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Oxford preparation course for the TOEFL iBT Exam: A Skills Based Communicative Approach Student Book PDF

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Preview Oxford preparation course for the TOEFL iBT Exam: A Skills Based Communicative Approach Student Book

OXFORD PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBT™EXAM A SKILLS-BASED CoMMUNICATIVE APPROACH Susan Bates OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNlVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press IS a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective of excellence m research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certllin other countries. Published m Canada by Oxford Universtty Press 8 Sampson Mews, Suite 204, Don Mills, Ontario M3C OH5 Canada Copyright Q Oxford University Pn:ss Canada 2011 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database rjght Oxford University Press (maker) First Edition published in 20 II All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Permissions Department at the address above or through the following uri: www.oupcanada.com/permissionlpermission _request.php Every effort has been made to determine and contact copyright holders. In the case of any omissions, the publisher will be pleased to make suitable acknowledgement in future editions. Library and Archjves Canada Cataloguing In Publication Bates, Susan, 1955- 0xford preparation course for the iBT examination I Susan Bates. ISBN 978-0-19-543117-9 I. Test of English as a Foreign Language-Study guides. 2. English language-Textbooks for second language learners. 3. English language-Examinations Study guides. I. Title. PEI128.S957 2011 428.0076 C2010-906554-9 Cover images, top row, left to right:: t'>iStockphoto.com/Jan-Otto; -OiStockphoto.comiTommL, OiStockphoto.corn!HenrikSOOO; OiStockphoto.com/francisblack; e iStockphoto.comlblackred Cover images, middle row, left ro right; ~iStockphoto.com/AndreasReh; ~iStockphoto.comlhidcsy; tanukiphoto/istock; OiStockphoto.com/Bemard Breton Cover images. bottom row, left to right: <OiStockphoto.comlpavlen; t'>iStockphoto.com/Alyssum; CiStockphoto.comNakobchuk Oxford University Press is committed to our environment. This book is printed on Forest Stewardship Council® certified paper, harvested from a responsible source. - " "vJ ,_MIX_ FSC FSC" C011825 Printed and bound in Canada. I 2 3 4 - 14 13 12 II Acknowledgements First, I would like to thank my students for guiding me in the writing of a TOEFL book and program that truly suits their needs. Second, I am grateful to Lucia Engkent for introducing me to the editorial staff at Oxford University Press. Lucia has provided me with ideas, advice, and encouragement throughout my writing process. Third, I would like to thank the wonderfully supportive team at Oxford, including President David Stover, Associate Director Julie Wade, Acquisitions Editor Jason Tomassini, and Developmental Editor Cindy Angelini. Their kind assistance has been invaluable and very much appreciated. Jason in particular did a superb job in overseeing the entire process. He and Cindy were also instrumental in arranging for the field-testing and review of the book both nationally and internationally. Field testers, including Mathew Rolfe, Dale Banks, Casey Telenko, and Heather Phillips, helped to fine-tune the material and suggest innovative activities. Reviewers Christien Lee, Karen Stanley, Sandy Ho, Sharon Perrin, Ben Adams, Sandee Thompson, John Grimmett, Jo Kwai, Sarah Gallant, Seonok Kim, and Tommy Kochel offered helpful advice and commentary. Thank you also to Crissy LaCroix, Dorothy Turnbull, and Nadine Coderre. Fourth, I would like to thank friends and colleagues at Vancouver Community College, Douglas College, and International House who took time out of their busy schedules to assist me with the book. Joyce Cosgrove and Eugene Sayson helped me get started by brainstorming topics in the initial planning stages. Joyce also assisted in the filming of university interviews for Chapters I and 2. Janice Penner provided a comprehensive review of the original proposal and offered many solid ideas. Celeste Roberts provided copyediting assistance on this same proposal. As I completed the manuscript, Barbara Wood and Eve Mendes provided input on topics. Patrick Hamill and Ken McMorris field-tested materials in their classes, and Patrick worked with me to record listening transcripts for field-testing chapters. Gordana Sokic