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REVIEWARTICLE published:15February2013 doi:10.3389/fphys.2013.00019 Oxidative stress, fibrosis, and early afterdepolarization-mediated cardiac arrhythmias Hrayr S.Karagueuzian1*,ThaoP.Nguyen2,ZhilinQu2 andJamesN.Weiss2* 1CardiovascularResearchLaboratory,TranslationalArrhythmiaResearchSection,DavidGeffenSchoolofMedicineatUCLA,LosAngeles,CA,USA 2CardiovascularResearchLaboratory,DepartmentsofMedicine,DivisionofCardiology,DavidGeffenSchoolofMedicineatUCLA,LosAngeles,CA,USA Editedby: Animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress, a common RuyR.Campos,FederalUniversity pathophysiologicalfactor in cardiacdisease,reduces repolarization reserve by enhancing ofSaoPaulo—SchoolofMedicine, the L-type calcium current, the late Na, and the Na-Ca exchanger, promoting early Brazil afterdepolarizations (EADs) that can initiate ventricular tachycardia and ventricular Reviewedby: fibrillation (VT/VF) in structurally remodeled hearts. Increased ventricular fibrosis plays a RuslanRafikov,GeorgiaHealth SciencesUniversity,USA key facilitatory role in allowing oxidative-stress induced EADs to manifest as triggered Xiao-fengYang,TempleUniversity activity and VT/VF, since normal non-fibrotic hearts are resistant to arrhythmias when SchoolofMedicine,USA challenged with similar or higher levels of oxidative stress. The findings imply that *Correspondence: antifibrotic therapy, in addition to therapies designed to suppress EAD formation at the HrayrS.Karagueuzian, cellularlevel,maybesynergisticinreducingtheriskofsuddencardiacdeath. CardiovascularResearchLaboratory, TranslationalArrhythmiaResearch Keywords:fibrosis,oxidative stress,ventricularfibrillation,bifurcationanalysis, calciumwindowcurrent,early Section,DavidGeffenSchoolof afterdepolarization MedicineatUCLA,675Charles E.YoungDr.South,MRL1630, LosAngeles,CA90095,USA. e-mail:hkaragueuzian@mednet. ucla.edu JamesN.Weiss,Cardiovascular ResearchLaboratory,DavidGeffen SchoolofMedicineatUCLA,675 CharlesE.YoungDr.South,MRL 1630,LosAngeles,CA90095,USA. e-mail:[email protected] Ina previousreview,(Weisset al.,2010)we discussed theionic when the activation rate of the outward potassium (K) current basisofearlyafterdepolarizations(EADs)andsummarizedrecent issufficientlydelayedinthewindowvoltagerangeofL-type Ca theoretical and experimental evidence that the synchronization current (I ) to allow I to recover from inactivation and Ca-L Ca-L of chaotic EAD dynamics providesboth the trigger (rapid focal gainsufficientamplitudetoevokeapropagatedwavefrontcaus- activation) and the substrate (dispersion of repolarization) to ing premature ventricular complex (PVC). In other words, the cause polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PVT), torsade de time constants of Ca and K currents have to be in resonance pointes (TdP), and ventricular fibrillation (VF) (Asano et al., witheachotherforvoltageoscillationsunderlyingEADstooccur 1997; Choi et al., 2002; Xie et al., 2007, 2010; Sato et al., 2009, (Changetal.,2012a).Thekineticinterdependencybetweenthese 2010). We emphasized that EADs and triggered activity occur currents explainsthe failureofEAD formationwithagentsthat prolong action potential duration (APD) outside the I win- CaL Abbreviations: Na-Caexchanger,sodiumcalciumexchanger;EADs,earlyafter- dowcurrentvoltagerange,preventingICaLfromgainingsufficient depolarizations;VT/VF,ventriculartachycardiaandventricularfibrillationrespec- amplitudetoreverserepolarization(Xieetal.,2009;Weissetal., tively;PVT,polymorphicventriculartachycardia;TdP,torsadedepointes;ICa-L, 2010;Madhvanietal.,2011).Inthispaper,webrieflyreviewthe L-type Cacurrent; PVC,premature ventricularcomplex;APD,actionpotential duration;ROS,reactiveoxygenspecies;H2O2,hydrogenperoxide;CV,conduc- earlyworkdoneonEADsandtriggered activity, summarizethe tionvelocity;ATII,AngiotensinII;NADPH,Nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide state of knowledge on the dynamic and ionic basis of oxidative phosphate;Ca2+-CaMK,calciumcalmodulin-dependentkinase;INaK,electrogenic stress-mediatedinitiationandterminationofEAD-mediatedtrig- Na-K pump outward current;INa-L, late sodiumcurrent; SERCA, sarcoplasmic geredactivity,anddiscusshowmyocardialstructuralremodeling endoplasium reticulum calcium uptake; ATPase, adenine trihosphatase; MsrA, methioninesulfoxidereductaseA;Cx43,connexins43;SCD,suddencardiacdeath; intheformofincreasedcardiactissuefibrosiscriticallypromotes ICD,implantable cardioverter defibrillator;M-MF,myocyte myofibroblast cou- EAD-mediatedVT/VFbothinexperimentalandsimulationstud- pling;Ito,transientoutwardcurrent;ATXII,AnemoniasulcatatoxinII;LV,leftven- ies.Finally,wediscussantifibrotictherapyasapotentialstrategy tricle;DCM,dilatedcardiomyopathy;HCM,hypertrophiccardiomyopathy;CVF, collagen volumefraction; PCP, procollagen type Icarboxy-terminal proteinase; toreducesuddendeathinhighriskpatientswithheartdisease. MRI,magneticresonanceimaging;TGF-β1,transforminggrowthfactor-β1;ET-1, [Note:Triggeredactivityisalsocausedbydelayedafterdepolar- endothelin-1; CRGF, connective tissue growth factor; PDGF, platelet-derived izations that arise after full action potential repolarization (Wit growthfactor;RAAS,renin–angiotensin–aldosteronesystem;LVAD,leftventricu- andCranefield, 1976;Cranefield, 1977).Inthisreviewwefocus larassistdevice;ASK1,apoptosissignalingkinase1;JNK,c-JunN-terminalkinase; p38kinase,p38mitogen-activatedkinase. exclusivelyonEADs]. www.frontiersin.org February2013|Volume4|Article19|1 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias BRIEFHISTORICALBACKGROUNDOFEADs andtriggeredactivityas“humps,”“secondupstroke,”and“reex- The transition from a normal or slow to