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Oxidizer Selection for the ISTAR Program (Liquid Oxygen versus Hydrogen Peroxide) PDF

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Preview Oxidizer Selection for the ISTAR Program (Liquid Oxygen versus Hydrogen Peroxide)

"_'_ 1 AIAA-2002-4206 Oxidizer Selection for the ISTAR Program (Liquid Oxygen versus Hydrogen Peroxide) Jason Eugene Quinn NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama AIAA/ASME/SAEIASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 38 th 7-10 July 2002 Indianapolis, Indiana Iq_l I)*.'l'llll',';l{_ll I{J _.'c_p_ tll" Iql i'_.'plll'_ll',ll, L'lllll_l,.'! lil_.' ,,'itl))l'lIj|l *_]IL'I II;lllll'(I IJl} Ih,.' I11",1 1):1_'. I"_r ._,l.-_,._-h_'id ctq))ri_hl, _rilL' 1_).-_,1._,._, lh.'rlilJ_,'_ll=ll', I)_'|);II'IIIIL'I)I, ]½ill .._i_.,_;iil(ler It_,!1 l)ri_l,, ._llllL' ._(t(), I{L',,l,=ti, _._.. __1l! 91-4344. OXIDIZER SELECTION FOR THE ISTAR PROGRAM (LIQUID ()XYGEN VERSUS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE) Jason Eugene Quinn, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama flight velocity range would demonstrate all of the Abstract RBCC engine operational modes: Air Augmented Rocket (AAR), Ramjet and Scramjet. Although only This paper discusses astudy of two alternate the ISTAR propulsion system development and the oxidizers, liquid oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, for use initial ground test program is currently funded, due to in a rocket based combined cycle (RBCC) demonstrator the tightly integrated nature of a hypersonic vehicle, vehicle. The flight vehicle is b.Lselined as an initial demonstrator vehicle design is being performed airlaunched self-powered Mach I).7 to 7demonstration to define the propulsion system requirements. of an RBCC engine through all _f its air breathing Initial conceptual design of hypersonic vehicles propulsion modes. Selection of an alternate oxidizer requires the designer to assume many system has the potential to lower overall vehicle size, system characteristics such as propellants, thrust, and vehicle complexity. /cost and ultimateb the total program risk. size to satisfy mission objectives. The designer uses This trade study examined the oxidizer selection effects their experience on previous similar vehicles to decide upon the overall vehicle performance, safety and what to select. Although these initial "guesses" are operations. After consideration of all the technical and often quite good, they can limit the ability of the design programmatic details available at this time, 90% if one does not go back and check their assumptions. hydrogen peroxide was selected over liquid oxygen for For example, one of the first items to decide upon is the use in this program. propellant combination that the system will use. Typically the designer would select the highest ISP Introduction combination propellant, but this might not be the best selection for non-orbital missions. A lower performing The Advanced Space Transportation Program at (in terms of ISP) propellant combination that is more NASA Marshall Space Flight Center has assembled a dense or non-cryogenic could result in a smaller, lower government / industry team to conduct the system cost, more reliable or more operable vehicle system. development and ground test of a RBCC propulsion The ISTAR program has conducted several trade system (and potentially flight). Government team studies on the "right" propellant combination to select membership includes participants from several NASA for this program. Selection of a hydrocarbon (HC) as centers: Dryden Flight Test (e_ter, Glenn Research the fuel for the ISTAR program over liquid hydrogen, Center, Langley Research Center, Marshall Space although an interesting trade study, will not be Flight Center and Stennis Test ('enter. The primary discussed in this paper. Once the decision to use a industry team member is the Rocket Based Combined hydrocarbon fuel was made, there were still at least two Cycle Consortium (RBCJ), whi,:h includes Boeing oxidizers that could potentially meet the system Rocketdyne, Gencorp Aerojet and United Technologies requirements: liquid oxygen (LOX) and hydrogen Pratt & Whitney _. Additional industry team members peroxide (HTP). The purpose of this paper is to detail include Boeing for vehicle actix ities and several other the trades that the ISTAR program went through in companies. selecting between these two