3111 Buenos Aires, anitnegrA Physiologische Chemie !, tiitisrevinU M. IRONURB (2), Department of -simehcoiB ,frodlessifD D-4000 Diisseldorf, Federal try, lacigoloiB Sciences, and -nemirepxE Republic of ynamreG lat Medicine, H University of Rome, ECURB N. AMES (29, 44), Department of Rome ,00100 Italy Biochemistry, University of ,ainrofilaC JUDITH L. SSIRTTUB (15), Department of Berkeley, aiurofilaC 02749 Biochemistry, Guy's Hospital Medical AlCIRTAP C. SWERDNA (45), Department of School, London SEI 9RT, England Medicine, Tufts-New England Medical EUQIRNE SANEDAC (26), lnstitut fiir Phy- Center, Boston, Massachusetts 11120 ehcsigolois Chemie ,I tiitisrevinU -lessiiD Kozl ASADA (56), ehT Research Institute dorf, 0004-D ,frodlessiiD Federal Repub- for Food Science, Kyoto ,ytisreviaU ,ijU cil of ynamreG Kyoto 611, Japan ECNERWAL CASTLE (34), Department of RETEID-sUALK SUMSA (20), -rentieM-nhaH Chemistry, Louisiana State ,ytisrevinU lnstitut Berlin, Bereich Strahlenchemie, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 30807 00OI-D Berlbz ,93 Federal Republic of DRAHCIR TRACHTAC (44), Department of ynamreG Biochemistry, University of ,ainrofilaC DRANREB M. ROIBAB (45), Department of Berkeley, ainrofilaC 02749 Medicine, Tufts-New England Medical RUHTRA .1 MUABREDEC (68), Department of ,retneC Boston, Massachusetts 11120 Biochemistry, Mount Sinai School of J. V. RETSINNAB (9), Inorganic yrtsimehC ,enicideM New York, New York 92001 ,yrotarobaL ytisrevinU of ,drofxO Oxford LEAHCIM F. NAMTStRHC (29), Department OXI 3QR, England of ,yrtsimehcoiB ytisrevinU of ,ainrofilaC W. H. RETSI~mAB (9), Nuffield Department Berkeley, ainrofilaC 02749 of lacinilC Biochemistry, Radcliffe -rifnI SINNED P, CEll:FORD (51), gniraW-bbeW mary, University of Oxford, Oxford 2XO Lung Institute, University of odaroloC 6HE, England Medical Center, Denver, odaroloC 26208 NONEB H. J. BIELSKI (8), Department of DLAREG NEHOC (36, 67, 68), Department of ,yrtsimehC Brookhaven National -arobaL Neurology, Mount Sinai School of -ideM tory, Upton, New York 37911 cine, New York, New York 92001 R. P. BIRD (35), Ludwig Institute for Cancer NODIG IKSPAZC (24), Deportment of -isyhP Research, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2L4, lac Chemistry, Hebrew ytisrevinU of Je- adanaC ,melasur Jerusalem ,40919 Israel AIMRAC KEROB (62), lacigoloidaR Research ODNALOR EED ORTSEAM (49), Brain Re- ,yrotarobaL Cancer Center, Institute of search Laboratory, Department of -inilC xi xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 105 cal Neurological Sciences, Victoria Hos- Western Reserve University, Cleveland, pital, London, Ontario N6A 4G5, Canada Ohio 44106 TIJARDNI D. (16), DESA! Division of Human AKINOM J. (1), GREEN Inorganic Chemisto, Nutrition, University of British Cohtmbia, Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford Vancouver, British Columbia V6T I ,5W OXI 3QR, England Canada CNAG~LOW A. GONZLER (12), Gdinenthal AROC J. (41), DILLARD Department of Food GmbH, Center of Research, OOM-D Science and Technology, University of Aachen, FederRaelp ublic of Germany Cal(fornia, Davis, California 61659 JOHN M. C. (4), GUTTERIDGE National In- YNOHTNA T. KCOLPID (15), Department of stitute for Biological Standards, Hamp- Biochemistry, Guy's Hospital Medical stead, London HW3 6RB, England School, London SEI 9RT, England YRRAB (4), HALLIWELL Department of Bio- SAMOHT A. DIX (43), Department of Chem- chemistry, King's College, University of istry, Pennsylvania State University, London, London WC2R 2LS, England State College, Pennsylvania 20861 HOSNi M. HASSAN (30, 53, 69), Depart- H. H. (35), DRAPER Department of Nutri- ments of Food Science and Microbiology, tion, University of Guelph, Gaelph, On- North Carolina State University, Raleigh, tario NIG 2WI, Canada North Carolina 27650 NNAMREH BEOABRETSE (38), Institute of LINDA HATCH (19), Institute