suddenly rapid elec- citation,” or “repetitive activity” (Coraboeuf and Boistel, 1953). trical activity in cardiac tissue has the potential to precipitate In the ensuing years this potentially arrhythmogenic mecha- lethal cardiac arrhythmias. An example is the sudden transi- nism was characterized using glass microelectrodes by multiple tion to a rapid repetitive activity by depolarizing afterpoten- laboratories, induced by diverse forms of stresses designed to tials coined by Cranefield as “triggered activity” (Aronson and mimic various diseased cardiac conditions. The EAD-inducing Cranefield, 1974; Cranefield, 1975). Unlike automaticity, trig- stresses included hypoxia by Trautwein et al. (1954) elevated gered activity necessarily requires a prior action potential (AP) catecholamines byHoffman andCranefield (1960)aconitine by toinitiaterepetitiveactivity(thustheterm“triggeredautomatic- Schmidt (1960) extracellular ion manipulation by Hutter and ity” is a misnomer). One type of triggered activity arises from Noble(1961)andreductionofdelayedrectifierpotassiumcurrent EADsthatinterruptrepolarizationandreversedV/dtfromneg- (“repolarization reserve reduction”) byHauswirth et al. (1969). ativetopositive.Thissortofelectricalactivitywasfirstobserved The importance of reduced repolarization reserve in promot- in nerve cells where periods of rapid spiking, i.e., bursting, are ing EAD-mediated triggered activity was later directly tested by followed by quiescent, silent periods before another bursting Katzung who injected a small and steady constant depolariz- episode emerges (Connors and Gutnick, 1990). Based on these ing currents in isolated papillary muscle which elicited rapid observations Cranefield wrote: “I have suggested that in confor- repetitiveactivitythathecalled“regenerativedischargeofaction mity with the terminology used by neurophysiologist, this sort of potentials” or “depolarization-induced automaticity” (Katzung, afterpotentialbecalledan‘earlyafterdepolarization’”(Cranefield, 1975). The effect of premature stimulation on cesium-induced 1975, 1977). The defining feature of EADs is that they arises EADswereinvestigatedbyDamianoetal.(DamianoandRosen, during either phase 2 (January and Riddle, 1989) or phase 3 1984)andtheinfluenceofICa-LagonistsonEADswasassessedby (BurashnikovandAntzelevitch, 2003;Maruyamaetal.,2011)of January et al.inshort segments ofcardiacPurkinjefibersusing theAPbeforethemembranepotentialhasfullyrepolarizedtothe voltage-clamptechnique(Januaryetal.,1988).Thesestudiessug- restinglevel. gestedthatEADsaremoreproneforterminationbyapremature It is likely that the phenomenon of EAD-mediated triggered stimulus at more negative membrane potentials (Damiano and activitywasalreadyobservedbyMarcelSegersduringtheperiod Rosen, 1984) and the EAD arise as a result of reactivation of from1939to1947usingunipolarextracellularrecordingelectro- ICa-L(Januaryetal.,1988).Morerecently,reactiveoxygenspecies gramsin the pre-glassmicroelectrode recording period (Segers, (ROS) produced either with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (Ward 1939). His discovery of the association between “supernormal- andGiles,1997;Songetal.,2006;Xieetal.,2009;Madhvanietal., ity” and the “negative after-potential” on unipolar electrograms 2011;Nguyenetal.,2012)orangiotensinII(ATII)viatheactiva- (i.e.,depolarizingpotential)ledhimtodescribetriggeredactivity tionoftheNADPHoxidase,(Xieetal.,2009;Bapatetal.,2012) this way: “Extrasystolic arrhythmias could develop under condi- and mitogen-activated kinases (JNK, p38) (Bapat et al., 2012) tionsthataugmentthenegativeafter-potential,suchasanincrease have been shown to potently induce EADs in isolated cardiac in the extracellular calcium concentration, aconitine, veratrine, myocytes. adrenaline, and digitalis” (Segers, 1942). By using monopha- sic AP recordings, Segers later showed the presence of “early DYNAMICANDIONICBASESOFEAD-MEDIATED afterpotentials” and “delayed afterpotentials” which he called TRANSIENTTRIGGEREDACTIVITY potentiels tardifs (late potentials). He described the resulting Non-linear dynamics has provided important insights into the triggered activity as “battement auto-entretenu du coeur” (self- mechanismsofcardiacrhythmdisorders.Bifurcationtheoryhas sustained beating of the heart) (Segers, 1947). Right after the been particularly useful in defining and predicting the emer- introductionofglassmicroelectroderecordingtechnique,Dawes gence of cardiac instabilities such as electrical alternans and commentedinaninteresting1952reviewarticle:“Therecentpub- EAD-mediated triggered activity. A bifurcation occurs when an lication of methodsof obtaining membraneaction potentialsfrom alteration in the value of one or more parameters in a sys- singlecardiacfibres...makesithighlydesirablethattheseobserva- temcausesaqualitativelynewbehaviortoemerge.Forexample, tions of Segers should be repeated on such preparations, in order the phenomenon of APD alternans, caused by steep slope APD to obtain unequivocal records of these changes” (Dawes, 1952). restitution curve, (Nolasco and Dahlen, 1968) is an example of The technique of glass microelectrode recording was invented bifurcation whereby a critical rise in the pacing rate (the bifur- by Ling and Gerard in 1949 to record action potentials from cation parameter) suddenly causes APD to alternate between frog skeletal muscle cells (Ling and Gerard, 1949) and in 1951 long and short values. The dynamic bifurcation sequence also was adapted by Woodbury and associates for cardiac cell AP explains very complex and irregular cellular dynamics (chaos) recording(Woodburyetal.,1951).PerhapsthefirstcellularEAD that arise at still faster rates of pacing (Guevara et al., 1981, recordings with the glass microelectrode technique was made 1984;ChialvoandJalife,1987;Chialvoetal.,1990;Karagueuzian byCoraboeuf(CoraboeufandBoistel,1953)incardiacPurkinje et al., 1993). The slope of the APD restitution curve (a plot fibersin1953.ByexposingcardiacPurkinjefiberstoelevatedpar- of APD vs. previous diastolic interval) regulates APD alternans tialpressureofcarbondioxideintheperfusionmediumtoinduce under diverse cardiac conditions, (Garfinkel et al., 2000) and acidosis, Coraboeuf demonstrated the EAD-mediated triggered its magnitude has been used as a marker for electrical instabil- activity shown in Figure1A (Coraboeuf and Boistel, 1953). In ity causing dispersion of repolarization, wavebreak and VT/VF the terminology at the time, he described the observed EADs (Karagueuzian et al., 1993; Garfinkel et al., 2000; Weiss et al., FrontiersinPhysiology|OxidantPhysiology February2013|Volume4|Article19|2 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias FIGURE1|(A) Initiation of EAD-mediated triggered activity in canine potentials in a canine cardiac Purkinje fiber exposed to hypokalemia cardiac Purkinje fibers during acidosis (A) and hypokalemia (B). (A) The (K+=2mmol/L) of increasing duration. Notice that the 3rd beat shows 0 numbers 1–4 indicate progressive increase in the duration (2, 5, 7, four EAD-mediated action potentials. The 4th recording shows 8.5min) of acidosis (20% CO2 and 80% O2) as shown below each EAD-mediated triggered activity that end with repolarization failure recording [from Corabeuf, 1953 (Coraboeuf and Boistel, 1953)]. (B) Action (from Cranefield, 1977). 2006).LaterstudiesfurtherrefinedtheAPDrestitutionhypoth- glycolyticoscillations, (GoldbeterandLefever, 1972),andcirca- esis by incorporating the independent contribution made by dianrhythms(Goldbeter,1995). the intracellular Ca ([Ca+2]) dynamics and conduction veloc- InthecaseofEADs,therequirementsforvoltageto oscillate i ity (CV) restitution in promoting APD alternans (Weiss et al., duringphase2orphase3ofthecardiacAPdependstronglyon 2006). the properties of I in relation to repolarizing outward cur- Ca-L Recent dynamical analysis has revealed a bifurcation mech- rents. Oscillatory behavioremergesinthe ICa,L windowvoltage anism underlying EAD-mediated triggered activity in cardiac range(−40to0mV),wherethesteadystateI activationand Ca-L tissue, namely dual Hopf-homoclinic bifurcations (Tran et al., inactivation curves overlap, but can occur only when the acti- 2009; Chang et al., 2012a). In this scenario, the voltage oscil- vation of time-dependent outward currents, particularly I , is Ks lations underlying EADs are generated by a Hopf bifurcation, delayedasinthesetting ofreducedrepolarizationreserve(Tran and are eventually terminated by a homoclinic bifurcation. A et al., 2009; Madhvani et al., 2011; Chang et al., 2012a). The Hopf bifurcation is a dynamical process by which an equilib- presenceofCawavesmayactsynergisticallywithICa,L reactiva- rium (in this case, the plateau voltage) becomes unstable and tion to promotes EADs(Volderset al.,2000; Zhao et al., 2012). begins to oscillate, and is a commonbifurcationto many phys- TheHopfbifurcationinitiatesthemembraneoscillations,causing ical and biological phenomena. For example, the collapse of single or multiple EADs. As the outward currents slowly acti- the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 was attributed to a Hopf vate,thesystemgraduallyapproachesandpassesthehomoclinic bifurcation. Initially the cause of the collapse was attributed bifurcation,atwhichpointtheoscillations(EADs)aredestroyed to an external periodic (oscillatory) force produced by the and the AP fully repolarizes. The Hopf-homoclinic bifurcation wind. However, later analyses suggested that the mechanism hypothesis of EAD formation was rigorously validated using a and the origin of the oscillations were actually the result of three variable ventricular action potential cell model in which the emergence of an unstable combination of air speed and therateconstantsofactivationandinactivationoftheL-typeCa torsional stiffness of the bridge triggering self-induced oscil- current(I )andtherateconstantofactivationofthedelayed Ca-L lations (via Hopf bifurcation) that eventually led to the col- rectifierKcurrent(I )werevaried.TheHopf-homoclinicbifur- K lapse of the bridge (Billah and Scanlan, 1991). In biological cationsequencerequiredthatthetimeconstantsofthesecurrents systems, Hopfbifurcationshavebeen proposedto underliebio- were properly matched (Tran et al., 2009; Chang et al., 2012a). logical oscillation such as cell cycle, (Qu et al., 2003) pace- Briefly, EADswereproducedwhentheactivation rateofI was K making in neurons and heart, (Guevara and Jongsma, 1992) slow enough to allow the AP plateau voltage to drift gradually www.frontiersin.org February2013|Volume4|Article19|3 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias into the I window voltage range. In addition, the voltage saddle-nodebifurcationwhichresultsinbistability(Changetal., Ca-L dependenceoftheI steady-state activationandtheinactiva- 2012b). Ca-L tioncurveshadtobesteeplysloped(Tranetal.,2009;Satoetal., 2010;Changetal.,2012a).Thisscenariowasreproducedexper- OXIDATIVESTRESS,REPOLARIZATIONRESERVE imentally in isolated rabbitventricularmyocytes using a hybrid REDUCTION,ANDEADs biological–computational approach (dynamic clamp) to intro- Mammalian cells utilize redox signaling via ROS such as H O 2 2 duceavirtualI withprogrammablepropertiesintoapatch- to regulate diverse physiological pathways including cell prolif- Ca-L clampedventricularmyocyte,suchthatthebiophysicalproperties eration, differentiation, and migration(Sundaresan