assisted with extensive academic research, and Heather Fouquette provided the Gender Challenge idea for Chapter 5. Fraser Thorburn arranged for field-testing in the College Preparatory English Department at VCC. He also was extremely helpful in identifying how to guarantee the proper level correspondence with the TOEFL exam. Jeff Romonko arranged for the recording of listening transcripts for field-testing, and Anne Meeson and I an MacNair did an awesome job on the voice work. Irene Romaniw provided feedback on simplifying instructions. I would also like to thank Alison Norman at VCC for allowing me to return to work on a half-time basis as I completed the final stages of the book. Finally, my heartfelt gratitude goes to my family for the generous support and encouragement they provided throughout the duration of this project. v .. • L I f' < '• duction The Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam contains thematic content that will appeal to students with a wide range of interests. The text teaches the key skills for exam success through a communicative approach that reflects current methodologies designed to maximize language acquisition. Dynamic, meaningful topics reflect disciplines that students will encounter in post-secondary academic studies and offer both students and instructors an opportunity to engage in meaningful research and thought provoking discussions. Multimedia support brings the program to life: authentic, high-interest DVD content and interactive Power Point presentations keep students focused and interested in the learning process. The companion website provides students with valuable practice opportunities, and six audio COs complete the program with content that reflects the actual TOEFL exam. This program has many advantages: • All 570 word families from the Academic Word List are studied in context. • Exam tips assist in ensuring students attain the highest possible TOEFL score. • Step-by-step instructions and summary charts clearly outline the best approach to each type of question. • Exam-specific skills- including note-taking, speed reading, paraphrasing, and summarizing-are reinforced throughout the text. • Students are given ample opportunities to sharpen their skills by completing practice exercises and three practice tests. • Includes contextualized skills instruction that is essential for success at colleges and universities. Book Organization ,., Interactive Overview Chapter Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam opens with an Overview Chapter that summarizes the Internet-based Test (iBT) and each of its four skill sections. Activities are designed so that students interact in pairs, groups, or with the class, allowing them to fully integrate the material and make gains in language acquisition as they learn about the iBT. \ Introduction Multi-purpose Diagnostic Chapter The learning theme in the Diagnostic Chapter includes relevant topics for the beginning of an exam-preparation course. There is a reading on The Brain, Memory, and Learning, a conversation on time management, a lecture on Teaching Academic Vocabulary, and related study skills videos. This content ensures that students begin their program of study with information that is essential to their success. The Diagnostic Chapter can easily be used with different levels of students. High-level students with a fairly good knowledge of the TOEFL exam can take the complete diagnostic test online and then review the chapter in class or for homework. Mid- to high-level students with no knowledge of the exam can take the reading, listening, speaking, and writing diagnostic tests separately, then review each test in class by referring to the book. Lower-level students can receive even more support by beginning with the book to build their confidence and enhance their motivation. After completing the preliminary activities in class, these students can take each skill section of the test online and do the follow-up activities in class. Without in-class preparation, it is likely that doing the diagnostic test solely online will not provide a true level diagnosis for these low-level students. Their scores will be skewed due to test anxiety and unfamiliarity with the TOEFL iBT fonnat. The diagnostic test can be found at www.eltexamprep.com. Contextualized Skills Instruction Chapters I to 6 include the essential skills instruction of the program. Core skills are taught in a logical progression. Skills requiring similar response strategies or