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Oxford Grammar for Schools X V i Oxford Grammar for Schools Rachel Godfrey OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNIVERSITY l'RKSS GreatClarendonStreet,Oxford.0x26dp,UnitedKingdom OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity'sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship. andeducationbypublishingworldwide.Oxfordisaregisteredtrade markofOxfordUniversityPressintheUKandincertainothercountries ©OxfordUniversityPress2013 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted Firstpublishedin2013 2o«7 2016 2015 2014 2013 10 987654321 Nounauthorizedphotocopying Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,stored inaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,without thepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress,orasexpressly permittedbylaw,bylicenceorundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutside thescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheEl.TRightsDepartment.Oxford UniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisworkinanyotherformandyoumustimpose thissameconditiononanyacquirer LinkstothirdpartywebsitesareprovidedbyOxfordingoodfaithandfor informationonly.Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibilityforthematerials containedinanythirdpartywebsitereferencedinthiswork isbn:9780194559027 PrintedinChina Thisbookisprintedonpaperfromcertifiedandwell-managedsources ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Illustrationsby:JudyBrownpp.7. 12(Ex1).18(Ex1).19(Ex4). 35.39(Ex6).44.50.64(Ex15).72(Ex1).84.88.92(Ex1).98(Ex1).109.111. 116(Ex2).117(Ex5). 154:HeatherClarkepp.8(Ex 1). 10(Ex5).14.16. 18(Ex 18).23(Ex5).26. 29(Ex3).56(Ex11).67.74.76(Ex3).79(Ex1).80.85(Ex7).86(beeetc). 96(Ex 1). 146. 149(Ex3&4).150(Ex2).155(Ex 16).156(Ex6):JamesHart/SylviePoggioArtists Agencypp.10(Ex8).12(Ex4).20.23(Ex6).34(Ex 1).37.39(Ex7).41.43. 138(Ex5).141(Ex9).149(Ex5).150(Ex3).152(Ex7).153(Ex 12);Sean Longcroftpp.9.19(Ex6).22.38(Ex2). 82.83(Ex 1).87(Ex3).89.90. 147.155(Ex 14).156(Ex 14);AndyPeterspp.6.8(shelves). 31.34(See.hear,smell). 62.64(acold).66(fire-eater).68.72(library).78(interview).79(skateboard), 81(Canandcould).83(balloon).85(May).87(garden).91.92(house).95(Ex4). 98(picture). 126(Ex7).127.132(house).134(funnyfilm).135.139.141(Becauseandso). 145(chameleon).152(Ex 10);AlexandriaTumerfl'heBrightAgencypp.15. 19(Ex7).24.36.38(Ex3).45.54.59(Ex1).61(Ex4).66(Ex 1).76(Ex 1&2). 78(Ex3).86(Ex4).93(Ex4).95(Ex 1&3).96(Ex2). 148(Ex2).152(Ex8) Introduction OxfordGrammarforSchoolshelps studentsdevelopa At theendofthe booktherearefour pagesofextra detailed understandingofgrammar form anduse in informationfor the informationgapactivities,aword context,andinspiresthemto havefunwith English list,andan irregularverblist. through songsandgames.Thegrammar isintroduced Studentscan usetheOxfordGrammarforSchoolsseries or revisedthrough easy-to-readtablesandillustrated presentationswithclearexamples. Theexercises inclasswiththeir coursebooktosupport andreinforce theirgrammar study.TheTeacher's Bookincludesall buildfrom simpleconcept-check activitiesuptomore communicativeandproductive skills-basedactivities. theanswersandaudioscripts.Therearealsotestsfor Ineach unitthereareseveralspeakingactivitieswhere every Student's Bookunit,andreviewtests whichcan beusedat theendofaschoolterm. studentsworkwitheachother to useEnglishwith improvedaccuracy andconfidence.Theextended Student's DVD-ROM writing activitiesalsoencouragestudentstouse language inrealisticsituations. TheStudent's DVD-ROMincludesscored interactive activities aswell asallthe Student's Book pages in Eachunitbeginswitha'Cando'statement,which says digitalform andallthelisteningexercises andsongs. what studentswill beabletoachieveon completion TheStudent's DVD-ROMenablesstudentsto usethe oftheunit.Attheendof eachunitisaself-evaluation Student's