et al., 1995; ofthevirtualI couldbemanipulatedatwill(Madhvanietal., Rhee, 2006). Due to the potential toxicity when ROS levels rise Ca-L 2011). More recently, we extended the computational analysis excessively, H O has been described as“a necessary evil for cell 2 2 to a more realistic cardiac cell model incorporating detailed Ca signaling”(Rhee,2006).Thus,theconceptofredoxsignalingwas cyclingandionicfluxes(Changetal.,2012a). Underthese con- recognized not only by its regulatory role in normal physiolog- ditions, we found that long bursts of EAD-mediated triggered ical processes but also by its influence on disease progression, activity couldbe induced, whose interspikefrequency gradually (Cave et al., 2006; Rhee, 2006) includingits demonstrated abil- slowedbeforetheburstterminated.Thelatterfrequency-slowing itytoenhancecardiacvulnerabilitytoarrhythmiasinanimaland prior to burst termination feature is a classic dynamical signa- humanstudies(Corretti etal.,1991;Carnesetal.,2001;Lokuta tureoftheHopf-homoclinicbifurcationmechanism, previously et al., 2005; Erickson et al., 2008; Morita et al., 2009; Erickson noted in bursting neurons, (Song and Xu, 2009) and agreed et al., 2011). Oxidative stress reduces repolarization reserve by withexperimentalobservationsinculturedneonatalratventric- enhancing late I (I ), I , and the Na-Ca exchanger to Na Na-L Ca-L ular myocyte monolayers. In this case, EAD burst termination favor the formation of EADs (Corretti et al., 1991; Ward and wasmediatedbyprogressiveintracellularNaaccumulationdur- Giles,1997;Songetal.,2006;Xieetal.,2009;Zhaoetal.,2011). ing the burst, which gradually increased repolarization reserve Oxidative stress also inhibits glycolysis, (Corretti et al., 1991) a bystimulating electrogenic Na-K pump outwardcurrent (I ) major supplier of ATP to the sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic retic- NaK (Chang et al., 2012a). We confirmed this ionic mechanism of ulum Ca2+-activated ATPase (SERCA) pump (Xu et al., 1995; terminationofthe triggered activity byclampingtheintracellu- Moritaetal.,2011a)thatreducestheSRCauptakefurtheradding larNa inthe cell model, which caused the burstingto continue to dysregulation of intracellular Ca cycling dynamics. Finally, indefinitely. whileotherenzymaticpathwaysmayalsobeactivated byoxida- Animportant predictionofthedualHopf-homoclinicbifur- tive stress such as xanthine oxidase causing afterpotentials like cationmechanismisthatEADsoccuronlyoveracriticalrangeof hydrogenperoxide,(Goldhaber,1996)thepurposeofthisreview reduced repolarizationreserve, and canbe terminated by either however,istoexclusivelyfocusontheenzymaticpathwaysshown increasingorfurtherdecreasingrepolarizationreserve(Tranetal., toinduceafterpotentialsandtriggeredactivitycausingVT/VF. 2009;Changetal.,2012a).Thelatterpredictionwasexperimen- Recently, amajorpathwaybywhichoxidativestresshasbeen tally tested in cardiac monolayers treated with BayK8644 and shown to increase I and late I is via activation of Ca- Ca-L Na-L isoproterenoltoinduceburstsofEAD-mediatedtriggeredactiv- calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) (Ward and ity.Furtherreducingrepolarizationreservebyblockingthetran- Giles,1997;Songetal.,2006;Ericksonetal.,2008;Xieetal.,2009; sient outwardK current with 4-amino pyridine, orby blocking Zhaoetal.,2011).H O -mediatedactivationofCaMKIIoccurs 2 2 the Ca2+-CaM-dependent inactivation of the I by overex- by the oxidation of paired methionine residues (M281/282) in Ca-L pressingmutantCa2+-insensitivecalmodulin(CaM )further the regulatory domain of CaMKII which removes the auto- 1234 prolongedAPDbutsuppressedEAD-mediatedtriggeredactivity inhibition of the enzyme by freeing the catalytic site causing (Changetal.,2012a).Thesefindingsemphasizetheimportance sustained CaMKII activity even in the absence of Ca2+/CaM of the membrane voltage gradually entering the I window (Erickson et al., 2008). CaMKII oxidation could be reversed by Ca-L voltage range for EADs to occur. If the membrane voltage dur- methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA) and MsrA knockout ing the AP plateau remains above 0mV, EADs are unlikely to mice show exaggerated CaMKII oxidation causing myocardial occur,regardless ofhowlongtheAPDis. Thisfindingaccounts apoptosis, impaired cardiac function, and an increased mortal- for previous observations that AP triangulation (where the AP ity after myocardial infarction (Ericksonet al.,2008). Oxidative plateau gradually drifts below 0mV during repolarization) is stress is directly induced by ATII via the nicotinamide adenine much more arrhythmogenic than APD prolongation in which dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase system, which, like theAPmaintainsahighplateauvoltage(ShahandHondeghem, exogenousH O ,leadstooxidativeactivationofCaMKII(Zhao 2 2 2005; Hondeghem, 2008). Finally, when repolarization reserve et al.,2011). Indeed,ATII(1–2μM)increasesROSfluorescence is reduced even further, repolarization failure occurs and the incardiacmyocytestopromoteEADsthatcouldbeabolishedby membrane potential remains depolarized. Under these condi- NADPHoxidaseinhibitor,apocynin(Zhaoetal.,2011).Asinthe tions, small amplitude membrane oscillations can result from caseofthe H O , oxidativestress causedbyATIIactivates I 2 2 Ca-L intracellularCawaves,whichactivateCa-sensitivecurrents,such andI causingreducedrepolarizationreserveandpromotion Na-L as in isolated cardiac myocytes exposed to oxidative stress with ofEADs(Zhaoetal.,2011).TheseresultsindicatethatCaMKII H O andATIIandhypokalemia(Figure1B)(Cranefield,1977; canintegrate Ca2+ andROS signalingto promoteEADsin iso- 2 2 Bapat