oxidizers. Current plans for the prop_dsion system development and ground test ot the RBCC engine General Considerations system are funded through NASA MSFC as the Integrated System Test of an Airbreathing Rocket Most of the rocket industry moved away from the (ISTAR) program. The primar,. ISTAR program use of hydrogen peroxide in the early 1960's for several objective is to develop a propulsion system, which reasons: large all rocket propulsion systems went to would be capable of powering z_flight demonstrator LOX due to the increase inperformance (ISP), long vehicle from launch off a B-52 aircraft (approximately term storage users went to NTO/MMH and mono- Mach 0.7) up to scramjet speed_ of about Mach 7. This propellant customers switched to Hydrazine. The recent resurgence of interest in HTP in applications where LOX would typically be used is in part due to the This material is declared a wo] kof the U.S. realization that higher ISP is not the entire story. Government and is not subject 1,,copyright protection Higher propellant density and storability can, in some in the United States. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics cases, make HTP a better choicc than LOX. This is In order to determine if our vehicle would be especially true for systems that have aerodynamic drag "better" with a particular propellant combination we losses or are severely volume constrain•ed 2;ISTAR has can calculate the propellant volume required for our large aerodynamic drag (relative to an all rocket) due to given mission AV and assumed mission averaged its airbreathing trajectory and severe volume constraints effective specific impulse (I*) _. IA/ due to its slender hypersonic shape. Hydrogen Peroxide has physical properties very egl - 1 Masst_,,a/ similar to water (i.e. density, cok_r, viscosity, etc.) 2. The primary exception is that th_ molecular structure is Volume = only meta-stable and will exotht:rmically decompose iOmlxlltre from H202 (basically a water m,,lecule with an extra In the case of ISTAR our initial vehicle utilized oxygen atom attached) at some _ateto a water the rocket thrusters only for AAR Mode which is Mach molecule, oxygen and energy. "lhis hot steam and 0.7 (air drop) to Mach 3.0-4.0 where the rocket is to be oxygen (1300 °F) can then be expanded out a nozzle as turned off (see Figure 10) and the engine transitioned to a monopropellant thruster or the hot oxygen can be Ramjet mode. The vehicle is assumed to perform combusted with a fuel. In either case the hydrogen in identically for either oxidizer above Mach 3.0-4.0 as HTP istightly bound in a water molecule and is no__!t Ramjet/Scramjet modes only use tanked HC fuel and combusted. When the concentJ ation is quoted as 90% air. For a first cut analysis assume that the mass of the that means 90% Hydrogen Peroxide in solution with vehicle isthe same at the end of AAR mode (Mach 3.0- 10% water and traces of stabilizers. In a compatible 4.0) for either oxidizer (which approximately storage container 90% HTP has been observed to corresponds to AV of 2000 to 4000 ft/sec). With this decompose at less than 1% per decade but in the assumption we can plot, Figure 4 which shows the presence of a catalyst HTP can he caused to decompose propellant volume required with either oxidizer for the extremely rapidly 7. HTP has been used as a Air-Augmented Rocket (AAR) mode of operation. The turbomachinery drive gas in many systems: V-2, X-l, point made by Figure 4 isthat below a mission AV of Redstone, Jupiter, Centaur, Viking, X-1 and the X-15 approximately 4000 ft/sec HTP/HC will require less ,_.4 HTP has also been used as the primary oxidizer (bi- propellant volume than LOX/HC for the I* value propellant) in many propulsion _ystems: Me 163 assumed. These I* values were generated from our Komet, Gamma 201./301, AR series of rocket engines, three degree-of-freedom trajectory model. If you LR-40 and others 2"4"5'6(as the m._jority of these flight assume the same total propellant volume is available systems used 90% HTP it was tiae first concentration with either oxidizer, then one can plot Figure 5 which considered). HTP physical properties of interest are shows the I* required for each propellant combination compared to LOX in Table 1and density compared to at several values of mission AV. For example, Figure 5 several propellants in Figure l. shows that for a AV of 2000 ft/sec if the I* for the Figures 2 & 3show the id,:al specific impulse and LOX/HC