Bookoutsideclass,andcan also be usedon table.Studentsshould beencouragedto ratetheir an interactivewhiteboard inclass. progressineach exercise,which helpsthemtotake responsibilityfor theirown learningandalso increases motivation. Key to the symbols O0.0 0.0(=track number) Listeningactivity A Speaking activity Game / Extendedwriting activity © Pronunciationactivity Song * Introductory exercise * Moderately challengingexercise * * * Mostchallenging exercise * A difficulty ratingisgiventoeach exercise.The scaleof difficulty is relativetoeach unit, sothereareexerciseswith one,two, andthreestarsinevery unit. Introduction 3 Contents 1 Subject andobject pronouns Subject pronouns 6 Object pronouns 2 Plurals Regularplurals;spelling rulesand pronunciation 8 Irregularplurals Mini-revision Units1-2 12 3 Articles andquantifiers A,an and some;singular and pluralcountablenouns; 13 uncountable nouns There isandThere are How much,howmany,some, any and a lotof;expressions with containers 4 Demonstratives Demonstrativeadjectivesthis,that,these,those;withand 17 without a noun Mini-revision Units3-4 21 Revision 1 Units 1-4 22 5 Make Makesomebody or something +adjective 24 Makesomebody or something +verb Be madeof +noun 6 Verb patterns:love,like,hate Verb +-ingform 29 andwant Verb +to+baseform 7 Verbs of sensation See,hear,smell 34 Look+adjective;looklike + noun Revision2 Units5-7 38 8 Presentsimpleandcontinuous Usesof the present simple;adverbsoffrequency 40 Havegot Usesof the presentcontinuous;time expressions Presentsimpleandcontinuous contrast 9 Past simple Was,were;pasttimeexpressions 46 Pastsimpleregularverbs Pastsimpleirregularverbs 10 Pastcontinuous Useof the pastcontinuousto givebackgroundinformation 53 Pastcontinuousandpastsimplecontrast;simultaneousand interruptedpastevents Mini-revision Units8-10 59 11 Presentperfect Present perfectfor pastevents,experiencesandsituations 60 Present perfectandpastsimplecontrast Sinceandfor 12 Thefuture Will andbegoingto 66 13 Imperatives Warnings, instructions,directions 72 Mini-revision Units 11-13 76 Revision3 Units8-13 77 14 Canandcouldfor ability and Can andcouldfor ability 79 permission Can andcouldfor permission 15 Mightandmay Mightand may for possibility 83 Mayfor permission 4 Contents Mini-revision Units 14-15 86 16 Haveto,mustandshall Havetoanddon't haveto 87 Mustandmustn't;obligation,prohibitionand necessity Shallfor offers 17 Should Shouldandshouldn't;opinionsandadvice 92 Mini-revision Units 16-17 95 1 Revision4 Units16-18 96 18 Adjectives Adjective agreement;positionwithverbs and nouns;plurals; 98 articles Lookand looklike Adjective order beforea noun 19 Adverbs Already,quickly,always 103 Adverbs of manner Adverbs offrequency Adverbs of time: still,yet,already 20 Comparativeandsuperlative Comparative adjectives 108 adjectives Superlativeadjectives I Revision5 Units18-20 113 21 Prepositionsof place In,on,andat 115 Other prepositionsof place 22 Prepositionsof time In,on,andat 120 Timeexpressions I Revision6 Unit21-22 125 23 Questionwords Who,where,what,when,why,how 127 Who as"s'ubject';wordorder Questionswith what +nounandhow+adjective/adverb 24 Questiontags Questiontags inconversation 132 Questiontags to check information Revision7 Units23-24 137 27 Conjunctions And, but,or,becauseandso 139 28 Zero conditional Conditionandresultclauses 145 Revision8 Units25-26 148 Revision9 All units 150 Extrainformation 154 Word list 158 Irregularverb list 160 Contents 5 Subject and object pronouns Ican recognizeand use subject andobject pronouns. We usesubject andobject pronounslike this: Subject Verb Object Theartist painted JackandHeidi. He painted them. JackandHeidi like the picture. look atit!It'sa pictureof us! They like it. Subject Object pronouns pronouns I me you you Singular he him she her it it we us Plural you you they them That s her. He's a qooA artist! *1 Completethesentenceswith subject pronouns. *2 Completethesentenceswith object pronouns. ÿ Mary hasa dog. ÿ Ican seeTomandLouise. She hasadoa. Ican see em 1 Emily andPaulare here. 1 Iknowthat man. 