instruction are grouped together, facilitating connections for students and reducing study time. In addition, all skills instruction is consolidated and revi~wed in summary charts so that students have easy access to key information. The underlying curriculum connects skills to content encompassing the four basic TOEFL subjects of Life Science, Physical Science, Social Science, and Arts. Through a multi disciplinary approach to topic selection, students gain access to the full range of academic content featured on the TOEFL iBT exam. Complete Tests The book ends with two complete tests. Chapter 7 includes a comprehensive review of all skills in order to build meta-cognitive awareness, and advises students to take the test in sections online. In Chapter 8, students take the complete test online to simulate an actual TOEFL iBT exam. Afterwards, students re-examine each passage and task in class as a final review. One more complete test can be found online for additional practice. All three online tests, as well as the online diagnostic material, have a Ieamer management system where instructors can.assign tests, track progress, and and see individual student or class results. Answer Key The answer key is an invaluable independent-study aid for students and a useful resource for instructors. It incorporates clear and detailed explanations of why specific answer choices are conect as well as wby the others are incorrect. Academic Word List Index Academic Word List (AWL) vocabulary for each reading is listed. Bolding, both in the chapter and the index, indicates that the AWL word is a focus word in that reading. viii Introduction How to Use This Book 1• - ' 11 Starting your class with the Overview Chapter is a _ good way to focus the students on the tasks ahead. I OeKI'ibe • _ail V ov Wou1d UU to lAwn The Diagnostic Chapter test can then be used to .P_,f.......... ,._.... .,,.,. .l_l,ll.Rf,.~........ ... ,.c.,. .i.G..,t...,. a.._,-...,~. .. ,.......... ...n.,.._.,...~.............. ,._,_ 4 gauge students' areas of strength and weakness. ........... u ...... Grc. .... ~~-.................. ..... Refer to the Curriculum at a Glance (page x), and '" select the skills and activities you wish to focus on ------------------.-.-..-..- -------.. -- during your course. Working within one chapter at uI.M .l..•. ,~,·"·, .l.,...... -,'~l~jl,lfl.".,'.f_frl..l.l.l ll,_,_~. ,~'~.••....., f~"tyJJnIt•lill-lofiMIII: ..,.. ".".".".'". a time, pick and choose the activities that will work I best in your classroom. Within the text, each activity is clearly marked ·- with a heading'like this. Students will benefit ... o..,....,.........,..... ........ from practice in each of the four skills every day. .r..~..• • ...u.... ... ..~,. . .....,... . -f~tt.M _ ..~,....._la~tf\,..cll-lt.oM Keep this in mind as you plan the day's structure ·- uc_~._-."__,"." _.".. .~,__.·_ ..,.._.,_..,.... ... - _,~.O.. f.,l.....- -.".'.f. '._.C.I..:_" 't,.•.., l.,.l.,~ agriveae ostnu da ernetgsu tlhaer obapspiosr. tOunniet yk etoy ebxepnleofriet oeaf cthhi ss kteilxl t is ·~-.-;;;-.'.~. ..--....... --.....--........~.......,........ -..-........-... ........... ._..... -..c. .....-....-._...~.. ..........,..:. =..~... ...-.., ..- ~ .. ­.. ,·.-_ that most activities integrate multiple skills, allowing ..o....;..;... ................~ ........ ._... . ._.. . .,. . -... ........... -.... - for practice that not only leads students toward _...,.,_~... ,_._..., ~ their goal of an impressive TOEFL score but builds practical communication skills that will be essential in their post-secondary studies and beyond. Determine how much class time you can spend on each chapter. Select the sections that are most relevant to your students' needs. Chapter work can be extended with task-based activities or reduced with assigned homework. il Acadom•c Oisct~sslon t Do )OUi.ootll _, od:ter ftJIIIIIIM •h't ••nr.•JC ,...,.~u. ..d ~ kctllllllilJ't iJ Homework Task-based 1.J .oD.io.i.),.'...W. .C.-Ma"a:R :.. :..~..t.r~ .W..M,.I.\I.I ,_Id.o~l.•.\.l~lf~C ....e ..*.'.O) .'O.iia'.lt.d*".. tL .W.b-w.~IIu.IN.A:OmldWloO..C,..f•,)la'.O~tUi JT ...~ R~espon. .d.i.n.g. ,t..o ... P....r ~o.s e .. .S umm.a.r.y. .(b. JestJOfls Assignment Activity .oT_.__...t.."a,,_•t.•b._m•n.•e,.lds'.n .A.-'"c~Gt'lMnl .:1.k.,y.,_.. ... ..l._.,.n.,. t...e,..r ,.n~*e_.l,•l.l,-~. _c..,h ..l ._ .!._c l.d....",. "._.~._.,, u.;_...,..,_, _s_..-.I.-I-l,An., ..•..t..O.. ,,_ . ~ tr_lc-IdMr.Nt~..._Rr,.-_o, •,Jl..-k•I.Ia.- ,.lfl1r.f.'b.t.,. w_. ...,....l.._l.._l- .l. 