vehicle is 240 sec than the I*of the HTP/HC density specific impulse of LOX and several vehicle needs to be 196 sec or higher to have the same concentrations of HTP with hydrocarbon fuel. Density or less propellant volume required. From these graphs specific impulse is the density ef the propellant we can conclude that below _4000 ft/sec AV a 90% combination (i.e. bulk density or Pmi×t,_) multiplied by HTP/HC thruster will require less tank volume than a the specific impulse. It isoften t_sed to select LOX/HC thruster including the effect of the additional propellants when volume considerations are taken into mass of the more dense propellant provided the I* of account. 90% HTP isonly 15lhJft3denser than LOX, the HTP/HC vehicle in AAR mode exceeds the I* of but the peak ISP occurs at a mu_h higher mixture ratio the LOX/HC value given in Figure 5. (typically 2.6 for LOX/HC versLis 7 for HTP/HC). This results in amuch higher bulk density for HTP/HC over Background - Initial System Definition LOX/HC. The argument can b_ made that for a sufficiently low mission velocity change (AV), a lower In order to understand the conclusions drawn from the performing (in terms of ISP) denser propellant trades performed some familiarity with the ISTAR combination would yield a smaller propellant volume vehicle (X-43B) and engine system is needed. The required. Typically we assume that the mission cost is ISTAR vehicle was designed around an existing roughly proportional to vehicle _ize - thus the lower hypersonic vehicle shape designed for liquid hydrogen performing propellant would b_ a "better" choice. which was then modified for our particular mission and propellant combination. Figure 6 shows three views of Generic Comparison the current configuration with the propellant tank location /volume emphasized. Generically this 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics configuratioisnaliftingbody__thexternafolrebody components including the ignition system (baselined compressiomno,vingcowlflapinletwithfixedinternal combustion wave ignition [CWI] tbr the LOX/HC geometaryndexternaalftexpansion. system). The components highlighted with ared background are those that are different between the Agenerimcission(showinnFi_,.u7re)beginwshenthe LOX and the HTP system - note that the primary ISTARvehicleisdroppefdromtheNASAB-52at difference between figures 8and 9 is the LOX top-off Mach0.7and40,000ft,acceleratteosapproximately system and the ignition system (CWI for LOX/HC and Mach7at90,00f0tbeforeshutlingdowntheengine catalyst packs for the HTP/HC system) andglidingbackforre-useA.fterbeingdroppefdrom theB-52vehiclethevehiclefreclhllsforafewseconds Figure 9 shows the HTP/HC engine system. This beforestartintgherocketthrusterasndacceleratiinng system is very similar to the LOX system but replaces Air-AugmentRedocke(tAAR)mode. In this the CWI system with a catalyst pack arrangement to propulsion mode the rocket thrusters are firing at full provide auto-ignition in the rocket thrusters and doesn't thrust and additional fuel is inje,:ted to bum with the require LOX top-off. These two changes reduced the incoming air. As the vehicle accelerates through Mach number of fluids on the vehicle and the complexity of 3-4 the rocket thrusters are turucd off and the vehicle the functional schematic considerably. continues to accelerate in Ramjet mode. Upon reaching Mach 6-7 the vehicle transitions fully into Scramjet mode before shutting down - completing the Detailed Oxidizer Trade demonstration of all the airbreal hing propulsion modes and the transitions between them for an RBCC engine. The ISTAR engine system was originally baselined to be LOX/HC as these propellants are familiar and were The ISTAR team baselined a simple engine system believed to provide enough performance without the based upon the type used in the X-15 (and many other severe volume penalty of LH2. Prior to the initial previous systems) using a high-pressure tank of HTP to formation of the RBC 3team a conceptual trade study on drive the fuel and oxidizer pump. The functional the propellant selection indicated that replacing LOX schematic for this type of system with either LOX or with 90% HTP would allow a smaller propellant HTP as the primary oxidizer isshown in Figures 8& 9. volume to complete the mission (Mach 0.7 to 7). This This type of system was selected to keep the rudimentary study results and several discussions development costs of the engine system as low as between NASA and RBC 3provided motivation to possible and still allow the RB( (2multi-mode complete a comprehensive trade study examining in operation. The ISTAR program is focused on engine detail the system impacts of switching the oxidizer from flowpath performance throughout the mission LOX to HTP. trajectory, especially in mode transitions, and not in engine system development. [)_e to flight experience The oxidizer trade study team brainstormed a detailed with many previous programs, !