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i THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF SMALL SUPERCONDUCTORS ii iii The Oxford Handbook of Small Superconductors Edited by A.V. Narlikar 1 iivv 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2017 The moral rights of the authors have been asserted First Edition published in 2017 Impression: 1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Control Number: 2016952433 ISBN 978– 0– 19– 873816– 9 Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up- to- date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work. Except where otherwise stated, drug dosages and recommendations are for the non- pregnant adult who is not breast- feeding Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. v Contents Plan of the Book and Acknowledgments xi List of Contributors xvii Part I Introduction and Basic Studies 1 Small Superconductors— Introduction 3 A.V. Narlikar 1.1 Two characteristic length scales of superconductors 3 1.2 Two size effects in superconductors 8 1.3 QSE, quantum fluctuations, Anderson limit, parity and shell effects, etc. 9 1.4 Factors influencing small size effects 12 1.5 Behavior of nanowires and ultra- thin films 16 1.6 Vortex states of small superconductors 20 1.7 Proximity effect behaviors 25 1.8 Synthesis of small superconductors 28 1.9 Summary and outlook 33 2 Local- Scale Spectroscopic Studies of Vortex Organization in Mesoscopic Superconductors 40 D. Roditchev, T. Cren, C. Brun, and M. Miloševic 2.1 Basic properties of quantum vortices in superconductors 41 2.2 Experimental requirements for studying vortex confinement phenomena 51 2.3 Observation of confinement effects on vortices 54 2.4 Conclusions and outlook 76 3 Multi- Vortex States in Mesoscopic Superconductors 81 N. Kokubo, S. Okayasu, and K. Kadowaki 3.1 Introduction 81 3.2 Magnetic imaging of superconducting vortices 83 3.3 Observation of multi- vortex states in mesoscopic superconductors 87 3.4 Summary and outlook 103 4 Proximity Effect: A New Insight from In Situ Fabricated Hybrid Nanostructures 108 J.C. Cuevas, D. Roditchev, T. Cren, and C. Brun 4.1 An introduction to proximity effect 109 4.2 In situ fabricated hybrid nanostructures and tunneling spectroscopy 123 4.3 Proximity effect in a correlated 2D disordered metal 126 vi vi Contents 4.4 Proximity effect in diffusive SNS junctions 129 4.5 Proximity Josephson vortices 131 4.6 Proximity effect between two different superconductors 135 4.7 Conclusions and outlook 139 5 Andreev Reflection and Related Studies in Low- Dimensional Superconducting Systems 144 D. Daghero, G.A. Ummarino, and R.S. Gonnelli 5.1 Basics of point- contact Andreev- reflection spectroscopy 145 5.2 Andreev reflection in a nutshell 150 5.3 Length scales in mesoscopic systems 155 5.4 Examples of PCARS in superconductors with reduced dimensionality 165 5.5 Summary and outlook 177 6 Topological Superconductors and Majorana Fermions 183 Y.Y. Li and J.F. Jia 6.1 Introduction 183 6.2 TI/ SC heterostructures 185 6.3 Nanowire/ SC junctions 195 6.4 FM atomic chain on SCs 199 6.5 Summary and outlook 202 7 Surface and Interface Superconductivity 207 S. Gariglio, M.S. Scheurer, J. Schmalian, A.M.R.V.L. Monteiro, S. Goswami, and A.D. Caviglia 7.1 Introduction 207 7.2 Superconductivity in two dimensions 208 7.3 Superconductivity in ultra-t hin metals on Si(111) 210 7.4 Superconductivity at the LaAlO / SrTiO interface 215 3 3 7.5 Summary and outlook 231 Part II Materials Aspects 8 Mesoscopic Effects in Superconductor– Ferromagnet Hybrids 241 G. Karapetrov, S.A. Moore, and M. Iavarone 8.1 Theories underpinning S/ F hybrid structures 242 8.2 Domain wall and reverse domain superconductivity 249 8.3 Vortex behavior in planar S/ F hybrids 256 8.4 Conclusions and outlook 261 9 Theoretical Study of THz Emission from HTS Cuprate 265 H. Asai 9.1 Intrinsic Josephson junction (IJJ) in HTS cuprate 266 9.2 THz emitter utilizing IJJs 271 vii Contents vii 9.3 Temperature inhomogeneity in