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Oxford Living Grammar with answers. Intermediate (student's book) PDF

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Preview Oxford Living Grammar with answers. Intermediate (student's book)

WIT ANSWERS GRAMMAR intermediate id practise grammar in c NormanCoe Oxfo rd OXFORD Norman Coe Tahdgereleradceye What is Oxford Living Grammar? Oxford thing Geommaris2 series of hve books hich feuplain ant praciseqramenain everyday contexts, They shaw how grammaris used in real-life situations thet learners themselves wll experience, The books car be used for self-study Forhomework arc!in clas Elementary CEF level A+ towards KETevel, Pronto: CEF level A2 KEI and towards PET vel) Insermediate: CEF level BI (PET and towards FCE level How are the books organized? “Thetbaoks are dived int four page uns, each of hich deals with an important qramaa ti, Uns ave Sided azo to te page parts. Each unt begins wich an ‘explanation ofthe grammar aolnt and inches a unique Grammar in action section which sows othe grar-ma is ssedin pial avoryday situations. coxa ainswhen rusethe gramme” pain Tis elle by a we” cf contextualized axerives for eamers lo prctse the Srenvrar thay nave read about, The secore part areach Unitinwedues adeltional explanation ofthe topie, more ‘ammnrin aesion and mare cortextalzed exercises. The last xcs in every unit provides practice af a variety of the points and contexts intraduced neat the four pages. ‘The invention is thatthe fully contextualized bxplanst ens and exerises vl shows rea Engl shin el situations hich learners canreraarbe and apply to the own experience Word focus noes high ight unfamiliar words expressions and enable lames to wen the yacabulers. ‘The Over to you section atthe buck ofthe book provides ‘comprehensive bank of review exercices earners are frcauraged to do mere crective tasks about fhemsclves fd thoi vn experience, using waas they have learred Sample answers ar2 provided for thase tasks ‘Theres an Oxford Living Grammar Context Plus CD- ROM at cach level with further grarnar practice and Word focus exercises. Leaters ean asa buldlanger tats, ard build and take pert in dislogues: ears can vecore hr isten tothe own voce t improve pronunciation, Troroave sigan tests a ech level so esr trs cay See there are any areas they would like te study again What grammar is included? AIntermediae lev you ail tuny all he gracarar receseary for Comorege PLL ane much of she grarmrt reajuired forthe FCE.The choice of contexts in the exercises has boon informed by the Common Eurepzar Framework of Reference and the framenicof the Association of Language lestersin Europe a How can students use Oxford Living Grammar on their own? ¥ou can work throug’ thebook rom beginning to end Allthe unit vl present and practise the grammar ia ‘yee! everyday situations, hen you have ished the exercises, you can goto the Over ta you tks for that lepic at the buck othe bool for extra practice, and then check your answers, Or when yauhave.a particular gra~urar erable, ou rmight-wane to study tht topic fis: You can look ip the {opie you need in the Cantents a the frantot the hook, rin the index at tie be, How can teachers use the material in the classroom? ord ing Grammar anaoles your students ta leon and practise English qrammav in cortext.The cones se typiea everyday situations tha: ycur sudents ‘themselves wil exeence, such a5 talking about thelr lnm experiances, having conversations with people they havemet taking about other people, and discussing common topes, “The silat ive into 30 Lepage Units when we hope il make the bok kee for study wer an academic year Units ear be studied in any orde’ or you end your sudden can work through he book rom beginnings tend, The Overt you tasks provide freer aracice an more creative review isl Contents Introduction pagel Verbs and tenses 01 Present simple and present continuous 2 Forms, uses, and contexts Present tenses with fulure meaning 02 Talking about the past 6 Past simple and past continuous Used te 08 Present parfect 10 Forms, vses, and contexts; ime phrasas Present perfect continuous (04 Past simple and present perfect; past perfect 7 Past simple and present perfect Past perfect 05 The future 8 Going (0 Will and shail Madal verbs 86. Ability, permission, and requests » Ability: ao, ould be abe te, managed to Permission