_!)%HTP was baselined list of the important criteria that were judged to affect to be used for the turbine drive _,.asrather than a higher the entire system design. Table 2 shows these criteria concentration of HTP, which m_ght have increased grouped into five sections: Safety, Programmatic, performance (and increased risl,.). Mission Success/Engine System Design, Mission Success/Vehicle Integration and Operations. Within Figure 8 shows the LOX/HC engine system and all of these five sections the criteria were also grouped into the functional components required to operate in the categories (i.e. vehicle design impacts). Each of the engines different modes. As previously stated the five sections was assigned a weighting factor, which system uses a high pressure HTI' tank to provide hot attempted to capture program management's preference gas to the turbine drive (yellow_ As this tank is not or importance level for that section. Each criteria was linked to the main oxidizer tank we can run just the fuel to be assigned a 1, 3or 9 score for how beneficial an pump (no rocket thruster oxidizer needed in Ram / oxidizer was to the system on this criteria. Scores were Scramjet modes). Figure 8shows the vehicle systems then combined with the weighting to produce a single in the top left portion of the figure with the main fuel ranking for each oxidizer. tank, high-pressure HTP tank and main LOX tank along with the gray purge gas tanks. I he top right portion of Each of the criteria was assigned a criteria owner(s) the figure shows the systems required on the carrier who was responsible for investigating the criteria, aircraft (B-52) primarily the LOX top offtank (note the selecting a score and providing agroup presentation to purge gas supply was the same for both the HTP and back up that score. The criteria owner(s) then presented LOX systems and isnot showni. Finally the bottom the score to the entire trade study team for discussion left side of figure 8shows the engine system and the trade team selected a final consensus score. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Theprocesosfassigninagteamuonsenssucsore allot a slight advantage to HTP in facilities /test costs. requireadlloftheteammembetro,becomeeducated The final criteria of programmatic risk determined that aboutthecriteriabeingconsidereTdh.iseducational selecting HTP would add more overall risk to the procesesnhancethdeteamobjectivitayndtheentire program. This risk would be primarily in the beginning tradestudyC.riteria owners we_e selected from the of the project during the thruster development while RBC 3team members, NASA centers and Boeing. The selecting LOX would potentially delay the risk of the entire team leaned heavily on the recent operational LOX top-off system to the flight phase of the program. experience with both LOX and IITP at NASA STENNIS and the flight operati_ms experience (both Mission Success / Engine System Design recent and historical) at NASA 1)RC. The single most controversial criteria in this oxidizer Very early in this trade study th,: trade study team trade study is the technology readiness level and explored the potential for use ot _)8% HTP rather than associated risk in developing the rocket thrusters with 90% HTP. 98% HTP was considered as there was either oxidizer including oxidizer cooling. Due to the additional performance over 90" 0HTP. However, for need to cool the significant surface area of the duct with this low AV mission, the additienal unknowns and the fuel being fed to the rocket both the LOX/HC and development risk with 98% HTt' was judged to be not HTP/HC were assumed to use oxidizer cooling of the worth this small performance boost. The remainder of rocket thrusters. the trade study was performed cumparing 90% HTP to LOX only. Selection of LOX allows us the comfort level as the thruster would be similar to existing experience base Safety (combustion chamber parameters) but the requirement for LOX cooling