et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2012). Dynamically, repolar- latedmyocytes(Ericksonetal.,2008;Xieetal.,2009;Zhaoetal., ization failure arises from a different type of bifurcation, called 2011). FrontiersinPhysiology|OxidantPhysiology February2013|Volume4|Article19|4 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias EADsATTHEISOLATEDMYOCYTEvs.INTACTTISSUELEVEL prevent the EADs from manifesting in tissue (Xie et al., 2010). While oxidative stress caused by H O and ATII readily initiate Theimportanceofdiffusiveelectrotoniccellularcouplingonthe 2 2 EADsinisolatedcardiacmyocytes, (WardandGiles,1997;Song modulation of EADs is demonstrated by coupling two isolated etal.,2006;Xieetal.,2009;Zhaoetal.,2011;Bapatetal.,2012; myocytes,onewithEADsandtheotherwithoutEAD,viaavari- Nguyenetal.,2012)anobviousquestionarisesifthesesamestres- ableresistor. With infinite resistance between the two cells (i.e., sorsalsoinitiateEAD-mediatedtriggeredactivityinintacthearts. completecellularuncoupling),theEADsreadilyappearinthecell Weinvestigatedthisquestioninintactnormaladultratandrab- thatproducesEAD.However,whenelectricalcouplingisapplied bithearts usingisolated-perfused Langendorffpreparations.We between the two cells, theamplitudeofthe EADproducingcell foundthatbothH O andATII,whichreadilypromoted EADs startstoloseamplitudeastheintercellularcouplingconductance 2 2 insingleisolatedmyocytes, consistentlyfailedtopromoteEADs betweenthetwocellsincreasesandwithasufficientlyhighcou- in intact hearts from normal young adult rats and rabbits even pling conductance the EAD-producing cell no longer produces when we raisedthe level ofthese two stressors beyond the level EADs.Figure2illustratesthephenomenonofEADsuppression thatpromotedEADsintheisolatedmyocytes(Moritaetal.,2009, in a cardiac myocyte by electrotonic coupling (Saiz et al., 1999; 2011a,b; Sato et al., 2009; Bapat et al., 2012). Since EADs typi- Huelsing et al., 2000). Our simulation studies using a realistic callyoccurirregularly,ratherthanconsistentlyfrombeat-to-beat, cardiaccellmodelinThreedimensional(3D)normally-coupled thediscrepancybetweenisolatedmyocytesvs.intactnormalheart tissueshowedthatoneneeds≈700,000contiguouscellsthatsyn- may result from the powerful source-sink relationship in well- chronouslyproduceEADsinordertoovercomethesource-sink coupledcardiactissue.Thatis,ifafewEAD-generatingcells(i.e., mismatch and allow a triggered PVC to propagate (Xie et al., “source”) are well-coupled to many normally repolarizing cells 2010). In two dimensional (2D) tissue this number decreases withnoovertEADs(i.e.,“sink”),thesource-sinkmismatchmay to≈7000,andina1Dcableto≈70.Interestinglyandasexpected, FIGURE2|Suppression ofEAD bycouplingto a cell withno EAD (A) with decreasing resistances (dashed traces) shown in panel (A). The solid and (B) and initiation ofpropagatingEADs in 1D cable with a critical trace shows zero current flow between the two cells in the uncoupled number of cell synchronouslyfiring EADS (C) and (D). (A) In the state (from Huelsing et al., 2000). Panels (C) and (D) show AP traces uncoupled state (solid traces) the EAD is apparent, however, as the along a 1D cable, with the red traces indicating the EAD-susceptible cells coupling resistance between the EAD cell and the non-EAD cell with a in the central region (middle diagram), and the normal non-susceptible resting potential of −80mV is progressively reduced the amplitude of the cellsinblack.TheEADfailedtopropagate with69susceptible cellsinthe EAD decreases and eventually it is suppressed at coupling resistances central region (C), but propagated successfully with 70 susceptible cells >500MW. (B) Intercellular current flow during coupling of the two cells (D) (from Xie et al., 2010). www.frontiersin.org February2013|Volume4|Article19|5 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias the minimum number of cells needed to produce a propagated ofheterogeneityinitsdistributionbeingverydenseintheendo- EAD-inducedPVC in3Dtissue decreased byaslargeas40 fold cardiumwithintermediatelevelsfibrosisontheanteriorandpos- when cell-to-cell gap junctional coupling is reduced (Xie et al., teriorLVwallasshowninFigure3.Insharpcontrasttoadultnor- 2010).Fibrosis,whichimposesinsulatingcollagenbandsbetween malhearts,theagedheartsofbothspecieswhenexposedtooxida- strandsofmyocytes (essentiallyconverting3Dtissueinto anet- tive stress with H O orATII readily promoted EADsand trig- 2 2 workof1Dcables),wasevenmorepotentatreducingthenumber geredactivitythatledtoVTandthentoVF(Moritaetal.,2009, of myocytes required for PVC formation. Figure2 illustrates 2011b;Bapatetal.,2012).Figure4illustratesanepisodeofEAD- ourmethodsofassessingtheimportanceofcellularcouplingin mediatedtriggeredactivityinamiddle-agedrabbitheartcausing the genesis of EAD in one dimensional (1D) cable (Xie et al., afocalVTwhichthendegeneratestoVF.ThefocalVTcausedby 2010). These experimental and simulation studies strongly sug- EAD-mediatedtriggeredactivityoriginatedfromthebaseofthe gest that the observed discrepancy in EAD production between heart,whichthenunderwentfunctionalconductionblockdueto isolatedmyocytesandnormally-coupledcardiactissuemayresult the emergence of spatially discordant APD alternans. Similarly, fromthesource-sinkmismatch.Inawell-coupledcardiactissue, in the aged fibrotic rat hearts oxidative stress with H O pro- 2 2 the source-sink mismatch provides a powerful protective effect motedEADsleadingtotriggeredactivity,VTandVF.Inaddition to suppress EAD formation by the delinquent cells, preventing tofibrosis,bothspeciesshoweddown-regulationoftotalCx43as the emergence of cardiac arrhythmias. Based on these findings, indicated byreduced distributionofdetectable Cx43 immunos- it