and requests: car could, ay veil and wut 07 Possibility and probability: perfect modals 26 Possibility and probability: may, might, cauid, most, and ent Perfect rrodals: must have ben, cau hove done 08 Duty and obligation 30 Should, ought to, have igol! to Must, need 10 Verb forms and structures 09 Infinitives and-ing forms (1) poge 34 Verb 1 infinitive or verb 1 ing Limatedt her to come, 10 infinitives and -ing forms (2) 38 Hike to play tennis or ike playing tennis Poosing is hare t0 a, ec. 11 Thepassive a Present and past tenses Futureand modal aassives; have something tou 12 Phrasal and prepositional verbs 6 Phrasal verbs Prepostional verbs 13 indirect speach (1) 50 Reporting statements Reporting questions 14 indirect speech (2) a” Reported iequests, orders, and advice Advanced points 15. Conditional sentences 38 Zora canditional and fst conditional Second conditionel Nouns, pronouns, determiners 16 Nouns a Countable ancl uncounsable nouns:articles Noun + naun 17 Possessives 66 Possessive adjectives and pronouns sands’ ofmine 18 Demonstratives 70 This that, these, and those Thisis what vies sai. 19. Quantifiers 8 ‘Some, any, no: much. many, «lot of Pronouns: sernebodly, everything, etc Adjectives and adverbs 20 Comparative and superlative forms page 78 Adjectives: al far, tallest Adverbs: early earlier eaiest 21 (Not) as... a5, enough, too 2 They ran as fast as they could, but not fast enough. Hes toa young, 22. Adverbs 86 Advernsof frequency, tre, place, and manner Adverbs of probability, degree, and completeness 23. Connecting adverbs 20 'S0, 10, either, nether First, next, then, ete actualy, fortunately, ete; only. even Prepositions 24 Prepositions (1) 94 Preposition + nounfadjective: forsale, intove, ete Noungadjective + oreposition 25. Prepositions (2) 98 Preposition + noun » preposition Prepositions in linking phrases Building sentences 26 Linking words Either... or neither. because, for Inorder to, so that, such a page 102 sr, oth. and, 27 Linking sentences If. not, unless, n case te Bat, though, however 28 Relative clauses Defining relative clauses with who, which, thot or whose Non-defining relative clauses with who, which ot whese no 29 Expressions oftime, place, and reason 114 When, sie, until before, afer, as soon as When, where, why, whenever, wherever 30 Leaving out words na {Emma sings ond dances Leaving nut words in defining relative clauses Over to you 122 Form tables 126 Verb tables wt Answer key 932 Answer key Over to you 143 index “7 01 Present simple and present continuous Forms, uses, and contexts 1 Present simple Here are some ramps af the present simples We vein a house Ives inarRot oul doesn tlhe bee od dont kei ether Boy speateFrench? Does Tey speck Dutch? We adds o ere pose heshedt form of regular vets, {Formove information en iregular vars, swe. 1273, We use dofdoes a neqntives and questions. 2 We use the present simple to talk about permanent silyatlons facts, and regular, repeated, orconssant Theitver Amazon Rows into the état Thay don't haveszhooton sturdays. hore fal brea ee deeper 3. Present continuous ‘We foim che present continuous with the present of be famiisfae} + the-ing form. Whats Sala doing? ~ She srudyieg for herexons {Forrules on sping the ing farm, see p12) 4 Weuse the present continuous e talk about someting hapaciing 3¢r around te moment of speaking: “ane cv come fo the phone — she® having a bath 5 Weuse the present continuous foran incamplete lim (vesnectaa, i thi week he staying with hisporents. 16 Some verbs describe states and da not normaly have: ike Soni lms um Bking Spore irs ‘Weuse state verbs alk about chaughts ie. believe, know, seem, think, understanel, fealings {eg agree, hope like, ove, want), existence (be possession ig have, belong, ovina the proaerties ef something 69 cost, contain, include, mean Note thas some verbs cn descibe an action | orstarceg, oyu hve var? state) She’ having a shower faction now) | _ Siebasosovercver ning elec) "he eeu ioaks good. ete) |) What re thes fosking a? faction now) rayslockat the sears pages. regular action} Ibe Lyra a Lie being naught. faction ne volts of ir actiond mnougtei Grammar in action 4] Wecan use the present simple to ta kabout where peoplelive, study, and work My hushed, Sack, and vein teed bus wn trator ‘We use the present simple fr things we dea every day or mest days ‘Bay vnte the newton 772 