'rp hprp. T know 2 Andy speaks Russian. 2 Iwork with Anna Jackson. <;ppfik<; Russian. T work with 3 The pensare new. 3 Suzy lovedtheflowers. 'rp npw_ i7iiIovpH 4 DaveandIliketennis. 4 You can comewith Georgeandme. liketennis. Ynn rnnrnmpwith 5 The house isvery old. 5 This bookisfor you, Dave,andfor you,Vicky. 'svery old. Thk hnnk kfor 6 My sister's late. 6 You can open the letter. 's late. You can open 6 Subject andobject pronouns O 53 Choosethe correct answer. O *6 O1.2 Completethesentenceswithsubject ÿ I'vegot(jhem)/ they. andobject pronouns.Then listenandcheck. 1 Canyou help us/ we? ÿ You wear them on your feet.They 2 Him/ He lives here. keep yourfeet warm. 3 They / Them areGerman. 1 -'sinthe sky.At night,-'s 4 Hedoesn't knowme / 1. yellow. 5 Icango with she/ her. 2 -liveinfields andonfarms. People __ 6 I/ Medrinkjuice inthe morning. ride O rulesa country.You see Í4 Write thesentences inthecorrect order. oncoinsandstamps. _ ÿ her / he/ remembers -- _ 4 'ssmall s green. t\e remembers her. willchange intoa butterflyoneday. _ 1 them/they /like keeps safe inthecar. 2 teaches/ he/us *7 Lookat exercises5 and6.Completethe sentences with thewords inthe box.Usea dictionary if you needto! 3 it/helps /me a seatbelt a queen themoon 4 they / can hear/ him a caterpillar socks horses __ Picturea It'sa caterpillar 5 I/them/want Pictureb They're __ Picturec She's 6 her/it/confuses Pictured It's-- __ __ Picturee They're © Picturef It's *5 Oi.i What arethey talking about? Listenand number 1-5. B * 1 Self-evaluation 1 Rateyour progress. BBS 1 IIlIIIIII] 1 IIIZI 1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿI 1 ÿÿHHHHil Unit 1 7 Plurals Ican recognize,form anduse regular andirregular plurals. Regular plurals *1 02.1 Lookat the pictures.Write the plurals. Listenandcheck,then listenandrepeat. ÿ one hat two hats ll\ StO/Ü 1 oneface two 2 one knife two 3 one brush two Ive gottour sheNet, six \>ooks and ten trophies! \ 4 one leaf two — We add-stomost nounstoformthe plural. tree ship flower cat shell trees ships flowers cats shells _ Here aresome more regular spelling rules. 5 onefly two Add -esto nouns Change-y to -ies ending in-ÿs,-ss, -sh, innouns endingin -ch,-x,and-0. consonant +-y. bus buses pony ponies 6 onetomato two - dress dresses family families box boxes potato potatoes Change-feto -ves. FT wife wives 7 onedonkey two Addjust -sto nouns shelf shelves ending invowel +-y. key keys toy toys 8 oneapple two 8 Plurals O *2 ©O2.2 Listenandrepeat. /z/: flowers, potatoes,ponies,keys,shelves Is/: cats,rocks,ships /iz/: buses,dresses,boxes O S3 ©O2.3 Listentothefinal sound inthese plurals.What sound do you hear?Drawlinesfrom thewords tothesounds. flowers noses weeks cars fives places hats lips brushes cups doors horses books pages rooms /z/ /s/ /iz/ Irregular plurals These nouns have irregular pluralforms. man,woman,child,tooth, foot men,women,children,teeth,feet ú 1 ' fish,sheep, mouse,goose,person fish,sheep,mice,geese,people piano,radio,photo pianos,radios,photos © *4 O2.4 Changethesingular sentencesto pluralsentences.Listenandcheck,then listenandrepeat. ÿ I'ma man. 4 He hasone tooth. 8 This is a radio. They're o2££L Ihavethirty _ Theseare 1 It'sa mouse. 5 He hasonefish. 9 Ow!My foot! _ _ They're- Ihave six Ow!My 2 It'sa photo. 6 Ican see onewoman. 10 One sheep. _ They're He can seefour _ One hundred 3 She's a child. 7 You can seeoneperson. _ _ They're Ican seethree Unit2 _

Oxford University Press, 2013. — 160 p. — ISBN 978-0194559027.A 5-level series with clear explanations and communicative activities to help young learners and teenagers understand and practise grammar.Oxford Grammar for Schools gives students the opportunity to explore grammar for themselves and
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