introduces a number of system issues This category was assigned the heaviest weight at 25% which increase mission success risk. NASA GRC has (see Table 2) but was the least c_:,ntroversial in team test fired LOX cooled thrusters, which addressed the discussions. Peroxide was judg,-d to be safer overall majority of the issues with LOX cooling, but they did than LOX primarily due to the m:ed for a LOX top-off not address the closed loop issues (cooling LOX was system to transfer LOX from thu B-52 to the X-43B not injected and burned in this test series). The closed vehicle (similar to how the X-15 worked). This LOX loop issues like the two phase regenerative cooling top-off system would have had !ooperate on the during the start transient is risky and potentially would manned carrier aircraft during the entire flight up to X- not be discovered until late in the engine system 43B drop. HTP has a higher degree of risk with leaks development. Other potential risks with LOX cooling and spills in the engine / vehicle system but was include freezing of the HC in the lines and the difficulty considered safer than LOX when considering the entire of dealing with fuel temperature changes as the vehicle propellant handling process, l"lLese two criteria accelerates through the Mach number range. balanced one another out in the scoring leaving HTP Selection of HTP limits the material selection of the scoring safer than LOX for the iS;TAR project. thruster as many metals (including copper) catylize the Programmatic decomposition of HTP and are typically not considered for use in HTP systems. After several iterations NASA The next three categories were considered to be of and RBC _developed the design for two different rocket equal importance and were all _wen the same weight of thrusters (using 347 stainless steel) each of which was 20%. The programmatic criteria required much capable of performing the mission with some film discussion and work before the team could agree on a cooling. Other difficulties introduced by the selection consensus score in the three areas of Schedule, Cost and of HTP is the difficulty of packaging the catalyst packs, Risk. After significant discussi,:,n the schedule for and a lower thermal margin in the thruster design. either oxidizer was determined tobe equivalent After several meetings on this criterion the team provided additional money was made available and /or determined that LOX was preferred over HTP in the more risk was accepted for HTI' The initial thruster design. development cost with HTP wa, considered to be significantly more (on the order of several million Pump and Ignition Systems were judged to be of equal dollars) primarily due to the need to develop the HTP level of difficulty. The inherent risk in the system due cooled thruster. Considering thu entire system HTP to the startup /shutdown transient and mixture ratio of would save significant dollars (_3-5 million) due to not the engine is higher for the LOX system (more needing a LOX top-off system bat the additional cost difficult) primarily due to the need to start the thrusters for facility modification influen,:ed the team to only 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics LOXrichandpassthrougshtokhometriacndhowthe prevent the formation of ice on the vehicle (also would LOXdensitcyhangedsuringlh(start. reduce the amount of top-off needed from B-52). Assuming an insulation thickness of 1to 2 inches yields Theenginseystemdesigcnriter+faavorinLgOXover an amount of insulation equivalent to 10-30% of the HTPare:lessknownissuewsiththeoxidizetrhatmight total LOX volume. HTP was preferred over LOX for requiredevelopmeenfftort(knownunknownsa)b,etter the vehicle integration performance criteria due to this currendtesigenxperienbcaeseh,igherrockeItSP higher potential volume for propellant. (smalaldvantagaen)dlikelylongehrardwarliefe (primarildyuetohighetrherntamlarginintheLOX The remaining vehicle integration criteria dealt with the system). Criteria favoring HTP t,ver LOX are primarily carrier aircraft. The oxidizer selection was felt to due to the lower system comple _ity. Selection of HTP heavily influence the impacts on the carrier aircraft on significantly reduced the engine system complexity in terms of consumables required to be in-flight terms of number of propellants and complexity of the transferred. HTP would require only nitrogen (or ignition system as can be seen i1_Figures 8& 9. The helium) while LOX was