for Toxicol- Biochemistry, University of Graz, A-8010 ogy, University of Southern California, Graz, Austria Los Angeles, California 33009 L. ~iHOLF (10, 12), Griinenthal GmbH, Cen- UMASO HAYAISm (6), Osaka Medical Col- ter of Research, OOM-D Aachen, Federal lege, Takatsuki 569, Japan Republic of Germany DRAHCIR E. HEmKILA (67), Department of TREBOR A. (27), FLOYD Biomembrane Re- Neurology, Rutgers Medical School, Pis- search Program, Oklahoma Medical Re- cataway, New Jersey 45880 search Foundation, Oklahoma City, H. ALLEN O. HILL (1), Inorganic Chemistry Oklahoma 40137 Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford REHPOTSmHC S. (3), FOOTE Department of OXI 3QR, England Chemisoy, University of California, Los PAUL NIETSHCOH (19), Institute for Toxicol- Angeles, California 42009 ogy, University of Southern California, L. G. FORm (21), Department of Biochemis- Los Angeles, California 33009 try, Brunel University, Uxbridge UB8 MONiC^ HOLLSTEIN (29), Department of 3PH, England Biochemistry, University of California, IRWIN (5), FRIDOWCH Department of Bio- Berkeley, California 94720 chemistry, Duke University Medical Cen- UROTAS AYONEKI (17), Development Divi- ter, Durham, North Carolina 27710 sion, Eisai Co., Ltd., Koishikawa, 4-6-10 CrlERYL A. FORTEK (31), Laboratories of Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Molecular Biology and Genetics, Univer- KENDALL A. OKOT1 (42), Medical School, sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Health Science Center, University of Mis- 60735 souri, Columbia, Missouri 11256 ECORB L. GELLER 1( I), Department of Bio- YRRAH S. BOCAJ (48), Division of Hematol- logical Chemistry, UCLA School of Medi- ogy, Mayo Memorial Building, University cine, Los Angeles, California 42009 of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, Emc A. GLENDE, JR. (40), Department of Minnesota 55455 Physiology, School of Medicine, Case DRAWDE G. (22), JANZEN Guelph-Waterloo CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 105 XII! °.° Center for Graduate Work ni ,yrtsimehC chemistry, ytisrevinU of ,ukruT 00502-FS Department of yrtsimebC and -simehcoiB ukruT ,05 Finland try, University of Guelph, Guelph, -nO W. NNAMHOL (60), lnstitut fiir ,kisyhpoiB oirat NIG 2WI, adanaC ,tiitisreuinU-gibeiL-sutsuJ D-6300 Gies- RICHAnD B. ,NOTSNHOJ JR. (46), Depart- Republic sen, Federal of ynamreG ment of ,scirtaideP Hos- Jewish National J. WILLIAM LOWH (70), Department of pital and Research Center, and -revinU ytisrev i,nyUrtsimehC of Edmon- Alberta, sity of Colorado School of Medicine, ton, Alberta G6T Canada 2G2, Denver, odaroloC 60208 MICH[LE TREKRAM (45), Cen- Laboratoire DLORAH P. SENOJ (50), Department of -oiB lart de Chimie ,eaqinilC Centre -atipsoH chemistry, University of Alabama, South lier Unioersitaire Vaudois, 1011 Lau- ,eliboM Alabama 88663 sanne, Switzerland KouIcHI AMAYATAK (17), Tsukuba Re- ECNERWAL J. TTENRAM (43, 54), -trapeD Eisai Laboratories, search Co., Ltd., -oT ment of Chemistry, Wayne State -revinU kodai, Toyosato-machi, Tsukuba-gun, sity, Detroit, Michigan 20284 lbaragi ,62-003 Japan DLANOR P. NOSAM (55), Laboratory of -oM RUOMYES J. (52), KLEnANOFF Department ralucel Biophysics, National Institute of of Medicine, University of notgnihsaW Enviromnental Health Sciences, Re- School of Seattle, Medicine, notgnihsaW search Triangle Park, North aniloraC 59189 90772 NAMRON .1 YKSNIRK (18), Department of Joe M. DROCCM (50), Department of -oiB Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Tufts chemistry, University of South Alabama, ytisrevinU School of Medicine, Boston, ,eliboM Alabama 88663 Massachusetts 1120 ! ROLF J. NROHLHEM (25), Membrane -neoiB OMIS OSKAAL (14), Department of -mehcoiB ,puorG scitegre Labo- Berkeley Lawrence istry, University of Turku, 00502-FS ,yrotar ytisrevinU of ,ainrofilaC Berkeley, ukruT ,05 Finland ainrofilaC 02749 