could be surmised that cardiac diseases that cause myocyte tainingpositivespotsintheLVtissue(Moritaetal.,2011b). decouplingshouldfacilitatetheemergenceEADswhentherepo- It could be argued that the observed differences between larizationreserveisreduced.Anumberoffactorsreducecellular the two age groups may result from aging-related ventricular coupling in diseased heart, including gap junction remodeling myocyteelectricalremodelingwherebythesensitivityoftheaged andfibrosis.Fibrosisformsinsulatingbarriersbetweencellsand cardiomyocyte to oxidative stress greatly increases relative to group of cells by interstitial tissue deposits of collagenous fil- young/adult cardiomyocytes (Anyukhovsky et al., 2002; Sudhir aments by the proliferating cardiac myofibroblasts (Weber and etal.,2011).Toinvestigatethispossibility,wedirectlycompared Brilla, 1991; Wynn, 2007). Aging in rats and rabbits is known the susceptibility ofisolated single ratventricularmyocytes iso- to manifest not only increased cardiac fibrosis but also down- lated by enzymatic dissociation from young and aged rats and regulationofthegapjunctionalconnexins43(Cx43)(Satoetal., subjectedthemtooxidativestressandstudiedthemunderpatch- 2009; Morita et al., 2011a) that effectively reduce the coupling clampconditions.Weexposedisolatedventricularmyocytesfrom conductancebetweencardiacmyocytes. both age groups to three different clinically-relevant stressors, namelyATII,(Zhaoetal.,2011)hypokalemia,(Osadchii,2010), ROLEOFFIBROSIS and H2O2 (Nguyen et al., 2012). Our results show that both Traditionally, increased arrhythmic risk due to increased car- young and aged isolated myocytes responded similarly to these diacfibrosishasbeenattributedtoalterationinconductionand three stressors and readily induced EADs and triggered activ- reentry. The early seminal studies by Spach and associates have ity. These findings suggest that electrical remodeling is not a shownthatfibroticchangesincardiactissuethatemergeinaged majorcausefortheobservedage-dependentdifferencestostress- hearts, reduces the safety margin for conduction by promoting induced EADs, triggered activity and VT/VF at the whole heart conduction block and reentry when the availability of the fast level.Figure5illustratesanexample. sodium current (“source”) was reduced by premature electrical stimulation(Spachetal.,1989,2007). POTENTIALARRHYTHMOGENICINFLUENCESOF While the alterations of cardiac conduction and the associ- MYOCYTE-MYOFIBROBLASTCOUPLING ated reentrant arrhythmias in a fibrotic cardiac tissue are well- Normaladultheartscontainmorenon-myocytesthanmyocytes, recognized both in animal (Spach, 1991; Hayashi et al., 2002, withfibroblastsmakingupthemajorityofnon-myocytes(Wynn, 2003) and human studies, (de Bakker et al., 1988; Wu et al., 2007;KohlandCamelliti,2012).Fibroblastsbecomeactivatedby 1998) the influence of cardiac tissue fibrosis on the genesis of injury and stress as part of a normal wound-healing response, EADsduringoxidativestressremainedpoorlyexplored.Inview anddifferentiateintomyofibroblastswhichproliferateandsecrete of the discrepancy between the ability of oxidative stress to collagen,smoothmuscleα-actin,andstretch-sensitive ionchan- induceEADsinisolatedmyocytes,butnotinintactheartsfrom nels, and connexins (Camelliti et al., 2004). Co-culture stud- youngratsorrabbits,wehypothesized thatcardiactissuefibro- ies have shown that heterocellular coupling readily develops siswouldfacilitatethegenerationofEADsandtriggeredactivity between myocytes and myofibroblast via gap junction Cx43 inintactheartsexposedtooxidativestressbyalteringsource-sink molecules(Gaudesiusetal.,2003;Miragolietal.,2007;Jacquemet relationships.Sinceagedheartsexhibitincreasedfibrosis,weeval- and Henriquez, 2008; Vasquez et al., 2011). Since myofibrob- uatedtheinfluenceofH O andATIItopromoteEAD-mediated lasts have a less negative resting membrane potential, they can 2 2 arrhythmias in isolated Langendorff-perfused hearts from aged depolarize myocytes sufficiently to induce spontaneous pace- rat (∼2 years old) and middle aged rabbit (∼5–6 years old) maker activity when the myofibroblast populationexceeds 15% hearts, using high resolution optical mapping for cardiac acti- in co-cultures (Miragoli et al., 2007). While such heterocellular vationpatternandglassmicroelectrodecellularrecordingsfrom couplings seen in tissue co-culture may play an active role in selectedleftventricular(LV)epicardialsites.Aging-relatedfibro- arrhythmogenesis, at present definitive evidence that fibroblasts sis is apparent in these two species and manifested high degree or myofibroblasts form gap junctions with myocytes in intact FrontiersinPhysiology|OxidantPhysiology February2013|Volume4|Article19|6 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias FIGURE3|Massontrichromestaininginadultandagedratand (LV)andtheseptum(bluecolor).LowerpanelsshowLVfibrosisinthemiddle middle-agedrabbitventricles.Noticeincreasedfibrosisintheaged agedcomparedtoadultrabbitLV.Ant,anterior;RV,rightventricle;Post, comparedtoadultLV(topfigures)withalmostcompletefibrosisatthe posterior;Epi,epicardium[fromSatoetal.,2009andMoritaetal.,2009 endocardium(Endo)withintermediatefibrosisoftheposteriorleftventricle (Lokutaetal.,2005)]. nativehearttissuesremainscontroversial.Whileawaitingafinal orpedestal currentbecomessufficiently largeto overcomeI Ca-L verdict to this important question, investigations as to how reactivation(Workmanetal.,2012). myocyte to myofibroblast (M-MF) coupling may alter myocyte electrophysiology remain of considerable interest in cardiac M-MFCOUPLINGANDEADPROPAGATIONIN2DSIMULATEDCARDIAC arrhythmogenesis. TISSUE WeinvestigatedtheinfluenceofM-MFcouplingonthegenesis