'l.,..l, ."T...-..t~' _. ._...-._...._... ~y. _,.....,.. . ...p..... .~...\, c. •,&. ..'_.o ...!...I.,W..... ._...., t.l.l,.r,...M.,...I I_.I . .,. -~-~~~~ -~~--Wc.-O..N,.......,IM ...... odlb~.,...._ ,...., ..... 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This will provide your students with a thematically integrated and balanced program including all four skills every day. -- Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00-10:00 Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking 10:00-11:00 Reading/ Reading/ Reading/ Speaking Test Grammar Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary (Computer Lab) 12:00-1:00 Writing Writing Writing Reading Reading Test PowerPoint/ (Computer Vocabulary Lab) , :00-2:00 Listening Listening Skills Writing Test Listening Listening Test (Audio Lab) (Computer (Computer a b) (Audio Lab) (Audio Lab) Lab) Part-time Classes Students can preview upcoming topics for homework, then apply their knowledge during in class discussions and activities. Additionally, a streamlined version of the schedule above can be created. Students can complete one activity from each of the four skills io class, then complete the remaining activities at home. Low-level and Multi-level Classes These materials have been developed with low-level students and multi-level classes in mind. The ample scaffolding in all skills sections brings TOEFL-level material to those who would not nonnally be able to access it. The structured program, high-interest content, and relevant activities maintain student interest at all levels. Program Components 1; Website The text's companion website, at www.eltexamprep.com is a hub of resources related to the Oxford Preparation Course for rhe TOEFL iBT Exam. Instructors and students can find an extensive inventory of classroom-based and independent study suggestions, as well as PowerPoint presentations, complete listening transcripts, and Academic Word List study cards for the entire AWL. The website also features the Diagnostic Chapter, the full test content from Chapters 7 and 8, and an additional test for students to complete as part of their preparation. This test content is hosted on the Oxford English Testing website and includes a Learner Management System that allows instructors to assign tests, track progress, and see individual student or class results. Audio COs The audio component features six discs full of listening exercises that mimic the TOEFL listening section. Conversations and lectures have been carefully designed to match the language level of the actual exam, and Academic Word List items have been incorporated throughout. X Introduction DVD The DVD includes lively videos that are tied to many of the text's reading selections. These videos provide students with background knowledge to allow them to connect to the readings more fully. PowerPoint presentations also appear on the DVD. These presentations are based on reading selections and can be used to review reading topics and reinforce recently presented vocabulary. Icons in the Text •• ... 1 1 Partner Activity CD Activity on audio CD ••• r•, Group Activity DVD Activity on DVD Activity online C-SJ PowerPoint activity on DVD (or www.eltexamprep.com) at www.eltexamprep.com xi CURRICULUM AT A GLANCE Reading Focus Listening Focus Overview Reading Overview Listening Overview Speed-reading Tips Diagnostic: Learning Preview of Reading Preview of Listening Question Types Question Types Chapter 1: Family Vocabulary Questions Signal Words and Prediction Chapter 2: Food Reference Questions Note-taking Insert Text Questions - - Chapter 3: Environment Paraphrase Questions Gist Content and Gist Purpose Chapter 4: Intelligence Factual Information Detail Questions Inference Inference Questions Chapter 5: Gender Negative Factual Information Organization Questions Connecting Content Schematic Framework Questions - Chapter 6: Values Purpose Questions Attitude Prose Summary Questions Function Chapter 7: Communication Review of All Reading Review of All Listening Skills Skills -- Chapter 8: Happiness Review of All Reading Review of All Listening Skills Skills xii

2011. — 727 p. — ISBN-10: 0195431170; ISBN-13: 978-0195431179.Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam is a communicative, theme-based approach to learning the skills needed to take the TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT). Activities incorporate thorough explanation and practice of the four
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