ANNAHOJ (38), LANG Institute of -mehcoiB WERDNA R. LATZSKIM (7), Department of istry, University of Graz, A-8010 ,zarG yrtsimehC and yrtsimehcoiB and -uceloM airtsuA ral Biology Institute, University of -ilaC GLEN D. ECNERWAL (36), Institute of -uH fornia, Los Angeles, ainrofilaC 42009 Nutrition, matt Columbia ytisrevinU -loC YROGERG V. (42), MILLER Medical ,loohcS lege of Physicians and Surgeons, New Center, Science Health ytisrevinU of -siM ,kroY New York 23001 ,iruos Missouri Columbia, 11256 NEHPETS A. (71), LESKO Division of -oiB SELRAHC F. WODLOM (48), Department of physics, ehT Johns Hopkins ytisrevinU ,enicideM Veterans noitartsinimdA -ideM School of Hygiene and Public Health, lac Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota ,eromitlaB Maryland 50212 71455 DIVAD E. LEVlN (29), Department of -oiB ALLEMRAC S. YDOOM (30), Department of chemistry, University of ,ainrofilaC ,ygoloiborciM North aniloraC State -inU Berkeley, ainrofilaC 02749 ,ytisrev Raleigh, North aniloraC 05672 C. NNA LEWIS (27), Department of -oiB NIMRA RELLOM (37), fiir lnstitut -oloisyhP chemistry and ,ygoloiborciM ytisrevinU gische Chemie ,1 tiitisrevinU ,frodlessiiD of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Fife Ky16 0004-D Diisseldorf, Federal Republic of 9AL, Scotland ynamreG EsA-MATrl (14), LILIUS Department of -DiB HTENNEK D. SERK4rUM (31), seirotarobaL xiv TO VOLUME CONTRIBUTORS 105 of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Uni- Institute, University of Colorado Medical versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Center, Denver, Colorado 26208 60735 HPOTSlRHC RICHTER (58), Laboratory of H. REHCABOEN (60), lnstitut flit Biophysik, Biochemistry ,1 Swiss Federal Institute of Justus-Liebig-Universitiit, D-6300 Gies- Technology, CH-8092 Ziirich, Switzer- sen, Federal Republic of Germany land YRRAL W. YELREBO (61), Radiation Re- DLAREG M. ROSEN (23), Department of search Laboratory, Department of Radi- Pharmacology, Duke University Medical ology, The University of lowa, Iowa Oty, Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710 Iowa 24225 YRNEH NESOR (52), Department of Medi- RETEP J. O'BRIEN (47), Department of Bio- cine, University of Washington School of chemistry, Memorial University of New- Medicine, Seattle, Washington 59189 foundland, St. John's, Ne~foundland G. ROTILIO (2), Department of Biology, AIB 3X9, Canada Faculty of Sciences, H University of NETS SUINERRO (66), Department of Foren- Rome, Rome Italy 00100, s& Medicine, Karolinska lnstitutet, S-104 DLANOD T. (7), SAWYER Department of lO Stockhohn, Sweden Chemistry, University of California, Riv- F. 6TTING (It)), Grtinenthal GmbH, Center erside, Riverside, California 12529 of Research, D-5100 Aachen, Federal Re- SREIWHCS HTEBAZILE (44), Department of public of Germany Biochemistry, Unwersity of California, RETSEL REKCAP (25), Membrane Bioenerge- Berkeley, California 94720 tics Group, University of California, REGOR C. YLAES (63), National Biomedical Berkeley, California 94720 ESR Center, Medical College of Wiscon- DLANOR 3CIHTEP (28), School of Electronic sin, Mihvaukee, Wisconsin 53226 ~gnireenignE Science, University College XELA NAINAVES (19), Institute for Toxicol- of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 ogy, University of Southern California, IUT, Wales Los Angeles, California 33009 NED A. RETROP (32), Department of Chem- F. C. KOOHS (3), Pilot Chemical Company, istry, Duke University, Durham, North Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Carolina 27706 PAUL H. (54), SIEDLIK Pharmacology De- MAILLIW A. ROYRP (34), Departments of partment, Warner Lambert-Parke Davis, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Louisiana Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 State University, BatonR ouge, Louisiana TUMLEH SIES (26, 37, 59), Institutfiir Phy- 30807 siologische Chemie ,1 