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The Oxford Handbook of International Business This page intentionally left blank The Oxford Handbook of International Business Edited by Alan M. Rugman and Thomas L. Brewer GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford ItfurtherstheUniversity'sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein OxfordNewYork AucklandBangkokBuenosAiresCapeTownChennai Dar esSalaamDelhiHongKongIstanbulKarachiKolkata KualaLumpurMadridMelbourneMexicoCityMumbaiNairobi SãoPauloShanghaiTaipeiTokyoToronto Oxfordisaregisteredtrademark ofOxfordUniversityPress intheUK andincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStatesby OxfordUniversityPressInc., NewYork ©OxfordUniversityPress,2001 Themoralrightsoftheauthorshavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) Firstpublished2001 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,or transmitted,inanyform orbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwriting ofOxfordUniversityPress, oras expresslypermittedbylaw, or under termsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethissameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Oxfordhandbookofinternationalbusiness/ editedbyAlanM.RugmanandThomasL.Brewer. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1. Internationaltrade.I.Rugman,AlanM.II.Brewer,ThomasL.,1941– HF1379.O9962001658.8′ 48—dc212001016400 ISBN0-19-924182-1 Preface InresponsetothenewinitiativeofOUPtolaunchtheOxfordHandbookseriesweinvitedleadingscholarsinthefield of international business to write original state of the art literature reviews for this book. These chapters are designed tosurveyandsynthesizetherelevantliterature.Eachauthorhasbeenencouragedtobringanalyticalinsightandcritical thinking to this task. Eachofthepotentialauthorsidentifiedisanauthorityonthetopic,asrecognizedbyanextensivesetofpublicationsin leading refereed journals and by citations to this body of work. All have been active as leaders in the Academy of International Business, the professional body for scholars in the field of international business with a worldwide membership of approximately 3,000 academics. All have attended the annual conferences of the AIB or published in theJournal of International BusinessStudies. One of thetwoeditors of thisbook is ProfessorThomas Brewer,thecurrent editorofJIBSandtherebypositionedatthecentreofthemostextensivenetworkofauthorsandrefereesintheareaof international business. The second editor, Professor Alan Rugman, has been identified as one of the five most influential scholars in the field of international business, based on citation counts. He is the author or editor of thirty books in the field. In order to determine appropriate contributors to the Oxford Handbook of International Business, and therein its content, theeditors haveconsultedtwo‘domain’statements. FirstisthatoftheAcademyofInternationalBusiness,as reflected in the statement of the editorial board of JIBS. The Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) welcomes manuscripts on multinational and other firms' business activities, strategies and managerial processes that cross national boundaries. The journal also welcomes manuscripts on the interactions of such firms with their economic, political and cultural environments. We are interestedinpapersthatareexceptionalintermsoftheory,evidence,or methodologyandthatsignificantlyadvance social scientific research on international business. As a methodologically pluralistic journal, JIBS welcomes conceptual and theory-development papers, empirical hypothesis-testing papers, mathematical modelling papers, casestudies,andreviewarticles.Thejournalhasaspecialinterestinresearchonimportantissuesthattranscendthe boundaries of single academic disciplines and managerial functions. We therefore welcome inter-disciplinary scholarship and commentaries that challenge the paradigms and assumptions of individual disciplines or vi PREFACE functions; such papers, however, should be grounded in conceptual and/or empirical literature. The journal does not accept manuscripts about teaching materials or methods. The second statement is that of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management. InternationalManagement.Specificdomain:contentpertainingtotheory,researchandpracticewithaninternationalor cross-cultural dimension. Major topics include investigations of the adjustments organizations make in order to succeedinvariouscountries;investigationsofthecross-border managementofoperations,includingmulti-country, multi-unit strategy formulations and implementations; investigations of evolving organizational forms and management practices that are the consequence of the interaction of two or more socially-embedded, multi-level, evolvingbusiness processes (from individual to supranational)and theiroutputs; investigations of thecross-border differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, and political forces on organizational forms and management practices; comparative management studies; and other research with an international dimension. Basedonthesetwodomainstatements, ProfessorsBrewerandRugmanmetandinteractedonnumerous occasionsto develop and refine the list of twenty-eight chapters. These chapters cover all of the major themes identified in these domain statements. The book is arranged in six parts dealing in turn with: I. History and Theory of the Multinational Enterprise: six chapters; II. The Political and Policy Environment: five chapters; III. Strategy for MNEs: four chapters; IV. Managing the MNE: six chapters; V. Regional Studies: five chapters; VI. Conclusions: two interdisciplinary and thematic chapters. This structure, and the potential contributions, have been discussed with several other senior scholars in the field of international business. The design of the book reflects the current content of the field and also covers the major intellectual issues of currentand likely future interest. For example, a keylong-term intellectual debate stems from the contrasting disciplinary perspectives of economics and political science as they analyze the role of multinational enterprises and publicpolicy. InPart II our chaptersare linked toaddress thiscore issue; and authors inParts I, III, IV, and V were requested to consider this issue in their particular chapters. Another debate relates to the influence of culture on firm strategy and structure. Besides Chapters 18 and 22 which specifically address the issue, this was also considered by the authors of Chapters 13–15 and 24–8. A.R. and T.B. Acknowledgements WithoutthesupportofTempletonCollege,UniversityofOxford,thisbookwouldnothavebeenpossible.DeanRory Knightinparticularhelpedtofacilitateanauthors'conferenceattheCollegeinApril2000.Thiswaspartlyfundedbya gift from The Friends of Templeton, Chair Mr John Morrell. Invaluablesecretarial assistance withthe book, conference, and ongoing support for Professor Rugman was provided by Mrs Denise Edwards: other support was provided by Corinne Wride and Anne Greening. The editors are pleased to acknowledge the insight and editorial support of David Musson and Sarah Dobson of Oxford University Press. We are also extremely grateful to all the contributors for their professional attention to detail, delivery of abstracts, drafts, and revised chapters in a prompt manner, and theirgood humour and tolerance throughout this long process. Alan M. Rugman, Oxford University Thomas Brewer, Georgetown University This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Figures xiii List of Tables xv List of Contributors xvii PART I HISTORY AND THEORY OF THE MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISE 1. The History of Multinational Enterprise MIRA WILKINS 3 2. The Key Literature on IB Activities: 1960–2000 JOHN H. DUNNING 36 3. International Trade Theory and International Business JAMES R. MARKUSEN 69 4. Strategic Complexity in International Business PETER BUCKLEY AND MARK CASSON 88 5. Theories of the Multinational Enterprise JEAN-FRANçOIS HENNART 127 6. Location, Competitiveness, and the Multinational Enterprise ALAN M. RUGMAN AND ALAIN VERBEKE 150

The Handbook comprises 28 original chapters from the world's leading scholars in the field. United, these reflect both the present structure of the field and the major intellectual issues of current and likely future interest. About the Series Oxford Handbooks in Business & Management bring together
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