Ne, dom usa ‘get home time bur oer Aster to menews. the aio beore gota sigp. le ofr use hequercyadverhs fen, usualy etc) wth che present simple 2 We use tae present simple ta explainhow we co things. or hove things happenin busines, pis, ‘how dot make on omete” Wel brsok wo eos Jt bes tale ssa. Water freezes at Cand boils 10°C. 4 We use the present continuous totale about things that have stated but not finished, forexample when oe dezeribe our ‘current stuation meter cma Were saying in tovely noel by thesea. Werebeing very lary. ond geting up lte every dy. Theactions are stations we dseribe arent ahaays In progressarthisexact mo~ent. Here somecne talks about ther fe around the moment of speaking spending mast ofmy ve lsoking ‘lo iearng aan ann fing ay accountancy exes A fire-fighter doesn’t only fight fires ‘Complete the text by using the verbs in brackets inthe present simple, Neturaly. freighters 9% out wut fees, but their job also linel.ce} many othe” tings. They ate 2 rescae) people from car crashes, and when thee is lowe. ey > pump the water aut ‘of buiklings Aahey divas “pot work) with aumans. someone 4 (phoned ta sy that reir cats suck ina re, the fre sevice * tgend) someone to save it In some placesa freighter 2 pot, wort) hous evry day, nsteed, they ' fdot a 28-hcur nik and then "ave wo Shays oi which efeourse equal hours a dayl What are the children doing? -father phones home to talk to the babysitter. Complete the conversation with the Present continuous of the verbs inthe Box. Use short forms where possible. ask pe “behave build concentrate do diaié help look phone sta ry SiN elo, Ann. TasiaSam. Io: peoune, 2 taaskabourtne iad Us. you Vofierther but ey Fel? ann On, yes They are very good. sho What Jimmy " any Ae » abridge an the oar with hs Lego, SAM Sn Laure Sbime NK No. she " sethotable she Stodraws tiger Laka Whe you “a ant ANN es your father te, + about you. Bo you wa totale te hin? LAURA No just tel Fim that "¥ piture for hint and H 2 very oat Canteen conversation Some office workers are talking at kanchtime, Complete the conversation by crossing ‘outthe form that doesnt TK {seo thu. you rezating Feat a wagotarian dls. Are Da you aay eating eat™ vegetarian food? CLARE No.1 eating ear’ everthing but i jingy try this today because it Soaking looks "sa goo sorta [iit Mycousinis a vegan. Thats meoning eons that he io eating des ot any animal products At the moment he ufviog sure Fars ata arblem land the ectar thinking hls" thet he should ea some fh ec mec. Fao ins eeeming,<eems*si ly tome ta be sa strict. Psople oreo ating om” animals get mil oF 2695 for example, “WL magresingagrae™ with ys, bul ny cousin €ellevingBeheves” that we Should explo srimas tal (CLAIRE. al ning hope" that hel soon get over hs vitamin problem, Present simple and present continuous Present tenses with future meaning 7 Wecan use the present simple and theprasent continuous to alk about the future: “The star storts 2¢9.00 and lasts 3 hous Ym meeting Lie torre night- we're going 9 the canna to se the new Coen trather Grammarin ac We use the present simple lo taleabott something in the furwe thats offically organized for example cn timetable or schedules Theoret provide packed inch because the couch leaves at 7 30rd doesnt turn unt the ‘erening What love do closes stort net keri Term tats ‘90 15° September ut cloves don arate S$ Weuse the present continuous tak 2kout some-hing inshefirureshatwe Rave agreed to do: ‘nero foregoing tthe theare tonight chen were heving dinner at nite i Here, we ate talking about our plans forthe weekend ‘Areyou doing anything atthe \weekend?~ playing ens ith Mary Sota. D_ Making arrangements to travel A boss stalking to his secretary. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the dogue. ‘ith the present simple. Use short forms where possile 8085 Remind meof the arsangemerts for tomorow Rabin, OG el yourfight <e..00 2 (depart ram Heathrow at 7.10. 