Unioersitdt Diisseb REMLE J. NAMKCUAR (23), Department of dorf, Diisseldorf, D-4000 Federal Repub- Surgery, Duke University Medical Cen- lic of Germany ter, Durham, North Carolina 27710 T. F. RETALS (33, 38), Deparonent of Bio- DRAHCIR O. LEGANKCER (40), Department chemistry, Brunel University, Uxbridge, of Physiology, School of Medicine, Case Middlesex UB8 3PH, England Western Reserve University, Cleveland, NVTRAM T. SMITH (66), Department of Ohio 60144 Biomedical and Environmental Heahh J. LESLIE HTAPDER (65), Division of Radia- Sciences, University of ,ainrorOlaC Berke- tion Oncology, Department of Radiologi- ley, California 94720 cal Sciences, California College of Medi- R. S. LAHOS (64), Department of Biology, cine, University of California, Irvine, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, California 92717 Texas 57257 NHOJ E. REPINE (51), Webb-Waring Lung SALGUOD R. SPITZ (61), Radiation Re- TO CONTRIBUTORS VOLUME 10~ VX search Laboratory, Department of -idaR RAKAHDUS RAWIKNALEW (18), Department ,ygolo ehT ytisrevinU of Iowa, lowa ,ytiC of yrtsimehcoiB and ,ygolocamrahP Tt~s Iowa 24225 ytisrevinU School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 11120 MAILLIW S. KRATS (42), noisiviD of -igoloiB lac Sciences, University of ,iruossiM -oC R. L. WlLLSON (21), Department of -oiB ,aibmul Missouri 11256 chemistry, Brunel University, egdirbxU 8BU 3PH, England ORIHASAM ADAKAT (I 7), Research Tsukuba ,seirotarobaL Eisai Co., Ltd., ,iadokoT SINNED R. EGN1W (11), Departments of .oiB chemistry and Medicine, University of ,ihcam-otasoyoT Tsukuba-gun, lbaragi Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 23148 ,62-003 Japan RETEP K. WONG (27), Biomembrane Re- ALL. TAPPEL (41), Department of Food Re- Medical Program, Oklahoma search Science and Technology, University of search Foundation, Oklahoma City, ,ainrofilaC Davis, ainrofilaC 61659 amohalkO 40137 SIDROJH (66), THOR Department of cisneroF KUNIO 1GAY (39), Institute of Applied -oiB ,enicideM Instituter, S-!04 Karolinska 1O chemistry, Yagi Park, Mitake, Memorial Stockholm, Sweden ~ifiG Japan 505-I, AKKEP NENURUT (14), Biochemical Wallac ORATOYR YOSHIDA (6), Department of ,yrotarobaL 10102-FS Turku ,01 Finland Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University NAOJ S. (7), VALENTINE Department of Faculty of ,enicideM Kyoto ,606 Japan yrtsimehC and Biochemistry and -uceloM IKAURET YUZURIHA (17), Tsukuba Re- ral Biology Institute, University of -ilaC search ,seirotarobaL Co., Ltd., Eisai -oT fornia, Los Angeles, ainrofilaC 42009 kodai, Toyosato-machi, Tsukuba-gun, NNA M. HPRODSRETLAW (52), Department igarabI ,62-003 Japan of Medicine, University of notgnihsaW AIVLYS CEVARDAZ (38), Institute of -oiB School of Medicine, Seattle, notgnihsaW chemistry, University of Graz, 0108-A 59189 ,zarG Austria Preface Increasingly, researchers and clinicians are recognizing that biological damage mediated by reactive species of oxygen is an important factor in disease and aging. Oxygen radical damage has been implicated in inflam- mation, arthritis, adult respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial infarc- tion, pulmonary dysfunction in hemodialized patients, Purtscher's syn- drome, Bloom's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, and other pathologies. While more experimental data to support the involvement of oxygen radicals in these conditions are needed, the explosive interest of many investigators in the field more than warrants a volume that covers the most current methods used in studying the role of oxygen radicals in biological systems. Much of the recent progress in research concerning the role of oxygen radicals in disease has been due to the discovery and utilization of antioxi- dant substances. Since the discovery by McCord and Fridovich that the plasma protein, erythrocuprein, functions to dismutate the superoxide