Giventheextremeheterogeneityofmyocardialtissuefibrosis,we ofEADsunderconditionsofreducedrepolarizationreserveusing investigated the importance of the level of fibrosis on initiation thedynamicclamptechniquetoelectronicallycoupleanisolated andpropagationofEADs.Theleveloffibrosisinourmodelwas ventricularmyocytes to avirtual “myofibroblast”endowed with gradedbythe number offibroblaststhatcoupleto a single car- physiologically realistic membrane capacitance, resistance, volt- diomyocyte under conditions of reduced repolarization reserve age and gap junctional coupling resistance (MacCannell et al., sotomimicoxidativestress. Wefoundacriticalleveloffibrosis 2007). With this technique we sought to systematically define (i.e.,numberofmyofibroblastcoupledtomyocytes)wasneeded the characteristics and the mechanisms by which the coupled topromotepropagatedEADs.Thatiseithertoofewortoomany fibroblastsinfluencesusceptibilitytoEADs.WefoundthatM-MF numberofcoupledfibroblastspreventedthegenesis(toofew)or coupling promotes an I -like outward current in the cardiac propagation(toomany)oftheEADs.A“critical”leveloffibrosis to myocyte (Nguyen et al., 2012). The I -like current reflects the wasneededforbothinitiationandthepropagationoftheEADto to chargemovementrequiredtodepolarizethefibroblastmembrane cause arrhythmias (Morita et al., 2009). Figure7 illustrates this capacitancefromthecoupledrestingpotentialtotheAPplateau. phenomenon. ThisI -likecurrentpromotesEADsbyloweringtheAPplateau to voltageintotheI windowcurrentrange(Nguyenetal.,2012). EADs,FIBROSIS,ANDVT/VFINHUMANS Ca-L NotonlydoesthisallowICa-L toreactivate, butitalsoslowsthe Perhaps the first experimental study linking persistent INa-L to activationofIKsbydepressingtheplateauvoltage.Figure6illus- EADs was made with the use of sea Anemonia sulcata toxin II tratesthisfacilitativeroleofM-MFcouplingintheinductionof (ATX II) (Isenberg and Ravens, 1984). This early experimental EADs. The importance of the Ito-like current in the genesis of observationdidnotremainanisolatedlaboratorycuriosityasit EADisclearlydemonstratedbythesuppressionoftheEADswhen waslaterdiscoveredthatacongenitalformofalongQTsyndrome the Ito-like component was eliminated by the dynamic clamp (LQTS) in humans, LQT3, is associated with a persistent INa-L protocol (Nguyen et al., 2012; Workmanet al., 2012). It should causingAPDprolongation(Bennettetal.,1995)andapropensity be noted that Ito can also suppress EADs when its amplitude forTdP, VT, and VF (Moreno and Clancy, 2012). The presence www.frontiersin.org February2013|Volume4|Article19|7 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias FIGURE4|SpontaneousinitiationofEAD-mediatedVFinamiddle-aged showninthesnapshotsofbeat#11inpanel(B).Theredcolorinthesnap rabbitexposedto0.1mMH2O2.Panel(A)shows6simultaneously shotsrepresentsdepolarizationandthebluerepolarization.Theyellow epicardialopticalAPs(V1toV6)recordedfromthesitesshownontheleft arrowsinthesnapshotsrepresentthedirectionofthewavefront silhouetteoftheheart.AfternineEAD-mediatedfocalactivationsarisingfrom propagationwithdoublehorizontallinesdenotingthesiteofconduction thebaseoftheheart(panelB)thewavefrontundergoesblockatmidLV block.Thenumbersundereachsnapshotisactivationtimestartingwith anteriorwall(beat#10)aftertheemergenceofaspatiallydiscordantAPD arbitraryzeromsforbeast#3and#4andthenagainforbeats#10and#11. alternansshowninpanel(A)(LandSstandforshortAPDrespectively).The Panel(C)isamicroelectroderecordingofanotherVFepisoderecordedinthe wavefronthowever,continuestopropagatelateraltothesiteofblockina sameheartshowingspontaneousinitiationofVFbyamechanismcompatible clockwisedirectioncausingtheformationofareentrantwaveofexcitationas withEAD-mediatedTA(fromSatoetal.,2009). ofI duringtheplateauphaseoftheAPcancriticallyreduce fibrosis) to initiate VT/VF. Quantitative measurement of car- N-La repolarization reserve despite its small magnitude (range 20– diac fibrosis inhuman poses a great challenge. Early studies 60pA), and coincides in time with the reactivation kinetics of relied on myocardial biopsy samples to assess the presence and I (Madhvanietal.,2011)topromoteEADs(Xieetal.,2009). quantify myocardial fibrosis, clearly an inadequate approach to Ca-L ItissuggestedthatEADscausedbyhumancardiomyocyteslead assessglobalcardiacfibrosis.Sincethedemonstrationofthelate to triggered activity causing PVT and TdP, (Ruan et al., 2009) gadolinium enhancement in cardiovascularmagnetic resonance theprimaryarrhythmiamechanismandcauseofsuddencardiac imaging in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy death in LQT3 carriers (Clancy and Kass, 2005). In addition to (DCM)tobesimilartothecardiacfibrosisdeterminedbyhisto- congenitalLQT3,ventricularmyocytesisolatedfromhumanend- logicalexaminationatautopsy,(McCrohonetal.,2003)attempts stagefailingheartsmanifestEADsduringadrenergicstimulation, havebeenmadetoquantifyglobalfibrosisinpatientswithDCM unlikenon-failingmyocytes(Veldkampetal.,2001). using enhancement as a surrogate of fibrosis. The results of While cardiac diseased conditions are often associated with these earlystudiesshowed thattheextent ofmyocardial fibrosis pro-oxidant state and reduced repolarization reserve that could wasanindependentpredictorforVT/VFinpatientswithDCM promote EAD-mediated VT/VF, recent clinical studies provide (O’Hanlonetal.,2010)andacriticalleveloffibrosiswasfound mounting evidence that increased cardiac fibrosis may also be necessarytobepredictiveofsuddencardiacdeathandthenum- an independent predictor of VT/VF in humans (Klem et al., berofICDdischargesinthesepatients(Klemetal.,2012;Leyva 2012;Leyvaetal.,2012).InouranimalmodelsofEAD-mediated etal.,2012).Thefibrosispredictiveabilityoftheoccurrencesof VT/VF, a simultaneous