assumed to require a higher LOX/HC system shown concep_ ually in Figure 8needs amount of nitrogen as well as LOX for top-off and chill an ignition system (CWI) and a I,OX top-off system. down. Additionally the avionics /control onboard the While Figure 9shows that the I-tI'P/HC system uses a B-52 would be much more critical as it would be a catalyst pack for ignition and dc,csn't require a LOX manned system with LOX venting. All of the above top-off system. Also HTP is likely to require less purge considerations resulted in the entire section of the trade gas and no chill preconditionin_ of the oxidizer matrix associated with vehicle integration to be heavily hardware. weighted toward the selection of HTP. Mission Success / Vehicle Integration Operations Unlike the Engine System Design criteria discussed Operations had the lowest weighting factor at 15%. above all the Vehicle Integratiol_ criteria trades favored This lowest weight does not mean that the team did not the selection of HTP over LOX Due to the wedge consider operations important (it is) but this is an shape of hypersonic vehicle resulting in a low available engine system for an X-vehicle only meant for _25 volume for propellant, the prowllant tanks are typically flights+ Most of the criteria considered in the operations required to be integral (the tank isthe vehicle). Integral area favored HTP over LOX with the exception of cryogenic LOX tanks have never been developed and operational procedures being well established. NASA were judged to be more difficub than the material has had recent experience at STENNIS in the E3 test compatibility issues with integr_t tanks for HTP. With stand with both LOX and 90% HTP but LOX these considerations HTP was c_bviously preferred from procedures are simply better know and more a structural criteria. established. HTP was considered to have slightly easier handling than LOX (NASA STENNIS & DRC Examining the engine system p;sckaging and propellant experience), easier ground operations with less feed system issues introduced vta each oxidizer came equipment and less vehicle ground operational down to the non-cryogenic nature of HTP difficulties (i.e. simpler setup/servicing). removing/reducing the need lbr vacuum jacketed lines, cryogenic insulation, with the p,nential for removal of Summary and Conclusions the boost pump (considered part of the vehicle). HTP would still require some thermal management but the A trade study considering two alternate oxidizers, non-cryogenic nature was felt to be much easier to deal liquid oxygen or 90% hydrogen peroxide, for a rocket with. based combined cycle demonstrator vehicle was completed. This trade study considered the overall As previously discussed the hig her density of HTP/HC system performance from both a technical and in a volume limited, low AV vehicle like X-43B programmatic viewpoint, to select the lowest risk compensates for the lower ISP ,>fthe rocket thrusters. solution. Given the limited energy requirement (AV) This assumes that the same volume is available for the of the demonstrator vehicle (Mach 0.7 to 7), the higher propellant and the vehicle weight won't change with the density and mass ratio of 90% hydrogen peroxide higher propellant weight. While the assumption that yielded similar vehicle performance when compared to vehicle weight is relatively con<ant with propellant LOX. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide provided weight is valid for this vehicle, ihe assumption of the system simplification, increased flight safety and same propellant volume available is not. LOX would packaging advantages. After consideration of the likely require some amount of (t)'ogenic insulation to technical and programmatic details, 90% hydrogen 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics peroxidweasselecteodverliqudoxygefnoruseinthe Transportation Applications," AIAA 95-2474, ISTARprogram. July 1995, 22 pgs. 4. Wiswell, R., "X-15 Propulsion System," AIAA 97-2682, July 1997, 18pgs. References 5. Butler, K., "AR2-3 Engine Refurbishment and Gas Generator Testing," AIAA 99-2738, June 1. Faulkner, Robert F., "INTEGRATED 1999, 6 pgs. SYSTEM TEST OF AN AIRBREATHING 6. Ventura, M. and Wernimont, E., "History of ROCKET (ISTAR)," A[AA 2001-1812. the Reaction Motors Super Performance 90% 2. Ventura, M. and Mullens, P., "The Use of H202/Kerosene LR-40 Rocket Engine," Hydrogen Peroxide fol Propulsion and AIAA 01-3838, July 2001, 10pgs. Power," AIAA 