anion radical, this oxygen radical, as well as other oxygen radical species and products derived therefrom, have received a great deal of attention. These other compounds include hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical (OH .), and singlet oxygen .)2O~( The study of oxygen radical reactions in simple chemical and biochemical systems has defined parameters govern- ing the initiation, propagation, and termination of destructive free radical chain reactions, and this understanding has suggested oxygen radical in- volvement in a remarkably diverse and extensive array of pathological states. Dramatic therapeutic effects of antioxidant substances, such as vita- min E and selenium, in clinical settings have provided further support for the involvement of oxygen radicals in certain disease conditions. Recent research results of chemists, biologists, clinicians, and epidemiologists have created a new multidisciplinary field considered by some to be among the most exciting and important areas of biological research. As with most research, progress is frequently accelerated by the publi- cation of a single volume that contains all of the state-of-the-art methodol- ogies used in the field. The major emphasis of this volume is on the methods and on the basic chemistry and biochemistry of oxygen radicals and their effects in biological systems. Such a volume, it is hoped, will stimulate new research, heighten awareness of recent discoveries in basic research, and focus attention on their implications for human health. In preparing this volume, I would be remiss in not pointing out the very great benefit derived from the active participation of the advisory xvii XVill °°° PREFACE board (Bruce Ames, Anthony Dipiock, Lars Ernster, Irwin Fridovich, Rolf J. Mehlhorn, William A. Pryor, and Trevor Slater) and Ai L. Tappel in the selection of the methods to be included and in identifying the leading investigators to make these contributions to the volume. Also I acknowledge the valuable editorial and administrative assistance pro- vided by Mr. John Hazlett who worked closely with me in bringing this volume to fruition. LESTER PACKER METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITED BY Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE AT SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA I. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes II. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes III. Preparation and Assay of Substrates IV. Special Techniques for the Enzymologist V. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes VI. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes )deunitnoC( Preparation and Assay of Substrates Special Techniques VII. Cumulative Subject Index xix METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Sidney .P Colowick Nathan .O nalpaK EMULOV VIII. Complex Carbohydrates Edited yb ELIZABETH F. NEUFELD AND VICTOR GINSBURG EMULOV IX. Carbohydrate Metabolism Edited yb SILLIW A. DOOW EMULOV X. Oxidation and Phosphorylation Edited yb DLANOR W. KOORBATSE DNA DRANYAM E. NAMLLUP EMULOV XI. Enzyme Structure Edited yb C. H. W. SRIH EMULOV XII. Nucleic Acids (Parts A and )B Edited yb LAWRENCE AND GROSSMAN KIVIE MOLDAVE EMULOV XIII. Citric Acid Cycle Edited yb J. M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XIV. Lipids Edited yb J. M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XV. Steroids and Terpenoids Edited yb DNOMYAR B. NOTYALC EMULOV XVI. Fast Reactions Edited yb HTENNEK NITSUK EMULOV XVII. Metabolism of AminoA cids and Amines (Parts A and B) Edited yb HERBERT TABOR AND CELIA WHITE TABOR EMULOV XVIII. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Parts A, B, and C) Edited yb DLANOD B. MCCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT EMULOV XlX. Proteolytic Enzymes Edited yb EDURTREG E. NNAMLREP DNA OLZSAL DNAROL ixx