IJJ- based THz emitter 273 9.4 THz emission from IJJs with temperature inhomogeneity 274 9.5 Summary 286 10 Micromagnetic Measurements on Electrochemically Grown Mesoscopic Superconductors 291 A. Müller, S.E.C. Dale, and M.A. Engbarth 10.1 Introduction 291 10.2 Electrochemical preparation of β- tin samples 296 10.3 Measurement techniques and sample preparation 300 10.4 Summary and outlook 317 11 Growth and Characterization of HTSc Nanowires and Nanoribbons 321 M.R. Koblischka 11.1 HTSc nanowires prepared by the template method 321 11.2 HTSc nanowires prepared by electrospinning 326 11.3 Use of HTSc nanowires as building blocks 341 11.4 Summary and outlook 342 12 Mesoscopic Structures and Their Effects on High-T Superconductivity 347 c H. Zhang 12.1 Introduction and motivation 348 12.2 Model 350 12.3 Calculating results and discussion 352 12.4 Strain between two blocks and its effect on superconductivity 356 12.5 Carrier- compensated system and mesoscopic structures 359 12.6 Existence of fixed triangle (local mesoscopic structure) by x- ray diffraction 363 12.7 The existence of the fixed triangle (local mesoscopic structure) demonstrated by Raman spectroscopy 365 12.8 Low wave number evidence about mesoscopic structure 368 12.9 Discussions 369 12.10 Summary and outlook 375 13 Magnetic Flux Avalanches in Superconducting Films with Mesoscopic Artificial Patterns 379 M. Motta, A.V. Silhanek, and W.A. Ortiz 13.1 Avalanches in superconductors 380 13.2 Artificial pinning centers in superconducting films 391 13.3 Effects of the antidot geometry and lattice symmetry in flux avalanches 399 13.4 Summary and outlook 406 viii viii Contents Part III Device Technology 14 Superconducting Spintronics and Devices 415 M.G. Blamire and J.W.A. Robinson 14.1 Conventional spintronics 416 14.2 The rationale for superconducting spintronics 417 14.3 S/ F proximity effects and Josephson junctions 418 14.4 Spin transport in the superconducting state 421 14.5 Superconducting spintronic memory 423 14.6 Superconducting spintronic logic 424 14.7 Superconductor/ ferromagnet thermoelectric devices 424 14.8 Materials and device structures 425 14.9 Summary and outlook 427 15 Barriers in Josephson Junctions: An Overview 432 M.P. Weides 15.1 Josephson effect 433 15.2 Tunnel barriers 443 15.3 Metallic barriers 449 15.4 Semiconducting barriers 450 15.5 Magnetic barriers 451 15.6 Summary and outlook 453 16 Hybrid Superconducting Devices Based on Quantum Wires 459 K. Grove-R asmussen, T.S. Jespersen, A. Jellinggaard, and J. Nygård 16.1 Introduction 459 16.2 Experimental aspects of hybrid devices 460 16.3 Superconducting junctions with normal quantum dots 463 16.4 Superconductivity- enhanced spectroscopy of quantum dots 467 16.5 Sub- gap states in hybrid quantum dots 468 16.6 Non- local signals in hybrid double quantum dots 472 16.7 Epitaxial superconducting contacts to nanowires 477 16.8 Summary and outlook 482 17 Superconducting Nanodevices 492 J. Gallop and L. Hao 17.1 The drive to the nanoscale 492 17.2 Types of Josephson junction 494 ix Contents ix 17.3 NanoSQUIDs imply improved energy sensitivity 503 17.4 Applications 506 17.5 Future developments 516 17.6 Summary and outlook 520 18 Superconducting Quantum Bits of Information—C oherence and Design Improvements 524 J. Bylander 18.1 Introduction: superconducting qubits 524 18.2 Single-q ubit Hamiltonians and reference frames 526 18.3 Decoherence. Characterization and mitigation of noise 529 18.4 Superconducting qubits 539 18.5 Circuit quantum electrodynamics (c- QED) 553 18.6 Second- generation superconducting qubits 557 18.7 Summary and outlook 561 19 NanoSQUIDs Applied to the Investigation of Small Magnetic Systems 567 M. J. Martínez- Pérez, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle 19.1 SQUID basics 567 19.2 NanoSQUIDs 572 19.3 Measurement techniques using nanoSQUIDs 590 19.4 Particle positioning 592 19.5 Applications 596 19.6 Summary and outlook 600 Index 607

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