99-2880, June 1999, 19pgs. 7. "Hydrogen Peroxide Handbook," AFRPL-TR- 3. Escher, William J. D., Ilyde, Eric H. and 67-144, July 1967. Anderson, David M., "A User's Primer for 8. Kit, Boris and Evered, Douglas S., Rocket Comparative Assessm_,nts of All-Rocket and Propellant Handbook, The Macmillian Co., Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Propulsion New York, 1960. Systems for Advanced Earth-to-Orbit Space Table 1: Oxidizer properties tompared 7's. Fluid Properties 90% HTP LOX Boiling Point, °F (exirap0iated _t1atm for H202) 286.7 -297.4 Freezing Point, °F (1 atm) 11.3 -362 Bulk Decomposition Temperature, °F (red line) 275 NA Density, g/cc (H202 @ 77 °F, 1,t.7 psia; LOX @ -297 °F, 14.7 psia) 1.387 1.14 Density, lbnv_ft3(H202 @ 77 °E 14.7 psia; LOX @ -297 °F, 14.7 psia) 86.6 71.2 Heat Sink, BTU/Ibm (77 °F to 2'_0 °F for H202; -300 °F to 140 °F for LOX) 114.7 178 Critical Pressure, psia (estimated for H202) 3556 730.4 Critical Temperature, °F (estimated for H202) 833 -181.8 Cost, $/lbm 3-4 .042-.068 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Table 2: Liquid oxygen versus hydrogen peroxide criteria trade matrix. Score Category Criteria HTP LOX Section Test Personnel/Facilities 1 1 Safety Er,gine/Vehicle ISTAR Encjine/Vehicle 1 3 3 1 Handling Personnel/Hardware Weighting Factor: 25% Carrier Aircraft B-52 Crew/Aircraft 9 3 14 8 Schedule SSC Ground Test 9 9 3 9 Programmatic Cost Development Facilities Modifications/Test 3 1 3 9 Weighting Factor: 20% -_isk Cost &Schedule (Confidence in) 4 18 28 Thrusters 1 3 Mission Success I Engine Pumps 9 9 System Design Technology Development Ignition System 3 3 Level/Risk Transient Operations 9 3 Known Unknowns 1 9 E_perience Base Expert Knowledge/Experience 3 9 Engine System Performance 1 3 Performance Design Complexity (No. Values, Pumps, etc) 9 1 Hardware Life 3 9 Purge Requirements 3 1 Resources 9 1 Weighting Factor: 20% Chill & Conditioning 51 51 Structural 3 1 Mission Success I Vehicle Ve.hicle Design Impacts Engine System Packaging 3 1 Integration Propellant Feed System 3 1 Performance Fuel Mar_in Remaining (FMR) 3 1 Consumables (Propellant, purge transfer) 9 3 Carrier Aircraft Weighting Factor: 20% Avionics/Control Interface 9 3 6 3O 10 Known Hazards 1 1 Operations I_andling Operational Knowledge/Procedures 1 3 Transportaion, Handling, Storage 3 1 Test Operations 3 1 _;round Operations Vehicle Ground Operations 3 1 Weighting Factor: 15% Logistics GSE, Expendables, Soft Goods, etc 3 3 __ 14. 10 Raw Score 31 127 107 3.5 2.0 Safety 3.6 5.6 Programmatic 10.2 10.2 Mission Success/Engine System r_esign 6.0 2.0 Mission SuccessNehicle Integrati(,n 2.1 1.5 Operations 126 106 Weighted/Normalized Score 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics IO0 89.4 86.6 90 84.9 All Propellant Densities at 80 77 Deg. F and 14.7 psia 71.3 A unless noted below < 70 62.4 _: 6o 49.5 50 e_ _ 50 45.5 •_- 40 30.8 c 26.4 _ 30 2o lO 4.43 o T H2 CH4 C3H8 C3H8 JP-7 RP-1 Water LOX 85% 90% 98% (20K) (111K) (200 (90K) (9OK) Hydrogen Peroxide psia) r,f: HydroQinPe_xlde Handbook.A.CRPL-TR-'_7-144.auty196Z Figure I: Densities of various propellants compared 7's. 34O 3 cp _320 eE_ "_ 2.5 _3oo ,!m 2 _E Vacuum 280 /- " Relative Specific v Propellant ® /r--_-_ Density . Impulse _ Density _260 _*- _:)_'oH/w Specific = Reference E " --"- 90% HTP ® 1.5 14- 90% HTP Impulse Vacuum Reference a 24o i H'P ._> ::ea :::o PS:o _..._ HTP Spp:i_ c X DensityPr°pellant > 22O 1 i r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mixture Ratio Mixture Ratio Figure 2: Ideal vacuum specilie impulse for Figure 3: Ideal relative density specific impulse for hydrocarbon (HC) fuel and various oxidizers. HC and various oxidizers, (note reference ISP = 417.2 sec, reference density = 20.3 lbm/ft^3). 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 200 260 ' i I 240 90% HTP/HC 150 -- - LOX/HC _220 0 • 200 13.. b- 100 " -_ i --3ooo_siec S 180 i .......... ...... 0 > , _-160 50i j. ,f", " 140 _ i/.'" ...... ................... ii 120 0 d 1 150 200 250 300 0 1000 2000 30:)0 4000 5000 ISP LOX/HC (sec) AV(ft/sec) Figure 4: Propellant volume required on X-43B for Figure 5: ISP required at given AV for equal oxidizer selected plotted against mission AV, propellant volume with either oxidizer. jl f _J ./" [ / f i' Ox Fuel Figure 6: X-43B RBCC vehicle with oxidizer and fuel tank volume /locations shown. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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