reduction in repolarization reserve and sudden cardiac death and ICD discharges reaches a plateau at a critical increase in cardiac fibrosis are necessary to promote scar sizes between 5% and 20% of the LV volume, with larger VT/VF. Evidence is mounting that human hearts also require a fibrosissizestendingtodecreasetheincidenceofsuddencardiac similar “two-hit” scenario (reduced repolarization reserve and deathandICDdischarges(Klemetal.,2012).Thisobservationis FrontiersinPhysiology|OxidantPhysiology February2013|Volume4|Article19|8 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias FIGURE5|Angiotensin II induces EADs both in young/adult (A) and young and aged myocytes manifested EADs and triggered activity with aged (B) isolated LV myocytes. Effects of ATII (2μmol/L) in both age significant differences between the two aged groups (from Bapat et al., groups are shown at two different pacing cycle lengths (PCLs). Both 2012). FIGURE6|Promotion of EADs by myofibroblast-myocyte coupling H2O2 in the uncoupled state. However, coupling the myocyte to a virtual (M-F) during oxidative stress. Coupling a patch-clamped myocyte fibroblast (Cf 6.3 pF, Gj 3.0 nS) caused EADs to reappear, which were superfused with normal Tyrode’s solution to a virtual fibroblast promotes more prominent when Ef was −25mV (bottom traces) than −50mV no EADs (A). However, coupling lowers the AP plateau and shortens (middle traces). Cf is fibroblast capacitance in pF, Gj is M-F gap junctional APD as shown in the superimposed traces at a faster time scale in panel conductance in nS, and Ef is the resting potential of the fibroblast inmV (B). Panel (C) (top traces) shows lack of EAD induction with 0.1mmol/L (from Nguyen et al., 2012). www.frontiersin.org February2013|Volume4|Article19|9 Karagueuzianetal. Oxidativestress,fibrosis,andarrhythmias FIGURE7|2D simulations in a tissue with progressive regional paced beat, EADs die out locally under these two conditions of M-F increase in the number of fibroblasts to myocyte gap junction coupling. However, when the F-M ratio is in the intermediate range couplings. Panels (A–C) are voltage snap shots after a paced beat from (1.1, panel B) the EADs and triggered beats are now of higher amplitude the left border of the tissue (red) with central ellipse (site 2) representing that propagate and excite the adjacent cardiac tissue as triggered beats. the region of progressive increase in fibroblast to myocyte (F-M) coupling The numbers on top of each snap show denote time in seconds after ratio. In panel (A) with F-M ratio of 1, promotes small amplitude the onset of paced beat from the left of the tissue. White arrows non-propagating EADs. Similar dynamic scenario is also observed when indicate the direction of wavefront propagation [From Morita et al., the F-M ratio in the ellipse israised to 3as shown inpanel (C). After the 2011a,b (Goldhaber, 1996)]. compatible with our experimental (Morita et al., 2009) and 2D activationandinactivationofI andoutwardpotassiumcur- Ca-L simulation studies where we show the need for a critical level rents without affecting excitation-contraction coupling are still offibrosis to promote propagated EADs(Figure7). These early lacking. It is becoming increasingly evident that targeting the studies suggest that fibrosis could be used as a marker for risk therapyagainstcardiacfibrosismaybeaviablealternativetopre- stratificationofsuddencardiacdeath,(SovariandKaragueuzian, vent VT/VF. While data on the efficacy of antifibrotic therapy 2011;Klemetal.,2012;Leyvaetal.,2012)andthatimagingcar- against VT/VF in humans is sparse, indirect clinical and direct diacfibrosiswithenhancementappearstomoreaccuratelyreflect experimental findings suggest the possibility that reduction of the presence and extent of cardiac fibrosis than ejection frac- myocardialtissuefibrosisreducestherecurrencesofVT/VF. tion. For example, patients with DCM and fibrosis s may have Antifibrotictherapymaybetargetedagainstelevatedanddis- preserved ejection fraction (Biagini et al., 2012) and conversely proportionate collagen accumulation or against myofibroblast otherswithoutmyocardialscarringandfibrosismanifestseverely proliferation or both. The study by Lopez et al. showed that reduced ejection fraction becauseofintrinsic depressionofcar- torsemide, a loop diuretic, reduces ventricular collagen volume diac muscle contractility. Figure8 illustrates schematically our fraction(CVF)inpatientswithchronicheartfailure(Lopezetal., current understanding of the mechanisms involved in oxidative 2007). Torsemide inhibits the enzyme involved in myocardial stress-mediatedEADinpromotingVT/VF. extracellulargenerationofcollagentypeImolecules(i.e.,procol- lagentypeIcarboxy-terminal proteinaseorPCP)thusreducing ANTIFIBROTICANDANTIARRHYTHMICDRUGTHERAPYINHUMAN myocardialCVFassessedinrightseptalendocardialbiopsiesfrom VT/VF patients with chronic heart failure (Lopez et al., 2007). Once TherapyforthemanagementofEAD-mediatedVT/VFinfibrotic fibrosis emerges in the heart its speed of expansion is a rela- hearts can be targeted either to critically increase repolariza- tivelyfastphenomenonandthereforeantifibroticmeasuresneed tionreserveand/ordecreasecardiacfibrosis.Atpresent,selective to startsoonerratherthanlater.Arecentstudyinpatientswith antiarrhythmic drugs that specifically target the kinetics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), fibrosis was assessed by FrontiersinPhysiology|OxidantPhysiology February2013|Volume4|Article19|10

torsional stiffness of the bridge triggering self-induced oscil- lations (via Hopf .. torsemide, a loop diuretic, reduces ventricular collagen volume.
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