1085 OK. And whien terminal * lease from Termine 2. a ‘dt arivl in Frankfurt unt 840,thea you Shute us inea te. ROaN It poss gan ORIN. Ys, the ight hour shea. * take} the > lst)an hour end ahel but Germany sone 2055 Oh. yes of course Al the meeting? When, they egies? RODIN AT 11100, ftershe moesings yeu * haved plenty of time for lunch because your Fight back iget auc neveat 630 cal ne, oss That hne because thers 5 pot eave) unel o'clock. "tbe: aChamplons League match * ino start until quarto eight E Arranging to meet Use a verb from the box in the present simple or the present continuous to complete the dalogue, Use short forms where possible, begin’ da Reto Get! "Gal ga lkaeRotleave meee ake UA There’ an interesting talkon healt Hvng athe itary thi Fides 20°09 © wth Sarah. We "in the café opposite. Yow about jaining us? Lasts, At7 o'clock aK > ny rhe w thu tao ot ida aid i ain «until zbou querterto even so wort he back in time rn avid hat alot the usted? you : frying speril on Saturiay? anes, ots of us, the antiwar demonstration in Lees ack How you there? Fring InSaracene ie her at 89.0 rm sure theres ra9m foryau. ARK OK ® anything else, salen you F Making excuses Look at Alan's diary for next week and then read the emall messages he has received. Ure the words given to waite his replies. T mondey tym Dinner with Mary | Sniday’ pat bunds ith the Lost 1 sesegit se Teena tere Setyries Scene wre a . huesaay 96. delp Seu Hn mews 4. Aan De you wantto goto the cine on Monday evening? Lenny Hiern Monday evenna/a good. have rner woh ty. How abourWecescay? Hjbeory, anda een’ chine goed (xey deine sianar «Ps Mines Mow aboutWedvesday? | | 1 Alan: Can we meet on Tuesday afternoon ro taleabe the holiday? Sue : Hisue I’fnid/eant meet on Tuesday aferoon bomause pay torn wath tt Alan HS a : tn 2 Hialor Anychanes of ecing you on Thursday <femoon? Kin Anson feant/seeyou an Thurday ateraon, hel Sam mave ino hr Mat. Alan 3 Dear Alar: Can we have lunch wagether an Friday? Lov. Vumt Deon, FidayFno good. |/havedluneh wth the boss Anyvay ee on Sstrda Love Alan Beet oe . tae Aan 4 Thala areyautce an Sattaay morning need yur advice. Tony | Hier Sony/go/sn¢pping wth ry mun on Saturday erring, you!do‘anythingin the evening? Ale) | H tony. — : oe | Lan (EERE Now go to page 122. 0 1 3 Talking abaut the past Past simple ‘Ta formthe snstve pastsimple, dd ed tote verb, Vieforminegatives and questions with dldaldn't + vert ast Sonuray painted my Yecroom. tbat stay ot 2hemorty very org cr dete Did os enjoy vous tthday?i aden one “The cast spl ithe same inl persons. Many corumon verns 27 esl (Forroreinfoomstion, ee p. 129) Wwe the past simple tora abe shor evans inthe pase When did Cscer phone you? + longerpast actions: "Mary oc Ti studied physics univers + repeated eventsin the gas: ‘De thornes sited 43 putes ester + past states! Campurers costae nore fen yeatsago. We often use the pase simple with time expressions ‘uch 3¢ yesterday, last weekiyeat,n 1999, ewe years ago, when!, haw long? Bia ne ecient happen sesteraay seve ys 902 then did they mowe?~ They moved in 2007 titel dy stey? Hestayed for to yrs Past continuous Wie orm te past corninuos wil wasinere =g orm: ‘They were waiting for as wes raining ot esi Were youdstemng tore? \Weuse te past continuous 2 doseite an action oF siluaio inthe pas thal vantinued fo a period of ime: ‘ewes snowing heya tay. Shewaseryng wale notching nef, sive aa stbeandtenses What vera yon deing ‘ons wouldhos:the Olrspis in 201 Past simple and past continuous We can use the past continuous fortwo actions that sere bath n progress at the ame tine: Whe was cleaning ihe Moors th chun yore washing tii’. Grammar in action 1 Weusethe past simple rok about completes scitonsin the pas. 37 often mention when the sctlon happened. te can bis up a pictur of tha past for example oan Inteniewe eearim. end yaw pai schol? ae Mishel n 1990, nero Did you go to university thesame yea - NosFlist nent abroad ‘orayea: twerked non fmphanage vee oye aren siemonth, ‘Weuse the past continuous total about actions we were the mid oft parieular tines in the past: rarcsiay Whatwere ye dotan yesterday.at Su clouk? os uns stig ea arnt, Seucun Hekno hoon made one el rz yourear at 5:15. heer ya 0m hea younvedetbarcel? ye twarganghome, ‘a We use the past simple to give the artions in ast7+ ands sno Ue past continuous to ive background Information tio the situation evs raining se te alr pucen hr ceat Ihe hie sere ating byte dont. She Weed therm ondsctottforthesttion Whieshe ves wasting fo the taly, shenmticed a hanslag undera banc At the time it happened ‘We often ask what people were doing when something important happened. Complete these questions and ansmersy writing in the correct form of the verbs {you da}when you =p 2 thea tat

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